July 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jul 1 00:55:00 GMT 2003
Ending: Thu Jul 31 23:10:00 GMT 2003
Messages: 1841
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
"Schaible, Jörg"
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
"Schaible, Jörg"
- SYSTEM password
Raul Olias (EE/EEM)
- guile's latest version
Pach Roman (GS-EC/EEP3) *
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- phantom non-existent command "manpath"?
Soren A
- phantom non-existent command "manpath"?
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Soren A
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Soren A
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Soren A
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren A.
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Soren A.
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Soren A.
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...) - Copy_Cygpaths.reg.gz (0/1)
Soren A.
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...) - Copy_Cygpaths.reg.gz (1/1)
Soren A.
- Performance problem
Keen Wayne A Contr AFRL/MNGG
- Cannot link C++ code under gcc 3.2 running cygwin under Windows 2 000
Keen Wayne A Contr AFRL/MNGG
- autoconf-2.57 - is there a new port for it?
Jari Aalto+list.cygwin-apps
- cron as service problem with OLE application
John M. Adams
- cron as service problem with OLE application
John M. Adams
- PHP and Cygwin
Aurangzeb M. Agha
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren Andersen
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren Andersen
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren Andersen
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Soren Andersen
- Remounting /cygdrive/c as /c
Richard Anderson
- Remounting /cygdrive/c as /c
Richard Anderson
- Cygwin prevents normal Windows shutdown
Richard Anderson
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Richard Anderson
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Richard Anderson
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Richard Anderson
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Richard Anderson
- Cygwin prevents normal Windows shutdown
Richard Anderson
- Cygwin prevents normal Windows shutdown
Richard Anderson
- RV: apache dies with pppoe
- Problem with perl dbmopen command
Andres Azar
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: uw-imap 2002d
Abe Backus
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: xerces-c-2.3.0-3
Abe Backus
- Performance problem
Vladimir Baltchev
- Performance problem
Vladimir Baltchev
- Performance problem
Vladimir Baltchev
- Performance problem
Vladimir Baltchev
- Performance problem
Vladimir Baltchev
- how to use current directory as bash startup directory
Daniel Barclay
- how to use current directory as bash startup directory
Daniel Barclay
- Spammers watching this user forum
Daniel Barclay
- PostgeSQL installation
Ralf Berger
- CYGWIN: make error
- Antwort: Re: CYGWIN: make error
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Yanghui Bian
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test case
Biederman, Steve
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Biederman, Steve
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Biederman, Steve
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Biederman, Steve
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Biederman, Steve
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Biederman, Steve
- configure produces bad makefiles?
Biederman, Steve
- C99/C++ patch for /usr/include/math.h
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)
- ImageMagick
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)
- ImageMagick
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)
- Unable to use iisreset through ssh
Crispin Bivans
- Unable to use iisreset through ssh
Crispin Bivans
- [PATCH] : make cygpath use multiple filename arguments
Mark Blackburn
- [PATCH] : make cygpath use multiple filename arguments
Mark Blackburn
- [PATCH] : make cygpath use multiple filename arguments
Mark Blackburn
- Problem with cygwin.dll ver 1.5.0-1
Mark Blackburn
- Performance problem
Andre Bleau
- Performance problem
Andre Bleau
- Performance problem
Andre Bleau
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesnt work either
Jordan Bortz
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesntwork either
Jordan Bortz
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Todd Bowden
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Todd Bowden
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Todd Bowden
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Todd Bowden
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Todd Bowden
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Todd Bowden
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Todd Bowden
- Can't get ssh to forward X packets
Todd Bowden
- More Re: flaky disk share access
Todd Bowden
- Can't get ssh to forward X packets
Todd Bowden
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Todd Bowden
- Win2003 problems exchanging keys, but not with password cygwin/openssh
Todd Bowden
- Win2003 problems exchanging keys, but not with password cygwin/openssh
Todd Bowden
- Korn Shell from CMD
Bowden, Todd
- Spammers watching this user forum
Todd Bowden
- problem starting cron as a service
Bowden, Todd
- problem starting cron as a service
Bowden, Todd
- apache dies with pppoe
Todd Bowden
- apache dies with pppoe
Bowden, Todd
- apache dies with pppoe
Bowden, Todd
- Inetd question
Bowden, Todd
- The procedure entry point putc_unlocked could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll
Max Bowsher
- ioctls.h
Max Bowsher
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Max Bowsher
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesntwork either
Max Bowsher
- CVS tag for releases?
Max Bowsher
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Max Bowsher
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Max Bowsher
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Max Bowsher
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Max Bowsher
- installing audiofile on cygwin
Max Bowsher
- Problem with dereference option on Windows LNKs (shortcuts)
Max Bowsher
- Problem with dereference option on Windows LNKs (shortcuts)
Max Bowsher
- cygwin dll old versions?
Max Bowsher
- Trivial change request for autoconf-wrapper (Attn: Charles Wilson)
Max Bowsher
- P.S.: Re: mutt/Cygwin locks on some characters?
Max Bowsher
- _GETTEXT undefined problem
Max Bowsher
- little trouble
Max Bowsher
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Max Bowsher
- practicing building the cygwin.dll
Max Bowsher
- Setup fails on XP Pro : no files in /etc + no permissions in /bin
Max Bowsher
- Questions about building from CVS (was Re: documentation on building the cygwin dll)
Max Bowsher
- MICO / configure script question
Max Bowsher
- little trouble 2
Max Bowsher
- Setup fails on XP Pro : no files in /etc + no permissions in /bin
Max Bowsher
- Cygwin DLL configuration
Max Bowsher
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Max Bowsher
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Max Bowsher
- Questions about converting apps to cygwin
Max Bowsher
- No huge packets, please!
Max Bowsher
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Max Bowsher
- upgrade question
Max Bowsher
- Old releases download
Max Bowsher
- ncurses libraries
Max Bowsher
- Allowing cygwin setup to patch up old versions
Max Bowsher
- Spammers watching this user forum
Earnie Boyd
- the "kill" command
- the "kill" command
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
- About the 'su' command
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
- Source code for binaries offered at http: //thinstall.com/unix_tools ?
- Cygwin apps talking to Windows browsers?
Scott W Brim
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
P. Brockill
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
P. Brockill
- How we could benefit from each other
Grady Brown
- proftpd hang (1.2.9rc1-2 on 1.3.22)
Grossniklaus Bruno
- proftpd hang (1.2.9rc1-2 on 1.3.22)
Grossniklaus Bruno
- proftpd hang (1.2.9rc1-2 on 1.3.22)
Grossniklaus Bruno
- emacs locksup win98se
Joe Buehler
- emacs locksup win98se
Joe Buehler
- typo in description of the "cmake" package
Joe Buehler
- [BUG] emacs cygwin compile.el next-error fails with Ant
Joe Buehler
- [BUG] emacs cygwin compile.el next-error fails with Ant
Joe Buehler
- Defaul icon problem
Gabriel Bulfon
- UW-IMAP mailbox corruption
Steve Burkett
- What's up with the Cygwin homepage?
Steve Burkett
- unsubscribe
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] psutils-1.17-1
Daniel Bößwetter
- Restricted
Rolf Campbell
- 1.5.0: rxvt copy/paste problems
Rolf Campbell
- Backing up cygwin
Rolf Campbell
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Rolf Campbell
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Rolf Campbell
- [PATCH] : make cygpath use multiple filename arguments
Rolf Campbell
- 1.5.0: rxvt copy/paste problems
Rolf Campbell
- Cygwin DLL configuration
Doru Carastan
- Cygdrive Path Prefix Question
Kenny Carruthers
- cygwin and clearcase using TAS
Peter A. Castro
- bash: cat << EOF
Peter A. Castro
- bash: cat << EOF
Peter A. Castro
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Peter A. Castro
- ping Eduardo Chappa-pine
Eduardo Chappa
- UW-IMAP mailbox corruption
Eduardo Chappa
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Earl Chew
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Earl Chew
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Earl Chew
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Earl Chew
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Earl Chew
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Earl Chew
- Questions about converting apps to cygwin
- Questions about converting apps to cygwin
- No huge packets, please!
- 1.5.0 - gettimeofday() out of sync with Windows time
Chris Church
- upgrade question
Rob Clack
- upgrade question
Rob Clack
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Jonathan Clark
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Jonathan Clark
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Jonathan Clark
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/unix_tools ?
Jonathan Clark
- Skipping the /proc filesystem
David A. Cobb
- How to resolve a link?
David A. Cobb
- How to resolve a link?
David A. Cobb
- Spammers watching this user forum
Steve Coleman
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Steve Coleman
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
Steve Coleman
- a few questions about cvs
Robert Collins
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesnt work either
Robert Collins
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesnt work either
Robert Collins
- setup can't download, can't install
Robert Collins
- How to emulate pthread_yield
Robert Collins
- Ideas re problem reporting
Robert Collins
- Ideas re problem reporting
Robert Collins
- Ideas re problem reporting
Robert Collins
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
Robert Collins
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
Robert Collins
- upgrade question
Robert Collins
- RFC: Allowing cygwin setup to patch up old versions
Robert Collins
- suggested project name change
Ty Coon
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Henry Da Costa
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Henry Da Costa
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Henry Da Costa
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Henry Da Costa
- microprobing ........... a grrrrrrreat technique !
W. D.
- getaddrinfo function
- getaddrinfo function
- getaddrinfo function on win2k & XP
- qt3 on cygwin
- Fwd: RE: qt3 on cygwin
- Fwd: RE: qt3 on cygwin
- generate a .lib file for VC++
- using a dll created by cygwin in msvc++
- using a dll created by cygwin in msvc++
- installing audiofile on cygwin
- installing audiofile on cygwin
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Prasad Dabak
- gcc using termios.h and -mno-cygwin
Terry Dabbs
- ncurses and terminal definitions
Terry Dabbs
- ncurses and terminal definitions
Terry Dabbs
- posix and win32 enviornment
Andrew DeFaria
- posix and win32 enviornment
Andrew DeFaria
- Backing up cygwin
Andrew DeFaria
- Cygdrive Path Prefix Question
Andrew DeFaria
- Spammers watching this user forum
Andrew DeFaria
- Spammers watching this user forum
Andrew DeFaria
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Andrew DeFaria
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Andrew DeFaria
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Andrew DeFaria
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Andrew DeFaria
- apache dies with pppoe
Andrew DeFaria
- apache dies with pppoe
Andrew DeFaria
- fork:Resource temporary unavailable
Andrew DeFaria
- apache problems gone with 1.50
Andrew DeFaria
- Bash traps - while emitting ERR trap
Andrew DeFaria
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Andrew DeFaria
- rxvt shortcut problem (bash, XP, memory, heap, Win32 error 487)
DePriest, Jason R.
- Backing up Cygwin
DePriest, Jason R.
- Spammers watching this user forum
DePriest, Jason R.
- Cygwin vs: Windoze services for Unix
DePriest, Jason R.
