February 2002 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Feb 1 00:03:00 GMT 2002
Ending: Thu Feb 28 23:32:00 GMT 2002
Messages: 1440
- $HOME Directory Relocation
"Schaible, Jörg"
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
"Schaible, Jörg"
- CVS Problems: Updated: gdbm-1.8.0-4
"Schaible, Jörg"
- Why not a news server?
James Potts (Arek)
- Porting SSHD to WinNT
Niclas Bäckman (ERA)
- SSHD Windows authentication fails.
Niclas Bäckman (ERA)
- Problems using tcsh as default shell
Martin Nilsson (ERV)
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Kjell Eirik Solvang (ETO)
- Token ring / OpenSSH
Bladt Norbert (NBL)
- Token ring / OpenSSH
Bladt Norbert (NBL)
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Ames Andreas (PN-SYS/A)
- Make 3.79.1 - dependency checking & previous versions
John Segrave (x3254)
- Make 3.79.1 - dependency checking & previous versions
John Segrave (x3254)
- Make 3.79.1 - dependency checking & previous versions
John Segrave (x3254)
- cygwin-sc.1014453037.impdhfddckmkmhdaeclj-letters=hotpop.com@cygwin.com
Jari Aalto+list.cygwin
- Problems linking against Mingw DLL
Daniel Abad
- Why not a news server?
Per Abrahamsen
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Peter J. Acklam
- Why not a news server?
Daniel Adams
- Telnet Daemon and Win2k Telnet Client
Daniel Adams
- /dev/registry
Daniel Adams
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Daniel Adams
- Why not a news server?
Daniel Adams
- /var/cron permissions
Michael Adler
- cron problem
Michael Adler
- shell script returning a value
John Albert
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ghostscript-6.51-3
Dario Alcocer
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ghostscript-6.51-3
Dario Alcocer
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ghostscript-6.51-4
Dario Alcocer
- Terminal Emulator & Mouse
- rxvt & custom fonts
- VIM in rxvt
- VIM in rxvt & syntax highlighting
- VIM in rxvt & syntax highlighting
- cygwin redistribution and gpl requirements
Jon Allen
- cygwin redistribution and gpl requirements
Jon Allen
- Updated: bash-2.05a-3
Alejandro Allievi
- cygwin gnu grep thinks text files are binary
Benjamin Altman
- openssh publickey authentication problem
Guy Amir
- Close to libiconv now?
Soren Andersen
- Is window manipulation available in perl?
Soren Andersen
- /dev/clipboard protection fault on Win98
Soren Andersen
- Scriptable start.exe
Joseph Annino
- Scriptable start.exe
Joseph Annino
- Scriptable start.exe
Joseph Annino
- Problems with local rsync on cygwin w2k
Joseph Annino
- BSD Style ping for Cygwin
Majid Ansari
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Axelle Apvrille
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Axelle Apvrille
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Axelle Apvrille
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Axelle Apvrille
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Axelle Apvrille
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Axelle Apvrille
- Problems upgrading from 2.95.3-5 to 3.X on cygwin
- 1.3.6: Bug - Any PATH larger than ~256 gets reset to (NULL)
Mike Auty
- foobaz-unsubscribe-bp=ispelunker.comu@cygwin.com
- how to create a new user
- how to create a new user
- how to create a new user
- how to create a new user
- updating packages/utilities
- Converting forward slashes to backward slashes
Bacon, Ray
- This Email Could Change Your Life Forever
Jamal Badres
- CYGWIN : Scheduling
Herve Bailly
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Luke Bakken
- Parallel Port LPRng
Luke Bakken
- Is ksh available on cygwin
Luke Bakken
- changing default text type without reinstall?
Steinar Bang
- changing default text type without reinstall?
Steinar Bang
- changing default text type without reinstall?
Steinar Bang
- changing default text type without reinstall?
Steinar Bang
- GCC and getcwd
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
- /dev/registry
- rxvt and text output problems
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
- unable to locate CYGINTL.DLL dependency
Bob Batey
- Error reports and queries
Michael Bax
- How can I get Cygwin to see the NT ERRORLEVEL Environment Variable
Jon Belinfante
- How can I get Cygwin to see the NT ERRORLEVEL Environment Variable
Jon Belinfante
- Multiple backslashes
Dmitry Bely
- Multiple backslashes
Dmitry Bely
- Multiple backslashes
Dmitry Bely
- Multiple backslashes
Dmitry Bely
- a problem with search path? (was: Multiple backslashes)
Dmitry Bely
- a problem with search path? (was: Multiple backslashes)
Dmitry Bely
- Multiple backslashes
Dmitry Bely
- a problem with search path? (was: Multiple backslashes)
Dmitry Bely
- a problem with search path? (was: Multiple backslashes)
Dmitry Bely
- Include problems....
- 1.3.9: rsync over ssh stalls
Martin Bene
- numerical values in makefile ?
Stefan Bernögger
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
Johan Bezem
- Strange behaviour of vpath with dos paths
Johan Bezem
- Problems upgrading from 2.95.3-5 to 3.X on cygwin
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)
- Problems upgrading from 2.95.3-5 to 3.X on cygwin
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)
- cvs: Terminated with fatal signal 6
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)
- Limits?
Elias Biris
- XEmacs --nw failed (XEmacs in tty-Mode)
Markus Blaum
- opengl and cygwin
Andre Bleau
- How do i upgrade to gcc 3.X on cygwin?
Andrea 'Fyre Wyzard' Bocci
- anybody else also infected
Jerry Boonstra
- Problems upgrading from 2.95.3-5 to 3.X on cygwin
Neil Booth
- Next version of setup.exe
Dr. Carsten Bormann
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: wget-1.8-1
Max Bowsher
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: wget-1.8-1
Max Bowsher
- Creating a local mirror for setup.exe
Earnie Boyd
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Wade Brainerd
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Wade Brainerd
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Wade Brainerd
- Net::Telnet needs line of code added for fhopen to work with cygwin-perl and IO::Pty module in MSWin
- /etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny
Prentis Brooks
- /etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny
Prentis Brooks
- /etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny
Prentis Brooks
- [Mingw-users] Opening Apps
Joerg Bruehe
- home directory problems
Mattias Brändström
- home directory problems
Mattias Brändström
- how does cygwin see what user I am in windows?
Mattias Brändström
- how does cygwin see what user I am in windows?
Mattias Brändström
- how does cygwin see what user I am in windows?
Mattias Brändström
- Cygwin as a telnet command shell...
Peter Buckley
- cygwin license
Peter Buckley
- Why not a news server?
Peter Buckley
- anybody else also infected
Peter Buckley
- anybody else also infected
Peter Buckley
- NAV deletes cygwin1.dll
Peter Buckley
- virus warning
Peter Buckley
- Hi
Peter Buckley
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Peter Buckley
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Peter Buckley
- Bug in ncurses???
Igor Bujna
- 2nd Cygwin/Java/JNI tutorial available
David P. Caldwell
- Reading console input from Java under Cygwin shell (was Re: inputstream!)
David P. Caldwell
- Help changing dir with spaces...
Richard Campbell
- Unable to install file C:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe
Gerrit Cap
- Unable to install file C:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe
Gerrit Cap
- Registry freedom
Doru Carastan
- Registry freedom
Doru Carastan
- Registry freedom
Doru Carastan
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Jon Cast
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Jon Cast
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Jon Cast
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Jon Cast
- inetd broken with cygwin.dll 1.3.9
Rafael Botejara Cepeda
- inetd broken with cygwin.dll 1.3.9
Rafael Botejara Cepeda
- inetd broken with cygwin.dll 1.3.9
Rafael Botejara Cepeda
- ash/NTserver I/O redirect problem
Andrew Chang
- question on the cygwin setup command
Andrew Chang
- question on the cygwin setup command
Andrew Chang
- question on the cygwin setup command
Andrew Chang
- Problems accessing network drive using rsh
Andrew Chang
- Problems accessing network drive using rsh
Andrew Chang
- problems with gdbm ????
Godefroid Chapelle
- changing default text type without reinstall?
Michael A Chase
- cygwin-1.3.3+: Using ASH to executing .com files -- causes Invalid Page Fault
Michael A Chase
- /dev/registry
Michael A Chase
- General problems creating executables
Michael A Chase
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Michael A Chase
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Michael A Chase
- /dev/registry
Michael A Chase
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Michael A Chase
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Michael A Chase
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Michael A Chase
- Scriptable start.exe
Michael A Chase
- changing default text type without reinstall?
Michael A Chase
- symlinks
Michael A Chase
- /proc (was: Re: /dev/registry)
Michael A Chase
- patch oddities.
