November 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Nov 1 13:15:00 GMT 2015
Ending: Mon Nov 30 22:59:00 GMT 2015
Messages: 489
- ssh ControlMaster re-broken
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Help: cygheap base mismatch detected
Jim Reisert AD1C
- Help: cygheap base mismatch detected
Jim Reisert AD1C
- Help: cygheap base mismatch detected
Jim Reisert AD1C
- Help: cygheap base mismatch detected
Jim Reisert AD1C
- Cygwin64 vs. Cygwin (speed)
Jim Reisert AD1C
- Updated: Perl Distributions
Jim Reisert AD1C
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Jim Reisert AD1C
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Jim Reisert AD1C
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Francis ANDRE
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Francis ANDRE
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Francis ANDRE
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Francis ANDRE
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Francis ANDRE
- BSOD when running from network share
Jeffrey Altman
Jan Bruun Andersen
Jan Bruun Andersen
- Unwanted case-insensivity in file name globbing
Jan Bruun Andersen
- Data file access on different path (drive)
Lester Anderson
- Data file access on different path (drive)
Lester Anderson
- Data file access on different path (drive)
Lester Anderson
- Data file access on different path (drive)
Lester Anderson
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Lester Anderson
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Lester Anderson
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Lester Anderson
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Lester Anderson
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Lester Anderson
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Lester Anderson
- Rounding off real (floating point) values - bash to awk
Lester Anderson
- Fwd: Limited clipboard buffer between X11 apps and Microsoft Windows
Kevin Connor Arpe
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: lapack 3.5.0r1606-3
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: octave forge packages
Marco Atzeri
- bump libusb packages?
Marco Atzeri
- Segmentation fault before main
Marco Atzeri
- Segmentation fault before main
Marco Atzeri
Marco Atzeri
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Marco Atzeri
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] GraphicsMagick-1.3.23-1
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mc-4.8.15-1
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: glpk-4.57-1
Marco Atzeri
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Marco Atzeri
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Marco Atzeri
- Octave audio issues reading wav files
Marco Atzeri
- gfortran segfaults on "Hello world"
Marco Atzeri
- Problem with nm in binutils-2.25-2 on x86
Marco Atzeri
- startx doesn't seem to work
Marco Atzeri
- Octave 4.0.0-3 x86_64 segfault (suspect openblas)
Marco Atzeri
- cygport: patch for proper debuginfo
Marco Atzeri
- Data file access on different path (drive)
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated : udunits-2.2.20-1
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: octave-4.0.0-2
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: qrupdate-1.1.2-2
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: openblas-0.2.15-2
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: hdf5-1.8.16-1
Marco Atzeri
- Data file access on different path (drive)
Marco Atzeri
- Data file access on different path (drive)
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: SuiteSparse-4.4.5-1
Marco Atzeri
- Request for update of mutt
Marco Atzeri
- Octave 4.0.0-3 x86_64 segfault (suspect openblas)
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: openmpi-1.8.8-1
Marco Atzeri
- Problem with nm in binutils-2.25-2 on x86
Marco Atzeri
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Marco Atzeri
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Marco Atzeri
- 64bit cygwin 2.4.0-0.4 hangs when pinging unresponsive host
Marco Atzeri
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Marco Atzeri
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Marco Atzeri
- 64bit cygwin 2.4.0-0.4 hangs when pinging unresponsive host
Marco Atzeri
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: openblas-0.2.15-3 X86_64 only
Marco Atzeri
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mutt-1.5.24-1
Marco Atzeri
- control-R broken in bash (__fzf_history__)
David Blackstone
- Calling cygpath from find exec?
Eric Blake
- fnmatch() doesn't work with character classes?
Dustin Boyd
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: biber-2.2-1
Ken Brown
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: texlive-collection-bibtexextra-20151029-1
Ken Brown
Ken Brown
Ken Brown
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Ken Brown
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Ken Brown
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Ken Brown
- Unwanted case-insensivity in file name globbing
Ken Brown
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] emacs-auctex 11.89-1
Ken Brown
- gnuplot 5.x.x.x not starting correctly in 64-bit CYGWIN console
Ken Brown
- gnuplot 5.x.x.x not starting correctly in 64-bit CYGWIN console
Ken Brown
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
Ken Brown
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
Ken Brown
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Ken Brown
- Mounting a network share
Mike Brown
- Mounting a network share
Mike Brown
- Mounting a network share
Mike Brown
- Mounting a network share
Mike Brown
- Documentation problem with the UG - POSIX devices?
