tar 1.13.19-1: extraction of a .tar.gz file with -xvz ends with "tar: Archive value 4178575360 is out of off_t range 0..2147483647"

Pavel Tsekov ptsekov@syntrex.com
Thu Feb 21 06:43:00 GMT 2002

Hello Peter,

Thursday, February 21, 2002, 3:06:58 PM, you wrote:

PFhd> Return-Path: <cygwin-return-45351-ptsekov=syntrex.com@cygwin.com>
PFhd> Delivered-To: ptsekov@mail.syntrex.com
PFhd> Received: (qmail 26332 invoked by alias); 21 Feb 2002 15:12:28 -0000
PFhd> Delivered-To: alias-localdelivery-ptsekov@syntrex.com
PFhd> Received: (qmail 26323 invoked by uid 8); 21 Feb 2002 15:12:28 -0000
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PFhd>         by mail.syntrex.com with SMTP id smtpdnEigvq; Thu, 21 Feb 2002 10:12:27 EST
PFhd> Received: (qmail 28453 invoked by alias); 21 Feb 2002 14:07:27 -0000
PFhd> Hi,

PFhd> I got a gzipped tar file that was created on a Solaris machine that contains
PFhd> the backup of a larger database.
PFhd> The file contains an item that is around 4 GBytes in size, the total size of

[ snip ]

PFhd> Or is it due to the lack of largefile support in the 1.3.6 version of
PFhd> cygwin?

Right - cygwin doesnt support files larger than 2 gigs.

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