Michael A Chase
- bash 2.05a command completion spec bug
Michael A Chase
- problems with bash
Michael A Chase
- anybody else also infected
Michael A Chase
- anybody else also infected
Michael A Chase
- od
Michael A Chase
- Problems using tcsh as default shell
Michael A Chase
- Converting forward slashes to backward slashes
Michael A Chase
- Converting forward slashes to backward slashes
Michael A Chase
- "$(dothis)" construct acts as a text tool in pipe (\r removed)
Michael A Chase
- Simple Install Question
Michael A Chase
- How to get out of dbi-users
Michael A Chase
- Path Name Help
Michael A Chase
- xmh support utilities from mh system apparently missing
Robert Chesler
- Control-C in Windows command line programs
Koen Claessen
- TERM=cygwin colors
Christopher Cobb
- GCC 3.x, a follow-up question
David A. Cobb
- Why not a news server?
Robert Collins
- cygipc shmat bug
Robert Collins
- Scriptable start.exe
Robert Collins
- Scriptable start.exe
Robert Collins
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Robert Collins
- Setup Program
Robert Collins
- libgcc exception handling not thread safe
Robert Collins
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Robert Collins
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Robert Collins
- /dev/registry
Robert Collins
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Robert Collins
- /dev/registry
Robert Collins
- /dev/registry
Robert Collins
- ttcp successfully compiled
Robert Collins
- RCS 5.7 (?) + setup.exe advice
Robert Collins
- 2/13 PM NAV update [Correction]
Robert Collins
- Fw: question on the cygwin setup command
Robert Collins
- Running Squid using cygrunsrv
Robert Collins
- Running Squid using cygrunsrv
Robert Collins
- Running Squid using cygrunsrv
Robert Collins
- question on the cygwin setup command
Robert Collins
- cygreadline5.dll redux
Robert Collins
- How to create a windows link in script?
Robert Collins
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
Robert Collins
- Creating a local mirror for setup.exe
Robert Collins
- issue: parallel rsh'd makes on >=2GHz P4's stalling
Robert Collins
- 1.3.4 - touch /etc/abc causes BSOD
Robert Collins
- MSI Cygwin installer
Robert Collins
- Next version of setup.exe
Robert Collins
- Next version of setup.exe
Robert Collins
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Robert Collins
- 1.3.4 - touch /etc/abc causes BSOD
Robert Collins
- CYGWIN : Scheduling
Robert Collins
- CYGWIN : Scheduling
Robert Collins
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Robert Collins
- Excessive packages installed by default
Robert Collins
- Error: init_cygheap""etc_changed: Can't open /etc for checking, Win32 error 50
Robert Collins
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Robert Collins
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Robert Collins
- Problem with ~
Ronald W. Cook
- Problem with ~
Ronald W. Cook
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Dylan Cuthbert
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Dylan Cuthbert
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Dylan Cuthbert
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Dylan Cuthbert
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Dylan Cuthbert
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Dylan Cuthbert
- RCS 5.7 (?) + setup.exe advice
Dylan Cuthbert
- cygwin C++ DLLs and inter-operation with M$OFT
Dylan Cuthbert
- cygwin gcc DLLs loaded by Visual C++ crashing
Dylan Cuthbert
- cygwin gcc DLLs loaded by Visual C++ crashing - SOLVED
Dylan Cuthbert
- cygwin gcc DLLs loaded by Visual C++ crashing - SOLVED
Dylan Cuthbert
- offline installation
Dylan Cuthbert
- update on inetd not able to find cygwin1.dll
Dylan Cuthbert
- Error in Cygwin dll (?) Fork Copy using Xemacs
Heribert Dahms
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Heribert Dahms
- gdb in xfree86: ^C
Heribert Dahms
- od
Heribert Dahms
- fhandler_base::dup: (W2K, php, 1.3.9 dll) + work around
Heribert Dahms
- VIM in rxvt
Fergus Daly
- VIM in rxvt & syntax highlighting
Fergus Daly
- Updated: postgresql-7.2-2
Fergus Daly
- libgcc exception handling not thread safe
Andreas Damm
- libgcc exception handling not thread safe
Andreas Damm
- proper version of dll
Bernard Dautrevaux
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Bernard Dautrevaux
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Bernard Dautrevaux
- at + bash
- Followup: at + bash
- Followup: at + bash
- gdb in xfree86: ^C
- Second Request: gdb in xfree86: ^C
- gdb in xfree86: ^C
- od
- od
- od commands
- Stop Software Piracy with PirateStop!
Bob Day
- Why not a news server?
Andrew DeFaria
- Why not a news server?
Andrew DeFaria
- inetd -- service wont start at boottime on Win XP (add me to the pile)
Andrew DeFaria
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Andrew DeFaria
- Why not a news server?
Andrew DeFaria
- Why not a news server?
Andrew DeFaria
- bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Andrew DeFaria
- Why not a news server?
Andrew DeFaria
- Why not a news server?
Andrew DeFaria
- No home directory on fresh setup
Andrew DeFaria
- Error: "... sync_with_child ..." using scripts on WinNT 4 SP6
Andrew DeFaria
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Andrew DeFaria
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Andrew DeFaria
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Andrew DeFaria
- 1.3.4 - touch /etc/abc causes BSOD
Andrew DeFaria
- Problem with menu configuration in Cygwin
Jurgen Defurne
- CVS as pserver & modules file is not supported
Phil Dempster
- trouble running commands non-interactively (e.g. via ssh, cron, at)
Jonathan C. Detert
- patch oddities.
Jason Diamond
- patch oddities.
Jason Diamond
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
Miodrag Dimitrijevic
- Calling conventions
Miodrag Dimitrijevic
- recent rshd/mkpasswd
Bruce Dobrin
- Next version of setup.exe
Bruce Dobrin
- [c++ stl] std::string bug?
Gwenaël Durand
- possible worm in cygwin
Ebrey, Carl
- Too many open files
Kirk Erickson
- they have a new interface
- undefined reference to `<libname>_dll_a_iname' using dllwrap
Andrej Falout
- possible worm in cygwin
Chris Faulkner
- security.cc: bug report, question and suggestion
Christopher Faylor
- Why not a news server?
Christopher Faylor
- cygipc shmat bug
Christopher Faylor
- A real fork() on NT
Christopher Faylor
- A real fork() on NT
Christopher Faylor
- cywin dll src
Christopher Faylor
- switching to binmode
Christopher Faylor
- A real fork() on NT
Christopher Faylor
- /dev/registry
Christopher Faylor
- bug in cygwin perl 5.6.1?
Christopher Faylor
- A real fork() on NT
Christopher Faylor
- chmod in cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- your mail
Christopher Faylor
- /dev/registry
Christopher Faylor
- Tips?
Christopher Faylor
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Why not a news server?
Christopher Faylor
- Why not a news server?
Christopher Faylor
- Why not a news server?
Christopher Faylor
- Set up and remove registry
Christopher Faylor
- Scriptable start.exe
Christopher Faylor
- Scriptable start.exe
Christopher Faylor
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- symlinks
Christopher Faylor
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Scriptable start.exe
Christopher Faylor
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Include problems....
Christopher Faylor
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Set up and remove registry
Christopher Faylor
- xfree86
Christopher Faylor
- Question on cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Problem using xterm program
Christopher Faylor
- Downloading the entire distribution question
Christopher Faylor
- Setup Program
Christopher Faylor
- Setup Program
Christopher Faylor
- gcc-2.95.3-5.tar.bz2 is BROKEN
Christopher Faylor
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin reinstall problem
Christopher Faylor
- hwaddr
Christopher Faylor
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
Christopher Faylor
- IPv6 struct sockaddr_storage
Christopher Faylor
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
Christopher Faylor
- IPv6 struct sockaddr_storage
Christopher Faylor
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
Christopher Faylor
- FW: ksh
Christopher Faylor
- /dev/registry
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin redistribution and gpl requirements
Christopher Faylor
- at + bash
Christopher Faylor
- Quick question, please help!
Christopher Faylor
- Quick question, please help!
Christopher Faylor
- Quick question, please help!
Christopher Faylor
- at + bash
Christopher Faylor
- setup.exe
Christopher Faylor
- setup.exe
Christopher Faylor
- Sharing a single cygwin installation among multiple clients machines
Christopher Faylor
- bison 1.31 is broken...
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: bison-1.33-1
Christopher Faylor
- ash/NTserver I/O redirect problem
Christopher Faylor
- ash/NTserver I/O redirect problem
Christopher Faylor
- Problems linking against Mingw DLL
Christopher Faylor
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Christopher Faylor
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Christopher Faylor
- bash 2.05a command completion spec bug
Christopher Faylor
- RCS 5.7 (?)
Christopher Faylor
- bash 2.05a command completion spec bug
Christopher Faylor
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin gcc DLLs loaded by Visual C++ crashing - SOLVED
Christopher Faylor
- Lego IR tower USB driver vs. cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- anybody else also infected
Christopher Faylor
- anybody else also infected
Christopher Faylor
- anybody else also infected
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin gcc DLLs loaded by Visual C++ crashing - SOLVED
Christopher Faylor
- "Too many open files" problem
Christopher Faylor
- Registry freedom
Christopher Faylor
- Sharing a single cygwin installation among multiple clients machines (FAQ alert)
Christopher Faylor
- Registry freedom
Christopher Faylor
- Why not a news server?