- a /moderated/ mailing list would be nice
DePriest, Jason R.
- Problem call a cygwin command from a dos batch file
DePriest, Jason R.
- slow directory access
Mitch Deoudes
- Cannot link C++ code under gcc 3.2 running cygwin under Windows 2000
Robert Deschambault
- Cannot link C++ code under gcc 3.2 running cygwin under Windows 2000
Robert Deschambault
- Cannot link C++ code under gcc 3.2 running cygwin under Windows 2000
Robert Deschambault
- Cannot link C++ code under gcc 3.2 running cygwin under Windows 2000
Robert Deschambault
- Cannot link C++ code under gcc 3.2 running cygwin under Windows 2000
Robert Deschambault
- About the 'su' command
Brian Dessent
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Brian Dessent
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Brian Dessent
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Brian Dessent
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Brian Dessent
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Brian Dessent
- Dumb Question on GCC
Brian Dessent
- ls slowdown in latest cygwin on my system
Brian Dessent
- posts to cygwin mailing list always comes with a reply from another address
Brian Dessent
- Pause / Break key locks up rxvt ?
Brian Dessent
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Brian Dessent
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Brian Dessent
- More on GCC
Brian Dessent
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Brian Dessent
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Brian Dessent
- help running tftpd under winXP
Brian Dessent
- Starting up : file seek order
Brian Dessent
- Error compiling code using winsock functions
Brian Dessent
- Source for upset package
Brian Dessent
- Difference between login and runas?
Brian Dessent
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Brian Dessent
- find -exec oddity
Brian Dessent
- TERM problems
Brian Dessent
- TERM problems
Brian Dessent
- TERM problems
Brian Dessent
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Brian Dessent
- find -exec oddity
Brian Dessent
- TERM problems
Brian Dessent
- Advice on where to look to solve a problem
Brian Dessent
- perldoc can't read module
Brian Dessent
- Can't get ssh to forward X packets
Brian Dessent
- Apache with mod_proxy as caching proxy randomly fails
Brian Dessent
- Apache with mod_proxy as caching proxy randomly fails
Brian Dessent
- Apache with mod_proxy as caching proxy randomly fails
Brian Dessent
- Apache with mod_proxy as caching proxy randomly fails
Brian Dessent
- Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations
Brian Dessent
- Spammers watching this user forum
Brian Dessent
- Spammers watching this user forum
Brian Dessent
- RXVT can you paste into it?
Brian Dessent
- RXVT can you paste into it?
Brian Dessent
- apache dies with pppoe
Brian Dessent
- tcpflow under cygwin anybody?
Brian Dessent
- find -exec oddity
Ken Dibble
- find -exec oddity
Ken Dibble
- find -exec oddity
Ken Dibble
- rebaseall question/problem
Bruce Dobrin
- C:\Mailings\Letters\Bill Handler Digiclear\subj 2.txt3029
Terra Doran
- Problem including MinGW's float.h
Stuart F. Downing
- Problem including MinGW's float.h
Stuart F. Downing
- Problem including MinGW's float.h
Stuart F. Downing
- gcc on cygwin
Manjit Dua
- gcc on cygwin
Manjit Dua
- gcc on cygwin
Manjit Dua
- ircd doesn't compile
Krzysztof Dulęba
- Thread.start()
P.B. Dushkin
- P.S.: Re: mutt/Cygwin locks on some characters?
- In the News 2002
- activating a dial-up connection from cygwin
Sam Edge
- apache problems gone with 1.50
Sam Edge
- profile folder missing in docbook-xsl package
Patrick Eisenacher
- Waiting to hear from you.
Dr Tony Eromo.
- favor
Luis A Escobar
- [BUG] emacs cygwin compile.el next-error fails with Ant
Mark Evenson
- [BUG] emacs cygwin compile.el next-error fails with Ant
Mark Evenson
- cygwin.com unavailable from blueyonder/telewest uk
Matt Fairtlough
- cygwin.com unavailable from blueyonder/telewest uk
Matt Fairtlough
- Need cygwin usage statistics
Christopher Faylor
- Question on postinstall
Christopher Faylor
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Christopher Faylor
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Christopher Faylor
- tcsh on cygwin and problems in installing cygwin ...
Christopher Faylor
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Christopher Faylor
- [ADMINISTRIVIA] sources.redhat.com/gcc.gnu.org/cygwin.com moving this weekend
Christopher Faylor
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Christopher Faylor
- Deeply unattractive naming convention
Christopher Faylor
- Request for list links in left side navbar (Attn: CGF)
Christopher Faylor
- Request for list links in left side navbar (Attn: CGF)
Christopher Faylor
- Request for list links in left side navbar
Christopher Faylor
- new Info on File Permission Problems on Windows XP, cygwin 1.3.22
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0 coming - 64 bit file I/O and more
Christopher Faylor
- any questions
Christopher Faylor
- Windows 2003 server has been donated
Christopher Faylor
- microprobing ........... a grrrrrrreat technique !
Christopher Faylor
- Create cyg-managed filesystem possible? (RE: cygwin 1.5.0 coming - 64 bit file I/O and more)
Christopher Faylor
- CVS tag for releases?
Christopher Faylor
- CVS tag for releases?
Christopher Faylor
- the "kill" command
Christopher Faylor
- the "kill" command
Christopher Faylor
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Christopher Faylor
- Complaint Received (Tracking ID: 1272411) (fwd)
Christopher Faylor
- Complaint Received (Tracking ID: 1272411) (fwd)
Christopher Faylor
- Complaint Received (Tracking ID: 1272411) (fwd)
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 managed mount bug (?)
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 managed mount bug (?)
Christopher Faylor
- mount managed warnings!
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 managed mount bug (?)
Christopher Faylor
- another cygwin-1.5.0 managed mount bug (please don't use managed mode yet)
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 forked off child processes have open handles to non-existant processes
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.0-1 Working Great Here
Christopher Faylor
- anybody has an exim binary with mysql support? Got 'main opti on "mysql_servers" unknown' error upon start-up
Christopher Faylor
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Christopher Faylor
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Christopher Faylor
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Christopher Faylor
- make 3.80 and VPATH
Christopher Faylor
- In the distance, the sound of a snapshot going off, and the lonely plaintive wail of...
Christopher Faylor
- In the distance, the sound of a snapshot going off, and the lonely plaintive wail of...
Christopher Faylor
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Christopher Faylor
- Backing up cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Backing up cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- make 3.80 and VPATH
Christopher Faylor
- Backing up cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Backing up cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- make 3.80 and VPATH
Christopher Faylor
- make 3.80 and VPATH
Christopher Faylor
- [H] Reinstall LILO
Christopher Faylor
- terminfo entry for cygwin missing "el" entry
Christopher Faylor
- Building gcc
Christopher Faylor
- Building gcc
Christopher Faylor
- Reading mount point entries via /proc/registry
Christopher Faylor
- bufffer overflow in telnetd
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin GDB crashes on single step
Christopher Faylor
- #define _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS causes parse error in sys/signal.h
Christopher Faylor
- #define _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS causes parse error in sys/signal.h
Christopher Faylor
- Ideas re problem reporting
Christopher Faylor
- where can I get info on commercial version of cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Ideas re problem reporting
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Christopher Faylor
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Christopher Faylor
- License question about cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- License question about cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test case
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.0 - gettimeofday() out of sync with Windows time
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.0 - gettimeofday() out of sync with Windows time
Christopher Faylor
- Spammers watching this user forum
Christopher Faylor
- Problem with cygwin.dll ver 1.5.0-1
Christopher Faylor
- Spammers watching this user forum
Christopher Faylor
- bash: cat << EOF
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.0: rxvt copy/paste problems
Christopher Faylor
- bash: cat << EOF
Christopher Faylor
- codepage:none
Christopher Faylor
- Problem with xinetd as a service
Christopher Faylor
- gdb passes different argv/argc to mingw & cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Remounting /cygdrive/c as /c
Christopher Faylor
- when is it useful to attach strace outputs to the M/L
Christopher Faylor
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Christopher Faylor
- X server crashed when Netscape 4 & 7 visiting sites
Christopher Faylor
- [SEMI-OFFTOPIC] Request for Ralf Habacker
Christopher Faylor
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Christopher Faylor
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Christopher Faylor
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Christopher Faylor
- How to resolve a link?
Christopher Faylor
- How to resolve a link?
Christopher Faylor
- How to tell if ntsec is on or off
Christopher Faylor
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Christopher Faylor
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Christopher Faylor
- How to diagnose cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Christopher Faylor
- compiling xterm from cvs
Christopher Faylor
- How to diagnose cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Christopher Faylor
- slow directory access
Christopher Faylor
- codepage:none
Christopher Faylor
- API Reference documentation
Christopher Faylor
- API Reference documentation
Christopher Faylor
- Backspace problem on VMS
Christopher Faylor
- check if cygwin in makefiles?
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.0: Problem with fseeko() after fdopen() (gold star alert)
Christopher Faylor
- [IDEA] Add words to cygwin documentation on how to use windows programs effectively
Christopher Faylor
- [IDEA] Add words to cygwin documentation on how to use windows programs effectively
Christopher Faylor
- snap, crackle, popshot (was Re: cut and paste problem with xemacs/rxvt)
Christopher Faylor
- Backspace problem on VMS
Christopher Faylor
- Apache Bug
Christopher Faylor
- Serial Port?
Christopher Faylor
- Serial Port?
Christopher Faylor
- Assembler messaes:FATAL can't create /cygdrive....
Christopher Faylor
- Questions about converting apps to cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
Christopher Faylor
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.1-1
Christopher Faylor
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Christopher Faylor
- readv - incorrect behavior?
Christopher Faylor
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Christopher Faylor
- gdb & g++ (de)mangling
Christopher Faylor
- Backspace problem on VMS:K@N@!:
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive
Christopher Faylor
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.1: lseek64 woes (was Re: 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive)
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive
Christopher Faylor
- Who's who of packagers?
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin.com unavailable from blueyonder/telewest uk
Christopher Faylor
- Bash traps - while emitting ERR trap
Christopher Faylor
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Christopher Faylor
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Christopher Faylor
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin and NTFS
Christopher Faylor
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Christopher Faylor
- Problems with man
Christopher Faylor
- Problems with man
Christopher Faylor
- Problems with man
Christopher Faylor
- Problems with man
Christopher Faylor
- ncurses and terminal definitions
Christopher Faylor
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Christopher Faylor
- Problems with man
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin GDB crashes on single step
David A. Ferguson
- perldoc can't read module
Ronald Fischer
- ls.exe slow down in cygwin 1.3.13 (a followup from the "ls problem" thread last november 2002)
Carlo Florendo
- ls slowdown in latest cygwin on my system
Carlo Florendo
- ls slowdown in latest cygwin on my system
Carlo Florendo
- Doesn't chdir to /home/foo when cygwin shell is started
Carlo Florendo
- posts to cygwin mailing list always comes with a reply from another address
Carlo Florendo
- posts to cygwin mailing list always comes with a reply from another address
Carlo Florendo
- Need Mail headers (was Re: posts to cygwin mailing list alwayscomes...)
