September 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Sep 1 00:13:00 GMT 2004
Ending: Thu Sep 30 22:30:00 GMT 2004
Messages: 1736
- rbldnsd
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
- bash script doesn't wait for commands to complete
Dolton Tony AB
- bash script doesn't wait for commands to complete
Dolton Tony AB
- bash script doesn't wait for commands to complete
Dolton Tony AB
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Dolton Tony AB
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Dolton Tony AB
- compilig error: storage size of `st' isn't known
Jari Aalto+mail.linux
- Message deleted
Mail Admin
- Is it free to use
- cygserver service won't start
- cygserver service won't start
- cygserver service won't start
- cygserver service won't start
- cygserver service won't start
- cygserver service won't start
- cygserver service won't start
- [SOLVED] cygserver service won't start
- cygserver won't start
- ssmtp.exe doesn't authenticate against exchange
- Problems on Itanium: Found the Cause, What's Next?
Alex Alexandrov
- Problems on Itanium: Found the Cause, What's Next?
Alex Alexandrov
- Problems on Itanium: Found the Cause, What's Next?
Alex Alexandrov
- diff crashes with big files on Itanium machine
Alexei Alexandrov
- Problems on Itanium: Found the Cause, What's Next?
Alexei Alexandrov
- Problem regarding CYGWIN
Mahboob Ali
- E-mail direct marketing... (May the word that has now been spoken, take deep root in )
Clarifies Q. Alvarado
- Wget incorrectly mirroring some web site directories and files.
L Anderson
- Wget incorrectly mirroring some web site directories and files.
L Anderson
- Installation error message sed.exe: cygintl-3.dll not found
Håkan Andersson
- OpenSSH privilege separation fails: connections starts to be dropped.
Konstantin Andreev
- OpenSSH public key authentication: suspicios in domain environment.
Konstantin Andreev
- Home Typists Required.
- "minimal cygwin ?"
Michael Arndt
- problem with cygwin box (termcap?)
David Arnstein
- problem with cygwin box (termcap?)
David Arnstein
- ./configure in any package gives "error: cannot find input file: \WINDOWS\oracle.ini" error
Mark Aufflick
- ./configure in any package gives "error: cannot find input file: WINDOWSoracle.ini" error
Mark Aufflick
- ./configure in any package gives "error: cannot find input file: WINDOWSoracle.ini" error
Mark Aufflick
- ./configure in any package fails to create Makefile
Mark Aufflick
- Solution for: RE: ./configure in any package fails to create Makefile
Mark Aufflick
- bash: cat << ... fails with cat: -: Permission denied
Lionel B
- Excessive CPU load (cygrunsrv.exe, tail.exe, etc)
Steve B
- Excessive CPU load (cygrunsrv.exe, tail.exe, etc)
Steve B
- Excessive CPU load (cygrunsrv.exe, tail.exe, etc)
Steve B
- Cygwin ssh session privileges differ from console privileges?
Shaddy Baddah
- Cygwin ssh session privileges differ from console privileges?
Shaddy Baddah
- Updated: cvs-1.11.17-1
Joaquim Ballabrera
- rebar spirlas
Reinforcing Bar
- Cygwin processes getting stuck on max CPU usage; XP SP2 problem?
Simon Barnes
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Lionel Barnett
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Lionel Barnett
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Lionel Barnett
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Lionel Barnett
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Lionel Barnett
- [Mirror] new french mirror
Ludovic Bellier
- crontab/mount problem
Rekha Belur
- crontab/mount problem
Rekha Belur
- Strange font behaviour with Cygwin
Mats Bengtsson
- Strange cron problem
John Beranek
- Strange cron problem
John Beranek
- Strange cron problem
John Beranek
- What is this
Phil Betts
- Bash is very, very stable (was: Bash returns incorrect process status)
Phil Betts
- Bash is very, very stable (was: Bash returns incorrect process status)
Phil Betts
- Bash is very, very stable
Phil Betts
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Doctor Bill
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Doctor Bill
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Doctor Bill
- File permission problem
Doctor Bill
- File permission problem
Doctor Bill
- File permission problem
Doctor Bill
- LAPACK - testing problems
Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS)
- LAPACK - testing problems
Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS)
- Cygwin's libtool, passing .def file name to gcc during linking
Maarten Boekhold
- Cygwin's libtool, passing .def file name to gcc during linking
Maarten Boekhold
- libtool-1.5.6-3, export-symbols-regex bug?
Maarten Boekhold
- libtool-1.5.6-3, export-symbols-regex bug?
Maarten Boekhold
- cygwin glib/g_module_build_path
Maarten Boekhold
- Exporting const functions from DLL
Maarten Boekhold
- Exporting const functions from DLL
Maarten Boekhold
- cygwin glib2-2.4.6-1 bug?
Maarten Boekhold
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Mark Bohlman
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Mark Bohlman
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Mark Bohlman
- What is this
Mark Bohlman
- fhandler_base::dup failed error after upgrade to 1.5.11-1
Mark Bohlman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Robin Bowes
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Robin Bowes
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Robin Bowes
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Robin Bowes
- Keeping a local mirror up to date
Max Bowsher
- sundry & using rootfs as cygwin-root
Max Bowsher
- Setup and environment of postinstall scripts (was: Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal)
Max Bowsher
- ed for cygwin
Max Bowsher
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Max Bowsher
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mingw-runtime-3.5-1
Earnie Boyd
- ed for cygwin
J. David Boyd
- special install
J. David Boyd
- special install
J. David Boyd
- Perl Tk Compilation
J. David Boyd
- Why umount -A is a really bad idea
Colin JN Breame
- Locking down cygwin for security
Colin JN Breame
- setup
Colin JN Breame
- filesystem encoding
Colin JN Breame
- filesystem encoding
Colin JN Breame
- filesystem encoding
Colin JN Breame
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
- rsync - file size differences
Ryan Brothers
- rsync - file size differences - update?
Ryan Brothers
- Programming problem with POSIX threads and stdout
Mauro Brunato
- Programming problem with POSIX threads and stdout
Mauro Brunato
- rbldnsd
Brian Bruns
- parse errors using setup
Marco Bruschi
- parse errors using setup
Marco Bruschi
- parse errors using setup
Marco Bruschi
- parse errors using setup
Marco Bruschi
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces us ing bash
Bryant, Neil
- 1.5.11 on XP: spaces in HOME and my resolution
Bryant, Neil
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces us ing bash
Bryant, Neil
- change opening path
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- Regular Expressions from Bash Shell
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces us ing bash
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- How do I define a key binding for copy-to-clipboard?
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- Undifined reference to _WinMain@16
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- Undifined reference to _WinMain@16 (Attn: FAQ maintainer)
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- setup.exe q's
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID)
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Bob Byrnes
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
Bob Byrnes
- 1.5.11-1: sftp performance problem
Bob Byrnes
- Bizarre behaviour of "make --win32"
Bob Byrnes
- Bizarre behaviour of "make --win32"
Bob Byrnes
- special install
Calman, Jack
- Donate towards a Hyperthreaded machine for CGF
Richard Campbell
- DONATE NOW: towards a Hyperthreaded machine for CGF
Richard Campbell
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Richard Campbell
- where is cygwin1.dll available?
Cape, David Andrew (UMR-Student)
- OpenSSH on windows Problem
David A. Case
- Error Launching zsh
Peter A. Castro
- zsh hangs with "command not found" (Peter A. Castro?)
Peter A. Castro
- Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Michael A Chase
- New snapshot with fork race potentially solved (attn hyperthreaded dog owners)
David Chatterton
- BUG: Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Earl Chew
- BUG: Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Earl Chew
- BUG: Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Earl Chew
- Compilation problems
Kostadin Cholakov
- Undifined reference to _WinMain@16
Kostadin Cholakov
- Undifined reference to _WinMain@16
Kostadin Cholakov
- Undifined reference to _WinMain@16
Kostadin Cholakov
- can not find cygcrypt-0.dll
Yu-Cheng Chou
- Perl Tk Compilation
David Christensen
- Keeping a local mirror up to date
Keith Christian
- Stdout of other shell than cygwin's through xinetd
- Stdout of other shell than cygwin's through xinetd
- Dia & gtk 2 & cygwin
Lars Clausen
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Christopher Cobb
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Christopher Cobb
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Christopher Cobb
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Christopher Cobb
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Christopher Cobb
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Christopher Cobb
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Christopher Cobb
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Christopher Cobb
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Christopher Cobb
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Christopher Cobb
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Christopher Cobb
- Cygwin processes getting stuck on max CPU usage; XP SP2 problem?
Christopher Cobb
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal
Alexander Colesnicov
- checking for working
Ralf Corsepius
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Ralf Corsepius
- Rebuilding GDB
Adrian Cox
- Rebuilding GDB
Adrian Cox
- Crash in setup 2.427
Michael D. Crawford
- Crash in setup 2.427
Michael D. Crawford
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
- multi-user environment: mounting a lot of shares via ssh
- Request for change to /etc/profile
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Sean Daley
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Sean Daley
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Sean Daley
- How to check your local mirror
Fergus Daly
- openssl on cygwin bug and patch
Kohn Emil Dan
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Marcus Davage
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Marcus Davage
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Marcus Davage
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Marcus Davage
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Marcus Davage
- changing chgwin from c to i drive
- change opening path
Andrew DeFaria
- What is this
Andrew DeFaria
- Is it free to use
Andrew DeFaria
- Is it free to use
Andrew DeFaria
- Is it free to use
Andrew DeFaria
- Is it free to use
Andrew DeFaria
- can't start inetd as service
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Andrew DeFaria
- Beginner question: Cygwin bash vs. cygwin/bin directory in DOS
Andrew DeFaria
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Andrew DeFaria
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Andrew DeFaria
- Same code, same script, different results
Andrew DeFaria
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Two new mailing lists
Andrew DeFaria
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Andrew DeFaria
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Two new mailing lists
Andrew DeFaria
- Cygwin processes getting stuck on max CPU usage; XP SP2 problem?
