October 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Oct 1 00:25:00 GMT 2010
Ending: Sun Oct 31 19:10:00 GMT 2010
Messages: 647
- Slowdown after update on Win32 (XP Home)
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- How to run Cygwin as the root user ?
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Slowdown after update on Win32 (XP Home)
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- How to evaluate cygwin state after interrupted update - and how to recover/resume?
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- How to evaluate cygwin state after interrupted update - and how to recover/resume?
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- bash bug?: nested "bash --login -i" doesn't run /etc/profile (still runs ~/.bash_profile)
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- How to run Cygwin as the root user ?
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Unable to remap error
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- bash bug?: nested "bash --login -i" doesn't run /etc/profile (still runs ~/.bash_profile)
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Unable to remap error
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- permission denied when using snmpwalk
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- side effects after installing gcc-
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Unable to remap error
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- left and right arrow keys don't work in xterm
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- sqlite3: please update
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- sqlite3: please update
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- OpenCV: (Re: trouble posting to cygwin-apps)
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- gcc: stable 4.5 soon?
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- Build Graphviz
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- ocaml: patches needed
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ can't find -ldl
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- Build Graphviz
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- Build Graphviz
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- ocaml: patches needed
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- Build Graphviz
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- Build Graphviz
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cocom-0.996-1
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- Build Graphviz
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- gcc: stable 4.5 soon?
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- OpenSP-1.5.2-2 missing package dependency in setup.hint
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- OpenGL under Cygwin with GtkGlExt
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: enchant-1.6.0-1
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- missing dep ecj1.exe 4.5.0 -> libgcj11
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygport-0.10.1-1
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- Is python-xlib no longer available under Cygwin?
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- less: wchar support
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- gcc: stable 4.5 soon?
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- gcc: stable 4.5 soon?
Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
- gdb 7 port for Cygwin?
Jim Reisert AD1C
- "cannot find -lgnalasup" when linking. using gcc 4.3.3, on cygwin 1.7.7
Nasser M. Abbasi
- R: "cannot find -lgnalasup" when linking. using gcc 4.3.3, on cygwin 1.7.7
Nasser M. Abbasi
- How to get cygwin path
- How to get cygwin path
- How to get cygwin path
- side effects after installing gcc-
- Cygwin uninstall: Problem with /dev/nul
- rebaseall on [1.7] : first glitch for ages
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
- Which CHOST?
- Which CHOST?
- Which CHOST?
- Which CHOST?
- Which CHOST?
- 1.7.x: Installation fails in post install scripts - abnormal exit: exit code=128
- 1.7.x: Installation fails in post install scripts - abnormal exit: exit code=128
- Add MAILUTILS to CYGWIN Downloadable Packages
- having trouble with mput
- cygwin will not run
- cygxxx.dll or xxx.dll?
- Finding the SONAME for bzip2
- Finding the SONAME for bzip2
- Finding the SONAME for bzip2
- Finding the SONAME for bzip2
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Michael Albinus
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Michael Albinus
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Michael Albinus
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Michael Albinus
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Michael Albinus
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Michael Albinus
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Michael Albinus
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Michael Albinus
- emacs-23.2-3 DBus hangs
Michael Albinus
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Matthias Andree
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Matthias Andree
- rebaseall failures, propsal
Matthias Andree
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
David Antliff
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
David Antliff
- Possible Windows 7 issue? cc1.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?
Taggart Ashby
- Possible Windows 7 issue? cc1.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?
Taggart Ashby
- R: Cygwin 1.7.7 fork/exec performance MUCH slower than 1.5.25
Marco Atzeri
- R: libtermcap.a in cygwin
Marco Atzeri
- R: patch can't find files by linux-stype path
Marco Atzeri
- <complex.h> for Cygwin?
Marco Atzeri
- <complex.h> for Cygwin?
Marco Atzeri
- R: patch can't find files by linux-stype path
Marco Atzeri
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Marco Atzeri
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
Marco Atzeri
- R: gsl linking
Marco Atzeri
- 1.7.7-1: troubleshooting "couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487"
Marco Atzeri
- R: cygxxx.dll or xxx.dll?