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- Command echo
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- Can MKS Toolkit and Cygwin safely co-exist on Windows servers?
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- CTRL-C not working in sh login mode?
Benjamin Cao
- CTRL-C not working in sh login mode?
Benjamin Cao
- pthread_kill: signals remain pending after target thread exits
John Carey
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: zsh-5.1.1-1
Peter A. Castro
- Can MKS Toolkit and Cygwin safely co-exist on Windows servers?
Peter A. Castro
- Can MKS Toolkit and Cygwin safely co-exist on Windows servers?
Peter A. Castro
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
- slapd fails loading shared libraries due to cygperl dll mismatch
Kaiting Chen
- vim not built with --with-x
Yves Chevallier
- gdb 7.8 consistently fails to run executable - error is
Tim Chick
- gdb 7.8 consistently fails to run executable - error is
Tim Chick
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: fzf v0.11.0
Keith Christian
- No support for ACLs on network shares?
Matt D.
- No support for ACLs on network shares?
Matt D.
- Cygwin gjar core dumps whereas Oracle jar does not
Matt D.
- Calling cygpath from find exec?
Matt D.
- Command echo
Andrew DeFaria
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Thomas Dickey
- Windows locks up when pressing Ctrl+S while native process writes to terminal
Aaron Digulla
- Re: Windows locks up when pressing Ctrl+S while native process writes to terminal
Aaron Digulla
- Re: Windows locks up when pressing Ctrl+S while native process writes to terminal
Aaron Digulla
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: fzf
Adam Dinwoodie
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: fzf v0.10.9
Adam Dinwoodie
- Recent change to terminal icon / mintty breaks taskbar pinning
Adam Dinwoodie
- Https proxy auth issue with git in cygwin 2.2.1
Adam Dinwoodie
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: fzf v0.11.0
Adam Dinwoodie
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: fzf v0.11.0
Adam Dinwoodie
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: git v2.6.2
Adam Dinwoodie
- Incorrect Python errors when using os.remove to delete a directory
Adam Dinwoodie
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: zsh-5.1.1-1
Ismail Donmez
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Michael Enright
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] putty 0.65-2
Michael Enright
- startx doesn't seem to work
Peter Van Epp
- startx doesn't seem to work
Peter Van Epp
- startx doesn't seem to work (solved sort of)
Peter Van Epp
- BSOD when running from network share
Mike Fahlbusch
- compile ncurses "hello world" to run independent of cygwin?
Greg Freemyer
- TP_NUM_C_BUFS too small
Mark Geisert
- Help: cygheap base mismatch detected
Mark Geisert
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygutils-1.4.15-1
Mark Geisert
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Mark Geisert
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Mark Geisert
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Mark Geisert
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Mark Geisert
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Mark Geisert
- Command echo
Gluszczak, Glenn
- Newline missing in csh
Gluszczak, Glenn
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Gluszczak, Glenn
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Gluszczak, Glenn
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Gluszczak, Glenn
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Gluszczak, Glenn
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Gluszczak, Glenn
- compile ncurses "hello world" to run independent of cygwin?
Daniel Goldman
- Compile test ncurses program to run independent of cygwin?
Daniel Goldman
- bump libusb packages?
