Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // C++ -*-
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
3 // -*- Mode: C++ -*-
5 // Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Red Hat, Inc.
6 //
7 //Author: Dodji Seketeli
9 /// @file
10 ///
11 /// Definitions for the Internal Representation artifacts of libabigail.
13 #include <cxxabi.h>
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <cstdint>
16 #include <functional>
17 #include <iterator>
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <sstream>
20 #include <typeinfo>
21 #include <unordered_map>
22 #include <utility>
23 #include <vector>
25 #include "abg-internal.h"
26 // <headers defining libabigail's API go under here>
29 #include "abg-interned-str.h"
30 #include "abg-ir.h"
31 #include "abg-corpus.h"
32 #include "abg-regex.h"
35 // </headers defining libabigail's API>
37 #include "abg-corpus-priv.h"
38 #include "abg-tools-utils.h"
39 #include "abg-comp-filter.h"
40 #include "abg-ir-priv.h"
42 namespace
43 {
44 /// This internal type is a tree walking that is used to set the
45 /// qualified name of a tree of decls and types. It used by the
46 /// function update_qualified_name().
47 class qualified_name_setter : public abigail::ir::ir_node_visitor
48 {
50 public:
51  bool
52  do_update(abigail::ir::decl_base* d);
54  bool
55  visit_begin(abigail::ir::decl_base* d);
57  bool
58  visit_begin(abigail::ir::type_base* d);
59 }; // end class qualified_name_setter
61 }// end anon namespace
63 namespace abigail
64 {
66 // Inject.
67 using std::string;
68 using std::list;
69 using std::vector;
70 using std::unordered_map;
71 using std::dynamic_pointer_cast;
72 using std::static_pointer_cast;
74 /// Convenience typedef for a map of string -> string*.
75 typedef unordered_map<string, string*> pool_map_type;
77 /// The type of the private data structure of type @ref
78 /// intered_string_pool.
79 struct interned_string_pool::priv
80 {
81  pool_map_type map;
82 }; //end struc struct interned_string_pool::priv
84 /// Default constructor.
86  : priv_(new priv)
87 {
88  priv_->map[""] = 0;
89 }
91 /// Test if the interned string pool already contains a string with a
92 /// given value.
93 ///
94 /// @param s the string to test for.
95 ///
96 /// @return true if the pool contains a string with the value @p s.
97 bool
99 {return priv_->map.find(s) != priv_->map.end();}
101 /// Get a pointer to the interned string which has a given value.
102 ///
103 /// @param s the value of the interned string to look for.
104 ///
105 /// @return a pointer to the raw string of characters which has the
106 /// value of @p s. Or null if no string with value @p s was interned.
107 const char*
109 {
110  unordered_map<string, string*>::const_iterator i =
111  priv_->map.find(s);
112  if (i == priv_->map.end())
113  return 0;
114  if (i->second)
115  return i->second->c_str();
116  return "";
117 }
119 /// Create an interned string with a given value.
120 ///
121 /// @param str_value the value of the interned string to create.
122 ///
123 /// @return the new created instance of @ref interned_string created.
125 interned_string_pool::create_string(const std::string& str_value)
126 {
127  string*& result = priv_->map[str_value];
128  if (!result && !str_value.empty())
129  result = new string(str_value);
130  return interned_string(result);
131 }
133 /// Destructor.
135 {
136  for (pool_map_type::iterator i = priv_->map.begin();
137  i != priv_->map.end();
138  ++i)
139  if (i->second)
140  delete i->second;
141 }
143 /// Equality operator.
144 ///
145 /// @param l the instance of std::string on the left-hand-side of the
146 /// equality operator.
147 ///
148 /// @param r the instance of @ref interned_string on the
149 /// right-hand-side of the equality operator.
150 ///
151 /// @return true iff the two string are equal.
152 bool
153 operator==(const std::string& l, const interned_string& r)
154 {return r.operator==(l);}
156 bool
157 operator!=(const std::string& l, const interned_string& r)
158 {return !(l == r);}
160 /// Streaming operator.
161 ///
162 /// Streams an instance of @ref interned_string to an output stream.
163 ///
164 /// @param o the destination output stream.
165 ///
166 /// @param s the instance of @ref interned_string to stream out.
167 ///
168 /// @return the output stream this function just streamed to.
169 std::ostream&
170 operator<<(std::ostream& o, const interned_string& s)
171 {
172  o << static_cast<std::string>(s);
173  return o;
174 }
176 /// Concatenation operator.
177 ///
178 /// Concatenate two instances of @ref interned_string, builds an
179 /// instance of std::string with the resulting string and return it.
180 ///
181 /// @param s1 the first string to consider.
182 ///
183 /// @param s2 the second string to consider.
184 ///
185 /// @return the resuting concatenated string.
186 std::string
187 operator+(const interned_string& s1,const std::string& s2)
188 {return static_cast<std::string>(s1) + s2;}
190 /// Concatenation operator.
191 ///
192 /// Concatenate two instances of @ref interned_string, builds an
193 /// instance of std::string with the resulting string and return it.
194 ///
195 /// @param s1 the first string to consider.
196 ///
197 /// @param s2 the second string to consider.
198 ///
199 /// @return the resuting concatenated string.
200 std::string
201 operator+(const std::string& s1, const interned_string& s2)
202 {return s1 + static_cast<std::string>(s2);}
204 namespace ir
205 {
207 static size_t
208 hash_as_canonical_type_or_constant(const type_base *t);
210 static bool
211 has_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(const decl_base *d);
213 static interned_string
214 get_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(const decl_base *d);
216 static string
217 get_internal_integral_type_name(const type_base*);
219 static void
220 update_qualified_name(decl_base * d);
222 static void
223 update_qualified_name(decl_base_sptr d);
225 static interned_string
226 pointer_declaration_name(const type_base* ptr,
227  const string& variable_name,
228  bool qualified, bool internal);
230 static interned_string
231 pointer_declaration_name(const type_base_sptr& ptr,
232  const string& variable_name,
233  bool qualified, bool internal);
235 static interned_string
236 ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(const ptr_to_mbr_type* ptr,
237  const string& variable_name,
238  bool qualified, bool internal);
240 static interned_string
241 ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(const ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr& ptr,
242  const string& variable_name,
243  bool qualified, bool internal);
245 static interned_string
246 array_declaration_name(const array_type_def* array,
247  const string& variable_name,
248  bool qualified, bool internal);
250 static interned_string
251 array_declaration_name(const array_type_def_sptr& array,
252  const string& variable_name,
253  bool qualified, bool internal);
255 static void
256 stream_pretty_representation_of_fn_parms(const function_type& fn_type,
257  ostream& o, bool qualified,
258  bool internal);
259 static string
260 add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(const type_base* pointer_to_fn,
261  const string& input, bool qualified,
262  bool internal);
264 static string
265 add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(const type_base_sptr& pointer_to_fn,
266  const string& input, bool qualified,
267  bool internal);
269 static string
270 add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(const type_base* pointer_to_ar,
271  const string& input, bool qualified,
272  bool internal);
274 static string
275 add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(const type_base_sptr& pointer_to_ar,
276  const string& input, bool qualified,
277  bool internal);
279 static string
280 add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(const ptr_to_mbr_type* p,
281  const string& input, bool qualified,
282  bool internal);
284 static string
285 add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(const ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr& p,
286  const string& input, bool qualified,
287  bool internal);
289 static string
290 add_outer_pointer_to_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(const type_base* p,
291  const string& input,
292  bool qualified, bool internal);
294 void
295 push_composite_type_comparison_operands(const type_base& left,
296  const type_base& right);
298 void
299 pop_composite_type_comparison_operands(const type_base& left,
300  const type_base& right);
302 bool
303 mark_dependant_types_compared_until(const type_base &r);
305 /// Push a pair of operands on the stack of operands of the current
306 /// type comparison, during type canonicalization.
307 ///
308 /// For more information on this, please look at the description of
309 /// the environment::priv::right_type_comp_operands_ data member.
310 ///
311 /// @param left the left-hand-side comparison operand to push.
312 ///
313 /// @param right the right-hand-side comparison operand to push.
314 void
316  const type_base& right)
317 {
318  const environment& env = left.get_environment();
319  env.priv_->push_composite_type_comparison_operands(&left, &right);
320 }
322 /// Pop a pair of operands from the stack of operands to the current
323 /// type comparison.
324 ///
325 /// For more information on this, please look at the description of
326 /// the environment::privright_type_comp_operands_ data member.
327 ///
328 /// @param left the left-hand-side comparison operand we expect to
329 /// pop from the top of the stack. If this doesn't match the
330 /// operand found on the top of the stack, the function aborts.
331 ///
332 /// @param right the right-hand-side comparison operand we expect to
333 /// pop from the bottom of the stack. If this doesn't match the
334 /// operand found on the top of the stack, the function aborts.
335 void
337  const type_base& right)
338 {
339  const environment& env = left.get_environment();
340  env.priv_->pop_composite_type_comparison_operands(&left, &right);
341 }
343 /// In the stack of the current types being compared (as part of type
344 /// canonicalization), mark all the types that comes after a certain
345 /// one as NOT being eligible to the canonical type propagation
346 /// optimization.
347 ///
348 /// For a starter, please read about the @ref
349 /// OnTheFlyCanonicalization, aka, "canonical type propagation
350 /// optimization".
351 ///
352 /// To implement that optimization, we need, among other things to
353 /// maintain stack of the types (and their sub-types) being
354 /// currently compared as part of type canonicalization.
355 ///
356 /// Note that we only consider the type that is the right-hand-side
357 /// operand of the comparison because it's that one that is being
358 /// canonicalized and thus, that is not yet canonicalized.
359 ///
360 /// The reason why a type is deemed NON-eligible to the canonical
361 /// type propagation optimization is that it "depends" on
362 /// recursively present type. Let me explain.
363 ///
364 /// Suppose we have a type T that has sub-types named ST0 and ST1.
365 /// Suppose ST1 itself has a sub-type that is T itself. In this
366 /// case, we say that T is a recursive type, because it has T
367 /// (itself) as one of its sub-types:
368 ///
369 /// T
370 /// +-- ST0
371 /// |
372 /// +-- ST1
373 /// +
374 /// |
375 /// +-- T
376 ///
377 /// ST1 is said to "depend" on T because it has T as a sub-type.
378 /// But because T is recursive, then ST1 is said to depend on a
379 /// recursive type. Notice however that ST0 does not depend on any
380 /// recursive type.
381 ///
382 /// When we are at the point of comparing the sub-type T of ST1
383 /// against its counterpart, the stack of the right-hand-side
384 /// operands of the type canonicalization is going to look like
385 /// this:
386 ///
387 /// | T | ST1 |
388 ///
389 /// We don't add the type T to the stack as we detect that T was
390 /// already in there (recursive cycle).
391 ///
392 /// So, this function will basically mark ST1 as being NON-eligible
393 /// to being the target of canonical type propagation, by marking ST1
394 /// as being dependant on T.
395 ///
396 /// @param right the right-hand-side operand of the type comparison.
397 ///
398 /// @return true iff the operation was successful.
399 bool
401 {
402  const environment& env = r.get_environment();
404  return env.priv_->mark_dependant_types_compared_until(&r);
405  return false;
406 }
408 /// @brief the location of a token represented in its simplest form.
409 /// Instances of this type are to be stored in a sorted vector, so the
410 /// type must have proper relational operators.
411 class expanded_location
412 {
413  string path_;
414  unsigned line_;
415  unsigned column_;
417  expanded_location();
419 public:
421  friend class location_manager;
423  expanded_location(const string& path, unsigned line, unsigned column)
424  : path_(path), line_(line), column_(column)
425  {}
427  bool
428  operator==(const expanded_location& l) const
429  {
430  return (path_ == l.path_
431  && line_ == l.line_
432  && column_ && l.column_);
433  }
435  bool
436  operator<(const expanded_location& l) const
437  {
438  if (path_ < l.path_)
439  return true;
440  else if (path_ > l.path_)
441  return false;
443  if (line_ < l.line_)
444  return true;
445  else if (line_ > l.line_)
446  return false;
448  return column_ < l.column_;
449  }
450 };
452 /// Expand the location into a tripplet path, line and column number.
453 ///
454 /// @param path the output parameter where this function sets the
455 /// expanded path.
456 ///
457 /// @param line the output parameter where this function sets the
458 /// expanded line.
459 ///
460 /// @param column the ouptut parameter where this function sets the
461 /// expanded column.
462 void
463 location::expand(std::string& path, unsigned& line, unsigned& column) const
464 {
465  if (!get_location_manager())
466  {
467  // We don't have a location manager maybe because this location
468  // was just freshly instanciated. We still want to be able to
469  // expand to default values.
470  path = "";
471  line = 0;
472  column = 0;
473  return;
474  }
475  get_location_manager()->expand_location(*this, path, line, column);
476 }
479 /// Expand the location into a string.
480 ///
481 /// @return the string representing the location.
482 string
483 location::expand(void) const
484 {
485  string path, result;
486  unsigned line = 0, column = 0;
487  expand(path, line, column);
489  std::ostringstream o;
490  o << path << ":" << line << ":" << column;
491  return o.str();
492 }
494 struct location_manager::priv
495 {
496  /// This sorted vector contains the expanded locations of the tokens
497  /// coming from a given ABI Corpus. The index of a given expanded
498  /// location in the table gives us an integer that is used to build
499  /// instance of location types.
500  std::vector<expanded_location> locs;
501 };
503 location_manager::location_manager()
504  : priv_(new location_manager::priv)
505 {}
507 location_manager::~location_manager() = default;
509 /// Insert the triplet representing a source locus into our internal
510 /// vector of location triplet. Return an instance of location type,
511 /// built from an integral type that represents the index of the
512 /// source locus triplet into our source locus table.
513 ///
514 /// @param file_path the file path of the source locus
515 /// @param line the line number of the source location
516 /// @param col the column number of the source location
517 location
518 location_manager::create_new_location(const std::string& file_path,
519  size_t line,
520  size_t col)
521 {
522  expanded_location l(file_path, line, col);
524  // Just append the new expanded location to the end of the vector
525  // and return its index. Note that indexes start at 1.
526  priv_->locs.push_back(l);
527  return location(priv_->locs.size(), this);
528 }
530 /// Given an instance of location type, return the triplet
531 /// {path,line,column} that represents the source locus. Note that
532 /// the location must have been previously created from the function
533 /// location_manager::create_new_location, otherwise this function yields
534 /// unexpected results, including possibly a crash.
535 ///
536 /// @param location the instance of location type to expand
537 /// @param path the resulting path of the source locus
538 /// @param line the resulting line of the source locus
539 /// @param column the resulting colum of the source locus
540 void
542  std::string& path,
543  unsigned& line,
544  unsigned& column) const
545 {
546  if (location.value_ == 0)
547  return;
548  expanded_location &l = priv_->locs[location.value_ - 1];
549  path = l.path_;
550  line = l.line_;
551  column = l.column_;
552 }
554 typedef unordered_map<function_type_sptr,
555  bool,
557  type_shared_ptr_equal> fn_type_ptr_map;
559 // <type_maps stuff>
561 struct type_maps::priv
562 {
563  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type basic_types_;
564  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type class_types_;
565  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type union_types_;
566  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type enum_types_;
567  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type typedef_types_;
568  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type qualified_types_;
569  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type pointer_types_;
570  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type ptr_to_mbr_types_;
571  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type reference_types_;
572  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type array_types_;
573  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type subrange_types_;
574  mutable istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type function_types_;
575  mutable vector<type_base_wptr> sorted_types_;
576 }; // end struct type_maps::priv
578 type_maps::type_maps()
579  : priv_(new priv)
580 {}
582 type_maps::~type_maps() = default;
584 /// Test if the type_maps is empty.
585 ///
586 /// @return true iff the type_maps is empty.
587 bool
589 {
590  return (basic_types().empty()
591  && class_types().empty()
592  && union_types().empty()
593  && enum_types().empty()
594  && typedef_types().empty()
595  && qualified_types().empty()
596  && pointer_types().empty()
597  && reference_types().empty()
598  && array_types().empty()
599  && subrange_types().empty()
600  && function_types().empty());
601 }
603 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a basic type to the
604 /// vector instances of type_decl_sptr that represents that type.
607 {return priv_->basic_types_;}
609 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a basic type to the
610 /// vector of instances of @ref type_decl_sptr that represents that
611 /// type.
614 {return priv_->basic_types_;}
616 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a class type to the
617 /// vector of instances of @ref class_decl_sptr that represents that
618 /// type.
621 {return priv_->class_types_;}
623 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a class type to the
624 /// vector of instances of @ref class_decl_sptr that represents that
625 /// type.
628 {return priv_->class_types_;}
630 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a union type to the
631 /// vector of instances of @ref union_decl_sptr that represents that
632 /// type.
635 {return priv_->union_types_;}
637 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a union type to the
638 /// vector of instances of @ref union_decl_sptr that represents that
639 /// type.
642 {return priv_->union_types_;}
644 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of an enum type to the
645 /// vector of instances of @ref enum_type_decl_sptr that represents
646 /// that type.
649 {return priv_->enum_types_;}
651 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of an enum type to the
652 /// vector of instances of @ref enum_type_decl_sptr that represents
653 /// that type.
656 {return priv_->enum_types_;}
658 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a typedef to the
659 /// vector of instances of @ref typedef_decl_sptr that represents tha
660 /// type.
663 {return priv_->typedef_types_;}
665 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a typedef to the
666 /// vector of instances of @ref typedef_decl_sptr that represents tha
667 /// type.
670 {return priv_->typedef_types_;}
672 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a qualified type to
673 /// the vector of instances of @ref qualified_type_def_sptr.
676 {return priv_->qualified_types_;}
678 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a qualified type to
679 /// the vector of instances of @ref qualified_type_def_sptr.
682 {return priv_->qualified_types_;}
684 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a pointer type to
685 /// the vector of instances of @ref pointer_type_def_sptr that
686 /// represents that type.
689 {return priv_->pointer_types_;}
691 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a pointer-to-member
692 /// type to the vector of instances of @ref ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr that
693 /// represents that type.
696 {return priv_->ptr_to_mbr_types_;}
698 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a pointer-to-member
699 /// type to the vector of instances of @ref ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr that
700 /// represents that type.
703 {return priv_->ptr_to_mbr_types_;}
705 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a pointer type to
706 /// the vector of instances of @ref pointer_type_def_sptr that
707 /// represents that type.
710 {return priv_->pointer_types_;}
712 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a reference type to
713 /// the vector of instances of @ref reference_type_def_sptr that
714 /// represents that type.
717 {return priv_->reference_types_;}
719 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a reference type to
720 /// the vector of instances of @ref reference_type_def_sptr that
721 /// represents that type.
724 {return priv_->reference_types_;}
726 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of an array type to
727 /// the vector of instances of @ref array_type_def_sptr that
728 /// represents that type.
731 {return priv_->array_types_;}
733 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of an array type to
734 /// the vector of instances of @ref array_type_def_sptr that
735 /// represents that type.
738 {return priv_->array_types_;}
740 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a subrange type to
741 /// the vector of instances of @ref array_type_def::subrange_sptr that
742 /// represents that type.
745 {return priv_->subrange_types_;}
747 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a subrange type to
748 /// the vector of instances of @ref array_type_def::subrange_sptr that
749 /// represents that type.
752 {return priv_->subrange_types_;}
754 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a function type to
755 /// the vector of instances of @ref function_type_sptr that represents
756 /// that type.
759 {return priv_->function_types_;}
761 /// Getter for the map that associates the name of a function type to
762 /// the vector of instances of @ref function_type_sptr that represents
763 /// that type.
766 {return priv_->function_types_;}
768 /// A comparison functor to compare/sort types based on their pretty
769 /// representations.
770 struct type_name_comp
771 {
772  /// Comparison operator for two instances of @ref type_base.
773  ///
774  /// This compares the two types by lexicographically comparing their
775  /// pretty representation.
776  ///
777  /// @param l the left-most type to compare.
778  ///
779  /// @param r the right-most type to compare.
780  ///
781  /// @return true iff @p l < @p r.
782  bool
783  operator()(type_base *l, type_base *r) const
784  {
785  if (l == 0 && r == 0)
786  return false;
788  string l_repr = get_pretty_representation(l);
789  string r_repr = get_pretty_representation(r);
790  return l_repr < r_repr;
791  }
793  /// Comparison operator for two instances of @ref type_base.
794  ///
795  /// This compares the two types by lexicographically comparing their
796  /// pretty representation.
797  ///
798  /// @param l the left-most type to compare.
799  ///
800  /// @param r the right-most type to compare.
801  ///
802  /// @return true iff @p l < @p r.
803  bool
804  operator()(const type_base_sptr &l, const type_base_sptr &r) const
805  {return operator()(l.get(), r.get());}
807  /// Comparison operator for two instances of @ref type_base.
808  ///
809  /// This compares the two types by lexicographically comparing their
810  /// pretty representation.
811  ///
812  /// @param l the left-most type to compare.
813  ///
814  /// @param r the right-most type to compare.
815  ///
816  /// @return true iff @p l < @p r.
817  bool
818  operator()(const type_base_wptr &l, const type_base_wptr &r) const
819  {return operator()(type_base_sptr(l), type_base_sptr(r));}
820 }; // end struct type_name_comp
824 /// This is a function called when the ABG_RETURN* macros defined
825 /// below return false.
826 ///
827 /// The purpose of this function is to ease debugging. To know where
828 /// the equality functions first compare non-equal, we can just set a
829 /// breakpoint on this notify_equality_failed function and run the
830 /// equality functions. Because all the equality functions use the
831 /// ABG_RETURN* macros to return their values, this function is always
832 /// called when any of those equality function return false.
833 ///
834 /// @param l the first operand of the equality.
835 ///
836 /// @param r the second operand of the equality.
837 static void
838 notify_equality_failed(const type_or_decl_base &l __attribute__((unused)),
839  const type_or_decl_base &r __attribute__((unused)))
840 {}
842 /// This is a function called when the ABG_RETURN* macros defined
843 /// below return false.
844 ///
845 /// The purpose of this function is to ease debugging. To know where
846 /// the equality functions first compare non-equal, we can just set a
847 /// breakpoint on this notify_equality_failed function and run the
848 /// equality functions. Because all the equality functions use the
849 /// ABG_RETURN* macros to return their values, this function is always
850 /// called when any of those equality function return false.
851 ///
852 /// @param l the first operand of the equality.
853 ///
854 /// @param r the second operand of the equality.
855 static void
856 notify_equality_failed(const type_or_decl_base *l __attribute__((unused)),
857  const type_or_decl_base *r __attribute__((unused)))
858 {}
860 #define ABG_RETURN_EQUAL(l, r) \
861  do \
862  { \
863  if (l != r) \
864  notify_equality_failed(l, r); \
865  return (l == r); \
866  } \
867  while(false)
870 #define ABG_RETURN_FALSE \
871  do \
872  { \
873  notify_equality_failed(l, r); \
874  return false; \
875  } while(false)
877 #define ABG_RETURN(value) \
878  do \
879  { \
880  if (value == false) \
881  notify_equality_failed(l, r); \
882  return value; \
883  } while (false)
887 #define ABG_RETURN_FALSE return false
888 #define ABG_RETURN(value) return (value)
889 #define ABG_RETURN_EQUAL(l, r) return ((l) == (r));
890 #endif
892 /// Compare two types by comparing their canonical types if present.
893 ///
894 /// If the canonical types are not present (because the types have not
895 /// yet been canonicalized, for instance) then the types are compared
896 /// structurally.
897 ///
898 /// @param l the first type to take into account in the comparison.
899 ///
900 /// @param r the second type to take into account in the comparison.
901 template<typename T>
902 bool
903 try_canonical_compare(const T *l, const T *r)
904 {
906  // We are debugging the canonicalization of a type down the stack.
907  // 'l' is a subtype of a canonical type and 'r' is a subtype of the
908  // type being canonicalized. We are at a point where we can compare
909  // 'l' and 'r' either using canonical comparison (if 'l' and 'r'
910  // have canonical types) or structural comparison.
911  //
912  // Because we are debugging the process of type canonicalization, we
913  // want to compare 'l' and 'r' canonically *AND* structurally. Both
914  // kinds of comparison should yield the same result, otherwise type
915  // canonicalization just failed for the subtype 'r' of the type
916  // being canonicalized.
917  //
918  // In concrete terms, this function is going to be called twice with
919  // the same pair {'l', 'r'} to compare: The first time with
920  // environment::priv_->use_canonical_type_comparison_ set to true,
921  // instructing us to compare them canonically, and the second time
922  // with that boolean set to false, instructing us to compare them
923  // structurally.
924  const environment&env = l->get_environment();
925  if (env.priv_->use_canonical_type_comparison_)
926  {
927  if (const type_base *lc = l->get_naked_canonical_type())
928  if (const type_base *rc = r->get_naked_canonical_type())
929  ABG_RETURN_EQUAL(lc, rc);
930  }
931  return equals(*l, *r, 0);
932 #else
933  if (const type_base *lc = l->get_naked_canonical_type())
934  if (const type_base *rc = r->get_naked_canonical_type())
935  ABG_RETURN_EQUAL(lc, rc);
936  return equals(*l, *r, 0);
937 #endif
940 }
942 /// Detect if a recursive comparison cycle is detected while
943 /// structurally comparing two types (a.k.a member-wise comparison).
944 ///
945 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the current comparison.
946 ///
947 /// @param r the right-hand-side operand of the current comparison.
948 ///
949 /// @return true iff a comparison cycle is detected.
950 template<typename T>
951 bool
953 {
954  bool result = l.priv_->comparison_started(l, r);
955  return result ;
956 }
958 /// Detect if a recursive comparison cycle is detected while
959 /// structurally comparing two @ref class_decl types.
960 ///
961 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the current comparison.
962 ///
963 /// @param r the right-hand-side operand of the current comparison.
964 ///
965 /// @return true iff a comparison cycle is detected.
966 template<>
967 bool
969 {
970  return is_comparison_cycle_detected(static_cast<const class_or_union&>(l),
971  static_cast<const class_or_union&>(r));
972 }
974 /// This macro is to be used while comparing composite types that
975 /// might recursively refer to themselves. Comparing two such types
976 /// might get us into a cyle.
977 ///
978 /// Practically, if we detect that we are already into comparing 'l'
979 /// and 'r'; then, this is a cycle.
980 //
981 /// To break the cycle, we assume the result of the comparison is true
982 /// for now. Comparing the other sub-types of l & r will tell us later
983 /// if l & r are actually different or not.
984 ///
985 /// In the mean time, returning true from this macro should not be
986 /// used to propagate the canonical type of 'l' onto 'r' as we don't
987 /// know yet if l equals r. All the types that depend on l and r
988 /// can't (and that are in the comparison stack currently) can't have
989 /// their canonical type propagated either. So this macro disallows
990 /// canonical type propagation for those types that depend on a
991 /// recursively defined sub-type for now.
992 ///
993 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the comparison.
995  do \
996  { \
997  if (is_comparison_cycle_detected(l, r)) \
998  { \
999  mark_dependant_types_compared_until(r); \
1000  return true; \
1001  } \
1002  } \
1003  while(false)
1006 /// Mark a pair of types as being compared.
1007 ///
1008 /// This is helpful to later detect recursive cycles in the comparison
1009 /// stack.
1010 ///
1011 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the comparison.
1012 ///
1013 /// @parm r the right-hand-side operand of the comparison.
1014 template<typename T>
1015 void
1017 {
1018  l.priv_->mark_as_being_compared(l, r);
1020 }
1022 /// Mark a pair of @ref class_decl types as being compared.
1023 ///
1024 /// This is helpful to later detect recursive cycles in the comparison
1025 /// stack.
1026 ///
1027 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the comparison.
1028 ///
1029 /// @parm r the right-hand-side operand of the comparison.
1030 template<>
1031 void
1033 {
1034  return mark_types_as_being_compared(static_cast<const class_or_union&>(l),
1035  static_cast<const class_or_union&>(r));
1036 }
1038 /// Mark a pair of types as being not compared anymore.
1039 ///
1040 /// This is helpful to later detect recursive cycles in the comparison
1041 /// stack.
1042 ///
1043 /// Note that the types must have been passed to
1044 /// mark_types_as_being_compared prior to calling this function.
1045 ///
1046 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the comparison.
1047 ///
1048 /// @parm r the right-hand-side operand of the comparison.
1049 template<typename T>
1050 void
1052 {
1053  l.priv_->unmark_as_being_compared(l, r);
1055 }
1057 /// Mark a pair of @ref class_decl types as being not compared
1058 /// anymore.
1059 ///
1060 /// This is helpful to later detect recursive cycles in the comparison
1061 /// stack.
1062 ///
1063 /// Note that the types must have been passed to
1064 /// mark_types_as_being_compared prior to calling this function.
1065 ///
1066 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the comparison.
1067 ///
1068 /// @parm r the right-hand-side operand of the comparison.
1069 template<>
1070 void
1072 {
1073  return unmark_types_as_being_compared(static_cast<const class_or_union&>(l),
1074  static_cast<const class_or_union&>(r));
1075 }
1077 /// Return the result of the comparison of two (sub) types.
1078 ///
1079 /// The function does the necessary book keeping before returning the
1080 /// result of the comparison of two (sub) types.
1081 ///
1082 /// The book-keeping done is in the following
1083 /// areas:
1084 ///
1085 /// * Management of the Canonical Type Propagation optimization
1086 /// * type comparison cycle detection
1087 ///
1088 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the type comparison
1089 ///
1090 /// @param r the right-hand-side operand of the type comparison
1091 ///
1092 /// @param propagate_canonical_type if true, it means the function
1093 /// performs the @ref OnTheFlyCanonicalization, aka, "canonical type
1094 /// propagation optimization".
1095 ///
1096 /// @param value the result of the comparison of @p l and @p r.
1097 ///
1098 /// @return the value @p value.
1099 template<typename T>
1100 bool
1101 return_comparison_result(T& l, T& r, bool value,
1102  bool propagate_canonical_type = true)
1103 {
1104  if (propagate_canonical_type && (value == true))
1105  maybe_propagate_canonical_type(l, r);
1109  const environment& env = l.get_environment();
1111  // We are instructed to perform the "canonical type propagation"
1112  // optimization, making 'r' to possibly get the canonical type of
1113  // 'l' if it has one. This mostly means that we are currently
1114  // canonicalizing the type that contain the subtype provided in
1115  // the 'r' argument.
1116  {
1117  if (value == true
1118  && (is_type(&r)->priv_->depends_on_recursive_type()
1119  || env.priv_->is_recursive_type(&r))
1120  && is_type(&r)->priv_->canonical_type_propagated()
1121  && !is_type(&r)->priv_->propagated_canonical_type_confirmed()
1122  && !env.priv_->right_type_comp_operands_.empty())
1123  {
1124  // Track the object 'r' for which the propagated canonical
1125  // type might be re-initialized if the current comparison
1126  // eventually fails.
1127  env.priv_->add_to_types_with_non_confirmed_propagated_ct(is_type(&r));
1128  }
1129  else if (value == true
1130  && env.priv_->right_type_comp_operands_.empty()
1131  && is_type(&r)->priv_->canonical_type_propagated()
1132  && !is_type(&r)->priv_->propagated_canonical_type_confirmed())
1133  {
1134  // The type provided in the 'r' argument is the type that is
1135  // being canonicalized; 'r' is not a mere subtype being
1136  // compared, it's the whole type being canonicalized. And
1137  // its canonicalization has just succeeded.
1138  //
1139  // Let's confirm the canonical type resulting from the
1140  // "canonical type propagation" optimization.
1141  env.priv_->confirm_ct_propagation(&r);
1142  }
1143  else if (value == true
1144  && is_type(&r)->priv_->canonical_type_propagated()
1145  && !is_type(&r)->priv_->propagated_canonical_type_confirmed())
1146  // In any other case, we are not sure if propagated types
1147  // should be confirmed yet. So let's mark them as such.
1148  env.priv_->add_to_types_with_non_confirmed_propagated_ct(is_type(&r));
1149  else if (value == false)
1150  {
1151  // The comparison of the current sub-type failed. So all
1152  // the with non-confirmed propagated types (those in
1153  // env.prix_->types_with_non_confirmed_propagated_ct_)
1154  // should see their tentatively propagated canonical type
1155  // cancelled.
1156  env.priv_->cancel_all_non_confirmed_propagated_canonical_types();
1157  }
1158  }
1160  // If we reached this point with value == true and the stack of
1161  // types being compared is empty, then it means that the type pair
1162  // that was at the bottom of the stack is now fully compared.
