July 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jul 1 00:03:00 GMT 2004
Ending: Sat Jul 31 18:13:00 GMT 2004
Messages: 1134
- Automated Installation on Multiple Machines
Tennis Smith (tennis)
- Automated Installation on Multiple Machines
Tennis Smith (tennis)
- How to delete file "nul"?
- "cd" in bash script not being executed
- Automated Installation on Multiple Machines
- Automated Installation on Multiple Machines
- Can i build Kernel Modules using cygwin and test them
Saurabh Agarwal
- Updated/new: gcc 3.2-1, gcc2-2.95.3-10, gcc-mingw-3.2-20020817-1
Oz Arad
- Permission Problem while installing Cygwin as admin
Michael Arndt
- How to clean the local package directory?
David Arnstein
- Facing problem with bash
Atukuri, Vasudeva_Kumar
- Bug: "cygpath -w ." returns ".\" instead of "."
Trevor Baker
- "cygpath -w ." returns ".\" instead of "."
Trevor Baker
- rsync and file ownership
Bakken, Luke
- Cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Volker Bandke
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Volker Bandke
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Volker Bandke
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Volker Bandke
- -R flag for gcc
Jason Barnett
- DLLs and LoadLibrary
Vadim Berezniker
- DLLs and LoadLibrary
Vadim Berezniker
- Help with cygwin startup
Bhatti, Shah H
- C99 complex numbers in cygwin?
Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS)
- C99 complex numbers in cygwin?
Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS)
- How do I delete crashed cygwin/x directories on W2K?
Don V Black
- FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
William Blunn
- FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"
William Blunn
- Building DLL
Maarten Boekhold
- Building DLL
Maarten Boekhold
- Building DLL
Maarten Boekhold
- Building DLL
Maarten Boekhold
- Building DLL
Maarten Boekhold
- Building DLL
Maarten Boekhold
- dlopen under cygwin
Maarten Boekhold
- error installing sshd on win2k3
Mark Bohlman
- ssh : commands not echoed back to terminal
Mark Bohlman
- cygwin telnetd/xinetd and non-cygwin Python: no interaction
W. Borgert
- cygwin telnetd/xinetd and non-cygwin Python: no interaction
W. Borgert
- cygwin telnetd/xinetd and non-cygwin Python: no interaction
W. Borgert
- mod-php4 missing from cygwin distro
Max Bowsher
- Apache2 & cygwin
Max Bowsher
- Building DLL
Max Bowsher
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Max Bowsher
- Options for Source Code Control: RCS v. SCCS v. CVS
Max Bowsher
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: neon 0.24.7-1
Max Bowsher
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Max Bowsher
- Subversion eol-corrupting jar files on update
Max Bowsher
- Subversion eol-corrupting jar files on update
Max Bowsher
- svn diff fails in textmode dir
Max Bowsher
- [Bug] Perl ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid fails to recognize the .dll.a extension
Max Bowsher
- old Galib library (with templates) does not work under g++ 3.3.1
Max Bowsher
- Automated Installation on Multiple Machines
Max Bowsher
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Max Bowsher
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Max Bowsher
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Max Bowsher
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Max Bowsher
- gcc 3.3.1-3 runtime error: static data storage size
Pietro Brandani
- Cygserver packge
Anderson Luiz Brunozi
- two instances of a.exe on dual processor - still only 50% performance
Brian Bruns
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- Setup installing xerces libraries for no apparent reason
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- How to delete rogue nul files
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- Mkdir: command not found?
Joe Bungo
- Installing expect from sources and problem with tclconfig
Ariel Burbaickij
- material
Rick Burger
- briny cocklebur thirty ferroelectric strike rattail benedict chirp calico juju toggle buff histrionic cursive mauricio wherewithal intramolecular laden troika cantonese postlude suture logjam benefactor dominick familism cavalcade switchboard
Marvin K. Burns
- For clients (kiloton)
- mod-php4 missing from cygwin distro
Paul-Kenji Cahier
- Apache2 & cygwin
Paul-Kenji Cahier
- Apache2 & cygwin
Paul-Kenji Cahier
- Apache2 & cygwin
Paul-Kenji Cahier
- Apache2 & cygwin
Paul-Kenji Cahier
- Apache2 & cygwin
Paul-Kenji Cahier
- two instances of a.exe on dual processor - still only 50% performance
Rolf Campbell
- two instances of a.exe on dual processor - still only 50% performance
Rolf Campbell
- Extending long threads
Rolf Campbell
- Basic C/C++ (Was: 1.5.10: problems relocating structures with function pointers)
Rolf Campbell
- correction to openssh-3.8p1-1 openssh.README
Brian D. Carlstrom
- two instances of a.exe on dual processor - still only 50% performance
James Chaldecott
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Eduardo Chappa
- Pine maintainer gone (Re: Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"))
Eduardo Chappa
- Windows "init" Service
Gordon Cichon
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
Clemson, Chris
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
Clemson, Chris
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
Clemson, Chris
- Options for Source Code Control: RCS v. SCCS v. CVS
Robert Collins
- 1.5.10: Problem with SIGEV_THREAD
Bob Cousins
- "cd" in bash script not being executed
Michael D. Crawford
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Todd Curry
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Todd Curry
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Todd Curry
- For clients (courtiers)
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Andrew DeFaria
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Andrew DeFaria
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Andrew DeFaria
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Andrew DeFaria
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Andrew DeFaria
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Andrew DeFaria
- Extending long threads
Andrew DeFaria
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Andrew DeFaria
- [cygwin tips&tricks] Shortcut to vim in "Send to" folder
Andrew DeFaria
- [cygwin tips&tricks] Shortcut to vim in "Send to" folder
Andrew DeFaria
- rm fails on netware drive using win2k
Andrew DeFaria
- problem typing the letter a
Andrew DeFaria
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
DePriest, Jason R.
- problem typing the letter a
DePriest, Jason R.
- Accessing Property Sheets
DePriest, Jason R.
- two instances of a.exe on dual processor - still only 50% performance
Brian Dessent
- Running a shell Script Directly from windows
Brian Dessent
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Brian Dessent
- zeroyjj@126.com's Autoreply
Brian Dessent
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Brian Dessent
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Brian Dessent
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Brian Dessent
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Brian Dessent
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Brian Dessent
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Brian Dessent
- The HOME variable
Ken Dibble
- malloc debug?
Ken Dibble
- Make not found
Ken Dibble
- Mkdir: command not found?