Achim Gratz
Achim Gratz
Achim Gratz
Achim Gratz
Achim Gratz
Achim Gratz
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
Achim Gratz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gmp-6.1.0-1
Achim Gratz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: Perl Distributions
Achim Gratz
- Updated: Perl Distributions
Achim Gratz
- gfortran segfaults on "Hello world"
Achim Gratz
- gmp-6.1.0-1
Achim Gratz
- gmp-6.1.0-1
Achim Gratz
- gmp-6.1.0-1
Achim Gratz
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
Achim Gratz
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
Achim Gratz
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
Achim Gratz
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Achim Gratz
- Rounding off real (floating point) values - bash to awk
Achim Gratz
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Achim Gratz
- gfortran segfaults on "Hello world"
Achim Gratz
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Achim Gratz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Test: gmp-6.1.0-2p1
Achim Gratz
- Using cp converts windows junctions to a cywin symlink
Adrian H
- Unison 2.43.3 fails to synchronize execute permission bit
Ms. Alex Hankins
- Unison 2.43.3 fails to synchronize execute permission bit
Ms. Alex Hankins
- Unison 2.43.3 fails to synchronize execute permission bit
Ms. Alex Hankins
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Jeff Hansen
- Fw: initial cygwin installation
Mark Hansen
- Newline missing in csh
John Hein
- Errors in handling of boost::asio errors ('boost' was compiled with wrong std::string representation?)
John Hein
- Cygwin multithreading performance
John Hein
- BSOD when running from network share
Patrick Herbst
- Randomly hang when compiling Cygwin on Cygwin on Wine
Qian Hong
- compile ncurses "hello world" to run independent of cygwin?
Darik Horn
- compile ncurses "hello world" to run independent of cygwin?
Darik Horn
- CRM Users List
Linda Jackson
- Problem with nm in binutils-2.25-2 on x86
- Problem with nm in binutils-2.25-2 on x86
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: binutils-2.25-4 (x86_64)
- TP_NUM_C_BUFS too small
Helmut Karlowski
- TP_NUM_C_BUFS too small
Helmut Karlowski
- TP_NUM_C_BUFS too small
Helmut Karlowski
- Cygwin DLL V2.3.0 on XP 64-bit professional not working at all
Helmut Karlowski
- Rounding off real (floating point) values - bash to awk
Helmut Karlowski
- Octave 4.0.0-3 x86_64 segfault (suspect openblas)
Tony Kelman
- Octave 4.0.0-3 x86_64 segfault (suspect openblas)
Tony Kelman
- Octave 4.0.0-3 x86_64 segfault (suspect openblas)
Tony Kelman
- chere Bash Prompt Here window closes immediately
Dave Kilroy
- Newline missing in csh
Robert Klemme
- gfortran segfaults on "Hello world"
Thomas Koenig
- gfortran segfaults on "Hello world"
Thomas Koenig
- Unison 2.43.3 fails to synchronize execute permission bit
- About the New Order
- CYGWIN 2.3.0 [32/64]: strtold() seems to be broken
Tino Lange
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Lemke, Michael ST/HZA-ZIC2
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
Jonathan Lennox
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
Jonathan Lennox
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
Jonathan Lennox
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
Jonathan Lennox
- Recent change to terminal icon / mintty breaks taskbar pinning
David Macek
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
David Macek
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
David Macek
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
David Macek
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
David Macek
- Install Cygwin on mounted drive for multiple concurrent users on multiple machines?
David Macek
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
David Macek
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
David Macek
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
David Macek
- mksnt sh is invoked when executing cygwin icon;
David Macek
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
David Macek
- bump libusb packages?
- Recent change to terminal icon / mintty breaks taskbar pinning
Brian Mathis
- Cygwin installer: "Next" button should not be default on "Select Packages" page
Brian Mathis
- Cygwin installer: "Next" button should not be default on "Select Packages" page
Brian Mathis
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Kacper Michajlow
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Kacper Michajlow
Kacper Michajlow
Kacper Michajlow
Kacper Michajlow
Kacper Michajlow
Kacper Michajlow
Kacper Michajlow
- Octave audio issues reading wav files
Stan Moore
- Octave audio issues reading wav files
Stan Moore
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Eliot Moss
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
Eliot Moss
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Eliot Moss
- Rounding off real (floating point) values - bash to awk
Eliot Moss
- Fwd: Re: Rounding off real (floating point) values - bash to awk
Eliot Moss
- does anyone care about package minor version bump announcements?
Nellis, Kenneth
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Nellis, Kenneth
- Calling cygpath from find exec?