Andrew DeFaria
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Andrew DeFaria
- File permission problem
Andrew DeFaria
- File permission problem
Andrew DeFaria
- File permission problem
Andrew DeFaria
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Andrew DeFaria
- SSH Environment
Andrew DeFaria
- Excessive CPU load (cygrunsrv.exe, tail.exe, etc)
Andrew DeFaria
- bash, filename completion and spaces in path components [was RE: SSH Environment]
Andrew DeFaria
- Only rxvt and bash shell are working. Because?
Moises Deangelo
- Problem in Cygwin-X...
Moises Deangelo
- Regular Expressions from Bash Shell
Brian Dessent
- Change path for php
Brian Dessent
- /proc registry access
Brian Dessent
- What is this
Brian Dessent
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Brian Dessent
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Brian Dessent
Brian Dessent
- Recovering deleted files
Brian Dessent
- Is it free to use
Brian Dessent
- Is it free to use
Brian Dessent
- How do I define a key binding for copy-to-clipboard?
Brian Dessent
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
Brian Dessent
- Perl module download ?
Brian Dessent
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
Brian Dessent
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
Brian Dessent
- cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Brian Dessent
- What is executable or not...?
Brian Dessent
- HELP: How to disable killing of Bash Shell window with mouse?
Brian Dessent
- some cygwin in wine
Brian Dessent
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Brian Dessent
- Cygwin processes getting stuck on max CPU usage; XP SP2 problem?
Brian Dessent
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Brian Dessent
- adding to and upgrading a cygwin installation...
Brian Dessent
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Brian Dessent
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Brian Dessent
- [APPS] ping python maintainer (and others) - Launching cygwin apps from cmd.exe vs. softlinks in /bin
Brian Dessent
- SYSTEM user passwd
Brian Dessent
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Brian Dessent
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Brian Dessent
- problem with cygwin box (termcap?)
Brian Dessent
Brian Dessent
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Brian Dessent
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Brian Dessent
- can not find cygcrypt-0.dll
Brian Dessent
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Brian Dessent
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Brian Dessent
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Brian Dessent
- Attn: FAQ [Was: CYGWIN + APCHE + Net::SMTP]
Brian Dessent
- Same code, same script, different results
Brian Dessent
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Brian Dessent
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Brian Dessent
- File permission problem
Brian Dessent
- printf output missing in multi-threaded program
Brian Dessent
- File permission problem
Brian Dessent
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Brian Dessent
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Brian Dessent
- "man socket" is not working.
Brian Dessent
- lighttpd - problems with cgi scripts
Brian Dessent
- Cygwin login
Brian Dessent
- lighttpd - problems with cgi scripts
Brian Dessent
- Problems with pthread mutexes
Brian Dessent
- Problems with pthread mutexes
Brian Dessent
- Strange cron problem
Brian Dessent
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Brian Dessent
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Brian Dessent
- Wget incorrectly mirroring some web site directories and files.
Brian Dessent
- file conversion utility sought: from isolatin (8859-1) to utf8
Brian Dessent
- "Broken pipe" warning from bash.
Brian Dessent
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
Brian Dessent
- cygserver won't start
Brian Dessent
- cygserver won't start
Brian Dessent
- 1.5.11-1: Problem running executables in bash
Brian Dessent
- cygserver won't start
Brian Dessent
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
Brian Dessent
- SSH Environment
Brian Dessent
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
Brian Dessent
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
Brian Dessent
- Excessive CPU load (cygrunsrv.exe, tail.exe, etc)
Brian Dessent
- SSH Environment
Brian Dessent
- Excessive CPU load (cygrunsrv.exe, tail.exe, etc)
Brian Dessent
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Brian Dessent
- [OT] Re: seg-vios from gcc program at execv() on Windows XP
Brian Dessent
- Error Launching zsh
Mike Dillinger
- Cygwin/DOS pipes, TCP/IP
- problem with expect
Karthik ES
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Peter Ekberg
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Peter Ekberg
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Peter Ekberg
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Peter Ekberg
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Peter Ekberg
- DirectX headers
Peter Ekberg
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Peter Ekberg
- cron start error
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Mark Eret
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Mark Eret
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Mark Eret
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Mark Eret
- c:/ seems to be accessed in binary even if cygwin is configured as textmode by default (documentation alert)
Christopher Faylor
- device driver USB experimenter setup
Christopher Faylor
- c:/ seems to be accessed in binary even if cygwin is configured as textmode by default (documentation alert)
Christopher Faylor
- c:/ seems to be accessed in binary even if cygwin is configured as textmode by default (documentation alert)
Christopher Faylor
- Regular Expressions from Bash Shell
Christopher Faylor
- LAPACK - testing problems
Christopher Faylor
- OpenSSH on windows Problem
Christopher Faylor
- Why umount -A is a really bad idea
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin1.dll problem with Hyperthreaded machines.
Christopher Faylor
- Donate towards a Hyperthreaded machine for CGF
Christopher Faylor
- Regular Expressions from Bash Shell
Christopher Faylor
- OpenSSH on windows Problem
Christopher Faylor
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror?
Christopher Faylor
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror?
Christopher Faylor
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror? (gold star alert)
Christopher Faylor
- e2fsprogs
Christopher Faylor
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror? (gold star alert)
Christopher Faylor
- OpenSSH on windows Problem
Christopher Faylor
- e2fsprogs
Christopher Faylor
- OpenSSH on windows Problem
Christopher Faylor
- how to link without [repost]
Christopher Faylor
- how to link without [repost]
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Christopher Faylor
- pthread_join not returning
Christopher Faylor
- pthread_join not returning (snapshot available)
Christopher Faylor
- Error Exim start with inetd and .....
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Christopher Faylor
- missing <e> letter
Christopher Faylor
- can't open file for writing
Christopher Faylor
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Christopher Faylor
- can't open file for writing
Christopher Faylor
- Is it free to use
Christopher Faylor
- Is it free to use
Christopher Faylor
- bash script doesn't wait for commands to complete
Christopher Faylor
- fhandler_base::dup failed error after upgrade to 1.5.11-1
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
Christopher Faylor
- Is it free to use
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
Christopher Faylor
- make --help typo
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Christopher Faylor
- "cd" in bash script not being executed
Christopher Faylor
- cygserver service won't start
Christopher Faylor
- cygserver service won't start
Christopher Faylor
- Don't use 2004-Sep-11 or 2004-Sep-12 snapshots
Christopher Faylor
- BUG: Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Christopher Faylor
- rsync - file size differences
Christopher Faylor
- rsync - file size differences
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.11-1: sftp performance problem
Christopher Faylor
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- typo in FAQ
Christopher Faylor
- typo in FAQ #2
Christopher Faylor
- WinXP compressed dirs will work?
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Christopher Faylor
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- BUG: Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Christopher Faylor
- BUG: Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Christopher Faylor
- FW: newly installed cygwin does not work, seems to be screwing up windows as well.
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Christopher Faylor
- checking for working
Christopher Faylor
- gcc, gdb, make missing?
Christopher Faylor
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Christopher Faylor
- broken hardlinks and "permission denied" while copying under cygw in Unix/Linux type files from CD-ROM
Christopher Faylor
- So how do you uninstall cygwin?
Christopher Faylor
- argv[0] drops extension?
Christopher Faylor
- python 2.3.4-1 on cygwin 1.5.11-1 exits when Thread exits
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.11: resuming a suspended sleep results in undelivered signal 19
Christopher Faylor
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- [APPS] ping python maintainer (and others) - Launching cygwin apps from cmd.exe vs. softlinks in /bin
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- Login behaviour oddities: won't run .profile
Christopher Faylor
- [APPS] ping python maintainer (and others) - Launching cygwin apps from cmd.exe vs. softlinks in /bin
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- [APPS] ping python maintainer (and others) - Launching cygwin apps from cmd.exe vs. softlinks in /bin
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Christopher Faylor
- trying to reply to specific message
Christopher Faylor
- Referential Intigrity
Christopher Faylor
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Christopher Faylor
- problem with cygwin box (termcap?)
Christopher Faylor
- problem with cygwin box (termcap?)
Christopher Faylor
- Blocking accept() broken?
Christopher Faylor
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Christopher Faylor
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Two new mailing lists
Christopher Faylor
Christopher Faylor
- special install
Christopher Faylor
- special install
Christopher Faylor
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Christopher Faylor
- Perl Tk Compilation
Christopher Faylor
- printf output missing in multi-threaded program
Christopher Faylor
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Christopher Faylor
- File permission problem
Christopher Faylor
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Christopher Faylor
- text mount if cygwin not installed
Christopher Faylor
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Christopher Faylor
- [INFO] Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Christopher Faylor
- Fw: 1.5.11 bug in WEXITSTATUS() macro (wait.h)
Christopher Faylor
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Christopher Faylor
- x11-org-devel: 'XtStrings' can't be auto-imported
Christopher Faylor
- [INFO] Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Christopher Faylor
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Christopher Faylor
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Christopher Faylor
- [INFO] Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Christopher Faylor
- Make Utility and DuplicateHandle(In) failed (e=6)
Christopher Faylor
- bash misbehavior
Christopher Faylor
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Christopher Faylor
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Christopher Faylor
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Christopher Faylor
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Christopher Faylor
- "Broken pipe" warning from bash. (question for bash maintainer)
Christopher Faylor
- select call does block unless data arrives at socket (when waiting for serial port and ip socket)
Christopher Faylor
- cygserver won't start (FAQ alert)
Christopher Faylor
- Setup.hint for base-passwd is incorrect (setup.exe question)
Christopher Faylor
- Problems on Itanium: Found the Cause, What's Next?
