Octave audio issues reading wav files

Marco Atzeri marco.atzeri@gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 09:13:00 GMT 2015

On 11/11/2015 08:37, Stan Moore wrote:
> I have a 32 bit install with a possible audio issue in Octave 4.0.0-2.
> My primary machine is unavailable right now but I think I can come up with a
> STC from memory.
> wavread("somefile.wav")
> leads to a message about missing sndfile and that audioinfo can't work.
> The issue seems to be octave was built on a machine without libsndfile so
> config.h
> sets HAS_SNDFILE to 0 which causes audioinfo to fail. A quick look at
> audioinfo source
> shows that most of the function is skipped unless HAS_SNDFILE is true.

Noted. I will look for next release.

> I tried building local to check my theory out but ran into another possible
> issue.
> It seems libqrupdate 1.1.2-1 may have a problem.
> /usr/lib/libqrupdate.la seems to (internally) include dependencies on files:
> /usr/lib/liblapack.la and /usr/lib/libblas.la
> which don't exist so local builds fail with something like:
> /usr/bin/grep: /usr/lib/liblapack.la file does not exist

as workaround remove

> If any of the above is wrong or confused I will be happy to back up and
> provide cygcheck and generally better
> information.
> Stan
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