Marco Atzeri
- R: Creating an installation package
Marco Atzeri
- R: Finding the SONAME for bzip2
Marco Atzeri
- R: scp fails without a warning.
Marco Atzeri
- Creating an installation package
Marco Atzeri
- R: gfortran 4.3.4: NINT() intrinsic triggers undefined references to '_llround' and '_llroundf'
Marco Atzeri
- gfortran 4.3.4: NINT() intrinsic triggers undefined references to '_llround' and '_llroundf'
Marco Atzeri
- R: "cannot find -lgnalasup" when linking. using gcc 4.3.3, on cygwin 1.7.7
Marco Atzeri
- R: LS_COLORS filetype color definitions are ignored
Marco Atzeri
- LS_COLORS filetype color definitions are ignored
Marco Atzeri
- R: -static not working with gcc 4.3.4
Marco Atzeri
- -static not working with gcc 4.3.4
Marco Atzeri
- R: gfortran 4.3.4: NINT() intrinsic triggers undefined references to '_llround' and '_llroundf'
Marco Atzeri
- gfortran 4.3.4: NINT() intrinsic triggers undefined references to '_llround' and '_llroundf'
Marco Atzeri
- R: nondosfilewarning help
Marco Atzeri
- R: Eclipse and cygwin
Marco Atzeri
- R: 1.7.7: Mercurial 1.5.4 and Python 2.6.5 conflicts?
Marco Atzeri
- libiconv
Marco Atzeri
- libiconv
Marco Atzeri
- libiconv
Marco Atzeri
- Odd directory created when installing 1.7
Marco Atzeri
- R: cygwin 1.7.7: Windows x64 bad performance
Marco Atzeri
- R: Emacs silence
Marco Atzeri
- nodosfilewarning not working
- nodosfilewarning not working
- nodosfilewarning not working
- nodosfilewarning not working
- nodosfilewarning not working
- nodosfilewarning not working
- nodosfilewarning not working
- nodosfilewarning not working
- nondosfilewarning help
- libpq: problem with shared library
Huang Bambo
- Connection timed out
Huang Bambo
- How to get cygwin path
Daniel Barclay
- bash bug?: nested "bash --login -i" doesn't run /etc/profile (still runs ~/.bash_profile)
Daniel Barclay
- bash bug?: nested "bash --login -i" doesn't run /etc/profile (still runs ~/.bash_profile)
Daniel Barclay
- bash bug?: nested "bash --login -i" doesn't run /etc/profile (still runs ~/.bash_profile)
Daniel Barclay
- cygcheck bug: symlinks with unix paths are wrongly resolved
Daniel Barclay
- umounting drives
Axel Bender
- How do I remove/delete sSMTP?
René Berber
- How do I remove/delete sSMTP?
René Berber
- cygwin 1.7 on Intel Atom N450?
René Berber
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
René Berber
- cygwin 1.7 on Intel Atom N450?
David Billinghurst
- <complex.h> for Cygwin?
Eric Blake
- mintty postinstall failure
Eric Blake
- mintty postinstall failure - attn: cygutils maintainer
Eric Blake
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Eric Blake
- hostname command
Eric Blake
- Which CHOST?
Eric Blake
- Which CHOST?
Eric Blake
- x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ can't find -ldl
Eric Blake
- screen 4.0.3-5 does not respect $SHELL
Eric Blake
- screen 4.0.3-5 does not respect $SHELL
Eric Blake
Eric Blake
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Eric Blake
- libiconv
Eric Blake
- localtime and TZ
Eric Blake
- localtime and TZ
Eric Blake
- localtime and TZ
Eric Blake
- can't compile opengl using w32api with gcc
André Bleau
- OpenGL under Cygwin with GtkGlExt
André Bleau
- OpenGL under Cygwin with GtkGlExt
André Bleau
- 1.7.7-1: troubleshooting "couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487"
Casey Boettcher
- 1.7.7-1: troubleshooting "couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487"
Casey Boettcher
- 1.7.7-1: troubleshooting "couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487" [resolved]
Casey Boettcher
- 1.7.7-1: troubleshooting "couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487" [resolved]
Casey Boettcher
- Starting to bash
Jeremy Bopp
- In what way is /cygdrive special WRT to permissions?