Christopher Faylor
- how does cygwin see what user I am in windows?
Christopher Faylor
- Updating the DLL build instructions
Christopher Faylor
- Updating the DLL build instructions
Christopher Faylor
- Process handle not closed when child process terminated
Christopher Faylor
- Updating the DLL build instructions
Christopher Faylor
- Updating the DLL build instructions
Christopher Faylor
- cygreadline5.dll redux
Christopher Faylor
- cygreadline5.dll redux
Christopher Faylor
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Christopher Faylor
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Christopher Faylor
- Why not a news server?
Christopher Faylor
- Problems compiling latest snapshot - cygwin-src-20020219.tar.bz2
Christopher Faylor
- BUG with 1.3.9 : -mno-cygwin target still depends on cygwin1.dll
Christopher Faylor
- [Patch] added sh-utils/dirname backslash support
Christopher Faylor
- [BUG] Patch.exe problem report
Christopher Faylor
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Christopher Faylor
- ORBit install
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin without installing
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin gnu grep thinks text files are binary
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Christopher Faylor
- minor bugs in pthread_setcancelstate and pthread_setcanceltype
Christopher Faylor
- DLL liblCE.dll not found
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Christopher Faylor
- ssh Win98SE
Christopher Faylor
- Readdir() bug?
Christopher Faylor
- "$(dothis)" construct acts as a text tool in pipe (\r removed)
Christopher Faylor
- /dev/clipboard protection fault on Win98
Christopher Faylor
- SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
Christopher Faylor
- Next version of setup.exe
Christopher Faylor
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Christopher Faylor
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Christopher Faylor
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Christopher Faylor
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Christopher Faylor
- cygpath doubles backslashes
Christopher Faylor
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.3.10-1
Christopher Faylor
- Updated: cygwin-1.3.10-1
Christopher Faylor
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Christopher Faylor
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Christopher Faylor
- backdoor.egghead trojan in zlib-1.1.3.tar.gz
Brian & Sara Feather
- FW: ksh
Karsten Fleischer
- FW: ksh
Karsten Fleischer
- Is ksh available on cygwin
Karsten Fleischer
- cron 3.0.1-5: Win98, cron/tabs/'user' crontabs not touched
Flynn, Connor J
- Is there any way to get a UNC path to be 'mounted' from cygwin ?
Olaf Foellinger
- looking for mailcap entries to start office attachments directly
Olaf Foellinger
- looking for mailcap entries to start office attachments directly
Olaf Foellinger
- crypt 1.0-1 - Errors linking a C program
Jon Foster
- /dev/registry
Jon Foster
- MS C++ Patent (WAS: DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin)
Jon Foster
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Joshua Franklin
- cygwin Digest 15 Feb 2002 08:06:45 -0000 Issue 1759
Joshua Franklin
- cywin!
Joshua Franklin
- How to create a windows link in script?
Joshua Franklin
- cygwin!
Joshua Franklin
- How to create a windows link in script?
Joshua Franklin
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- unix to dos path conversion utility?
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- mkshortcut debugging problem
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- mkshortcut debugging problem
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- BUG with 1.3.9 : -mno-cygwin target still depends on cygwin1.dll
Vincent GOMEZ
- Parallel Port LPRng
Walter Garcia-Fontes
- Opening Apps
- cygreadline5.dll redux
James Garrison
- cygreadline5.dll redux - resolved
James Garrison
- cygreadline5.dll redux
James Garrison
- how do i simulate a null character from the keyboard?
James Garrison
- Next version of setup.exe
James Garrison
- I have found a workaround. Just change your rxvt line to read :
Offord Garry-QA3813
- sshd makeing noisy shells
Bob George
- Help changing dir with spaces...
Jonathan Gift
- Help changing dir with spaces- Uncle!
Jonathan Gift
- Passing double quotes to DOS
Richard Gilbert
- Passing double quotes to DOS
Richard Gilbert
- rxvt + login = ^C out.
Julien Gilles
- tar -f behaviour
Julien Gilles
- libtool problem
Daniel Glassey
- libtool problem
Daniel Glassey
- libtool problem
Daniel Glassey
- Bug in new Bison parser generator
David Gluss
- Bison.simple bug with MSVC
David Gluss
- bison 1.31 is broken...
David Gluss
- bison 1.31 is broken...
David Gluss
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
David Gluss
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
David Gluss
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
David Gluss
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
David Gluss
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
David Gluss
- bash 2.05a command completion spec bug
David Gluss
- I need help in order to port a library to cygwin platform
Edouard Gomez
- BUG with 1.3.9 : -mno-cygwin target still depends on cygwin1.dll
Edouard Gomez
- BUG with 1.3.9 : -mno-cygwin target still depends on cygwin1.dll
Edouard Gomez
- Set up and remove registry
Jorge Goncalvez
- symlinks
Jorge Goncalvez
- symlinks
Jorge Goncalvez
- How to stop Inetd
Jorge Goncalvez
- How to stop Inetd
Jorge Goncalvez
- anonymous ftp on WIn9x
Jorge Goncalvez
- Sprintf issue
Jorge Goncalvez
- Cygwin without installing
Jorge Goncalvez
- Windows 98 socket issue
Jorge Goncalvez
- Hi
Deshmukh N. Gopaul
- cvs -- carriage return problems with cygwin 1.3.9 and interaction with setup's text file default
Jeff Greif
- JPL Group
JPL Group
- Fonts and rxvt
Pat Gunn
- Simple Install Question
Sanjay Gupta
- Is ksh available on cygwin
Sanjay Gupta
- Is ksh available on cygwin
Sanjay Gupta
- cron problem
Sanjay Gupta
- cron problem
Sanjay Gupta
- Path Name Help
Sanjay Gupta
- Path Name Help
Sanjay Gupta
- Path Name Help
Sanjay Gupta
- bug in Cygwin perl 5.6.1?
Gerrit P. Haase
- How to set up crontab file in cygwin?
Gerrit P. Haase
- bug in Cygwin perl 5.6.1?
Gerrit P. Haase
- bug in Cygwin perl 5.6.1?
Gerrit P. Haase
- ORBit install
Gerrit P. Haase
- ORBit install
Gerrit P. Haase
- Unable to install file C:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libtool-devel-20020202-1
Ralf Habacker
- /dev/registry
Ralf Habacker
- /proc (was: Re: /dev/registry)
Ralf Habacker
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Ralf Habacker
- perl "-i" switch bug on cygwin
Ralf Habacker
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Ralf Habacker
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Ralf Habacker
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Ralf Habacker
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Ralf Habacker
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Ralf Habacker
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Ralf Habacker
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Ralf Habacker
- [Patch] added sh-utils/dirname backslash support
Ralf Habacker
- The developer's dilemma
Karin E. Hacker
- Updated: rsync-2.5.2-1
Mark Hadfield
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
William F. Hammond
- cygwin gnu grep thinks text files are binary
William F. Hammond
- Some question
Kesrin Hanprasert
- ls /cygdrive
Guy Harrison
- GCC and getcwd
Francis Harvey
- autoconf 2.52a-1: M4PATH not being honoured through wrapper script.
James Harvey
- offline installation
Jens Haug
- 1.1.3: function prototype syntax error
Jonathan Hayward
- Question about writing reports
Jonathan Hayward
- Question about writing reports
Jonathan Hayward
- 1.3.9: Headers for IPC constants
Jonathan Hayward
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Tim Heath
- dll
Jettero Heller
- SSHD startup problem and suggested fix
Jettero Heller
- dll
Jettero Heller
- dll
Jettero Heller
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Hildenbrand, Patrick
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Hildenbrand, Patrick
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Hildenbrand, Patrick
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Hildenbrand, Patrick
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Hildenbrand, Patrick
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Hildenbrand, Patrick
- od
Mark Himsley
- od
Mark Himsley
- od
Mark Himsley
- Next version of setup.exe
Mark Himsley
- auctex can only see .tex files in HOME directory
Markus Hoenicka
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Markus Hoenicka
- Getting all "man" pages?
Alan Huang
- security.cc: bug report, question and suggestion
Pierre A. Humblet
- More security issues
Pierre A. Humblet
- More security issues
Pierre A. Humblet
- More security issues
Pierre A. Humblet
- More security issues
Pierre A. Humblet
- cygwin license
- cywin dll src
- A real fork() on NT
Chris January
- A real fork() on NT
Chris January
- /dev/registry
Chris January
- A real fork() on NT
Chris January
- /proc (was: Re: /dev/registry)
Chris January
- /proc (was: Re: /dev/registry)
Chris January
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Chris January
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Chris January
- cal misspells "January"
Chris January
- Problem with ~
Chris January
- how does cygwin see what user I am in windows?
