cygrunsrv does not start sshd in 1 out of 40 installs

Lassi A. Tuura
Wed Feb 13 06:05:00 GMT 2002

> Now anybody some hints on what might happen there ? Anything I could try to
> nail down the problem ?

Try running cygrunsrv under strace (as the service).  I did this once by
hacking around the registry, it wasn't too hard, though I don't remember
exactly what I did.  Remember that strace takes as arguments windows
paths and doesn't say much if it fails to execute the program.  And that
you'll want the output to go to a file.

Go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sshd
 - Change ImagePath to full (windows) path to strace.exe
 - Change Parameters\AppPath to and Parameters\AppArgs appropriately
   (I don't remember what I did to separate the args for cygrunsrv
   from those to sshd, if anything)

Usual caveats apply -- hacking around the registry may lobotomise the

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