1163  //
1164  // It follows that all types that were target of canonical type
1165  // propagation can now see their tentative canonical type be
1166  // confirmed for real.
1167  if (value == true
1168  && env.priv_->right_type_comp_operands_.empty()
1169  && !env.priv_->types_with_non_confirmed_propagated_ct_.empty())
1170  // So the comparison is completely done and there are some
1171  // types for which their propagated canonical type is sitll
1172  // considered not confirmed. As the comparison did yield true, we
1173  // shall now confirm the propagation for all those types.
1174  env.priv_->confirm_ct_propagation();
1177  if (value == false && env.priv_->right_type_comp_operands_.empty())
1178  {
1179  for (const auto i : env.priv_->types_with_non_confirmed_propagated_ct_)
1180  {
1181  type_base *t = reinterpret_cast<type_base*>(i);
1182  env.priv_->check_abixml_canonical_type_propagation_during_self_comp(t);
1183  }
1184  }
1185 #endif
1187  ABG_RETURN(value);
1188 }
1191  do \
1192  { \
1193  bool res = return_comparison_result(l, r, value); \
1194  l.get_environment().priv_->cache_type_comparison_result(l, r, res); \
1195  return res; \
1196  } while (false)
1198 /// Cache the result of a comparison between too artifacts (l & r) and
1199 /// return immediately.
1200 ///
1201 /// @param value the value to cache.
1203  do \
1204  { \
1205  l.get_environment().priv_->cache_type_comparison_result(l, r, value); \
1206  return value; \
1207  } while (false)
1209 /// Getter of all types types sorted by their pretty representation.
1210 ///
1211 /// @return a sorted vector of all types sorted by their pretty
1212 /// representation.
1213 const vector<type_base_wptr>&
1215 {
1216  if (priv_->sorted_types_.empty())
1217  {
1218  istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type::const_iterator i;
1219  vector<type_base_wptr>::const_iterator j;
1221  for (i = basic_types().begin(); i != basic_types().end(); ++i)
1222  for (j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j)
1223  priv_->sorted_types_.push_back(*j);
1225  for (i = class_types().begin(); i != class_types().end(); ++i)
1226  for (j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j)
1227  priv_->sorted_types_.push_back(*j);
1229  for (i = union_types().begin(); i != union_types().end(); ++i)
1230  for (j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j)
1231  priv_->sorted_types_.push_back(*j);
1233  for (i = enum_types().begin(); i != enum_types().end(); ++i)
1234  for (j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j)
1235  priv_->sorted_types_.push_back(*j);
1237  for (i = typedef_types().begin(); i != typedef_types().end(); ++i)
1238  for (j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j)
1239  priv_->sorted_types_.push_back(*j);
1241  type_name_comp comp;
1242  sort(priv_->sorted_types_.begin(), priv_->sorted_types_.end(), comp);
1243  }
1245  return priv_->sorted_types_;
1246 }
1248 // </type_maps stuff>
1250 // <translation_unit stuff>
1252 /// Constructor of translation_unit.
1253 ///
1254 /// @param env the environment of this translation unit. Please note
1255 /// that the life time of the environment must be greater than the
1256 /// life time of the translation unit because the translation uses
1257 /// resources that are allocated in the environment.
1258 ///
1259 /// @param path the location of the translation unit.
1260 ///
1261 /// @param address_size the size of addresses in the translation unit,
1262 /// in bits.
1263 translation_unit::translation_unit(const environment& env,
1264  const std::string& path,
1265  char address_size)
1266  : priv_(new priv(env))
1267 {
1268  priv_->path_ = path;
1269  priv_->address_size_ = address_size;
1270 }
1272 /// Getter of the the global scope of the translation unit.
1273 ///
1274 /// @return the global scope of the current translation unit. If
1275 /// there is not global scope allocated yet, this function creates one
1276 /// and returns it.
1277 const scope_decl_sptr&
1279 {
1280  return const_cast<translation_unit*>(this)->get_global_scope();
1281 }
1283 /// Getter of the the global scope of the translation unit.
1284 ///
1285 /// @return the global scope of the current translation unit. If
1286 /// there is not global scope allocated yet, this function creates one
1287 /// and returns it.
1290 {
1291  if (!priv_->global_scope_)
1292  {
1293  priv_->global_scope_.reset
1294  (new global_scope(const_cast<translation_unit*>(this)));
1295  priv_->global_scope_->set_translation_unit
1296  (const_cast<translation_unit*>(this));
1297  }
1298  return priv_->global_scope_;
1299 }
1301 /// Getter of the types of the current @ref translation_unit.
1302 ///
1303 /// @return the maps of the types of the translation unit.
1304 const type_maps&
1306 {return priv_->types_;}
1308 /// Getter of the types of the current @ref translation_unit.
1309 ///
1310 /// @return the maps of the types of the translation unit.
1311 type_maps&
1313 {return priv_->types_;}
1315 /// Get the vector of function types that are used in the current
1316 /// translation unit.
1317 ///
1318 /// @return the vector of function types that are used in the current
1319 /// translation unit.
1320 const vector<function_type_sptr>&
1322 {return priv_->live_fn_types_;}
1324 /// Getter of the environment of the current @ref translation_unit.
1325 ///
1326 /// @return the translation unit of the current translation unit.
1327 const environment&
1329 {return priv_->env_;}
1331 /// Getter of the language of the source code of the translation unit.
1332 ///
1333 /// @return the language of the source code.
1336 {return priv_->language_;}
1338 /// Setter of the language of the source code of the translation unit.
1339 ///
1340 /// @param l the new language.
1341 void
1343 {priv_->language_ = l;}
1346 /// Get the path of the current translation unit.
1347 ///
1348 /// This path is relative to the build directory of the translation
1349 /// unit as returned by translation_unit::get_compilation_dir_path.
1350 ///
1351 /// @return the relative path of the compilation unit associated to
1352 /// the current instance of translation_unit.
1353 //
1354 const std::string&
1356 {return priv_->path_;}
1358 /// Set the path associated to the current instance of
1359 /// translation_unit.
1360 ///
1361 /// This path is relative to the build directory of the translation
1362 /// unit as returned by translation_unit::get_compilation_dir_path.
1363 ///
1364 /// @param a_path the new relative path to set.
1365 void
1366 translation_unit::set_path(const string& a_path)
1367 {priv_->path_ = a_path;}
1370 /// Get the path of the directory that was 'current' when the
1371 /// translation unit was compiled.
1372 ///
1373 /// Note that the path returned by translation_unit::get_path is
1374 /// relative to the path returned by this function.
1375 ///
1376 /// @return the compilation directory for the current translation
1377 /// unit.
1378 const std::string&
1380 {return priv_->comp_dir_path_;}
1382 /// Set the path of the directory that was 'current' when the
1383 /// translation unit was compiled.
1384 ///
1385 /// Note that the path returned by translation_unit::get_path is
1386 /// relative to the path returned by this function.
1387 ///
1388 /// @param the compilation directory for the current translation unit.
1389 void
1391 {priv_->comp_dir_path_ = d;}
1393 /// Get the concatenation of the build directory and the relative path
1394 /// of the translation unit.
1395 ///
1396 /// @return the absolute path of the translation unit.
1397 const std::string&
1399 {
1400  if (priv_->abs_path_.empty())
1401  {
1402  string path;
1403  if (!priv_->path_.empty())
1404  {
1405  if (!priv_->comp_dir_path_.empty())
1406  {
1407  path = priv_->comp_dir_path_;
1408  path += "/";
1409  }
1410  path += priv_->path_;
1411  }
1412  priv_->abs_path_ = path;
1413  }
1415  return priv_->abs_path_;
1416 }
1418 /// Set the corpus this translation unit is a member of.
1419 ///
1420 /// Note that adding a translation unit to a @ref corpus automatically
1421 /// triggers a call to this member function.
1422 ///
1423 /// @param corpus the corpus.
1424 void
1426 {priv_->corp = c;}
1428 /// Get the corpus this translation unit is a member of.
1429 ///
1430 /// @return the parent corpus, or nil if this doesn't belong to any
1431 /// corpus yet.
1432 corpus*
1434 {return priv_->corp;}
1436 /// Get the corpus this translation unit is a member of.
1437 ///
1438 /// @return the parent corpus, or nil if this doesn't belong to any
1439 /// corpus yet.
1440 const corpus*
1442 {return const_cast<translation_unit*>(this)->get_corpus();}
1444 /// Getter of the location manager for the current translation unit.
1445 ///
1446 /// @return a reference to the location manager for the current
1447 /// translation unit.
1450 {return priv_->loc_mgr_;}
1452 /// const Getter of the location manager.
1453 ///
1454 /// @return a const reference to the location manager for the current
1455 /// translation unit.
1456 const location_manager&
1458 {return priv_->loc_mgr_;}
1460 /// Tests whether if the current translation unit contains ABI
1461 /// artifacts or not.
1462 ///
1463 /// @return true iff the current translation unit is empty.
1464 bool
1466 {
1467  if (!priv_->global_scope_)
1468  return true;
1469  return get_global_scope()->is_empty();
1470 }
1472 /// Getter of the address size in this translation unit.
1473 ///
1474 /// @return the address size, in bits.
1475 char
1477 {return priv_->address_size_;}
1479 /// Setter of the address size in this translation unit.
1480 ///
1481 /// @param a the new address size in bits.
1482 void
1484 {priv_->address_size_= a;}
1486 /// Getter of the 'is_constructed" flag. It says if the translation
1487 /// unit is fully constructed or not.
1488 ///
1489 /// This flag is important for cases when comparison might depend on
1490 /// if the translation unit is fully built or not. For instance, when
1491 /// reading types from DWARF, the virtual methods of a class are not
1492 /// necessarily fully constructed until we have reached the end of the
1493 /// translation unit. In that case, before we've reached the end of
1494 /// the translation unit, we might not take virtual functions into
1495 /// account when comparing classes.
1496 ///
1497 /// @return true if the translation unit is constructed.
1498 bool
1500 {return priv_->is_constructed_;}
1502 /// Setter of the 'is_constructed" flag. It says if the translation
1503 /// unit is fully constructed or not.
1504 ///
1505 /// This flag is important for cases when comparison might depend on
1506 /// if the translation unit is fully built or not. For instance, when
1507 /// reading types from DWARF, the virtual methods of a class are not
1508 /// necessarily fully constructed until we have reached the end of the
1509 /// translation unit. In that case, before we've reached the end of
1510 /// the translation unit, we might not take virtual functions into
1511 /// account when comparing classes.
1512 ///
1513 /// @param f true if the translation unit is constructed.
1514 void
1516 {priv_->is_constructed_ = f;}
1518 /// Compare the current translation unit against another one.
1519 ///
1520 /// @param other the other tu to compare against.
1521 ///
1522 /// @return true if the two translation units are equal, false
1523 /// otherwise.
1524 bool
1526 {
1527  if (get_address_size() != other.get_address_size())
1528  return false;
1530  return *get_global_scope() == *other.get_global_scope();
1531 }
1533 /// Inequality operator.
1534 ///
1535 /// @param o the instance of @ref translation_unit to compare the
1536 /// current instance against.
1537 ///
1538 /// @return true iff the current instance is different from @p o.
1539 bool
1541 {return ! operator==(o);}
1543 /// Ensure that the life time of a function type is bound to the life
1544 /// time of the current translation unit.
1545 ///
1546 /// @param ftype the function time which life time to bind to the life
1547 /// time of the current instance of @ref translation_unit. That is,
1548 /// it's onlyh when the translation unit is destroyed that the
1549 /// function type can be destroyed to.
1550 void
1552 {
1553  const environment& env = get_environment();
1555  const_cast<translation_unit*>(this)->priv_->live_fn_types_.push_back(ftype);
1557  interned_string repr = get_type_name(ftype);
1558  const_cast<translation_unit*>(this)->get_types().function_types()[repr].
1559  push_back(ftype);
1561  // The function type must be out of the same environment as its
1562  // translation unit.
1563  {
1564  const environment& e = ftype->get_environment();
1565  ABG_ASSERT(&env == &e);
1566  }
1568  if (const translation_unit* existing_tu = ftype->get_translation_unit())
1569  ABG_ASSERT(existing_tu == this);
1570  else
1571  ftype->set_translation_unit(const_cast<translation_unit*>(this));
1574 }
1576 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse virtual
1577 /// function.
1578 ///
1579 /// @param v the visitor used on the member nodes of the translation
1580 /// unit during the traversal.
1581 ///
1582 /// @return true if the entire type IR tree got traversed, false
1583 /// otherwise.
1584 bool
1586 {return get_global_scope()->traverse(v);}
1588 translation_unit::~translation_unit()
1589 {}
1591 /// Converts a translation_unit::language enumerator into a string.
1592 ///
1593 /// @param l the language enumerator to translate.
1594 ///
1595 /// @return the resulting string.
1596 string
1598 {
1599  switch (l)
1600  {
1601  case translation_unit::LANG_UNKNOWN:
1602  return "LANG_UNKNOWN";
1603  case translation_unit::LANG_Cobol74:
1604  return "LANG_Cobol74";
1605  case translation_unit::LANG_Cobol85:
1606  return "LANG_Cobol85";
1607  case translation_unit::LANG_C89:
1608  return "LANG_C89";
1609  case translation_unit::LANG_C99:
1610  return "LANG_C99";
1611  case translation_unit::LANG_C11:
1612  return "LANG_C11";
1613  case translation_unit::LANG_C:
1614  return "LANG_C";
1615  case translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus_11:
1616  return "LANG_C_plus_plus_11";
1617  case translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus_14:
1618  return "LANG_C_plus_plus_14";
1619  case translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus:
1620  return "LANG_C_plus_plus";
1621  case translation_unit::LANG_ObjC:
1622  return "LANG_ObjC";
1623  case translation_unit::LANG_ObjC_plus_plus:
1624  return "LANG_ObjC_plus_plus";
1625  case translation_unit::LANG_Fortran77:
1626  return "LANG_Fortran77";
1627  case translation_unit::LANG_Fortran90:
1628  return "LANG_Fortran90";
1629  case translation_unit::LANG_Fortran95:
1630  return "LANG_Fortran95";
1631  case translation_unit::LANG_Ada83:
1632  return "LANG_Ada83";
1633  case translation_unit::LANG_Ada95:
1634  return "LANG_Ada95";
1635  case translation_unit::LANG_Pascal83:
1636  return "LANG_Pascal83";
1637  case translation_unit::LANG_Modula2:
1638  return "LANG_Modula2";
1639  case translation_unit::LANG_Java:
1640  return "LANG_Java";
1641  case translation_unit::LANG_PLI:
1642  return "LANG_PLI";
1643  case translation_unit::LANG_UPC:
1644  return "LANG_UPC";
1645  case translation_unit::LANG_D:
1646  return "LANG_D";
1647  case translation_unit::LANG_Python:
1648  return "LANG_Python";
1649  case translation_unit::LANG_Go:
1650  return "LANG_Go";
1651  case translation_unit::LANG_Mips_Assembler:
1652  return "LANG_Mips_Assembler";
1653  default:
1654  return "LANG_UNKNOWN";
1655  }
1657  return "LANG_UNKNOWN";
1658 }
1660 /// Parse a string representing a language into a
1661 /// translation_unit::language enumerator into a string.
1662 ///
1663 /// @param l the string representing the language.
1664 ///
1665 /// @return the resulting translation_unit::language enumerator.
1668 {
1669  if (l == "LANG_Cobol74")
1670  return translation_unit::LANG_Cobol74;
1671  else if (l == "LANG_Cobol85")
1672  return translation_unit::LANG_Cobol85;
1673  else if (l == "LANG_C89")
1674  return translation_unit::LANG_C89;
1675  else if (l == "LANG_C99")
1676  return translation_unit::LANG_C99;
1677  else if (l == "LANG_C11")
1678  return translation_unit::LANG_C11;
1679  else if (l == "LANG_C")
1680  return translation_unit::LANG_C;
1681  else if (l == "LANG_C_plus_plus_11")
1682  return translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus_11;
1683  else if (l == "LANG_C_plus_plus_14")
1684  return translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus_14;
1685  else if (l == "LANG_C_plus_plus")
1686  return translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus;
1687  else if (l == "LANG_ObjC")
1688  return translation_unit::LANG_ObjC;
1689  else if (l == "LANG_ObjC_plus_plus")
1690  return translation_unit::LANG_ObjC_plus_plus;
1691  else if (l == "LANG_Fortran77")
1692  return translation_unit::LANG_Fortran77;
1693  else if (l == "LANG_Fortran90")
1694  return translation_unit::LANG_Fortran90;
1695  else if (l == "LANG_Fortran95")
1696  return translation_unit::LANG_Fortran95;
1697  else if (l == "LANG_Ada83")
1698  return translation_unit::LANG_Ada83;
1699  else if (l == "LANG_Ada95")
1700  return translation_unit::LANG_Ada95;
1701  else if (l == "LANG_Pascal83")
1702  return translation_unit::LANG_Pascal83;
1703  else if (l == "LANG_Modula2")
1704  return translation_unit::LANG_Modula2;
1705  else if (l == "LANG_Java")
1706  return translation_unit::LANG_Java;
1707  else if (l == "LANG_PLI")
1708  return translation_unit::LANG_PLI;
1709  else if (l == "LANG_UPC")
1710  return translation_unit::LANG_UPC;
1711  else if (l == "LANG_D")
1712  return translation_unit::LANG_D;
1713  else if (l == "LANG_Python")
1714  return translation_unit::LANG_Python;
1715  else if (l == "LANG_Go")
1716  return translation_unit::LANG_Go;
1717  else if (l == "LANG_Mips_Assembler")
1718  return translation_unit::LANG_Mips_Assembler;
1720  return translation_unit::LANG_UNKNOWN;
1721 }
1723 /// Test if a language enumerator designates the C language.
1724 ///
1725 /// @param l the language enumerator to consider.
1726 ///
1727 /// @return true iff @p l designates the C language.
1728 bool
1730 {
1731  return (l == translation_unit::LANG_C89
1732  || l == translation_unit::LANG_C99
1733  || l == translation_unit::LANG_C11
1734  || l == translation_unit::LANG_C);
1735 }
1737 /// Test if a language enumerator designates the C++ language.
1738 ///
1739 /// @param l the language enumerator to consider.
1740 ///
1741 /// @return true iff @p l designates the C++ language.
1742 bool
1744 {
1745  return (l == translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus_03
1746  || l == translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus_11
1747  || l == translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus_14
1748  || l == translation_unit::LANG_C_plus_plus);
1749 }
1751 /// Test if a language enumerator designates the Java language.
1752 ///
1753 /// @param l the language enumerator to consider.
1754 ///
1755 /// @return true iff @p l designates the Java language.
1756 bool
1758 {return l == translation_unit::LANG_Java;}
1760 /// Test if a language enumerator designates the Ada language.
1761 ///
1762 /// @param l the language enumerator to consider.
1763 ///
1764 /// @return true iff @p l designates the Ada language.
1765 bool
1767 {
1768  return (l == translation_unit::LANG_Ada83
1769  || l == translation_unit::LANG_Ada95);
1770 }
1772 /// A deep comparison operator for pointers to translation units.
1773 ///
1774 /// @param l the first translation unit to consider for the comparison.
1775 ///
1776 /// @param r the second translation unit to consider for the comparison.
1777 ///
1778 /// @return true if the two translation units are equal, false otherwise.
1779 bool
1781 {
1782  if (l.get() == r.get())
1783  return true;
1785  if (!!l != !!r)
1786  return false;
1788  return *l == *r;
1789 }
1791 /// A deep inequality operator for pointers to translation units.
1792 ///
1793 /// @param l the first translation unit to consider for the comparison.
1794 ///
1795 /// @param r the second translation unit to consider for the comparison.
1796 ///
1797 /// @return true iff the two translation units are different.
1798 bool
1800 {return !operator==(l, r);}
1802 // </translation_unit stuff>
1804 // <elf_symbol stuff>
1805 struct elf_symbol::priv
1806 {
1807  const environment& env_;
1808  size_t index_;
1809  size_t size_;
1810  string name_;
1811  elf_symbol::type type_;
1812  elf_symbol::binding binding_;
1813  elf_symbol::version version_;
1814  elf_symbol::visibility visibility_;
1815  bool is_defined_;
1816  // This flag below says if the symbol is a common elf symbol. In
1817  // relocatable files, a common symbol is a symbol defined in a
1818  // section of kind SHN_COMMON.
1819  //
1820  // Note that a symbol of kind STT_COMMON is also considered a common
1821  // symbol. Here is what the gABI says about STT_COMMON and
1822  // SHN_COMMON:
1823  //
1824  // Symbols with type STT_COMMON label uninitialized common
1825  // blocks. In relocatable objects, these symbols are not
1826  // allocated and must have the special section index SHN_COMMON
1827  // (see below). In shared objects and executables these symbols
1828  // must be allocated to some section in the defining object.
1829  //
1830  // In relocatable objects, symbols with type STT_COMMON are
1831  // treated just as other symbols with index SHN_COMMON. If the
1832  // link-editor allocates space for the SHN_COMMON symbol in an
1833  // output section of the object it is producing, it must
1834  // preserve the type of the output symbol as STT_COMMON.
1835  //
1836  // When the dynamic linker encounters a reference to a symbol
1837  // that resolves to a definition of type STT_COMMON, it may (but
1838  // is not required to) change its symbol resolution rules as
1839  // follows: instead of binding the reference to the first symbol
1840  // found with the given name, the dynamic linker searches for
1841  // the first symbol with that name with type other than
1842  // STT_COMMON. If no such symbol is found, it looks for the
1843  // STT_COMMON definition of that name that has the largest size.
1844  bool is_common_;
1845  bool is_in_ksymtab_;
1848  bool is_suppressed_;
1849  elf_symbol_wptr main_symbol_;
1850  elf_symbol_wptr next_alias_;
1851  elf_symbol_wptr next_common_instance_;
1852  string id_string_;
1854  priv(const environment& e)
1855  : env_(e),
1856  index_(),
1857  size_(),
1858  type_(elf_symbol::NOTYPE_TYPE),
1859  binding_(elf_symbol::GLOBAL_BINDING),
1860  visibility_(elf_symbol::DEFAULT_VISIBILITY),
1861  is_defined_(false),
1862  is_common_(false),
1863  is_in_ksymtab_(false),
1864  crc_(),
1865  namespace_(),
1866  is_suppressed_(false)
1867  {}
1869  priv(const environment& e,
1870  size_t i,
1871  size_t s,
1872  const string& n,
1873  elf_symbol::type t,
1875  bool d,
1876  bool c,
1877  const elf_symbol::version& ve,
1879  bool is_in_ksymtab,
1880  const abg_compat::optional<uint32_t>& crc,
1882  bool is_suppressed)
1883  : env_(e),
1884  index_(i),
1885  size_(s),
1886  name_(n),
1887  type_(t),
1888  binding_(b),
1889  version_(ve),
1890  visibility_(vi),
1891  is_defined_(d),
1892  is_common_(c),
1893  is_in_ksymtab_(is_in_ksymtab),
1894  crc_(crc),
1895  namespace_(ns),
1896  is_suppressed_(is_suppressed)
1897  {
1898  if (!is_common_)
1899  is_common_ = type_ == COMMON_TYPE;
1900  }
1901 }; // end struct elf_symbol::priv
1903 /// Constructor of the @ref elf_symbol type.
1904 ///
1905 /// Note that this constructor is private, so client code cannot use
1906 /// it to create instances of @ref elf_symbol. Rather, client code
1907 /// should use the @ref elf_symbol::create() function to create
1908 /// instances of @ref elf_symbol instead.
1909 ///
1910 /// @param e the environment we are operating from.
1911 ///
1912 /// @param i the index of the symbol in the (ELF) symbol table.
1913 ///
1914 /// @param s the size of the symbol.
1915 ///
1916 /// @param n the name of the symbol.
1917 ///
1918 /// @param t the type of the symbol.
1919 ///
1920 /// @param b the binding of the symbol.
1921 ///
1922 /// @param d true if the symbol is defined, false otherwise.
1923 ///
1924 /// @param c true if the symbol is a common symbol, false otherwise.
1925 ///
1926 /// @param ve the version of the symbol.
1927 ///
1928 /// @param vi the visibility of the symbol.
1929 ///
1930 /// @param crc the CRC (modversions) value of Linux Kernel symbols
1931 ///
1932 /// @param ns the namespace of Linux Kernel symbols, if any
1933 elf_symbol::elf_symbol(const environment& e,
1934  size_t i,
1935  size_t s,
1936  const string& n,
1937  type t,
1938  binding b,
1939  bool d,
1940  bool c,
1941  const version& ve,
1942  visibility vi,
1943  bool is_in_ksymtab,
1944  const abg_compat::optional<uint32_t>& crc,
1946  bool is_suppressed)
1947  : priv_(new priv(e,
1948  i,
1949  s,
1950  n,
1951  t,
1952  b,
1953  d,
1954  c,
1955  ve,
1956  vi,
1957  is_in_ksymtab,
1958  crc,
1959  ns,
1960  is_suppressed))
1961 {}
1963 /// Factory of instances of @ref elf_symbol.
1964 ///
1965 /// This is the function to use to create instances of @ref elf_symbol.
1966 ///
1967 /// @param e the environment we are operating from.
1968 ///
1969 /// @param i the index of the symbol in the (ELF) symbol table.
1970 ///
1971 /// @param s the size of the symbol.
1972 ///
1973 /// @param n the name of the symbol.
1974 ///
1975 /// @param t the type of the symbol.
1976 ///
1977 /// @param b the binding of the symbol.
1978 ///
1979 /// @param d true if the symbol is defined, false otherwise.
1980 ///
1981 /// @param c true if the symbol is a common symbol.
1982 ///
1983 /// @param ve the version of the symbol.
1984 ///
1985 /// @param vi the visibility of the symbol.
1986 ///
1987 /// @param crc the CRC (modversions) value of Linux Kernel symbols
1988 ///
1989 /// @param ns the namespace of Linux Kernel symbols, if any
1990 ///
1991 /// @return a (smart) pointer to a newly created instance of @ref
1992 /// elf_symbol.
1995  size_t i,
1996  size_t s,
1997  const string& n,
1998  type t,
1999  binding b,
2000  bool d,
2001  bool c,
2002  const version& ve,
2003  visibility vi,
2004  bool is_in_ksymtab,
2005  const abg_compat::optional<uint32_t>& crc,
2007  bool is_suppressed)
2008 {
2009  elf_symbol_sptr sym(new elf_symbol(e, i, s, n, t, b, d, c, ve, vi,
2010  is_in_ksymtab, crc, ns, is_suppressed));
2011  sym->priv_->main_symbol_ = sym;
2012  return sym;
2013 }
2015 /// Test textual equality between two symbols.
2016 ///
2017 /// Textual equality means that the aliases of the compared symbols
2018 /// are not taken into account. Only the name, type, and version of
2019 /// the symbols are compared.
2020 ///
2021 /// @return true iff the two symbols are textually equal.
2022 static bool
2023 textually_equals(const elf_symbol&l,
2024  const elf_symbol&r)
2025 {
2026  bool equals = (l.get_name() == r.get_name()
2027  && l.get_type() == r.get_type()
2028  && l.is_public() == r.is_public()
2029  && l.is_defined() == r.is_defined()
2030  && l.is_common_symbol() == r.is_common_symbol()
2031  && l.get_version() == r.get_version()
2032  && l.get_crc() == r.get_crc()
2033  && l.get_namespace() == r.get_namespace());
2035  if (equals && l.is_variable())
2036  // These are variable symbols. Let's compare their symbol size.
2037  // The symbol size in this case is the size taken by the storage
2038  // of the variable. If that size changes, then it's an ABI
2039  // change.
2040  equals = l.get_size() == r.get_size();
2042  return equals;
2043 }
2045 /// Getter of the environment used by the current instance of @ref
2046 /// elf_symbol.
2047 ///
2048 /// @return the enviroment used by the current instance of @ref elf_symbol.
2049 const environment&
2051 {return priv_->env_;}
2053 /// Getter for the index
2054 ///
2055 /// @return the index of the symbol.
2056 size_t
2058 {return priv_->index_;}
2060 /// Setter for the index.
2061 ///
2062 /// @param s the new index.
2063 void
2065 {priv_->index_ = s;}
2067 /// Getter for the name of the @ref elf_symbol.
2068 ///
2069 /// @return a reference to the name of the @ref symbol.
2070 const string&
2072 {return priv_->name_;}
2074 /// Setter for the name of the current intance of @ref elf_symbol.
2075 ///
2076 /// @param n the new name.
2077 void
2078 elf_symbol::set_name(const string& n)
2079 {
2080  priv_->name_ = n;
2081  priv_->id_string_.clear();
2082 }
2084 /// Getter for the type of the current instance of @ref elf_symbol.
2085 ///
2086 /// @return the type of the elf symbol.
2089 {return priv_->type_;}
2091 /// Setter for the type of the current instance of @ref elf_symbol.
2092 ///
2093 /// @param t the new symbol type.
2094 void
2096 {priv_->type_ = t;}
2098 /// Getter of the size of the symbol.
2099 ///
2100 /// @return the size of the symbol, in bytes.
2101 size_t
2103 {return priv_->size_;}
2105 /// Setter of the size of the symbol.
2106 ///
2107 /// @param size the new size of the symbol, in bytes.
2108 void
2110 {priv_->size_ = size;}
2112 /// Getter for the binding of the current instance of @ref elf_symbol.
2113 ///
2114 /// @return the binding of the symbol.
2117 {return priv_->binding_;}
2119 /// Setter for the binding of the current instance of @ref elf_symbol.
2120 ///
2121 /// @param b the new binding.
2122 void
2124 {priv_->binding_ = b;}
2126 /// Getter for the version of the current instanc of @ref elf_symbol.
2127 ///
2128 /// @return the version of the elf symbol.
2131 {return priv_->version_;}
2133 /// Setter for the version of the current instance of @ref elf_symbol.
2134 ///
2135 /// @param v the new version of the elf symbol.
2136 void
2138 {
2139  priv_->version_ = v;
2140  priv_->id_string_.clear();
2141 }
2143 /// Setter of the visibility of the current instance of @ref
2144 /// elf_symbol.
2145 ///
2146 /// @param v the new visibility of the elf symbol.
2147 void
2149 {priv_->visibility_ = v;}
2151 /// Getter of the visibility of the current instance of @ref
2152 /// elf_symbol.
2153 ///
2154 /// @return the visibility of the elf symbol.
2157 {return priv_->visibility_;}
2159 /// Test if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is defined or not.
2160 ///
2161 /// @return true if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is
2162 /// defined, false otherwise.
2163 bool
2165 {return priv_->is_defined_;}
2167 /// Sets a flag saying if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is
2168 /// defined
2169 ///
2170 /// @param b the new value of the flag.
2171 void
2173 {priv_->is_defined_ = d;}
2175 /// Test if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is public or not.
2176 ///
2177 /// This tests if the symbol is defined, has default or protected
2178 ///visibility, and either:
2179 /// - has global binding
2180 /// - has weak binding
2181 /// - or has a GNU_UNIQUE binding.
2182 ///
2183 /// return true if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is public,
2184 /// false otherwise.
2185 bool
2187 {
2188  return (is_defined()
2189  && (get_binding() == GLOBAL_BINDING
2190  || get_binding() == WEAK_BINDING
2191  || get_binding() == GNU_UNIQUE_BINDING)
2192  && (get_visibility() == DEFAULT_VISIBILITY
2193  || get_visibility() == PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
2194 }
2196 /// Test if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is a function
2197 /// symbol or not.
2198 ///
2199 /// @return true if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is a
2200 /// function symbol, false otherwise.
2201 bool
2203 {return get_type() == FUNC_TYPE || get_type() == GNU_IFUNC_TYPE;}
2205 /// Test if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is a variable
2206 /// symbol or not.
2207 ///
2208 /// @return true if the current instance of @ref elf_symbol is a
2209 /// variable symbol, false otherwise.
2210 bool
2212 {
2213  return (get_type() == OBJECT_TYPE
2214  || get_type() == TLS_TYPE
2215  // It appears that undefined variables have NOTYPE type.
2216  || (get_type() == NOTYPE_TYPE
2217  && !is_defined()));
2218 }
2220 /// Getter of the 'is-in-ksymtab' property.
2221 ///
2222 /// @return true iff the current symbol is in the Linux Kernel
2223 /// specific 'ksymtab' symbol table.
