looking for mailcap entries to start office attachments directly

Olaf Foellinger Olaf.Foellinger@bln.sesa.de
Wed Feb 6 02:07:00 GMT 2002


I'm looking for a mailcap entry to start office documents directly from
the attachments. I've looked through the archives but didn't find

Gruss Olaf

Olaf Föllinger
Leiter Fachbereich IT
S.E.S.A. Software und Systeme AG

Alt-Moabit 91a
D-10559 Berlin
Tel:   +49 30 390722 -291
Fax:   +49 30 390722 -222
Mobil: +49 173 6227080
mailto: Olaf.Foellinger@sesa.de

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