Jeremy Bopp
- Can't use mintty instead of rxvt for remote ssh -Y and xserver?
Jeremy Bopp
- Build Graphviz
Jeremy Bopp
- Build Graphviz
Jeremy Bopp
- Build Graphviz
Jeremy Bopp
- Build Graphviz
Jeremy Bopp
- How can I get mintty to not display my password?
Jeremy Bopp
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
Jeremy Bopp
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
Jeremy Bopp
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Jeremy Bopp
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Jeremy Bopp
- Connection timed out
Jeremy Bopp
- 1.7.7 wput fails to connect to FTP server
Francois Botha
- left and right arrow keys don't work in xterm
J. David Boyd
- left and right arrow keys don't work in xterm
J. David Boyd
- left and right arrow keys don't work in xterm
J. David Boyd
- left and right arrow keys don't work in xterm
J. David Boyd
- SSH - Can't Login
James Broadhead
- SSH - Can't Login
James Broadhead
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {emacs,emacs-X11,emacs-el}-23.2-3
Ken Brown
- Emacs Gnus elisp source?
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 and DBus
Ken Brown
- 1.7.7-1: troubleshooting "couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487"
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- getting 'clear' to work in Emacs shell
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 DBus hangs
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- emacs-23.2-3 DBus hangs
Ken Brown
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Ken Brown
- localtime and TZ
Ken Brown
- localtime and TZ
Ken Brown
- localtime and TZ
Ken Brown
- localtime and TZ
Ken Brown
- localtime and TZ
Ken Brown
- localtime and TZ
Ken Brown
- localtime and TZ
Ken Brown
- R: Emacs silence
Ken Brown
- strange crashes on invocation
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- Is updatedb using incremental update of the database?
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- Installing Pine
- How to write to shared memory?
Cameron, Barrett
- cygcheck bug: symlinks with unix paths are wrongly resolved
Rolf Campbell
- Problem with man and scrolling
Richard Chapling
- Creating an installation package
Brandon Chase
- Creating an installation package
Brandon Chase
- How to get cygwin path
Greg Chicares
- Simple Cygwin Application Linking Problem
Greg Chicares
- <complex.h> for Cygwin?
Jan Chludzinski
- <complex.h> for Cygwin?
Jan Chludzinski
- How to run Cygwin as the root user ?
Clement, Sebastien
- How to run Cygwin as the root user ?
Clement, Sebastien
- Using Cygwin MINGW compilers from Eclipse
David A. Cobb
- Odd directory created when installing 1.7
Matteo Cortese
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
- nodosfilewarning not working
Tim Daneliuk
- Cygwin c compiler and c99
- Cygwin c compiler and c99
- Cygwin c compiler and c99
- TCL and Cygwin 1.7 symlinks
Jeremy Davies
- nodosfilewarning not working
Andrew DeFaria
- nodosfilewarning not working
Andrew DeFaria
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ocaml-3.12.0-3
Damien Doligez
- ocaml: patches needed
Damien Doligez
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ocaml-3.12.0-4
Damien Doligez
- strange crashes on invocation
Christopher Faylor
- git and openssh issue (eblake?)
Christopher Faylor
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Christopher Faylor
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Christopher Faylor
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Christopher Faylor
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Christopher Faylor
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Christopher Faylor
- rebaseall failures, propsal
Christopher Faylor
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Christopher Faylor
- bash.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't dynamically determine load address for 'GetKeyboardLayout'
Christopher Faylor
- ld fails when -L/lib is on the command line
Christopher Faylor
- nodosfilewarning not working
Christopher Faylor
- nodosfilewarning not working
Christopher Faylor
- nodosfilewarning not working
Christopher Faylor
- nodosfilewarning not working
Christopher Faylor
- Small compile request
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- Where to get source for setup.exe?
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- cygcheck bug: symlinks with unix paths are wrongly resolved
Christopher Faylor
- cygcheck bug: symlinks with unix paths are wrongly resolved
Christopher Faylor
- Max memory page hosed my cygwin registry - how to get it back?