Nellis, Kenneth
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Brian Neu
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Brian Neu
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Brian Neu
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Brian Neu
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: sqlite3-3.9.2-1 for Cygwin/Cygwin64
Jan Nijtmans
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Jan Nijtmans
- gnuplot 5.x.x.x not starting correctly in 64-bit CYGWIN console
John J Ottusch
- gnuplot 5.x.x.x not starting correctly in 64-bit CYGWIN console
John J Ottusch
- Unwanted case-insensivity in file name globbing
- Unwanted case-insensivity in file name globbing
- Unwanted case-insensivity in file name globbing
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: fzf
Steven Penny
- Rounding off real (floating point) values - bash to awk
Steven Penny
- Rounding off real (floating point) values - bash to awk
Steven Penny
- gfortran segfaults on "Hello world"
Tim Prince
- Segmentation fault before main
Csaba Raduly
- Argument parsing with gcc compiled program
Csaba Raduly
- Cygwin DLL V2.3.0 on XP 64-bit professional not working at all
Georg Rehfeld
- Cygwin DLL V2.3.0 on XP 64-bit professional not working at all
Georg Rehfeld
- Cygwin DLL V2.3.0 on XP 64-bit professional not working at all
Georg Rehfeld
- Mounting a network share
Andrey Repin
- Mounting a network share
Andrey Repin
- Using cp converts windows junctions to a cywin symlink
Andrey Repin
- Using cp converts windows junctions to a cywin symlink; a security-config override
Andrey Repin
- Compile test ncurses program to run independent of cygwin?
Andrey Repin
- Recent change to terminal icon / mintty breaks taskbar pinning
Andrey Repin
- Newline missing in csh
Andrey Repin
- Cygwin installer: "Next" button should not be default on "Select Packages" page
Andrey Repin
- does anyone care about package minor version bump announcements?
Andrey Repin
- No support for ACLs on network shares?
Andrey Repin
- No support for ACLs on network shares?
Andrey Repin
Andrey Repin
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Andrey Repin
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Andrey Repin
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Andrey Repin
Andrey Repin
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
Duncan Roe
- Data file access on different path (drive)
Peter Rosin
- 2.3.0: possible Cygwin flock bug (Windows 10 x86_64)
Mario Roy
- failure notice
Mario Roy
- 2.3.0: possible Cygwin flock bug (Windows 10 x86_64)
Mario Roy
- Updated: Cygwin 2.3.0-1
Nem W Schlecht
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gmp-6.1.0-1
Nem W Schlecht
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
Nem W Schlecht
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Test: gmp-6.1.0-2p1
Nem W Schlecht
- Unison 2.43.3 fails to synchronize execute permission bit
Andrew Schulman
- does anyone care about package minor version bump announcements?
Andrew Schulman
- ssh ControlMaster re-broken
Andrew Schulman
- ssh ControlMaster re-broken
Andrew Schulman
- XWin Server starts but terminates shortly after
Thomas Schweikle
- Cygwin bug tracking is non-existent
Thomas Schweikle
- xfig-3.2.5c-2.x86_64 crashes on save as or export on windows 10
Yaakov Selkowitz
- xterm 320-1 won't start with XTerm*faceName set in .Xresources
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New: spice-0.12.6-1, xf86-video-qxl-0.1.4-1 (64-bit only)
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New: opencv-2.4.11-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] gmic 1.6.7-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] krename 4.0.9-6
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] mesa 11.0.4-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] gnome-commander 1.4.7-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] python-pygments, python3-pygments 2.0.2-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] iso-codes 3.63-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] gsl 1.16-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] tigervnc 1.5.0-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] krb5 1.13.2-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] libcdio 0.93-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] gst123 0.3.3-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- bump libusb packages?
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] libusb1.0 1.0.20-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] nspr 4.10.10-1, nss 3.20.1-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- Compile test ncurses program to run independent of cygwin?