Chris January
- Process handle not closed when child process terminated
Chris January
- Problem with ~
Chris January
- Problems compiling latest snapshot - cygwin-src-20020219.tar.bz2
Chris January
- BUG with 1.3.9 : -mno-cygwin target still depends on cygwin1.dll
Chris January
- debugging problem
Chris January
- ls /cygdrive
Chris January
- A real fork() on NT
Christopher January
- Cygwin website
Christopher January
- Problem starting _any_ service with cygrunsrv under WinXP
Gorm Jorgensen
- RPM, MSI installer questions
Tristan Juricek
- AW: make hello gives core dumped
- AW: problems with bash
- AW: Re[2]: Sprintf issue
- AW: The developer's dilemma
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: wget-1.8-1
Hack Kampbjørn
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: wget-1.8-1
Hack Kampbjørn
- Porting SSHD to WinNT
Hack Kampbjørn
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: wget-1.8.1-1
Hack Kampbjørn
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Hack Kampbjørn
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Hack Kampbjørn
- 1.3.9: running lynx gives error about cygintl.dll not found
Hack Kampbjørn
- unable to locate CYGINTL.DLL dependency
Hack Kampbjørn
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Hack Kampbjørn
- How can I get Cygwin to see the NT ERRORLEVEL Environment Variable
Hack Kampbjørn
- tar -f behaviour
Hack Kampbjørn
- VIM in rxvt
Hack Kampbjørn
- wget-1.8-1
Hack Kampbjørn
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Hack Kampbjørn
- LINES environment variable
Ehud Karni
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Ehud Karni
- Help changing dir with spaces...
Ehud Karni
- Help changing dir with spaces- Uncle!
Ehud Karni
- "OpenSSH, Cygwin, eXceed, and SIGINT" thread ever resolved?
Brian P Kasper
- bash, background java VMs and ctrl-C
Brian P Kasper
- setup
Brian Keener
- Cygintl-1 not found
Brian Keener
- wget-1.8-1
Steve Kelem
- Limits?
Jan Kellmer
- process handling
Jens Kessmeier
- Bash screen output pauses....
Peter Klemm
- mkpasswd
David Kohn
- Sharing a single cygwin installation among multiple clients machines
David Kohn
- Sharing a single cygwin installation among multiple clients machines
David Kohn
- cron, crontab question
David Kohn
- Strange output from ps -W, (\\?\?, \??\)
Markus K. E. Kommant
- automatic TZ env-variable in localtime "problem" with W2000-germa n
Markus K. E. Kommant
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Markus K. E. Kommant
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Markus K. E. Kommant
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Markus K. E. Kommant
- rxvt and text output problems
Axel Kowald
- bangin chicks ri3c8
- Return code when cygwin1.dll not found
Tracy A. Kuhrt
- Status of Inventor on CygWin
Piyush Kumar
- cygwin1.dll & cygz.dll is a virus
Joel P. Kuntz
- Running Squid using cygrunsrv
Sindhu Kurnia
- Running Squid using cygrunsrv
Sindhu Kurnia
- Running Squid using cygrunsrv
Sindhu Kurnia
- Running Squid using cygrunsrv
Sindhu Kurnia
- Problem in writing to the modem
Bhanu AN Kurpad
- DLL liblCE.dll not found
- undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
Dan Kyhl
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
Dan Kyhl
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
Dan Kyhl
- undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
Dan Kyhl
- rxvt win32 fixes
Christian LESTRADE
- 1.3.4 - touch /etc/abc causes BSOD
Lagstein, Yossi
- 1.3.4 - touch /etc/abc causes BSOD
Lagstein, Yossi
- 1.3.4 - touch /etc/abc causes BSOD
Lagstein, Yossi
- SSH Daemon startup fail
Michael Lang
- SSHD startup problem and suggested fix
Michael Lang
- SSHD startup problem and suggested fix
Michael Lang
- Is there any way to get a UNC path to be 'mounted' from cygwin ?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- gcc broken in 1.3.9 ?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- gcc broken in 1.3.9 ?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Why not a news server?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Why not a news server?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Why not a news server?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- gcc broken in 1.3.9 ?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- proper version of dll
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- serveral questions regarding passwd and group on NT
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- opengl and cygwin
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- serveral questions regarding passwd and group on NT
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- opengl and cygwin
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- /dev/registry
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Why not a news server?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Tips?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Cygwin memory problems
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- bug report: cygwin lib can't recover after out of memory
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Error reports and queries
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Control-C in Windows command line programs
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Problem with scanf and float under Cygwin on Windows ME Operating System
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- gdi+ question
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- HELP: java path and classpath question
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Access '.BAT' executables via $PATH without typing '.BAT'?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- how to create a new user
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- anonymous ftp on WIn9x
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- cygwin C++ DLLs and inter-operation with M$OFT
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- updating packages/utilities
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- anybody else also infected
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- [BUG] Patch.exe problem report
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- minor bug - No ".." directory gives error in ls
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Second Request: gdb in xfree86: ^C
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- anybody else also infected
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- anybody else also infected
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- anybody else also infected
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- anybody else also infected
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- question on the cygwin setup command
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- cygwin1.dll & cygz.dll is a virus
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- updating packages/utilities
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- mkpasswd
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Origin of gcc sources
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- cvs -- carriage return problems with cygwin 1.3.9 and interaction with setup's text file default
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- od
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- 1.3.9: running lynx gives error about cygintl.dll not found
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Make 3.79.1 - dependency checking & previous versions
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Getting all "man" pages?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- how do i simulate a null character from the keyboard?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Getting all "man" pages?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Cygwin without installing
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Make 3.79.1 - dependency checking & previous versions
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- dumb question: where is gcc?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- debugging problem
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Too many open files
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Help to link a prog static with libcurl, libssl and libcrypto.
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Building gcc-2.8.1 cross compiler.
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Building gcc-2.8.1 cross compiler.
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Help changing dir with spaces...
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Help changing dir with spaces...
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- script
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Path Name Help
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Path Name Help
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Is the Cygwin 1.3.2 DLL Win 2000 compatible?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Is the Cygwin 1.3.2 DLL Win 2000 compatible?
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Question on Cygwin
- Help to link a prog static with libcurl, libssl and libcrypto.
Alexander Lazic
- DLL a question
Nguyen Minh Le
- cygwin 1.3.9 login problem
Vadim Lebedev
- BUG: cygwin-1.3.3+: Using ASH to executing .com files -- causes Invalid Page Fault
Timothy Lee
- cygwin-1.3.3+: Using ASH to executing .com files -- causes Invalid Page Fault
Timothy Lee
- dll
Jon Leichter
- DLL a question
Jon Leichter
- /dev/registry
Lapo Luchini
- /dev/registry
Lapo Luchini
- cygwin redistribution and gpl requirements
Lapo Luchini
- IPv6 struct sockaddr_storage
Lapo Luchini
- Program behaves differently when called from script.
Lapo Luchini
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: rsync-2.5.2-1
Lapo Luchini
- Updated: rsync-2.5.2-1
Lapo Luchini
- cygpath doubles backslashes
Lapo Luchini
- Updated: cygwin-1.3.10-1
Lapo Luchini
- 1.3.10 and setgid
Lapo Luchini
- 1.3.10 and setgid
Lapo Luchini
- 1.3.10 and setgid
Lapo Luchini
- Virtual Timers / Clock unsupported?
- Win32 Core for Cygwin-Perl [was: Is window manipulation available in perl?]
Neil Lunn
- SSH Readme file
Karl M
- /c/cygwin/usr/doc/cygwin/openssh-3.0.2p1-5.README
Karl M
- cygrunsrv patch proposal
Karl M
- cygrunsrv patch proposal
Karl M
- cygrunsrv patch proposal
Karl M
- opengl and cygwin
Antonio MATTA
- backdoor.egghead found in cygwin1.dll ?
- Cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Mack, Daemian
- Cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Mack, Daemian
- Cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Mack, Daemian
- cygwin Registry Entries and Scriptability?
Mack, Daemian
- Cygwin without installing (Offtopic)
Mack, Daemian
- rxvt in my cygwin.bat file..
Alex Malinovich
- I have found a workaround. Just change your rxvt line to read :
Alex Malinovich
- how does cygwin see what user I am in windows?
Alex Malinovich
- how do i simulate a null character from the keyboard?
Ethan Mallove
- Cygwin seg faults using dyn. memory
Ethan Mallove
- inputstream!
Pramod Mambalam
- rxvt in my cygwin.bat file..
Michael F. March
- /dev/registry
Michael F. March
- I have found a workaround. Just change your rxvt line to read:
Michael F. March
- I have found a workaround. Just change your rxvt line to read:
Michael F. March
- cal misspells "January"
Michael F. March
- Problem compiling a multicast program
Ph. Marek
- Problem compiling - unix compatible but using winsock2
Ph. Marek
- Why not a news server?