Christopher Faylor
- Max memory page hosed my cygwin registry - how to get it back?
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Christopher Faylor
- less: wchar support
Christopher Faylor
- localtime and TZ
Christopher Faylor
- rebaseall on [1.7] : first glitch for ages
- 1.7.x: Installation fails in post install scripts - abnormal exit: exit code=128
Lance Finney
- 1.7.x: Installation fails in post install scripts - abnormal exit: exit code=128
Lance Finney
- 1.7.x: Installation fails in post install scripts - abnormal exit: exit code=128
Lance Finney
- 1.7.x: Installation fails in post install scripts - abnormal exit: exit code=128
Lance Finney
- How to write to shared memory?
Bengt-Arne Fjellner
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: smartmontools-5.40-1
Christian Franke
- Add MAILUTILS to CYGWIN Downloadable Packages
Furash, Gary F - (furashg)
- libtermcap.a in cygwin
Dipak Gaigole
- getting 'clear' to work in Emacs shell
- bash script + heredoc + tftp = bash ends unexpectedly
- bash script + heredoc + tftp = bash ends unexpectedly
- bash script + heredoc + tftp = bash ends unexpectedly
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Oleksandr Gavenko
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Oleksandr Gavenko
- getting 'clear' to work in Emacs shell
Oleksandr Gavenko
- getting 'clear' to work in Emacs shell
Oleksandr Gavenko
- modification time disorder: touch-related?
Oleksandr Gavenko
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
Mark Geisert
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
SZABO Gergely
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
SZABO Gergely
- scp fails without a warning.
SZABO Gergely
- R: Cygwin 1.7.7 fork/exec performance MUCH slower than 1.5.25
SZABÓ Gergely
- R: Cygwin 1.7.7 fork/exec performance MUCH slower than 1.5.25
SZABÓ Gergely
- Slowdown after update on Win32 (XP Home)
SZABÓ Gergely
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
SZABÓ Gergely
- gfortran 4.3.4: NINT() intrinsic triggers undefined references to '_llround' and '_llroundf'
Cornelis de Gier
- gfortran 4.3.4: NINT() intrinsic triggers undefined references to '_llround' and '_llroundf'
Cornelis de Gier
- gfortran 4.3.4: NINT() intrinsic triggers undefined references to '_llround' and '_llroundf'
Cornelis de Gier
- makewhatis bug (man-1.6f-1)
Kevin Goodsell
- ICU: wrong links
Angelo Graziosi
- In what way is /cygdrive special WRT to permissions?
Raman Gupta
- OpenSP-1.5.2-2 missing package dependency in setup.hint
Gerrit P. Haase
- openjade-1.4devel1-2 missing package dependency in setup.hint
Gerrit P. Haase
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Problem with deleting the Cygwin folder
Gerrit P. Haase
Hadi Hadizadeh
- libpq: problem with shared library
Tomáš Hajas
- 1.5 to 1.7 upgrade.
Andy Hall
- 1.5 to 1.7 upgrade.
Andy Hall
- In what way is /cygdrive special WRT to permissions?
Andy Hall
- In what way is /cygdrive special WRT to permissions?
Andy Hall
- In what way is /cygdrive special WRT to permissions?
Andy Hall
- In what way is /cygdrive special WRT to permissions?
Andy Hall
- permission denied when using snmpwalk
Rance Hall
- Slow fork issue - Win x64
Nicole Hamilton
- Slow fork issue - Win x64
Nicole Hamilton
- Emacs silence
Nigel Hardy
- R: Emacs silence
Nigel Hardy
- R: Emacs silence
Nigel Hardy
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Markus Hoenicka
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Markus Hoenicka
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Bill Hoffman
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Bill Hoffman
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Bill Hoffman
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Bill Hoffman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: CMake 2.8.2-1
Bill Hoffman
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Bill Hoffman
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Bill Hoffman
- gsl linking
Sergey Ivanov
- gsl linking
Sergey Ivanov
- Fwd: gsl linking
Sergey Ivanov
- Eclipse and cygwin
David Bo Jensen
- hostname command
Hans Jørgen Aagaard Jensen
- libglade2.0.sh exit code 2
Ryan Johnson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libgc-7.1-1
Robert S. Heckel Jr.
