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Re: missing 64bit ports (xdelta3 vs xdelta and pristine-tar)

On 7/19/2015 1:05 PM, jari wrote:
On 2015-07-18 21:46, Marco Atzeri wrote:

| as today
| $ cygcheck -cd |grep xdelta
| xdelta                                  3.0.9-1
| To avoid backwards, my proposal is
| xdelta1-1.1.4-2
| xdelta-3.0.9-2   (removing the xdelta link to xdelta3)
| if we agree that going backward in not a problem,
| xdelta-1.1.4-2
| xdelta3-3.0.9-2

The latter. It would be in par with Linux packages.




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