minor bug - No ".." directory gives error in ls

Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) lhall@rfk.com
Thu Feb 14 06:38:00 GMT 2002

At 08:37 AM 2/14/2002, Roland Glenn McIntosh wrote:
>In some cases when listing a directory in which there is no parent ls gives an error:
>         ls: ..: No such file or directory
>If there was no directory then I would expect ".." to refer to "." like it does in the root of a unix partition.  Specifically, this happens with network shares.  To reproduce:
>cd //
>ls -la
>Where is a server on which you have authenticated yourself or need no authentication, and 'shared' is a directory which has been shared.  There should be no other resources available at via CIFS other than the shared directory.

OK.  For me this works fine at my root (/).  I do get the error you claim
if I "ls .." from a network share directory, as you indicate.  Since there
is no analog to this in the UNIX world, it's not that surprising that this
doesn't just work.  If you are interested in providing a patch to implement 
the behavior you're interested in, I'm sure it will be thoughtfully 
considered.  Otherwise, the mail archives will contain a record of your 
report for anyone looking for a bug to fix.


Larry Hall                              lhall@rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      http://www.rfk.com
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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