Ken Dibble
- Problem: Perl with connections using LWP Module
Dirk Fokken, Cross Development
- Bad protocol 'tcp' with perl/lwp module connections
Dirk Fokken, Cross Development
- Running a shell Script Directly from windows
Krzysztof Duleba
- rsync and file ownership
Matthew Dwyer
- rsync and file ownership
Matthew Dwyer
- error installing sshd on win2k3
Sam Edge
- ls could not list all files
Mike Eggleston
- Options for Source Code Control: RCS v. SCCS v. CVS
Mike Eggleston
- mod-php4 missing from cygwin distro
Lex Ein
- Memory exhaustion with cp
Jan Engelhardt
- How to delete rogue nul files
Jan Engelhardt
- [CYGWIN SETUP 2.427] Proxy port not saved
Emmanuel Engelhart
- mmap bug on Windows 9x
Anton Ertl
- mmap bug on Windows 9x
Anton Ertl
- zmodem port?
Scott Evans
- IPC over PTY
Christopher Faylor
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
Christopher Faylor
- Larry Hall ,One more qeustion,
Christopher Faylor
- How to delete file "nul"?
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.10: Possible bug
Christopher Faylor
- Not reallly OT: searching for mysql++
Christopher Faylor
- tar and the symlinks
Christopher Faylor
- Installing Anjuta
Christopher Faylor
- Shared information between process
Christopher Faylor
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Christopher Faylor
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Christopher Faylor
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Christopher Faylor
- coredumps with 20040701 snapsnot
Christopher Faylor
- zeroyjj@126.com's Autoreply
Christopher Faylor
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Christopher Faylor
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Christopher Faylor
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Christopher Faylor
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Christopher Faylor
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Christopher Faylor
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Christopher Faylor
- /usr/lib and /lib mount question
Christopher Faylor
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Christopher Faylor
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Christopher Faylor
- Where is the gnu/cygwin GUI Source code debugger?
Christopher Faylor
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin1.dll
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
Christopher Faylor
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Christopher Faylor
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Christopher Faylor
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Christopher Faylor
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Christopher Faylor
- [ADMIN] cygwin package search temporarily disabled
Christopher Faylor
- C99 complex numbers in cygwin?
Christopher Faylor
- HOWTO build debug version of the cygwin dll with no optimisation?
Christopher Faylor
- [OT] RE: cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Christopher Faylor
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Christopher Faylor
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Christopher Faylor
- HOWTO build debug version of the cygwin dll with no optimisation?
Christopher Faylor
- HOWTO build debug version of the cygwin dll with no optimisation?
Christopher Faylor
- Setup installing xerces libraries for no apparent reason
Christopher Faylor
- C99 complex numbers in cygwin?
Christopher Faylor
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Christopher Faylor
- gcc 3.3.1-3 runtime error: static data storage size
Christopher Faylor
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Christopher Faylor
- coredump on kill
Christopher Faylor
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Christopher Faylor
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from cygwin) <gold star>
Christopher Faylor
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Christopher Faylor
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from cygwin) <gold star>
Christopher Faylor
- MapViewOfFileEx errors disappeared with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Christopher Faylor
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from cygwin)
Christopher Faylor
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Christopher Faylor
- Subversion eol-corrupting jar files on update
Christopher Faylor
- MapViewOfFileEx errors disappeared with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Christopher Faylor
- Please try latest snapshot (Volker?)
Christopher Faylor
- BUG: ssh.exe ProtocolKeepAlives option broken
Christopher Faylor
- ssh : commands not echoed back to terminal
Christopher Faylor
- How to delete rogue nul files
Christopher Faylor
- No /bin after installation
Christopher Faylor
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with CVS-1.11.6
Christopher Faylor
- tar incremental backup issue
Christopher Faylor
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with C VS-1.11.6
Christopher Faylor
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Christopher Faylor
- No /bin after installation
Christopher Faylor
- No /bin after installation
Christopher Faylor
- cygcheck does not work if the mount point is mounted with -X option
Christopher Faylor
- No /bin after installation
Christopher Faylor
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin-1.5.10-3 and gnome apps
Christopher Faylor
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin-1.5.10-3 and gnome apps
Christopher Faylor
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: binutils-20040725-1
Christopher Faylor
- Selecting packages in setup
Christopher Faylor
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Christopher Faylor
- Wanted: cygwin TWiki maintainer
Christopher Faylor
- Selecting packages in setup
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: binutils-20040725-1
Christopher Faylor
- New autoimport errors after binutils upgrade
Christopher Faylor
- [ADMINISTRIVIA] new virus claims to be from sources.redhat.com or cygwin.com
Christopher Faylor
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Christopher Faylor
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Christopher Faylor
- problem typing the letter a
Christopher Faylor
- text/binmode endless loop
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Christopher Faylor
- Clarifications RE original qustions posted in : How to configure Korn shell (having MKS installed) for the latest cygwin version (just rec ently downloaded)?
Christopher Faylor
- how about providing Sniff+ support out of cygwin (thus elliminati ng need of MKS use) ?
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Christopher Faylor
- COM Port Question
Tester Field
- COM Port Question
Tester Field
- BUG: ssh.exe ProtocolKeepAlives option broken
- BUG: ssh.exe ProtocolKeepAlives option broken
- mod-php4 missing from cygwin distro
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- mod-php4 missing from cygwin distro
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- mod-php4 missing from cygwin distro
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- Building shared mod_php on cygwin + undefined symbols and missing DSOs
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- coredump on kill
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- coredump on kill
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- I can't inicializate PostgreSQL
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- I can't inicializate PostgreSQL
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- I can't inicializate PostgreSQL
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- Cygserver packge
Carlo Florendo y Flora
- To cygwin postgresql maintainer: tutorial RFC
Carlo Florendo
- No /bin after installation
Carlo Florendo
- No /bin after installation
Carlo Florendo
- To cygwin postgresql maintainer: tutorial RFC
Carlo Florendo
- Please Help me....
Carlo Florendo
- How to delete rogue nul files
Trevor Forbes
- coredump on kill
Brian Ford
- COM Port Question
Brian Ford
- I apologize for mailing you directly problem with rebaseall ?
Brian Ford
- I apologize for mailing you directly problem with rebaseall ?
Brian Ford
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: binutils-20040725-1
Brian Ford
- /usr/share/doc/Cygwin (Was Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- Man Pages for System calls and library functions
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- [cygwin tips&tricks] Shortcut to vim in "Send to" folder
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- 1.5.10: Possible fork() bug: certain addresses inaccessible to child (Win2000)
Ren Fur
- WindowsCVS Client
Martin Gainty
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Alexis Gallagher
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Alexis Gallagher
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Alexis Gallagher
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Alexis Gallagher
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Alexis Gallagher
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Brian E. Gallew
- Socket problem w/ apache & perl cgi - and mysql
Pablo Marin Garcia
- Cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
Oliver Geisen
- Is there a /dev directory, or how to use /dev/stderr
Oliver Geisen
- access to event log of windows
Oliver Geisen
- cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
Oliver Geisen
- The HOME variable
- The HOME variable
- The HOME variable
- Stat
- Stat
- Stat
- Fetchmail and Procmail
- Fetchmail and Procmail
- Fetchmail and Procmail
- Accessing Property Sheets
- Accessing Property Sheets
- bfd_get_section_size() undeclared
Bas van Gompel
- X startup hangs
Alexander Gottwald
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: binutils-20040725-1
Alexander Gottwald
- text/binmode endless loop
Alexander Gottwald
- text/binmode endless loop
Alexander Gottwald
- Problems linking stdcall functions from DLL
Raoul Gough
- Thanks !