Stephano Mariani
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Stephano Mariani
- Strange output from ps -W
Stephano Mariani
- "LINES" environment variable
Stephano Mariani
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Stephano Mariani
- "LINES" environment variable
Stephano Mariani
- "LINES" environment variable
Stephano Mariani
- "LINES" environment variable
Stephano Mariani
- How do I export only specific symbols? What name should I pass to lt_dlopen?
Stephano Mariani
- Specifying a .def file for use with libtools libraries
Stephano Mariani
- Specifying a .def file for use with libtools libraries
Stephano Mariani
- Specifying a .def file for use with libtools libraries
Stephano Mariani
- proftpd on cygwin?
Stephano Mariani
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
Stephano Mariani
- Converting forward slashes to backward slashes
Stephano Mariani
- unix to dos path conversion utility?
Stephano Mariani
- Bug in new Bison parser generator
Andrew Markebo
- Cygwin as a telnet command shell...
Andrew Markebo
- backdoor.egghead trojan in zlib-1.1.3.tar.gz
Andrew Markebo
- how does cygwin see what user I am in windows?
Andrew Markebo
- Order of -l on the command line, compared to linux..
Andrew Markebo
- Fwd: Re: Core dumped just only with strcat!
Andrew Markebo
- SHELL env not exported in bash
Andrew Markebo
- Binary size
Andrew Markebo
- 1.3.9: rsync over ssh stalls
Andrew Markebo
- clisp as a shell
Andrew Markebo
- less: not found error
Rashmi Mathew
- Question
Cesar Escobar Maya
Cesar Escobar Maya
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Simon McCaughey
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Simon McCaughey
- how do i simulate a null character from the keyboard?
Dennis McCunney
- Looking for sources to ping.c ported to cygwin
Paul McFerrin
- ksh
Paul McFerrin
- Sharing a single cygwin installation among multiple clients machines
Paul McFerrin
- My shutdown script - it works!
Paul McFerrin
- Cygwin without installing
Paul McFerrin
- cygwin gnu grep thinks text files are binary
Paul McFerrin
- Keyboard mapping
Paul McFerrin
- Error: init_cygheap""etc_changed: Can't open /etc for checking, Win32 error 50
Paul McFerrin
- Error: init_cygheap""etc_changed: Can't open /etc for checking, Win32 error 50
Paul McFerrin
- chmod in cygwin
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- Removing registry entries
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- minor bug - No ".." directory gives error in ls
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- How to create a windows link in script?
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- DLL a question
McLeod, John
- dumb question: where is gcc?
D. Mckenzie
- at + bash
David Means
- Sprintf issue
David Means
- Is window manipulation available in perl?
Robert Mecklenburg
- regtool doesn't support REG_BINARY?
Robert Mecklenburg
- Program behaves differently when called from script.
Rodrigo Medina
- cygrunsrv
paul van der Meij
- Lego IR tower USB driver vs. Cygwin
Graham Menhennitt
- Best way to run SSHD, cron, etc, on Win9x?
ARM Instrument Mentor
- bash, background java VMs and ctrl-C
Jeff Meredith
- bash, background java VMs and ctrl-C
Jeff Meredith
- SSH fails - Connection refused
Chuck Messenger
- Best way to run SSHD, etc., on Win9x?
Chuck Messenger
- Contrib: cygwin shutdown script (Re: 'shutdown', games)
Chuck Messenger
- TCSH startup scripts failure
- setup.exe
- cal misspells "January"
Paul Milazzo
- chmod in cygwin
John Miller
- How to utilize PowerPC pre-existing flash resident code ???
Jon Miller
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grep-2.5g
Jeff Mincy
- Fw: Why not a news server?
Greg Mosier
- Why not a news server?
Greg Mosier
- FW: Updated: rxvt-2.7.2-8
Greg Mosier
- Why not a news server?
Greg Mosier
- Why not a news server?
Greg Mosier
- A real fork() on NT
Greg Mosier
- A real fork() on NT
Greg Mosier
- /dev/registry
Greg Mosier
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Greg Mosier
- /proc (was: Re: /dev/registry)
Stephan Mueller
- a problem with search path? (was: Multiple backslashes)
Stephan Mueller
- a problem with search path? (was: Multiple backslashes)
Stephan Mueller
- a problem with search path? (was: Multiple backslashes)
Stephan Mueller
- How to create a windows link in script?
Stephan Mueller
- [BUG] Patch.exe problem report
Pierre Muller
- gdb in xfree86: ^C
Pierre Muller
- SHELL env not exported in bash
Pierre Muller
- Cygwin strange behavior report
Pierre Muller
- SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
Scott Mulroy
- SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
Scott Mulroy
- SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
Scott Mulroy
- Origin of gcc sources
Ildar Mulyukov
- Problem with ~
Colm Aengus Murphy
- Strange behaviour of vpath with dos paths
Colm Aengus Murphy
- Strange behaviour of vpath with dos paths
Colm Aengus Murphy
- Using windows graphics routines
Paul Dilip K NPRI
- Using windows graphics routines from cygwin
Paul Dilip K NPRI
- Access '.BAT' executables via $PATH without typing '.BAT'?
Peter Nann
- ÃòÃûâ²á¡¢ÃéÃâÃ÷»ú¡¢ÃÃÃÃÃþá¢ÃÃÃý¨Ã¾¡¢´úÃÃõÃñûÃõÃú£¬Ãâ·Ã
Today's Network
- od
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- Building gcc-2.8.1 cross compiler.
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- NAV deletes cygwin1.dll
Nolte, Brendan
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Katherina O'Connor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: rxvt-2.7.2-10
Steve O
- CVS and SSL support
C. R. Oldham
- Problems upgrading from 2.95.3-5 to 3.X on cygwin
Alexandre Oliva
- vi and nano running under rxvt term.
Aaron J. Outhier
- Core dumped just only with strcat!
Dani P.
- Core dumped just only with strcat!
Dani P.
- Calling JVM from cygwin
Pasch, Thomas (ACTGRO)
- CVS as pserver & modules file is not supported
Stephane Passignat
- 1.3.9: rsync daemon 2.5.1 broken
- 1.3.9: rsync daemon 2.5.1 broken
- 1.3.9: rsync daemon 2.5.1 broken
- 1.3.9: rsync daemon 2.5.1 broken
- Is there any way to get a UNC path to be 'mounted' from cygwin ?
Jean-Marc Paulin
- Cygwin as a telnet command shell...
Jean-Marc Paulin
- /dev/registry
Gareth Pearce
- setup.exe
Gareth Pearce
- setup.exe
Gareth Pearce
- Cygwin seg faults using dyn. memory
Gareth Pearce
- tar 1.13.19-1: extraction of a .tar.gz file with -xvz ends with "tar: Archive value 4178575360 is out of off_t range 0..2147483647"
- tar 1.13.19-1: extraction of a .tar.gz file with -xvz ends w ith "tar: Archive value 4178575360 is out of off_t range 0..2147483647"
- Updated: bison-1.33-1
Francisco y Luis Murillo Piedrahita
- Where can I get cygwin 1.1.8 full distribution...
Pinard, Jeffrey (CM Toolsmith)
- Getting all "man" pages?
Brett Porter
- script
Douglas Porter
- MSVC++ compatible import library - HOW?
Victor Porton
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Robert Praetorius
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Robert Praetorius
- SOTBOMT Re: dumb question: where is gcc?
Robert Praetorius
- tar 1.13.19-1: extraction of a .tar file results in 1312 lines of "tar: Archive value 72141 is out of uid_t range 0..65535"
Kiran Prakash
- problem with libz.a
Prateek, Arora (MED)
- uncompress utility
Tim Prince
- Problems upgrading from 2.95.3-5 to 3.X on cygwin
Tim Prince
- Did anyone ever have success porting sgtty.h?
Scott Prive
- "LINES" environment variable
Scott Prive
- trouble running commands non-interactively (e.g. via ssh, cron, at)
Scott Prive
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
- setup-2002-01-27-1.exe clips text
Volker Quetschke
- cvs: Terminated with fatal signal 6
Volker Quetschke
- cvs: Terminated with fatal signal 6
Volker Quetschke
- cvs: Terminated with fatal signal 6
Volker Quetschke
- cvs: Terminated with fatal signal 6
Volker Quetschke
- Next version of setup.exe
Volker Quetschke
- tar: Child died with signal 13
Volker Quetschke
- Child died with signal 13
Volker Quetschke
- client hangs?
