$HOME Directory Relocation

Michael A Chase mchase@ix.netcom.com
Tue Feb 5 13:10:00 GMT 2002

If you are using bash it's done by /etc/profile, normally based on the
contents of /etc/passwd.  If you have set the windows environment variable
HOME, it is passed through.

Short answer: set HOME in your windows per user environment.

Mac :})
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Laurence F. Wood" <LaurenceWood@SunyataSystems.Com>
To: "Cygwin@Cygwin. Com" <cygwin@cygwin.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 13:09
Subject: $HOME Directory Relocation

> I needed to relocate the $HOME directory to another disk volume.  Under
> linux the login process sets this.  Who/what sets $HOME under cygwin?

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