Loic Grenie
- old Galib library (with templates) does not work under g++ 3.3.1
Ilya Grigorenko
- Time out server mechanism in cygwin
Amit Grover
- Time out server mechanism in cygwin
Amit Grover
- Not reallly OT: searching for mysql++
Gerrit P. Haase
- Not reallly OT: searching for mysql++
Gerrit P. Haase
- Not reallly OT: searching for mysql++
Gerrit P. Haase
- Entry point *main* can't be found in cygpango-1.0-0.dll
Gerrit P. Haase
- Entry point *main* can't be found in cygpango-1.0-0.dll
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New Packages: glib2-2.4.2-1, glib2-runtime-2.4.2-1, glib2-devel-2.4.2-1, glib2-doc-2.4.2-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New Packages: atk-1.6.1-1, atk-runtime-1.6.1-1, atk-devel-1.6.1-1, atk-doc-1.6.1-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New Packages: pango-1.4.0-1, pango-runtime-1.4.0-1, pango-devel-1.4.0-1, pango-doc-1.4.0-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- Installing Anjuta
Gerrit P. Haase
- Apache2 & cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- Apache2 & cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- Apache2 & cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- Building DLL
Gerrit P. Haase
- Apache2 & cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- docbook-dsssl maintainer wanted
Gerrit P. Haase
- Building DLL
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libtool-devel-1.5.6-3
Gerrit P. Haase
- Building DLL
Gerrit P. Haase
- is inet_pton() family implemented?
Gerrit P. Haase
- dlopen under cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Gerrit P. Haase
- gcc: How does gcc look for foo.dll in `gcc ... -lfoo'?
Gerrit P. Haase
- maintaner of gcc
Gerrit P. Haase
- maintaner of gcc
Gerrit P. Haase
- gcc 3.3.1-3 runtime error: static data storage size
Gerrit P. Haase
- gcc 3.3.1-3 runtime error: static data storage size
Gerrit P. Haase
- Cygwin and share memory and semaphore
Larry Hall
- help me more :( , posix functions in cygwin1.dll and many questions
Larry Hall
- mod-php4 missing from cygwin distro
Larry Hall
- Does Cygwin can run sql queries to MS SQL server ?
Larry Hall
- Trouble starting cron (solved)
Larry Hall
- tar and the symlinks
Larry Hall
- FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"
Larry Hall
- ls could not list all files
Larry Hall
- error installing sshd on win2k3
Larry Hall
- Building DLL
Larry Hall
- Password Problem - Cygwin
Larry Hall
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Larry Hall
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Larry Hall
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Larry Hall
- Thanks !
Larry Hall
- Problem while copying .EXE files
Larry Hall
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Larry Hall
- Problem while copying .EXE files
Larry Hall
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Larry Hall
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Larry Hall
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Larry Hall
- processor at 100%
Larry Hall
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Larry Hall
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Larry Hall
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Larry Hall
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Larry Hall
- FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"
Larry Hall
- Firewall issue
Larry Hall
- sending email from Cygwin
Larry Hall
- sending email from Cygwin
Larry Hall
- sending email from Cygwin
Larry Hall
- sending email from Cygwin
Larry Hall
- sending email from Cygwin
Larry Hall
- Developer's list archive policy - was Re: [OT] RE: cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Larry Hall
- C99 complex numbers in cygwin?
Larry Hall
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Larry Hall
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Larry Hall
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Larry Hall
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Larry Hall
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Larry Hall
- Permission Problem while installing Cygwin as admin
Larry Hall
- FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"
Larry Hall
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Larry Hall
- Problem with automatic logon using sshd
Larry Hall
- Cygserver packge
Larry Hall
- setting windows environment variables
Larry Hall
- How to delete rogue nul files
Larry Hall
- cron and ssh with homeshare variable
Larry Hall
- How to delete rogue nul files
Larry Hall
- string non defined
Larry Hall
- Help with cygwin startup
Larry Hall
- find-utils: updatedb/locate scripts
Larry Hall
- follow-up re textmode problem for relative paths, nobinmode env variable
Larry Hall
- problem typing the letter a
Larry Hall
- Solution to a problem of accessing remote file shares when logged in via ssh
Larry Hall
- cywin and changing NT (AD) Domains
Larry Hall
- problem typing the letter a
Larry Hall
- Getting older versions of Cygwin?
Larry Hall
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Larry Hall
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Larry Hall
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Larry Hall
- Install failure
Larry Hall
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Joshua Halls
- cygwin1.dll
Joshua Halls
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Joshua Halls
- How to delete rogue nul files
Eric Hanchrow
- Need a copy of bash.bat
Eric Hanchrow
Mr Larry Hanks
- cron_diagnose.sh version 1.6
Harig, Mark
- cron_diagnose.sh version 1.7
Harig, Mark
- HOw to install emacs?
Harig, Mark
- cron and ssh with homeshare variable
Harig, Mark
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Steven Hartland
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Steven Hartland
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Steven Hartland
- Cygwin Memory Allocation and heap_chunk_in_mb
Dan Hatton
- Problems linking stdcall functions from DLL
Michael Haubenwallner
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Thorsten Haude
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Richard Heintze
- HOw to install emacs?
Richard Heintze
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Richard Heintze
- Options for Source Code Control: RCS v. SCCS v. CVS
Richard Heintze
- How to run deamons like inetd and ftpd on Windows?
Richard Heintze
- Where is the gnu/cygwin GUI Source code debugger?
Richard Heintze
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Richard Heintze
- How to run debugger?
Richard Heintze
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Richard Heintze
- Where is the gnu/cygwin GUI Source code debugger?
Richard Heintze
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Richard Heintze
- How to run ddd in XWin?
Siegfried Heintze
- Apache httpd Accepts local connections but not Remote
Siegfried Heintze
- need -mrtd to create Excel DLL?
Siegfried Heintze
- How to update official cygwin documentation for g77 and gcc? (was: RE: need -mrtd to create Excel DLL?)
Siegfried Heintze
- cygwin telnetd/xinetd and non-cygwin Python: no interaction
Doug Henderson
- processor at 100%
Shawn Henderson
- processor at 100%
Shawn Henderson
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Chris Herborth
- Password Problem - Cygwin
No-one! Here!
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
Luc Hermitte
- Bug: "cygpath -w ." returns ".\" instead of "."