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin locale broken? (was: Re: gnome 2.8.0 and external dependencies)
Christopher Faylor
- parse errors using setup
Christopher Faylor
- parse errors using setup
Christopher Faylor
- Problems configuring libgpg-error ?
Hilton Fernandes
- Why is there a ZZZRemovedpackages?
Carlo Florendo
- Why is there a ZZZRemovedpackages?
Carlo Florendo
- Installing from downloaded files or CD
Peter Flynn
- Very annoying bash problem
Bertalan Fodor
- ssmtp.exe doesn't authenticate against exchange
Olaf Foellinger
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Isaac Foraker
- TCSH 6.13 shell script can't re-write to a file
Isaac Foraker
- cron and copying files across drives: how?
Isaac Foraker
- Problem with
Adrian Ford
- WINCVS using cygwin's python?
Brian Ford
- can't open file for writing
Brian Ford
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Brian Ford
- [OT] RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Brian Ford
- 64-Bit gcc for Windows..
Brian Ford
- Is it free to use
Brian Ford
- What Cygwin is
Brian Ford
- ssh missing from cygwin distribution?
Brian Ford
- argv[0] drops extension?
Brian Ford
- 1.5.11, I don't have .profile, .bashrc and .inputrc in my HOME
Brian Ford
- Rebuilding GDB
Brian Ford
- multi-user environment: mounting a lot of shares via ssh
Brian Ford
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Brian Ford
- gcc >= 3.3.3-3 and binutils .rdata alignment
Brian Ford
- Problems building setup from CVS.
Brian Ford
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Brian Ford
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Brian Ford
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Brian Ford
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Brian Ford
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Brian Ford
- Re-installing Cygwin
Brian Ford
- Programming problem with POSIX threads and stdout
Brian Ford
- select call does block unless data arrives at socket (when waiting for serial port and ip socket)
Brian Ford
- CVS cygserver compile errors w/gcc 3.4.3
Brian Ford
- Undifined reference to _WinMain@16 (Attn: FAQ maintainer)
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- Problem regarding CYGWIN (FAQ alert)
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- Crontab issue
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- BUG in /etc/pinforc (Attn: pinfo maintainer)
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- cygserver won't start (FAQ alert)
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- cygserver won't start (FAQ alert)
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Valery A. Frolov
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Valery A. Frolov
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Valery A. Frolov
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Valery A. Frolov
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Valery A. Frolov
- perl DBI 1.43 on winxp -- make test problems
Paul Galbraith
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Paul J. Ghosh
- does anyone have cron working on windows 2003 server?
Paul J. Ghosh
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Paul J. Ghosh
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Paul J. Ghosh
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Paul J. Ghosh
- cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Paul J. Ghosh
- cygwin implementation of fork() eating all resourses?
Artem Gluhov
- rsync hangs
Edwin Goei
- FW: Re: tcsh hangs after updating to cygwin 1.5.7-1. Expires with "Out of Memory"
Gold Jr, Ed
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Anna Goldberg
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Anna Goldberg
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Anna Goldberg
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch (was: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1)
Bas van Gompel
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Bas van Gompel
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Bas van Gompel
- "Broken pipe" warning from bash.
Bas van Gompel
- "Broken pipe" warning from bash.
Bas van Gompel
- Beginner question: Cygwin bash vs. cygwin/bin directory in DOS
Nathan Green
- Setting up Environmental Variables
Nathan Green
- 1.5.11-1: Problem running executables in bash
Nathan Green
- Request for subsystem 'sftp' failed
Siegmar Gross
- Request for subsystem 'sftp' failed
Siegmar Gross
- printf output missing in multi-threaded program
Siegmar Gross
- printf output missing in multi-threaded program
Siegmar Gross
- Shifting to a new user created
Vivek Kumar Gupta
- python 2.3.4-1 on cygwin 1.5.11-1 exits when Thread exits
Dan H
- python 2.3.4-1 on cygwin 1.5.11-1 exits when Thread exits
Dan H
- ncftp hang after the first file download
- e2fsprogs
Gerrit P. Haase
- Perl searching in wrong path for modules?
Gerrit P. Haase
- BUG gcc-mingw 20040810-1 library search path
Gerrit P. Haase
- OpenJade and phpdocs
Gerrit P. Haase
- perl 5.6.* package
Gerrit P. Haase
- ffi.h in gjc > 3.3 is broken
Gerrit P. Haase
- Ada: Text_Io.Get_Immediate() is blocking
Gerrit P. Haase
- libtool-1.5.6-3, export-symbols-regex bug?
Gerrit P. Haase
- sundry & using rootfs as cygwin-root
Gerrit P. Haase
- sundry & using rootfs as cygwin-root
Gerrit P. Haase
- Undifined reference to _WinMain@16
Gerrit P. Haase
- checking for working
Gerrit P. Haase
- some cygwin in wine
Gerrit P. Haase
- 19 symlinks with missing target
Gerrit P. Haase
- [automake-1.9] aclocal problems
Gerrit P. Haase
- Is cygffi.dll needed for SableVM JVM?
Gerrit P. Haase
- gtk 2?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Resolved: [automake-1.9] aclocal problems
Gerrit P. Haase
- Is cygffi.dll needed for SableVM JVM?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Dia & gtk 2 & cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- Dia & gtk 2 & cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- Dia & gtk 2 & cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- 'gs' as 'ps viewer'
Gerrit P. Haase
- Dia & gtk 2 & cygwin
Gerrit P. Haase
- Is cygffi.dll needed for SableVM JVM?
Gerrit P. Haase
- gdb: which dll starts at 0x461000 ?
Gerrit P. Haase
- gdb: which dll starts at 0x461000 ?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Cygwin-specific Libtool patches
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libxml2-2.6.13-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libxslt-1.1.10-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: glib2-2.4.6-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- Oggplayer for Cygwin?
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- Oggplayer for Cygwin?
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- can not find cygcrypt-0.dll
Gerrit P. Haase
- can not find cygcrypt-0.dll
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Gerrit P. Haase
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Gerrit P. Haase
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Gerrit P. Haase
- Two new mailing lists
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Gerrit P. Haase
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Gerrit P. Haase
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Gerrit P. Haase
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Gerrit P. Haase
- Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Gerrit P. Haase
- lighttpd - problems with cgi scripts
Gerrit P. Haase
- lighttpd - problems with cgi scripts
Gerrit P. Haase
- lighttpd - problems with cgi scripts
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygwin glib2-2.4.6-1 bug?
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.exe q's
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygheap problems with 1.5.11
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.exe q's
Gerrit P. Haase
- Perl Tk Compilation
Gerrit P. Haase
- Problems configuring libgpg-error ?
Gerrit P. Haase
- [ITP] libgpg-error-1.0-2
Gerrit P. Haase
- cygwin locale broken? (was: Re: gnome 2.8.0 and external dependencies)
Gerrit P. Haase
- Ada: Text_Io.Get_Immediate() is blocking
Martin Haendler
- Ada: Text_Io.Get_Immediate() is blocking
Martin Haendler
- ssh - no access to /dev/st0
Larry Hall
- Error in first execution
Larry Hall
- problem with expect
Larry Hall
- running win32 text mode application in bash
Larry Hall
- change opening path
Larry Hall
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Larry Hall
- How to detect a broken Cygwin mirror?
Larry Hall
- How to detect a broken Cygwin mirror?
Larry Hall
- e2fsprogs
Larry Hall
- e2fsprogs
Larry Hall
- changing chgwin from c to i drive
Larry Hall
- Keeping a local mirror up to date (cy: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
Larry Hall
- /proc registry access
Larry Hall
- Change patf of my home directory
Larry Hall
- setup
Larry Hall
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Larry Hall
- HostBasedAuthentication with OpenSSH
Larry Hall
- Installing cygwin
Larry Hall
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Larry Hall
- Is it free to use
Larry Hall
- Crontab issue
Larry Hall
- fork fails
Larry Hall
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Larry Hall
- libtool-1.5.6-3, export-symbols-regex bug?
Larry Hall
- "minimal cygwin ?"
Larry Hall
- Crash in setup 2.427
Larry Hall
- Shifting to a new user created
Larry Hall
- Crash in setup 2.427
Larry Hall
- Compilation problems
Larry Hall
- WinXP compressed dirs will work?
Larry Hall
- login name changed
Larry Hall
- How do you pronounce it?
Larry Hall
- Installation - where is it all
Larry Hall
- Cygwin 1.5.11-1 breaks the Hans Boehm-gc (garbage collector)
Larry Hall
- Cygwin 1.5.11-1 breaks the Hans Boehm-gc (garbage collector)
Larry Hall
- rlogin or rsh correct install
Larry Hall
- rlogin or rsh correct install
Larry Hall
- login name changed
Larry Hall
- OpenSSH public key authentication: suspicios in domain environment.
Larry Hall
- FW: problems with new installation, followon to my questions of Sept 14, 20:22
Larry Hall
- XP and sshd PW
Larry Hall
- please help me
Larry Hall
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Larry Hall
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Larry Hall
- multi-user environment: mounting a lot of shares via ssh
Larry Hall
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Larry Hall
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Larry Hall
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Larry Hall
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Larry Hall
- security and cygwin
Larry Hall
- Setting up Environmental Variables
Larry Hall
- setup.log in /var/log/
Larry Hall
- Request for change to /etc/profile
Larry Hall
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Larry Hall
- problem with cygwin box (termcap?)