Carlo Florendo
- Doesn't chdir to /home/foo when cygwin shell is started
Carlo Florendo
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Carlo Florendo
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Carlo Florendo
- rxvt login
Carlo Florendo
- PHP and Cygwin
Carlo Florendo
- when is it useful to attach strace outputs to the M/L
Carlo Florendo
- when is it useful to attach strace outputs to the M/L
Carlo Florendo
- practicing building the cygwin.dll
Carlo Florendo
- practicing building the cygwin.dll
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- problem with history
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- apache dies with pppoe
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- API Reference documentation
Carlo Florendo
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Carlo Florendo
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
Carlo Florendo
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Carlo Florendo
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Carlo Florendo
- the "kill" command
Tremaine Floyd
- UW-IMAP mailbox corruption
Olaf Foellinger
- RXVT can you paste into it?
Olaf Foellinger
- how to activate registry changes
Olaf Foellinger
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Brian Ford
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Brian Ford
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Brian Ford
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Brian Ford
- No userid
Fox, Michael K
- [IDEA] Add words to cygwin documentation on how to use windows programs effectively
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- Add words to cygwin documentation on how to use windows programs effectively
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User' s Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User' s Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- Problem with tty
Philippe Fremy
- Problem with tty
Philippe Fremy
- problems with gcc3.2.3 and wide character support
Oscar Fuentes
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
William S Fulton
- Read access to all keys in /proc/registry
William S Fulton
- Read access to all keys in /proc/registry
William S Fulton
- ioctls.h
Martin Gainty
- rpm
Martin Gainty
- Dumb Question on GCC
Martin Gainty
- Dumb Question on GCC
Martin Gainty
- More on GCC
Martin Gainty
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Martin Gainty
- inet_addr library
Martin Gainty
- Weird error executing binary in bash
Martin Gainty
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesnt work either
Martin Gainty
- Restricted
Martin Gainty
- restrict
Martin Gainty
- _ansi.h
Martin Gainty
- #include_next
Martin Gainty
- namespace problems
Martin Gainty
- [Openslp-devel] namespace problems
Martin Gainty
- configure produces bad makefiles?
Martin Gainty
- okay!
Martin Gainty
- Problem running emacs under XP
Martin Gainty
- Problem running emacs under XP
Martin Gainty
- Problem with xinetd as a service
Martin Gainty
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Martin Gainty
- apache dies with pppoe
Martin Gainty
- apache dies with pppoe
Martin Gainty
- Serial Port?
Martin Gainty
- missing exported function from cygwin1.dll
Martin Gainty
- linking with non-cygwin dll
Martin Gainty
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Julian Gardner
- attached cygcheck.out
Julian Gardner
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Julian Gardner
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Julian Gardner
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Julian Gardner
- rxvt shortcut problem (bash, XP, memory, heap, Win32 error 487)
Garrett, Ron
- rxvt shortcut problem (bash, XP, memory, heap, Win32 error 48 7)
Garrett, Ron
- setup can't download, can't install
- vnc under cygwin
Mihai Gheorghiu
- Korn Shell from CMD
Linden Glen
- Korn Shell from CMD
Linden Glen
- Using Cron?
Linden Glen
Linden Glen
- gimp and nmap
Sanjay Goel
- problem with history
Sanjay Goel
- problem with history
Sanjay Goel
- no path set after installation on win2k
Lucas Gonze
- no path set after installation on win2k
Lucas Gonze
- help running tftpd under winXP
Rajesh Gottlieb
- help running tftpd under winXP
Rajesh Gottlieb
- help running tftpd under winXP
Rajesh Gottlieb
- minicom for cygwin?
Rajesh Gottlieb
- minicom for cygwin?
Rajesh Gottlieb
- help running tftpd under winXP
Rajesh Gottlieb
- Question about the cpio-command
Alexander Gottwald
- Missing Children weekly public announcement.
Susan Greer
- Error message from gcc: "entry point putc_unlocked could not be l ocated ..."
David Guaspari
- Error message from gcc: "entry point putc_unlocked could not be l ocated ..."
David Guaspari
- Doesn't chdir to /home/foo when cygwin shell is started
Xanana Gusmao
- Doesn't chdir to /home/foo when cygwin shell is started
Xanana Gusmao
- Doesn't chdir to /home/foo when cygwin shell is started
Xanana Gusmao
- Assembler messaes:FATAL can't create /cygdrive....
- mysqlc
Gerrit P. Haase
- gtk2 on cygwin ( --with-gdktarget=win32, only )
Gerrit P. Haase
- gtk2 on cygwin ( --with-gdktarget=win32, only )
Gerrit P. Haase
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Gerrit P. Haase
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Gerrit P. Haase
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Gerrit P. Haase
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Gerrit P. Haase
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Gerrit P. Haase
- MySQL Server build project
Gerrit P. Haase
- rxvt login
Gerrit P. Haase
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
Gerrit P. Haase
- Who is running Apache2 on Cygwin?
Gerrit P. Haase
- perldoc can't read module
Gerrit P. Haase
- cannot bootstrap gcc with cygwin-1.5
Gerrit P. Haase
- perl with cygwin 1.5 doesn't fly.
Gerrit P. Haase
- perl with cygwin 1.5 doesn't fly.
Gerrit P. Haase
- ImageMagick
Gerrit P. Haase
- ImageMagick
Gerrit P. Haase
- ImageMagick
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: expat-1.95.6-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Gerrit P. Haase
- ImageMagick/PerlMagick
Gerrit P. Haase
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Gerrit P. Haase
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Gerrit P. Haase
- Questions about building from CVS
Gerrit P. Haase
- ImageMagick/PerlMagick
Gerrit P. Haase
- CYGwin PerlMagick install
Gerrit P. Haase
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Gerrit P. Haase
- Add words to cygwin documentation on how to use windows programs effectively
Gerrit P. Haase
- gcj-3.3 with Cygwin?
Gerrit P. Haase
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Gerrit P. Haase
- tcpflow under cygwin anybody?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
Ralf Habacker
- qt3 on cygwin
Ralf Habacker
- [SEMI-OFFTOPIC] Request for Ralf Habacker
Ralf Habacker
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Ralf Habacker
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Ralf Habacker
- Fwd: Re: CygWin adding CRs, hurting CVS client/server communications?
Larry Hall
- rpm
Larry Hall
- Lib nl_types.h
Larry Hall
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Larry Hall
- CYGWIN_ROOT Question
Larry Hall
- CYGWIN_ROOT Question
Larry Hall
- Lib nl_types.h
Larry Hall
- release 1.3.22-1 uninstall \etc\hosts
Larry Hall
- new Info on File Permission Problems on Windows XP, cygwin 1.3.22
Larry Hall
- new Info on File Permission Problems on Windows XP, cygwin 1.3.22
Larry Hall
- users and startup scripts (FAQ alert)
Larry Hall
- Performance problem
Larry Hall
- Performance problem
Larry Hall
- Security/impersonnation changes in W2K SP4 heads-up
Larry Hall
- Performance problem
Larry Hall
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Larry Hall
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Larry Hall
- Windows home path
Larry Hall
- cygwin 1.5.0
Larry Hall
- user accounts and moving cygwin
Larry Hall
- cygwin 1.5.0
Larry Hall
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Larry Hall
- Unable to use iisreset through ssh
Larry Hall
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Larry Hall
- "aux" file everywhere
Larry Hall
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Larry Hall
- 1.5.0 - gettimeofday() out of sync with Windows time
Larry Hall
- 1.5.0 - gettimeofday() out of sync with Windows time
Larry Hall
- Unable to use iisreset through ssh
Larry Hall
- getaddrinfo function
Larry Hall
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Larry Hall
- rebaseall question/problem
Larry Hall
- Windows home path
Larry Hall
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Larry Hall
- Problem with tty
Larry Hall
- getaddrinfo function on win2k & XP
Larry Hall
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Larry Hall
- bash: cat << EOF
Larry Hall
- Problem with xinetd as a service
Larry Hall
- Remounting /cygdrive/c as /c
Larry Hall
- Call dynamic pointer
Larry Hall
- Remounting /cygdrive/c as /c
Larry Hall
- Problem with tty
Larry Hall
- Call dynamic pointer
Larry Hall
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Larry Hall
- How to tell if ntsec is on or off
Larry Hall
- How to tell if ntsec is on or off
Larry Hall
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Larry Hall
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Larry Hall
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Larry Hall
- Error message from gcc: "entry point putc_unlocked could not be l ocated ..."
Larry Hall
- Cannot link C++ code under gcc 3.2 running cygwin under Windows 2000
Larry Hall
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Larry Hall
- Backspace problem on VMS
Larry Hall
- Inetd question
Larry Hall
- check if cygwin in makefiles?
Larry Hall
- upgrade question
Larry Hall
- ftp: can't set gid
Larry Hall
- Apache Bug
Larry Hall
- Erroneous complaint about being unable to run emacs
Larry Hall
- How to delete cygwin files?
Larry Hall
- Erroneous complaint about being unable to run emacs
Larry Hall
- Assembler messaes:FATAL can't create /cygdrive....
Larry Hall
- missing exported function from cygwin1.dll
Larry Hall
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro:K@N@!:
Larry Hall
- cygwin and NTFS
Larry Hall
- no path set after installation on win2k
Larry Hall
- cygwin and NTFS
Larry Hall
- Developing with cygwin: library troubles
Larry Hall
- Problems with man
Larry Hall
- vnc under cygwin
Larry Hall
- using a dll created by cygwin in msvc++
Larry Hall
- ncurses and terminal definitions
Larry Hall
- ncurses and terminal definitions
Larry Hall
- postgresql, cygwin newbie, issues
Larry Hall
- Problems with man
Larry Hall
- ncurses and terminal definitions
Larry Hall
- using a dll created by cygwin in msvc++
Larry Hall
- Problems with man
Larry Hall
- xmllint -dtdvalid fails to report invalid XML
Eric Hanchrow
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Eric Hanchrow
- X server crashed when Netscape 4 & 7 visiting sites
Joel Handler
- Problems with cron
Harig, Mark
- Question on postinstall
Harig, Mark
- using cygwin crypt with Win32 MySQL encrypt()?
Ralf Hauser
- php-mysql-cygwin how to - have_crypt = YES ? have_openssl? mysqld under cygwin?
Ralf Hauser
- anybody has an exim binary with mysql support? Got 'main option "mysql_servers" unknown' error upon start-up
Ralf Hauser
- Cygwin apps talking to Windows browsers? openmoz for file URLs
Ralf Hauser
- "contents altered after message signed" when sending openssl smime signed messages - ssmtp appears to add extra newlines
Ralf Hauser
- how to prevent mutt from adding headers and newlines when using in command-line mode to send a message signed with openssl smime?