Luc Hermitte
- rsync and file ownership
Vince Hoffman
- Install Issue w/ IE Proxy setting, v2.426
Doug Van Horn
- Bug in csh/tcsh 6.12 (and later): ignoring 'x' attribute on files in path
Tim Hubberstey
- Unable to change permissions on networked files, cygwin 1.5.11
Tim Hubberstey
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with C VS-1.11.6
Hughes, Bill
- sending email from Cygwin
Pierre A. Humblet
- sending email from Cygwin
Pierre A. Humblet
- sending email from Cygwin
Pierre A. Humblet
- sending email from Cygwin
Pierre A. Humblet
- sending email from Cygwin
Pierre A. Humblet
- sending email from Cygwin
Pierre A. Humblet
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updates: exim-4.40
Pierre A. Humblet
- 1.5.10:bugs of Chinese filename?
Pierre A. Humblet
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: exim-4.41-1
Pierre A. Humblet
- text/binmode endless loop
Pierre A. Humblet
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: distcc-2.16-1
Harold L Hunt II
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: cppunit-1.9.14-1
Harold L Hunt II
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: GraphicsMagick-1.0.6-1 libGraphicsMagick0-1.0.6-1 libGraphicsMagick-devel-1.0.6-1
Harold L Hunt II
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ImageMagick-6.0.3-1 libMagick6-6.0.3-1 libMagick-devel-6.0.3-1
Harold L Hunt II
- need -mrtd to create Excel DLL?
Lester Ingber
- need -mrtd to create Excel DLL?
Lester Ingber
- cygrunsrv -S sshd - Access is denied.
Baurjan Ismagulov
- error installing sshd on win2k3
Philip James
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Chris January
- Wanted: Cygwin TWiki maintainer
Chris January
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Chris January
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Chris January
- cywin and changing NT (AD) Domains
Chris Jasper
- /usr/lib and /lib mount question
Alan Jaynes
- /usr/lib and /lib mount question
Alan Jaynes
- fopen()/fclose() turns off compression
- fopen()/fclose() turns off compression
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- setting windows environment variables
Jason Joines
- setting windows environment variables
Jason Joines
- setting windows environment variables
Jason Joines
- Installed fine and yet having issues...
David J Jones
- bad interpreter
David J Jones
- Error: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
David J Jones
- Error: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
David J Jones
- Error: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
David J Jones
- follow-up re textmode problem for relative paths, nobinmode env variable
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Xavier Joubert
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Xavier Joubert
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Xavier Joubert
- maintaner of gcc
Bobby McNulty Junior
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Robert McNulty Junior
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Robert McNulty Junior
- maintaner of gcc
Robert McNulty Junior
- Install failure
Robert McNulty Junior
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Hack Kampbjorn
- error installing sshd on win2k3
Thorsten Kampe
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Thorsten Kampe
- cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
Thorsten Kampe
- cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
Thorsten Kampe
- cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
Thorsten Kampe
- Firewall issue
Thorsten Kampe
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Thorsten Kampe
- ncurses not found when compiling various packages
Thorsten Kampe
- ncurses not found when compiling various packages
Thorsten Kampe
- rsync hangs (v2.6.2-1 on both Cygwin and Fedora)
Thorsten Kampe
- Subversion eol-corrupting jar files on update
Karr, David
- Subversion eol-corrupting jar files on update
Karr, David
- STL std::random_shuffle behavior fails with lrand48
Jim Kleckner
- ioctl(fd, TIOCINQ, &n) has problems
Greg Kochanski
- "cygpath -w ." returns ".\" instead of "."
Dave Korn
- Ssh executable is missing
Dave Korn
- Not reallly OT: searching for mysql++
Dave Korn
- Building DLL
Dave Korn
- Running a shell Script Directly from windows
Dave Korn
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Dave Korn
- "cd" in bash script not being executed
Dave Korn
- "cd" in bash script not being executed
Dave Korn
- zeroyjj@126.com's Autoreply
Dave Korn
- error installing sshd on win2k3
Dave Korn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Dave Korn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Dave Korn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Dave Korn
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Dave Korn
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Dave Korn
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Dave Korn
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Dave Korn
- [OT] RE: Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Dave Korn
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Dave Korn
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Dave Korn
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Dave Korn
- bfd_get_section_size() undeclared
Dave Korn
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Dave Korn
- [OT] RE: cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Dave Korn
- HOWTO build debug version of the cygwin dll with no optimisation?
Dave Korn
- [ADMIN] cygwin package search temporarily disabled
Dave Korn
- [OT] RE: cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Dave Korn
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Dave Korn
- HOWTO build debug version of the cygwin dll with no optimisation?
Dave Korn
- HOWTO build debug version of the cygwin dll with no optimisation?
Dave Korn
- Installed fine and yet having issues...
Dave Korn
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Dave Korn
- coredump on kill
Dave Korn
- [OT] RE: COM Port Question
Dave Korn
- gcc 3.3.1-3 runtime error: static data storage size
Dave Korn
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Dave Korn
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Dave Korn
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Dave Korn
- ncurses not found when compiling various packages
Dave Korn
- tcsh terminate unexpectedly
Dave Korn
- [OT] RE: material
Dave Korn
- ssh : commands not echoed back to terminal
Dave Korn
- How to delete rogue nul files
Dave Korn
- How to delete rogue nul files
Dave Korn
- How to delete rogue nul files
Dave Korn
- MySQL Doesn't Respond After Cygwin Install, Please Help Me.
Dave Korn
- DLLs and LoadLibrary
Dave Korn
- How to delete rogue nul files
Dave Korn
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with C VS-1.11.6
Dave Korn
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Dave Korn
- No /bin after installation
Dave Korn
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Dave Korn
- No /bin after installation
Dave Korn
- MySQL Doesn't Respond After Cygwin Install, Please Help Me.
Dave Korn
- No /bin after installation
Dave Korn
- Problems with rebaseall solved
Dave Korn
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Dave Korn
- No /bin after installation
Dave Korn
- No /bin after installation
Dave Korn
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Dave Korn
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Dave "I do not speak for AT&T!" Korn
- Start up Help
Holger Krull
- Need a copy of bash.bat
Bob Kuhfahl
- Fixed: Need a copy of bash.bat
Bob Kuhfahl
- Running a shell Script Directly from windows
Fred Kulack
- ls could not list all files
Vinay Kumar
- symboilc link does not expand if followed by /..