Larry Hall
- File permission problem
Larry Hall
- Cannot find C:\cygwin\cygwin.bat
Larry Hall
- Problem with ps2ascii
Larry Hall
- Problem with ps2ascii
Larry Hall
- dvips: Couldn't find header file
Larry Hall
- crontab/mount problem
Larry Hall
- Stdout of other shell than cygwin's through xinetd
Larry Hall
- crontab/mount problem
Larry Hall
- crontab/mount problem
Larry Hall
- cygserver won't start (FAQ alert)[SOLVED]
Larry Hall
- Crontab issue
Larry Hall
- bash script doesn't wait for commands to complete -- me too
Eric Hanchrow
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Eric Hanchrow
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Eric Hanchrow
- Bash is very, very stable
Eric Hanchrow
- ssh under windows 2003 server
Harig, Mark
- cron start error
Harig, Mark
- ConTeXt broken under Cygwin?
Steven E. Harris
- cygwin ssh and wincvs or tortoise
Ralf Hauser
- file conversion utility sought: from isolatin (8859-1) to utf8
Ralf Hauser
- Regular Expressions from Bash Shell
Siegfried Heintze
- Python os.path.join inconsistency?
Chris Herborth
- cygwin implementation of fork() eating all resourses?
Luc Hermitte
- md5.sum in root of Cygwin mirror?
Hill, Shane
- Cygwin 1.5.11-1 breaks the Hans Boehm-gc (garbage collector)
Peter Hinely
- Cygwin 1.5.11-1 breaks the Hans Boehm-gc (garbage collector)
Peter Hinely
- cygserver won't start
Michael Hipp
- cygserver won't start
Michael Hipp
- cygserver won't start
Michael Hipp
- cygserver won't start
Michael Hipp
- cygserver won't start
Michael Hipp
- cygserver won't start (FAQ alert)[SOLVED]
Michael Hipp
- cygserver won't start (FAQ alert)[SOLVED]
Michael Hipp
- setup.exe version 2.427 - Serious Upgrade Issues
Jo Ho
- [PATCH] cygrunsrv --recovery <action>
Rainer Hochreiter
- XEmacs and Windows Fonts
Jaap-Henk Hoepman
- XEmacs and Windows Fonts
Jaap-Henk Hoepman
- Starting sshd with ipv6 address only (cont.)
Vince Hoffman
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Cliff Hones
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Cliff Hones
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Cliff Hones
- Program exited with code 0303000
Cliff Hones
- File format - UNIX/DOS while installing cygwin ?
Hughes, Bill
- Is it possible to pass parameters to rxvt?
Hughes, Bill
- Is it possible to pass parameters to rxvt?
Hughes, Bill
- Beginner question: Cygwin bash vs. cygwin/bin directory in DO S
Hughes, Bill
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Hughes, Bill
- subversion 1.0.6 in windows 98
Hughes, Bill
- File permission problem
Hughes, Bill
- [INFO] Adding "Cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Hughes, Bill
- Error Exim start with inetd and .....
Pierre A. Humblet
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Pierre A. Humblet
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Pierre A. Humblet
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Pierre A. Humblet
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Pierre A. Humblet
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Pierre A. Humblet
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Pierre A. Humblet
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Pierre A. Humblet
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Pierre A. Humblet
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Pierre A. Humblet
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Pierre A. Humblet
- bash misbehavior
Pierre A. Humblet
- 1.5.11, I don't have .profile, .bashrc and .inputrc in my HOME
Bruce Hyatt
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Donald Wallace Rouse II
- file I/O and calling executables from a DLL?
Lester Ingber
- Using cygwin's GnuPG with enigmail
- Crontab issue
Mogyorósi István
- Crontab issue
Mogyorósi István
- perl 5.6.* package
YAPP James
- perl 5.6.* package
YAPP James
- installing older packages
YAPP James
- perl 5.6.* package
YAPP James
- perl 5.6.* package
YAPP James
- Updated: rsync-2.6.2-3
Barry Jaspan
- LAPACK - testing problems
Gorden Jemwa
- LAPACK - testing problems
Gorden Jemwa
- man pages taking long to show
Gorden Jemwa
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
- Problem with setup 2.427 under Windows 2000
Patrick Jones
- Make Utility and DuplicateHandle(In) failed (e=6)
Jussi Jumppanen
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
Bobby McNulty Junior
- zsh hangs with "command not found" (Peter A. Castro?)
Thorsten Kampe
- zsh hangs with "command not found" (Peter A. Castro?)
Thorsten Kampe
- snapshot 20040911: lose bash prompt
Thorsten Kampe
- HELP: How to disable killing of Bash Shell window with mouse?
Thorsten Kampe
- [INFO] Adding "Cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Thorsten Kampe
- Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Thorsten Kampe
- file conversion utility sought: from isolatin (8859-1) to utf8
Ehud Karni
- Problems building setup from CVS.
Brian Keener
- Problems building setup from CVS.
Brian Keener
- gtk 2?
Steve Kelem
- Dia & gtk 2 & cygwin
Steve Kelem
- apache2 as service
Prakash Khemani
- apache2 as service
Prakash Khemani
- apache2 as service
Prakash Khemani
- apache2 as service
Prakash Khemani
- apache2 as service
Prakash Khemani
- apache2 as service
Prakash Khemani
- SYSTEM user passwd
Prakash Khemani
Prakash Khemani
Prakash Khemani
Prakash Khemani
Prakash Khemani
Prakash Khemani
- ffi.h in gjc > 3.3 is broken
Fred Kiefer
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Jan Kneschke
- Hi!
Dave Korn
- Suspected Memory Size Problems under Cygwin
Dave Korn
- OpenSSH on windows Problem
Dave Korn
- How does a script find where Cygwin is installed?
Dave Korn
- How to detect a broken Cygwin mirror?
Dave Korn
- Keeping a local mirror up to date
Dave Korn
- Keeping a local mirror up to date
Dave Korn
- e2fsprogs
Dave Korn
- BUG gcc-mingw 20040810-1 library search path
Dave Korn
- What is this
Dave Korn
- What is this
Dave Korn
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated Cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Dave Korn
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Dave Korn
- [OT] RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Dave Korn
- ConTeXt broken under Cygwin?
Dave Korn
- Crontab issue
Dave Korn
- Crontab issue
Dave Korn
- cygserver service won't start
Dave Korn
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
Dave Korn
- make --help typo
Dave Korn
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Dave Korn
- Bizarre behaviour of "make --win32"
Dave Korn
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Dave Korn
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Dave Korn
- Bizarre behaviour of "make --win32"
Dave Korn
- Bizarre behaviour of "make --win32"
Dave Korn
- gcc, gdb, make missing?
Dave Korn
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Dave Korn
- checking for working
Dave Korn
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Dave Korn
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Dave Korn
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Dave Korn
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Dave Korn
- problem to read files
Dave Korn
- automatic cronjaob injectsion
Dave Korn
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Dave Korn
- [APPS] ping python maintainer (and others) - Launching cygwin apps from cmd.exe vs. softlinks in /bin
Dave Korn
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Dave Korn
- [APPS] ping python maintainer (and others) - Launching cygwin apps from cmd.exe vs. softlinks in /bin
Dave Korn
- Rebuilding GDB
Dave Korn
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Dave Korn
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Dave Korn
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Dave Korn
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Dave Korn
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Dave Korn
- trying to reply to specific message
Dave Korn
- trying to reply to specific message
Dave Korn
- trying to reply to specific message
Dave Korn
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Dave Korn
- ./configure in any package gives "error: cannot find input file: \WINDOWS\oracle.ini" error
Dave Korn
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Dave Korn
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Dave Korn
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Dave Korn
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Dave Korn
Dave Korn
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Dave Korn
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
Dave Korn
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Dave Korn
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Dave Korn
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Dave Korn
- Same code, same script, different results
Dave Korn
- Same code, same script, different results
Dave Korn
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Dave Korn
- special install
Dave Korn
- special install
Dave Korn
- special install
Dave Korn
- special install
Dave Korn
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Dave Korn
- Cygwin processes getting stuck on max CPU usage; XP SP2 problem?
Dave Korn
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Dave Korn
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Dave Korn
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Dave Korn
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Dave Korn
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Dave Korn
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dave Korn
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dave Korn
- lighttpd - problems with cgi scripts
Dave Korn
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Dave Korn
- guile problems
Dave Korn
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Dave Korn
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dave Korn
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Dave Korn
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dave Korn
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dave Korn
- Problems building setup from CVS.
Dave Korn
- Problems building setup from CVS.
Dave Korn
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dave Korn
- Make Utility and DuplicateHandle(In) failed (e=6)
Dave Korn
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Dave Korn
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Dave Korn
- Problems building setup from CVS.
Dave Korn
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Dave Korn
- Problems building setup from CVS.
Dave Korn
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Dave Korn
- Installing from downloaded files or CD
Dave Korn
- bash, filename completion and spaces in path components [was RE: SSH Environment]
Dave Korn
- FW: newly installed cygwin does not work, seems to be screwing up windows as well.
Koskie, Sarah
- FW: problems with new installation, followon to my questions of Sept 14, 20:22
Koskie, Sarah
- ^y in emacs results in total disaster
Koskie, Sarah
- emacs problem results from bad $HOME value
Koskie, Sarah
- security and cygwin
Koskie, Sarah
- re emacs problems
Koskie, Sarah
- security and cygwin
Koskie, Sarah
- trying to reply to specific message
Koskie, Sarah
- trying to reply to specific message
Koskie, Sarah
- spell checking in xemacs
Koskie, Sarah
- spell checking in xemacs
Sarah Koskie
- Cygwin processes getting stuck on max CPU usage; XP SP2 problem?
Joe Krahn
- ssh missing from cygwin distribution?
Kevin Kuo
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Sven Köhler
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Sven Köhler
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Sven Köhler
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Sven Köhler
- Cygwin login
John M. L.