2224 bool
2226 {return priv_->is_in_ksymtab_;}
2228 /// Setter of the 'is-in-ksymtab' property.
2229 ///
2230 /// @param is_in_ksymtab this is true iff the current symbol is in the
2231 /// Linux Kernel specific 'ksymtab' symbol table.
2232 void
2234 {priv_->is_in_ksymtab_ = is_in_ksymtab;}
2236 /// Getter of the 'crc' property.
2237 ///
2238 /// @return the CRC (modversions) value for Linux Kernel symbols, if any
2241 {return priv_->crc_;}
2243 /// Setter of the 'crc' property.
2244 ///
2245 /// @param crc the new CRC (modversions) value for Linux Kernel symbols
2246 void
2248 {priv_->crc_ = crc;}
2250 /// Getter of the 'namespace' property.
2251 ///
2252 /// @return the namespace for Linux Kernel symbols, if any
2255 {return priv_->namespace_;}
2257 /// Setter of the 'namespace' property.
2258 ///
2259 /// @param ns the new namespace for Linux Kernel symbols, if any
2260 void
2262 {priv_->namespace_ = ns;}
2264 /// Getter for the 'is-suppressed' property.
2265 ///
2266 /// @return true iff the current symbol has been suppressed by a
2267 /// suppression specification that was provided in the context that
2268 /// led to the creation of the corpus this ELF symbol belongs to.
2269 bool
2271 {return priv_->is_suppressed_;}
2273 /// Setter for the 'is-suppressed' property.
2274 ///
2275 /// @param true iff the current symbol has been suppressed by a
2276 /// suppression specification that was provided in the context that
2277 /// led to the creation of the corpus this ELF symbol belongs to.
2278 void
2280 {priv_->is_suppressed_ = is_suppressed;}
2282 /// @name Elf symbol aliases
2283 ///
2284 /// An alias A for an elf symbol S is a symbol that is defined at the
2285 /// same address as S. S is chained to A through the
2286 /// elf_symbol::get_next_alias() method.
2287 ///
2288 /// When there are several aliases to a symbol, the main symbol is the
2289 /// the first symbol found in the symbol table for a given address.
2290 ///
2291 /// The alias chain is circular. That means if S is the main symbol
2292 /// and A is the alias, S is chained to A and A
2293 /// is chained back to the main symbol S. The last alias in an alias
2294 ///chain is always chained to the main symbol.
2295 ///
2296 /// Thus, when looping over the aliases of an elf_symbol A, detecting
2297 /// an alias that is equal to the main symbol should logically be a
2298 /// loop exit condition.
2299 ///
2300 /// Accessing and adding aliases for instances of elf_symbol is done
2301 /// through the member functions below.
2303 /// @{
2305 /// Get the main symbol of an alias chain.
2306 ///
2307 ///@return the main symbol.
2308 const elf_symbol_sptr
2310 {return priv_->main_symbol_.lock();}
2312 /// Get the main symbol of an alias chain.
2313 ///
2314 ///@return the main symbol.
2317 {return priv_->main_symbol_.lock();}
2319 /// Tests whether this symbol is the main symbol.
2320 ///
2321 /// @return true iff this symbol is the main symbol.
2322 bool
2324 {return get_main_symbol().get() == this;}
2326 /// Get the next alias of the current symbol.
2327 ///
2328 ///@return the alias, or NULL if there is no alias.
2331 {return priv_->next_alias_.lock();}
2334 /// Check if the current elf_symbol has an alias.
2335 ///
2336 ///@return true iff the current elf_symbol has an alias.
2337 bool
2339 {return bool(get_next_alias());}
2341 /// Get the number of aliases to this elf symbol
2342 ///
2343 /// @return the number of aliases to this elf symbol.
2344 int
2346 {
2347  int result = 0;
2349  for (elf_symbol_sptr a = get_next_alias();
2350  a && a.get() != get_main_symbol().get();
2351  a = a->get_next_alias())
2352  ++result;
2354  return result;
2355 }
2357 /// Add an alias to the current elf symbol.
2358 ///
2359 /// @param alias the new alias. Note that this elf_symbol should *NOT*
2360 /// have aliases prior to the invocation of this function.
2361 void
2363 {
2364  if (!alias)
2365  return;
2367  ABG_ASSERT(!alias->has_aliases());
2370  if (has_aliases())
2371  {
2372  elf_symbol_sptr last_alias;
2373  for (elf_symbol_sptr a = get_next_alias();
2374  a && !a->is_main_symbol();
2375  a = a->get_next_alias())
2376  {
2377  if (a->get_next_alias()->is_main_symbol())
2378  {
2379  ABG_ASSERT(last_alias == 0);
2380  last_alias = a;
2381  }
2382  }
2383  ABG_ASSERT(last_alias);
2385  last_alias->priv_->next_alias_ = alias;
2386  }
2387  else
2388  priv_->next_alias_ = alias;
2390  alias->priv_->next_alias_ = get_main_symbol();
2391  alias->priv_->main_symbol_ = get_main_symbol();
2392 }
2394 /// Update the main symbol for a group of aliased symbols
2395 ///
2396 /// If after the construction of the symbols (in order of discovery), the
2397 /// actual main symbol can be identified (e.g. as the symbol that actually is
2398 /// defined in the code), this method offers a way of updating the main symbol
2399 /// through one of the aliased symbols.
2400 ///
2401 /// For that, locate the new main symbol by name and update all references to
2402 /// the main symbol among the group of aliased symbols.
2403 ///
2404 /// @param name the name of the main symbol
2405 ///
2406 /// @return the new main elf_symbol
2408 elf_symbol::update_main_symbol(const std::string& name)
2409 {
2411  if (!has_aliases() || get_name() == name)
2412  return get_main_symbol();
2414  // find the new main symbol
2415  elf_symbol_sptr new_main;
2416  // we've already checked this; check the rest of the aliases
2417  for (elf_symbol_sptr a = get_next_alias(); a.get() != this;
2418  a = a->get_next_alias())
2419  if (a->get_name() == name)
2420  {
2421  new_main = a;
2422  break;
2423  }
2425  if (!new_main)
2426  return get_main_symbol();
2428  // now update all main symbol references
2429  priv_->main_symbol_ = new_main;
2430  for (elf_symbol_sptr a = get_next_alias(); a.get() != this;
2431  a = a->get_next_alias())
2432  a->priv_->main_symbol_ = new_main;
2434  return new_main;
2435 }
2437 /// Return true if the symbol is a common one.
2438 ///
2439 /// @return true iff the symbol is common.
2440 bool
2442 {return priv_->is_common_;}
2444 /// Return true if this common common symbol has other common instances.
2445 ///
2446 /// A common instance of a given common symbol is another common
2447 /// symbol with the same name. Those exist in relocatable files. The
2448 /// linker normally allocates all the instances into a common block in
2449 /// the final output file.
2450 ///
2451 /// Note that the current object must be a common symbol, otherwise,
2452 /// this function aborts.
2453 ///
2454 /// @return true iff the current common symbol has other common
2455 /// instances.
2456 bool
2458 {
2460  return bool(get_next_common_instance());
2461 }
2463 /// Get the next common instance of the current common symbol.
2464 ///
2465 /// A common instance of a given common symbol is another common
2466 /// symbol with the same name. Those exist in relocatable files. The
2467 /// linker normally allocates all the instances into a common block in
2468 /// the final output file.
2469 ///
2470 /// @return the next common instance, or nil if there is not any.
2473 {return priv_->next_common_instance_.lock();}
2475 /// Add a common instance to the current common elf symbol.
2476 ///
2477 /// Note that this symbol must be the main symbol. Being the main
2478 /// symbol means being the first common symbol to appear in the symbol
2479 /// table.
2480 ///
2481 /// @param common the other common instance to add.
2482 void
2484 {
2485  if (!common)
2486  return;
2488  ABG_ASSERT(!common->has_other_common_instances());
2493  {
2494  elf_symbol_sptr last_common_instance;
2496  c && (c.get() != get_main_symbol().get());
2497  c = c->get_next_common_instance())
2498  {
2499  if (c->get_next_common_instance().get() == get_main_symbol().get())
2500  {
2501  ABG_ASSERT(last_common_instance == 0);
2502  last_common_instance = c;
2503  }
2504  }
2505  ABG_ASSERT(last_common_instance);
2507  last_common_instance->priv_->next_common_instance_ = common;
2508  }
2509  else
2510  priv_->next_common_instance_ = common;
2512  common->priv_->next_common_instance_ = get_main_symbol();
2513  common->priv_->main_symbol_ = get_main_symbol();
2514 }
2516 /// Get a string that is representative of a given elf_symbol.
2517 ///
2518 /// If the symbol has a version, then the ID string is the
2519 /// concatenation of the name of the symbol, the '@' character, and
2520 /// the version of the symbol. If the version is the default version
2521 /// of the symbol then the '@' character is replaced by a "@@" string.
2522 ///
2523 /// Otherwise, if the symbol does not have any version, this function
2524 /// returns the name of the symbol.
2525 ///
2526 /// @return a the ID string.
2527 const string&
2529 {
2530  if (priv_->id_string_.empty())
2531  {
2532  string s = get_name ();
2534  if (!get_version().is_empty())
2535  {
2536  if (get_version().is_default())
2537  s += "@@";
2538  else
2539  s += "@";
2540  s += get_version().str();
2541  }
2542  priv_->id_string_ = s;
2543  }
2545  return priv_->id_string_;
2546 }
2548 /// From the aliases of the current symbol, lookup one with a given name.
2549 ///
2550 /// @param name the name of symbol alias we are looking for.
2551 ///
2552 /// @return the symbol alias that has the name @p name, or nil if none
2553 /// has been found.
2555 elf_symbol::get_alias_from_name(const string& name) const
2556 {
2557  if (name == get_name())
2558  return elf_symbol_sptr(priv_->main_symbol_);
2560  for (elf_symbol_sptr a = get_next_alias();
2561  a && a.get() != get_main_symbol().get();
2562  a = a->get_next_alias())
2563  if (a->get_name() == name)
2564  return a;
2566  return elf_symbol_sptr();
2567 }
2569 /// In the list of aliases of a given elf symbol, get the alias that
2570 /// equals this current symbol.
2571 ///
2572 /// @param other the elf symbol to get the potential aliases from.
2573 ///
2574 /// @return the alias of @p other that texually equals the current
2575 /// symbol, or nil if no alias textually equals the current symbol.
2578 {
2579  for (elf_symbol_sptr a = other.get_next_alias();
2580  a && a.get() != a->get_main_symbol().get();
2581  a = a->get_next_alias())
2582  if (textually_equals(*this, *a))
2583  return a;
2584  return elf_symbol_sptr();
2585 }
2587 /// Return a comma separated list of the id of the current symbol as
2588 /// well as the id string of its aliases.
2589 ///
2590 /// @param syms a map of all the symbols of the corpus the current
2591 /// symbol belongs to.
2592 ///
2593 /// @param include_symbol_itself if set to true, then the name of the
2594 /// current symbol is included in the list of alias names that is emitted.
2595 ///
2596 /// @return the string.
2597 string
2599  bool include_symbol_itself) const
2600 {
2601  string result;
2603  if (include_symbol_itself)
2604  result = get_id_string();
2606  vector<elf_symbol_sptr> aliases;
2607  compute_aliases_for_elf_symbol(*this, syms, aliases);
2608  if (!aliases.empty() && include_symbol_itself)
2609  result += ", ";
2611  for (vector<elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator i = aliases.begin();
2612  i != aliases.end();
2613  ++i)
2614  {
2615  if (i != aliases.begin())
2616  result += ", ";
2617  result += (*i)->get_id_string();
2618  }
2619  return result;
2620 }
2622 /// Return a comma separated list of the id of the current symbol as
2623 /// well as the id string of its aliases.
2624 ///
2625 /// @param include_symbol_itself if set to true, then the name of the
2626 /// current symbol is included in the list of alias names that is emitted.
2627 ///
2628 /// @return the string.
2629 string
2630 elf_symbol::get_aliases_id_string(bool include_symbol_itself) const
2631 {
2632  vector<elf_symbol_sptr> aliases;
2633  if (include_symbol_itself)
2634  aliases.push_back(get_main_symbol());
2636  for (elf_symbol_sptr a = get_next_alias();
2637  a && a.get() != get_main_symbol().get();
2638  a = a->get_next_alias())
2639  aliases.push_back(a);
2641  string result;
2642  for (vector<elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator i = aliases.begin();
2643  i != aliases.end();
2644  ++i)
2645  {
2646  if (i != aliases.begin())
2647  result += ", ";
2648  result += (*i)->get_id_string();
2649  }
2651  return result;
2652 }
2654 /// Given the ID of a symbol, get the name and the version of said
2655 /// symbol.
2656 ///
2657 /// @param id the symbol ID to consider.
2658 ///
2659 /// @param name the symbol name extracted from the ID. This is set
2660 /// only if the function returned true.
2661 ///
2662 /// @param ver the symbol version extracted from the ID.
2663 bool
2665  string& name,
2666  string& ver)
2667 {
2668  name.clear(), ver.clear();
2670  string::size_type i = id.find('@');
2671  if (i == string::npos)
2672  {
2673  name = id;
2674  return true;
2675  }
2677  name = id.substr(0, i);
2678  ++i;
2680  if (i >= id.size())
2681  return true;
2683  string::size_type j = id.find('@', i);
2684  if (j == string::npos)
2685  j = i;
2686  else
2687  ++j;
2689  if (j >= id.size())
2690  {
2691  ver = "";
2692  return true;
2693  }
2695  ver = id.substr(j);
2696  return true;
2697 }
2699 ///@}
2701 /// Test if two main symbols are textually equal, or, if they have
2702 /// aliases that are textually equal.
2703 ///
2704 /// @param other the symbol to compare against.
2705 ///
2706 /// @return true iff the current instance of elf symbol equals the @p
2707 /// other.
2708 bool
2710 {
2711  bool are_equal = textually_equals(*this, other);
2712  if (!are_equal)
2713  are_equal = bool(get_alias_which_equals(other));
2714  return are_equal;
2715 }
2717 /// Test if the current symbol aliases another one.
2718 ///
2719 /// @param o the other symbol to test against.
2720 ///
2721 /// @return true iff the current symbol aliases @p o.
2722 bool
2724 {
2725  if (*this == o)
2726  return true;
2728  if (get_main_symbol() == o.get_main_symbol())
2729  return true;
2731  for (elf_symbol_sptr a = get_next_alias();
2732  a && !a->is_main_symbol();
2733  a = a->get_next_alias())
2734  {
2735  if (o == *a)
2736  return true;
2737  }
2738  return false;
2739 }
2741 /// Equality operator for smart pointers to elf_symbol.
2742 ///
2743 /// @param lhs the first elf symbol to consider.
2744 ///
2745 /// @param rhs the second elf symbol to consider.
2746 ///
2747 /// @return true iff @p lhs equals @p rhs.
2748 bool
2750 {
2751  if (!!lhs != !!rhs)
2752  return false;
2754  if (!lhs)
2755  return true;
2757  return *lhs == *rhs;
2758 }
2760 /// Inequality operator for smart pointers to elf_symbol.
2761 ///
2762 /// @param lhs the first elf symbol to consider.
2763 ///
2764 /// @param rhs the second elf symbol to consider.
2765 ///
2766 /// @return true iff @p lhs is different from @p rhs.
2767 bool
2769 {return !operator==(lhs, rhs);}
2771 /// Test if two symbols alias.
2772 ///
2773 /// @param s1 the first symbol to consider.
2774 ///
2775 /// @param s2 the second symbol to consider.
2776 ///
2777 /// @return true if @p s1 aliases @p s2.
2778 bool
2780 {return s1.does_alias(s2) || s2.does_alias(s1);}
2782 void
2783 compute_aliases_for_elf_symbol(const elf_symbol& sym,
2784  const string_elf_symbols_map_type& symtab,
2785  vector<elf_symbol_sptr>& aliases)
2786 {
2788  if (elf_symbol_sptr a = sym.get_next_alias())
2789  for (; a && !a->is_main_symbol(); a = a->get_next_alias())
2790  aliases.push_back(a);
2791  else
2792  for (string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator i = symtab.begin();
2793  i != symtab.end();
2794  ++i)
2795  for (elf_symbols::const_iterator j = i->second.begin();
2796  j != i->second.end();
2797  ++j)
2798  {
2799  if (**j == sym)
2800  for (elf_symbol_sptr s = (*j)->get_next_alias();
2801  s && !s->is_main_symbol();
2802  s = s->get_next_alias())
2803  aliases.push_back(s);
2804  else
2805  for (elf_symbol_sptr s = (*j)->get_next_alias();
2806  s && !s->is_main_symbol();
2807  s = s->get_next_alias())
2808  if (*s == sym)
2809  aliases.push_back(*j);
2810  }
2811 }
2813 /// Test if two symbols alias.
2814 ///
2815 /// @param s1 the first symbol to consider.
2816 ///
2817 /// @param s2 the second symbol to consider.
2818 ///
2819 /// @return true if @p s1 aliases @p s2.
2820 bool
2822 {
2823  if (!!s1 != !!s2)
2824  return false;
2825  if (s1 == s2)
2826  return true;
2827  return elf_symbols_alias(*s1, *s2);
2828 }
2830 /// Test if two symbols alias.
2831 ///
2832 /// @param s1 the first symbol to consider.
2833 ///
2834 /// @param s2 the second symbol to consider.
2835 ///
2836 /// @return true if @p s1 aliases @p s2.
2837 bool
2839 {return elf_symbols_alias(s1.get(), s2.get());}
2841 /// Serialize an instance of @ref symbol_type and stream it to a given
2842 /// output stream.
2843 ///
2844 /// @param o the output stream to serialize the symbole type to.
2845 ///
2846 /// @param t the symbol type to serialize.
2847 std::ostream&
2848 operator<<(std::ostream& o, elf_symbol::type t)
2849 {
2850  string repr;
2852  switch (t)
2853  {
2854  case elf_symbol::NOTYPE_TYPE:
2855  repr = "unspecified symbol type";
2856  break;
2857  case elf_symbol::OBJECT_TYPE:
2858  repr = "variable symbol type";
2859  break;
2860  case elf_symbol::FUNC_TYPE:
2861  repr = "function symbol type";
2862  break;
2863  case elf_symbol::SECTION_TYPE:
2864  repr = "section symbol type";
2865  break;
2866  case elf_symbol::FILE_TYPE:
2867  repr = "file symbol type";
2868  break;
2869  case elf_symbol::COMMON_TYPE:
2870  repr = "common data object symbol type";
2871  break;
2872  case elf_symbol::TLS_TYPE:
2873  repr = "thread local data object symbol type";
2874  break;
2875  case elf_symbol::GNU_IFUNC_TYPE:
2876  repr = "indirect function symbol type";
2877  break;
2878  default:
2879  {
2880  std::ostringstream s;
2881  s << "unknown symbol type (" << (char)t << ')';
2882  repr = s.str();
2883  }
2884  break;
2885  }
2887  o << repr;
2888  return o;
2889 }
2891 /// Serialize an instance of @ref symbol_binding and stream it to a
2892 /// given output stream.
2893 ///
2894 /// @param o the output stream to serialize the symbole type to.
2895 ///
2896 /// @param b the symbol binding to serialize.
2897 std::ostream&
2898 operator<<(std::ostream& o, elf_symbol::binding b)
2899 {
2900  string repr;
2902  switch (b)
2903  {
2904  case elf_symbol::LOCAL_BINDING:
2905  repr = "local binding";
2906  break;
2907  case elf_symbol::GLOBAL_BINDING:
2908  repr = "global binding";
2909  break;
2910  case elf_symbol::WEAK_BINDING:
2911  repr = "weak binding";
2912  break;
2913  case elf_symbol::GNU_UNIQUE_BINDING:
2914  repr = "GNU unique binding";
2915  break;
2916  default:
2917  {
2918  std::ostringstream s;
2919  s << "unknown binding (" << (unsigned char) b << ")";
2920  repr = s.str();
2921  }
2922  break;
2923  }
2925  o << repr;
2926  return o;
2927 }
2929 /// Serialize an instance of @ref elf_symbol::visibility and stream it
2930 /// to a given output stream.
2931 ///
2932 /// @param o the output stream to serialize the symbole type to.
2933 ///
2934 /// @param v the symbol visibility to serialize.
2935 std::ostream&
2936 operator<<(std::ostream& o, elf_symbol::visibility v)
2937 {
2938  string repr;
2940  switch (v)
2941  {
2942  case elf_symbol::DEFAULT_VISIBILITY:
2943  repr = "default visibility";
2944  break;
2945  case elf_symbol::PROTECTED_VISIBILITY:
2946  repr = "protected visibility";
2947  break;
2948  case elf_symbol::HIDDEN_VISIBILITY:
2949  repr = "hidden visibility";
2950  break;
2951  case elf_symbol::INTERNAL_VISIBILITY:
2952  repr = "internal visibility";
2953  break;
2954  default:
2955  {
2956  std::ostringstream s;
2957  s << "unknown visibility (" << (unsigned char) v << ")";
2958  repr = s.str();
2959  }
2960  break;
2961  }
2963  o << repr;
2964  return o;
2965 }
2967 /// Convert a string representing a symbol type into an
2968 /// elf_symbol::type.
2969 ///
2970 ///@param s the string to convert.
2971 ///
2972 ///@param t the resulting elf_symbol::type.
2973 ///
2974 /// @return true iff the conversion completed successfully.
2975 bool
2977 {
2978  if (s == "no-type")
2979  t = elf_symbol::NOTYPE_TYPE;
2980  else if (s == "object-type")
2981  t = elf_symbol::OBJECT_TYPE;
2982  else if (s == "func-type")
2983  t = elf_symbol::FUNC_TYPE;
2984  else if (s == "section-type")
2985  t = elf_symbol::SECTION_TYPE;
2986  else if (s == "file-type")
2987  t = elf_symbol::FILE_TYPE;
2988  else if (s == "common-type")
2989  t = elf_symbol::COMMON_TYPE;
2990  else if (s == "tls-type")
2991  t = elf_symbol::TLS_TYPE;
2992  else if (s == "gnu-ifunc-type")
2993  t = elf_symbol::GNU_IFUNC_TYPE;
2994  else
2995  return false;
2997  return true;
2998 }
3000 /// Convert a string representing a an elf symbol binding into an
3001 /// elf_symbol::binding.
3002 ///
3003 /// @param s the string to convert.
3004 ///
3005 /// @param b the resulting elf_symbol::binding.
3006 ///
3007 /// @return true iff the conversion completed successfully.
3008 bool
3010 {
3011  if (s == "local-binding")
3012  b = elf_symbol::LOCAL_BINDING;
3013  else if (s == "global-binding")
3014  b = elf_symbol::GLOBAL_BINDING;
3015  else if (s == "weak-binding")
3016  b = elf_symbol::WEAK_BINDING;
3017  else if (s == "gnu-unique-binding")
3018  b = elf_symbol::GNU_UNIQUE_BINDING;
3019  else
3020  return false;
3022  return true;
3023 }
3025 /// Convert a string representing a an elf symbol visibility into an
3026 /// elf_symbol::visibility.
3027 ///
3028 /// @param s the string to convert.
3029 ///
3030 /// @param b the resulting elf_symbol::visibility.
3031 ///
3032 /// @return true iff the conversion completed successfully.
3033 bool
3035 {
3036  if (s == "default-visibility")
3037  v = elf_symbol::DEFAULT_VISIBILITY;
3038  else if (s == "protected-visibility")
3039  v = elf_symbol::PROTECTED_VISIBILITY;
3040  else if (s == "hidden-visibility")
3041  v = elf_symbol::HIDDEN_VISIBILITY;
3042  else if (s == "internal-visibility")
3043  v = elf_symbol::INTERNAL_VISIBILITY;
3044  else
3045  return false;
3047  return true;
3048 }
3050 /// Test if the type of an ELF symbol denotes a function symbol.
3051 ///
3052 /// @param t the type of the ELF symbol.
3053 ///
3054 /// @return true iff elf symbol type @p t denotes a function symbol
3055 /// type.
3056 bool
3058 {return t == elf_symbol::FUNC_TYPE;}
3060 /// Test if the type of an ELF symbol denotes a function symbol.
3061 ///
3062 /// @param t the type of the ELF symbol.
3063 ///
3064 /// @return true iff elf symbol type @p t denotes a function symbol
3065 /// type.
3066 bool
3068 {return t == elf_symbol::OBJECT_TYPE;}
3070 // <elf_symbol::version stuff>
3072 struct elf_symbol::version::priv
3073 {
3074  string version_;
3075  bool is_default_;
3077  priv()
3078  : is_default_(false)
3079  {}
3081  priv(const string& v,
3082  bool d)
3083  : version_(v),
3084  is_default_(d)
3085  {}
3086 }; // end struct elf_symbol::version::priv
3088 elf_symbol::version::version()
3089  : priv_(new priv)
3090 {}
3092 /// @param v the name of the version.
3093 ///
3094 /// @param is_default true if this is a default version.
3095 elf_symbol::version::version(const string& v,
3096  bool is_default)
3097  : priv_(new priv(v, is_default))
3098 {}
3100 elf_symbol::version::version(const elf_symbol::version& v)
3101  : priv_(new priv(v.str(), v.is_default()))
3102 {
3103 }
3105 elf_symbol::version::~version() = default;
3107 /// Cast the version_type into a string that is its name.
3108 ///
3109 /// @return the name of the version.
3110 elf_symbol::version::operator const string&() const
3111 {return priv_->version_;}
3113 /// Getter for the version name.
3114 ///
3115 /// @return the version name.
3116 const string&
3118 {return priv_->version_;}
3120 /// Setter for the version name.
3121 ///
3122 /// @param s the version name.
3123 void
3125 {priv_->version_ = s;}
3127 /// Getter for the 'is_default' property of the version.
3128 ///
3129 /// @return true iff this is a default version.
3130 bool
3132 {return priv_->is_default_;}
3134 /// Setter for the 'is_default' property of the version.
3135 ///
3136 /// @param f true if this is the default version.
3137 void
3139 {priv_->is_default_ = f;}
3141 bool
3142 elf_symbol::version::is_empty() const
3143 {return str().empty();}
3145 /// Compares the current version against another one.
3146 ///
3147 /// @param o the other version to compare the current one to.
3148 ///
3149 /// @return true iff the current version equals @p o.
3150 bool
3152 {return str() == o.str();}
3154 /// Inequality operator.
3155 ///
3156 /// @param o the version to compare against the current one.
3157 ///
3158 /// @return true iff both versions are different.
3159 bool
3161 {return !operator==(o);}
3163 /// Assign a version to the current one.
3164 ///
3165 /// @param o the other version to assign to this one.
3166 ///
3167 /// @return a reference to the assigned version.
3170 {
3171  str(o.str());
3172  is_default(o.is_default());
3173  return *this;
3174 }
3176 // </elf_symbol::version stuff>
3178 // </elf_symbol stuff>
3180 // <class dm_context_rel stuff>
3181 struct dm_context_rel::priv
3182 {
3183  bool is_laid_out_;
3184  size_t offset_in_bits_;
3185  var_decl* anonymous_data_member_;
3187  priv(bool is_static = false)
3188  : is_laid_out_(!is_static),
3189  offset_in_bits_(0),
3190  anonymous_data_member_()
3191  {}
3193  priv(bool is_laid_out, size_t offset_in_bits)
3194  : is_laid_out_(is_laid_out),
3195  offset_in_bits_(offset_in_bits),
3196  anonymous_data_member_()
3197  {}
3198 }; //end struct dm_context_rel::priv
3200 dm_context_rel::dm_context_rel()
3201  : context_rel(),
3202  priv_(new priv)
3203 {}
3205 dm_context_rel::dm_context_rel(scope_decl* s,
3206  bool is_laid_out,
3207  size_t offset_in_bits,
3208  access_specifier a,
3209  bool is_static)
3210  : context_rel(s, a, is_static),
3211  priv_(new priv(is_laid_out, offset_in_bits))
3212 {}
3214 dm_context_rel::dm_context_rel(scope_decl* s)
3215  : context_rel(s),
3216  priv_(new priv())
3217 {}
3219 bool
3220 dm_context_rel::get_is_laid_out() const
3221 {return priv_->is_laid_out_;}
3223 void
3224 dm_context_rel::set_is_laid_out(bool f)
3225 {priv_->is_laid_out_ = f;}
3227 size_t
3228 dm_context_rel::get_offset_in_bits() const
3229 {return priv_->offset_in_bits_;}
3231 void
3232 dm_context_rel::set_offset_in_bits(size_t o)
3233 {priv_->offset_in_bits_ = o;}
3235 bool
3236 dm_context_rel::operator==(const dm_context_rel& o) const
3237 {
3238  if (!context_rel::operator==(o))
3239  return false;
3241  return (priv_->is_laid_out_ == o.priv_->is_laid_out_
3242  && priv_->offset_in_bits_ == o.priv_->offset_in_bits_);
3243 }
3245 bool
3246 dm_context_rel::operator!=(const dm_context_rel& o) const
3247 {return !operator==(o);}
3249 /// Return a non-nil value if this data member context relationship
3250 /// has an anonymous data member. That means, if the data member this
3251 /// relation belongs to is part of an anonymous data member.
3252 ///
3253 /// @return the containing anonymous data member of this data member
3254 /// relationship. Nil if there is none.
3255 const var_decl*
3257 {return priv_->anonymous_data_member_;}
3259 /// Set the containing anonymous data member of this data member
3260 /// context relationship. That means that the data member this
3261 /// relation belongs to is part of an anonymous data member.
3262 ///
3263 /// @param anon_dm the containing anonymous data member of this data
3264 /// member relationship. Nil if there is none.
3265 void
3267 {priv_->anonymous_data_member_ = anon_dm;}
3269 dm_context_rel::~dm_context_rel()
3270 {}
3271 // </class dm_context_rel stuff>
3273 // <environment stuff>
3275 /// Convenience typedef for a map of interned_string -> bool.
3276 typedef unordered_map<interned_string,
3280 /// Default constructor of the @ref environment type.
3282  :priv_(new priv)
3283 {}
3285 /// Destructor for the @ref environment type.
3287 {}
3289 /// Getter the map of canonical types.
3290 ///
3291 /// @return the map of canonical types. The key of the map is the
3292 /// hash of the canonical type and its value if the canonical type.
3295 {return priv_->canonical_types_;}
3297 /// Getter the map of canonical types.
3298 ///
3299 /// @return the map of canonical types. The key of the map is the
3300 /// hash of the canonical type and its value if the canonical type.
3303 {return const_cast<environment*>(this)->get_canonical_types_map();}
3305 /// Helper to detect if a type is either a reference, a pointer, or a
3306 /// qualified type.
3307 static bool
3308 is_ptr_ref_or_qual_type(const type_base *t)
3309 {
3310  if (is_pointer_type(t)
3311  || is_reference_type(t)
3312  || is_qualified_type(t))
3313  return true;
3314  return false;
3315 }
3317 /// Compare decls using their locations.
3318 ///
3319 /// @param f the first decl to compare.
3320 ///
3321 /// @param s the second decl to compare.
3322 ///
3323 /// @return true if @p f compares less than @p s.
3324 static bool
3325 compare_using_locations(const decl_base *f,
3326  const decl_base *s)
3327 {
3328  // If a decl has artificial location, then use that one over the
3329  // natural one.
3333  ABG_ASSERT(fl.get_value() && sl.get_value());
3334  if (fl.get_is_artificial() == sl.get_is_artificial())
3335  {
3336  // The locations of the two artfifacts have the same
3337  // artificial-ness so they can be compared.
3338  string p1, p2;
3339  unsigned l1 = 0, l2 = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
3340  fl.expand(p1, l1, c1);
3341  sl.expand(p2, l2, c2);
3342  if (p1 != p2)
3343  return p1 < p2;
3344  if (l1 != l2)
3345  return l1 < l2;
3346  if (c1 != c2)
3347  return c1 < c2;
3348  }
3350  return (get_pretty_representation(f, /*internal=*/false)
3351  < get_pretty_representation(s, /*internal=*/false));
3352 }
3354 /// A functor to sort decls somewhat topologically. That is, types
3355 /// are sorted in a way that makes the ones that are defined "first"
3356 /// to come first.
3357 ///
3358 /// The topological criteria is a lexicographic sort of the definition
3359 /// location of the type. For types that have no location (or the
3360 /// same location), it's their qualified name that is used for the
3361 /// lexicographic sort.
3362 struct decl_topo_comp
3363 {
3365  /// The "Less Than" comparison operator of this functor.