Vinay Kumar
- cygcheck does not work if the mount point is mounted with -X option
Vinay Kumar
- Bug? xinetd not starting services when passenv present
Nicolás Ernesto Kuzminski
- Netsky worm
Kaz Kylheku
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Jon A. Lambert
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Jon A. Lambert
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with CVS-1.11.6
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with CVS-1.11.6
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with CVS-1.11.6
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Facing problem with bash
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with C VS-1.11.6
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Bash-3.0 available for FTP
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Mangling of '\\' by cygwin dll
Tawee Laoitichote
- Problem while copying .EXE files
Mike Lerwill
- Problem while copying .EXE files
Mike Lerwill
- Problem while copying .EXE files
Mike Lerwill
- Problem while copying .EXE files
Mike Lerwill
- WindowsCVS Client
Gregg C Levine
- rsync hangs (v2.6.2-1 on both Cygwin and Fedora)
Patrick J. LoPresti
- Running a shell Script Directly from windows
Scott Emerson Longley
- rsync from windows
Tyler Longren
- DJBDNS (and daemontools?)
Lapo Luchini
- DJBDNS (and daemontools?)
Lapo Luchini
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Daniel Lungu
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Daniel Lungu
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Daniel Lungu
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Daniel Lungu
- FYI: negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Daniel Lungu
- FYI: cygwin1.dll build 0701 fixed a file-permission-over-SMB problem I had
John Lusk
- Does Cygwin can run sql queries to MS SQL server ?
PLAN Fr=?utf-8?B?w6k=?=d=?utf-8?B?w6k=?=ric URS Lyon
- Does Cygwin can run sql queries to MS SQL server ?
PLAN Fr=?utf-8?B?w6k=?=d=?utf-8?B?w6k=?=ric URS Lyon
- How to delete file "nul"?
PLAN Fr=?utf-8?B?w6k=?=d=?utf-8?B?w6k=?=ric URS Lyon
- gcc: How does gcc look for foo.dll in `gcc ... -lfoo'?
Alexey Lyubimov
- gcc: How does gcc look for foo.dll in `gcc ... -lfoo'?
Alexey Lyubimov
- Where is the gnu/cygwin GUI Source code debugger?
Arturus Magi
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Arturus Magi
- STL std::random_shuffle behavior fails with lrand48
Arturus Magi
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Mathieu Malaterre
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Mathieu Malaterre
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Mathieu Malaterre
- cvs package bug: cannot open val-tags file
Gervase Markham
- MySQL Doesn't Respond After Cygwin Install, Please Help Me.
Will Martell
- MySQL Doesn't Respond After Cygwin Install, Please Help Me.
Will Martell
- Help. MySQL doesn't respond anymore. After I re-installed Cygwin
William Martell
- Problem with echo in tcsh 6.13.00-2 in Cygwin 1.5.10 (fwd)
David Mastronarde
- Problem with echo in tcsh 6.13.00-2 in Cygwin 1.5.10 (fwd)
David Mastronarde
- access to event log of windows
Morche Matthias
- setting windows environment variables
Morche Matthias
- setting windows environment variables
Morche Matthias
- Bug affecting postgres now() function - more info and offer to fix cygwin bug...
Sean McCune
- How to delete rogue nul files
Chuck McDevitt
- Cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Chuck McDevitt
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines (reprise)
Chuck McDevitt
- Where is the gnu/cygwin GUI Source code debugger?
James Merritt
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
- How to delete file "nul"?
Pfeiffer Michael
- cygwin 1.4.0 - fork stops working ("permission denied")
George Morin
- Problems with Amanda and Cygwin 1.5.10
Richard Morse
- Getting older versions of Cygwin?
Richard Morse
- file called aux
Anders Musikka
- Using GDB to debug ia64 files
Ashwin N
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Ashwin N
- cygwin 1.5.10: Possible bug
David Neary
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- "cygpath -w ." returns ".\" instead of "."
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- can not create a multi-volume archive using tar
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- Source Code for cygwin1.dll
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- need -mrtd to create Excel DLL?
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- Make not found
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- Perl's "do" operator with varieties of absolute paths
René B. Nielsen
- Req:
Ehimare Ofemu
- Windows "init" Service
Sergey Okhapkin
- Trouble starting cron
Will Parsons
- Trouble starting cron (solved)
Will Parsons
- Ssh executable is missing
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to delete file "nul"?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Scrolling on console with keyboard?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Trouble starting cron
Igor Pechtchanski
- "cygpath -w ." returns ".\" instead of "."
Igor Pechtchanski
- file called aux
Igor Pechtchanski
- Creating tunnels between M$Win via CygWin+OpenSSH
Igor Pechtchanski
- Time out server mechanism in cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- The HOME variable
Igor Pechtchanski
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Igor Pechtchanski
- FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"
Igor Pechtchanski
- ls could not list all files
Igor Pechtchanski
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Igor Pechtchanski
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Igor Pechtchanski
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Igor Pechtchanski
- error installing sshd on win2k3
Igor Pechtchanski
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Igor Pechtchanski
- OpenSSH disconnects when Windows user logging out
Igor Pechtchanski
- "regtool 1.8" on "cygwin 1.5.10": Recursively remove registry keys
Igor Pechtchanski
- /usr/lib and /lib mount question
Igor Pechtchanski
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Igor Pechtchanski
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to run deamons like inetd and ftpd on Windows?
Igor Pechtchanski
- processor at 100%
Igor Pechtchanski
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to run ddd in XWin?
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to run debugger?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Is there a /dev directory, or how to use /dev/stderr
Igor Pechtchanski
- Apache httpd Accepts local connections but not Remote
Igor Pechtchanski
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygwin telnetd/xinetd and non-cygwin Python: no interaction
Igor Pechtchanski
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Igor Pechtchanski
- man pages formating (msg to Chris)
Igor Pechtchanski
- access to event log of windows
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- need -mrtd to create Excel DLL?
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problems building Cygwin CVS HEAD
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problems building Cygwin CVS HEAD
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- /usr/share/doc/Cygwin (Was Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Igor Pechtchanski
- /usr/share/doc/Cygwin (Was Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem: Perl with connections using LWP Module
Igor Pechtchanski
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Igor Pechtchanski
- bad interpreter
Igor Pechtchanski
- Bad protocol 'tcp' with perl/lwp module connections
Igor Pechtchanski
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Igor Pechtchanski
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from cygwin) <gold star>
Igor Pechtchanski
- Error: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Igor Pechtchanski
- Error: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Igor Pechtchanski
- [?] Install
Igor Pechtchanski
- Error: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Igor Pechtchanski
- PLEASE HELP: Perl 5.8.2 fork() does not work
Igor Pechtchanski
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Igor Pechtchanski
- I can't inicializate PostgreSQL
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Igor Pechtchanski
- GetVolumeInformation() failed (Was Re: perl threads problems using 20040720 snapshot)
Igor Pechtchanski
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to delete rogue nul files
Igor Pechtchanski
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Igor Pechtchanski
- Sources of the C++ library
Igor Pechtchanski
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Igor Pechtchanski
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Igor Pechtchanski
- No /bin after installation
Igor Pechtchanski
- No /bin after installation
Igor Pechtchanski
- No /bin after installation
Igor Pechtchanski
- Need a copy of bash.bat
Igor Pechtchanski
- No /bin after installation
Igor Pechtchanski
- [OT] Re: To cygwin postgresql maintainer: tutorial RFC
Igor Pechtchanski
- cvs package bug: cannot open val-tags file
Igor Pechtchanski
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Igor Pechtchanski
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Igor Pechtchanski
- [Fwd: find-utils: updatedb/locate scripts]
Igor Pechtchanski
- making cygwin.dll less than str8-forward; should I be doing something differently?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Accessing Property Sheets
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to clean the local package directory?