Ralf Hauser
- anybody has an exim win32 binary with mysql support? Got 'main option "mysql_servers" unknown' error upon start-up
Ralf Hauser
- tcpflow under cygwin anybody?
Ralf Hauser
- Problems with cron - Almost there
Jarrod Hermer
- Problems with cron - Almost there
Jarrod Hermer
- SFTP only account
Ville Herva
- Dumb Question on GCC
Jerry Heyman
- TIOCSTI ioctl call
Hirsch, Matthew
- PTY read/write problems
Hirsch, Matthew
- compiling xterm from cvs
Hirsch, Matthew
- readv - incorrect behavior?
Hirsch, Matthew
- PostgreSQL problems
Markus Hoenicka
- PostgreSQL problems
Markus Hoenicka
- PostgreSQL problems
Markus Hoenicka
- PostgreSQL problems
Markus Hoenicka
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
Markus Hoenicka
- Problems with cron - Almost there
Vince Hoffman
- Problems with cron - Almost there
Vince Hoffman
- help running tftpd under winXP
Vince Hoffman
- ping Corinna
Vince Hoffman
- is mail or mailx ported to cygwin
Vince Hoffman
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Vince Hoffman
- anybody has an exim binary with mysql support? Got 'main opti on "mysql_servers" unknown' error upon start-up
Vince Hoffman
- Backing up Cygwin
Vince Hoffman
- problem starting cron as a service
Vince Hoffman
- problem starting cron as a service
Vince Hoffman
- problem starting cron as a service
Vince Hoffman
- Error message from gcc: "entry point putc_unlocked could not be l ocated ..."
Vince Hoffman
- apache dies with pppoe
Vince Hoffman
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesntwork either
Cliff Hones
- Backspace problem on VMS
Hai Hong
- Cygwin apps talking to Windows browsers?
Jeffrey C Honig
- Cygwin apps talking to Windows browsers?
Jeffrey C Honig
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Jeffrey Hood
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Jeffrey Hood
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Jeffrey Hood
- Eager to cooperate
Eileen Huang
- ls.exe slow down in cygwin 1.3.13
Pierre A. Humblet
- Permission problems with recent Cygwin
Pierre A. Humblet
- Permission problems with recent Cygwin
Pierre A. Humblet
- CYGWIN_ROOT Question -- Attn: XFree86-fnts maintainer
Harold L Hunt II
- Question about the cpio-command
Harold L Hunt II
- mutt/Cygwin locks on some characters?
Lester Ingber
- mutt/Cygwin locks on some characters?
Lester Ingber
- P.S.: Re: mutt/Cygwin locks on some characters?
Lester Ingber
- codepage:none
Baurjan Ismagulov
- codepage:none
Baurjan Ismagulov
- _GETTEXT undefined problem
Searle Mr JR
- _GETTEXT undefined problem
Searle Mr JR
- invalid libname
Ariz Jacinto
- Makefile *** missing separator
Andrew Jacka
- Makefile *** missing separator
Andrew Jacka
- loaddllfunc in autoload.cc
Vishal Jain
- Local printer access question..
Cary Jamison
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Chris January
- Read access to all keys in /proc/registry
Chris January
- problem with history
Chris January
- Skipping the /proc filesystem
Chris January
- Skipping the /proc filesystem
Chris January
- Problems in compiling C-code After migrating from older version of cygwin
Taylor Jeude
- Problems with GCC
Taylor Jeude
- xpdf ./configure error: Doesn't find specified libraries (But they are there??)
Rafael Jimenez
- OpenSSH + Public Key Auth + ntsec
- OpenSSH + Public Key Auth + ntsec
- C99/C++ patch for /usr/include/math.h
J. Johnston
- CygIPC
Kevin Jones
- CygIPC
Kevin Jones
- CygIPC
Kevin Jones
- Postmaster failing 'not enough core'
Kevin Jones
- newlib math bug (fpclassify)
Joseph E. Vornehm, Jr.
- /etc/profile as installed. Minor correction.
Mr Tharic Jroskj
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesnt work either
Robert McNulty Junior
- any questions
Robert McNulty Junior
- _ansi.h
Robert McNulty Junior
- terminfo 3.2-2
Robert McNulty Junior
- terminfo 5.3-3
Robert McNulty Junior
- terminfo 5.3-3
Robert McNulty Junior
- FTP directory
Robert McNulty Junior
- FTP directory
Robert McNulty Junior
- cygwin 1.5.0
Robert McNulty Junior
- cygwin 1.5.0
Robert McNulty Junior
- mirrors.rcn.net
Robert McNulty Junior
- apache problems gone with 1.50
Robert McNulty Junior
- Updated: automake-devel-1.7.6-1
Eddie Katz
- Problems with man
Kaufman, Duane (MED, LUNAR)
- Problems with man
Kaufman, Duane (MED, LUNAR)
- Problems with man
Kaufman, Duane (MED, LUNAR)
- Problems with man
Kaufman, Duane (MED, LUNAR)
- Problems with man
Kaufman, Duane (MED, LUNAR)
- Problems with man
Kaufman, Duane (MED, LUNAR)
- Problems with man
Kaufman, Duane (MED, LUNAR)
- Trouble starting http; crash in cygcrypto.dll
Dan Kegel
- Problem call a cygwin command from a dos batch file
Lisbeth Kellogg
- Problem call a cygwin command from a dos batch file
Lisbeth Kellogg
- Problem call a cygwin command from a dos batch file
Lisbeth Kellogg
- Problem call a cygwin command from a dos batch file
Lisbeth Kellogg
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Lisbeth Kellogg
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User' s Guide section
Lisbeth Kellogg
- Windows Security Hole??
Brian Kelly
- The procedure entry point putc_unlocked could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll
Venkatesh K. Kesavan
- The procedure entry point putc_unlocked could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll
Venkatesh K. Kesavan
- Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations
David Kilroy
- Request for list links in left side navbar
Jim Kleckner
- Source for upset package
Jim Kleckner
- Source for upset package
Jim Kleckner
- Source for upset package
Jim Kleckner
- Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Jim Kleckner
- Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Jim Kleckner
- [H] Reinstall LILO
Carroll Kong
- MICO / configure script question
Joost Kraaijeveld
- gtk2 on cygwin ( --with-gdktarget=win32, only )
S. L.
- gtk2 on cygwin ( --with-gdktarget=win32, only )
S. L.
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/ ?
Jon A. Lambert
- emacs locksup win98se
Graham Lamont
- emacs locksup win98se
Graham Lamont
- cvs connecting to a repository on Windows broken?
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] updated PCRE packages available for download
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Question on postinstall
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Question on postinstall
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- posix and win32 enviornment
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- tcsh on Cygwin and problems in installing cygwin ...
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Weird error executing binary in bash
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Request for list links in left side navbar (Attn: CGF)
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Request for list links in left side navbar (Attn: CGF)
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Complaint Received (Tracking ID: 1272411) (fwd)
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Parameters to ReadFile(), SetCommState() for COM ports
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- cygwin-1.5.0-1: Problem stat-ing big file
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 managed mount bug (?)
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 managed mount bug (?)
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 forked off child processes have open handles to non-existant processes
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- another cygwin-1.5.0 managed mount bug
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 forked off child processes have open handles to non-existant processes
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- FYI: current Cygwin CVS working nicely
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- FYI: current Cygwin CVS working nicely
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- FYI: current Cygwin CVS working nicely
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- FYI: current Cygwin CVS working nicely
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Test/cygwin-1.5.0 version of pcre available
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Crash in lynx
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Crash in lynx
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Crash in lynx
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Call dynamic pointer
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Crash in lynx
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- when is it useful to attach strace outputs to the M/L
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- GCC Errors - two versions released
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- GCC: Split it ?
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- linking with non-cygwin dll
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- linking with non-cygwin dll
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- linking with non-cygwin dll
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- activating a dial-up connection from cygwin
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- [IDEA] Add words to cygwin documentation on how to use windows programs effectively
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc.)
- Backspace problem on VMS
Michael Lemke
- socket operation on non-socket problem fixed in cygwin1-20030704.dll.bz2, but ...
Antoine Levy-Lambert
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Antoine Levy-Lambert
- Cygwin prevents normal Windows shutdown
Antoine Levy-Lambert
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Antoine Levy-Lambert
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Antoine Levy-Lambert
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Antoine Levy-Lambert
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Antoine Levy-Lambert
- snap, crackle, popshot (was Re: cut and paste problem with xemacs/rxvt)
Antoine Levy-Lambert
- License question about Cygwin
Cary Lewis
- Problems with @pathnames
Magnus Lewis-Smith
- Problems setting baud rate
Mats Liljegren
- Question on postinstall
Carl Lindgren
- Question on postinstall
Carl Lindgren
- Question on postinstall
Carl Lindgren
- Question on postinstall
Carl Lindgren
- memset manpage error
Martin Lindhe
- Problem with cygwin.dll ver 1.5.0-1
Gene Livshits
- Problem with cygwin.dll ver 1.5.0-1
Gene Livshits
- Problem with cygwin.dll ver 1.5.0-1
Gene Livshits
- Problem with cygwin.dll ver 1.5.0-1
Gene Livshits
- little trouble
Miguel Arturo Diaz Lopez
- little trouble 2
Miguel Arturo Diaz Lopez
- gimp and nmap
Lapo Luchini
- Setup-net license?
- Setup-net license?
- Backing up Cygwin
- Backing up Cygwin
- Backing up cygwin
- Backing up cygwin
- Spurious executable bits keep turning up
Jason Lunz
- Spurious executable bits keep turning up
Jason Lunz
- Is there a known problem with using nested sub-shells in bash?
- Cygwin on cdrom
Marco Marcantelli
- Problems with GCC
Andrew Markebo
- Call dynamic pointer
Lucien Mathieu
- Call dynamic pointer
Lucien Mathieu
- Call dynamic pointer
Lucien Mathieu
- mc: Segmentation fault
- "aux" file everywhere
- mc: Segmentation fault
Elfyn McBratney
- About the 'su' command
Elfyn McBratney
- xmllint -dtdvalid fails to report invalid XML
Elfyn McBratney
- The procedure entry point putc_unlocked could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll
Elfyn McBratney
- Dumb Question on GCC
Elfyn McBratney
- Problems with cron
Elfyn McBratney
- Pause / Break key locks up rxvt ?
Elfyn McBratney
- Need Mail headers (was Re: posts to cygwin mailing list always comes...)
Elfyn McBratney
- Php Zend Optimzer on Cygwin ?
Elfyn McBratney
- overcoming make in openssl
Elfyn McBratney
- csh on cygwin?
Elfyn McBratney
- Question on postinstall
Elfyn McBratney
- Question on postinstall
Elfyn McBratney
- inet_addr library
Elfyn McBratney
- Help installing Apache/PHP/MySQL
Elfyn McBratney
- Create cyg-managed filesystem possible? (RE: cygwin 1.5.0 coming - 64 bit file I/O and more)
Elfyn McBratney
- microprobing ........... a grrrrrrreat technique !