3366  ///
3367  /// @param f the first decl to be considered for the comparison.
3368  ///
3369  /// @param s the second decl to be considered for the comparison.
3370  ///
3371  /// @return true iff @p f is less than @p s.
3372  bool
3373  operator()(const decl_base *f,
3374  const decl_base *s)
3375  {
3376  if (!!f != !!s)
3377  return f && !s;
3379  if (!f)
3380  return false;
3382  // Unique types that are artificially created in the environment
3383  // don't have locations. They ought to be compared on the basis
3384  // of their pretty representation before we start looking at IR
3385  // nodes' locations down the road.
3387  return (get_pretty_representation(f, /*internal=*/false)
3388  < get_pretty_representation(s, /*internal=*/false));
3390  // If both decls come from an abixml file, keep the order they
3391  // have from that abixml file.
3392  if ((!f->get_corpus() && !s->get_corpus())
3393  || (f->get_corpus()->get_origin() == corpus::NATIVE_XML_ORIGIN
3394  && s->get_corpus()->get_origin() == corpus::NATIVE_XML_ORIGIN))
3395  return compare_using_locations(f, s);
3397  // If a decl has artificial location, then use that one over the
3398  // natural one.
3399  location fl = get_artificial_or_natural_location(f);
3400  location sl = get_artificial_or_natural_location(s);
3402  if (fl.get_value() && sl.get_value())
3403  return compare_using_locations(f, s);
3404  else if (!!fl != !!sl)
3405  // So one of the decls doesn't have location data.
3406  // The first decl is less than the second if it's the one not
3407  // having location data.
3408  return !fl && sl;
3410  // We reach this point if location data is useless.
3411  if (f->get_is_anonymous()
3412  && s->get_is_anonymous()
3413  && (get_pretty_representation(f, /*internal=*/false)
3414  == get_pretty_representation(s, /*internal=*/false)))
3415  return f->get_name() < s->get_name();
3417  return (get_pretty_representation(f, /*internal=*/false)
3418  < get_pretty_representation(s, /*internal=*/false));
3419  }
3421  /// The "Less Than" comparison operator of this functor.
3422  ///
3423  /// @param f the first decl to be considered for the comparison.
3424  ///
3425  /// @param s the second decl to be considered for the comparison.
3426  ///
3427  /// @return true iff @p f is less than @p s.
3428  bool
3429  operator()(const decl_base_sptr &f,
3430  const decl_base_sptr &s)
3431  {return operator()(f.get(), s.get());}
3433 }; // end struct decl_topo_comp
3435 /// A functor to sort types somewhat topologically. That is, types
3436 /// are sorted in a way that makes the ones that are defined "first"
3437 /// to come first.
3438 ///
3439 /// The topological criteria is a lexicographic sort of the definition
3440 /// location of the type. For types that have no location, it's their
3441 /// qualified name that is used for the lexicographic sort.
3442 struct type_topo_comp
3443 {
3444  /// Test if a decl has an artificial or natural location.
3445  ///
3446  /// @param d the decl to consider
3447  ///
3448  /// @return true iff @p d has a location.
3449  bool
3450  has_artificial_or_natural_location(const decl_base* d)
3453  /// Test if a type has an artificial or natural location.
3454  ///
3455  /// @param t the type to consider
3456  ///
3457  /// @return true iff @p t has a location.
3458  bool
3459  has_artificial_or_natural_location(const type_base* t)
3460  {
3461  if (decl_base *d = is_decl(t))
3462  return has_artificial_or_natural_location(d);
3463  return false;
3464  }
3466  /// The "Less Than" comparison operator of this functor.
3467  ///
3468  /// @param f the first type to be considered for the comparison.
3469  ///
3470  /// @param s the second type to be considered for the comparison.
3471  ///
3472  /// @return true iff @p f is less than @p s.
3473  bool
3474  operator()(const type_base_sptr &f,
3475  const type_base_sptr &s)
3476  {return operator()(f.get(), s.get());}
3478  /// The "Less Than" comparison operator of this functor.
3479  ///
3480  /// @param f the first type to be considered for the comparison.
3481  ///
3482  /// @param s the second type to be considered for the comparison.
3483  ///
3484  /// @return true iff @p f is less than @p s.
3485  bool
3486  operator()(const type_base *f,
3487  const type_base *s)
3488  {
3489  // If both decls come from an abixml file, keep the order they
3490  // have from that abixml file.
3491  if ((!f->get_corpus() && !s->get_corpus())
3492  || (f->get_corpus()->get_origin() == corpus::NATIVE_XML_ORIGIN
3493  && s->get_corpus()->get_origin() == corpus::NATIVE_XML_ORIGIN))
3494  return compare_using_locations(is_decl(f), is_decl(s));
3496  bool f_is_ptr_ref_or_qual = is_ptr_ref_or_qual_type(f);
3497  bool s_is_ptr_ref_or_qual = is_ptr_ref_or_qual_type(s);
3499  if (f_is_ptr_ref_or_qual != s_is_ptr_ref_or_qual)
3500  return !f_is_ptr_ref_or_qual && s_is_ptr_ref_or_qual;
3502  if (f_is_ptr_ref_or_qual && s_is_ptr_ref_or_qual
3503  && !has_artificial_or_natural_location(f)
3504  && !has_artificial_or_natural_location(s))
3505  {
3506  string s1 = get_pretty_representation(f, /*internal=*/false);
3507  string s2 = get_pretty_representation(s, /*internal=*/false);
3508  if (s1 == s2)
3509  {
3510  if (qualified_type_def * q = is_qualified_type(f))
3511  {
3512  if (q->get_cv_quals() == qualified_type_def::CV_NONE)
3513  if (!is_qualified_type(s))
3514  // We are looking at two types that are the result of
3515  // an optimization that happens during the IR
3516  // construction. Namely, type f is a cv-qualified
3517  // type with no qualifier (no const, no volatile, no
3518  // nothing, we call it an empty-qualified type).
3519  // These are the result of an optimization which
3520  // removes "redundant qualifiers" from some types.
3521  // For instance, consider a "const reference". The
3522  // const there is redundant because a reference is
3523  // always const. So as a result of the optimizaton
3524  // that type is going to be transformed into an
3525  // empty-qualified reference. If we don't make that
3526  // optimization, then we risk having spurious change
3527  // reports down the road. But then, as a consequence
3528  // of that optimization, we need to sort the
3529  // empty-qualified type and its non-qualified variant
3530  // e.g, to ensure stability in the abixml output; both
3531  // types are logically equal, but here, we decide that
3532  // the empty-qualified one is topologically "less
3533  // than" the non-qualified counterpart.
3534  //
3535  // So here, type f is an empty-qualified type and type
3536  // s is its non-qualified variant. We decide that f
3537  // is topologically less than s.
3538  return true;
3539  }
3540  // Now let's peel off the pointer (or reference types) and
3541  // see if the ultimate underlying types have the same
3542  // textual representation; if not, use that as sorting
3543  // criterion.
3544  type_base *peeled_f =
3546  type_base *peeled_s =
3549  s1 = get_pretty_representation(peeled_f, /*internal=*/false);
3550  s2 = get_pretty_representation(peeled_s, /*internal=*/false);
3551  if (s1 != s2)
3552  return s1 < s2;
3554  // The underlying type of pointer/reference have the same
3555  // textual representation; let's try to peel of typedefs
3556  // as well and we'll consider sorting the result as decls.
3557  peeled_f = peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type(peeled_f, true);
3558  peeled_s = peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type(peeled_s, true);
3560  s1 = get_pretty_representation(peeled_f, false);
3561  s2 = get_pretty_representation(peeled_s, false);
3562  if (s1 != s2)
3563  return s1 < s2;
3564  }
3565  }
3567  string s1 = get_pretty_representation(f, false);
3568  string s2 = get_pretty_representation(s, false);
3570  if (s1 != s2)
3571  return s1 < s2;
3573  if (is_typedef(f) && is_typedef(s))
3574  {
3575  s1 = get_pretty_representation(is_typedef(f)->get_underlying_type(),
3576  false);
3577  s2 = get_pretty_representation(is_typedef(s)->get_underlying_type(),
3578  false);
3579  if (s1 != s2)
3580  return s1 < s2;
3581  }
3583  type_base *peeled_f = peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type(f, true);
3584  type_base *peeled_s = peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type(s, true);
3586  s1 = get_pretty_representation(peeled_f, false);
3587  s2 = get_pretty_representation(peeled_s, false);
3589  if (s1 != s2)
3590  return s1 < s2;
3592  decl_base *fd = is_decl(f);
3593  decl_base *sd = is_decl(s);
3595  if (!!fd != !!sd)
3596  return fd && !sd;
3598  // If the two types have no decls, how come we could not sort them
3599  // until now? Let's investigate.
3600  ABG_ASSERT(fd);
3602  // From this point, fd and sd should be non-nil
3603  decl_topo_comp decl_comp;
3604  return decl_comp(fd, sd);
3605  }
3606 }; //end struct type_topo_comp
3608 /// Sort types in a hopefully stable manner.
3609 ///
3610 /// @param types a set of types with canonical types to sort.
3611 ///
3612 /// @param result the resulting sorted vector.
3613 void
3615  vector<type_base_sptr>& result)
3616 {
3617  for (auto t: types)
3618  result.push_back(t);
3620  type_topo_comp comp;
3621  std::stable_sort(result.begin(), result.end(), comp);
3622 }
3624 /// Get the unique @ref type_decl that represents a "void" type for
3625 /// the current environment. This node must be the only one
3626 /// representing a void type in the system.
3627 ///
3628 /// Note that upon first use of this IR node (by the relevant
3629 /// front-end, for instance) it must be added to a scope using e.g,
3630 /// the @ref add_decl_to_scope() function.
3631 ///
3632 /// @return the @ref type_decl that represents a "void" type.
3633 const type_base_sptr&
3635 {
3636  if (!priv_->void_type_)
3637  priv_->void_type_.reset(new type_decl(*this,
3638  intern("void"),
3639  0, 0, location()));
3640  return priv_->void_type_;
3641 }
3643 /// Getter of the "pointer-to-void" IR node that is shared across the
3644 /// ABI corpus. This node must be the only one representing a void
3645 /// pointer type in the system.
3646 ///
3647 /// Note that upon first use of this IR node (by the relevant
3648 /// front-end, for instance) it must be added to a scope using e.g,
3649 /// the @ref add_decl_to_scope() function.
3650 ///
3651 /// @return the "pointer-to-void" IR node.
3652 const type_base_sptr&
3654 {
3655  if (!priv_->void_pointer_type_)
3656  priv_->void_pointer_type_.reset(new pointer_type_def(get_void_type(),
3657  0, 0, location()));
3658  return priv_->void_pointer_type_;
3659 }
3661 /// Get a @ref type_decl instance that represents a the type of a
3662 /// variadic function parameter. This node must be the only one
3663 /// representing a variadic parameter type in the system.
3664 ///
3665 /// Note that upon first use of this IR node (by the relevant
3666 /// front-end, for instance) it must be added to a scope using e.g,
3667 /// the @ref add_decl_to_scope() function.
3668 ///
3669 /// @return the Get a @ref type_decl instance that represents a the
3670 /// type of a variadic function parameter.
3671 const type_base_sptr&
3673 {
3674  if (!priv_->variadic_marker_type_)
3675  priv_->variadic_marker_type_.
3677  0, 0, location()));
3678  return priv_->variadic_marker_type_;
3679 }
3681 /// Getter of the name of the variadic parameter type.
3682 ///
3683 /// @return the name of the variadic parameter type.
3684 string&
3686 {
3687  static string variadic_parameter_type_name = "variadic parameter type";
3688  return variadic_parameter_type_name;
3689 }
3691 /// Test if the canonicalization of types created out of the current
3692 /// environment is done.
3693 ///
3694 /// @return true iff the canonicalization of types created out of the current
3695 /// environment is done.
3696 bool
3698 {return priv_->canonicalization_is_done_;}
3700 /// Set a flag saying if the canonicalization of types created out of
3701 /// the current environment is done or not.
3702 ///
3703 /// Note that this function must only be called by internal code of
3704 /// the library that creates ABI artifacts (e.g, read an abi corpus
3705 /// from elf or from our own xml format and creates representations of
3706 /// types out of it) and thus needs to canonicalize types to speed-up
3707 /// further type comparison.
3708 ///
3709 /// @param f the new value of the flag.
3710 void
3712 {priv_->canonicalization_is_done_ = f;}
3714 /// Getter for the "on-the-fly-canonicalization" flag.
3715 ///
3716 /// @return true iff @ref OnTheFlyCanonicalization
3717 /// "on-the-fly-canonicalization" is to be performed during
3718 /// comparison.
3719 bool
3721 {return priv_->do_on_the_fly_canonicalization_;}
3723 /// Setter for the "on-the-fly-canonicalization" flag.
3724 ///
3725 /// @param f If this is true then @ref OnTheFlyCanonicalization
3726 /// "on-the-fly-canonicalization" is to be performed during
3727 /// comparison.
3728 void
3730 {priv_->do_on_the_fly_canonicalization_ = f;}
3732 /// Getter of the "decl-only-class-equals-definition" flag.
3733 ///
3734 /// Usually, a declaration-only class named 'struct foo' compares
3735 /// equal to any class definition named "struct foo'. This is at
3736 /// least true for C++.
3737 ///
3738 /// In C, though, because there can be multiple definitions of 'struct
3739 /// foo' in the binary, a declaration-only "struct foo" might be
3740 /// considered to *NOT* resolve to any of the struct foo defined. In
3741 /// that case, the declaration-only "struct foo" is considered
3742 /// different from the definitions.
3743 ///
3744 /// This flag controls the behaviour of the comparison of an
3745 /// unresolved decl-only class against a definition of the same name.
3746 ///
3747 /// If set to false, the the declaration equals the definition. If
3748 /// set to false, then the decalration is considered different from
3749 /// the declaration.
3750 ///
3751 /// @return the value of the "decl-only-class-equals-definition" flag.
3752 bool
3754 {return priv_->decl_only_class_equals_definition_;}
3756 /// Setter of the "decl-only-class-equals-definition" flag.
3757 ///
3758 /// Usually, a declaration-only class named 'struct foo' compares
3759 /// equal to any class definition named "struct foo'. This is at
3760 /// least true for C++.
3761 ///
3762 /// In C, though, because there can be multiple definitions of 'struct
3763 /// foo' in the binary, a declaration-only "struct foo" might be
3764 /// considered to *NOT* resolve to any of the struct foo defined. In
3765 /// that case, the declaration-only "struct foo" is considered
3766 /// different from the definitions.
3767 ///
3768 /// This flag controls the behaviour of the comparison of an
3769 /// unresolved decl-only class against a definition of the same name.
3770 ///
3771 /// If set to false, the the declaration equals the definition. If
3772 /// set to false, then the decalration is considered different from
3773 /// the declaration.
3774 ///
3775 /// @param the new value of the "decl-only-class-equals-definition"
3776 /// flag.
3777 void
3779 {priv_->decl_only_class_equals_definition_ = f;}
3781 /// Test if a given type is a void type as defined in the current
3782 /// environment.
3783 ///
3784 /// @param t the type to consider.
3785 ///
3786 /// @return true iff @p t is a void type as defined in the current
3787 /// environment.
3788 bool
3789 environment::is_void_type(const type_base_sptr& t) const
3790 {
3791  if (!t)
3792  return false;
3793  return is_void_type(t.get());
3794 }
3796 /// Test if a given type is a void type as defined in the current
3797 /// environment.
3798 ///
3799 /// @param t the type to consider.
3800 ///
3801 /// @return true iff @p t is a void type as defined in the current
3802 /// environment.
3803 bool
3805 {
3806  if (!t)
3807  return false;
3808  return (t == get_void_type().get()
3809  || (is_type_decl(t) && is_type_decl(t)->get_name() == "void"));
3810 }
3812 /// Test if a given type is the same as the void pointer type of the
3813 /// environment.
3814 ///
3815 /// @param t the IR type to test.
3816 ///
3817 /// @return true iff @p t is the void pointer returned by
3818 /// environment::get_void_pointer_type().
3819 bool
3820 environment::is_void_pointer_type(const type_base_sptr& t) const
3821 {
3822  if (!t)
3823  return false;
3825  return t.get() == get_void_pointer_type().get();
3826 }
3828 /// Test if a given type is the same as the void pointer type of the
3829 /// environment.
3830 ///
3831 /// @param t the IR type to test.
3832 ///
3833 /// @return true iff @p t is the void pointer returned by
3834 /// environment::get_void_pointer_type().
3835 bool
3837 {
3838  if (!t)
3839  return false;
3841  return t == get_void_pointer_type().get();
3842 }
3844 /// Test if a type is a variadic parameter type as defined in the
3845 /// current environment.
3846 ///
3847 /// @param t the type to consider.
3848 ///
3849 /// @return true iff @p t is a variadic parameter type as defined in
3850 /// the current environment.
3851 bool
3853 {
3854  if (!t)
3855  return false;
3856  return t == get_variadic_parameter_type().get();
3857 }
3859 /// Test if a type is a variadic parameter type as defined in the
3860 /// current environment.
3861 ///
3862 /// @param t the type to consider.
3863 ///
3864 /// @return true iff @p t is a variadic parameter type as defined in
3865 /// the current environment.
3866 bool
3867 environment::is_variadic_parameter_type(const type_base_sptr& t) const
3868 {return is_variadic_parameter_type(t.get());}
3870 /// Do intern a string.
3871 ///
3872 /// If a value of this string already exists in the interned string
3873 /// pool of the current environment, then this function returns a new
3874 /// interned_string pointing to that already existing string.
3875 /// Otherwise, a new string is created, stored in the interned string
3876 /// pool and a new interned_string instance is created to point to
3877 /// that new intrerned string, and it's return.
3878 ///
3879 /// @param s the value of the string to intern.
3880 ///
3881 /// @return the interned string.
3883 environment::intern(const string& s) const
3884 {return const_cast<environment*>(this)->priv_->string_pool_.create_string(s);}
3886 /// Getter of the general configuration object.
3887 ///
3888 /// @return the configuration object.
3889 const config&
3891 {return priv_->config_;}
3893 /// Getter for a property that says if the user actually did set the
3894 /// analyze_exported_interfaces_only() property. If not, it means
3895 /// the default behaviour prevails.
3896 ///
3897 /// @return tru iff the user did set the
3898 /// analyze_exported_interfaces_only() property.
3899 bool
3901 {return priv_->analyze_exported_interfaces_only_.has_value();}
3903 /// Setter for the property that controls if we are to restrict the
3904 /// analysis to the types that are only reachable from the exported
3905 /// interfaces only, or if the set of types should be more broad than
3906 /// that. Typically, we'd restrict the analysis to types reachable
3907 /// from exported interfaces only (stricto sensu, that would really be
3908 /// only the types that are part of the ABI of well designed
3909 /// libraries) for performance reasons.
3910 ///
3911 /// @param f the value of the flag.
3912 void
3914 {priv_->analyze_exported_interfaces_only_ = f;}
3916 /// Getter for the property that controls if we are to restrict the
3917 /// analysis to the types that are only reachable from the exported
3918 /// interfaces only, or if the set of types should be more broad than
3919 /// that. Typically, we'd restrict the analysis to types reachable
3920 /// from exported interfaces only (stricto sensu, that would really be
3921 /// only the types that are part of the ABI of well designed
3922 /// libraries) for performance reasons.
3923 ///
3924 /// @param f the value of the flag.
3925 bool
3927 {return priv_->analyze_exported_interfaces_only_.value_or(false);}
3930 /// Setter of the corpus of the input corpus of the self comparison
3931 /// that takes place when doing "abidw --debug-abidiff <binary>".
3932 ///
3933 /// The first invocation of this function sets the first corpus of the
3934 /// self comparison. The second invocation of this very same function
3935 /// sets the second corpus of the self comparison. That second corpus
3936 /// is supposed to come from the abixml serialization of the first
3937 /// corpus.
3938 ///
3939 /// @param c the corpus of the input binary or the corpus of the
3940 /// abixml serialization of the initial binary input.
3941 void
3942 environment::set_self_comparison_debug_input(const corpus_sptr& c)
3943 {
3944  self_comparison_debug_is_on(true);
3945  if (priv_->first_self_comparison_corpus_.expired())
3946  priv_->first_self_comparison_corpus_ = c;
3947  else if (priv_->second_self_comparison_corpus_.expired()
3948  && c.get() != corpus_sptr(priv_->first_self_comparison_corpus_).get())
3949  priv_->second_self_comparison_corpus_ = c;
3950 }
3952 /// Getter for the corpora of the input binary and the intermediate
3953 /// abixml of the self comparison that takes place when doing
3954 /// 'abidw --debug-abidiff <binary>'.
3955 ///
3956 /// @param first_corpus output parameter that is set to the corpus of
3957 /// the input corpus.
3958 ///
3959 /// @param second_corpus output parameter that is set to the corpus of
3960 /// the second corpus.
3961 void
3962 environment::get_self_comparison_debug_inputs(corpus_sptr& first_corpus,
3963  corpus_sptr& second_corpus)
3964 {
3965  first_corpus = priv_->first_self_comparison_corpus_.lock();
3966  second_corpus = priv_->second_self_comparison_corpus_.lock();
3967 }
3969 /// Turn on/off the self comparison debug mode.
3970 ///
3971 /// @param f true iff the self comparison debug mode is turned on.
3972 void
3973 environment::self_comparison_debug_is_on(bool f)
3974 {priv_->self_comparison_debug_on_ = f;}
3976 /// Test if we are in the process of the 'self-comparison
3977 /// debugging' as triggered by 'abidw --debug-abidiff' command.
3978 ///
3979 /// @return true if self comparison debug is on.
3980 bool
3981 environment::self_comparison_debug_is_on() const
3982 {return priv_->self_comparison_debug_on_;}
3983 #endif
3986 /// Set the "type canonicalization debugging" mode, triggered by using
3987 /// the command: "abidw --debug-tc".
3988 ///
3989 /// @param flag if true then the type canonicalization debugging mode
3990 /// is enabled.
3991 void
3992 environment::debug_type_canonicalization_is_on(bool flag)
3993 {priv_->debug_type_canonicalization_ = flag;}
3995 /// Getter of the "type canonicalization debugging" mode, triggered by
3996 /// using the command: "abidw --debug-tc".
3997 ///
3998 /// @return true iff the type canonicalization debugging mode is
3999 /// enabled.
4000 bool
4001 environment::debug_type_canonicalization_is_on() const
4002 {return priv_->debug_type_canonicalization_;}
4004 /// Setter of the "DIE canonicalization debugging" mode, triggered by
4005 /// using the command: "abidw --debug-dc".
4006 ///
4007 /// @param flag true iff the DIE canonicalization debugging mode is
4008 /// enabled.
4009 void
4010 environment::debug_die_canonicalization_is_on(bool flag)
4011 {priv_->debug_die_canonicalization_ = flag;}
4013 /// Getter of the "DIE canonicalization debugging" mode, triggered by
4014 /// using the command: "abidw --debug-dc".
4015 ///
4016 /// @return true iff the DIE canonicalization debugging mode is
4017 /// enabled.
4018 bool
4019 environment::debug_die_canonicalization_is_on() const
4020 {return priv_->debug_die_canonicalization_;}
4023 /// Get the vector of canonical types which have a given "string
4024 /// representation".
4025 ///
4026 /// @param 'name', the textual representation of the type as returned
4027 /// by type_or_decl_base::get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/true,
4028 /// /*qualified=*/true)
4029 ///
4030 /// This is useful to for debugging purposes as it's handy to use from
4031 /// inside a debugger like GDB.
4032 ///
4033 /// @return a pointer to the vector of canonical types having the
4034 /// representation @p name, or nullptr if no type with that
4035 /// representation exists.
4036 vector<type_base_sptr>*
4038 {
4039  auto ti = get_canonical_types_map().find(name);
4040  if (ti == get_canonical_types_map().end())
4041  return nullptr;
4042  return &ti->second;
4043 }
4045 /// Get a given canonical type which has a given "string
4046 /// representation".
4047 ///
4048 /// @param 'name', the textual representation of the type as returned
4049 /// by type_or_decl_base::get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/true,
4050 /// /*qualified=*/true).
4051 ///
4052 /// @param index, the index of the type in the vector of types that
4053 /// all have the same textual representation @p 'name'. That vector
4054 /// is returned by the function environment::get_canonical_types().
4055 ///
4056 /// @return the canonical type which has the representation @p name,
4057 /// and which is at index @p index in the vector of canonical types
4058 /// having that same textual representation.
4059 type_base*
4060 environment::get_canonical_type(const char* name, unsigned index)
4061 {
4062  vector<type_base_sptr> *types = get_canonical_types(name);
4063  if (!types ||index >= types->size())
4064  return nullptr;
4065  return (*types)[index].get();
4066 }
4069 /// Get the set of abixml type-id and the pointer value of the
4070 /// (canonical) type it's associated to.
4071 ///
4072 /// This is useful for debugging purposes, especially in the context
4073 /// of the use of the command:
4074 /// 'abidw --debug-abidiff <binary>'.
4075 ///
4076 /// @return the set of abixml type-id and the pointer value of the
4077 /// (canonical) type it's associated to.
4078 const unordered_map<string, uintptr_t>&
4079 environment::get_type_id_canonical_type_map() const
4080 {return priv_->get_type_id_canonical_type_map();}
4082 /// Get the set of abixml type-id and the pointer value of the
4083 /// (canonical) type it's associated to.
4084 ///
4085 /// This is useful for debugging purposes, especially in the context
4086 /// of the use of the command:
4087 /// 'abidw --debug-abidiff <binary>'.
4088 ///
4089 /// @return the set of abixml type-id and the pointer value of the
4090 /// (canonical) type it's associated to.
4091 unordered_map<string, uintptr_t>&
4092 environment::get_type_id_canonical_type_map()
4093 {return priv_->get_type_id_canonical_type_map();}
4095 /// Getter of the map that associates the values of type pointers to
4096 /// their type-id strings.
4097 ///
4098 /// Note that this map is populated at abixml reading time, (by
4099 /// build_type()) when a given XML element representing a type is
4100 /// read into a corresponding abigail::ir::type_base.
4101 ///
4102 /// This is used only for the purpose of debugging the
4103 /// self-comparison process. That is, when invoking "abidw
4104 /// --debug-abidiff".
4105 ///
4106 /// @return the map that associates the values of type pointers to
4107 /// their type-id strings.
4108 const unordered_map<uintptr_t, string>&
4109 environment::get_pointer_type_id_map() const
4110 {return priv_->get_pointer_type_id_map();}
4112 /// Getter of the map that associates the values of type pointers to
4113 /// their type-id strings.
4114 ///
4115 /// Note that this map is populated at abixml reading time, (by
4116 /// build_type()) when a given XML element representing a type is
4117 /// read into a corresponding abigail::ir::type_base.
4118 ///
4119 /// This is used only for the purpose of debugging the
4120 /// self-comparison process. That is, when invoking "abidw
4121 /// --debug-abidiff".
4122 ///
4123 /// @return the map that associates the values of type pointers to
4124 /// their type-id strings.
4125 unordered_map<uintptr_t, string>&
4126 environment::get_pointer_type_id_map()
4127 {return priv_->get_pointer_type_id_map();}
4129 /// Getter of the type-id that corresponds to the value of a pointer
4130 /// to abigail::ir::type_base that was created from the abixml reader.
4131 ///
4132 /// That value is retrieved from the map returned from
4133 /// environment::get_pointer_type_id_map().
4134 ///
4135 /// That map is populated at abixml reading time, (by build_type())
4136 /// when a given XML element representing a type is read into a
4137 /// corresponding abigail::ir::type_base.
4138 ///
4139 /// This is used only for the purpose of debugging the
4140 /// self-comparison process. That is, when invoking "abidw
4141 /// --debug-abidiff".
4142 ///
4143 /// @return the type-id strings that corresponds
4144 string
4145 environment::get_type_id_from_pointer(uintptr_t ptr) const
4146 {return priv_->get_type_id_from_pointer(ptr);}
4148 /// Getter of the type-id that corresponds to the value of an
4149 /// abigail::ir::type_base that was created from the abixml reader.
4150 ///
4151 /// That value is retrieved from the map returned from
4152 /// environment::get_pointer_type_id_map().
4153 ///
4154 /// That map is populated at abixml reading time, (by build_type())
4155 /// when a given XML element representing a type is read into a
4156 /// corresponding abigail::ir::type_base.
4157 ///
4158 /// This is used only for the purpose of debugging the
4159 /// self-comparison process. That is, when invoking "abidw
4160 /// --debug-abidiff".
4161 ///
4162 /// @return the type-id strings that corresponds
4163 string
4164 environment::get_type_id_from_type(const type_base *t) const
4165 {return priv_->get_type_id_from_type(t);}
4167 /// Getter of the canonical type of the artifact designated by a
4168 /// type-id.
4169 ///
4170 /// That type-id was generated by the abixml writer at the emitting
4171 /// time of the abixml file. The corresponding canonical type was
4172 /// stored in the map returned by
4173 /// environment::get_type_id_canonical_type_map().
4174 ///
4175 /// This is useful for debugging purposes, especially in the context
4176 /// of the use of the command:
4177 /// 'abidw --debug-abidiff <binary>'.
4178 ///
4179 /// @return the set of abixml type-id and the pointer value of the
4180 /// (canonical) type it's associated to.
4181 uintptr_t
4182 environment::get_canonical_type_from_type_id(const char* type_id) const
4183 {return priv_->get_canonical_type_from_type_id(type_id);}
4184 #endif
4186 // </environment stuff>
4188 // <type_or_decl_base stuff>
4190 /// The private data of @ref type_or_decl_base.
4191 struct type_or_decl_base::priv
4192 {
4193  // This holds the kind of dynamic type of particular instance.
4194  // Yes, this is part of the implementation of a "poor man" runtime
4195  // type identification. We are doing this because profiling shows
4196  // that using dynamic_cast in some places is really to slow and is
4197  // constituting a hotspot. This poor man's implementation made
4198  // things be much faster.
4199  enum type_or_decl_kind kind_;
4200  // This holds the runtime type instance pointer of particular
4201  // instance. In other words, this is the "this pointer" of the
4202  // dynamic type of a particular instance.
4203  void* rtti_;
4204  // This holds a pointer to either the type_base sub-object (if the
4205  // current instance is a type) or the decl_base sub-object (if the
4206  // current instance is a decl). This is used by the is_decl() and
4207  // is_type() functions, which also show up during profiling as
4208  // hotspots, due to their use of dynamic_cast.
4209  void* type_or_decl_ptr_;
4210  bool hashing_started_;
4211  const environment& env_;
4212  translation_unit* translation_unit_;
4213  // The location of an artifact as seen from its input by the
4214  // artifact reader. This might be different from the source
4215  // location advertised by the original emitter of the artifact
4216  // emitter.
4217  location artificial_location_;
4218  // Flags if the current ABI artifact is artificial (i.e, *NOT*
4219  // generated from the initial source code, but rather either
4220  // artificially by the compiler or by libabigail itself).
4221  bool is_artificial_;
4223  /// Constructor of the type_or_decl_base::priv private type.
4224  ///
4225  /// @param e the environment in which the ABI artifact was created.
4226  ///
4227  /// @param k the identifier of the runtime type of the current
4228  /// instance of ABI artifact.
4229  priv(const environment& e,
4230  enum type_or_decl_kind k = ABSTRACT_TYPE_OR_DECL)
4231  : kind_(k),
4232  rtti_(),
4233  type_or_decl_ptr_(),
4234  hashing_started_(),
4235  env_(e),
4236  translation_unit_(),
4237  is_artificial_()
4238  {}
4240  enum type_or_decl_kind
4241  kind() const
4242  {return kind_;}
4244  void
4245  kind (enum type_or_decl_kind k)
4246  {kind_ |= k;}
4247 }; // end struct type_or_decl_base::priv
4249 /// bitwise "OR" operator for the type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind
4250 /// bitmap type.
4254 {
4255  return static_cast<type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind>
4256  (static_cast<unsigned>(l) | static_cast<unsigned>(r));
4257 }
4259 /// bitwise "|=" operator for the type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind
4260 /// bitmap type.
4264 {
4265  l = l | r;
4266  return l;
4267 }
4269 /// bitwise "AND" operator for the
4270 /// type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind bitmap type.
4274 {
4275  return static_cast<type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind>
4276  (static_cast<unsigned>(l) & static_cast<unsigned>(r));
4277 }
4279 /// bitwise "A&=" operator for the
4280 /// type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind bitmap type.