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to configure Korn shell (having MKS installed) for the latest Cygwin version (just recently downloaded)?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Socket problem w/ apache & perl cgi
Igor Pechtchanski
- Clarifications RE original qustions posted in : How to configure Korn shell (having MKS installed) for the latest Cygwin version (just rec ently downloaded)?
Igor Pechtchanski
- [cygwin tips&tricks] Shortcut to vim in "Send to" folder
Igor Pechtchanski
- [cygwin tips&tricks] Shortcut to vim in "Send to" folder
Igor Pechtchanski
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Robert Pendell
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Robert Pendell
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Robert Pendell
- rsync and file ownership
Robert Pendell
- setting windows environment variables
Robert Pendell
- Help. MySQL doesn't respond anymore. After I re-installed Cygwin
Robert Pendell
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Robert Pendell
- [Bug] wget and files >2GB
Robert Pendell
- Undefined reference errors and libtool
Pereira, Ricardo Scachetti
- sign off
Matthew O. Persico
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Elvin Peterson
- Options for Source Code Control: RCS v. SCCS v. CVS
Elvin Peterson
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Elvin Peterson
- How to delete file "nul"?
Michael Pfeiffer
- Cygwin and PerlQt
Tomek Piatek
- problem typing the letter a
David Postill
- Clarifications RE original qustions posted in : How to configure Korn shell (having MKS installed) for the latest Cygwin version (just rec ently downloaded)?
Povolotsky, Alexander
- how about providing Sniff+ support out of Cygwin (thus elliminati ng need of MKS use) ?
Povolotsky, Alexander
- What does clock() return?
Tim Prince
- maintaner of gcc
Tim Prince
- Performance: g++ Cygwin vs. other compilers (copying char[] to vector)
Tim Prince
- Performance: g++ Cygwin vs. other compilers (copying char[] to vector)
Tim Prince
- Sources of the C++ library
Tim Prince
- Sources of the C++ library
Tim Prince
- MSVC style demangling in GNU Binutils
Eddy Pronk
- 1.5.10-3 xp, perl 5.8.2 slowdown
Jan Ptacek
- Mangling of '\\' by cygwin dll
Volker Quetschke
- Mangling of '\\' by cygwin dll
Volker Quetschke
- Mangling of '\\' by cygwin dll
Volker Quetschke
- I apologize for mailing you directly problem with rebaseall ?
Jim Ramberg
- Problems with rebaseall solved
Jim Ramberg
- Bash-3.0 available for FTP
Chet Ramey
- Readline-5.0 available for FTP
Chet Ramey
- cygrunsrv -S sshd - Access is denied.
Dick Repasky
- cygrunsrv -S sshd - Access is denied.
Dick Repasky
- regtool list: -p on by default
Dick Repasky
- regtool list: -p on by default
Dick Repasky
- Socket problem w/ apache & perl cgi
David A. Rogers
- Socket problem w/ apache & perl cgi
David A. Rogers
- [cygwin tips&tricks] Shortcut to vim in "Send to" folder
Tomasz Rojek
- mmapped memory lost after fork
Tenedor Roquefort
- Setting SHMMAX in Cygwin
Gene C. Ruzicka
- Setting SHMMAX in Cygwin
Gene C. Ruzicka
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- No /bin after installation
Nick Sabalausky
- mail command as a script
Patrick Samson
- mt setdensity not working?
Gunther Schadow
- scp with DOSish paths
Jörg Schaible
- scp with DOSish paths
Jörg Schaible
- sending email from Cygwin
Jörg Schaible
- cygwin maximum capacity -> cygwin <=> linux
Jörg Schaible
- 1.5.10: problems relocating structures with function pointers
H. Henning Schmidt
- rm fails on netware drive using win2k
Holger Schmidt
- AW: [mailinglist] ls could not list all files
Uwe Schmitt
- sending email from Cygwin
Robert R Schneck
- sending email from Cygwin
Robert R Schneck
- sending email from Cygwin
Robert R Schneck
- sending email from Cygwin
Robert R Schneck
- sending email from Cygwin
Robert R Schneck
- rxvt/bash tab problem
Robert R Schneck
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ssmtp-2.60.9-2
Robert R Schneck-McConnell
- 1.5.10: problems relocating structures with function pointers
Justin Schoeman
- 1.5.10: problems relocating structures with function pointers
Justin Schoeman
- coredumps with 20040701 snapsnot
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from cygwin) <gold star>
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Installed fine and yet having issues...
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- HELP - Installing/Using Cygwin for Perl
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- perl threads problems using 20040720 snapshot
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- No /bin after installation
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- perl threads problems using 20040720 snapshot
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Solution to a problem of accessing remote file shares when logged in via ssh
Walter Selent
- PERL and XML::Parser
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: libIDL-0.8.3-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- access to event log of windows
Mike Kenny - BCX - Infrastructure Services
- access to event log of windows
Mike Kenny - BCX - Infrastructure Services
- setting windows environment variables
Jaeho Shin
- HELP - Installing/Using Cygwin for Perl
Ramneek Singh
- program hangs after a call to malloc
Pawel Slusarz
- rsync hangs (v2.6.2-1 on both Cygwin and Fedora)
Clif J. Smith
- rsync hangs (v2.6.2-1 on both Cygwin and Fedora)
Clif J. Smith
- rsync hangs (v2.6.2-1 on both Cygwin and Fedora)
Clif J. Smith
- Building DLL
Danny Smith
- 1.5.11 win9x instability
Errol Smith
- [?] Install
John Smith
- tar incremental backup issue
Alex Song
- tar incremental backup issue
Alex Song
- malloc debug?
Sam Steingold
- maintaner of gcc
Sam Steingold
- maintaner of gcc
Sam Steingold
- Creating tunnels between M$Win via CygWin+OpenSSH
- problem typing the letter a
Sid Subr
- Firewall issue
Michael Sullivan
- OpenSSH disconnects when Windows user logging out
- "regtool 1.8" on "cygwin 1.5.10": Recursively remove registry keys
- OpenSSH disconnects when Windows user logging out
- "regtool 1.8" on "cygwin 1.5.10": Recursively remove registry keys
- OpenSSH disconnects when Windows user logging out
- access to event log of windows
- Can i build Kernel Modules using cygwin and test them
Chris Taylor
- ls -l | less shows 'escape' chars
Chris Taylor
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Chris Taylor
- Where is libxml2.dll?