- Simple Cygwin Application Linking Problem
Michael Jäger
- strange crashes on invocation
Heath Kehoe
- Connection timed out
- Connection timed out
- Connection timed out
- Connection timed out
- Connection timed out
- Connection timed out
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty-0.9.1-1
Andy Koppe
- mintty postinstall failure
Andy Koppe
- mintty postinstall failure - attn: cygutils maintainer
Andy Koppe
- mintty postinstall failure - attn: cygutils maintainer
Andy Koppe
- Problem with man and scrolling
Andy Koppe
- 1.7.7-1: troubleshooting "couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487" [resolved]
Andy Koppe
- the Windows %PATH% env. variable isn't updated
Andy Koppe
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Andy Koppe
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Andy Koppe
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Andy Koppe
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Andy Koppe
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Andy Koppe
- R: nondosfilewarning help
Andy Koppe
- resolving directories
Andy Koppe
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
Andy Koppe
- Sending signals to a subprocess
Andy Koppe
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty-0.9.2-1
Andy Koppe
- Cygwin c compiler and c99
Andy Koppe
- SSH - Can't Login
Andy Koppe
- SSH - Can't Login
Andy Koppe
- SSH - Can't Login
Andy Koppe
- SSH - Can't Login
Andy Koppe
- Cygwin 2.510.2.2 - Bootstrapping inline module error in Win XP OS in HP laptop which has Intel i5 64 bit processor
Gb Shasi Kumar
- Cygwin 2.510.2.2 - Bootstrapping inline module error in Win XP OS in HP laptop which has Intel i5 64 bit processor.
Gb Shasi Kumar
- Cygwin 2.510.2.2 - Bootstrapping inline module error in Win XP OS in HP laptop which has Intel i5 64 bit processor.
Gb Shasi Kumar
- Cygwin 2.510.2.2 - Bootstrapping inline module error in Win XP OS in HP laptop which has Intel i5 64 bit processor.
Gb Shasi Kumar
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Edward Lam
- Emacs Gnus elisp source?
Stephen Leake
- Emacs Gnus elisp source?
Stephen Leake
- Possible Windows 7 issue? cc1.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?
Stephen Leake
- Emacs Gnus elisp source?
Stephen Leake
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Cyrille Lefevre
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Cyrille Lefevre
- issue with inherited handle (ssh.exe, gitk)
Cyrille Lefevre
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Gregg Levine
- Unusual comments from the setup routine
Gregg Levine
- Problem with deleting the Cygwin folder
Gregg Levine
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tidy-20090325-1
Lapo Luchini
- Slowdown after update on Win32 (XP Home)
Michael Ludwig
- Slowdown after update on Win32 (XP Home)
Michael Ludwig
- Slowdown after update on Win32 (XP Home)
Michael Ludwig
- Slowdown after update on Win32 (XP Home)
Michael Ludwig
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Michael Ludwig
- Slowdown after update on Win32 (XP Home)
Michael Ludwig
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
- cygwin-1.7.7: tclsh84 does not pass environment to exec sub-process
Stas Maximov
- cygwin will not run
Timothy May
- modification time disorder: touch-related?
Robert McDougall
- modification time disorder: touch-related?
Robert McDougall
- modification time disorder: touch-related?
Robert McDougall
- Installing Pine
Maurice Mengel
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tidy-20090325-1
Jonathon Merz
- (cd $P && pwd) fails for path >255 chars
Ladislav Michl
- How do I remove/delete sSMTP?
Blaine Miller
- How do I remove/delete sSMTP?