- Dia & gtk 2 & cygwin
S. L.
- Dia & gtk 2 & cygwin
S. L.
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
- Cannot find C:\cygwin\cygwin.bat
Carlos Langer
- Cannot find C:\cygwin\cygwin.bat
Carlos Langer
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Roger Leigh
Mark Levy
- ssh under windows 2003 server
Cary Lewis
- OpenSSH on windows Problem
Cary Lewis
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Cary Lewis
- mod-php4
Sam Liddicott
- XP and sshd PW
Jim Lill
- Inheriting parent ACLs?
Benjamin Lindner
- Blocking accept() broken?
Mailing List
- Blocking accept() broken?
Mailing List
- Installing cygwin
S.H Long
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: rsync-2.6.2-3
Lapo Luchini
- cron and copying files across drives: how?
Andrea M
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Karl M
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Karl M
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Karl M
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Karl M
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Karl M
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Karl M
- OT?! (Re: Using cygwin's GnuPG with enigmail)
Mader, Alexander
- filesystem encoding
Arturus Magi
- Crash in setup 2.427
Arturus Magi
- ERB in Ruby1.8 in Cygwin Install
Dosu Mahat
- select call does block unless data arrives at socket (when waiting for serial port and ip socket)
Stefan Mahr
- setup.exe q's
Michael Makuch
- Recovering deleted files
Chuck McDevitt
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
Chuck McDevitt
- We have a hacker
Bobby McNulty
- Is it free to use
Bobby McNulty
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Bobby McNulty
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
Bobby McNulty
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
Bobby McNulty
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Bobby McNulty
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Bobby McNulty
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Bobby McNulty
- Program exited with code 0303000
Bobby McNulty
- Program exited with code 0303000
Bobby McNulty
- Program exited with code 0303000
Bobby McNulty
- Program exited with code 0303000
Bobby McNulty
- Program exited with code 0303000
Bobby McNulty
- Program exited with code 0303000
Bobby McNulty
- SSH Environment
David E. Meier
- SSH Environment
David E. Meier
- guile problems
Olwe Melwasul
- File format - UNIX/DOS while installing cygwin ?
Robert Menschel
- sundry & using rootfs as cygwin-root
Robert Menschel
- rbldnsd
Robert Menschel
- rbldnsd
Robert Menschel
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
- windows dlls?
- ed for cygwin
- ls -lRd does not produce recursive directory listing
- ssh under windows 2003 server
Greg Morgan
- PS1 overwrites attempt to change title, settitle in bash or rxvt title
John Morrison
- [PATCH] /etc/profile fixes
John Morrison
- emacs problem results from bad $HOME value
John Morrison
- Login behaviour oddities: won't run .profile
John Morrison
- [INFO] Adding 'cygwin here' to Windows Explorer
John Morrison
- 'which' command does not expand '~' in path (base-files update needed)
John Morrison
- 'which' command does not expand '~' in path (base-files update needed)
John Morrison
- 'which' command does not expand '~' in path (base-files update needed)
John Morrison
- Setup.hint for base-passwd is incorrect (setup.exe question)
John Morrison
- fhandler_base::dup failed error after upgrade to 1.5.11-1
Matthew Moss
- c:/ seems to be accessed in binary even if cygwin is configured as textmode by default
Arnaud Mouiche
- c:/ seems to be accessed in binary even if cygwin is configured as textmode by default
Arnaud Mouiche
- c:/ seems to be accessed in binary even if cygwin is configured as textmode by default (documentation alert)
Arnaud Mouiche
- c:/ seems to be accessed in binary even if cygwin is configured as textmode by default (documentation alert)
Arnaud Mouiche
- rsync text mode problem with fix
Sjoerd Mullender
- ssh-agent: Cygwin version problems
Duncan Murdoch
- ssh-agent: Cygwin version problems
Duncan Murdoch
- TCSH 6.13 shell script can't re-write to a file
Myers, Paul R (Research)
- TCSH 6.13 shell script can't re-write to a file
Myers, Paul R (Research)
- How does a script find where Cygwin is installed?
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- can't open file for writing
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- sundry & using rootfs as cygwin-root
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- [BUG REPORT] setup.exe hangs when disk full
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- check_case:adjust (RE: cygrunsrv fails to run services)
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- "find" - core dump on faulty arg
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- cp to flash drive very slow
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- cp to flash drive very slow
Hannu E K Nevalainen
- [PATCH] /etc/profile fixes
Tero Niemela
- [PATCH] /etc/profile fixes
Tero Niemela
- fork fails
Tero Niemela
- fork fails
Tero Niemela
- [INFO] Adding "Cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Tero Niemela
- [BUG REPORT] setup.exe hangs when disk full
Tero Niemela
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- some cygwin in wine
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- some cygwin in wine
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tetex-2.0.2-14
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- gdb: which dll starts at 0x461000 ?
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- gdb: which dll starts at 0x461000 ?
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- gdb: which dll starts at 0x461000 ?
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- cygwin, libtool, gdb: dll not found
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- g++-3.4.1 / CVS small cygwin cross compiler problems
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- cygwin, libtool, gdb: dll not found
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- x11-org-devel: 'XtStrings' can't be auto-imported
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- RESOLVED: x11-org-devel: 'XtStrings' can't be auto-imported
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tetex-2.0.2-14
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- HELP: How to disable killing of Bash Shell window with mouse?
Pekka Niiranen
- Very slow SCSI tape drive with cygwin/Win2kPro
Bill Nugent
- Very slow SCSI tape drive with cygwin/Win2kPro
Bill Nugent
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
- [Fwd: Re: Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries]
- Lot of undefined symbols at link time, even with -l option on good libraries
- OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004 problem with crl function
Naipaul Ojar
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dan Osborne
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dan Osborne
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dan Osborne
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dan Osborne
- Program exited with code 0303000
Dan Osborne
- Problems with pthread mutexes
Arash Partow
- Problems with pthread mutexes
Arash Partow
- Problems with pthread mutexes - update
Arash Partow
- Keeping a local mirror up to date (cy: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
- WINCVS using cygwin's python?
Jason Pearce
- Bringing any of the other MLs to Cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- LAPACK - testing problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- LAPACK - testing problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- LAPACK - testing problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- Error in first execution
Igor Pechtchanski
- change opening path
Igor Pechtchanski
- Regular Expressions from Bash Shell
Igor Pechtchanski
- Regular Expressions from Bash Shell
Igor Pechtchanski
- ghostscript?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Setup problem: incomplete nonexistent package
Igor Pechtchanski
- How does a script find where Cygwin is installed?
Igor Pechtchanski
- compilig error: storage size of `st' isn't known
Igor Pechtchanski
- Why is there a ZZZRemovedpackages?
Igor Pechtchanski
- /proc registry access
Igor Pechtchanski
- openldap 2.2.15-2
Igor Pechtchanski
- man pages taking long to show
Igor Pechtchanski
- env -i specialities on cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- How does a script find where Cygwin is installed?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Igor Pechtchanski
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror? (gold star alert)
Igor Pechtchanski
- windows dlls?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem executing a .bat script in a directory with spaces using bash
Igor Pechtchanski
- e2fsprogs
Igor Pechtchanski
- What is this
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Igor Pechtchanski
- missing <e> letter
Igor Pechtchanski
- filesystem encoding
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.11: execvp bug (XP)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Igor Pechtchanski
- What is this
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Igor Pechtchanski
- How do I define a key binding for copy-to-clipboard?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
Igor Pechtchanski
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- rsync + xp sp2 failing (solved!)
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Igor Pechtchanski
- File format - UNIX/DOS while installing cygwin ?
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygserver service won't start
Igor Pechtchanski
- File format - UNIX/DOS while installing cygwin ?
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygserver service won't start
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygwin & wmnew
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygserver service won't start
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygserver service won't start
Igor Pechtchanski
- rsync - file size differences
Igor Pechtchanski
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Undifined reference to _WinMain@16 (Attn: FAQ maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Igor Pechtchanski
- checking for working
Igor Pechtchanski
- Can /proc be made to reference Win processes?
Igor Pechtchanski
- cron and copying files across drives: how?
Igor Pechtchanski
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Igor Pechtchanski
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Igor Pechtchanski
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Igor Pechtchanski
- apache2 as service
Igor Pechtchanski
- apache2 as service
Igor Pechtchanski
- apache2 as service
Igor Pechtchanski
- Very annoying bash problem
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
Igor Pechtchanski
- 'gs' as 'ps viewer'
Igor Pechtchanski
- Login behaviour oddities: won't run .profile
Igor Pechtchanski
- Installation error message sed.exe: cygintl-3.dll not found (Attn: sed maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Updated: cvs-1.11.17-1
Igor Pechtchanski
- Login behaviour oddities: won't run .profile
Igor Pechtchanski
- Login behaviour oddities: won't run .profile
Igor Pechtchanski
- [APPS] ping python maintainer (and others) - Launching cygwin apps from cmd.exe vs. softlinks in /bin
Igor Pechtchanski
- security and cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- [APPS] ping python maintainer (and others) - Launching cygwin apps from cmd.exe vs. softlinks in /bin
Igor Pechtchanski
- re emacs problems
Igor Pechtchanski
- Crontab issue
Igor Pechtchanski
- regtool quoting variations on output
Igor Pechtchanski
- Problem regarding CYGWIN (FAQ alert)
Igor Pechtchanski
- security and cygwin
Igor Pechtchanski
- trying to reply to specific message
Igor Pechtchanski
- trying to reply to specific message
Igor Pechtchanski
- ./configure in any package gives "error: cannot find input file: \WINDOWS\oracle.ini" error
Igor Pechtchanski
- setup.log in /var/log/
Igor Pechtchanski
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Igor Pechtchanski
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Igor Pechtchanski
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
- Same code, same script, different results
Igor Pechtchanski
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
Igor Pechtchanski
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Two new mailing lists
Igor Pechtchanski
- special install
Igor Pechtchanski
- special install
Igor Pechtchanski
- special install
Igor Pechtchanski
- special install
Igor Pechtchanski
- Inheriting parent ACLs?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin processes getting stuck on max CPU usage; XP SP2 problem?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Inheriting parent ACLs?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Inheriting parent ACLs?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Loading gcc-compiled DLL with Java (JNI) crashes when using newer (>1.5.5) cygwin1.dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- Is regtool -K option broken?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Is regtool -K option broken?