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] xz 5.2.2-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] libsndfile 1.0.25-3
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] krb5 1.13.2-3
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] putty 0.65-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] php 5.6.15-1
Yaakov Selkowitz
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] putty 0.65-2
Yaakov Selkowitz
- compile ncurses "hello world" to run independent of cygwin?
cyg Simple
- compile ncurses "hello world" to run independent of cygwin?
cyg Simple
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
cyg Simple
- Recent change to terminal icon / mintty breaks taskbar pinning
cyg Simple
- does anyone care about package minor version bump announcements?
cyg Simple
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
cyg Simple
- Data file access on different path (drive)
cyg Simple
- Awk not ouputting results via echo
cyg Simple
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
cyg Simple
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
cyg Simple
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
cyg Simple
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
cyg Simple
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: znc-1.6.2-1
Alexey Sokolov
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
David Stacey
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mkvtoolnix-8.5.2-1
David Stacey
- Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address
David Stacey
- Building Poco for Cygwin (was: Re: Cannot fork process for: g++: cygPocoFoundation.32.dll: Loaded to different address)
David Stacey
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cppcheck-1.71-1
David Stacey
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: doxygen-1.8.10-2
David Stacey
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
David Standish
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
David Standish
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
David Standish
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
David Standish
- cygwin 64bit on Win7 gcc internal compiler error: Segmentation fault on floating point literal 10.0
David Standish
- Request for update of mutt
- <sys/types.h> incorrectly define macro "howmany"
Keith Thompson
- Mintty Crash on Exit after SSH on Windows 10
Bryan Tong
- xfig-3.2.5c-2.x86_64 crashes on save as or export on windows 10
Jon Turney
- XWin Server starts but terminates shortly after
Jon Turney
- XWin Server starts but terminates shortly after
Jon Turney
- Fwd: Limited clipboard buffer between X11 apps and Microsoft Windows
Jon Turney
- XWin Server starts but terminates shortly after
Jon Turney
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xorg-server-1.18.0-1 (TEST)
Jon Turney
- Bug in collation functions?
Corinna Vinschen
- TP_NUM_C_BUFS too small
Corinna Vinschen
- Mounting a network share
Corinna Vinschen
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
Corinna Vinschen
- Help: cygheap base mismatch detected
Corinna Vinschen
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
Corinna Vinschen
- pthread_kill: signals remain pending after target thread exits
Corinna Vinschen
- Randomly hang when compiling Cygwin on Cygwin on Wine
Corinna Vinschen
- compile ncurses "hello world" to run independent of cygwin?
Corinna Vinschen
- Mounting a network share
Corinna Vinschen
- Mounting a network share
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- pthread_kill: signals remain pending after target thread exits
Corinna Vinschen
- pthread_kill: signals remain pending after target thread exits
Corinna Vinschen
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
Corinna Vinschen
- TP_NUM_C_BUFS too small
Corinna Vinschen
- Mounting a network share
Corinna Vinschen
- Help: cygheap base mismatch detected
Corinna Vinschen
- Using cp converts windows junctions to a cywin symlink
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin64 vs. Cygwin (speed)
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- fstat st_size on open files on Parallels filesystem is wrong
Corinna Vinschen
- Segmentation fault before main
Corinna Vinschen
- Error accessing mapped drive >2TB?
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- Compile test ncurses program to run independent of cygwin?
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: Cygwin 2.3.0-1
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- Recent change to terminal icon / mintty breaks taskbar pinning
Corinna Vinschen
- Recent change to terminal icon / mintty breaks taskbar pinning
Corinna Vinschen
- Documentation problem with the UG - POSIX devices?
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin DLL V2.3.0 on XP 64-bit professional not working at all
Corinna Vinschen
- 2.3.0: possible Cygwin flock bug (Windows 10 x86_64)
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin DLL V2.3.0 on XP 64-bit professional not working at all
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin DLL V2.3.0 on XP 64-bit professional not working at all
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: Cygwin 2.3.1-1
Corinna Vinschen
- 2.3.0: possible Cygwin flock bug (Windows 10 x86_64)
Corinna Vinschen
- CYGWIN 2.3.0 [32/64]: strtold() seems to be broken
Corinna Vinschen
- gcc segfault on cygwin 2.3.1-1 with aircrack-ng svn r2719
Corinna Vinschen
- ssh ControlMaster re-broken
Corinna Vinschen
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Corinna Vinschen
- fnmatch() doesn't work with character classes?
Corinna Vinschen
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Corinna Vinschen
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Corinna Vinschen
- does anyone care about package minor version bump announcements?
Corinna Vinschen
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Corinna Vinschen
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Corinna Vinschen
- ssh ControlMaster re-broken
Corinna Vinschen
- <sys/types.h> incorrectly define macro "howmany"
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- Jemalloc under CYGWIN
Corinna Vinschen
- Cygwin multithreading performance
Corinna Vinschen
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- No support for ACLs on network shares?