Blaine Miller
- Update/Refesh TCL/Expect package
Craig Miller
- cygwin-1.7.7: tclsh84 does not pass environment to exec sub-process
Craig Miller
- ImageMagick: More insufficient package dependencies
Raul Miller
- updated: unison2.40
Andy Moreton
- updated: unison2.40
Andy Moreton
- Pending RFU for unison 2.40
Andy Moreton
- tinyfugue with python won't compile under cygwin (1.7.7) on Windows XP
Gwen Morse
- tinyfugue with python won't compile under cygwin (1.7.7) on Windows XP
Gwen Morse
- localtime and TZ
Eliot Moss
- R: Emacs silence
Eliot Moss
- resolving directories
Hugh Myers
- resolving directories
Hugh Myers
- bash.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't dynamically determine load address for 'GetKeyboardLayout'
Thorkil Naur
- bash.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't dynamically determine load address for 'GetKeyboardLayout'
Thorkil Naur
- bash.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't dynamically determine load address for 'GetKeyboardLayout'
Thorkil Naur
- 1.7.x: Installation fails in post install scripts - abnormal exit: exit code=128
Nellis, Kenneth
- -static not working with gcc 4.3.4
Nellis, Kenneth
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
- Where to get source for setup.exe?
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
- Cygwin's svn appends unwanted .exe to file name on checkout
Carl Norum
- Cygwin's svn appends unwanted .exe to file name on checkout
Carl Norum
- Cygwin's svn appends unwanted .exe to file name on checkout
Carl Norum
- Cygwin's svn appends unwanted .exe to file name on checkout
Carl Norum
- Possible Windows 7 issue? cc1.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?
Tim Prince
- modification time disorder: touch-related?
Tim Prince
- Cygwin c compiler and c99
Tim Prince
- Error in tcsh globing
Cary R.
- How can I get mintty to not display my password?
- use the list of files stored in a text file and process it
Csaba Raduly
- diff issue
Csaba Raduly
- tinyfugue with python won't compile under cygwin (1.7.7) on Windows XP
Csaba Raduly
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
Csaba Raduly
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
Csaba Raduly
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Csaba Raduly
- ld fails when -L/lib is on the command line
Csaba Raduly
- Perl Modules?
Csaba Raduly
- cygcheck bug: symlinks with unix paths are wrongly resolved
Csaba Raduly
- date.exe have some time advance to system time
Csaba Raduly
- Cygwin 2.510.2.2 - Bootstrapping inline module error in Win XP OS in HP laptop which has Intel i5 64 bit processor.
Csaba Raduly
- Cygwin 2.510.2.2 - Bootstrapping inline module error in Win XP OS in HP laptop which has Intel i5 64 bit processor.
Csaba Raduly
- bash script + heredoc + tftp = bash ends unexpectedly
Csaba Raduly
- Unable to remap error
Harie Ram
- Unable to remap error
Harie Ram
- Unable to remap error
Harie Ram
- Unable to remap error
Harie Ram
- getting 'clear' to work in Emacs shell
Jeff Rancier
- cygserver shuts down 'unexpectedly
Jeff Rancier
- Can't use mintty instead of rxvt for remote ssh -Y and xserver?
- diff issue
Andrey Repin
- Cygwin uninstall: Problem with /dev/nul
Andrey Repin
- R: Cygwin 1.7.7 fork/exec performance MUCH slower than 1.5.25
Andrey Repin
- patch can't find files by linux-stype path
Andrey Repin
- diff issue
Andrey Repin
- diff issue
Andrey Repin
- R: patch can't find files by linux-stype path
Andrey Repin
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Andrey Repin
- Starting to bash
Andrey Repin
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Andrey Repin
- nodosfilewarning not working
Andrey Repin
- nodosfilewarning not working
Andrey Repin
- cygcheck bug: symlinks with unix paths are wrongly resolved
Andrey Repin
- cygcheck bug: symlinks with unix paths are wrongly resolved
Andrey Repin
- Bash Completion Install/Configure ; was: Re: Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Andrey Repin
- Is python-xlib no longer available under Cygwin?
M Robinson
- permission denied when using snmpwalk
- Cygwin uninstall: Problem with /dev/nul
Peter Rosin
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
Bill Ross
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated packages: {serf,libserf0_1,libserf0-devel}-0.7.0-1
David Rothenberger
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {aprutil1,libaprutil1,libaprutil1-devel}-1.3.10-1
David Rothenberger
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: subversion-1.6.13-1
David Rothenberger
- svnserve as a service
David Rothenberger
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
David Rothenberger
- Cygwin's svn appends unwanted .exe to file name on checkout
David Rothenberger
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
David Rothenberger
- Persistent Problems with 'setup' installs: jadetex, mutt, tetex-bin
Lee Rothstein
- nodosfilewarning not working
Lee D. Rothstein
- Perl Modules?