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Igor Pechtchanski
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Igor Pechtchanski
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Igor Pechtchanski
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Igor Pechtchanski
- "man socket" is not working.
Igor Pechtchanski
- Fw: 1.5.11 bug in WEXITSTATUS() macro (wait.h)
Igor Pechtchanski
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Igor Pechtchanski
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Igor Pechtchanski
- References to both cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Igor Pechtchanski
- Convert Word/html/pdf/ps to TeX
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Igor Pechtchanski
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Igor Pechtchanski
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Igor Pechtchanski
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Igor Pechtchanski
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Igor Pechtchanski
- dvips: Couldn't find header file
Igor Pechtchanski
- Program exited with code 0303000
Igor Pechtchanski
- font problems with xpdf and gv
Igor Pechtchanski
- crontab/mount problem
Igor Pechtchanski
- dvips: Couldn't find header file
Igor Pechtchanski
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Igor Pechtchanski
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Igor Pechtchanski
- font problems with xpdf and gv
Igor Pechtchanski
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Igor Pechtchanski
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Igor Pechtchanski
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Igor Pechtchanski
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygserver won't start (FAQ alert)
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygserver won't start (FAQ alert)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Cygwin df -l option has wrong sense?
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ITP] libgpg-error-1.0-2
Igor Pechtchanski
- seg-vios from gcc program at execv() on Windows XP
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] cygrunsrv --recovery <action>
Igor Pechtchanski
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Jean-Pierre Pelletier
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Jean-Pierre Pelletier
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Jean-Pierre Pelletier
- Keeping a local mirror up to date
Robert Pendell
- Cygwin processes getting stuck on max CPU usage; XP SP2 problem?
Robert Pendell
- Fwd: Manik , Manik Raina has invited you to open a Google mail account
Robert Pendell
- Starting sshd with ipv6 address only (cont.)
Robert Pendell
- Using MySQL from Cygwin app
Hugh Perkins
- How do you pronounce it?
Matthew Persico
- How do you pronounce it?
- Installation - where is it all
- Thank you
- multi-user environment: mounting a lot of shares via ssh
Andreas Petralia
- multi-user environment: mounting a lot of shares via ssh
Andreas Petralia
- gv and ghostscript-x11 broken out of the box
Phillips, James R
- FORTRAN open/read problem with drive letters
Dr. Peter Pichler
- change opening path
Tom Plane
- change opening path
Tom Plane
- change opening path
Tom Plane
- change opening path
Tom Plane
- crosscompiling lmbench-3.0-a4 for PPC on cygwin - the first shot ...
Alexander Povolotsky
- problems with initialization while accessing NFS mounted root fil e system during the boot
Povolotsky, Alexander
- problems with initialization while accessing NFS mounted root file system during the boot
Povolotsky, Alexander
- broken hardlinks and "permission denied" while copying under cygw in Unix/Linux type files from CD-ROM
Povolotsky, Alexander
- ed for cygwin
John Proffitt
- ed for cygwin
John Proffitt
- Is cygffi.dll needed for SableVM JVM? [was: Re: Is there a Windows version of SableVM?]
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
- Is cygffi.dll needed for SableVM JVM?
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
- Is cygffi.dll needed for SableVM JVM?
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
- Is cygffi.dll needed for SableVM JVM?
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
- PHP 5.x and latest upgrade.. is it present ?
Mirko Tebaldi (Indirizzo Pubblico)
- OpenJade and phpdocs
Mirko Tebaldi (Indirizzo Pubblico)
- Change path for php
Mirko Tebaldi (Indirizzo Pubblico)
- R: Change path for php
Mirko Tebaldi (Indirizzo Pubblico)
- What is this
Mirko Tebaldi (Indirizzo Pubblico)
- R: What is this
Mirko Tebaldi (Indirizzo Pubblico)
- Change patf of my home directory
Mirko Tebaldi (Indirizzo Pubblico)
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: grace-5.1.17-1
Volker Quetschke
- Fwd: Manik , Manik Raina has invited you to open a Google mail account
Manik Raina
- Bash returns incorrect process status
Chet Ramey
- PostgreSQL on Win98: initdb failed
Christian Rank
- Cygwin on Win98: initdb failed
Christian Rank
- Cygwin on Win98: initdb failed
Christian Rank
- rlogin or rsh correct install
Marcos Rebelo
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: naim-
Daniel Reed
- can't open file for writing
Peter Rehley
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Peter Rehley
- Problem in Cygwin-X...
Peter Rehley
- apache2 as service
Peter Rehley
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Peter Rehley
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
Peter Rehley
- apache2 as service
Peter Rehley
- special install
Peter Rehley
- special install
Peter Rehley
- special install
Peter Rehley
- File permission problem
Peter Rehley
- Referential Intigrity
Mario Reis
- missing <e> letter
Rado Rethmann
- missing <e> letter
Rado Rethmann
- missing <e> letter
Rado Rethmann
- ssh appear to hang; xauth; X forwarding
Peter Ring
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: e2fsprogs-1.35-2
Robb, Sam
- Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Robb, Sam
- BUG: Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Robb, Sam
- [OT] PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Robb, Sam
- Error Exim start with inetd and .....
- Re-installing Cygwin
Mike Rochon
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
David A. Rogers
- cygwin 1.5.11: execv doesn't set argv[0] on Windows programs
David A. Rogers
- cp to flash drive very slow
David A. Rogers
- cp to flash drive very slow
David A. Rogers
- cp to flash drive very slow
David A. Rogers
- Inheriting parent ACLs?
Gabe Rosenhouse
- Inheriting parent ACLs?
Gabe Rosenhouse
- Inheriting parent ACLs?
Gabe Rosenhouse
- can't start inetd as service
Steve Roth
- Problem: SIGCONT handler is not called (Cygwin or Bash problem ?)
Vankemmel Rudi
- Problem: SIGCONT handler is not called (Cygwin or Bash problem ?)
Vankemmel Rudi
- 1.5.10: bug in /usr/sbin/strfile
Andy Rushton
- CTRL-C kills "ssh -X"
Rob S.i.k.l.o.s
- CTRL-C kills "ssh -X"
Rob S.i.k.l.o.s
- References to both cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll
Patrick Samson
- References to both cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll
Patrick Samson
- Cygserver 100% CPU (was: References to both cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dl
Patrick Samson
- Cygserver 100% CPU (was: References to both cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dl
Patrick Samson
- Cygserver 100% CPU (was: References to both cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dl
Patrick Samson
- Cygserver 100% CPU (was: References to both cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dl
Patrick Samson
- file conversion utility sought: from isolatin (8859-1) to utf8
Jörg Schaible
- PHP 5.x and latest upgrade.. is it present ?
Robert Schmidt
- mod-php4
Robert Schmidt
- openldap 2.2.15-2
Robert Schmidt
- openldap 2.2.15-2
Robert Schmidt
- Installing php 5
Robert Schmidt
- openldap 2.2.15-2
Robert Schmidt
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Robert Schmidt
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Robert Schmidt
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Robert Schmidt
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Robert Schmidt
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Robert Schmidt
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Robert Schmidt
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Robert Schmidt
- crontab/mount problem
Robert Schmidt
- file conversion utility sought: from isolatin (8859-1) to utf8
Robert Schmidt
- File format - UNIX/DOS while installing cygwin ?
Robert R Schneck
- ssmtp.exe doesn't authenticate against exchange
Robert R Schneck
- ssmtp.exe doesn't authenticate against exchange
Robert R Schneck
- HELP: How to disable killing of Bash Shell window with mouse?
Robert R Schneck
- spell checking in xemacs
Robert R Schneck
- spell checking in xemacs
Robert R Schneck
- sed-4.1.2-1: backslash in 'i' and 'a' changed?
Jan Schormann
- Now I see - was RE: sed-4.1.2-1: backslash in 'i' and 'a' changed?
Jan Schormann
- can't open file for writing
C Schreiner
- can't open file for writing
C Schreiner
- can't open file for writing
C Schreiner
- can't open file for writing
C Schreiner
- can't open file for writing
C Schreiner
- OCaml library location error
Andrew Schulman
- OCaml library location error
Andrew Schulman
- how to link without [repost]
Andrew Schulman
- how to link without [repost]
Andrew Schulman
- how to link without [repost]
Andrew Schulman
- where is cygwin1.dll available?
Andrew Schulman
- typo on
Andrew Schulman
- typo on (#2)
Andrew Schulman
- gtk 2?
Andrew Schulman
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Two new mailing lists
Andrew Schulman
- unison doesn't honor HOME when USERPROFILE is set, also permission/uid/gid problems when synchronizing
Andrew Schulman
- unison doesn't honor HOME when USERPROFILE is set, also permission/uid/gid problems when synchronizing
Andrew Schulman
- unison doesn't honor HOME when USERPROFILE is set, also permission/uid/gid problems when synchronizing
Andrew Schulman
- make-3.80-1: "virtual memory exhausted" bug
Andrew Schulman
- make-3.80-1: "virtual memory exhausted" bug
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: unison 2.10.2-1
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: lablgtk2-2.4.0-1
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: unison-2.10.2-2
- Regular Expressions from Bash Shell
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Keeping a local mirror up to date (cy: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- perl 5.6.* package
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- pthread_join not returning
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- pthread_join not returning
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- pthread_join not returning (snapshot available)
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Crash in setup 2.427
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- signal delivery problem (with pthreads)
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Program exited with code 0303000
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- file conversion utility sought: from isolatin (8859-1) to utf8
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Updated: TeXmacs-1.0.4-4
Andreas Seidl
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: (audiofile, libaudiofile0, libaudiofile-devel)-0.2.6-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libIDL-0.8.3-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: glib(-devel)-1.2.10-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gtk+(-devel)-1.2.10-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- Oggplayer for Cygwin?
