problems with bash

Michael A Chase
Tue Feb 12 09:05:00 GMT 2002

This is a general shell script debugging problem, probably not Cygwin

I'm a bit nervous about $a and $b not being quoted.  If either is absent or
empty, the effects could be unexpected.

Try to eliminate some of the 2000 lines that aren't causing the problem.
"set -x -v" before the if might help you to see where the error is actually

If the script has more than a couple dozen lines, you should probably write
the script in Perl or Python.  Just catching a couple problems like this
before they blow up will repay you the time it takes to learn either
Mac :})
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----- Original Message -----
From: "morad m" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 08:38
Subject: problems with bash

> I have noticed one problem when using bash:
> In my script :
> if [ $a = $b ]; then
>   (about 2000 lines of shell stuff here)
> fi
> Then bash fails with the following error:
> fork_helper: child died before initialization with win32 error 128
> fork: No more processes

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