Chris Taylor
- How to run debugger?
Chris Taylor
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
Chris Taylor
- I can't inicializate PostgreSQL
Manuel Tejada
- I can't inicializate PostgreSQL
Manuel Tejada
- I can't inicializate PostgreSQL
Manuel Tejada
- Man Pages for System calls and library functions
Yue Teng
- two instances of a.exe on dual processor - still only 50% performance
Ken Thompson
- Stat
Reid Thompson
- Ssh executable is missing
Andreas Tille
- Ssh executable is missing
Andreas Tille
- Does Cygwin can run sql queries to MS SQL server ?
Jason Tishler
- cygwin telnetd/xinetd and non-cygwin Python: no interaction
Jason Tishler
- I apologize for mailing you directly problem with rebaseall ?
Jason Tishler
- To cygwin postgresql maintainer: tutorial RFC
Jason Tishler
- To cygwin postgresql maintainer: tutorial RFC
Jason Tishler
- [OT] Re: To cygwin postgresql maintainer: tutorial RFC
Jason Tishler
- Set Up
Jason Tishler
- Fetchmail and Procmail
Jason Tishler
- Fetchmail and Procmail
Jason Tishler
- svn diff fails in textmode dir
Jacek Trzmiel
- Mkdir: command not found?
Jacek Trzmiel
- How to delete file "nul"?
Danilo Turina
- Firewall issue
Michael Uman
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Shankar Unni
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Shankar Unni
- help me more :( , posix functions in cygwin1.dll and many questions
Reini Urban
- [Fwd: Gcc2 2.95.3-10]
Reini Urban
- cron_diagnose.sh version 1.6
Reini Urban
- Options for Source Code Control: RCS v. SCCS v. CVS
Reini Urban
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Reini Urban
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Reini Urban
- rsync very slow, but not a network issue
Reini Urban
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Reini Urban
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Reini Urban
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
- Extending long threads (was: RE: Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?"))
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
- PCYMTNQREAIYR Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies.
- Extending long threads
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
- cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
- ssh : commands not echoed back to terminal
Song Ken Vern-E11804
- What does clock() return?
Alex Vinokur
- Performance: g++ Cygwin vs. other compilers (copying char[] to vector)
Alex Vinokur
- Performance: g++ Cygwin vs. other compilers (copying char[] to vector)
Alex Vinokur
- Sources of the C++ library
Alex Vinokur
- help me more :( , posix functions in cygwin1.dll and many questions
Corinna Vinschen
- [Fwd: Gcc2 2.95.3-10]
Corinna Vinschen
- Bug affecting postgres now() function - more info and offer to fix cygwin bug...
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin 1.5.10: Possible bug
Corinna Vinschen
- Not reallly OT: searching for mysql++
Corinna Vinschen
- Bug in csh/tcsh 6.12 (and later): ignoring 'x' attribute on files in path
Corinna Vinschen
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Corinna Vinschen
- negative error status: gcc vs. cl
Corinna Vinschen
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Corinna Vinschen
- OpenSSH disconnects when Windows user logging out
Corinna Vinschen
- "regtool 1.8" on "cygwin 1.5.10": Recursively remove registry keys
Corinna Vinschen
- correction to openssh-3.8p1-1 openssh.README
Corinna Vinschen
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Corinna Vinschen
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Corinna Vinschen
- Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")
Corinna Vinschen
- can not create a multi-volume archive using tar
Corinna Vinschen
- access to event log of windows
Corinna Vinschen
- access to event log of windows
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem while copying .EXE files
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin telnetd/xinetd and non-cygwin Python: no interaction
Corinna Vinschen
- [ADMIN] Cygwin package search temporarily disabled
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with echo in tcsh 6.13.00-2 in Cygwin 1.5.10 (fwd)
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin: /proc and /cygdrive insvisible
Corinna Vinschen
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Corinna Vinschen
- scp with DOSish paths
Corinna Vinschen
- can not create a multi-volume archive using tar
Corinna Vinschen
- sending email from Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Corinna Vinschen
- sending email from Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- cat /proc/registry/HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA/@ hangs
Corinna Vinschen
- HOWTO build debug version of the cygwin dll with no optimisation?
Corinna Vinschen
- fopen()/fclose() turns off compression
Corinna Vinschen
- /usr/share/doc/Cygwin (Was Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Corinna Vinschen
- sending email from Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- sending email from Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- mmapped memory lost after fork
Corinna Vinschen
- gcc-mingw
Corinna Vinschen
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Corinna Vinschen
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from Cygwin)
Corinna Vinschen
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Corinna Vinschen
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Corinna Vinschen
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Corinna Vinschen
- UNC Pathname Handling within Applications
Corinna Vinschen
- Whack-a-Mole: Purging Cygnus from Registry
Corinna Vinschen
- mmap bug on Windows 9x
Corinna Vinschen
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with echo in tcsh 6.13.00-2 in Cygwin 1.5.10 (fwd)
Corinna Vinschen
- ncurses not found when compiling various packages
Corinna Vinschen
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Corinna Vinschen
- MapViewOfFileEx errors disappeared with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Corinna Vinschen
- MapViewOfFileEx errors disappeared with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Corinna Vinschen
- Stat
Corinna Vinschen
- chown -R expanding / to //bin etc.
Corinna Vinschen
- BUG: ssh.exe ProtocolKeepAlives option broken
Corinna Vinschen
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin can run with windows XP?
Corinna Vinschen
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Corinna Vinschen
- MapViewOfFileEx errors with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Corinna Vinschen
- Slight problem with case sensitivity on managed mounts with C VS-1.11.6
Corinna Vinschen
- ioctl(fd, TIOCINQ, &n) has problems
Corinna Vinschen
- mt setdensity not working?
Corinna Vinschen
- No /bin after installation
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cron-3.0.1-12
Corinna Vinschen
- Setting SHMMAX in Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- Setting SHMMAX in Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- Wanted: cygwin TWiki maintainer
Corinna Vinschen
- rm fails on netware drive using win2k
Corinna Vinschen
- follow-up re textmode problem for relative paths, nobinmode env variable
Corinna Vinschen
- Mangling of '\\' by cygwin dll
Corinna Vinschen
- text/binmode endless loop
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin 1.4.0 - fork stops working ("permission denied")
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver - Postgres Multiple connection Load Testing - Inifinte Loop
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with automatic logon using sshd
Volker Vöcking
- Zaregistrujte se do OnlinePanelu!