Yaakov Selkowitz
- Using cygwin's GnuPG with enigmail
Yaakov Selkowitz
- clamav: libclamav as shared library
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: libglade2-2.4.0-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- x11-org-devel: 'XtStrings' can't be auto-imported
Yaakov Selkowitz
- font problems with xpdf and gv
Yaakov Selkowitz
- cygheap problems with 1.5.11
Yaakov Selkowitz
- Perl Tk Compilation
Yaakov Selkowitz
- cygheap problems with 1.5.11
Yaakov Selkowitz
- cygheap problems with 1.5.11
Yaakov Selkowitz
- font problems with xpdf and gv
Daniel Senderowicz
- gcc, gdb, make missing?
A Serebrenik
- 64-Bit gcc for Windows..
Vibhaakar Sharma
- sundry & using rootfs as cygwin-root
Don Sharp
- We have a hacker
Gary R. Van Sickle
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Gary R. Van Sickle
- OT: RE: filesystem encoding
Gary R. Van Sickle
- What Cygwin is
Gary R. Van Sickle
- diff crashes with big files on Itanium machine
Gary R. Van Sickle
- OT: RE: filesystem encoding
Gary R. Van Sickle
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Gary R. Van Sickle
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Gary R. Van Sickle
- BUG: Bad call to GetFileSze in ext2fsprogs lib/ext2fs/getsize.c
Gary R. Van Sickle
- HELP: How to disable killing of Bash Shell window with mouse?
Gary R. Van Sickle
- 9-15 snap has newlib prob?
Gary R. Van Sickle
- [INFO] Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Gary R. Van Sickle
- cp to flash drive very slow
Gary R. Van Sickle
- 1.5.11-1: sftp performance problem
Peter Siebold
- Crontab issue
- Perl module download ?
Ramneek Singh
- File format - UNIX/DOS while installing cygwin ?
Ramneek Singh
- File format - UNIX/DOS while installing cygwin ?
Ramneek Singh
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Errol Smith
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Errol Smith
- "Broken pipe" warning from bash.
Errol Smith
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path
Errol Smith
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Errol Smith
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Errol Smith
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Errol Smith
- 'which' command does not expand '~' in path (base-files update needed)
Errol Smith
Sam Steingold
- checking for working
Sam Steingold
- checking for working
Sam Steingold
- Recovering deleted files
David J. Stelte
- "cd" in bash script not being executed
Aaron Stephanic
- "cd" in bash script not being executed
Aaron Stephanic
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
Chris Taylor
- DirectX headers
Marcel Telka
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: docbook-xsl-1.66.1-1
Marcel Telka
- ConTeXt broken under Cygwin?
Terrence Brannon, Scheme Hacker
- problem with bash command line
Kris Thielemans
- change in rsync behaviour -- textmode problem?
Henry S. Thompson
- rsync - file size differences
Henry S. Thompson
- rsync - file size differences
Henry S. Thompson
- rsync - file size differences
Henry S. Thompson
- [INFO] Adding "Cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Henry S. Thompson
- Is it free to use
Reid Thompson
Mark Thornton
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated Cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Jason Tishler
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated Cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Jason Tishler
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Jason Tishler
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Jason Tishler
- apache2 as service
Jason Tishler
- apache2 as service
Jason Tishler
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated Cygwin Package: proftpd-1.2.10-1
Jason Tishler
Jason Tishler
- How do I define a key binding for copy-to-clipboard?
David Tombs
- Cygwin-specific Libtool patches (Was Re: Is cygffi.dll needed for SableVM JVM?)
Dalibor Topic
- Cygwin-specific Libtool patches
Dalibor Topic
- Avail for test: libtool-1.5.10-1
Dalibor Topic
- [INFO] Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Jean-Sebastien Trottier
- seg-vios from gcc program at execv() on Windows XP
Richard Troy
- Fw: 1.5.11 bug in WEXITSTATUS() macro (wait.h)
Peter Dons Tychsen
- cygwin Cron on Windows 2003 Server Issues
Shankar Unni
- Cygwin licensing issue
Shankar Unni
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Shankar Unni
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Shankar Unni
- Compiling TCL C extensions using Cygwin gcc
Reini Urban
- mod-php4
Reini Urban
- efsprogs (was: BUG gcc-mingw 20040810-1 library search path)
Reini Urban
- Python os.path.join inconsistency?
Reini Urban
- Installing php 5
Reini Urban
- duplicated doc directories in ctetris-0.29-1
Reini Urban
- Perl searching in wrong path for modules?
Reini Urban
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror? (gold star alert)
Reini Urban
- OpenJade and phpdocs
Reini Urban
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror? (gold star alert)
Reini Urban
- Installing php 5
Reini Urban
- Change path for php
Reini Urban
- ipc debugging
Reini Urban
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: ctetris-0.29-1
Reini Urban
- postgres 8 plperl
Reini Urban
- ipc debugging
Reini Urban
- perl 5.6.* package
Reini Urban
- perl 5.6.* package
Reini Urban
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Reini Urban
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Reini Urban
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Reini Urban
- cygserver problem max 5 connections
Reini Urban
- cygserver problem max 5 connections
Reini Urban
- WinXP compressed dirs will work?
Reini Urban
- HELP: How to disable killing of Bash Shell window with mouse?
Reini Urban
- WinXP compressed dirs will work?
Reini Urban
- HELP: How to disable killing of Bash Shell window with mouse?
Reini Urban
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal
Reini Urban
- [Fwd: Re: Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal]
Reini Urban
- Fwd: Manik , Manik Raina has invited you to open a Google mail account
Reini Urban
- automatic cronjaob injectsion
Reini Urban
- automatic cronjob injection
Reini Urban
- rbldnsd
Reini Urban
- security and cygwin
Reini Urban
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Reini Urban
- security and cygwin
Reini Urban
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Reini Urban
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Reini Urban
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Reini Urban
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Reini Urban
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Reini Urban
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Reini Urban
- clamav: libclamav as shared library
Reini Urban
- PCYMTNQREAIYR, it really works.
Reini Urban
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Reini Urban
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
Reini Urban
- [INFO] Adding "Cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Reini Urban
- [INFO] Adding "cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
Reini Urban
- Problems building setup from CVS.
Reini Urban
- How can you change the DLL name in the .idata section header of a DLL?
Reini Urban
- libtool convenience libs problem
Reini Urban
- libtool convenience libs problem
Reini Urban
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Gary V.Vaughan
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- HELP: How to disable killing of Bash Shell window with mouse?
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.10: expr + configure failure + testcase (also on 1.5.11-1)
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.11: resuming a suspended sleep results in undelivered signal 19
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- 1.5.11: resuming a suspended sleep results in undelivered signal 19
Bogdan Vacaliuc
- Suspected Memory Size Problems under Cygwin
Douglas A. Vechinski
- device driver USB experimenter setup
Theo Verelst
- 'gs' as 'ps viewer'
Alex Vinokur
- Problem with ps2ascii
Alex Vinokur
- Problem with ps2ascii
Alex Vinokur
- Convert Word/html/pdf/ps to TeX
Alex Vinokur
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Alex Vinokur
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Alex Vinokur
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Alex Vinokur
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Alex Vinokur
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Alex Vinokur
- dvips: Couldn't find header file
Alex Vinokur
- dvips: Couldn't find header file
Alex Vinokur
- dvips: Couldn't find header file
Alex Vinokur
- Convert Word/html/pdf/TeX to Postscript
Alex Vinokur
Corinna Vinschen
- c:/ seems to be accessed in binary even if cygwin is configured as textmode by default
Corinna Vinschen
- A "big file" for the Cygwin API Reference
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin ssh session privileges differ from console privileges?
Corinna Vinschen
- Locking down cygwin for security
Corinna Vinschen
- ipc debugging
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin implementation of fork() eating all resourses?
Corinna Vinschen
- ls -lRd does not produce recursive directory listing
Corinna Vinschen
- pthread_join() broken on Cygwin 1.5.11-1?
Corinna Vinschen
- ssh search identity in wrong directory
Corinna Vinschen
- ssh-host-config bug?
Corinna Vinschen
- /etc/empty, permissions
Corinna Vinschen
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch (was: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1)
Corinna Vinschen
- HostBasedAuthentication with OpenSSH
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Corinna Vinschen
- can't open file for writing
Corinna Vinschen
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver - Postgres hung
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver service won't start
Corinna Vinschen
- [OT] RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated cygwin Package: procmail-3.22-10
Corinna Vinschen
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Corinna Vinschen
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Corinna Vinschen
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Corinna Vinschen
- reading from tape device on windows 2000
Corinna Vinschen
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
Corinna Vinschen
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
Corinna Vinschen
- ERB in Ruby1.8 in Cygwin Install
Corinna Vinschen
- win95 pipe problems -- report + testcase + patch
Corinna Vinschen
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver service won't start
Corinna Vinschen
- SSH on Cygwin Immediate Drops Connections
Corinna Vinschen
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
Corinna Vinschen
- sed-4.1.2-1: backslash in 'i' and 'a' changed?
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Corinna Vinschen
- rsync + xp sp2 failing (solved!)
