unable to locate CYGINTL.DLL dependency

Bob Batey robert_batey@agilent.com
Thu Feb 21 12:38:00 GMT 2002


The bug "UNABLE to LOCATE CYGINTL.DLL" (see Jan. 21, 2002 bug report
from Marino Stramare) still surfaces.  The origin of this bug is when
one doesn't install gettext (from the contrib).  Now seeing that some
people might want to make their own CD roms, I expect core dependences 
should NOT depend on contributed packages.  Seems that can be the source
of this, since I experienced it long after it was reported.  

As a solution, I wonder if you can put the gettext package in the
appropriate "latest" directory?  Seems like a reasonable thing to
do.  And there should be some hint in the vim package directory as
to this dependency.

Robert Batey     Agilent Technologies    Boise, Idaho
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