Elfyn McBratney
- CVS tag for releases?
Elfyn McBratney
- Apache mod_ssl fork problem
Elfyn McBratney
- CVS tag for releases?
Elfyn McBratney
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Elfyn McBratney
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Elfyn McBratney
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Elfyn McBratney
- TERM problems
Elfyn McBratney
- Pb including Xm.h
Elfyn McBratney
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Elfyn McBratney
- ping Corinna
Elfyn McBratney
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Elfyn McBratney
- Pb including Xm.h
Elfyn McBratney
- ping Corinna
Elfyn McBratney
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Elfyn McBratney
- Pb including Xm.h
Elfyn McBratney
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Elfyn McBratney
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Elfyn McBratney
- Pb including Xm.h
Elfyn McBratney
- Advice on where to look to solve a problem
Elfyn McBratney
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Elfyn McBratney
- suggested project name change
Elfyn McBratney
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
Elfyn McBratney
- Complaint Received (Tracking ID: 1272411) (fwd)
Elfyn McBratney
- Complaint Received (Tracking ID: 1272411) (fwd)
Elfyn McBratney
- Complaint Received (Tracking ID: 1272411) (fwd)
Elfyn McBratney
- make from cvs file
Elfyn McBratney
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Elfyn McBratney
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Elfyn McBratney
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Elfyn McBratney
- MySQL Server build project
Elfyn McBratney
- Complaint Received (Tracking ID: 1272411) (fwd)
Elfyn McBratney
- namespace problems
Elfyn McBratney
- make from cvs file
Elfyn McBratney
- make from cvs file
Elfyn McBratney
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin 1.5.0-1 managed mount bug (?)
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Elfyn McBratney
- Problem with TCL , couldn't execute a TCL file
Elfyn McBratney
- rxvt shortcut problem (bash, XP, memory, heap, Win32 error 487)
Elfyn McBratney
- another cygwin-1.5.0 managed mount bug
Elfyn McBratney
- another cygwin-1.5.0 managed mount bug
Elfyn McBratney
- bounced messages
Elfyn McBratney
- 1.5.0-1 Working Great Here
Elfyn McBratney
- Globally redirecting output elsewhere than /tmp/
Elfyn McBratney
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
Elfyn McBratney
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Elfyn McBratney
- m68k-elf-gcc
Elfyn McBratney
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Elfyn McBratney
- In the distance, the sound of a snapshot going off, and the lonely plaintive wail of...
Elfyn McBratney
- Who is running Apache2 on Cygwin?
Elfyn McBratney
- What's up with the Cygwin homepage?
Elfyn McBratney
- Apache with mod_proxy as caching proxy randomly fails
Elfyn McBratney
- Apache with mod_proxy as caching proxy randomly fails
Elfyn McBratney
- Building gcc
Elfyn McBratney
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Elfyn McBratney
- Cygwin NFS server problems - cannot mount from client (HPUX 11)
Elfyn McBratney
- TIOCSTI ioctl call
Elfyn McBratney
- How to get sigwait()?
Elfyn McBratney
- Socket operation on non-socket bug
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Elfyn McBratney
- Ideas re problem reporting
Elfyn McBratney
- terminfo 5.3-3
Elfyn McBratney
- License question about Cygwin
Elfyn McBratney
- Ideas re problem reporting
Elfyn McBratney
- License question about Cygwin
Elfyn McBratney
- FTP directory
Elfyn McBratney
- Spammers watching this user forum
Elfyn McBratney
- Spammers watching this user forum
Elfyn McBratney
- Spammers watching this user forum
Elfyn McBratney
- Spammers watching this user forum
Elfyn McBratney
- Problem with cygwin.dll ver 1.5.0-1
Elfyn McBratney
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Elfyn McBratney
- qt3 on cygwin
Elfyn McBratney
- Spammers watching this user forum
Elfyn McBratney
- CYGWIN: make error
Elfyn McBratney
- PE operations on non PE file. collect2: ld return exit1 stat
Elfyn McBratney
- CygIPC
Elfyn McBratney
- PE operations on non PE file. collect2: ld return exit
Elfyn McBratney
- CygIPC
Elfyn McBratney
- CygIPC
Elfyn McBratney
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Elfyn McBratney
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Elfyn McBratney
- little trouble
Elfyn McBratney
- little trouble
Elfyn McBratney
- _GETTEXT undefined problem
Elfyn McBratney
- mknod test p
Elfyn McBratney
- mknod test p
Elfyn McBratney
- Using Cron?
Elfyn McBratney
- Using Cron?
Elfyn McBratney
- Using Cron?
Elfyn McBratney
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Elfyn McBratney
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Elfyn McBratney
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Elfyn McBratney
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Elfyn McBratney
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Elfyn McBratney
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Elfyn McBratney
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Elfyn McBratney
- linking with non-cygwin dll
Elfyn McBratney
- apache dies with pppoe
Elfyn McBratney
- More Imagemagick/Perlmagick Issues
Elfyn McBratney
- linux programmer's manual for win32 ?
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Elfyn McBratney
- Apache Bug
Elfyn McBratney
- Apache Bug
Elfyn McBratney
- Questions about converting apps to cygwin
Elfyn McBratney
- unsubscribe
Elfyn McBratney
- Questions about converting apps to cygwin
Elfyn McBratney
- how to activate registry changes
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin.com unavailable from blueyonder/telewest uk
Elfyn McBratney
- Problem call a cygwin command from a dos batch file
Elfyn McBratney
- Who's who of packagers?
Elfyn McBratney
- pclose without return???
Elfyn McBratney
- invalid libname
Elfyn McBratney
- cygwin and NTFS
Elfyn McBratney
- mysqlc
Bill McCormick
- mysqlc
Bill McCormick
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Bill McCormick
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Bill McCormick
- Help installing Apache/PHP/MySQL
Bill McCormick
- Help installing Apache/PHP/MySQL
Bill McCormick
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Bill McCormick
- users and startup scripts
Bill McCormick
- users and startup scripts (FAQ alert)
Bill McCormick
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
Bill McCormick
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Bill McCormick
- Does cygwin do "find" a little bit differently?
Bill McCormick
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Bill McCormick
- rxvt login
Bill McCormick
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Bill McCormick
- Using Cron?
Bill McCormick
- ImageMagick
Bill McCormick
- ImageMagick
Bill McCormick
- problem starting cron as a service
Bill McCormick
- problem starting cron as a service
Bill McCormick
- problem starting cron as a service
Bill McCormick
- problem starting cron as a service
Bill McCormick
- problem starting cron as a service
Bill McCormick
- ImageMagick
Bill McCormick
- ImageMagick/PerlMagick
Bill McCormick
- ImageMagick/PerlMagick
Bill McCormick
- ImageMagick/PerlMagick
Bill McCormick
- CYGwin PerlMagick install
Bill McCormick
- ImageMagick/PerlMagick
Bill McCormick
- CYGwin PerlMagick install
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- apache dies with pppoe
Bill McCormick
- More Imagemagick/Perlmagick Issues
Bill McCormick
- Apache Bug (was: apache dies with pppoe)
Bill McCormick
- More Imagemagick/Perlmagick Issues
Bill McCormick
- Apache Bug
Bill McCormick
- Apache Bug
Bill McCormick
- Apache Bug
Bill McCormick
- Apache Bug
Bill McCormick
- Erroneous complaint about being unable to run emacs
Bill McCormick
- apache problems gone with 1.50
Bill McCormick
- apache problems gone with 1.50
Bill McCormick
- funktion itoa
Bill McCormick
- Need cygwin usage statistics
Robert Mecklenburg
- No huge packets, please!
Rodrigo Medina
- No huge packages, please!
Rodrigo Medina
- libbfd.a undefined refernce to _dcgettext, _htab_create_alloc
Vikram Mehta
- Problem with dereference option on Windows LNKs (shortcuts)
Dan Mellem
- Problem with dereference option on Windows LNKs (shortcuts)
Mellem, Dan
- Problem with dereference option on Windows LNKs (shortcuts)
Mellem, Dan
- bufffer overflow in telnetd
Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED)
- bufffer overflow in telnetd
Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED)
- bufffer overflow in telnetd
Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED)
- bufffer overflow in telnetd
Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED)
- ftp: can't set gid
Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED)
- cygwin and NTFS
Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED)
- Old releases download
Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED)
- cygwin and NTFS
Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED)
- Pause / Break key locks up rxvt ?
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
- Pause / Break key locks up rxvt ?
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
- Pause / Break key locks up rxvt ?
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
- anybody has an exim binary with mysql support? Got 'main opti on "mysql_servers" unknown' error upon start-up
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
- configure and mmap on Cygwin
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
- cygwin 1.5.0
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
- GCC: Split it ?
Frédéric L. W. Meunier
- Additional Info on undefined reference to `_WinMain@16'
Vance Miller
- Setup fails on XP Pro : no files in /etc + no permissions in /bin
Milner, Jon (EU-SES)
- Setup fails on XP Pro : no files in /etc + no permissions in /bin
Milner, Jon (EU-SES)
- Developing with cygwin: library troubles
- default shell cannot be changed from bash to tcsh
Alireza Moini
- GCC Errors - two versions released
William J. Moulton
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Stephan Mueller
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Stephan Mueller
- inetd problem
- Socket operation on non-socket bug
- Problem: CVS cannot work properly in SSH shell
Neophytos Neophytou
- Cygwin-Windows pipe communication
Ajay Nerurkar
- Cygwin Apache hanging problem
Ajay Nerurkar
- guile's latest version
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: guile-1.6.4-2, NEW: libguile12abi13-1.6.4-2
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: lilypond-1.6.11-1
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- qt3 on cygwin
George Njoku
- perl with cygwin 1.5 doesn't fly.
George Njoku
- ftp: can't set gid
George Njoku
- Can't get ssh to forward X packets
Jeff Nokes
- Can't get ssh to forward X packets
Jeff Nokes
- Error compiling code using winsock functions
David None
- Error compiling code using winsock functions
David None
- gcj-3.3 with Cygwin?
Jørgen Nørgaard
- ssh-agent/add problem - cygwin 1.3.22-1 / openssh 3.6.1p1-1 (win98se)
Mark Ord
- activating a dial-up connection from cygwin
Mark Ord
- GCC: Split it ?
Gareth Pearce
- GCC: Split it ?
Gareth Pearce
- Fwd: Re: CygWin adding CRs, hurting CVS client/server communications?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin on cdrom
Igor Pechtchanski
- Doesn't chdir to /home/foo when cygwin shell is started
Igor Pechtchanski
- Doesn't chdir to /home/foo when cygwin shell is started
Igor Pechtchanski
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Igor Pechtchanski
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Igor Pechtchanski
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Igor Pechtchanski
- Question on postinstall
Igor Pechtchanski
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Igor Pechtchanski
- Pause / Break key locks up rxvt ?
Igor Pechtchanski
- tcsh on Cygwin and problems in installing cygwin ...