4284 {
4285  l = l & r;
4286  return l;
4287 }
4289 /// Constructor of @ref type_or_decl_base.
4290 ///
4291 /// @param the environment the current ABI artifact is constructed
4292 /// from.
4293 ///
4294 /// @param k the runtime identifier bitmap of the type being built.
4295 type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_base(const environment& e,
4296  enum type_or_decl_kind k)
4297  :priv_(new priv(e, k))
4298 {}
4300 /// The destructor of the @ref type_or_decl_base type.
4302 {}
4304 /// Getter of the flag that says if the artefact is artificial.
4305 ///
4306 /// Being artificial means it was not explicitely mentionned in the
4307 /// source code, but was rather artificially created by the compiler
4308 /// or libabigail.
4309 ///
4310 /// @return true iff the declaration is artificial.
4311 bool
4313 {return priv_->is_artificial_;}
4315 /// Setter of the flag that says if the artefact is artificial.
4316 ///
4317 /// Being artificial means the artefact was not explicitely
4318 /// mentionned in the source code, but was rather artificially created
4319 /// by the compiler or by libabigail.
4320 ///
4321 /// @param f the new value of the flag that says if the artefact is
4322 /// artificial.
4323 void
4325 {priv_->is_artificial_ = f;}
4327 /// Getter for the "kind" property of @ref type_or_decl_base type.
4328 ///
4329 /// This property holds the identifier bitmap of the runtime type of
4330 /// an ABI artifact.
4331 ///
4332 /// @return the runtime type identifier bitmap of the current ABI
4333 /// artifact.
4336 {return priv_->kind();}
4338 /// Setter for the "kind" property of @ref type_or_decl_base type.
4339 ///
4340 /// This property holds the identifier bitmap of the runtime type of
4341 /// an ABI artifact.
4342 ///
4343 /// @param the runtime type identifier bitmap of the current ABI
4344 /// artifact.
4345 void
4347 {priv_->kind(k);}
4349 /// Getter of the pointer to the runtime type sub-object of the
4350 /// current instance.
4351 ///
4352 /// @return the pointer to the runtime type sub-object of the current
4353 /// instance.
4354 const void*
4356 {return priv_->rtti_;}
4358 /// Getter of the pointer to the runtime type sub-object of the
4359 /// current instance.
4360 ///
4361 /// @return the pointer to the runtime type sub-object of the current
4362 /// instance.
4363 void*
4365 {return priv_->rtti_;}
4367 /// Setter of the pointer to the runtime type sub-object of the
4368 /// current instance.
4369 ///
4370 /// @param i the new pointer to the runtime type sub-object of the
4371 /// current instance.
4372 void
4374 {
4375  priv_->rtti_ = i;
4376  if (type_base* t = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(this))
4377  priv_->type_or_decl_ptr_ = t;
4378  else if (decl_base *d = dynamic_cast<decl_base*>(this))
4379  priv_->type_or_decl_ptr_ = d;
4380 }
4382 /// Getter of the pointer to either the type_base sub-object of the
4383 /// current instance if it's a type, or to the decl_base sub-object of
4384 /// the current instance if it's a decl.
4385 ///
4386 /// @return the pointer to either the type_base sub-object of the
4387 /// current instance if it's a type, or to the decl_base sub-object of
4388 /// the current instance if it's a decl.
4389 const void*
4391 {return const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(this)->type_or_decl_base_pointer();}
4393 /// Getter of the pointer to either the type_base sub-object of the
4394 /// current instance if it's a type, or to the decl_base sub-object of
4395 /// the current instance if it's a decl.
4396 ///
4397 /// @return the pointer to either the type_base sub-object of the
4398 /// current instance if it's a type, or to the decl_base sub-object of
4399 /// the current instance if it's a decl.
4400 void*
4402 {return priv_->type_or_decl_ptr_;}
4404 /// Getter for the 'hashing_started' property.
4405 ///
4406 /// @return the 'hashing_started' property.
4407 bool
4409 {return priv_->hashing_started_;}
4411 /// Setter for the 'hashing_started' property.
4412 ///
4413 /// @param b the value to set the 'hashing_property' to.
4414 void
4416 {priv_->hashing_started_ = b;}
4418 /// Getter of the environment of the current ABI artifact.
4419 ///
4420 /// @return the environment of the artifact.
4421 const environment&
4423 {return priv_->env_;}
4425 /// Setter of the artificial location of the artificat.
4426 ///
4427 /// The artificial location is a location that was artificially
4428 /// generated by libabigail, not generated by the original emitter of
4429 /// the ABI meta-data. For instance, when reading an XML element from
4430 /// an abixml file, the artificial location is the source location of
4431 /// the XML element within the file, not the value of the
4432 /// 'location'property that might be carried by the element.
4433 ///
4434 /// Artificial locations might be useful to ensure that abixml emitted
4435 /// by the abixml writer are sorted the same way as the input abixml
4436 /// read by the reader.
4437 ///
4438 /// @param l the new artificial location.
4439 void
4441 {priv_->artificial_location_ = l;}
4443 /// Getter of the artificial location of the artifact.
4444 ///
4445 /// The artificial location is a location that was artificially
4446 /// generated by libabigail, not generated by the original emitter of
4447 /// the ABI meta-data. For instance, when reading an XML element from
4448 /// an abixml file, the artificial location is the source location of
4449 /// the XML element within the file, not the value of the
4450 /// 'location'property that might be carried by the element.
4451 ///
4452 /// Artificial locations might be useful to ensure that the abixml
4453 /// emitted by the abixml writer is sorted the same way as the input
4454 /// abixml read by the reader.
4455 ///
4456 /// @return the new artificial location.
4457 location&
4459 {return priv_->artificial_location_;}
4461 /// Test if the current ABI artifact carries an artificial location.
4462 ///
4463 /// @return true iff the current ABI artifact carries an artificial location.
4464 bool
4466 {
4467  return (priv_->artificial_location_
4468  && priv_->artificial_location_.get_is_artificial());
4469 }
4471 /// Get the @ref corpus this ABI artifact belongs to.
4472 ///
4473 /// @return the corpus this ABI artifact belongs to, or nil if it
4474 /// belongs to none for now.
4475 corpus*
4477 {
4479  if (!tu)
4480  return 0;
4481  return tu->get_corpus();
4482 }
4485 /// Get the @ref corpus this ABI artifact belongs to.
4486 ///
4487 /// @return the corpus this ABI artifact belongs to, or nil if it
4488 /// belongs to none for now.
4489 const corpus*
4491 {return const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(this)->get_corpus();}
4493 /// Set the @ref translation_unit this ABI artifact belongs to.
4494 ///
4495 /// Note that adding an ABI artifact to a containining on should
4496 /// invoke this member function.
4497 void
4499 {priv_->translation_unit_ = tu;}
4502 /// Get the @ref translation_unit this ABI artifact belongs to.
4503 ///
4504 /// @return the translation unit this ABI artifact belongs to, or nil
4505 /// if belongs to none for now.
4508 {return priv_->translation_unit_;}
4510 /// Get the @ref translation_unit this ABI artifact belongs to.
4511 ///
4512 /// @return the translation unit this ABI artifact belongs to, or nil
4513 /// if belongs to none for now.
4514 const translation_unit*
4516 {return const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(this)->get_translation_unit();}
4518 /// Traverse the the ABI artifact.
4519 ///
4520 /// @param v the visitor used to traverse the sub-tree nodes of the
4521 /// artifact.
4522 bool
4524 {return true;}
4526 /// Non-member equality operator for the @type_or_decl_base type.
4527 ///
4528 /// @param lr the left-hand operand of the equality.
4529 ///
4530 /// @param rr the right-hand operatnr of the equality.
4531 ///
4532 /// @return true iff @p lr equals @p rr.
4533 bool
4535 {
4536  const type_or_decl_base* l = &lr;
4537  const type_or_decl_base* r = &rr;
4539  const decl_base* dl = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(l),
4540  *dr = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(r);
4542  if (!!dl != !!dr)
4543  return false;
4545  if (dl && dr)
4546  return *dl == *dr;
4548  const type_base* tl = dynamic_cast<const type_base*>(l),
4549  *tr = dynamic_cast<const type_base*>(r);
4551  if (!!tl != !!tr)
4552  return false;
4554  if (tl && tr)
4555  return *tl == *tr;
4557  return false;
4558 }
4560 /// Non-member equality operator for the @type_or_decl_base type.
4561 ///
4562 /// @param l the left-hand operand of the equality.
4563 ///
4564 /// @param r the right-hand operatnr of the equality.
4565 ///
4566 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
4567 bool
4569 {
4570  if (!! l != !!r)
4571  return false;
4573  if (!l)
4574  return true;
4576  return *r == *l;
4577 }
4579 /// Non-member inequality operator for the @type_or_decl_base type.
4580 ///
4581 /// @param l the left-hand operand of the equality.
4582 ///
4583 /// @param r the right-hand operator of the equality.
4584 ///
4585 /// @return true iff @p l is different from @p r.
4586 bool
4588 {return !operator==(l, r);}
4590 // </type_or_decl_base stuff>
4592 // <Decl definition>
4594 struct decl_base::priv
4595 {
4596  bool in_pub_sym_tab_;
4597  bool is_anonymous_;
4598  location location_;
4599  context_rel *context_;
4600  interned_string name_;
4601  interned_string qualified_parent_name_;
4602  // This temporary qualified name is the cache used for the qualified
4603  // name before the type associated to this decl (if applicable) is
4604  // canonicalized. Once the type is canonicalized, the cached use is
4605  // the data member qualified_parent_name_ above.
4606  interned_string temporary_qualified_name_;
4607  // This is the fully qualified name of the decl. It contains the
4608  // name of the decl and the qualified name of its scope. So if in
4609  // the parent scopes of the decl, there is one anonymous struct,
4610  // somewhere in the name, there is going to by an
4611  // __anonymous_struct__ string, even if the anonymous struct is not
4612  // the direct containing scope of this decl.
4613  interned_string qualified_name_;
4614  interned_string temporary_internal_qualified_name_;
4615  interned_string internal_qualified_name_;
4616  // Unline qualified_name_, scoped_name_ contains the name of the
4617  // decl and the name of its scope; not the qualified name of the
4618  // scope.
4619  interned_string scoped_name_;
4620  interned_string linkage_name_;
4621  visibility visibility_;
4622  decl_base_sptr declaration_;
4623  decl_base_wptr definition_of_declaration_;
4624  decl_base* naked_definition_of_declaration_;
4625  bool is_declaration_only_;
4626  typedef_decl_sptr naming_typedef_;
4628  priv()
4629  : in_pub_sym_tab_(false),
4630  is_anonymous_(true),
4631  context_(),
4632  visibility_(VISIBILITY_DEFAULT),
4633  naked_definition_of_declaration_(),
4634  is_declaration_only_(false)
4635  {}
4637  priv(interned_string name, interned_string linkage_name, visibility vis)
4638  : in_pub_sym_tab_(false),
4639  context_(),
4640  name_(name),
4641  qualified_name_(name),
4642  linkage_name_(linkage_name),
4643  visibility_(vis),
4644  naked_definition_of_declaration_(),
4645  is_declaration_only_(false)
4646  {
4647  is_anonymous_ = name_.empty();
4648  }
4650  ~priv()
4651  {
4652  delete context_;
4653  }
4654 };// end struct decl_base::priv
4656 /// Constructor for the @ref decl_base type.
4657 ///
4658 /// @param e the environment the current @ref decl_base is being
4659 /// created in.
4660 ///
4661 /// @param name the name of the declaration.
4662 ///
4663 /// @param locus the location where to find the declaration in the
4664 /// source code.
4665 ///
4666 /// @param linkage_name the linkage name of the declaration.
4667 ///
4668 /// @param vis the visibility of the declaration.
4669 decl_base::decl_base(const environment& e,
4670  const string& name,
4671  const location& locus,
4672  const string& linkage_name,
4673  visibility vis)
4674  : type_or_decl_base(e, ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
4675  priv_(new priv(e.intern(name), e.intern(linkage_name), vis))
4676 {
4677  set_location(locus);
4678 }
4680 /// Constructor.
4681 ///
4682 /// @param e the environment this instance of @ref decl_base is
4683 /// created in.
4684 ///
4685 /// @param name the name of the declaration being constructed.
4686 ///
4687 /// @param locus the source location of the declaration being constructed.
4688 ///
4689 /// @param linkage_name the linkage name of the declaration being
4690 /// constructed.
4691 ///
4692 /// @param vis the visibility of the declaration being constructed.
4693 decl_base::decl_base(const environment& e,
4694  const interned_string& name,
4695  const location& locus,
4696  const interned_string& linkage_name,
4697  visibility vis)
4698  : type_or_decl_base(e, ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
4699  priv_(new priv(name, linkage_name, vis))
4700 {
4701  set_location(locus);
4702 }
4704 /// Constructor for the @ref decl_base type.
4705 ///
4706 ///@param environment the environment this instance of @ref decl_base
4707 /// is being constructed in.
4708 ///
4709 /// @param l the location where to find the declaration in the source
4710 /// code.
4711 decl_base::decl_base(const environment& e, const location& l)
4712  : type_or_decl_base(e, ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
4713  priv_(new priv())
4714 {
4715  set_location(l);
4716 }
4718 /// Getter for the qualified name.
4719 ///
4720 /// Unlike decl_base::get_qualified_name() this doesn't try to update
4721 /// the qualified name.
4722 ///
4723 /// @return the qualified name.
4724 const interned_string&
4726 {return priv_->qualified_name_;}
4728 /// Clear the qualified name of this decl.
4729 ///
4730 /// This is useful to ensure that the cache for the qualified name of
4731 /// the decl is refreshed right after type canonicalization, for
4732 /// instance.
4733 void
4735 {priv_->qualified_name_.clear();}
4737 /// Setter for the qualified name.
4738 ///
4739 /// @param n the new qualified name.
4740 void
4742 {priv_->qualified_name_ = n;}
4744 /// Getter of the temporary qualified name of the current declaration.
4745 ///
4746 /// This temporary qualified name is used as a qualified name cache by
4747 /// the type for which this is the declaration (when applicable)
4748 /// before the type is canonicalized. Once the type is canonicalized,
4749 /// it's the result of decl_base::peek_qualified_name() that becomes
4750 /// the qualified name cached.
4751 ///
4752 /// @return the temporary qualified name.
4753 const interned_string&
4755 {return priv_->temporary_qualified_name_;}
4757 /// Setter for the temporary qualified name of the current
4758 /// declaration.
4759 ///
4760 ///@param n the new temporary qualified name.
4761 ///
4762 /// This temporary qualified name is used as a qualified name cache by
4763 /// the type for which this is the declaration (when applicable)
4764 /// before the type is canonicalized. Once the type is canonicalized,
4765 /// it's the result of decl_base::peek_qualified_name() that becomes
4766 /// the qualified name cached.
4767 void
4769 {priv_->temporary_qualified_name_ = n;}
4771 ///Getter for the context relationship.
4772 ///
4773 ///@return the context relationship for the current decl_base.
4774 const context_rel*
4776 {return priv_->context_;}
4778 ///Getter for the context relationship.
4779 ///
4780 ///@return the context relationship for the current decl_base.
4781 context_rel*
4783 {return priv_->context_;}
4785 void
4786 decl_base::set_context_rel(context_rel *c)
4787 {priv_->context_ = c;}
4789 /// Get the hash of a decl. If the hash hasn't been computed yet,
4790 /// compute it ans store its value; otherwise, just return the hash.
4791 ///
4792 /// @return the hash of the decl.
4793 size_t
4795 {
4796  size_t result = 0;
4798  if (const type_base* t = dynamic_cast<const type_base*>(this))
4799  {
4801  result = hash(t);
4802  }
4803  else
4804  // If we reach this point, it mean we are missing a virtual
4805  // overload for decl_base::get_hash. Add it!
4806  abort();
4808  return result;
4809 }
4811 /// Test if the decl is defined in a ELF symbol table as a public
4812 /// symbol.
4813 ///
4814 /// @return true iff the decl is defined in a ELF symbol table as a
4815 /// public symbol.
4816 bool
4818 {return priv_->in_pub_sym_tab_;}
4820 /// Set the flag saying if this decl is from a symbol that is in
4821 /// a public symbols table, defined as public (global or weak).
4822 ///
4823 /// @param f the new flag value.
4824 void
4826 {priv_->in_pub_sym_tab_ = f;}
4828 /// Get the location of a given declaration.
4829 ///
4830 /// The location is an abstraction for the tripplet {file path,
4831 /// line, column} that defines where the declaration appeared in the
4832 /// source code.
4833 ///
4834 /// To get the value of the tripplet {file path, line, column} from
4835 /// the @ref location, you need to use the
4836 /// location_manager::expand_location() method.
4837 ///
4838 /// The instance of @ref location_manager that you want is
4839 /// accessible from the instance of @ref translation_unit that the
4840 /// current instance of @ref decl_base belongs to, via a call to
4841 /// translation_unit::get_loc_mgr().
4842 ///
4843 /// @return the location of the current instance of @ref decl_base.
4844 const location&
4846 {return priv_->location_;}
4848 /// Set the location for a given declaration.
4849 ///
4850 /// The location is an abstraction for the tripplet {file path,
4851 /// line, column} that defines where the declaration appeared in the
4852 /// source code.
4853 ///
4854 /// To create a location from a tripplet {file path, line, column},
4855 /// you need to use the method @ref
4856 /// location_manager::create_new_location().
4857 ///
4858 /// Note that there can be two kinds of location. An artificial
4859 /// location and a non-artificial one. The non-artificial location is
4860 /// the one emitted by the original emitter of the ABI artifact, for
4861 /// instance, if the ABI artifact comes from debug info, then the
4862 /// source location that is present in the debug info represent a
4863 /// non-artificial location. When looking at an abixml file on the
4864 /// other hand, the value of the 'location' attribute of an XML
4865 /// element describing an artifact is the non-artificial location.
4866 /// The artificial location is the location (line number from the
4867 /// beginning of the file) of the XML element within the abixml file.
4868 ///
4869 /// So, if the location that is being set is artificial, note that the
4870 /// type_or_decl_base::has_artificial_location() method of this decl will
4871 /// subsequently return true and that artificial location will have to
4872 /// be retrieved using type_or_decl_base::get_artificial_location().
4873 /// If the location is non-artificial however,
4874 /// type_or_decl_base::has_artificial_location() will subsequently
4875 /// return false and the non-artificial location will have to be
4876 /// retrieved using decl_base::get_location().
4877 ///
4878 /// The instance of @ref location_manager that you want is
4879 /// accessible from the instance of @ref translation_unit that the
4880 /// current instance of @ref decl_base belongs to, via a call to
4881 /// translation_unit::get_loc_mgr().
4882 void
4884 {
4885  if (l.get_is_artificial())
4887  else
4888  priv_->location_ = l;
4889 }
4891 /// Setter for the name of the decl.
4892 ///
4893 /// @param n the new name to set.
4894 void
4895 decl_base::set_name(const string& n)
4896 {
4897  priv_->name_ = get_environment().intern(n);
4898  priv_->is_anonymous_ = n.empty();
4899 }
4901 /// Test if the current declaration is anonymous.
4902 ///
4903 /// Being anonymous means that the declaration was created without a
4904 /// name. This can usually happen for enum or struct types.
4905 ///
4906 /// @return true iff the type is anonymous.
4907 bool
4909 {return priv_->is_anonymous_;}
4911 /// Set the "is_anonymous" flag of the current declaration.
4912 ///
4913 /// Being anonymous means that the declaration was created without a
4914 /// name. This can usually happen for enum or struct types.
4915 ///
4916 /// @param f the new value of the flag.
4917 void
4919 {priv_->is_anonymous_ = f;}
4922 /// Get the "has_anonymous_parent" flag of the current declaration.
4923 ///
4924 /// Having an anoymous parent means having a anonymous parent scope
4925 /// (containing type or namespace) which is either direct or indirect.
4926 ///
4927 /// @return true iff the current decl has a direct or indirect scope
4928 /// which is anonymous.
4929 bool
4931 {
4932  scope_decl *scope = get_scope();
4933  if (!scope)
4934  return false;
4935  return scope->get_is_anonymous();
4936 }
4938 /// @return the logical "OR" of decl_base::get_is_anonymous() and
4939 /// decl_base::get_has_anonymous_parent().
4940 bool
4944 /// Getter for the naming typedef of the current decl.
4945 ///
4946 /// Consider the C idiom:
4947 ///
4948 /// typedef struct {int member;} foo_type;
4949 ///
4950 /// In that idiom, foo_type is the naming typedef of the anonymous
4951 /// struct that is declared.
4952 ///
4953 /// @return the naming typedef, if any. Otherwise, returns nil.
4956 {return priv_->naming_typedef_;}
4958 /// Set the naming typedef of the current instance of @ref decl_base.
4959 ///
4960 /// Consider the C idiom:
4961 ///
4962 /// typedef struct {int member;} foo_type;
4963 ///
4964 /// In that idiom, foo_type is the naming typedef of the anonymous
4965 /// struct that is declared.
4966 ///
4967 /// After completion of this function, the decl will not be considered
4968 /// anonymous anymore. It's name is going to be the name of the
4969 /// naming typedef.
4970 ///
4971 /// @param typedef_type the new naming typedef.
4972 void
4974 {
4975  // A naming typedef is usually for an anonymous type.
4977  // Whe the typedef-named decl is saved into abixml, it's
4978  // not anonymous anymore. Its name is the typedef name.
4979  // So when we read it back, we must still be able to
4980  // apply the naming typedef to the decl.
4981  || t->get_name() == get_name());
4982  // Only non canonicalized types can be edited this way.
4983  ABG_ASSERT(is_type(this)
4984  && is_type(this)->get_naked_canonical_type() == nullptr);
4986  priv_->naming_typedef_ = t;
4987  set_name(t->get_name());
4988  string qualified_name = build_qualified_name(get_scope(), t->get_name());
4989  set_qualified_name(get_environment().intern(qualified_name));
4990  set_is_anonymous(false);
4991  // Now that the qualified type of the decl has changed, let's update
4992  // the qualified names of the member types of this decls.
4993  update_qualified_name(this);
4994 }
4996 /// Getter for the mangled name.
4997 ///
4998 /// @return the new mangled name.
4999 const interned_string&
5001 {return priv_->linkage_name_;}
5003 /// Setter for the linkage name.
5004 ///
5005 /// @param m the new linkage name.
5006 void
5008 {
5009  const environment& env = get_environment();
5010  priv_->linkage_name_ = env.intern(m);
5011 }
5013 /// Getter for the visibility of the decl.
5014 ///
5015 /// @return the new visibility.
5018 {return priv_->visibility_;}
5020 /// Setter for the visibility of the decl.
5021 ///
5022 /// @param v the new visibility.
5023 void
5025 {priv_->visibility_ = v;}
5027 /// Return the type containing the current decl, if any.
5028 ///
5029 /// @return the type that contains the current decl, or NULL if there
5030 /// is none.
5031 scope_decl*
5033 {
5034  if (priv_->context_)
5035  return priv_->context_->get_scope();
5036  return 0;
5037 }
5039 /// Return a copy of the qualified name of the parent of the current
5040 /// decl.
5041 ///
5042 /// @return the newly-built qualified name of the of the current decl.
5043 const interned_string&
5045 {return priv_->qualified_parent_name_;}
5047 /// Getter for the name of the current decl.
5048 ///
5049 /// @return the name of the current decl.
5050 const interned_string&
5052 {return priv_->name_;}
5054 /// Compute the qualified name of the decl.
5055 ///
5056 /// @param qn the resulting qualified name.
5057 ///
5058 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
5059 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
5060 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
5061 /// false.
5062 void
5064 {qn = get_qualified_name(internal);}
5066 /// Get the pretty representatin of the current declaration.
5067 ///
5068 ///
5069 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
5070 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
5071 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
5072 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
5073 ///
5074 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
5075 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
5076 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
5077 /// for, then set it to false.
5078 ///
5079 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
5080 /// representation are fully qualified.
5081 ///
5082 /// @return the default pretty representation for a decl. This is
5083 /// basically the fully qualified name of the decl optionally prefixed
5084 /// with a meaningful string to add context for the user.
5085 string
5087  bool qualified_name) const
5088 {
5089  if (internal
5090  && get_is_anonymous()
5091  && has_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(this))
5092  {
5093  // We are looking at an anonymous enum, union or class and we
5094  // want an *internal* pretty representation for it. All
5095  // anonymous types of this kind in the same namespace must have
5096  // the same internal representation for type canonicalization to
5097  // work properly.
5098  //
5099  // OK, in practise, we are certainly looking at an enum because
5100  // classes and unions should have their own overloaded virtual
5101  // member function for this.
5102  string name = get_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(this);
5103  if (qualified_name && !get_qualified_parent_name().empty())
5104  name = get_qualified_parent_name() + "::" + name;
5105  return name;
5106  }
5108  if (qualified_name)
5109  return get_qualified_name(internal);
5110  return get_name();
5111 }
5113 /// Return the qualified name of the decl.
5114 ///
5115 /// This is the fully qualified name of the decl. It's made of the
5116 /// concatenation of the name of the decl with the qualified name of
5117 /// its scope.
5118 ///
5119 /// Note that the value returned by this function is computed by @ref
5120 /// update_qualified_name when the decl is added to its scope.
5121 ///
5122 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
5123 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
5124 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
5125 /// false.
5126 ///
5127 /// @return the resulting qualified name.
5128 const interned_string&
5129 decl_base::get_qualified_name(bool /*internal*/) const
5130 {return priv_->qualified_name_;}
5132 /// Return the scoped name of the decl.
5133 ///
5134 /// This is made of the concatenation of the name of the decl with the
5135 /// name of its scope. It doesn't contain the qualified name of its
5136 /// scope, unlike what is returned by decl_base::get_qualified_name.
5137 ///
5138 /// Note that the value returned by this function is computed by @ref
5139 /// update_qualified_name when the decl is added to its scope.
5140 ///
5141 /// @return the scoped name of the decl.
5142 const interned_string&
5144 {return priv_->scoped_name_;}
5146 /// If this @ref decl_base is a definition, get its earlier
5147 /// declaration.
5148 ///
5149 /// @return the earlier declaration of the class, if any.
5150 const decl_base_sptr
5152 {return priv_->declaration_;}
5154 /// set the earlier declaration of this @ref decl_base definition.
5155 ///
5156 /// @param d the earlier declaration to set. Note that it's set only
5157 /// if it's a pure declaration.
5158 void
5159 decl_base::set_earlier_declaration(const decl_base_sptr& d)
5160 {
5161  if (d && d->get_is_declaration_only())
5162  priv_->declaration_ = d;
5163 }
5166 /// If this @ref decl_base is declaration-only, get its definition, if
5167 /// any.
5168 ///
5169 /// @return the definition of this decl-only @ref decl_base.
5170 const decl_base_sptr
5172 {return priv_->definition_of_declaration_.lock();}
5174 /// If this @ref decl_base is declaration-only, get its definition,
5175 /// if any.
5176 ///
5177 /// Note that this function doesn't return a smart pointer, but rather
5178 /// the underlying pointer managed by the smart pointer. So it's as
5179 /// fast as possible. This getter is to be used in code paths that
5180 /// are proven to be performance hot spots; especially, when comparing
5181 /// sensitive types like enums, classes or unions. Those are compared
5182 /// extremely frequently and thus, their access to the definition of
5183 /// declaration must be fast.
5184 ///
5185 /// @return the definition of the declaration.
5186 const decl_base*
5188 {return priv_->naked_definition_of_declaration_;}
5190 /// Test if a @ref decl_base is a declaration-only decl.
5191 ///
5192 /// @return true iff the current @ref decl_base is declaration-only.
5193 bool
5195 {return priv_->is_declaration_only_;}
5197 /// Set a flag saying if the @ref enum_type_decl is a declaration-only
5198 /// @ref enum_type_decl.
5199 ///
5200 /// @param f true if the @ref enum_type_decl is a declaration-only
5201 /// @ref enum_type_decl.
5202 void
5204 {
5205  bool update_types_lookup_map = !f && priv_->is_declaration_only_;
5207  priv_->is_declaration_only_ = f;
5209  if (update_types_lookup_map)
5210  if (scope_decl* s = get_scope())
5211  {
5212  scope_decl::declarations::iterator i;
5213  if (s->find_iterator_for_member(this, i))
5215  else
5217  }
5218 }
5222 {
5223  return static_cast<change_kind>(static_cast<unsigned>(l)
5224  | static_cast<unsigned>(r));
5225 }
5229 {
5230  return static_cast<change_kind>(static_cast<unsigned>(l)
5231  & static_cast<unsigned>(r));
5232 }
5234 change_kind&
5236 {
5237  l = l | r;
5238  return l;
5239 }
5241 change_kind&
5243 {
5244  l = l & r;
5245  return l;
5246 }
5248 /// Compare the properties that belong to the "is-a-member-relation"
5249 /// of a decl.
5250 ///
5251 /// For instance, access specifiers are part of the
5252 /// "is-a-member-relation" of a decl.
5253 ///
5254 /// This comparison however doesn't take decl names into account. So
5255 /// typedefs for instance are decls that we want to compare with this
5256 /// function.
5257 ///
5258 /// This function is a sub-routine of the more general 'equals'
5259 /// overload for instances of decl_base.
5260 ///
5261 /// @param l the left-hand side operand of the comparison.
5262 ///
5263 /// @param r the right-hand side operand of the comparison.
5264 ///
5265 /// @return true iff @p l compare equals, as a member decl, to @p r.
5266 bool
5268  const decl_base& r,
5269  change_kind* k)
5270 {
5271  bool result = true;
5272  if (is_member_decl(l) && is_member_decl(r))
5273  {
5274  context_rel* r1 = const_cast<context_rel*>(l.get_context_rel());
5275  context_rel *r2 = const_cast<context_rel*>(r.get_context_rel());
5277  access_specifier la = no_access, ra = no_access;
5278  bool member_types_or_functions =
5279  ((is_type(l) && is_type(r))
5280  || (is_function_decl(l) && is_function_decl(r)));
5282  if (member_types_or_functions)
5283  {
5284  // Access specifiers on member types in DWARF is not
5285  // reliable; in the same DSO, the same struct can be either
5286  // a class or a struct, and the access specifiers of its
5287  // member types are not necessarily given, so they
5288  // effectively can be considered differently, again, in the
5289  // same DSO. So, here, let's avoid considering those!
5290  // during comparison.
5291  la = r1->get_access_specifier();
5292  ra = r2->get_access_specifier();
5293  r1->set_access_specifier(no_access);
5294  r2->set_access_specifier(no_access);
5295  }
5297  bool rels_are_different = *r1 != *r2;
5299  if (member_types_or_functions)
5300  {
5301  // restore the access specifiers.
5302  r1->set_access_specifier(la);
5303  r2->set_access_specifier(ra);
5304  }
5306  if (rels_are_different)
5307  {
5308  result = false;
5309  if (k)
5311  }
5312  }
5313  ABG_RETURN(result);
5314 }
5316 /// Get the name of a decl for the purpose of comparing two decl
5317 /// names.
5318 ///
5319 /// This is a sub-routine of the 'equal' overload for decl_base.
5320 ///
5321 /// This function takes into account the fact that all anonymous names
5322 /// shall have the same name for the purpose of comparison.
5323 ///
5324 /// For decls that are part of an anonymous scope, only the
5325 /// non-qualified name should be taken into account.
5326 static interned_string
5327 get_decl_name_for_comparison(const decl_base &d)
5328 {
5329  if (has_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(&d)
5330  && d.get_is_anonymous())
5331  {
5332  // The decl is anonymous. It should have the same name as the
5333  // other anymous types of the same kind.
5334  string r;
5335  r += get_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(&d);
5336  return d.get_environment().intern(r);
5337  }
5341  || is_typedef(&d))
5342  ? d.get_name()
5343  : d.get_qualified_name(/*internal=*/true);
5344  return n;
5345 }
5347 /// Compares two instances of @ref decl_base.
5348 ///
5349 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
5350 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
5351 ///
5352 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
5353 ///
5354 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
5355 ///
5356 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
5357 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
5358 /// iff it's non-null and if the function returns false.