- Code to use ctrl-break to get a java stack dump
Timothy Wall
- Problem with upgraded ImageMagick-6.0.3-1
Charles L. Werner
- More: glitch with upgraded ImageMagick-6.0.3-1
Charles L. Werner
- More: glitch with upgraded ImageMagick-6.0.3-1
Charles L. Werner
- Nokia 3510i Deals
Morne Willemse
- New autoimport errors after binutils upgrade
Johnny Willemsen
- Where is the gnu/cygwin GUI Source code debugger?
Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
- installing pkgconfig-0.15.0
Charles Wilson
- FYI: LZW patent issues and libtiff, libjpeg
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libtool-devel-1.5.6-3
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libiconv-1.9.2-1, libiconv2-1.9.2-1, libcharset1-1.9.2-1
Charles Wilson
- dlopen under cygwin
Charles Wilson
- gcc: How does gcc look for foo.dll in `gcc ... -lfoo'?
Charles Wilson
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Charles Wilson
- INT32: jmorecfg.h
Charles Wilson
- Cygwin can run with windows XP?
Amy Yap
- No /bin after installation
Warren Young
- tar and the symlinks
- tar and the symlinks
- MapViewOfFileEx errors disappeared with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Dr. Volker Zell
- MapViewOfFileEx errors disappeared with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Dr. Volker Zell
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Dr. Volker Zell
- MapViewOfFileEx errors disappeared with cygwin1-20040716 snapshot
Dr. Volker Zell
- [BUG] mprotect() on Windows NT 5+
Dr. Volker Zell
- Please try latest snapshot (Volker?)
Dr. Volker Zell
- can not create a multi-volume archive using tar
- can not create a multi-volume archive using tar
- Not reallly OT: searching for mysql++
- Not reallly OT: searching for mysql++
- scp with DOSish paths
- tcsh terminate unexpectedly
- Building DLL
- PLEASE HELP: Perl 5.8.2 fork() does not work
- PLEASE HELP: Perl 5.8.2 fork() does not work
- Perl 5.8.2 Term::Readline problems
- Start up Help
- Risposta Automatica
- Make not found
michael conrad
- Scrolling on console with keyboard?
- AW: Scrolling on console with keyboard?
- C99 complex numbers in cygwin?
- C99 complex numbers in cygwin?
- m-edic'al information
leonel dicks
- IPC over PTY
Branko on dkts
- is inet_pton() family implemented?
- string non defined
- More: glitch with upgraded ImageMagick-6.0.3-1
- More: wish84 incredibly slow
- glitch with upgraded ImageMagick-6.0.3-1
- Problem with convert after upgraded ImageMagick-6.0.3-1
- More: glitch with upgraded ImageMagick-6.0.3-1
- Svwgv Imm.E`diate Acc_ess To Va~.l1um..X.A`_nax..Bu-.spar.. 0ve_-rnite To Your D_`00r
jude fontenot
- Win98SE_Postgres' initb FATAL shmat(id=1179648)
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- ls -l | less shows "escape" chars
- cron and ssh with homeshare variable
- cygwin maximum capacity -> cygwin <=> linux
karthik bala guru
- cygwin maximum capacity -> cygwin <=> linux
karthik bala guru
- Shared information between process
- error installing sshd on win2k3
philip james
- Computer Organization mdrcgya
- Entrepreneurship acdhwkh
- Eccsohotpw journal news: does the fountain of youth exist
fredrick jolie
- Vfbp indulge in each other
danial lacasa
- sign off
- sending email from Cygwin
- sending email from Cygwin
- /usr/share/doc/Cygwin (Was Re: sending email from Cygwin)
- sending email from Cygwin
- sending email from Cygwin
- sending email from Cygwin
- sending email from Cygwin
- rxvt/bash tab problem
- rxvt/bash tab problem
- sending email from Cygwin
- How do *you* write portable shell scripts?
- ssmtp man page (Was: Re: sending email from Cygwin)
- X starting difficulties
- X starting difficulties
- chown -R expanding / to //bin etc.
- Can i build Kernel Modules using cygwin and test them
bertrand marquis
- gcc-mingw
bertrand marquis
- ncurses not found when compiling various packages
bertrand marquis
- rebuild rpm-4.1 from sources
bertrand marquis
- two instances of a.exe on dual processor - still only 50% performance
- two instances of a.exe on dual processor - still only 50% performance
- Ybsroauat Real Val_^1um, X.'~Anax,L.E~_vitra..S._0ma..Mu,_ch M0re.....
lonnie mohammed
- Attract the ladies!
- Please Help me....
utomo restu
- Entry point *main* can't be found in cygpango-1.0-0.dll
- Entry point *main* can't be found in cygpango-1.0-0.dll
- Entry point *main* can't be found in cygpango-1.0-0.dll
- Cygwin and share memory and semaphore
- help me more :( , posix functions in cygwin1.dll and many questions
- Larry Hall ,One more qeustion,
- cygserver - Postgres Multiple connection Load Testing - Inifinte Loop
- cygserver - Postgres Multiple connection Load Testing - Inifinte Loop
- installing pkgconfig-0.15.0
fariba shaker
- Installing Anjuta
fariba shaker
- Installing Anjuta
fariba shaker
- 1.5.10:bugs of Chinese filename?
- PERL and XML::Parser
Jani tiainen
- PERL and XML::Parser
Jani tiainen
- PERL and XML::Parser
Jani tiainen
- Building DLL
Jani tiainen
- DLLs and LoadLibrary
Jani tiainen
- DLLs and LoadLibrary
Jani tiainen
- Selecting packages in setup
Jani tiainen
- Selecting packages in setup
Jani tiainen
- Install failure
Jani tiainen
- Install failure
Jani tiainen
- Install failure
Jani tiainen
- Configure and missing install-sh
Jani tiainen
- searching for employees
- searching for employees
- Its me
- [Fwd: find-utils: updatedb/locate scripts]
linda w
- "find" memory(handle) leak, / problem...proc related, (don't do this at home! :-))
linda w
- find-utils: updatedb/locate scripts
linda w
- find-utils: updatedb/locate scripts
linda w
- making cygwin.dll less than str8-forward; should I be doing something differently?
linda w
- cygwin java invoking
amir wasim
- [ADMINISTRIVIA] new virus claims to be from sources.redhat.com or cygwin.com
elijah wright
- [ADMIN] Cygwin package search temporarily disabled
- RPC: Unable to send; errno = Cannot assign requested address
- RPC: Unable to send; errno = Cannot assign requested address
- "Can not open the file cygx11-6.dll", help.
sen zhou
- How to delete rogue nul files
- How to delete rogue nul files
- How to delete rogue nul files
- How to delete rogue nul files
- How to delete rogue nul files
- How to delete rogue nul files
- How to delete rogue nul files
- No /bin after installation
- Wanted: Cygwin TWiki maintainer
- "cd" in bash script not being executed
Mikael Åsberg
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 18:13:00 GMT 2004
Archived on: Wed Mar 25 13:47:51 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).