Chandrasekhar R
- 1.3.9: Bash and Telnet / Redirection / Here documents and Redirecting input problem
- Bash and Telnet / Redirection / Here documents and Redirecting input problem
- setup.exe V2.125.2.10 cannot install from local directory
Thomas Rachel
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Chet Ramey
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Chet Ramey
- Proposed patch for bash (completion spec problem related)
Chet Ramey
- How can I get Cygwin to see the NT ERRORLEVEL Environment Variable
Rick Rankin
- 1.3.9: "fork: Permission denied" (Windows 2000)
Reddie, Steven
- memory leak? (was: 1.3.9: "fork: Permission denied" (Windows 2000 ))
Reddie, Steven
- Cron v3.0.1-5 setup issue w/ Cygwin v1.3.6
Craig Rees
- Cron v3.0.1-5 setup issue w/ Cygwin v1.3.6
Craig Rees
- Checking for CC
- Possible patch for gdbm
AJ Reins
- Another possible patch for gdbm.
AJ Reins
- Possible patch for bc
AJ Reins
- Possible patch for gdb
AJ Reins
- Proposed patch for bash (completion spec problem related)
AJ Reins
- Possible patch for time
AJ Reins
- Proposed patch for bash (completion spec problem related)
AJ Reins
- Can't run bison
Agnar Renolen
- setup
Bjoern Kahl AG Resy
- 1.3.10 and setgid
Bjoern Kahl AG Resy
- printing from cygwin-xfree remote printer
Bernard Revet
- Converting forward slashes to backward slashes
Tommy Reynolds
- ORBit install
Glenn Rice
- ORBit install
Glenn Rice
- issue: parallel rsh'd makes on >=2GHz P4's stalling
Hayden Ridenour
- issue: parallel rsh'd makes on >=2GHz P4's stalling
Hayden Ridenour
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ghostscript-6.51-3
Peter Ring
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Peter Ring
- Win32::API perl module
Daniel R Risacher
- perl "-i" switch bug on cygwin
Robinow, David
- Multiple backslashes
Robinow, David
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
Robinow, David
- Binary size
Robinow, David
- Cygwin without installing
Robinow, David
- [c++ stl] std::string bug?
Robinow, David
- Help changing dir with spaces...
Robinow, David
- Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
Robinow, David
- how to remap backspace and delete keys for 'info'?
Thomas L Roche
- Emacs for Cygwin
Thomas L Roche
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Benoit Rochefort
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Benoit Rochefort
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Benoit Rochefort
- perl "-i" switch bug on cygwin
Benoit Rochefort
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Benoit Rochefort
- "Too many open files" problem
Benoit Rochefort
- "Too many open files" problem
Benoit Rochefort
- "Too many open files" problem
Benoit Rochefort
- "$(dothis)" construct acts as a text tool in pipe (\r removed)
Tom Rodman
- Fwd: Re: Core dumped just only with strcat!
Kurt Roeckx
- Fwd: Re: Core dumped just only with strcat!
Kurt Roeckx
- Tips?
- Tips?
- Core dumped just only with strcat!
Eugene Rosenzweig
- Child died with signal 13
Eugene Rosenzweig
- tar -f behaviour
Eugene Rosenzweig
- FW: Updated: rxvt-2.7.2-8
Roth, Kevin P.
- Updating the DLL build instructions
Roth, Kevin P.
- od
Roth, Kevin P.
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
David Rothenberger
- Updated: cygwin-1.3.10-1
Pascal Rouchon
- print command setting in config.ps for cygwin
Gene C. Ruzicka
- print command setting in config.ps for cygwin
Gene C. Ruzicka
- Too many open files
David Ryan
- Building gcc-2.8.1 cross compiler.
David Ryan
- Building gcc-2.8.1 cross compiler.
David Ryan
- Building gcc-2.8.1 cross compiler.
David Ryan
- uncompress utility
- cvs question
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
- "cygregex.dll could not be found"
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Ryan T. Sammartino
- how to create a new user
Ryan T. Sammartino
- how to create a new user
Ryan T. Sammartino
- 1.3.9: rsync over ssh stalls
Ryan T. Sammartino
- 1.3.9: rsync over ssh stalls
Ryan T. Sammartino
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Prakriteswar Santikary
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Prakriteswar Santikary
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Prakriteswar Santikary
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Prakriteswar Santikary
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Prakriteswar Santikary
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Prakriteswar Santikary
- install 'cron' packages in cygwin
Prakriteswar Santikary
- setup-2002-01-27-1.exe clips text
Michael Schaap
- rxvt and <Backspace> (again)
Michael Schaap
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Michael Schaap
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Michael Schaap
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygutils-0.9.9-1
Michael Schaap
- symlinks
Schaible, Jorg
- virus warning
Schlichtemeier, Joel
- Problems trying to build mc
Frank Schmitt
- Problems trying to build mc
Frank Schmitt
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Andrew T. Schnable
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Andrew T. Schnable
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Andrew T. Schnable
- not found error
Andrew T. Schnable
- Is ksh available on cygwin
Andrew T. Schnable
- sem_trywait returns EAGAIN (rather than returning -1 and setting errno)
Andrew T. Schnable
- SSHD startup problem and suggested fix
Benn Schreiber
- Why not a news server?
Randall R Schulz
- Set up and remove registry
Randall R Schulz
- /dev/registry
Randall R Schulz
- how can I compile my code to run in windows ??
Randall R Schulz
- Followup: at + bash
Randall R Schulz
- Multiple backslashes
Randall R Schulz
- Multiple backslashes
Randall R Schulz
- Multiple backslashes
Randall R Schulz
- Multiple backslashes
Randall R Schulz
- a problem with search path? (was: Multiple backslashes)
Randall R Schulz
- HELP: java path and classpath question
Randall R Schulz
- "LINES" environment variable
Randall R Schulz
- HELP: java path and classpath question
Randall R Schulz
- shell script returning a value
Randall R Schulz
- anybody else also infected
Randall R Schulz
- anybody else also infected
Randall R Schulz
- 2/13 PM NAV update
Randall R Schulz
- 2/13 PM NAV update [Correction]
Randall R Schulz
- 2/13 PM NAV update [Correction of Corrections]
Randall R Schulz
- 'shutdown', games
Randall R Schulz
- Question
Randall R Schulz
- Some question
Randall R Schulz
- HELP: java path and classpath question
Randall R Schulz
- inetd utilities startup
Randall R Schulz
- Why not a news server?
Randall R Schulz
- od
Randall R Schulz
- How to create a windows link in script?
Randall R Schulz
- od
Randall R Schulz
- cygwin!
Randall R Schulz
- how do i simulate a null character from the keyboard?
Randall R Schulz
- Child died with signal 13
Randall R Schulz
- Terminal Emulator & Mouse
Randall R Schulz
- rxvt & custom fonts
Randall R Schulz
- Terminal Emulator & Mouse
Randall R Schulz
- auctex can only see .tex files in HOME directory
Scott, Steven
- bug report: cygwin lib can't recover after out of memory
Frank Seide
- lock down cygwin1.dl in memory to avoid paging in a network installation?
Frank Seide
- Sharing a single cygwin installation among multiple clients machines
Frank Seide
- Unix style ping
AM Shaikh
- Terminal Emulator & Mouse
AM Shaikh
- setup-2002-01-27-1.exe clips text
Don Sharp
- at + bash
Don Sharp
- cygpath doubles backslashes
Don Sharp
- cygpath doubles backslashes
Don Sharp
- Make 3.79.1 - dependency checking & previous versions
Mark Sheppard
- Cygwin 1.3.9 resource problem?
Kern Sibbald
- /dev/registry
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Set up and remove registry
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Scriptable start.exe
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Scriptable start.exe
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Setup Program
Gary R. Van Sickle
- bison 1.31 is broken...
Gary R. Van Sickle
- FW: bison 1.31 is broken...
Gary R. Van Sickle
- how to create a new user
Gary R. Van Sickle
- anybody else also infected
Gary R. Van Sickle
- cvs -- carriage return problems with cygwin 1.3.9 and interaction with setup's text file default
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Cygwin without installing
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Cygwin without installing
Gary R. Van Sickle
- proper version of dll
Suhaib Siddiqi
- Quick question, please help!
- Quick question, please help!
- ttcp successfully compiled
Stanislav Sinyagin
- ttcp package is out
Stanislav Sinyagin
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: ttcp-19980512-1
Stanislav Sinyagin
- cygwin-announce mail delivery problem: koldark@startrek.net
Stanislav Sinyagin
- undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
Danny Smith
- sshd makeing noisy shells
Lucas Smith
- login problems and RSA authentication
Lucas Smith
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: textutils-2.0.21-1
Matthew Smith
- gcc broken in 1.3.9 ?
Phil Smith
- undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
Ross Smith
- Next version of setup.exe
Ross Smith
- Help changing dir with spaces- Uncle!
Ross Smith
- How to rebuild base packages?
Steve Snyder
- 1.3.9: running lynx gives error about cygintl.dll not found
Ernie Soffronoff
Sosa, Angel
- bug in /etc/profile.d/openssl.csh
Ralph Sperschneider
- CVS with pserver: Binary files get corrupted
Holger Spielmann
- Solution for pserver problem (was: Re: CVS with pserver: Binary files get corrupted)
Holger Spielmann
- Problem using xterm program
Richard Stanton
- chmod in cygwin
David Starks-Browning
- rxvt and text output problems
David Starks-Browning
- cvs: Terminated with fatal signal 6
David Starks-Browning
- 1.3.9: rsync daemon 2.5.1 broken
David Starks-Browning
- anybody else also infected
David Starks-Browning
- correction to Cygwin FAQ: uninstall all
David Starks-Browning
- Build a residual income ....
