WG: Binary size

Sturm Volker Volker.Sturm@fthw.siemens.de
Thu Feb 21 06:07:00 GMT 2002

> Hi,
> I tried out cygwin on win2k and i compiled gcc3.0.3 - apart from the
> prefix option - in the standard way. using the gcc 2.95 that came with
> cygwin and the 3.0.3 gave me a size of some compiled .exe of about 18 k
> with the old version and 35 k with the new version. the program i
> compiled for testing was:
> #include <stdio.h>
> int main(int argc, char** argv) {
> 	printf("Hello world!\n");
> 	return 0;
> }
> I used 'gcc -o myfirst myfirst.cpp' for both compiler versions. why is
> the big difference in size?
> Regards,
> Volker Sturm

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