gfortran segfaults on "Hello world"

Marco Atzeri
Thu Nov 19 12:06:00 GMT 2015

On 19/11/2015 08:05, Thomas Koenig wrote:
> Hi,
>> Cygwin64 now offers a choice among 4.9.2-3, 4.9.3-1, and 5.2.0-1.  I
>> have the last one installed, and in addition a recently built 6.0 on my
>> Haswell laptop.  I’m fairly certain I have used the 4.9.3 successfully
>> in the past.  It looks like you need to update to the current gmp and
>> mpfr.  Normally, cygwin install.exe would tell you to do that if you
>> install a gcc and gfortran built against those.
> I just installed 5.2.0, and got the same warning about mismatched
> libraries and the same segfault.
>> If you really wanted 4.9.3-1 running against the older gmp and mpfr, you
>> could build it yourself.
> The library versions are *newer* than what both 4.9.3 and 5.2.0 from the
> distribution are built against.  This may or may not be the cause of the
> problem; either way gfortran is currently broken on Cygwin 64.

gfortran 4.9.3-1 is working fine on my W7-64 system

$ cygcheck -cd |grep -E "fortran|gmp|mpfr"
gcc-fortran                             4.9.3-1
gmp                                     6.1.0-1
libgfortran3                            4.9.3-1
libgmp-devel                            6.1.0-1
libgmp10                                6.1.0-1
libgmpxx4                               6.1.0-1
libmpfr-devel                           3.1.3-1
libmpfr4                                3.1.3-1
mpfr                                    3.1.3-1

$ gfortran  -ffree-form helloworld.f -o helloworld-f77-gcc

$ ./helloworld-f77-gcc.exe
  Hello World!

$ cat helloworld.f
        write (*,*) "Hello World!"

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