5359 ///
5360 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
5361 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
5362 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
5363 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
5364 ///
5365 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
5366 bool
5367 equals(const decl_base& l, const decl_base& r, change_kind* k)
5368 {
5369  bool result = true;
5370  const interned_string &l_linkage_name = l.get_linkage_name();
5371  const interned_string &r_linkage_name = r.get_linkage_name();
5372  if (!l_linkage_name.empty() && !r_linkage_name.empty())
5373  {
5374  if (l_linkage_name != r_linkage_name)
5375  {
5376  // Linkage names are different. That usually means the two
5377  // decls are different, unless we are looking at two
5378  // function declarations which have two different symbols
5379  // that are aliases of each other.
5380  const function_decl *f1 = is_function_decl(&l),
5381  *f2 = is_function_decl(&r);
5382  if (f1 && f2 && function_decls_alias(*f1, *f2))
5383  ;// The two functions are aliases, so they are not
5384  // different.
5385  else
5386  {
5387  result = false;
5388  if (k)
5390  else
5392  }
5393  }
5394  }
5396  // This is the qualified name of the decls that we want to compare.
5397  // We want to use the "internal" version of the qualified name as
5398  // that one is stable even for anonymous decls.
5399  interned_string ln = get_decl_name_for_comparison(l);
5400  interned_string rn = get_decl_name_for_comparison(r);
5402  /// If both of the current decls have an anonymous scope then let's
5403  /// compare their name component by component by properly handling
5404  /// anonymous scopes. That's the slow path.
5405  ///
5406  /// Otherwise, let's just compare their name, the obvious way.
5407  /// That's the fast path because in that case the names are
5408  /// interned_string and comparing them is much faster.
5409  bool decls_are_same = (ln == rn);
5410  if (!decls_are_same
5411  && l.get_is_anonymous()
5412  && !l.get_has_anonymous_parent()
5413  && r.get_is_anonymous()
5414  && !r.get_has_anonymous_parent())
5415  // Both decls are anonymous and their scope are *NOT* anonymous.
5416  // So we consider the decls to have equivalent names (both
5417  // anonymous, remember). We are still in the fast path here.
5418  decls_are_same = true;
5420  if (!decls_are_same
5422  && r.get_has_anonymous_parent())
5423  // This is the slow path as we are comparing the decl qualified
5424  // names component by component, properly handling anonymous
5425  // scopes.
5426  decls_are_same = tools_utils::decl_names_equal(ln, rn);
5428  if (!decls_are_same)
5429  {
5430  result = false;
5431  if (k)
5433  else
5435  }
5437  result &= maybe_compare_as_member_decls(l, r, k);
5439  ABG_RETURN(result);
5440 }
5442 /// Return true iff the two decls have the same name.
5443 ///
5444 /// This function doesn't test if the scopes of the the two decls are
5445 /// equal.
5446 ///
5447 /// Note that this virtual function is to be implemented by classes
5448 /// that extend the \p decl_base class.
5449 bool
5451 {return equals(*this, other, 0);}
5453 /// Inequality operator.
5454 ///
5455 /// @param other to other instance of @ref decl_base to compare the
5456 /// current instance to.
5457 ///
5458 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref decl_base is
5459 /// different from @p other.
5460 bool
5462 {return !operator==(other);}
5464 /// Destructor of the @ref decl_base type.
5466 {delete priv_;}
5468 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
5469 /// function.
5470 ///
5471 /// @param v the visitor used on the member nodes of the translation
5472 /// unit during the traversal.
5473 ///
5474 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
5475 /// otherwise.
5476 bool
5478 {
5479  // Do nothing in the base class.
5480  return true;
5481 }
5483 /// Setter of the scope of the current decl.
5484 ///
5485 /// Note that the decl won't hold a reference on the scope. It's
5486 /// rather the scope that holds a reference on its members.
5487 void
5489 {
5490  if (!priv_->context_)
5491  priv_->context_ = new context_rel(scope);
5492  else
5493  priv_->context_->set_scope(scope);
5494 }
5496 // </decl_base definition>
5498 /// Streaming operator for the decl_base::visibility.
5499 ///
5500 /// @param o the output stream to serialize the visibility to.
5501 ///
5502 /// @param v the visibility to serialize.
5503 ///
5504 /// @return the output stream.
5505 std::ostream&
5506 operator<<(std::ostream& o, decl_base::visibility v)
5507 {
5508  string r;
5509  switch (v)
5510  {
5511  case decl_base::VISIBILITY_NONE:
5512  r = "none";
5513  break;
5514  case decl_base::VISIBILITY_DEFAULT:
5515  r = "default";
5516  break;
5517  case decl_base::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED:
5518  r = "protected";
5519  break;
5520  case decl_base::VISIBILITY_HIDDEN:
5521  r = "hidden";
5522  break;
5523  case decl_base::VISIBILITY_INTERNAL:
5524  r = "internal";
5525  break;
5526  }
5527  return o;
5528 }
5530 /// Streaming operator for decl_base::binding.
5531 ///
5532 /// @param o the output stream to serialize the visibility to.
5533 ///
5534 /// @param b the binding to serialize.
5535 ///
5536 /// @return the output stream.
5537 std::ostream&
5538 operator<<(std::ostream& o, decl_base::binding b)
5539 {
5540  string r;
5541  switch (b)
5542  {
5543  case decl_base::BINDING_NONE:
5544  r = "none";
5545  break;
5546  case decl_base::BINDING_LOCAL:
5547  r = "local";
5548  break;
5549  case decl_base::BINDING_GLOBAL:
5550  r = "global";
5551  break;
5552  case decl_base::BINDING_WEAK:
5553  r = "weak";
5554  break;
5555  }
5556  o << r;
5557  return o;
5558 }
5560 /// Turn equality of shared_ptr of decl_base into a deep equality;
5561 /// that is, make it compare the pointed to objects, not just the
5562 /// pointers.
5563 ///
5564 /// @param l the shared_ptr of decl_base on left-hand-side of the
5565 /// equality.
5566 ///
5567 /// @param r the shared_ptr of decl_base on right-hand-side of the
5568 /// equality.
5569 ///
5570 /// @return true if the decl_base pointed to by the shared_ptrs are
5571 /// equal, false otherwise.
5572 bool
5573 operator==(const decl_base_sptr& l, const decl_base_sptr& r)
5574 {
5575  if (l.get() == r.get())
5576  return true;
5577  if (!!l != !!r)
5578  return false;
5580  return *l == *r;
5581 }
5583 /// Inequality operator of shared_ptr of @ref decl_base.
5584 ///
5585 /// This is a deep equality operator, that is, it compares the
5586 /// pointed-to objects, rather than just the pointers.
5587 ///
5588 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand.
5589 ///
5590 /// @param r the right-hand-side operand.
5591 ///
5592 /// @return true iff @p l is different from @p r.
5593 bool
5594 operator!=(const decl_base_sptr& l, const decl_base_sptr& r)
5595 {return !operator==(l, r);}
5597 /// Turn equality of shared_ptr of type_base into a deep equality;
5598 /// that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
5599 ///
5600 /// @param l the shared_ptr of type_base on left-hand-side of the
5601 /// equality.
5602 ///
5603 /// @param r the shared_ptr of type_base on right-hand-side of the
5604 /// equality.
5605 ///
5606 /// @return true if the type_base pointed to by the shared_ptrs are
5607 /// equal, false otherwise.
5608 bool
5609 operator==(const type_base_sptr& l, const type_base_sptr& r)
5610 {
5611  if (l.get() == r.get())
5612  return true;
5613  if (!!l != !!r)
5614  return false;
5616  return *l == *r;
5617 }
5619 /// Turn inequality of shared_ptr of type_base into a deep equality;
5620 /// that is, make it compare the pointed to objects..
5621 ///
5622 /// @param l the shared_ptr of type_base on left-hand-side of the
5623 /// equality.
5624 ///
5625 /// @param r the shared_ptr of type_base on right-hand-side of the
5626 /// equality.
5627 ///
5628 /// @return true iff the type_base pointed to by the shared_ptrs are
5629 /// different.
5630 bool
5631 operator!=(const type_base_sptr& l, const type_base_sptr& r)
5632 {return !operator==(l, r);}
5634 /// Tests if a declaration has got a scope.
5635 ///
5636 /// @param d the declaration to consider.
5637 ///
5638 /// @return true if the declaration has got a scope, false otherwise.
5639 bool
5641 {return (d.get_scope());}
5643 /// Tests if a declaration has got a scope.
5644 ///
5645 /// @param d the declaration to consider.
5646 ///
5647 /// @return true if the declaration has got a scope, false otherwise.
5648 bool
5649 has_scope(const decl_base_sptr d)
5650 {return has_scope(*d.get());}
5652 /// Tests if a declaration is a class member.
5653 ///
5654 /// @param d the declaration to consider.
5655 ///
5656 /// @return true if @p d is a class member, false otherwise.
5657 bool
5658 is_member_decl(const decl_base_sptr d)
5659 {return is_at_class_scope(d) || is_method_decl(d);}
5661 /// Tests if a declaration is a class member.
5662 ///
5663 /// @param d the declaration to consider.
5664 ///
5665 /// @return true if @p d is a class member, false otherwise.
5666 bool
5668 {return is_at_class_scope(d) || is_method_decl(d);}
5670 /// Tests if a declaration is a class member.
5671 ///
5672 /// @param d the declaration to consider.
5673 ///
5674 /// @return true if @p d is a class member, false otherwise.
5675 bool
5677 {return is_at_class_scope(d) || is_method_decl(d);}
5679 /// Test if a declaration is a @ref scope_decl.
5680 ///
5681 /// @param d the declaration to take in account.
5682 ///
5683 /// @return the a pointer to the @ref scope_decl sub-object of @p d,
5684 /// if d is a @ref scope_decl.
5685 scope_decl*
5687 {return dynamic_cast<scope_decl*>(d);}
5689 /// Test if a declaration is a @ref scope_decl.
5690 ///
5691 /// @param d the declaration to take in account.
5692 ///
5693 /// @return the a pointer to the @ref scope_decl sub-object of @p d,
5694 /// if d is a @ref scope_decl.
5696 is_scope_decl(const decl_base_sptr& d)
5697 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(d);}
5699 /// Tests if a type is a class member.
5700 ///
5701 /// @param t the type to consider.
5702 ///
5703 /// @return true if @p t is a class member type, false otherwise.
5704 bool
5705 is_member_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
5706 {
5707  decl_base_sptr d = get_type_declaration(t);
5708  return is_member_decl(d);
5709 }
5711 /// Test if a type is user-defined.
5712 ///
5713 /// A type is considered user-defined if it's a
5714 /// struct/class/union/enum that is *NOT* artificial.
5715 ///
5716 /// @param t the type to consider.
5717 ///
5718 /// @return true iff the type @p t is user-defined.
5719 bool
5721 {
5722  if (t == 0)
5723  return false;
5726  decl_base *d = is_decl(t);
5728  if ((is_class_or_union_type(t) || is_enum_type(t))
5729  && d && !d->get_is_artificial())
5730  return true;
5732  return false;
5733 }
5735 /// Test if a type is user-defined.
5736 ///
5737 /// A type is considered user-defined if it's a
5738 /// struct/class/union/enum.
5739 ///
5740 ///
5741 /// @param t the type to consider.
5742 ///
5743 /// @return true iff the type @p t is user-defined.
5744 bool
5745 is_user_defined_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
5746 {return is_user_defined_type(t.get());}
5748 /// Gets the access specifier for a class member.
5749 ///
5750 /// @param d the declaration of the class member to consider. Note
5751 /// that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the
5752 /// current process.
5753 ///
5754 /// @return the access specifier for the class member @p d.
5757 {
5760  const context_rel* c = d.get_context_rel();
5761  ABG_ASSERT(c);
5763  return c->get_access_specifier();
5764 }
5766 /// Gets the access specifier for a class member.
5767 ///
5768 /// @param d the declaration of the class member to consider. Note
5769 /// that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the
5770 /// current process.
5771 ///
5772 /// @return the access specifier for the class member @p d.
5774 get_member_access_specifier(const decl_base_sptr& d)
5775 {return get_member_access_specifier(*d);}
5777 /// Sets the access specifier for a class member.
5778 ///
5779 /// @param d the class member to set the access specifier for. Note
5780 /// that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the
5781 /// current process.
5782 ///
5783 /// @param a the new access specifier to set the class member to.
5784 void
5786  access_specifier a)
5787 {
5790  context_rel* c = d.get_context_rel();
5791  ABG_ASSERT(c);
5793  c->set_access_specifier(a);
5794 }
5796 /// Sets the access specifier for a class member.
5797 ///
5798 /// @param d the class member to set the access specifier for. Note
5799 /// that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the
5800 /// current process.
5801 ///
5802 /// @param a the new access specifier to set the class member to.
5803 void
5804 set_member_access_specifier(const decl_base_sptr& d,
5805  access_specifier a)
5808 /// Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.
5809 ///
5810 /// @param d the declaration for the class member to consider. Note
5811 /// that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the
5812 /// current process.
5813 ///
5814 /// @return true if the class member @p d is static, false otherwise.
5815 bool
5817 {
5820  const context_rel* c = d.get_context_rel();
5821  ABG_ASSERT(c);
5823  return c->get_is_static();
5824 }
5826 /// Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.
5827 ///
5828 /// @param d the declaration for the class member to consider. Note
5829 /// that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the
5830 /// current process.
5831 ///
5832 /// @return true if the class member @p d is static, false otherwise.
5833 bool
5835 {return get_member_is_static(*d);}
5837 /// Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.
5838 ///
5839 /// @param d the declaration for the class member to consider. Note
5840 /// that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the
5841 /// current process.
5842 ///
5843 /// @return true if the class member @p d is static, false otherwise.
5844 bool
5845 get_member_is_static(const decl_base_sptr& d)
5846 {return get_member_is_static(*d);}
5848 /// Test if a var_decl is a data member.
5849 ///
5850 /// @param v the var_decl to consider.
5851 ///
5852 /// @return true if @p v is data member, false otherwise.
5853 bool
5855 {return is_at_class_scope(v);}
5857 /// Test if a var_decl is a data member.
5858 ///
5859 /// @param v the var_decl to consider.
5860 ///
5861 /// @return true if @p v is data member, false otherwise.
5862 bool
5864 {return is_data_member(*v);}
5866 /// Test if a var_decl is a data member.
5867 ///
5868 /// @param v the var_decl to consider.
5869 ///
5870 /// @return true if @p v is data member, false otherwise.
5871 bool
5873 {return is_at_class_scope(d);}
5875 /// Test if a decl is a data member.
5876 ///
5877 /// @param d the decl to consider.
5878 ///
5879 /// @return a pointer to the data member iff @p d is a data member, or
5880 /// a null pointer.
5882 is_data_member(const decl_base_sptr& d)
5883 {
5884  if (var_decl_sptr v = is_var_decl(d))
5885  {
5886  if (is_data_member(v))
5887  return v;
5888  }
5889  return var_decl_sptr();
5890 }
5892 /// Test if a decl is a data member.
5893 ///
5894 /// @param d the decl to consider.
5895 ///
5896 /// @return a pointer to the data member iff @p d is a data member, or
5897 /// a null pointer.
5900 {
5901  if (var_decl_sptr v = is_var_decl(d))
5902  {
5903  if (is_data_member(v))
5904  return v;
5905  }
5906  return var_decl_sptr();
5907 }
5909 /// Test if a decl is a data member.
5910 ///
5911 /// @param d the decl to consider.
5912 ///
5913 /// @return a pointer to the data member iff @p d is a data member, or
5914 /// a null pointer.
5915 var_decl*
5917 {
5918  if (var_decl *v = is_var_decl(d))
5919  if (is_data_member(v))
5920  return v;
5921  return 0;
5922 }
5924 /// Test if a decl is a data member.
5925 ///
5926 /// @param d the decl to consider.
5927 ///
5928 /// @return a pointer to the data member iff @p d is a data member, or
5929 /// a null pointer.
5930 var_decl*
5932 {
5933  if (var_decl *v = is_var_decl(d))
5934  if (is_data_member(v))
5935  return v;
5936  return 0;
5937 }
5939 /// Get the first non-anonymous data member of a given anonymous data
5940 /// member.
5941 ///
5942 /// E.g:
5943 ///
5944 /// struct S
5945 /// {
5946 /// union // <-- for this anonymous data member, the function
5947 /// // returns a.
5948 /// {
5949 /// int a;
5950 /// charb;
5951 /// };
5952 /// };
5953 ///
5954 /// @return anon_dm the anonymous data member to consider.
5955 ///
5956 /// @return the first non-anonymous data member of @p anon_dm. If no
5957 /// data member was found then this function returns @p anon_dm.
5958 const var_decl_sptr
5960 {
5961  if (!anon_dm || !is_anonymous_data_member(anon_dm))
5962  return anon_dm;
5964  class_or_union_sptr klass = anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union(anon_dm);
5965  var_decl_sptr first = *klass->get_non_static_data_members().begin();
5967  if (is_anonymous_data_member(first))
5970  return first;
5971 }
5973 /// In the context of a given class or union, this function returns
5974 /// the data member that is located after a given data member.
5975 ///
5976 /// @param klass the class or union to consider.
5977 ///
5978 /// @param the data member to consider.
5979 ///
5980 /// @return the data member that is located right after @p
5981 /// data_member.
5982 const var_decl_sptr
5984  const var_decl_sptr &data_member)
5985 {
5986  if (!klass ||!data_member)
5987  return var_decl_sptr();
5989  for (class_or_union::data_members::const_iterator it =
5990  klass->get_non_static_data_members().begin();
5991  it != klass->get_non_static_data_members().end();
5992  ++it)
5993  if (**it == *data_member)
5994  {
5995  ++it;
5996  if (it != klass->get_non_static_data_members().end())
5998  break;
5999  }
6001  return var_decl_sptr();
6002 }
6004 /// In the context of a given class or union, this function returns
6005 /// the data member that is located after a given data member.
6006 ///
6007 /// @param klass the class or union to consider.
6008 ///
6009 /// @param the data member to consider.
6010 ///
6011 /// @return the data member that is located right after @p
6012 /// data_member.
6013 const var_decl_sptr
6014 get_next_data_member(const class_or_union_sptr& klass,
6015  const var_decl_sptr &data_member)
6016 {return get_next_data_member(klass.get(), data_member);}
6018 /// Get the last data member of a class type.
6019 ///
6020 /// @param klass the class type to consider.
6023 {return klass.get_non_static_data_members().back();}
6025 /// Get the last data member of a class type.
6026 ///
6027 /// @param klass the class type to consider.
6030 {return get_last_data_member(*klass);}
6032 /// Get the last data member of a class type.
6033 ///
6034 /// @param klass the class type to consider.
6036 get_last_data_member(const class_or_union_sptr &klass)
6037 {return get_last_data_member(klass.get());}
6039 /// Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type.
6040 ///
6041 /// If the class contains any anonymous data member, this function
6042 /// looks through it to collect the non-anonymous data members that it
6043 /// contains. The function also also looks through the base classes
6044 /// of the current type.
6045 ///
6046 /// @param cou the class or union type to consider.
6047 ///
6048 /// @param dms output parameter. This is populated by the function
6049 /// with a map containing the non-anonymous data members that were
6050 /// collected. The key of the map is the name of the data member.
6051 /// This is set iff the function returns true.
6052 ///
6053 /// @return true iff at least one non-anonymous data member was
6054 /// collected.
6055 bool
6058 {
6059  if (!cou)
6060  return false;
6062  bool result = false;
6063  class_decl* klass = is_class_type(cou);
6064  if (klass)
6065  // First look into base classes for data members.
6066  for (class_decl::base_spec_sptr base : klass->get_base_specifiers())
6067  result |= collect_non_anonymous_data_members(base->get_base_class().get(), dms);
6069  // Then look into our data members
6070  for (var_decl_sptr member : cou->get_non_static_data_members())
6071  {
6072  if (is_anonymous_data_member(member))
6073  {
6074  class_or_union_sptr cl = anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union(member);
6075  ABG_ASSERT(cl);
6076  result |= collect_non_anonymous_data_members(cl.get(), dms);
6077  }
6078  else
6079  {
6080  dms[member->get_name()] = member;
6081  result = true;
6082  }
6083  }
6084  return true;
6085 }
6087 /// Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type.
6088 ///
6089 /// If the class contains any anonymous data member, this function
6090 /// looks through it to collect the non-anonymous data members that it
6091 /// contains. The function also also looks through the base classes
6092 /// of the current type.
6093 ///
6094 /// @param cou the class or union type to consider.
6095 ///
6096 /// @param dms output parameter. This is populated by the function
6097 /// with a map containing the non-anonymous data members that were
6098 /// collected. The key of the map is the name of the data member.
6099 /// This is set iff the function returns true.
6100 ///
6101 /// @return true iff at least one non-anonymous data member was
6102 /// collected.
6103 bool
6105 {return collect_non_anonymous_data_members(cou.get(), dms);}
6107 /// Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.
6108 ///
6109 /// @param d the decl to consider.
6110 ///
6111 /// @return true iff @p d is an anonymous data member.
6112 bool
6114 {return is_anonymous_data_member(&d);}
6116 /// Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.
6117 ///
6118 /// @param d the decl to consider.
6119 ///
6120 /// @return the var_decl representing the data member iff @p d is an
6121 /// anonymous data member.
6122 const var_decl*
6124 {
6125  if (const var_decl* v = is_data_member(d))
6126  {
6127  if (is_anonymous_data_member(v))
6128  return v;
6129  }
6130  return 0;
6131 }
6133 /// Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.
6134 ///
6135 /// @param d the decl to consider.
6136 ///
6137 /// @return a non-nil pointer to the @ref var_decl denoted by @p d if
6138 /// it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.
6139 const var_decl*
6141 {
6142  if (const var_decl* v = is_data_member(d))
6143  {
6144  if (is_anonymous_data_member(v))
6145  return v;
6146  }
6147  return 0;
6148 }
6150 /// Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.
6151 ///
6152 /// @param d the decl to consider.
6153 ///
6154 /// @return a non-nil pointer to the @ref var_decl denoted by @p d if
6155 /// it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.
6158 {
6159  if (var_decl_sptr v = is_data_member(d))
6160  {
6161  if (is_anonymous_data_member(v))
6162  return v;
6163  }
6164  return var_decl_sptr();
6165 }
6167 /// Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.
6168 ///
6169 /// @param d the decl to consider.
6170 ///
6171 /// @return a non-nil pointer to the @ref var_decl denoted by @p d if
6172 /// it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.
6174 is_anonymous_data_member(const decl_base_sptr& d)
6175 {
6176  if (var_decl_sptr v = is_data_member(d))
6177  return is_anonymous_data_member(v);
6178  return var_decl_sptr();
6179 }
6181 /// Test if a @ref var_decl is an anonymous data member.
6182 ///
6183 /// @param d the @ref var_decl to consider.
6184 ///
6185 /// @return a non-nil pointer to the @ref var_decl denoted by @p d if
6186 /// it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.
6189 {
6190  if (is_anonymous_data_member(d.get()))
6191  return d;
6192  return var_decl_sptr();
6193 }
6195 /// Test if a @ref var_decl is an anonymous data member.
6196 ///
6197 /// @param d the @ref var_decl to consider.
6198 ///
6199 /// @return a non-nil pointer to the @ref var_decl denoted by @p d if
6200 /// it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.
6201 const var_decl*
6203 {
6204  if (d && is_anonymous_data_member(*d))
6205  return d;
6206  return 0;
6207 }
6209 /// Test if a @ref var_decl is an anonymous data member.
6210 ///
6211 /// @param d the @ref var_decl to consider.
6212 ///
6213 /// @return true iff @p d is an anonymous data member.
6214 bool
6216 {
6217  return (is_data_member(d)
6218  && d.get_is_anonymous()
6219  && d.get_name().empty()
6221 }
6223 /// Test if a @ref var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous
6224 /// type.
6225 ///
6226 /// @param d the @ref var_decl to consider.
6227 ///
6228 /// @return true iff @p d is a data member belonging to an anonymous
6229 /// type.
6230 bool
6232 {
6233  if (is_data_member(d))
6234  {
6235  scope_decl* scope = d.get_scope();
6236  if (scope && scope->get_is_anonymous())
6237  return true;
6238  }
6239  return false;
6240 }
6242 /// Test if a @ref var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous
6243 /// type.
6244 ///
6245 /// @param d the @ref var_decl to consider.
6246 ///
6247 /// @return true iff @p d is a data member belonging to an anonymous
6248 /// type.
6249 bool
6253 /// Test if a @ref var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous
6254 /// type.
6255 ///
6256 /// @param d the @ref var_decl to consider.
6257 ///
6258 /// @return true iff @p d is a data member belonging to an anonymous
6259 /// type.
6260 bool
6264 /// Get the @ref class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member.
6265 ///
6266 /// @param d the anonymous data member to consider.
6267 ///
6268 /// @return the @ref class_or_union type of the anonymous data member
6269 /// @p d.
6272 {
6273  if ((d = is_anonymous_data_member(d)))
6274  return is_class_or_union_type(d->get_type().get());
6275  return 0;
6276 }
6278 /// Get the @ref class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member.
6279 ///
6280 /// @param d the anonymous data member to consider.
6281 ///
6282 /// @return the @ref class_or_union type of the anonymous data member
6283 /// @p d.
6284 class_or_union_sptr
6286 {
6287  if (is_anonymous_data_member(d))
6288  return is_class_or_union_type(d.get_type());
6289  return class_or_union_sptr();
6290 }
6292 /// Test if a data member has annonymous type or not.
6293 ///
6294 /// @param d the data member to consider.
6295 ///
6296 /// @return the anonymous class or union type iff @p turns out to have
6297 /// an anonymous type. Otherwise, returns nil.
6298 const class_or_union_sptr
6300 {
6301  if (is_data_member(d))
6302  if (const class_or_union_sptr cou = is_class_or_union_type(d.get_type()))
6303  if (cou->get_is_anonymous())
6304  return cou;
6306  return class_or_union_sptr();
6307 }
6309 /// Test if a data member has annonymous type or not.
6310 ///
6311 /// @param d the data member to consider.
6312 ///
6313 /// @return the anonymous class or union type iff @p turns out to have
6314 /// an anonymous type. Otherwise, returns nil.
6315 const class_or_union_sptr
6317 {
6318  if (d)
6319  return data_member_has_anonymous_type(*d);
6320  return class_or_union_sptr();
6321 }
6323 /// Test if a data member has annonymous type or not.
6324 ///
6325 /// @param d the data member to consider.
6326 ///
6327 /// @return the anonymous class or union type iff @p turns out to have
6328 /// an anonymous type. Otherwise, returns nil.
6329 const class_or_union_sptr
6331 {return data_member_has_anonymous_type(d.get());}
6333 /// Get the @ref class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member.
6334 ///
6335 /// @param d the anonymous data member to consider.
6336 ///
6337 /// @return the @ref class_or_union type of the anonymous data member
6338 /// @p d.
6339 class_or_union_sptr
6341 {
6343  return is_class_or_union_type(v->get_type());
6344  return class_or_union_sptr();
6345 }
6347 /// Test if a given anonymous data member exists in a class or union.
6348 ///
6349 /// @param anon_dm the anonymous data member to consider.
6350 ///
6351 /// @param clazz the class to consider.
6352 ///
6353 /// @return true iff @p anon_dm exists in the @clazz.
6354 bool
6356  const class_or_union& clazz)
6357 {
6358  if (!anon_dm.get_is_anonymous()
6359  || !is_class_or_union_type(anon_dm.get_type()))
6360  return false;
6362  class_or_union_sptr cl = is_class_or_union_type(anon_dm.get_type());
6363  ABG_ASSERT(cl);
6365  // Look for the presence of each data member of anon_dm in clazz.
6366  //
6367  // If one data member of anon_dm is not present in clazz, then the
6368  // data member anon_dm is considered to not exist in clazz.
6369  for (auto anon_dm_m : cl->get_non_static_data_members())
6370  {
6371  // If the data member anon_dm_m is not an anonymous data member,
6372  // it's easy to look for it.
6373  if (!is_anonymous_data_member(anon_dm_m))
6374  {
6375  if (!clazz.find_data_member(anon_dm_m->get_name()))
6376  return false;
6377  }
6378  // If anon_dm_m is itself an anonymous data member then recurse
6379  else
6380  {
6381  if (!anonymous_data_member_exists_in_class(*anon_dm_m, clazz))
6382  return false;
6383  }
6384  }
6386  return true;
6387 }
6389 /// Test if a given decl is anonymous or has a naming typedef.
6390 ///
6391 /// @param d the decl to consider.
6392 ///
6393 /// @return true iff @p d is anonymous or has a naming typedef.
6394 bool
6396 {
6397  if (d.get_is_anonymous() || d.get_naming_typedef())
6398  return true;
6399  return false;
6400 }
6402 /// Set the offset of a data member into its containing class.
6403 ///
6404 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6405 ///
6406 /// @param o the offset, in bits.
6407 void
6409 {
6412  dm_context_rel* ctxt_rel =
6413  dynamic_cast<dm_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6414  ABG_ASSERT(ctxt_rel);
6416  ctxt_rel->set_offset_in_bits(o);
6417 }
6419 /// Get the offset of a data member.
6420 ///
6421 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6422 ///
6423 /// @return the offset (in bits) of @p m in its containing class.
6424 uint64_t
6426 {
6428  const dm_context_rel* ctxt_rel =
6429  dynamic_cast<const dm_context_rel*>(m.get_context_rel());
6430  ABG_ASSERT(ctxt_rel);
6431  return ctxt_rel->get_offset_in_bits();
6432 }
6434 /// Get the offset of a data member.
6435 ///
6436 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6437 ///
6438 /// @return the offset (in bits) of @p m in its containing class.
6439 uint64_t
6441 {return get_data_member_offset(*m);}
6443 /// Get the offset of a data member.
6444 ///
6445 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6446 ///
6447 /// @return the offset (in bits) of @p m in its containing class.
6448 uint64_t
6449 get_data_member_offset(const decl_base_sptr d)
6450 {return get_data_member_offset(dynamic_pointer_cast<var_decl>(d));}
6452 /// Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a
6453 /// given one.
6454 ///
6455 /// If there is no data member after after the one given to this
6456 /// function (maybe because the given one is the last data member of
6457 /// the class type) then the function return false.
6458 ///
6459 /// @param klass the class to consider.
6460 ///
6461 /// @param dm the data member before the one we want to retrieve.
6462 ///
6463 /// @param offset out parameter. This parameter is set by the
6464 /// function to the offset of the data member that comes right after
6465 /// the data member @p dm, iff the function returns true.
6466 ///
6467 /// @return true iff the data member coming right after @p dm was
6468 /// found.
6469 bool
6471  const var_decl_sptr& dm,
6472  uint64_t& offset)
6473 {
6474  var_decl_sptr next_dm = get_next_data_member(klass, dm);
6475  if (!next_dm)
6476  return false;
6477  offset = get_data_member_offset(next_dm);
6478  return true;
6479 }
6481 /// Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a
6482 /// given one.
6483 ///
6484 /// If there is no data member after after the one given to this
6485 /// function (maybe because the given one is the last data member of
6486 /// the class type) then the function return false.
6487 ///
6488 /// @param klass the class to consider.
6489 ///
6490 /// @param dm the data member before the one we want to retrieve.
6491 ///
6492 /// @param offset out parameter. This parameter is set by the
6493 /// function to the offset of the data member that comes right after
6494 /// the data member @p dm, iff the function returns true.
6495 ///
6496 /// @return true iff the data member coming right after @p dm was
6497 /// found.
6498 bool
6499 get_next_data_member_offset(const class_or_union_sptr& klass,
6500  const var_decl_sptr& dm,
6501  uint64_t& offset)
6502 {return get_next_data_member_offset(klass.get(), dm, offset);}
6504 /// Get the absolute offset of a data member.
6505 ///
6506 /// If the data member is part of an anonymous data member then this
6507 /// returns the absolute offset -- relative to the beginning of the
6508 /// containing class of the anonymous data member.
6509 ///
6510 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6511 ///
6512 /// @return the aboslute offset of the data member @p m.
6513 uint64_t
6515 {
6517  const dm_context_rel* ctxt_rel =
6518  dynamic_cast<const dm_context_rel*>(m.get_context_rel());
6519  ABG_ASSERT(ctxt_rel);
6521  const var_decl *containing_anonymous_data_member =
6522  ctxt_rel->get_anonymous_data_member();
6524  uint64_t containing_anonymous_data_member_offset = 0;
6525  if (containing_anonymous_data_member)
6526  containing_anonymous_data_member_offset =
6527  get_absolute_data_member_offset(*containing_anonymous_data_member);
6529  return (ctxt_rel->get_offset_in_bits()
6530  +
6531  containing_anonymous_data_member_offset);
6532 }
6534 /// Get the absolute offset of a data member.