Corinna Vinschen
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Corinna Vinschen
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Corinna Vinschen
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Corinna Vinschen
- 64bit cygwin 2.4.0-0.4 hangs when pinging unresponsive host
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin 2.3.1: '/bin/kill -l 0' dumps core
Corinna Vinschen
- 64bit cygwin 2.4.0-0.4 hangs when pinging unresponsive host
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- 64bit cygwin 2.4.0-0.4 hangs when pinging unresponsive host
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
Corinna Vinschen
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Dominique de Waleffe
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Dominique de Waleffe
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Dominique de Waleffe
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Dominique de Waleffe
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Dominique de Waleffe
- Using cp converts windows junctions to a cywin symlink; a security-config override
Linda Walsh
- Mounting a network share
Linda Walsh
- Pop up GUI remotely via SSH
Linda Walsh
- Personal use not permitted: (was Re: Pop up GUI remotely via SSH)
Linda Walsh
- No support for ACLs on network shares?
Linda Walsh
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Linda Walsh
- Another reason to not corrupt winnative symlinks: :currenly, they are linux-CIFS compat. Cygwin's are not.
Linda Walsh
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: dos2unix 7.3.2-1
Erwin Waterlander
- Mounting a network share
Roger Wells
- BSOD when running from network share
Roger Wells
- Ability to specify /cygdrive mount value in setup
Roger Wells
- Incorrect Python errors when using os.remove to delete a directory
Michael Wild
- Can MKS Toolkit and Cygwin safely co-exist on Windows servers?
Kenneth Wolcott
- Install Cygwin on mounted drive for multiple concurrent users on multiple machines?
Kenneth Wolcott
- mksnt sh is invoked when executing cygwin icon;
Kenneth Wolcott
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty 2.2.1
Thomas Wolff
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty 2.2.2
Thomas Wolff
- Windows locks up when pressing Ctrl+S while native process writes to terminal
Thomas Wolff
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Thomas Wolff
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Thomas Wolff
- Mintty 2.2.2: possible hang when breaking (CTRL+C) out of pinging unresponsive host
Thomas Wolff
- mksnt sh is invoked when executing cygwin icon;
Thomas Wolff
- How to run xinit without first entering a cygwin terminal
Xuehan Xu
- Error accessing mapped drive >2TB?
Warren Young
- Can MKS Toolkit and Cygwin safely co-exist on Windows servers?
Warren Young
- Symlink targets dereferenced when winsymlinks:native
Warren Young
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Eli Zaretskii
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Eli Zaretskii
- [h-e-w] cygwin-64 2.3.1. bash fails when running under FSF emacs 24.5
Eli Zaretskii
- slapd fails loading shared libraries due to cygperl dll mismatch
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {openldap/openldap-server/libopenldap2_4_2/openldap-devel}-2.4.42-1: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol suite
Dr. Volker Zell
- ssh ControlMaster re-broken
Zhu, Binbin (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
- ssh ControlMaster re-broken
Zhu, Binbin (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
- ssh ControlMaster re-broken
Zhu, Binbin (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
- xinit change of behavior/many added dependencies
- Git issue.
- Journal
- cygwin 2.3.1: '/bin/kill -l 0' dumps core
- httpd immediate segfault on startup [solution]
- Fw: initial cygwin installation
t s
- gcc 4.9.2/4.9.3/5.2.0 segfault with aircrack-ng revision 2719
- gcc segfault on cygwin 2.3.1-1 with aircrack-ng svn r2719
- Pop up GUI remotely via SSH
- Pop up GUI remotely via SSH
- Personal use not permitted: (was Re: Pop up GUI remotely via SSH)
- mu 0.9.15 build error in cygwin -- object name conflicts in archive
- Errors in handling of boost::asio errors ('boost' was compiled with wrong std::string representation?)
- Errors in handling of boost::asio errors ('boost' was compiled with wrong std::string representation?)
- Errors in handling of boost::asio errors ('boost' was compiled with wrong std::string representation?)
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 22:59:00 GMT 2015
Archived on: Wed Mar 25 13:56:43 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).