Igor Pechtchanski
- gcc using termios.h and -mno-cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- can Cygwin packages be installed from inside the Cygwin shell?
Igor Pechtchanski
- No userid
Igor Pechtchanski
- CYGWIN_ROOT Question -- Attn: XFree86-fnts maintainer
Igor Pechtchanski
- posix and win32 enviornment
Igor Pechtchanski
- CygPath to Clipboard (was: example needed pls ...)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Lib nl_types.h
Igor Pechtchanski
- Starting up : file seek order
Igor Pechtchanski
- how to use current directory as bash startup directory
Igor Pechtchanski
- cvs path in cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- release 1.3.22-1 uninstall \etc\hosts
Igor Pechtchanski
- cvs question
Igor Pechtchanski
- Noer's paper missing at Cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- Source for upset package
Igor Pechtchanski
- Request for list links in left side navbar (Attn: CGF)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Difference between login and runas?
Igor Pechtchanski
- How can I download onto one computer then install onto another
Igor Pechtchanski
- a few questions about cvs
Igor Pechtchanski
- CVS tag for releases?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Source for upset package
Igor Pechtchanski
- missing procedure entry point [putc_unlocked] in cygwin1.dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- Output suppressed with ssh or telnet
Igor Pechtchanski
- /dev directory
Igor Pechtchanski
- users and startup scripts (FAQ alert)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Restricted
Igor Pechtchanski
- Setup-net license?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Setup-net license?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Igor Pechtchanski
- TERM problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- posix and win32 enviornment
Igor Pechtchanski
- error running cygcheck 1.32
Igor Pechtchanski
- error running cygcheck 1.32
Igor Pechtchanski
- is mail or mailx ported to cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- Does cygwin do "find" a little bit differently?
Igor Pechtchanski
- error running cygcheck 1.32
Igor Pechtchanski
- error running cygcheck 1.32
Igor Pechtchanski
- send message/mail from command line
Igor Pechtchanski
- bufffer overflow in telnetd
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
Igor Pechtchanski
- Performance problem
Igor Pechtchanski
- Parameters to ReadFile(), SetCommState() for COM ports
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem including MinGW's float.h
Igor Pechtchanski
- posix and win32 enviornment
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin apps talking to Windows browsers?
Igor Pechtchanski
- flaky disk share access
Igor Pechtchanski
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Igor Pechtchanski
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Igor Pechtchanski
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Igor Pechtchanski
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Igor Pechtchanski
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Igor Pechtchanski
- default shell cannot be changed from bash to tcsh
Igor Pechtchanski
- rxvt shortcut problem (bash, XP, memory, heap, Win32 error 487)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Spurious executable bits keep turning up
Igor Pechtchanski
- cron as service problem with OLE application
Igor Pechtchanski
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Igor Pechtchanski
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Igor Pechtchanski
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Igor Pechtchanski
- Backing up cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- Backing up cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygwin_logon_user() not working
Igor Pechtchanski
- What's up with the Cygwin homepage?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem with dereference option on Windows LNKs (shortcuts)
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygipc problem (was shmctl(blabla,IPC_RMID,NULL) question)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Defaul icon problem
Igor Pechtchanski
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Igor Pechtchanski
- Request for warning on 1.5.0 release...
Igor Pechtchanski
- installing audiofile on cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- gcc on cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- SYSTEM password
Igor Pechtchanski
- #define _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS causes parse error in sys/signal.h
Igor Pechtchanski
- #define _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS causes parse error in sys/signal.h
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: jgraph-8.3-1
Igor Pechtchanski
- favor
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations
Igor Pechtchanski
- bufffer overflow in telnetd
Igor Pechtchanski
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Igor Pechtchanski
- ACL or file locking issue?
Igor Pechtchanski
- xpdf ./configure error: Doesn't find specified libraries (But they are there??)
Igor Pechtchanski
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test case
Igor Pechtchanski
- Spammers watching this user forum
Igor Pechtchanski
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test case
Igor Pechtchanski
- bash: cat << EOF
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem with xinetd as a service
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin version 1.3.20
Igor Pechtchanski
- Subject: Corrupt characters in cygwin console (:310)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin prevents normal Windows shutdown
Igor Pechtchanski
- Thread.start()
Igor Pechtchanski
- GCC: Split it ?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Questions about building from CVS
Igor Pechtchanski
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Igor Pechtchanski
- SFTP only account
Igor Pechtchanski
- Thread.start()
Igor Pechtchanski
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Igor Pechtchanski
- API Reference documentation
Igor Pechtchanski
- API Reference documentation
Igor Pechtchanski
- API Reference documentation
Igor Pechtchanski
- Inetd question
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.0: Problem with fseeko() after fdopen() (gold star alert)
Igor Pechtchanski
- QPopper
Igor Pechtchanski
- upgrade question
Igor Pechtchanski
- upgrade question
Igor Pechtchanski
- Inetd question
Igor Pechtchanski
- ftp: can't set gid
Igor Pechtchanski
- ftp: can't set gid
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Igor Pechtchanski
- Apache Bug
Igor Pechtchanski
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Igor Pechtchanski
Igor Pechtchanski
- Japanese Windows login name and SSH
Igor Pechtchanski
- missing exported function from cygwin1.dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- Serial Port?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Assembler messaes:FATAL can't create /cygdrive....
Igor Pechtchanski
- Local printer access question..
Igor Pechtchanski
- missing exported function from cygwin1.dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- No huge packets, please!
Igor Pechtchanski
- Local printer access question..
Igor Pechtchanski
- Local printer access question..
Igor Pechtchanski
- gcj file input problem, "available" incorrect
Igor Pechtchanski
- And now a problem with tcl
Igor Pechtchanski
- Limit to size of pipe
Igor Pechtchanski
- Local printer access question..
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem call a cygwin command from a dos batch file
Igor Pechtchanski
- And now a problem with tcl
Igor Pechtchanski
- pclose without return???
Igor Pechtchanski
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Igor Pechtchanski
- no path set after installation on win2k
Igor Pechtchanski
- linking with non-cygwin dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- linking with non-cygwin dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Igor Pechtchanski
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Igor Pechtchanski
- CYGWIN_ROOT Question
Gerald Pekmezi
- CYGWIN_ROOT Question
Gerald Pekmezi
- perl with cygwin 1.5 doesn't fly.
Matthew O. Persico
- Erroneous complaint about being unable to run emacs
Matthew O. Persico
- Erroneous complaint about being unable to run emacs
Matthew O. Persico
- Windows home path
Bill Pfeiffer
- Windows home path
Bill Pfeiffer
- Cygwin NFS server problems - cannot mount from client (HPUX 11)
L KIME Philip
- SFTP only account
Tommie Porter
- rxvt shortcut problem (bash, XP, memory, heap, Win32 error 487)
David Postill
- API Reference documentation
David Power
- RXVT can you paste into it?
Ross Presser
- File Permission Problems on Windows XP, cygwin 1.3.22
Mark Priest
- new Info on File Permission Problems on Windows XP, cygwin 1.3.22
Mark Priest
- new Info on File Permission Problems on Windows XP, cygwin 1.3.22
Mark Priest
- new Info on File Permission Problems on Windows XP, cygwin 1.3.22
Mark Priest
- My resolution of File Permission Problems on Windows XP, cygwin 1.3.22
Mark Priest
- OpenSSH + Public Key Auth + ntsec
Mark Priest
- Single-user Cygwin for improved security under standalone use with OpenSSH
Mark Priest
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Mark Priest
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Mark Priest
- ssh with keys to Cygwin/Openssh on Windows XP
Mark Priest
- Problem: CVS cannot work properly in SSH shell
Mark Priest
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Timothy C Prince
- missing exported function from cygwin1.dll
- missing exported function from cygwin1.dll
- missing exported function from cygwin1.dll
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Mark R.
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Mark R.
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Mark R.
- Query regarding application error..
Rajagopalan, Karthik
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Jeffery B. Rancier
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Jeffery B. Rancier
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Jeffery B. Rancier
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Jeffery B. Rancier
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro:K@N@!:
Jeffery B. Rancier
- Local printer access question..
Rick Rankin
- Local printer access question..
Rick Rankin
- Local printer access question..
Rick Rankin
- Local printer access question..
Rick Rankin
- Local printer access question..
Rick Rankin
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Rick Rankin
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Rick Rankin
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Rick Rankin
- Local printer access question..
Ishwar Rattan
- Gnu Ghostscript question??
Ishwar Rattan
Daniel Reed
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] naim 0.11.6
Daniel Reed
- gcc on cygwin
LLeweLLyn Reese
- help running tftpd under winXP
Peter Rehley
- Permission problems with recent Cygwin
Bill C Riemers
- SYSTEM password
Bill C Riemers
- License question about Cygwin
Bill C Riemers
- License question about Cygwin
Bill C Riemers
- cygwin.com unavailable from blueyonder/telewest uk
Bill C Riemers
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User' s Guide section
Peter Ring
- cygwin dll old versions?
Tobias Ritter
- possible bug in mutt when using ssmtp
- /dev directory
- 1.3.22: bug in mutt/ssmtp (segfault)
- Remounting /cygdrive/c as /c
- Remounting /cygdrive/c as /c
- Inetd question
- Inetd question
- activating a dial-up connection from cygwin
- activating a dial-up connection from cygwin
- Request for warning on 1.5.0 release...
Robb, Sam
- Request for warning on 1.5.0 release...
Robb, Sam
- Cygwin NFS server problems - cannot mount from client (HPUX 11)
Robb, Sam
- documentation on building the cygwin dll
Robb, Sam
- 1.5.0: rxvt copy/paste problems
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.0: rxvt copy/paste problems
David Rothenberger
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.0: rxvt copy/paste problems
David Rothenberger
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
David Rothenberger
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
David Rothenberger
- Questions about building from CVS (was Re: documentation on building the cygwin dll)
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.0: Problem with fseeko() after fdopen()
David Rothenberger
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
David Rothenberger
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.0: Problem with fseeko() after fdopen() (gold star alert)
David Rothenberger
- cut and paste problem with xemacs Was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: cygwin-1.5.0-1
David Rothenberger
- Cygwin DLL configuration
David Rothenberger
- snap, crackle, popshot (was Re: cut and paste problem with xemacs/rxvt)
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.1: lseek64 woes (was Re: 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive)
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.1: lseek64 woes (was Re: 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive)
David Rothenberger
- Limit to size of pipe
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.1: lseek64 woes (was Re: 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive)
David Rothenberger
- 1.5.1-1 unzip broken
David Rothenberger
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin 1.5.0 and managed mode
Pavel Rozenboim
- another cygwin-1.5.0 managed mount bug
Pavel Rozenboim
- another cygwin-1.5.0 managed mount bug
Pavel Rozenboim
- bounced messages
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Pavel Rozenboim
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Pavel Rozenboim
- How to diagnose cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin and NTFS
Pavel Rozenboim
- cygwin and clearcase using TAS
Sharona Rozmaryn
- Windows Security Hole??
