UNC Pathname Handling within Applications

Thorsten Haude nedit@thorstenhau.de
Fri Jul 16 21:19:00 GMT 2004


* Larry Hall wrote (2004-07-16 22:29):
>At 03:55 PM 7/16/2004, you wrote:
>>>>Actually, I wonder what possible reasons could exist to send every
>>>>mail twice, and even by default. I haven't checked, but I guess you
>>>>cannot subscribe this list or any other write-only, so in what
>>>>possible situation would the second mail enhance communication?
>>>You guessed wrong.
>>Please tell me how I activate the write-only subscription.
>You don't need to be subscribed to the Cygwin list to send email to it.
>See <http://cygwin.com/lists.html>.

I referred to that fact in the part you generously snipped.

>Unless you have some further pertinent point to make on this inquiry, I 
>think we're done with this thread.

You don't figure to be a guy caring about points.

There must be a parallel universe where Starbucks sells cocaine in dilute,
controlled, taxed doses, but where (crack) caffiene is sniffed and smoked
in huge binges, and smuggled in by evil Columbian cartels.
    - Rogerborg
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