Lee D. Rothstein
- Perl Modules?
Lee D. Rothstein
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Lee D. Rothstein
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Lee D. Rothstein
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Lee D. Rothstein
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc. Solved! (?)
Lee D. Rothstein
- Bash problems, strace, performance, etc. -> More details on cause (?)
Lee D. Rothstein
- Bash Completion Install/Configure ; was: Re: Bash problems, strace, performance, etc.
Lee D. Rothstein
- date.exe have some time advance to system time
Lee D. Rothstein
- Installing Pine
Lee D. Rothstein
- 1.7.7: Mercurial 1.5.4 and Python 2.6.5 conflicts?
Alex Royo
- Connection timed out
David Sastre
- Connection timed out
David Sastre
- Connection timed out
David Sastre
- unison 2.40.16 (cygwin) over ssh doesn't resume after merge command
Robert Schmidt
- unison 2.40.16 (cygwin) over ssh doesn't resume after merge command
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] updated: unison2.27, unison2.32, unison2.40
Andrew Schulman
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Andrew Schulman
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Andrew Schulman
- screen 4.0.3-5 does not respect $SHELL
Andrew Schulman
- screen 4.0.3-5 does not respect $SHELL
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] updated: unison2.40
Andrew Schulman
- updated: unison2.40
Andrew Schulman
- updated: unison2.40
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] updated: lftp-4.0.10-1
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] updated: lftp-4.0.10-1
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] updated: unison2.40-2.40.61-2
Andrew Schulman
- cygcheck bug: symlinks with unix paths are wrongly resolved
Arseny Slobodyuk
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Charles Smith
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Charles Smith
- tinyfugue with python won't compile under cygwin (1.7.7) on Windows XP
Dirk Sondermann
- libpq: problem with shared library
Tomas Staig
- OpenGL under Cygwin with GtkGlExt
- OpenGL under Cygwin with GtkGlExt
- OpenGL under Cygwin with GtkGlExt
- Small compile request
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cppcheck-1.45-1
Chris Sutcliffe
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: python-gdata-2.0.12-1
Chris Sutcliffe
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: googlecl-0.9.11-1
Chris Sutcliffe
- Full screen mode (with "bash").
Claude Sylvain
- Max memory page hosed my cygwin registry - how to get it back?
Saurabh T
- Max memory page hosed my cygwin registry - how to get it back?
Saurabh T
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
- screen 4.0.3-5 does not respect $SHELL
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- problem with PATH set by libtool for uninstalled pixman library
- Bugzilla outage Monday, October 4, 18:00GMT-19:00GMT
Ian Lance Taylor
- ld fails when -L/lib is on the command line
Nathan Thern
- -static not working with gcc 4.3.4
Samuel Thibault
- R: -static not working with gcc 4.3.4
Samuel Thibault
- -static not working with gcc 4.3.4
Samuel Thibault
- -static not working with gcc 4.3.4
Samuel Thibault
- missing dep ecj1.exe 4.5.0 -> libgcj11
Samuel Thibault
- libiconv
Samuel Thibault
- libiconv
Samuel Thibault
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Steve Thompson
- Latent issue with 1.7.7 and Win7 64-bit
Kai Tietz
- rebaseall on [1.7] : first glitch for ages
Jason Tishler
- rebaseall failures, propsal
Jason Tishler
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
Spiro Trikaliotis
- Grants for business owners
Sally Trudeau
- Is updatedb using incremental update of the database?
Giorgos Tzampanakis
- gdb 7 port for Cygwin?
Reini Urban
- Fwd: ImageMagick: More insufficient package dependencies
Reini Urban
- Slow fork issue - Win x64
Reini Urban
- Perl Modules?
Reini Urban
- ICU: wrong links
Reini Urban
- Win7 64bit, why so slow?
