Wrapping long lines (Was Re: FAQ update suggestion for "I'm having basic problems with find. Why?")

Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com
Fri Jul 9 11:18:00 GMT 2004

On Jul  9 11:46, William Blunn wrote:
> It does appear though that these rules are arbitrary, without benefit,
> yet have identifiable problems, and their current sole purpose appears
> to be to identify members of a club.

If you want to see it that way, fine with me.

Fact is, I dislike when people don't give a damn for existing common
rules which have turned out to work fine for all other people.  Brian
explained some problems fairly well.  In my opinion, people writing a
mail should use their brain instead of relying on automated systems or,
worse, the recipient, to fix their avoidable mess.

Successful communication needs rules.  If somebody doesn't apply to
these rules, which really aren't hard to find or follow, nobody is
forced to read his or her posting, right?  Nobody is forced to read my
postings either.  That's ok.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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