2002 Stars
- switching to binmode
Chris Stephens
- unix to dos path conversion utility?
Chris Stephens
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Piotr Stepien
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Piotr Stepien
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Piotr Stepien
- Error: "... sync_with_child ..." using scripts on WinNT 4 SP6
Matthias Steppuhn
- SSHD configuration
Ilya Sterin
- crypt 1.0-1 - Errors linking a C program
Ben Stewart
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Piotr Stępień
- XP/g77 ``Couldn't duplicate my handle...''
Bert Sweetman
- XP/g77 ``Couldn't duplicate my handle...''
Bert Sweetman
- ipc.h msg.h lock.h
Tandon, Abhinav
- install command bug
Sergio Tessaris
- postgresql init scripts
- postgresql init scripts
- Odd problem with rxvt.
- New on sources: rcs-5.7-1
Jason Tishler
- postgresql init scripts
Jason Tishler
- postgresql init scripts
Jason Tishler
- looking for mailcap entries to start office attachments directly
Jason Tishler
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: postgresql-7.2-2
Jason Tishler
- bash 2.05a command completion spec bug
Jason Tishler
- Updated: postgresql-7.2-2
Jason Tishler
- bash 2.05a command completion spec bug
Jason Tishler
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: postgresql-7.2-2
Jason Tishler
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
Jason Tishler
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
Jason Tishler
- print command setting in config.ps for cygwin
Jason Tishler
- Your Cygwin question / cygreadline
Jason Tishler
- Proposed patch for bash (completion spec problem related)
Jason Tishler
- Creating a local mirror for setup.exe
Jason Tishler
- Threaded Cygwin Python Problem (was Re: Creating a local mirror ...)
Jason Tishler
- Threaded Cygwin Python Problem (was Re: Creating a local mirror ...)
Jason Tishler
- New on sources: rcs-5.7-1
Stipe Tolj
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: rcs-5.7-2
Stipe Tolj
- [BUG] inter-process signaling of non-special signals breaks
Stipe Tolj
- [BUG] inter-process signaling of non-special signals breaks
Stipe Tolj
- [BUG] inter-process signaling of non-special signals breaks
Stipe Tolj
- updating packages/utilities
Dave Trollope
- gcc broken in 1.3.9 ?
Pavel Tsekov
- Can't create new file/directory
Pavel Tsekov
- gcc broken in 1.3.9 ?
Pavel Tsekov
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Pavel Tsekov
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Pavel Tsekov
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
Pavel Tsekov
- /proc (was: Re: /dev/registry)
Pavel Tsekov
- Passing double quotes to DOS
Pavel Tsekov
- CHMOD - Still having problems !!
Pavel Tsekov
- Passing double quotes to DOS
Pavel Tsekov
- CHMOD - Still having problems !!
Pavel Tsekov
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Pavel Tsekov
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Pavel Tsekov
- Core dumped just only with strcat!
Pavel Tsekov
- Sprintf issue
Pavel Tsekov
- Core dumped just only with strcat!
Pavel Tsekov
- Fwd: Re: Core dumped just only with strcat!
Pavel Tsekov
- No home directory on fresh setup
Pavel Tsekov
- tar 1.13.19-1: extraction of a .tar.gz file with -xvz ends with "tar: Archive value 4178575360 is out of off_t range 0..2147483647"
Pavel Tsekov
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
Pavel Tsekov
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
Pavel Tsekov
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
Pavel Tsekov
- Unable to install file C:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe
Pavel Tsekov
- 1.4.5 gnu sort 2.0.16 extremely slow under Win98 (tiny default buffer)
Patrick Tufts
- Bug: fhandler_base::dup: (W2K, php, 1.3.9 dll) + work around
Frank Tuijnman
- bug in Cygwin perl 5.6.1?
Rhet Turnbull
- bug in Cygwin perl 5.6.1?
Rhet Turnbull
- Cygwin without installing
John A. Turner
- Next version of setup.exe
John A. Turner
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
John A. Turner
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
John A. Turner
- CHMOD - Still having problems !!
Turner, Nicholas
- CHMOD - Still having problems !!
Turner, Nicholas
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Lassi A. Tuura
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Lassi A. Tuura
- cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs
Lassi A. Tuura
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Lassi A. Tuura
- cygwin build fails ootb
Reini Urban
- /dev/registry
Gerald Villemure
- /dev/registry
Gerald Villemure
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Norman Vine
- Avail for test: tiff-3.5.7-1
Norman Vine
- Threaded Cygwin Python Problem (was Re: Creating a local mirror ...)
Norman Vine
- security.cc: bug report, question and suggestion
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ash-20020131-1
Corinna Vinschen
- bug in /etc/profile.d/openssl.csh
Corinna Vinschen
- security.cc: bug report, question and suggestion
Corinna Vinschen
- Cron v3.0.1-5 setup issue w/ Cygwin v1.3.6
Corinna Vinschen
- Cron v3.0.1-5 setup issue w/ Cygwin v1.3.6
Corinna Vinschen
- /dev/registry
Corinna Vinschen
- chmod in cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- chmod in cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- login
Corinna Vinschen
- inetd -- service wont start at boottime on Win XP (add me to the pile)
Corinna Vinschen
- How to stop Inetd
Corinna Vinschen
- /etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny
Corinna Vinschen
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Corinna Vinschen
- /etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny
Corinna Vinschen
- SSHD configuration
Corinna Vinschen
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Corinna Vinschen
- OT: MS Visual C++ Makefiles
Corinna Vinschen
- Getting crypt to work under RedHat 7.1?
Corinna Vinschen
- More security issues
Corinna Vinschen
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Corinna Vinschen
- unix domain socket with shared memory ?
Corinna Vinschen
- how to create a new user
Corinna Vinschen
- [BUG] inter-process signaling of non-special signals breaks
Corinna Vinschen
- More security issues
Corinna Vinschen
- [BUG] inter-process signaling of non-special signals breaks
Corinna Vinschen
- Lego IR tower USB driver vs. Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- TCSH startup scripts failure
Corinna Vinschen
- Proposed patch for bash (completion spec problem related)
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tcsh-6.11.00-4
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: bash-2.05a-3
Corinna Vinschen
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Corinna Vinschen
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Corinna Vinschen
- [BUG] Patch.exe problem report
Corinna Vinschen
- Question about writing reports
Corinna Vinschen
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Corinna Vinschen
- tar 1.13.19-1: extraction of a .tar.gz file with -xvz ends w ith "tar: Archive value 4178575360 is out of off_t range 0..2147483647"
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin-announce mail delivery problem: koldark@startrek.net
Corinna Vinschen
- recvfrom and timeout signal
Corinna Vinschen
- More security issues
Corinna Vinschen
- SSH Readme file
Corinna Vinschen
- cygrunsrv patch proposal
Corinna Vinschen
- /c/cygwin/usr/doc/cygwin/openssh-3.0.2p1-5.README
Corinna Vinschen
- cygrunsrv patch proposal
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.95-1
Corinna Vinschen
- 1.3.10 and setgid
Corinna Vinschen
- cygrunsrv (stop error in cygwin app)
Andrea Viscovich
- WG: Binary size
Sturm Volker
- No home directory on fresh setup
Vorst, Jan van der
- No home directory on fresh setup
Vorst, Jan van der
- No home directory on fresh setup
Vorst, Jan van der
- inetd.exe
Dave Waller
- inetd.exe in the system tray
Dave Waller
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Kent Watsen
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Kent Watsen
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Kent Watsen
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Kent Watsen
- Readdir() bug?
John William
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
Gerald S. Williams
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
Gerald S. Williams
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Gerald S. Williams
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Gerald S. Williams
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Gerald S. Williams
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
Gerald S. Williams
- Creating a local mirror for setup.exe
Gerald S. Williams
- Threaded Cygwin Python Problem (was Re: Creating a local mirror ...)
Gerald S. Williams
- problems with gdbm ????
Charles Wilson
- Why not a news server?
Charles Wilson
- Why not a news server?
Charles Wilson
- /dev/registry
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libtool-devel-20020202-1
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libtool-devel-20020202-1
Charles Wilson
- numerical values in makefile ?
Charles Wilson
- cvs: Terminated with fatal signal 6
Charles Wilson
- Problem with scanf and float under Cygwin on Windows ME Operating System
Charles Wilson
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
Charles Wilson
- Question on cygwin
Charles Wilson
- Setup Program
Charles Wilson
- gcc-2.95.3-5.tar.bz2 is BROKEN
Charles Wilson
- problem with libz.a
Charles Wilson
- problem with libz.a
Charles Wilson
- cygwin redistribution and gpl requirements
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: jbigkit-1.2-6
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: jpeg-6b-6
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: jbigkit-1.2-6
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: jpeg-6b-6
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: jpeg-6b-7
Charles Wilson
- cygwin + libjpeg [C++] linking problem
Charles Wilson
- Close to libiconv now?