6535 ///
6536 /// If the data member is part of an anonymous data member then this
6537 /// returns the absolute offset -- relative to the beginning of the
6538 /// containing class of the anonymous data member.
6539 ///
6540 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6541 ///
6542 /// @return the aboslute offset of the data member @p m.
6543 uint64_t
6545 {
6546  if (!m)
6547  return 0;
6549 }
6551 /// Get the size of a given variable.
6552 ///
6553 /// @param v the variable to consider.
6554 ///
6555 /// @return the size of variable @p v.
6556 uint64_t
6558 {
6559  type_base_sptr t = v->get_type();
6560  ABG_ASSERT(t);
6562  return t->get_size_in_bits();
6563 }
6565 /// Set a flag saying if a data member is laid out.
6566 ///
6567 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6568 ///
6569 /// @param l true if @p m is to be considered as laid out.
6570 void
6572 {
6574  dm_context_rel* ctxt_rel =
6575  dynamic_cast<dm_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6576  ctxt_rel->set_is_laid_out(l);
6577 }
6579 /// Test whether a data member is laid out.
6580 ///
6581 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6582 ///
6583 /// @return true if @p m is laid out, false otherwise.
6584 bool
6586 {
6588  const dm_context_rel* ctxt_rel =
6589  dynamic_cast<const dm_context_rel*>(m.get_context_rel());
6591  return ctxt_rel->get_is_laid_out();
6592 }
6594 /// Test whether a data member is laid out.
6595 ///
6596 /// @param m the data member to consider.
6597 ///
6598 /// @return true if @p m is laid out, false otherwise.
6599 bool
6601 {return get_data_member_is_laid_out(*m);}
6603 /// Test whether a function_decl is a member function.
6604 ///
6605 /// @param f the function_decl to test.
6606 ///
6607 /// @return true if @p f is a member function, false otherwise.
6608 bool
6610 {return is_member_decl(f);}
6612 /// Test whether a function_decl is a member function.
6613 ///
6614 /// @param f the function_decl to test.
6615 ///
6616 /// @return true if @p f is a member function, false otherwise.
6617 bool
6619 {return is_member_decl(*f);}
6621 /// Test whether a function_decl is a member function.
6622 ///
6623 /// @param f the function_decl to test.
6624 ///
6625 /// @return true if @p f is a member function, false otherwise.
6626 bool
6628 {return is_member_decl(*f);}
6630 /// Test whether a member function is a constructor.
6631 ///
6632 /// @param f the member function to test.
6633 ///
6634 /// @return true if @p f is a constructor, false otherwise.
6635 bool
6637 {
6640  const method_decl* m = is_method_decl(&f);
6641  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6643  const mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6644  dynamic_cast<const mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6646  return ctxt->is_constructor();
6647 }
6649 /// Test whether a member function is a constructor.
6650 ///
6651 /// @param f the member function to test.
6652 ///
6653 /// @return true if @p f is a constructor, false otherwise.
6654 bool
6656 {return get_member_function_is_ctor(*f);}
6659 /// Setter for the is_ctor property of the member function.
6660 ///
6661 /// @param f the member function to set.
6662 ///
6663 /// @param f the new boolean value of the is_ctor property. Is true
6664 /// if @p f is a constructor, false otherwise.
6665 void
6667 {
6670  method_decl* m = is_method_decl(&f);
6671  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6673  mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6674  dynamic_cast<mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6676  ctxt->is_constructor(c);
6677 }
6679 /// Setter for the is_ctor property of the member function.
6680 ///
6681 /// @param f the member function to set.
6682 ///
6683 /// @param f the new boolean value of the is_ctor property. Is true
6684 /// if @p f is a constructor, false otherwise.
6685 void
6689 /// Test whether a member function is a destructor.
6690 ///
6691 /// @param f the function to test.
6692 ///
6693 /// @return true if @p f is a destructor, false otherwise.
6694 bool
6696 {
6699  const method_decl* m = is_method_decl(&f);
6700  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6702  const mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6703  dynamic_cast<const mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6705  return ctxt->is_destructor();
6706 }
6708 /// Test whether a member function is a destructor.
6709 ///
6710 /// @param f the function to test.
6711 ///
6712 /// @return true if @p f is a destructor, false otherwise.
6713 bool
6715 {return get_member_function_is_dtor(*f);}
6717 /// Set the destructor-ness property of a member function.
6718 ///
6719 /// @param f the function to set.
6720 ///
6721 /// @param d true if @p f is a destructor, false otherwise.
6722 void
6724 {
6727  method_decl* m = is_method_decl(&f);
6728  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6730  mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6731  dynamic_cast<mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6733  ctxt->is_destructor(d);
6734 }
6736 /// Set the destructor-ness property of a member function.
6737 ///
6738 /// @param f the function to set.
6739 ///
6740 /// @param d true if @p f is a destructor, false otherwise.
6741 void
6745 /// Test whether a member function is const.
6746 ///
6747 /// @param f the function to test.
6748 ///
6749 /// @return true if @p f is const, false otherwise.
6750 bool
6752 {
6755  const method_decl* m = is_method_decl(&f);
6756  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6758  const mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6759  dynamic_cast<const mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6761  return ctxt->is_const();
6762 }
6764 /// Test whether a member function is const.
6765 ///
6766 /// @param f the function to test.
6767 ///
6768 /// @return true if @p f is const, false otherwise.
6769 bool
6771 {return get_member_function_is_const(*f);}
6773 /// set the const-ness property of a member function.
6774 ///
6775 /// @param f the function to set.
6776 ///
6777 /// @param is_const the new value of the const-ness property of @p f
6778 void
6780 {
6783  method_decl* m = is_method_decl(&f);
6784  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6786  mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6787  dynamic_cast<mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6789  ctxt->is_const(is_const);
6790 }
6792 /// set the const-ness property of a member function.
6793 ///
6794 /// @param f the function to set.
6795 ///
6796 /// @param is_const the new value of the const-ness property of @p f
6797 void
6799 {set_member_function_is_const(*f, is_const);}
6801 /// Test if a virtual member function has a vtable offset set.
6802 ///
6803 /// @param f the virtual member function to consider.
6804 ///
6805 /// @return true iff the virtual member function has its vtable offset
6806 /// set, i.e, if the vtable offset of @p is different from -1.
6807 bool
6809 {return get_member_function_vtable_offset(f) != -1;}
6811 /// Get the vtable offset of a member function.
6812 ///
6813 /// @param f the member function to consider.
6814 ///
6815 /// @return the vtable offset of @p f. Note that a vtable offset of
6816 /// value -1 means that the member function does *NOT* yet have a
6817 /// vtable offset associated to it.
6818 ssize_t
6820 {
6823  const method_decl* m =
6824  dynamic_cast<const method_decl*>(&f);
6825  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6827  const mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6828  dynamic_cast<const mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6830  return ctxt->vtable_offset();
6831 }
6833 /// Get the vtable offset of a member function.
6834 ///
6835 /// @param f the member function to consider.
6836 ///
6837 /// @return the vtable offset of @p f. Note that a vtable offset of
6838 /// value -1 means that the member function does *NOT* yet have a
6839 /// vtable offset associated to it.
6840 ssize_t
6844 /// Set the vtable offset of a member function.
6845 ///
6846 /// @param f the member function to consider.
6847 ///
6848 /// @param s the new vtable offset. Please note that a vtable offset
6849 /// of value -1 means that the virtual member function does not (yet)
6850 /// have any vtable offset associated to it.
6851 void
6853 {
6856  method_decl* m = is_method_decl(&f);
6857  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6859  mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6860  dynamic_cast<mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6862  ctxt->vtable_offset(s);
6863 }
6865 /// Get the vtable offset of a member function.
6866 ///
6867 /// @param f the member function to consider.
6868 ///
6869 /// @param s the new vtable offset. Please note that a vtable offset
6870 /// of value -1 means that the virtual member function does not (yet)
6871 /// have any vtable offset associated to it.
6872 void
6874 {return set_member_function_vtable_offset(*f, s);}
6876 /// Test if a given member function is virtual.
6877 ///
6878 /// @param mem_fn the member function to consider.
6879 ///
6880 /// @return true iff a @p mem_fn is virtual.
6881 bool
6883 {
6886  const method_decl* m =
6887  dynamic_cast<const method_decl*>(&f);
6888  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6890  const mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6891  dynamic_cast<const mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6893  return ctxt->is_virtual();
6894 }
6896 /// Test if a given member function is virtual.
6897 ///
6898 /// @param mem_fn the member function to consider.
6899 ///
6900 /// @return true iff a @p mem_fn is virtual.
6901 bool
6903 {return mem_fn ? get_member_function_is_virtual(*mem_fn) : false;}
6905 /// Test if a given member function is virtual.
6906 ///
6907 /// @param mem_fn the member function to consider.
6908 ///
6909 /// @return true iff a @p mem_fn is virtual.
6910 bool
6912 {return mem_fn ? get_member_function_is_virtual(*mem_fn) : false;}
6914 /// Set the virtual-ness of a member function.
6915 ///
6916 /// @param f the member function to consider.
6917 ///
6918 /// @param is_virtual set to true if the function is virtual.
6919 void
6921 {
6924  method_decl* m = is_method_decl(&f);
6925  ABG_ASSERT(m);
6927  mem_fn_context_rel* ctxt =
6928  dynamic_cast<mem_fn_context_rel*>(m->get_context_rel());
6930  ctxt->is_virtual(is_virtual);
6931 }
6933 /// Set the virtual-ness of a member function.
6934 ///
6935 /// @param f the member function to consider.
6936 ///
6937 /// @param is_virtual set to true if the function is virtual.
6938 void
6940 {
6941  if (fn)
6942  {
6943  set_member_function_is_virtual(*fn, is_virtual);
6945  (dynamic_pointer_cast<method_decl>(fn));
6946  }
6947 }
6949 /// Recursively returns the the underlying type of a typedef. The
6950 /// return type should not be a typedef of anything anymore.
6951 ///
6952 ///
6953 /// Also recursively strip typedefs from the sub-types of the type
6954 /// given in arguments.
6955 ///
6956 /// Note that this function builds types in which typedefs are
6957 /// stripped off. Usually, types are held by their scope, so their
6958 /// life time is bound to the life time of their scope. But as this
6959 /// function cannot really insert the built type into it's scope, it
6960 /// must ensure that the newly built type stays live long enough.
6961 ///
6962 /// So, if the newly built type has a canonical type, this function
6963 /// returns the canonical type. Otherwise, this function ensure that
6964 /// the newly built type has a life time that is the same as the life
6965 /// time of the entire libabigail library.
6966 ///
6967 /// @param type the type to strip the typedefs from.
6968 ///
6969 /// @return the resulting type stripped from its typedefs, or just
6970 /// return @p type if it has no typedef in any of its sub-types.
6971 type_base_sptr
6972 strip_typedef(const type_base_sptr type)
6973 {
6974  if (!type)
6975  return type;
6977  // If type is a class type then do not try to strip typedefs from it.
6978  // And if it has no canonical type (which can mean that it's a
6979  // declaration-only class), then, make sure its live for ever and
6980  // return it.
6981  if (class_decl_sptr cl = is_class_type(type))
6982  {
6983  if (!cl->get_canonical_type())
6984  keep_type_alive(type);
6985  return type;
6986  }
6988  const environment& env = type->get_environment();
6989  type_base_sptr t = type;
6991  if (const typedef_decl_sptr ty = is_typedef(t))
6992  t = strip_typedef(type_or_void(ty->get_underlying_type(), env));
6993  else if (const reference_type_def_sptr ty = is_reference_type(t))
6994  {
6995  type_base_sptr p = strip_typedef(type_or_void(ty->get_pointed_to_type(),
6996  env));
6997  ABG_ASSERT(p);
6998  t.reset(new reference_type_def(p,
6999  ty->is_lvalue(),
7000  ty->get_size_in_bits(),
7001  ty->get_alignment_in_bits(),
7002  ty->get_location()));
7003  }
7004  else if (const pointer_type_def_sptr ty = is_pointer_type(t))
7005  {
7006  type_base_sptr p = strip_typedef(type_or_void(ty->get_pointed_to_type(),
7007  env));
7008  ABG_ASSERT(p);
7009  t.reset(new pointer_type_def(p,
7010  ty->get_size_in_bits(),
7011  ty->get_alignment_in_bits(),
7012  ty->get_location()));
7013  }
7014  else if (const qualified_type_def_sptr ty = is_qualified_type(t))
7015  {
7016  type_base_sptr p = strip_typedef(type_or_void(ty->get_underlying_type(),
7017  env));
7018  ABG_ASSERT(p);
7019  t.reset(new qualified_type_def(p,
7020  ty->get_cv_quals(),
7021  ty->get_location()));
7022  }
7023  else if (const array_type_def_sptr ty = is_array_type(t))
7024  {
7025  type_base_sptr p = strip_typedef(ty->get_element_type());
7026  ABG_ASSERT(p);
7027  t.reset(new array_type_def(p, ty->get_subranges(), ty->get_location()));
7028  }
7029  else if (const method_type_sptr ty = is_method_type(t))
7030  {
7032  for (function_decl::parameters::const_iterator i =
7033  ty->get_parameters().begin();
7034  i != ty->get_parameters().end();
7035  ++i)
7036  {
7038  type_base_sptr typ = strip_typedef(p->get_type());
7039  ABG_ASSERT(typ);
7041  (new function_decl::parameter(typ,
7042  p->get_index(),
7043  p->get_name(),
7044  p->get_location(),
7045  p->get_variadic_marker(),
7046  p->get_is_artificial()));
7047  parm.push_back(stripped);
7048  }
7049  type_base_sptr p = strip_typedef(ty->get_return_type());
7050  ABG_ASSERT(!!p == !!ty->get_return_type());
7051  t.reset(new method_type(p, ty->get_class_type(),
7052  parm, ty->get_is_const(),
7053  ty->get_size_in_bits(),
7054  ty->get_alignment_in_bits()));
7055  }
7056  else if (const function_type_sptr ty = is_function_type(t))
7057  {
7059  for (function_decl::parameters::const_iterator i =
7060  ty->get_parameters().begin();
7061  i != ty->get_parameters().end();
7062  ++i)
7063  {
7065  type_base_sptr typ = strip_typedef(p->get_type());
7066  ABG_ASSERT(typ);
7068  (new function_decl::parameter(typ,
7069  p->get_index(),
7070  p->get_name(),
7071  p->get_location(),
7072  p->get_variadic_marker(),
7073  p->get_is_artificial()));
7074  parm.push_back(stripped);
7075  }
7076  type_base_sptr p = strip_typedef(ty->get_return_type());
7077  ABG_ASSERT(!!p == !!ty->get_return_type());
7078  t.reset(new function_type(p, parm,
7079  ty->get_size_in_bits(),
7080  ty->get_alignment_in_bits()));
7081  }
7083  if (!t->get_translation_unit())
7084  t->set_translation_unit(type->get_translation_unit());
7086  if (!(type->get_canonical_type() && canonicalize(t)))
7087  keep_type_alive(t);
7089  return t->get_canonical_type() ? t->get_canonical_type() : t;
7090 }
7092 /// Strip qualification from a qualified type, when it makes sense.
7093 ///
7094 /// DWARF constructs "const reference". This is redundant because a
7095 /// reference is always const. It also constructs the useless "const
7096 /// void" type. The issue is these redundant types then leak into the
7097 /// IR and make for bad diagnostics.
7098 ///
7099 /// This function thus strips the const qualifier from the type in
7100 /// that case. It might contain code to strip other cases like this
7101 /// in the future.
7102 ///
7103 /// @param t the type to strip const qualification from.
7104 ///
7105 /// @return the stripped type or just return @p t.
7106 decl_base_sptr
7107 strip_useless_const_qualification(const qualified_type_def_sptr t)
7108 {
7109  if (!t)
7110  return t;
7112  decl_base_sptr result = t;
7113  type_base_sptr u = t->get_underlying_type();
7114  const environment& env = t->get_environment();
7116  if ((t->get_cv_quals() & qualified_type_def::CV_CONST
7117  && (is_reference_type(u)))
7118  || (t->get_cv_quals() & qualified_type_def::CV_CONST
7119  && env.is_void_type(u))
7120  || t->get_cv_quals() == qualified_type_def::CV_NONE)
7121  // Let's strip the const qualifier because a reference is always
7122  // 'const' and a const void doesn't make sense. They will just
7123  // lead to spurious changes later down the pipeline, that we'll
7124  // have to deal with by doing painful and error-prone editing of
7125  // the diff IR. Dropping that useless and inconsistent artefact
7126  // right here seems to be a good way to go.
7127  result = is_decl(u);
7129  return result;
7130 }
7132 /// Merge redundant qualifiers from a tree of qualified types.
7133 ///
7134 /// Suppose a tree of qualified types leads to:
7135 ///
7136 /// const virtual const restrict const int;
7137 ///
7138 /// Suppose the IR tree of qualified types ressembles (with C meaning
7139 /// const, V meaning virtual and R meaning restrict):
7140 ///
7141 /// [C|V]-->[C|R] -->[C] --> [int].
7142 ///
7143 /// This function walks the IR and remove the redundant CV qualifiers
7144 /// so the IR becomes:
7145 ///
7146 /// [C|V] --> [R] --> [] -->[int].
7147 ///
7148 /// Note that the empty qualified type (noted []) represents a
7149 /// qualified type with no qualifier. It's rare, but it can exist.
7150 /// I've put it here just for the sake of example.
7151 ///
7152 /// The resulting IR thus represents the (merged) type:
7153 ///
7154 /// const virtual restrict int.
7155 ///
7156 /// This function is a sub-routine of the overload @ref
7157 /// strip_useless_const_qualification which doesn't return any value.
7158 ///
7159 /// @param t the qualified type to consider.
7160 ///
7161 /// @param redundant_quals the (redundant) qualifiers to be removed
7162 /// from the qualifiers of the underlying types of @p t.
7163 ///
7164 /// @return the underlying type of @p t which might have had its
7165 /// redundant qualifiers removed.
7166 static qualified_type_def_sptr
7167 strip_redundant_quals_from_underyling_types(const qualified_type_def_sptr& t,
7168  qualified_type_def::CV redundant_quals)
7169 {
7170  if (!t)
7171  return t;
7173  // We must NOT edit canonicalized types.
7174  ABG_ASSERT(!t->get_canonical_type());
7176  qualified_type_def_sptr underlying_qualified_type =
7177  is_qualified_type(t->get_underlying_type());
7179  // Let's build 'currated qualifiers' that are the qualifiers of the
7180  // current type from which redundant qualifiers are removed.
7181  qualified_type_def::CV currated_quals = t->get_cv_quals();
7183  // Remove the redundant qualifiers from these currated qualifiers
7184  currated_quals &= ~redundant_quals;
7185  t->set_cv_quals(currated_quals);
7187  // The redundant qualifiers, moving forward, is now the union of the
7188  // previous set of redundant qualifiers and the currated qualifiers.
7189  redundant_quals |= currated_quals;
7191  qualified_type_def_sptr result = t;
7192  if (underlying_qualified_type)
7193  // Now remove the redundant qualifiers from the qualified types
7194  // potentially carried by the underlying type.
7195  result =
7196  strip_redundant_quals_from_underyling_types(underlying_qualified_type,
7197  redundant_quals);
7199  return result;
7200 }
7202 /// Merge redundant qualifiers from a tree of qualified types.
7203 ///
7204 /// Suppose a tree of qualified types leads to:
7205 ///
7206 /// const virtual const restrict const int;
7207 ///
7208 /// Suppose the IR tree of qualified types ressembles (with C meaning
7209 /// const, V meaning virtual and R meaning restrict):
7210 ///
7211 /// [C|V]-->[C|R] -->[C] --> [int].
7212 ///
7213 /// This function walks the IR and remove the redundant CV qualifiers
7214 /// so the IR becomes:
7215 ///
7216 /// [C|V] --> [R] --> [] -->[int].
7217 ///
7218 /// Note that the empty qualified type (noted []) represents a
7219 /// qualified type with no qualifier. It's rare, but it can exist.
7220 /// I've put it here just for the sake of example.
7221 ///
7222 /// The resulting IR thus represents the (merged) type:
7223 ///
7224 /// const virtual restrict int.
7225 ///
7226 /// @param t the qualified type to consider. The IR below the
7227 /// argument to this parameter will be edited to remove redundant
7228 /// qualifiers where applicable.
7229 void
7230 strip_redundant_quals_from_underyling_types(const qualified_type_def_sptr& t)
7231 {
7232  if (!t)
7233  return;
7235  qualified_type_def::CV redundant_quals = qualified_type_def::CV_NONE;
7236  strip_redundant_quals_from_underyling_types(t, redundant_quals);
7237 }
7239 /// Return the leaf underlying type node of a @ref typedef_decl node.
7240 ///
7241 /// If the underlying type of a @ref typedef_decl node is itself a
7242 /// @ref typedef_decl node, then recursively look at the underlying
7243 /// type nodes to get the first one that is not a a @ref typedef_decl
7244 /// node. This is what a leaf underlying type node means.
7245 ///
7246 /// Otherwise, if the underlying type node of @ref typedef_decl is
7247 /// *NOT* a @ref typedef_decl node, then just return the underlying
7248 /// type node.
7249 ///
7250 /// And if the type node considered is not a @ref typedef_decl node,
7251 /// then just return it.
7252 ///
7253 /// @return the leaf underlying type node of a @p type.
7254 type_base_sptr
7255 peel_typedef_type(const type_base_sptr& type)
7256 {
7257  typedef_decl_sptr t = is_typedef(type);
7258  if (!t)
7259  return type;
7261  if (is_typedef(t->get_underlying_type()))
7262  return peel_typedef_type(t->get_underlying_type());
7263  return t->get_underlying_type();
7264 }
7266 /// Return the leaf underlying type node of a @ref typedef_decl node.
7267 ///
7268 /// If the underlying type of a @ref typedef_decl node is itself a
7269 /// @ref typedef_decl node, then recursively look at the underlying
7270 /// type nodes to get the first one that is not a a @ref typedef_decl
7271 /// node. This is what a leaf underlying type node means.
7272 ///
7273 /// Otherwise, if the underlying type node of @ref typedef_decl is
7274 /// *NOT* a @ref typedef_decl node, then just return the underlying
7275 /// type node.
7276 ///
7277 /// And if the type node considered is not a @ref typedef_decl node,
7278 /// then just return it.
7279 ///
7280 /// @return the leaf underlying type node of a @p type.
7281 const type_base*
7283 {
7284  const typedef_decl* t = is_typedef(type);
7285  if (!t)
7286  return type;
7288  return peel_typedef_type(t->get_underlying_type()).get();
7289 }
7291 /// Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a @ref pointer_type_def
7292 /// node.
7293 ///
7294 /// If the pointed-to type of a @ref pointer_type_def node is itself a
7295 /// @ref pointer_type_def node, then recursively look at the
7296 /// pointed-to type nodes to get the first one that is not a a @ref
7297 /// pointer_type_def node. This is what a leaf pointed-to type node
7298 /// means.
7299 ///
7300 /// Otherwise, if the pointed-to type node of @ref pointer_type_def is
7301 /// *NOT* a @ref pointer_type_def node, then just return the
7302 /// pointed-to type node.
7303 ///
7304 /// And if the type node considered is not a @ref pointer_type_def
7305 /// node, then just return it.
7306 ///
7307 /// @return the leaf pointed-to type node of a @p type.
7308 type_base_sptr
7309 peel_pointer_type(const type_base_sptr& type)
7310 {
7312  if (!t)
7313  return type;
7315  if (is_pointer_type(t->get_pointed_to_type()))
7316  return peel_pointer_type(t->get_pointed_to_type());
7317  return t->get_pointed_to_type();
7318 }
7320 /// Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a @ref pointer_type_def
7321 /// node.
7322 ///
7323 /// If the pointed-to type of a @ref pointer_type_def node is itself a
7324 /// @ref pointer_type_def node, then recursively look at the
7325 /// pointed-to type nodes to get the first one that is not a a @ref
7326 /// pointer_type_def node. This is what a leaf pointed-to type node
7327 /// means.
7328 ///
7329 /// Otherwise, if the pointed-to type node of @ref pointer_type_def is
7330 /// *NOT* a @ref pointer_type_def node, then just return the
7331 /// pointed-to type node.
7332 ///
7333 /// And if the type node considered is not a @ref pointer_type_def
7334 /// node, then just return it.
7335 ///
7336 /// @return the leaf pointed-to type node of a @p type.
7337 const type_base*
7339 {
7340  const pointer_type_def* t = is_pointer_type(type);
7341  if (!t)
7342  return type;
7344  return peel_pointer_type(t->get_pointed_to_type()).get();
7345 }
7347 /// Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a @ref reference_type_def
7348 /// node.
7349 ///
7350 /// If the pointed-to type of a @ref reference_type_def node is itself
7351 /// a @ref reference_type_def node, then recursively look at the
7352 /// pointed-to type nodes to get the first one that is not a a @ref
7353 /// reference_type_def node. This is what a leaf pointed-to type node
7354 /// means.
7355 ///
7356 /// Otherwise, if the pointed-to type node of @ref reference_type_def
7357 /// is *NOT* a @ref reference_type_def node, then just return the
7358 /// pointed-to type node.
7359 ///
7360 /// And if the type node considered is not a @ref reference_type_def
7361 /// node, then just return it.
7362 ///
7363 /// @return the leaf pointed-to type node of a @p type.
7364 type_base_sptr
7365 peel_reference_type(const type_base_sptr& type)
7366 {
7368  if (!t)
7369  return type;
7371  if (is_reference_type(t->get_pointed_to_type()))
7372  return peel_reference_type(t->get_pointed_to_type());
7373  return t->get_pointed_to_type();
7374 }
7376 /// Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a @ref reference_type_def
7377 /// node.
7378 ///
7379 /// If the pointed-to type of a @ref reference_type_def node is itself
7380 /// a @ref reference_type_def node, then recursively look at the
7381 /// pointed-to type nodes to get the first one that is not a a @ref
7382 /// reference_type_def node. This is what a leaf pointed-to type node
7383 /// means.
7384 ///
7385 /// Otherwise, if the pointed-to type node of @ref reference_type_def
7386 /// is *NOT* a @ref reference_type_def node, then just return the
7387 /// pointed-to type node.
7388 ///
7389 /// And if the type node considered is not a @ref reference_type_def
7390 /// node, then just return it.
7391 ///
7392 /// @return the leaf pointed-to type node of a @p type.
7393 const type_base*
7395 {
7396  const reference_type_def* t = is_reference_type(type);
7397  if (!t)
7398  return type;
7400  return peel_reference_type(t->get_pointed_to_type()).get();
7401 }
7403 /// Return the leaf element type of an array.
7404 ///
7405 /// If the element type is itself an array, then recursively return
7406 /// the element type of that array itself.
7407 ///
7408 /// @param type the array type to consider. If this is not an array
7409 /// type, this type is returned by the function.
7410 ///
7411 /// @return the leaf element type of the array @p type, or, if it's
7412 /// not an array type, then just return @p.
7413 const type_base_sptr
7414 peel_array_type(const type_base_sptr& type)
7415 {
7416  const array_type_def_sptr t = is_array_type(type);
7417  if (!t)
7418  return type;
7420  return peel_array_type(t->get_element_type());
7421 }
7423 /// Return the leaf element type of an array.
7424 ///
7425 /// If the element type is itself an array, then recursively return
7426 /// the element type of that array itself.
7427 ///
7428 /// @param type the array type to consider. If this is not an array
7429 /// type, this type is returned by the function.
7430 ///
7431 /// @return the leaf element type of the array @p type, or, if it's
7432 /// not an array type, then just return @p.
7433 const type_base*
7435 {
7436  const array_type_def* t = is_array_type(type);
7437  if (!t)
7438  return type;
7440  return peel_array_type(t->get_element_type()).get();
7441 }
7443 /// Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified type.
7444 ///
7445 /// If the underlying type is itself a qualified type, then
7446 /// recursively return the first underlying type of that qualified
7447 /// type to return the first underlying type that is not a qualified type.
7448 ///
7449 /// If the underlying type is NOT a qualified type, then just return
7450 /// that underlying type.
7451 ///
7452 /// @param type the qualified type to consider.
7453 ///
7454 /// @return the leaf underlying type.
7455 const type_base*
7457 {
7458  const qualified_type_def* t = is_qualified_type(type);
7459  if (!t)
7460  return type;
7462  return peel_qualified_type(t->get_underlying_type().get());
7463 }
7465 /// Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified type.
7466 ///
7467 /// If the underlying type is itself a qualified type, then
7468 /// recursively return the first underlying type of that qualified
7469 /// type to return the first underlying type that is not a qualified type.
7470 ///
7471 /// If the underlying type is NOT a qualified type, then just return
7472 /// that underlying type.
7473 ///
7474 /// @param type the qualified type to consider.
7475 ///
7476 /// @return the leaf underlying type.
7477 const type_base_sptr
7478 peel_qualified_type(const type_base_sptr& type)
7479 {
7480  const qualified_type_def_sptr t = is_qualified_type(type);
7481  if (!t)
7482  return type;
7484  return peel_qualified_type(t->get_underlying_type());
7485 }
7487 /// Test if a given qualified type is const.
7488 ///
7489 /// @pram t the qualified type to consider.
7490 ///
7491 /// @return true iff @p t is a const qualified type.
7492 bool
7493 is_const_qualified_type(const qualified_type_def_sptr& t)
7494 {
7495  if (!t)
7496  return false;
7498  if (t->get_cv_quals() == qualified_type_def::CV_CONST)
7499  return true;
7501  return false;
7502 }
7504 /// Test if a given type is const-qualified.
7505 ///
7506 /// @pram t the type to consider.
7507 ///
7508 /// @return true iff @p t is a const qualified type.
7509 bool
7510 is_const_qualified_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
7511 {
7512  qualified_type_def_sptr q = is_qualified_type(t);
7513  if (!q)
7514  return false;
7515  return is_const_qualified_type(q);
7516 }
7518 /// If a qualified type is const, then return its underlying type.
7519 ///
7520 /// @param q the qualified type to consider.
7521 ///
7522 /// @return the underlying type of @p q if it's a const-qualified
7523 /// type, otherwise, return @p q itself.
7524 type_base_sptr
7525 peel_const_qualified_type(const qualified_type_def_sptr& q)
7526 {
7527  if (!q)
7528  return q;
7530  if (is_const_qualified_type(q))
7531  return q->get_underlying_type();
7533  return q;
7534 }
7536 /// Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified or typedef type.
7537 ///
7538 /// If the underlying type is itself a qualified or typedef type, then
7539 /// recursively return the first underlying type of that qualified or
7540 /// typedef type to return the first underlying type that is not a
7541 /// qualified or typedef type.
7542 ///
7543 /// If the underlying type is NOT a qualified nor a typedef type, then
7544 /// just return that underlying type.
7545 ///
7546 /// @param type the qualified or typedef type to consider.
7547 ///
7548 /// @return the leaf underlying type.
7549 type_base*
7551 {
7552  while (is_typedef(type) || is_qualified_type(type))
7553  {
7554  if (const typedef_decl* t = is_typedef(type))
7555  type = peel_typedef_type(t);
7557  if (const qualified_type_def* t = is_qualified_type(type))
7558  type = peel_qualified_type(t);
7559  }
7561  return const_cast<type_base*>(type);
7562 }
7564 /// Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified or typedef type.
7565 ///
7566 /// If the underlying type is itself a qualified or typedef type, then
7567 /// recursively return the first underlying type of that qualified or
7568 /// typedef type to return the first underlying type that is not a
7569 /// qualified or typedef type.
7570 ///
7571 /// If the underlying type is NOT a qualified nor a typedef type, then
7572 /// just return that underlying type.
7573 ///
7574 /// @param type the qualified or typedef type to consider.
7575 ///
7576 /// @return the leaf underlying type.
7577 type_base_sptr
7578 peel_qualified_or_typedef_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
7579 {
7580  type_base_sptr type = t;
7581  while (is_typedef(type) || is_qualified_type(type))
7582  {
7583  if (typedef_decl_sptr t = is_typedef(type))
7584  type = peel_typedef_type(t);
7586  if (qualified_type_def_sptr t = is_qualified_type(type))
7587  type = peel_qualified_type(t);
7588  }
7590  return type;
7591 }
7593 /// Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a @ref
7594 /// typedef_decl, @ref pointer_type_def, @ref reference_type_def,
7595 /// or @ref array_type_def node.
