[ANNOUNCEMENT] gmic 1.6.7-1

Yaakov Selkowitz yselkowitz@cygwin.com
Tue Nov 3 07:24:00 GMT 2015

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* gmic-1.6.7-1
* gmic-zart-1.6.7-1
* gimp-gmic-1.6.7-1
* libgmic1-1.6.7-1
* libgmic-devel-1.6.7-1

G'MIC is focused on the design of complex pipelines for converting, 
manipulating, filtering and visualizing generic 1d/2d/3d multi-spectral 
image datasets. Of course, it is able to manage color images, but also 
more complex data as image sequences or 3d volumetric datasets.


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