Charles Wilson
- Cygwin CVS
Charles Wilson
- Quick question, please help!
Charles Wilson
- Avail for test: tiff-3.5.7-1
Charles Wilson
- [ANN] Updated dllhelpers package
Charles Wilson
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
Charles Wilson
- setup.exe
Charles Wilson
- How does setup.exe (without setup.ini) distinguish between different versions of the same file?
Charles Wilson
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
Charles Wilson
- "Best" way to build a DLL?
Charles Wilson
- CVS with pserver: Binary files get corrupted
Charles Wilson
- CVS with pserver: Binary files get corrupted
Charles Wilson
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
Charles Wilson
- CVS as pserver & modules file is not supported
Charles Wilson
- CVS as pserver & modules file is not supported
Charles Wilson
- Avail for test: tiff-3.5.7-1
Charles Wilson
- backdoor.egghead trojan in zlib-1.1.3.tar.gz
Charles Wilson
- Possible patch for gdbm
Charles Wilson
- How do I export only specific symbols? What name should I pass to lt_dlopen?
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tiff-3.5.7-1
Charles Wilson
- backdoor.egghead found in cygwin1.dll ?
Charles Wilson
- Specifying a .def file for use with libtools libraries
Charles Wilson
- Specifying a .def file for use with libtools libraries
Charles Wilson
- Updating the DLL build instructions
Charles Wilson
- print command setting in config.ps for cygwin
Charles Wilson
- cygreadline5.dll redux
Charles Wilson
- BUG with 1.3.9 : -mno-cygwin target still depends on cygwin1.dll
Charles Wilson
- Avail for test: gdbm-1.8.0-4
Charles Wilson
- 1.3.9: running lynx gives error about cygintl.dll not found
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ghostscript-6.51-3
Charles Wilson
- [BUG] Patch.exe problem report
Charles Wilson
- ttcp package is out
Charles Wilson
- 1.3.9: Headers for IPC constants
Charles Wilson
- unable to locate CYGINTL.DLL dependency
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygutils-0.9.9-1
Charles Wilson
- Avail for test: gdbm-1.8.0-4
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygutils-0.9.9-1
Charles Wilson
- Next version of setup.exe
Charles Wilson
- Fonts and rxvt
Charles Wilson
- ipc.h msg.h lock.h
Charles Wilson
- Fonts and rxvt
Charles Wilson
- lock.h
Charles Wilson
- Parallel Port LPRng
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gdbm-1.8.0-4
Charles Wilson
- Cygintl-1 not found
Charles Wilson
- problem about cygintl.dll
Charles Wilson
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Charles Wilson
- CVS Problems: Updated: gdbm-1.8.0-4
Charles Wilson
- Terminal Emulator & Mouse
Charles Wilson
- CVS Problems: Updated: gdbm-1.8.0-4
Charles Wilson
- Terminal Emulator & Mouse
Charles Wilson
- Terminal Emulator & Mouse
Charles Wilson
- mkshortcut debugging problem
Charles Wilson
- Problem with scanf and float under Cygwin on Windows ME Operating System
Michael Wirta
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.3.10-1
Peter Wohlers
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.3.10-1 - bash application error
Peter Wohlers
- $HOME Directory Relocation
Laurence F. Wood
- bison 1.31 is broken...
Laurence F. Wood
- Downloading the entire distribution question
Laurence F. Wood
- Setup Program
Laurence F. Wood
- gcc-2.95.3-5.tar.bz2 is BROKEN
Laurence F. Wood
- Setup Program
Laurence F. Wood
- clisp as a shell
Guy Worthington
- clisp as a shell
Guy Worthington
- clisp as a shell
Guy Worthington
- Free 30 Day Trial (Business Opportunity)
David L. Wynn
- Free 30 Day Trial (Business Opportunity)
David L. Wynn
- I got a FREE Web Hosting & FREE Email For you
Linda Y.
- /proc (was: Re: /dev/registry)
Warren Young
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
Warren Young
- DLLs that can be used with MS C++
Warren Young
- BSD Style ping for Cygwin
Warren Young
- problem about cygintl.dll
Joseph Yuen
- clisp as a shell
Neil Zanella
- Emacs for Cygwin (was: cygwin-mount.el, Using GDB in NTEMACS)
Eli Zaretskii
- bug in cygwin perl 5.6.1?
Dr. Volker Zell
- bug in cygwin perl 5.6.1?
Dr. Volker Zell
- Avail for test: tiff-3.5.7-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- setup
Anthony J. Zepezauer
- setup -- addendum
Anthony J. Zepezauer
- setup -- addendum
Anthony J. Zepezauer
- setup
Anthony J. Zepezauer
- serveral questions regarding passwd and group on NT
Ling F. Zhang
- login
Ling F. Zhang
- opengl and cygwin
Ling F. Zhang
- opengl and cygwin
Ling F. Zhang
- install freeze in win2k
Ling F. Zhang
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.3.10-1
Karl Zilles
- /etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny
Chris _
- 学习
- 学习
- TERM=cygwin colors
- "LINES" environment variable
- update on inetd not able to find cygwin1.dll
- Signal handling (cygrunsrv)
- gdi+ question
vipin aravind
- dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY) doesn't work?
vipin aravind
- VIM in rxvt & syntax highlighting
vipin aravind
- Can't obtain write permissions on my file...
- make hello gives core dumped
- General problems creating executables
- Off lease computers and monitors for sale at incredible prices.
- System Activity Reporter (sar)
satish chandrasekaran
- how can I compile my code to run in windows ??
jinhyuk choi
- I saw your website
- inetd utilities startup
- update on inetd not able to find cygwin1.dll
- update on inetd not able to find cygwin1.dll
- inetd utilities startup
- update on inetd not able to find cygwin1.dll
- proftpd on cygwin?
- minor bugs in pthread_setcancelstate and pthread_setcanceltype
- Compiling of xinetd under cygwin (contrib)
- ssh Win98SE
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
- Cygwin 1.3.9 - gcc isn't working!
- FREE PORN PASSWORDS!^ f{jxjpDurwudfu2thfkbu0gqp...f{jxjpDurwudfyeth0fzhpyu1ern...
- [Mingw-users] RE: The developer's dilemma
- Stanco della solita routine quotidiana??
- Is the Cygwin 1.3.2 DLL Win 2000 compatible?
- creating a root/superuser under cygwin????
- 1.3.9:diff (side by side ) bug (NT and 98 )
- Set up and remove registry
- Fw: Why not a news server?
hongxun lee
- ksh
hongxun lee
- anybody else also infected
hongxun lee
- anybody else also infected
hongxun lee
- anybody else also infected
hongxun lee
- 'shutdown', games
hongxun lee
- HELP: java path and classpath question
wally liau
- HELP: java path and classpath question
wally liau
- problems with bash
morad m
- AW: problems with bash
morad m
- Please Read
- Updated: cygwin-1.3.10-1
urs muff
- rxvt and <Backspace> (again)
fergus at bonhard dot uklinux dot net
- rxvt and <Backspace> (again)
fergus at bonhard dot uklinux dot net
- home directory problems
fergus at bonhard dot uklinux dot net
- How does setup.exe (without setup.ini) distinguish between different versions of the same file?
fergus at bonhard dot uklinux dot net
- Norton AV fingers cygz.dll
none none
- Bug in me, cygwin, Samba, Linux or Window 2000
- newbie questions
marcin pakula
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?
- /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line? Something that works!
- Problems compiling latest snapshot - cygwin-src-20020219.tar.bz2
- HELP: java path and classpath question
- /dev/registry
- Set up and remove registry
- Set up and remove registry
- Access '.BAT' executables via $PATH without typing '.BAT'?
- SSHD and Computer Browser problems on Win2000
- Excessive packages installed by default
- Excessive packages installed by default
- correction to Cygwin FAQ: uninstall all
- how do i simulate a null character from the keyboard?
- Try It BEFORE You Buy It!
- grep and sed are Cygwin "text tools", which others?, where is the list?
- "$(dothis)" construct acts as a text tool in pipe (\r removed)
- No home directory
- Problem when on a Linux box ?
- rm / rmdir not completely functionnal ?
- SSH fails - Connection refused
- SSH connection problems!
- Inquiry
- DirectX8/DirectInput + cygwin
andy younger
- <<±ùÃä¿Ãµ÷áµçÃ÷>>ÃÃÃÃ(Introductory to AiYong energy saver)
Last message date:
Thu Feb 28 23:32:00 GMT 2002
Archived on: Wed Mar 25 13:44:14 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).