Reini Urban
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Corinna Vinschen
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Corinna Vinschen
- In what way is /cygdrive special WRT to permissions?
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin >= 1.7.6 open message queues - permission denied
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin >= 1.7.6 open message queues - permission denied
Corinna Vinschen
- In what way is /cygdrive special WRT to permissions?
Corinna Vinschen
- (cd $P && pwd) fails for path >255 chars
Corinna Vinschen
- How to evaluate cygwin state after interrupted update - and how to recover/resume?
Mirko Vukovic
- How to evaluate cygwin state after interrupted update - and how to recover/resume?
Mirko Vukovic
- Cygwin >= 1.7.6 open message queues - permission denied
Manuel Wienand
- scp fails without a warning.
Wiles, Dale L. (NE)
- LS_COLORS filetype color definitions are ignored
Thayer Williams
- LS_COLORS filetype color definitions are ignored
Thayer Williams
- diff issue
Brian Wilson
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Brian Wilson
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Brian Wilson
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Brian Wilson
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Brian Wilson
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
Brian Wilson
- SSH - Can't Login
Brian Wilson
- SSH - Can't Login
Brian Wilson
- rebaseall on [1.7] : first glitch for ages
Charles Wilson
- rebaseall on [1.7] : first glitch for ages
Charles Wilson
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
Charles Wilson
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Charles Wilson
- OpenCV: (Re: trouble posting to cygwin-apps)
Charles Wilson
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
Charles Wilson
- mintty postinstall failure - attn: cygutils maintainer
Charles Wilson
- hostname command
Charles Wilson
- Finding the SONAME for bzip2
Charles Wilson
- Finding the SONAME for bzip2
Charles Wilson
- gcc: stable 4.5 soon?
Charles Wilson
- weird bash dump when starting mintty.
Peter Wohlers
- trouble posting to cygwin-apps
Kenneth Wolcott
- R: libtermcap.a in cygwin
Thomas Wolff
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
Thomas Wolff
- How to know if the x11 display uses 24-bit RGB color or instead uses a color palette with a fixed number of colors
Thomas Wolff
- Build Graphviz
Steven Woody
- Build Graphviz
Steven Woody
- Build Graphviz
Steven Woody
- Build Graphviz
Steven Woody
- Build Graphviz
Steven Woody
- Build Graphviz
Steven Woody
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
J.C. Wren
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
J.C. Wren
- Subversion mangling names in .svn/entries metadata file
J.C. Wren
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
J.C. Wren
- SSH - Can't Login (3rd Post)
J.C. Wren
- use the list of files stored in a text file and process it
SJ Wright
- What does this look like to you folks?
SJ Wright
- What does this look like to you folks?
SJ Wright
- date.exe have some time advance to system time
Kirill Yarosh
- date.exe have some time advance to system time
Kirill Yarosh
- screen 4.0.3-5 does not respect $SHELL
Anna Z.
- strange behaviour of Xfig under cygwin
DEWI - N. Zacharias
- Starting to bash
Bryan Zimmer
- cygwin 1.7.7: Windows x64 bad performance
Simone chemelli
- can't compile opengl using w32api with gcc
- can't compile opengl using w32api with gcc
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- cygwin + xwin in win7 as unprivileged user?
- 1.7.7: sh.exe sometimes hangs with 100% cpu usage
- scp fails without a warning.
- x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ can't find -ldl
- issue with inherited handle (ssh.exe, gitk)
jean-luc malet
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
mike marchywka
- Looking for experienced CygWin Users
mike marchywka
- nondosfilewarning help
- R: nondosfilewarning help
- R: nondosfilewarning help
- emacs-23.2-3 DBus hangs
- emacs-23.2-3 DBus hangs
- having trouble with mput
james pruett
- cygwin sshd priviledge problem on 2008
shubhada pugaonkar
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: xclip-0.12-1
- Where to get source for setup.exe?
Pan ruochen
- svnserve as a service
- git stopped working with 1.7.1
- the Windows %PATH% env. variable isn't updated
טל ח
Last message date:
Sun Oct 31 19:10:00 GMT 2010
Archived on: Wed Mar 25 13:53:40 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).