Dennis Russo
- m68k-elf-gcc
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Mukul Sabharwal
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Mukul Sabharwal
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Mukul Sabharwal
- linux programmer's manual for win32 ?
Mukul Sabharwal
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Mukul Sabharwal
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE
Mukul Sabharwal
- cygwin1.dll not found, embedding dll into EXE:K@N@!:
Mukul Sabharwal
- mknod test p
- mknod test p
- rxvt icon replacement
Dean Scarff
- CRLF to LF Issue
Dean Scarff
- where can I get info on commercial version of cygwin
H. Henning Schmidt
- qt3 on cygwin
H. Henning Schmidt
- Serial Port?
H. Henning Schmidt
- tcflush waits
Jon Schneider
- tcflush waits
Jon Schneider
- find -exec oddity
Randall R Schulz
- posix and win32 enviornment
Randall R Schulz
- Advice on where to look to solve a problem
Randall R Schulz
- send message/mail from command line
Randall R Schulz
- What's up with the Cygwin homepage?
Randall R Schulz
- Problems with @pathnames
Randall R Schulz
- [PATCH] : make cygpath use multiple filename arguments
Randall R Schulz
- Skipping the /proc filesystem
Randall R Schulz
- How to resolve a link?
Randall R Schulz
- How to resolve a link?
Randall R Schulz
- How to resolve a link?
Randall R Schulz
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Randall R Schulz
- Skipping the /proc filesystem
Randall R Schulz
- Cygwin prevents normal Windows shutdown
Randall R Schulz
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Randall R Schulz
- how to make cygwin run under shells other than bash
Randall R Schulz
- activating a dial-up connection from cygwin
Randall R Schulz
- activating a dial-up connection from cygwin
Randall R Schulz
- cygwin 1.5.0 coming - 64 bit file I/O and more
Markus Schönhaber
- cygwin-1.5.0-1: Problem stat-ing big file
Markus Schönhaber
- cygwin-1.5.0-1: Problem stat-ing big file
Markus Schönhaber
- cygwin-1.5.0-1: Problem stat-ing big file
Markus Schönhaber
- 1.5.0-1 Working Great Here
Markus Schönhaber
- 1.5.0-1 Working Great Here
Markus Schönhaber
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
Markus Schönhaber
- make 3.80 and VPATH
Christopher Seawood
- make 3.80 and VPATH
Christopher Seawood
- make 3.80 and VPATH
Christopher Seawood
- make 3.80 and VPATH
Christopher Seawood
- gcc on cygwin
Sagar Shah
- gcc on cygwin
Sagar Shah
- gcc on cygwin
Sagar Shah
- gcc on cygwin
Sagar Shah
- Where I can I get info about building Win32 DLL files with gcc?
Sagar Shah
- Fw: gcc on cygwin
Sagar Shah
- CYGWIN: make error
Sagar Shah
- user accounts and moving cygwin
David Sharp
- Cygwin vs: Windoze services for Unix
David Sharp
- Spammers watching this user forum
David Sharp
- Problem running emacs under XP
David Sharp
- How to diagnose Cygwin / Windows shutdown problem
David Sharp
- Does cygwin do "find" a little bit differently?
Don Sharp
- make from cvs file
Don Sharp
- ls -l gets the dates wrong on CD
Don Sharp
- Ideas re problem reporting
Don Sharp
- Japanese Windows login name and SSH
Ryan Shaw
- 1.5.0-1 Working Great Here
Gary R Van Sickle
- More 1.5 success
Gary R Van Sickle
- newbie shell-users howto, guide, cheatsheet, or reference?
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Why do symlinks need to be system files
Gary R. Van Sickle
- mutt/Cygwin locks on some characters?
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Windows home path
Gary R. Van Sickle
- The need for sp[TAB]
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Lib nl_types.h
Andrey Sidun
- Lib nl_types.h
Andrey Sidun
- Cannot open bayes_path error
Ajay Simha
- Mutt crashes on XP
Ajay Simha
- Remounting /cygdrive/c as /c
Gavin Sinclair
- release 1.3.22-1 uninstall \etc\hosts
Bhavraj Singh
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
Al Slater
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Ross Smith
- [Openslp-devel] namespace problems
Malte Starostik
- crash on the first statement in main()
Sam Steingold
- crash on the first statement in main()
Sam Steingold
- gdb passes different argv/argc to mingw & cygwin
Sam Steingold
- mingw execv() bug bites cygwin gdb
Sam Steingold
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Sam Steingold
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Sam Steingold
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Sam Steingold
- subprocess i/o interaction with shell (bash&cmd): shells compete for input with user program!
Sam Steingold
- gdb & g++ (de)mangling
Sam Steingold
- gdb & g++ (de)mangling
Sam Steingold
- fd --> handle?
Sam Steingold
- Patch for slow rsync - select(2) bug
Nigel Stephens
- Advice on where to look to solve a problem
- is mail or mailx ported to cygwin
- Does cygwin do "find" a little bit differently?
- RXVT can you paste into it?
- TERM problems
Nigel Stewart
- Windows Security Hole??
Nigel Stewart
- can Cygwin packages be installed from inside the Cygwin shell?
Chris Stromsoe
- Problem with TCL , couldn't execute a TCL file
Stucky, Mark B. UTRC
- how to make cygwin run under shells other than bash
Damien Suttle
- how to make cygwin run under shells other than bash
Damien Suttle
- #define _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS causes parse error in sys/signal.h
Attila Szegedi
- #define _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS causes parse error in sys/signal.h
Attila Szegedi
- How to get sigwait()?
Attila Szegedi
- How to emulate pthread_yield
Attila Szegedi
- #define _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS causes parse error in sys/signal.h
Attila Szegedi
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: stunnel-4.04-3
Marcel Telka
- profile folder missing in docbook-xsl package
Marcel Telka
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: docbook-xsl-1.61.3-2
Marcel Telka
- postgresql, cygwin newbie, issues
Michael Teter
- bash: cat << EOF
Samuel Thibault
- bash: cat << EOF
Samuel Thibault
- bash: cat << EOF
Samuel Thibault
- bash: cat << EOF
Samuel Thibault
- bash: cat << EOF
Samuel Thibault
- bash: cat << EOF
Samuel Thibault
- bash: cat << EOF
Samuel Thibault
- bash: cat << EOF
Samuel Thibault
- Spurious executable bits keep turning up
Henry S. Thompson
- Spurious executable bits keep turning up
Henry S. Thompson
- Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations
Peter S Tillier
- Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations
Peter S Tillier
- GPL alert ? http://thinstall.com/unix_tools/
Peter S Tillier
- License question about Cygwin
Tillman, James
- proftpd hang (1.2.9rc1-2 on 1.3.22)
Jason Tishler
- proftpd hang (1.2.9rc1-2 on 1.3.22)
Jason Tishler
- Help installing Apache/PHP/MySQL
Jason Tishler
- Apache mod_ssl fork problem
Jason Tishler
- Apache mod_ssl fork problem
Jason Tishler
- proftpd hang (1.2.9rc1-2 on 1.3.22)
Jason Tishler
- cygipc problem (was shmctl(blabla,IPC_RMID,NULL) question)
Jason Tishler
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
Jason Tishler
- Problem with TCL , couldn't execute a TCL file
Jason Tishler
- PostgreSQL problems
Jason Tishler
- PostgreSQL problems
Jason Tishler
- PostgreSQL problems
Jason Tishler
- cygipc problem (was shmctl(blabla,IPC_RMID,NULL) question)
Jason Tishler
- cygipc problem (was shmctl(blabla,IPC_RMID,NULL) question)
Jason Tishler
- proftpd and cygwin
Jason Tishler
- PostgeSQL installation
Jason Tishler
- rebaseall question/problem
Jason Tishler
- Postmaster failing 'not enough core'
Jason Tishler
- Local printer access question..
Jason Tishler
- Neither xinetd nor inetd seem to work... but differently???
Dmitry Tkach
- cvs connecting to a repository on Windows broken?
Andy Todd
- cvs connecting to a repository on Windows broken?
Andy Todd
- cvs connecting to a repository on Windows broken?
Andy Todd
- Help installing Apache/PHP/MySQL
Stipe Tolj
- Who is running Apache2 on Cygwin?
Stipe Tolj
- apache dies with pppoe
Stipe Tolj
- apache problems gone with 1.50
Stipe Tolj
- apache problems gone with 1.50
Stipe Tolj
- Cannot open bayes_path error
Benjamin Tomhave
- flaky disk share access
Richard Troy
- flaky disk share access
Richard Troy
- Issue with net.exe and no output when ssh'ing into NT system
Richard Troy
- More Re: flaky disk share access
Richard Troy
- cygwin GDB crashes on single step
Richard Troy
- mc: Segmentation fault
Pavel Tsekov
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Test/cygwin-1.5.0 version of Midnight Commander
Pavel Tsekov
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Danilo Turina
- restrict
Lassi A. Tuura
- restrict
Lassi A. Tuura
- gcc using termios.h and -mno-cygwin
Shankar Unni
- posix and win32 enviornment
Shankar Unni
- Backing up cygwin
Shankar Unni
- Reading mount point entries via /proc/registry
Shankar Unni
- Anyone trying 1.5.0 for anything other than managed mode?
Shankar Unni
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
Shankar Unni
- gdb passes different argv/argc to mingw & cygwin
Shankar Unni
- Skipping the /proc filesystem
Shankar Unni
- Source code for binaries offered at http://thinstall.com/unix_tools ?
Shankar Unni
- Problem call a cygwin command from a dos batch file
Shankar Unni
- example needed pls: `cygpath -c <HANDLE>'
Doug VanLeuven
- Cygwin vs: Windoze services for Unix
Doug VanLeuven
- 1.3.22: executing relative symlinks on network shares
Daniel Villeneuve
- entries in /etc/passwd
Corinna Vinschen
- re overcoming make in openssl
Corinna Vinschen
- overcoming make in openssl
Corinna Vinschen
- tcsh on Cygwin and problems in installing cygwin ...
Corinna Vinschen
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Corinna Vinschen
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Corinna Vinschen
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Corinna Vinschen
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Corinna Vinschen
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Corinna Vinschen
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Corinna Vinschen
- mmap() and gcc precompiled headers
Corinna Vinschen
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
Corinna Vinschen
- bufffer overflow in telnetd
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: inetutils-1.3.2-23
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gawk-3.1.3-1
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin-1.5.0-1: Problem stat-ing big file
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin-1.5.0-1: Problem stat-ing big file
Corinna Vinschen
- 1.5.0-1 Working Great Here
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Corinna Vinschen
- development under 1.5.0 ?s
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Corinna Vinschen
- Spurious executable bits keep turning up
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin on Windows 2003...
