Unable to install file C:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe

Gerrit Cap Gerrit.Cap@marble.be
Wed Feb 27 00:51:00 GMT 2002


When I tried to upgrade to cygrunsrv-0.95-1 this morning I got the 
following error (probably because cygrunsrvis being used to launch inetd). 
Any pratical solution for this ?



>Uninstalling old cygrunsrv^M
>unlink C:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe^M
>unlink C:/cygwin/usr/doc/Cygwin/cygrunsrv.README^M
>Installing file C:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe^M
>Unable to install file C:/cygwin/bin/cygrunsrv.exe^M
>Installing file C:/cygwin/usr/doc/Cygwin/cygrunsrv.README^M

-------------------- Marble Consulting ----------------------
Gerrit Cap                      http://www.marble.be/
OO Solutions Engineer           mailto:Gerrit.Cap@marble.be
Marble Consulting
Blauwe Gaanweg, 53              tel : +32 475  72.94.36
B-9150 Kruibeke-Bazel           fax : +32 3   744.19.17
-------------------- Marble Consulting ----------------------
There is only one thing in the world worse than being witty,
and thats not being witty.          (Monthy Python)

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