ncurses and terminal definitions

Larry Hall
Thu Jul 31 21:01:00 GMT 2003

Terry Dabbs wrote:

> I've been using gcc to compile some simple applications for NT win98 and
> win95 for automating machinery. I have a problem on one screen where you
> can't read the screen (windows98) clearly, so I loaded
> ncurses, redid the application so it the text is very bright and
> colorful even on the poor screen. Very nice.
> The problem is, I was up to now only needing to place the cygwin1.dll on
> each machine I put a program on, and that's all, with the exception of
> the executable and miscellaneous setup files. I thought I would only
> have to place the cygncurses7.dll on the machines as well.
> I moved the executable and placed cygncurses7.dll on a machine, tried
> it, and got "Error opening terminal: cygwin". I read references to this
> in the mailing lists, which say do an "install" on each machine with
> multiple packages using setup.
> For a number of reasons I wish to avoid this, the least of which is they
> are not on the net.
> What is the least amount of files I need, and where should I put them
> for ncurses to identify the terminal on the machines I need to put my
> executable? Can you help?

It's just looking for the 'cygwin' terminal database.  You can find that
in /usr/share/terminfo/c/cygwin.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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