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver service won't start
Corinna Vinschen
- diff crashes with big files on Itanium machine
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver service won't start
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver problem max 5 connections
Corinna Vinschen
- cygserver problem max 5 connections
Corinna Vinschen
- Installation hangs because asks for input from terminal (Attn: tetex maintainer, setup maintainer)
Corinna Vinschen
- Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin licensing issue
Corinna Vinschen
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Corinna Vinschen
- checking for working
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Corinna Vinschen
- checking for working
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with cat under bash shell
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin licensing issue
Corinna Vinschen
- OpenSSH privilege separation fails: connections starts to be dropped.
Corinna Vinschen
- Starting sshd with ipv6 address only
Corinna Vinschen
- Login behaviour oddities: won't run .profile
Corinna Vinschen
- Starting sshd with ipv6 address only (cont.)
Corinna Vinschen
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Corinna Vinschen
- Installation error message sed.exe: cygintl-3.dll not found
Corinna Vinschen
- Login behaviour oddities: won't run .profile
Corinna Vinschen
- 1.5.11 - tcp problems
Corinna Vinschen
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin on Win98: initdb failed
Corinna Vinschen
- Latest snapshot with XP SP2 and unison and cvs
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: OpenSSH-3.9p1-2
Corinna Vinschen
- Blocking accept() broken?
Corinna Vinschen
- can not find cygcrypt-0.dll
Corinna Vinschen
- can not find cygcrypt-0.dll
Corinna Vinschen
- Request for subsystem 'sftp' failed
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- Inheriting parent ACLs?
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Two new mailing lists
Corinna Vinschen
- Is regtool -K option broken?
Corinna Vinschen
- printf output missing in multi-threaded program
Corinna Vinschen
- File permission problem
Corinna Vinschen
- printf output missing in multi-threaded program
Corinna Vinschen
- File permission problem
Corinna Vinschen
- File permission problem
Corinna Vinschen
- File permission problem
Corinna Vinschen
- OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004 problem with crl function
Corinna Vinschen
- cygrunsrv fails to run services
Corinna Vinschen
- Is setup.exe _supposed_ to delete the cygwin dll before attempting to run shell scripts?
Corinna Vinschen
- Is regtool -K option broken?
Corinna Vinschen
- Is regtool -K option broken?
Corinna Vinschen
- openssl on cygwin bug and patch
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: openssl-0.9.7d-2, openssl-devel-0.9.7d-2
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: openssl-0.9.7d-2, openssl-devel-0.9.7d-2
Corinna Vinschen
- Stdout of other shell than cygwin's through xinetd
Corinna Vinschen
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Corinna Vinschen
- Problems on Itanium: Found the Cause, What's Next?
Corinna Vinschen
- SSH Environment
Corinna Vinschen
- "which" command does not expand "~" in path (base-files update needed)
Corinna Vinschen
- SSH Environment
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygserver 100% CPU (was: References to both cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dl
Corinna Vinschen
- Problems on Itanium: Found the Cause, What's Next?
Corinna Vinschen
- [PATCH] cygrunsrv --recovery <action>
Corinna Vinschen
- [PATCH] cygrunsrv --recovery <action>
Corinna Vinschen
- CVS cygserver compile errors w/gcc 3.4.3
Corinna Vinschen
- running win32 text mode application in bash
- running win32 text mode application in bash
- subversion 1.0.6 in windows 98
Rob Walker
- env -i specialities on cygwin
Christian Weinberger
- cursor jumping in cygwin?
Michael J. Wheeler
- HostBasedAuthentication with OpenSSH
Gary Whitehead
- Automake 1.9 as Cygwin package
Johnny Willemsen
- Cvsnt doesn't work anymore after cygwin upgrade to 1.5.11
Johnny Willemsen
- pthread_join() broken on Cygwin 1.5.11-1?
John William
- Automake 1.9 as Cygwin package
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.11-1
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: zlib-1.2.1-2
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mingw-zlib-1.2.1-2
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: bzip2-1.0.2-6
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: automake-devel-1.9.1-1
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cvs-1.11.17-1
Charles Wilson
- Updated: cvs-1.11.17-1
Charles Wilson
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Charles Wilson
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Charles Wilson
- Avail for test: libtool-1.5.10-1
Charles Wilson
- cygwin, libtool, gdb: dll not found
Charles Wilson
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Charles Wilson
- cygwin, libtool, dlpreopen, and .rdata
Charles Wilson
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Joshua Wright
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Joshua Wright
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Joshua Wright
- Program terminates with "cygheap version mismatch detected"
Joshua Wright
- Setup.hint for base-passwd is incorrect
Doug Wyatt
- setup.log in /var/log/
Angelo Graziosi (D. Zanello)
- duplicated doc directories in ctetris-0.29-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- XEmacs and Windows Fonts
Dr. Volker Zell
- ghostscript?
Dr. Volker Zell
- openldap 2.2.15-2
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: naim-
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tetex-2.0.2-14
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tzcode-2004d-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gd-2.0.28-1/libgd2-2.0.28-1/libgd-devel-2.0.28-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: openldap-2.2.17-1/libopenldap2_2_7-2.2.17-1/openldap-devel-2.2.17-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gnuplot-4.0.0-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- spell checking in xemacs
Dr. Volker Zell
- font problems with xpdf and gv
Dr. Volker Zell
- font problems with xpdf and gv
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: openssl-0.9.7d-2, openssl-devel-0.9.7d-2
Dr. Volker Zell
- cygheap problems with 1.5.11
Dr. Volker Zell
- unison doesn't honor HOME when USERPROFILE is set, also permission/uid/gid problems when synchronizing
Dr. Volker Zell
- cygheap problems with 1.5.11
Dr. Volker Zell
- font problems with xpdf and gv
Dr. Volker Zell
- unison doesn't honor HOME when USERPROFILE is set, also permission/uid/gid problems when synchronizing
Dr. Volker Zell
- font problems with xpdf and gv
Dr. Volker Zell
- unison doesn't honor HOME when USERPROFILE is set, also permission/uid/gid problems when synchronizing
Dr. Volker Zell
- cygheap problems with 1.5.11
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: man-1.5o-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gv-3.5.8-2
Dr. Volker Zell
- Latest setup causes crash on winxp pro
Brian Zoller
- No /home created after install
- No /home created after install
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
- ssh-host-config requires cygminires.dll
- Proposal
ronny barakat
- Starting sshd with ipv6 address only
dimitri berbanov
- Starting sshd with ipv6 address only (cont.)
dimitri berbanov
- Starting sshd with ipv6 address
dimitri berbanov
- PS1 overwrites attempt to change title, settitle in bash or rxvt title
- We base everything off of U.S. Supreme Courts decisions
anita carr
- ezmlm warning
- ssh search identity in wrong directory
- AW: ssh search identity in wrong directory
- Locking down cygwin for security
egor duda
- checking for working
egor duda
- adding to and upgrading a cygwin installation...
- WinXP compressed dirs will work?
- Cygwin install error (retrieving option)
- install error
- please help me
- the real, working, tested way to do this is... (Re: special install)
- snapshot 20040911: lose bash prompt
- Strange behaviours: attributable to XP SP2?
- How to check your local mirror
- Cygwin on a stick
- 19 symlinks with missing target
- ghostscript?
sven geier
- login name changed
- login name changed
- OpenSSH on windows Problem
- reading from tape device on windows 2000
- reading from tape device on windows 2000
- text mount if cygwin not installed
sergey ivanov
- File permission problem
- File permission problem
- File permission problem
- File permission problem
- can't open file for writing
- How do I define a key binding for copy-to-clipboard?
- rsync + xp sp2 failing
- rsync + xp sp2 failing (solved!)
- [INFO] Adding "Cygwin here" to Windows Explorer
- Bringing any of the other MLs to Cygwin
- Cygwin licensing issue
- Cygwin licensing issue
- Setup problem: incomplete nonexistent package
- Setup problem: incomplete nonexistent package
- How to detect a broken Cygwin mirror?
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror?
- How to detect a broken Cygwin mirror?
- How to detect a broken cygwin mirror?
- Setup problem: incomplete nonexistent package
- How does a script find where Cygwin is installed?
- How to check your local mirror
- /etc/empty, permissions
- ssh-host-config bug?
- ssh-host-config bug?
- ssh-host-config bug?
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
- So how do you uninstall Cygwin?
- Problem in Cygwin-X...
- Bash returns incorrect process status
- ssh login to PC stopped working
- ssh login to PC stopped working
- Login behaviour oddities: won't run .profile
- regtool quoting variations on output
- Request for change to /etc/profile
- Request for change to /etc/profile
- Is regtool -K option broken?
- Cygwin df -l option has wrong sense?
- cygwin implementation of fork() eating all resourses?
bertrand marquis
- setup
bertrand marquis
- Problem regarding CYGWIN
bertrand marquis
- Porting question: cygwin equivalent of Linux getdirentries()?
david moloney
- Porting question: cygwin equivalent of Linux getdirentries()?
david moloney
- "man socket" is not working.
- Running cmd programs in cygwin / rxvt
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
- Request for change to /etc/profile
- New packge: lighttpd-1.3.0
- TCSH 6.13 shell script can't re-write to a file
neal somos
- Error in first execution
mirko tebaldi
- Installing php 5
mirko tebaldi
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
Jani tiainen
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
Jani tiainen
- cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows
Jani tiainen
- problem to read files
the_ram_man vädursmannen
- /proc registry access
linda w
- /proc registry access
linda w
- sundry & using rootfs as cygwin-root
linda w
- What is executable or not...?
linda w
- Can /proc be made to reference Win processes?
linda w
- Same code, same script, different results
Mikael Åsberg
- Same code, same script, different results
Mikael Åsberg
Last message date:
Thu Sep 30 22:30:00 GMT 2004
Archived on: Wed Mar 25 13:47:54 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).