xmllint -dtdvalid fails to report invalid XML

Eric Hanchrow erich@votehere.net
Tue Jul 1 17:54:00 GMT 2003

This is libxml2 2.5.7.

Here's the input DTD, and the input XML:

	10:21:47 [erich@alpha examples]$ cat /tmp/tiny.dtd
	<!ELEMENT Foo (Bar+)>
	10:25:42 [erich@alpha examples]$ cat /tmp/tiny.xml
	<!DOCTYPE Foo PUBLIC "" "/tmp/tiny.dtd">

Here's xmllint working properly (with the `-valid' switch):

	10:20:52 [erich@alpha examples]$ xmllint -noout -valid /tmp/tiny.xml

	/tmp/tiny.xml:2: validity error: Element Foo content does not follow
the DTD
	Expecting (Bar)+, got ()

Here's xmllint failing, by not reporting an error:

	10:20:45 [erich@alpha examples]$ xmllint -noout -dtdvalid
/tmp/tiny.dtd /tmp/tiny.xml
	10:20:46 [erich@alpha tmp]$ echo $?

I could not repro this problem on Linux, using the same version of libxml2.

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