looking for mailcap entries to start office attachments directly
Jason Tishler
Fri Feb 8 04:04:00 GMT 2002
On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 11:02:13AM +0100, Olaf Foellinger wrote:
> I'm looking for a mailcap entry to start office documents directly from
> the attachments. I've looked through the archives but didn't find
> anything.
I use the attached mailcap with mutt. It relies on the attached shell
script, winword, which I also symlink to excel, powerpnt, and winproj.
Being able to deal with Microsoft attachments is the reason why I
process my email under Cygwin instead of Linux.
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text/html; w3m -T text/html
text/html; w3m -T text/html -dump; copiousoutput
application/msword; winword %s
application/rtf; winword %s
application/msexcel; excel %s
application/x-msexcel; excel %s
application/ppt; powerpnt %s
application/pps; powerpnt %s
application/pdf; acroread %s
application/x-mspowerpoint; powerpnt %s
application/vnd.ms-project; winproj %s
application/x-tar-gz; tar -tvzf %s; copiousoutput
application/x-tar; tar -tvf %s; copiousoutput
application/x-zip-compressed; zipinfo %s; copiousoutput
application/zip; zipinfo %s; copiousoutput
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OfficeDrive=$(cygpath -u C:)
DefaultOfficeDrive=$(cygpath -u $SYSTEMDRIVE)
OfficeDir="$OfficeDrive/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office"
DefaultTempDir=$(cygpath -u $TEMP)
TempFile=$TempDir/$(basename $1)
Program=$(basename $0)
File=$(cygpath -w $TempFile)
mv $1 $TempFile
("$OfficeDir/$Program" "$File"; rm -f $TempFile)&
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