Corinna Vinschen
- More Re: flaky disk share access
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin_logon_user() not working
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with dereference option on Windows LNKs (shortcuts)
Corinna Vinschen
- [belem@freemail.hu: Building gcc]
Corinna Vinschen
- Win2003 problems exchanging keys, but not with password cygwin/openssh
Corinna Vinschen
- Win2003 problems exchanging keys, but not with password cygwin/openssh
Corinna Vinschen
- Request for warning on 1.5.0 release...
Corinna Vinschen
- Request for warning on 1.5.0 release...
Corinna Vinschen
- SYSTEM password
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin 1.5.0 managed mode & backward compatibility
Corinna Vinschen
- configure and mmap on Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- gimp and nmap
Corinna Vinschen
- FYI: current Cygwin CVS working nicely
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygdrive Path Prefix Question
Corinna Vinschen
- Crash in lynx
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with cygwin.dll ver 1.5.0-1
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem: CVS cannot work properly in SSH shell
Corinna Vinschen
- Crash in lynx
Corinna Vinschen
- generate a .lib file for VC++
Todorovic Vladica-VTODORO1
- Single-user Cygwin for improved security under standalone use wit h OpenSSH
WARDEN,JON (HP-FtCollins,ex1)
- Single-user Cygwin for improved security under standalone use with OpenSSH
WARDEN,JON (HP-FtCollins,ex1)
- funktion itoa
Frank Wagner
- Problem with xinetd as a service
Jonathan T Wang
- Problem with xinetd as a service
Jonathan T Wang
- setup doesnt work at all and searching the archives doesntwork either
- minicom for cygwin?
- :: Vieatatissimo minori 18 anni ::
Modelle in WebCam
- Spammers watching this user forum
Brian White
- CVS tag for releases?
Jeremy White
- CVS tag for releases?
Jeremy White
- Several problems when running tests with Cygwin
Johnny Willemsen
- Fwd: Re: CygWin adding CRs, hurting CVS client/server communications?
Charles Wilson
- autoconf-2.57 - is there a new port for it?
Charles Wilson
- Problem with perl dbmopen command
Charles Wilson
- terminfo entry for cygwin missing "el" entry
Charles Wilson
- cygipc problem (was shmctl(blabla,IPC_RMID,NULL) question)
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: terminfo-5.3-3
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: jpeg-6b-8, NEW: libjpeg6b-6b-8
Charles Wilson
- [Avail for test] updated autotool wrappers
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gdbm-1.8.3-3, libgdbm-devel-1.8.3-3, libgdbm3-1.8.3-3
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tiff-3.6.0-2 NEW: libtiff-devel-3.6.0-2, libtiff3-3.6.0-2
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: automake-devel-1.7.6-1
Charles Wilson
- 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive
Charles Wilson
- 1.5.1: lseek64 woes (was Re: 1.5.1: unzip problems with binary files in archive)
Charles Wilson
- Output suppressed with ssh or telnet
Peter Wohlers
- error running cygcheck 1.32
Kevin Van Workum
- error running cygcheck 1.32
Kevin Van Workum
- error running cygcheck 1.32
Kevin Van Workum
- BUG [cygwin(cvs)]: Segfault in fhandler_base when attempting to calculate maximum open files on WinME&2000
Nicholas Wourms
- rsync opening and closing local ports
Mark Young
- How to delete cygwin files?
Peng Yu
- posix and win32 enviornment
Ling F. Zhang
- problems with gcc3.2.3 and wstring
Sachin Zingade
- problems with gcc3.2.3 and wide character support
Sachin Zingade
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Joolz [RSD]
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Joolz [RSD]
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Joolz [RSD]
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Joolz [RSD]
- Installing Cygwin Under W2k
Joolz [RSD]
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Available for test: uw-imap 2002d-2
- PE operations on non PE file. collect2: ld return exit1 stat
- ncurses libraries
giuseppe catania
- Limit to size of pipe
- Limit to size of pipe
- RFC: Allowing cygwin setup to patch up old versions
- Allowing cygwin setup to patch up old versions
- Doesn't chdir to /home/foo when cygwin shell is started
gilles civario
- Apache mod_ssl fork problem
andrew brian clegg
- Apache mod_ssl fork problem
andrew brian clegg
- Apache mod_ssl fork problem
andrew brian clegg
- php-mysql-cygwin how to
andrew brian clegg
- users and startup scripts (FAQ alert)
andrew brian clegg
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
andrew brian clegg
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
andrew brian clegg
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
andrew brian clegg
- Mount Windows registry into filesystem
andrew brian clegg
- mysqlc (was RE: php-mysql-cygwin how to)
andrew brian clegg
- OpenSSH + Public Key Auth + ntsec
andrew brian clegg
- Cygwin apps talking to Windows browsers?
andrew brian clegg
- Ideas re problem reporting
andrew brian clegg
- Ideas re problem reporting
andrew brian clegg
- tar 1.13.25 runs forever and produces nothing on this test ca se
andrew brian clegg
- Problem running emacs under XP
martin cohen
- Erroneous complaint about being unable to run emacs
martin cohen
- Home & Office Remodels & Renovations in Egypt
- Home Remodels & Renovations in Egypt
- Cygwin on cdrom
- Starting up : file seek order
- Deeply unattractive naming convention
- How can I download onto one computer then install onto another
- How can I download onto one computer then install onto another
- Globally redirecting output elsewhere than /tmp/
- Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations
- Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations
- How to make your own portable Cygwin on CD
- How to make your own portable Cygwin on CD : whoops
- how to activate registry changes
- Fwd: RE: crash on the first statement in main()
- send message/mail from command line
andrew goa
- make from cvs file
andrew goa
- cvs path in cygwin
nigel gray
- a few questions about cvs
nigel gray
- a few questions about cvs
nigel gray
- csh on cygwin?
philippe guillaume
- tcsh on Cygwin and problems in installing cygwin ...
philippe guillaume
- tcsh on Cygwin and problems in installing cygwin ...
philippe guillaume
- tcsh on Cygwin and problems in installing cygwin ...
philippe guillaume
- tcsh on Cygwin and problems in installing cygwin ...
philippe guillaume
- Pb including Xm.h
philippe guillaume
- Pb including Xm.h
philippe guillaume
- Pb including Xm.h
philippe guillaume
- Pb including Xm.h
philippe guillaume
- Pb including Xm.h
philippe guillaume
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
philippe guillaume
- Problem in compiling : cannot find -ldl
philippe guillaume
- Problem with TCL , couldn't execute a TCL file
philippe guillaume
- Problem with TCL , couldn't execute a TCL file
philippe guillaume
- Pb in running tcl file under cygwin ... the windows is closed immediatly
philippe guillaume
- Canvas does not appear and the font does not refresh
philippe guillaume
- Launching cygwin with tcsh
philippe guillaume
- And now a problem with tcl
philippe guillaume
- And now a problem with tcl
philippe guillaume
- And now a problem with tcl
philippe guillaume
- ping Eduardo Chappa-pine
alex hardy
- make from cvs file
alex hardy
- make from cvs file
alex hardy
- make from cvs file
alex hardy
- make from cvs file
alex hardy
- network unreachable with cvs
- network unreachable with cvs
- overcoming make in openssl
- overcoming make in openssl
- TERM problems
- TERM problems
- TERM problems
- check if cygwin in makefiles?
- check if cygwin in makefiles?
- Php Zend Optimzer on Cygwin ?
- missing procedure entry point [putc_unlocked] in cygwin1.dll
- Parameters to ReadFile(), SetCommState() for COM ports
vadraj kulkarni
- ping Corinna
james lankton
- ping Corinna
james lankton
- ping Corinna
james lankton
- Binaries via Line or by rebuilding?
- Ideas re problem reporting
- Permission problems with recent Cygwin
- Ideas re problem reporting
- Windows home path
- Windows home path
- Permission problems with recent Cygwin
- How to tell if ntsec is on or off
- spaces in group names
- how to make cygwin run under shells other than bash
- Who's who of packagers?
- Who's who of packagers?
- Tip: making extra Cygwin shortcuts
- CRLF to LF Issue
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Error compiling code using winsock functions
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Problem on can't locate in DLL cygwin1.dll
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Request for list links in left side navbar (Attn: CGF)
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- FW: Undeliverable: Returned mail: see transcript for details
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Create cyg-managed filesystem possible? (RE: cygwin 1.5.0 coming - 64 bit file I/O and more)
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- microprobing ........... a grrrrrrreat technique !
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Makefile *** missing separator
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- emacs locksup win98se
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- error running cygcheck 1.32
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Apache with mod_proxy as caching proxy randomly fails
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Apache with mod_proxy as caching proxy randomly fails
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Query regarding application error..
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- RXVT can you paste into it?
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- ezml problem? Subject line malformed at times.
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- ezml problem? Get old messages.
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Local printer access question..
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- DLL 1.3.22 - etags 5.5.4 fails on XP Pro:K@N@!:
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- ezml problem? Get old messages.:K@N@!:
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Local printer access question..
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Launching cygwin with tcsh
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Local printer access question..
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Local printer access question..
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- tcpflow under cygwin anybody?
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Local printer access question..
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- "Using cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- Problems with man
Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)
- microprobing ........... a grrrrrrreat technique !
mount me
- microprobing ........... a grrrrrrreat technique !
mount me
- make from cvs file(win2k sp4)
- cygwin_logon_user() not working
- cygwin_logon_user() not working
- cygwin_logon_user() not working
- ACL or file locking issue?
- setup can't download, can't install
- What's up with the Cygwin homepage?
- ÃAMYUVA'da ev sahibi olmak artýk zor deðil....
sistem organizasyon
- any questions
- Subject: Corrupt characters in cygwin console (:310)
- Difference between login and runas?
- Difference between login and runas?
- Difference between login and runas?
- TERM problems
- TERM problems
- TERM problems
- TERM problems
- How can I download onto one computer then install onto another
- 1.5.1-1 unzip broken
bob sandefur
- Spammers watching this user forum
guenter strubinsky
- Spammers watching this user forum
guenter strubinsky
- Spammers watching this user forum
guenter strubinsky
- Spammers watching this user forum
guenter strubinsky
- Spammers watching this user forum
guenter strubinsky
- Spammers watching this user forum
guenter strubinsky
- Spammers watching this user forum
guenter strubinsky
- okay!
guenter strubinsky
- okay!
guenter strubinsky
- CygIPC
guenter strubinsky
- CygIPC
guenter strubinsky
- Cygwin vs: Windoze services for Unix
- Serial Port?
- Serial Port?
- Serial Port?
- Fwd: Re: CygWin adding CRs, hurting CVS client/server communications?
- Subscribe request result (users ML)
- linking with non-cygwin dll
- linking with non-cygwin dll
- linking with non-cygwin dll
- linking with non-cygwin dll
- Inetd question
- Inetd question
- Inetd question
- Inetd question
- Inetd question
- Inetd question
- Inetd question
- fork:Resource temporary unavailable
- pclose without return???
- Problem on can't locate in DLL cygwin1.dll
Jiang zhou
Last message date:
Thu Jul 31 23:10:00 GMT 2003
Archived on: Wed Mar 25 13:46:27 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).