7596 ///
7597 /// @param type the type to peel.
7598 ///
7599 /// @return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of @p type.
7600 type_base_sptr
7601 peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type(const type_base_sptr type)
7602 {
7603  type_base_sptr typ = type;
7604  while (is_typedef(typ)
7605  || is_pointer_type(typ)
7606  || is_reference_type(typ)
7607  || is_array_type(typ))
7608  {
7609  if (typedef_decl_sptr t = is_typedef(typ))
7610  typ = peel_typedef_type(t);
7613  typ = peel_pointer_type(t);
7616  typ = peel_reference_type(t);
7618  if (const array_type_def_sptr t = is_array_type(typ))
7619  typ = peel_array_type(t);
7620  }
7622  return typ;
7623 }
7625 /// Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a @ref
7626 /// typedef_decl, @ref pointer_type_def or @ref reference_type_def
7627 /// node.
7628 ///
7629 /// @param type the type to peel.
7630 ///
7631 /// @return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of @p type.
7632 type_base*
7634 {
7635  while (is_typedef(type)
7636  || is_pointer_type(type)
7637  || is_reference_type(type)
7638  || is_array_type(type))
7639  {
7640  if (const typedef_decl* t = is_typedef(type))
7641  type = peel_typedef_type(t);
7643  if (const pointer_type_def* t = is_pointer_type(type))
7644  type = peel_pointer_type(t);
7646  if (const reference_type_def* t = is_reference_type(type))
7647  type = peel_reference_type(t);
7649  if (const array_type_def* t = is_array_type(type))
7650  type = peel_array_type(t);
7651  }
7653  return const_cast<type_base*>(type);
7654 }
7656 /// Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a @ref
7657 /// typedef_decl, @ref pointer_type_def or @ref reference_type_def
7658 /// node.
7659 ///
7660 /// @param type the type to peel.
7661 ///
7662 /// @return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of @p type.
7663 type_base*
7665  bool peel_qual_type)
7666 {
7667  while (is_typedef(type)
7668  || is_pointer_type(type)
7669  || is_reference_type(type)
7670  || is_array_type(type)
7671  || (peel_qual_type && is_qualified_type(type)))
7672  {
7673  if (const typedef_decl* t = is_typedef(type))
7674  type = peel_typedef_type(t);
7676  if (const pointer_type_def* t = is_pointer_type(type))
7677  type = peel_pointer_type(t);
7679  if (const reference_type_def* t = is_reference_type(type))
7680  type = peel_reference_type(t);
7682  if (const array_type_def* t = is_array_type(type))
7683  type = peel_array_type(t);
7685  if (peel_qual_type)
7686  if (const qualified_type_def* t = is_qualified_type(type))
7687  type = peel_qualified_type(t);
7688  }
7690  return const_cast<type_base*>(type);
7691 }
7693 /// Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a, @ref
7694 /// pointer_type_def, @ref reference_type_def or @ref
7695 /// qualified_type_def type node.
7696 ///
7697 /// @param type the type to peel.
7698 ///
7699 /// @param peel_qualified_type if true, also peel qualified types.
7700 ///
7701 /// @return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of @p type.
7702 type_base*
7704  bool peel_qual_type)
7705 {
7706  while (is_pointer_type(type)
7707  || is_reference_type(type)
7708  || is_array_type(type)
7709  || (peel_qual_type && is_qualified_type(type)))
7710  {
7711  if (const pointer_type_def* t = is_pointer_type(type))
7712  type = peel_pointer_type(t);
7714  if (const reference_type_def* t = is_reference_type(type))
7715  type = peel_reference_type(t);
7717  if (const array_type_def* t = is_array_type(type))
7718  type = peel_array_type(t);
7720  if (peel_qual_type)
7721  if (const qualified_type_def* t = is_qualified_type(type))
7722  type = peel_qualified_type(t);
7723  }
7725  return const_cast<type_base*>(type);
7726 }
7728 /// Clone an array type.
7729 ///
7730 /// Note that the element type of the new array is shared witht the
7731 /// old one.
7732 ///
7733 /// @param array the array type to clone.
7734 ///
7735 /// @return a newly built array type. Note that it needs to be added
7736 /// to a scope (e.g, using add_decl_to_scope) for its lifetime to be
7737 /// bound to the one of that scope. Otherwise, its lifetime is bound
7738 /// to the lifetime of its containing shared pointer.
7741 {
7742  vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr> subranges;
7744  for (vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr>::const_iterator i =
7745  array->get_subranges().begin();
7746  i != array->get_subranges().end();
7747  ++i)
7748  {
7750  (new array_type_def::subrange_type(array->get_environment(),
7751  (*i)->get_name(),
7752  (*i)->get_lower_bound(),
7753  (*i)->get_upper_bound(),
7754  (*i)->get_underlying_type(),
7755  (*i)->get_location(),
7756  (*i)->get_language()));
7757  subrange->is_non_finite((*i)->is_non_finite());
7758  if (scope_decl *scope = (*i)->get_scope())
7759  add_decl_to_scope(subrange, scope);
7760  subranges.push_back(subrange);
7761  }
7763  array_type_def_sptr result
7764  (new array_type_def(array->get_element_type(),
7765  subranges, array->get_location()));
7767  return result;
7768 }
7770 /// Clone a typedef type.
7771 ///
7772 /// Note that the underlying type of the newly constructed typedef is
7773 /// shared with the old one.
7774 ///
7775 /// @param t the typedef to clone.
7776 ///
7777 /// @return the newly constructed typedef. Note that it needs to be
7778 /// added to a scope (e.g, using add_decl_to_scope) for its lifetime
7779 /// to be bound to the one of that scope. Otherwise, its lifetime is
7780 /// bound to the lifetime of its containing shared pointer.
7783 {
7784  if (!t)
7785  return t;
7787  typedef_decl_sptr result
7788  (new typedef_decl(t->get_name(), t->get_underlying_type(),
7789  t->get_location(), t->get_linkage_name(),
7790  t->get_visibility()));
7791  return result;
7792 }
7794 /// Clone a qualifiend type.
7795 ///
7796 /// Note that underlying type of the newly constructed qualified type
7797 /// is shared with the old one.
7798 ///
7799 /// @param t the qualified type to clone.
7800 ///
7801 /// @return the newly constructed qualified type. Note that it needs
7802 /// to be added to a scope (e.g, using add_decl_to_scope) for its
7803 /// lifetime to be bound to the one of that scope. Otherwise, its
7804 /// lifetime is bound to the lifetime of its containing shared
7805 /// pointer.
7806 qualified_type_def_sptr
7807 clone_qualified_type(const qualified_type_def_sptr& t)
7808 {
7809  if (!t)
7810  return t;
7812  qualified_type_def_sptr result
7813  (new qualified_type_def(t->get_underlying_type(),
7814  t->get_cv_quals(), t->get_location()));
7816  return result;
7817 }
7819 /// Clone a typedef, an array or a qualified tree.
7820 ///
7821 /// @param type the typedef, array or qualified tree to clone. any
7822 /// order.
7823 ///
7824 /// @return the cloned type, or NULL if @type was neither a typedef,
7825 /// array nor a qualified type.
7826 static type_base_sptr
7827 clone_typedef_array_qualified_type(type_base_sptr type)
7828 {
7829  if (!type)
7830  return type;
7832  scope_decl* scope = is_decl(type) ? is_decl(type)->get_scope() : 0;
7833  type_base_sptr result;
7835  if (typedef_decl_sptr t = is_typedef(type))
7836  result = clone_typedef(is_typedef(t));
7837  else if (qualified_type_def_sptr t = is_qualified_type(type))
7838  result = clone_qualified_type(t);
7839  else if (array_type_def_sptr t = is_array_type(type))
7840  result = clone_array(t);
7841  else
7842  return type_base_sptr();
7844  if (scope)
7845  add_decl_to_scope(is_decl(result), scope);
7847  return result;
7848 }
7850 /// Clone a type tree made of an array or a typedef of array.
7851 ///
7852 /// Note that this can be a tree which root node is a typedef an which
7853 /// sub-tree can be any arbitrary combination of typedef, qualified
7854 /// type and arrays.
7855 ///
7856 /// @param t the array or typedef of qualified array to consider.
7857 ///
7858 /// @return a clone of @p t.
7859 type_base_sptr
7860 clone_array_tree(const type_base_sptr t)
7861 {
7864  scope_decl* scope = is_decl(t)->get_scope();
7865  type_base_sptr result = clone_typedef_array_qualified_type(t);
7866  ABG_ASSERT(is_typedef_of_array(result) || is_array_type(result));
7868  type_base_sptr subtree;
7869  if (typedef_decl_sptr type = is_typedef(result))
7870  {
7871  type_base_sptr s =
7872  clone_typedef_array_qualified_type(type->get_underlying_type());
7873  if (s)
7874  {
7875  subtree = s;
7876  type->set_underlying_type(subtree);
7877  }
7878  }
7879  else if (array_type_def_sptr type = is_array_type(result))
7880  {
7881  type_base_sptr s =
7882  clone_typedef_array_qualified_type(type->get_element_type());
7883  if (s)
7884  {
7885  subtree = s;
7886  type->set_element_type(subtree);
7887  }
7888  }
7889  add_decl_to_scope(is_decl(subtree), scope);
7891  for (;;)
7892  {
7893  if (typedef_decl_sptr t = is_typedef(subtree))
7894  {
7895  type_base_sptr s =
7896  clone_typedef_array_qualified_type(t->get_underlying_type());
7897  if (s)
7898  {
7899  scope_decl* scope =
7900  is_decl(t->get_underlying_type())->get_scope();
7901  ABG_ASSERT(scope);
7902  add_decl_to_scope(is_decl(s), scope);
7903  t->set_underlying_type (s);
7904  subtree = s;
7905  }
7906  else
7907  break;
7908  }
7909  else if (qualified_type_def_sptr t = is_qualified_type(subtree))
7910  {
7911  type_base_sptr s =
7912  clone_typedef_array_qualified_type(t->get_underlying_type());
7913  if (s)
7914  {
7915  scope_decl* scope =
7916  is_decl(t->get_underlying_type())->get_scope();
7917  ABG_ASSERT(scope);
7918  add_decl_to_scope(is_decl(s), scope);
7919  t->set_underlying_type(s);
7920  subtree = s;
7921  }
7922  else
7923  break;
7924  }
7925  else if (array_type_def_sptr t = is_array_type(subtree))
7926  {
7927  type_base_sptr e = t->get_element_type();
7928  if (is_typedef(e) || is_qualified_type(e))
7929  {
7930  type_base_sptr s =
7931  clone_typedef_array_qualified_type(e);
7932  if (s)
7933  {
7934  scope_decl* scope = is_decl(e)->get_scope();
7935  ABG_ASSERT(scope);
7936  add_decl_to_scope(is_decl(s), scope);
7937  t->set_element_type(s);
7938  }
7939  else
7940  break;
7941  }
7942  break;
7943  }
7944  else
7945  break;
7946  }
7947  return result;
7948 }
7950 /// Update the qualified name of a given sub-tree.
7951 ///
7952 /// @param d the sub-tree for which to update the qualified name.
7953 static void
7954 update_qualified_name(decl_base * d)
7955 {
7956  ::qualified_name_setter setter;
7957  d->traverse(setter);
7958 }
7960 /// Update the qualified name of a given sub-tree.
7961 ///
7962 /// @param d the sub-tree for which to update the qualified name.
7963 static void
7964 update_qualified_name(decl_base_sptr d)
7965 {return update_qualified_name(d.get());}
7967 // <scope_decl stuff>
7969 /// Hash a type by returning the pointer value of its canonical type.
7970 ///
7971 /// @param l the type to hash.
7972 ///
7973 /// @return the the pointer value of the canonical type of @p l.
7974 size_t
7975 canonical_type_hash::operator()(const type_base_sptr& l) const
7976 {return operator()(l.get());}
7978 /// Hash a (canonical) type by returning its pointer value
7979 ///
7980 /// @param l the canonical type to hash.
7981 ///
7982 /// @return the pointer value of the canonical type of @p l.
7983 size_t
7985 {return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(l);}
7987 struct scope_decl::priv
7988 {
7989  declarations members_;
7990  declarations sorted_members_;
7991  type_base_sptrs_type member_types_;
7992  type_base_sptrs_type sorted_member_types_;
7993  scopes member_scopes_;
7994  canonical_type_sptr_set_type canonical_types_;
7995  type_base_sptrs_type sorted_canonical_types_;
7996 }; // end struct scope_decl::priv
7998 /// Constructor of the @ref scope_decl type.
7999 ///
8000 /// @param the environment to use for the new instance.
8001 ///
8002 /// @param the name of the scope decl.
8003 ///
8004 /// @param locus the source location where the scope_decl is defined.
8005 ///
8006 /// @param vis the visibility of the declaration.
8007 scope_decl::scope_decl(const environment& env,
8008  const string& name,
8009  const location& locus,
8010  visibility vis)
8011  : type_or_decl_base(env, ABSTRACT_SCOPE_DECL|ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
8012  decl_base(env, name, locus, /*mangled_name=*/name, vis),
8013  priv_(new priv)
8014 {}
8016 /// Constructor of the @ref scope_decl type.
8017 ///
8018 /// @param the environment to use for the new instance.
8019 ///
8020 /// @param l the source location where the scope_decl is defined.
8021 ///
8022 /// @param vis the visibility of the declaration.
8023 scope_decl::scope_decl(const environment& env, location& l)
8024  : type_or_decl_base(env, ABSTRACT_SCOPE_DECL|ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
8025  decl_base(env, "", l),
8026  priv_(new priv)
8027 {}
8029 /// @eturn the set of canonical types of the the current scope.
8032 {return priv_->canonical_types_;}
8034 /// @eturn the set of canonical types of the the current scope.
8037 {return const_cast<scope_decl*>(this)->get_canonical_types();}
8039 /// Return a vector of sorted canonical types of the current scope.
8040 ///
8041 /// The types are sorted "almost topologically". That means, they are
8042 /// sorted using the lexicographic order of the string representing
8043 /// the location their definition point. If a type doesn't have a
8044 /// location, then its pretty representation is used.
8045 ///
8046 /// @return a vector of sorted canonical types of the current scope.
8047 const type_base_sptrs_type&
8049 {
8050  if (priv_->sorted_canonical_types_.empty())
8051  {
8052  for (canonical_type_sptr_set_type::const_iterator e =
8053  get_canonical_types().begin();
8054  e != get_canonical_types().end();
8055  ++e)
8056  priv_->sorted_canonical_types_.push_back(*e);
8058  type_topo_comp comp;
8059  std::stable_sort(priv_->sorted_canonical_types_.begin(),
8060  priv_->sorted_canonical_types_.end(),
8061  comp);
8062  }
8063  return priv_->sorted_canonical_types_;
8064 }
8066 /// Getter for the member declarations carried by the current @ref
8067 /// scope_decl.
8068 ///
8069 /// @return the member declarations carried by the current @ref
8070 /// scope_decl.
8073 {return priv_->members_;}
8075 /// Getter for the member declarations carried by the current @ref
8076 /// scope_decl.
8077 ///
8078 /// @return the member declarations carried by the current @ref
8079 /// scope_decl.
8082 {return priv_->members_;}
8084 /// Getter for the sorted member declarations carried by the current
8085 /// @ref scope_decl.
8086 ///
8087 /// @return the sorted member declarations carried by the current @ref
8088 /// scope_decl. The declarations are sorted topologically.
8091 {
8092  decl_topo_comp comp;
8093  if (priv_->sorted_members_.empty())
8094  {
8095  for (declarations::const_iterator i = get_member_decls().begin();
8096  i != get_member_decls().end();
8097  ++i)
8098  priv_->sorted_members_.push_back(*i);
8100  std::stable_sort(priv_->sorted_members_.begin(),
8101  priv_->sorted_members_.end(),
8102  comp);
8103  }
8104  return priv_->sorted_members_;
8105 }
8107 /// Getter for the number of anonymous classes contained in this
8108 /// scope.
8109 ///
8110 /// @return the number of anonymous classes contained in this scope.
8111 size_t
8113 {
8114  int result = 0;
8115  for (declarations::const_iterator it = get_member_decls().begin();
8116  it != get_member_decls().end();
8117  ++it)
8118  if (class_decl_sptr t = is_class_type(*it))
8119  if (t->get_is_anonymous())
8120  ++result;
8122  return result;
8123 }
8125 /// Getter for the number of anonymous unions contained in this
8126 /// scope.
8127 ///
8128 /// @return the number of anonymous unions contained in this scope.
8129 size_t
8131 {
8132  int result = 0;
8133  for (declarations::const_iterator it = get_member_decls().begin();
8134  it != get_member_decls().end();
8135  ++it)
8136  if (union_decl_sptr t = is_union_type(*it))
8137  if (t->get_is_anonymous())
8138  ++result;
8140  return result;
8141 }
8143 /// Getter for the number of anonymous enums contained in this
8144 /// scope.
8145 ///
8146 /// @return the number of anonymous enums contained in this scope.
8147 size_t
8149 {
8150  int result = 0;
8151  for (declarations::const_iterator it = get_member_decls().begin();
8152  it != get_member_decls().end();
8153  ++it)
8154  if (enum_type_decl_sptr t = is_enum_type(*it))
8155  if (t->get_is_anonymous())
8156  ++result;
8158  return result;
8159 }
8161 /// Getter for the scopes carried by the current scope.
8162 ///
8163 /// @return the scopes carried by the current scope.
8166 {return priv_->member_scopes_;}
8168 /// Getter for the scopes carried by the current scope.
8169 ///
8170 /// @return the scopes carried by the current scope.
8171 const scope_decl::scopes&
8173 {return priv_->member_scopes_;}
8175 /// Test if the current scope is empty.
8176 ///
8177 /// @return true iff the current scope is empty.
8178 bool
8180 {
8181  return (get_member_decls().empty()
8182  && get_canonical_types().empty());
8183 }
8185 /// Set the translation unit of a decl
8186 ///
8187 /// It also perform some IR integrity checks.
8188 ///
8189 /// This is a sub-routine of scope_decl::{insert,add}_member_decl.
8190 ///
8191 /// @param decl the decl to set the translation unit for.
8192 ///
8193 /// @param tu the translation unit to set.
8194 static void
8195 maybe_set_translation_unit(const decl_base_sptr& decl,
8196  translation_unit* tu)
8197 {
8198  if (translation_unit* existing_tu = decl->get_translation_unit())
8199  // The decl already belongs to a translation unit.
8200  // Either:
8201  //
8202  // 1/ it's a unique type, in which case we should not add it to
8203  // any translation unique since unique types are "logically"
8204  // supposed to belong to no translation unit in particular, as
8205  // they are unique.
8206  //
8207  // 2/ or the decl was already added to this translation unit.
8208  ABG_ASSERT(tu == existing_tu || is_unique_type(is_type(decl)));
8209  else
8210  decl->set_translation_unit(tu);
8211 }
8213 /// Add a member decl to this scope. Note that user code should not
8214 /// use this, but rather use add_decl_to_scope.
8215 ///
8216 /// Note that this function updates the qualified name of the member
8217 /// decl that is added. It also sets the scope of the member. Thus,
8218 /// it ABG_ASSERTs that member should not have its scope set, prior to
8219 /// calling this function.
8220 ///
8221 /// @param member the new member decl to add to this scope.
8222 decl_base_sptr
8223 scope_decl::add_member_decl(const decl_base_sptr& member)
8224 {
8225  ABG_ASSERT(!has_scope(member));
8227  member->set_scope(this);
8228  priv_->members_.push_back(member);
8229  if (is_type(member))
8230  priv_->member_types_.push_back(is_type(member));
8232  if (scope_decl_sptr m = dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(member))
8233  priv_->member_scopes_.push_back(m);
8235  update_qualified_name(member);
8238  maybe_set_translation_unit(member, tu);
8242  return member;
8243 }
8245 /// Get the member types of this @ref scope_decl.
8246 ///
8247 /// @return a vector of the member types of this ref class_or_union.
8248 const type_base_sptrs_type&
8250 {return priv_->member_types_;}
8252 /// Find a member type of a given name, inside the current @ref
8253 /// scope_decl.
8254 ///
8255 /// @param name the name of the member type to look for.
8256 ///
8257 /// @return a pointer to the @ref type_base that represents the member
8258 /// type of name @p name, for the current scope.
8259 type_base_sptr
8260 scope_decl::find_member_type(const string& name) const
8261 {
8262  for (auto t : get_member_types())
8263  if (get_type_name(t, /*qualified*/false) == name)
8264  return t;
8265  return type_base_sptr();
8266 }
8268 /// Insert a member type.
8269 ///
8270 /// @param t the type to insert in the @ref scope_decl type.
8271 ///
8272 /// @param an iterator right before which @p t has to be inserted.
8273 void
8275  declarations::iterator before)
8276 {
8277  decl_base_sptr d = get_type_declaration(t);
8278  ABG_ASSERT(d);
8279  ABG_ASSERT(!has_scope(d));
8281  priv_->member_types_.push_back(t);
8282  insert_member_decl(d, before);
8283 }
8285 /// Add a member type to the current instance of class_or_union.
8286 ///
8287 /// @param t the member type to add. It must not have been added to a
8288 /// scope, otherwise this will violate an ABG_ASSERTion.
8289 void
8291 {insert_member_type(t, get_member_decls().end());}
8293 /// Add a member type to the current instance of class_or_union.
8294 ///
8295 /// @param t the type to be added as a member type to the current
8296 /// instance of class_or_union. An instance of class_or_union::member_type
8297 /// will be created out of @p t and and added to the the class.
8298 ///
8299 /// @param a the access specifier for the member type to be created.
8300 type_base_sptr
8302 {
8303  decl_base_sptr d = get_type_declaration(t);
8304  ABG_ASSERT(d);
8306  add_member_type(t);
8308  return t;
8309 }
8311 /// Remove a member type from the current @ref class_or_union scope.
8312 ///
8313 /// @param t the type to remove.
8314 void
8316 {
8317  for (auto i = priv_->member_types_.begin();
8318  i != priv_->member_types_.end();
8319  ++i)
8320  {
8321  if (*((*i)) == *t)
8322  {
8323  priv_->member_types_.erase(i);
8324  return;
8325  }
8326  }
8327 }
8329 /// Get the sorted member types of this @ref scope_decl
8330 ///
8331 /// @return a vector of the sorted member types of this ref
8332 /// class_or_union.
8333 const type_base_sptrs_type&
8335 {
8336  if (priv_->sorted_member_types_.empty())
8337  {
8338  for (auto t : get_member_types())
8339  priv_->sorted_member_types_.push_back(t);
8341  type_topo_comp comp;
8342  std::stable_sort(priv_->sorted_member_types_.begin(),
8343  priv_->sorted_member_types_.end(),
8344  comp);
8345  }
8346  return priv_->sorted_member_types_;
8347 }
8349 /// Insert a member decl to this scope, right before an element
8350 /// pointed to by a given iterator. Note that user code should not
8351 /// use this, but rather use insert_decl_into_scope.
8352 ///
8353 /// Note that this function updates the qualified name of the inserted
8354 /// member.
8355 ///
8356 /// @param member the new member decl to add to this scope.
8357 ///
8358 /// @param before an interator pointing to the element before which
8359 /// the new member should be inserted.
8360 decl_base_sptr
8361 scope_decl::insert_member_decl(decl_base_sptr member,
8362  declarations::iterator before)
8363 {
8364  ABG_ASSERT(!member->get_scope());
8366  member->set_scope(this);
8367  priv_->members_.insert(before, member);
8369  if (scope_decl_sptr m = dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(member))
8370  priv_-> member_scopes_.push_back(m);
8372  update_qualified_name(member);
8375  maybe_set_translation_unit(member, tu);
8379  return member;
8380 }
8382 /// Remove a declaration from the current scope.
8383 ///
8384 /// @param member the declaration to remove from the scope.
8385 void
8386 scope_decl::remove_member_decl(decl_base_sptr member)
8387 {
8388  for (declarations::iterator i = priv_->members_.begin();
8389  i != priv_->members_.end();
8390  ++i)
8391  {
8392  if (**i == *member)
8393  {
8394  priv_->members_.erase(i);
8395  // Do not access i after this point as it's invalided by the
8396  // erase call.
8397  break;
8398  }
8399  }
8401  scope_decl_sptr scope = dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(member);
8402  if (scope)
8403  {
8404  for (scopes::iterator i = priv_->member_scopes_.begin();
8405  i != priv_->member_scopes_.end();
8406  ++i)
8407  {
8408  if (**i == *member)
8409  {
8410  priv_->member_scopes_.erase(i);
8411  break;
8412  }
8413  }
8414  }
8416  member->set_scope(nullptr);
8417  member->set_translation_unit(nullptr);
8418 }
8420 /// Return the hash value for the current instance of scope_decl.
8421 ///
8422 /// This method can trigger the computing of the hash value, if need be.
8423 ///
8424 /// @return the hash value.
8425 size_t
8427 {
8428  scope_decl::hash hash_scope;
8429  return hash_scope(this);
8430 }
8432 /// Compares two instances of @ref scope_decl.
8433 ///
8434 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
8435 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
8436 ///
8437 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
8438 ///
8439 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
8440 ///
8441 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
8442 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
8443 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
8444 ///
8445 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
8446 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
8447 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
8448 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
8449 ///
8450 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
8451 bool
8452 equals(const scope_decl& l, const scope_decl& r, change_kind* k)
8453 {
8454  bool result = true;
8456  if (!l.decl_base::operator==(r))
8457  {
8458  result = false;
8459  if (k)
8461  else
8463  }
8465  scope_decl::declarations::const_iterator i, j;
8466  for (i = l.get_member_decls().begin(), j = r.get_member_decls().begin();
8467  i != l.get_member_decls().end() && j != r.get_member_decls().end();
8468  ++i, ++j)
8469  {
8470  if (**i != **j)
8471  {
8472  result = false;
8473  if (k)
8474  {
8476  break;
8477  }
8478  else
8480  }
8481  }
8483  if (i != l.get_member_decls().end() || j != r.get_member_decls().end())
8484  {
8485  result = false;
8486  if (k)
8488  else
8490  }
8492  ABG_RETURN(result);
8493 }
8495 /// Return true iff both scopes have the same names and have the same
8496 /// member decls.
8497 ///
8498 /// This function doesn't check for equality of the scopes of its
8499 /// arguments.
8500 bool
8502 {
8503  const scope_decl* other = dynamic_cast<const scope_decl*>(&o);
8504  if (!other)
8505  return false;
8507  return equals(*this, *other, 0);
8508 }
8510 /// Equality operator for @ref scope_decl_sptr.
8511 ///
8512 /// @param l the left hand side operand of the equality operator.
8513 ///
8514 /// @pram r the right hand side operand of the equalify operator.
8515 ///
8516 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
8517 bool
8519 {
8520  if (!!l != !!r)
8521  return false;
8522  if (l.get() == r.get())
8523  return true;
8524  return *l == *r;
8525 }
8527 /// Inequality operator for @ref scope_decl_sptr.
8528 ///
8529 /// @param l the left hand side operand of the equality operator.
8530 ///
8531 /// @pram r the right hand side operand of the equalify operator.
8532 ///
8533 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
8534 bool
8536 {return !operator==(l, r);}
8538 /// Find a member of the current scope and return an iterator on it.
8539 ///
8540 /// @param decl the scope member to find.
8541 ///
8542 /// @param i the iterator to set to the member @p decl. This is set
8543 /// iff the function returns true.
8544 ///
8545 /// @return true if the member decl was found, false otherwise.
8546 bool
8548  declarations::iterator& i)
8549 {
8550  if (!decl)
8551  return false;
8553  if (get_member_decls().empty())
8554  {
8555  i = get_member_decls().end();
8556  return false;
8557  }
8559  for (declarations::iterator it = get_member_decls().begin();
8560  it != get_member_decls().end();
8561  ++it)
8562  {
8563  if ((*it).get() == decl)
8564  {
8565  i = it;
8566  return true;
8567  }
8568  }
8570  return false;
8571 }
8573 /// Find a member of the current scope and return an iterator on it.
8574 ///
8575 /// @param decl the scope member to find.
8576 ///
8577 /// @param i the iterator to set to the member @p decl. This is set
8578 /// iff the function returns true.
8579 ///
8580 /// @return true if the member decl was found, false otherwise.
8581 bool
8582 scope_decl::find_iterator_for_member(const decl_base_sptr decl,
8583  declarations::iterator& i)
8584 {return find_iterator_for_member(decl.get(), i);}
8586 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
8587 /// function.
8588 ///
8589 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance of scope_decl
8590 /// and on its member nodes.
8591 ///
8592 /// @return true if the traversal of the tree should continue, false
8593 /// otherwise.
8594 bool
8596 {
8597  if (visiting())
8598  return true;
8600  if (v.visit_begin(this))
8601  {
8602  visiting(true);
8603  for (scope_decl::declarations::const_iterator i =
8604  get_member_decls().begin();
8605  i != get_member_decls ().end();
8606  ++i)
8607  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
8608  break;
8609  visiting(false);
8610  }
8611  return v.visit_end(this);
8612 }
8614 scope_decl::~scope_decl()
8615 {}
8617 /// Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration
8618 /// doesn't already belong to one and if the declaration is not for a
8619 /// type that is supposed to be unique.
8620 ///
8621 /// @param decl the declaration to add to the scope
8622 ///
8623 /// @param scope the scope to append the declaration to
8624 decl_base_sptr
8625 add_decl_to_scope(decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl* scope)
8626 {
8627  ABG_ASSERT(scope);
8629  if (scope && decl && !decl->get_scope())
8630  decl = scope->add_member_decl(decl);
8632  return decl;
8633 }
8635 /// Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't
8636 /// already belong to a scope.
8637 ///
8638 /// @param decl the declaration to add append to the scope
8639 ///
8640 /// @param scope the scope to append the decl to
8641 decl_base_sptr
8642 add_decl_to_scope(decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl_sptr& scope)
8643 {return add_decl_to_scope(decl, scope.get());}
8645 /// Remove a given decl from its scope
8646 ///
8647 /// @param decl the decl to remove from its scope.
8648 void
8649 remove_decl_from_scope(decl_base_sptr decl)
8650 {
8651  if (!decl)
8652  return;
8654  scope_decl* scope = decl->get_scope();
8655  scope->remove_member_decl(decl);
8656 }
8658 /// Inserts a declaration into a given scope, before a given IR child
8659 /// node of the scope.
8660 ///
8661 /// @param decl the declaration to insert into the scope.
8662 ///
8663 /// @param before an iterator pointing to the child IR node before
8664 /// which to insert the declaration.
8665 ///
8666 /// @param scope the scope into which to insert the declaration.
8667 decl_base_sptr
8668 insert_decl_into_scope(decl_base_sptr decl,
8669  scope_decl::declarations::iterator before,
8670  scope_decl* scope)
8671 {
8672  if (scope && decl && !decl->get_scope())
8673  {
8674  decl_base_sptr d = scope->insert_member_decl(decl, before);
8675  decl = d;
8676  }
8677  return decl;
8678 }
8680 /// Inserts a declaration into a given scope, before a given IR child
8681 /// node of the scope.
8682 ///
8683 /// @param decl the declaration to insert into the scope.
8684 ///
8685 /// @param before an iterator pointing to the child IR node before
8686 /// which to insert the declaration.
8687 ///
8688 /// @param scope the scope into which to insert the declaration.
8689 decl_base_sptr
8690 insert_decl_into_scope(decl_base_sptr decl,
8691  scope_decl::declarations::iterator before,
8692  scope_decl_sptr scope)
8693 {return insert_decl_into_scope(decl, before, scope.get());}
8695 /// Constructor of the @ref global_scope type.
8696 ///
8697 /// @param tu the translation unit the scope belongs to.
8698 global_scope::global_scope(translation_unit *tu)
8699  : type_or_decl_base(tu->get_environment(),
8703  decl_base(tu->get_environment(), "", location()),
8704  scope_decl(tu->get_environment(), "", location()),
8705  translation_unit_(tu)
8706 {
8707  runtime_type_instance(this);
8708 }
8710 /// return the global scope as seen by a given declaration.
8711 ///
8712 /// @param decl the declaration to consider.
8713 ///
8714 /// @return the global scope of the decl, or a null pointer if the
8715 /// decl is not yet added to a translation_unit.
8716 const global_scope*
8718 {
8719  if (const global_scope* s = dynamic_cast<const global_scope*>(&decl))
8720  return s;
8722  scope_decl* scope = decl.get_scope();
8723  while (scope && !dynamic_cast<global_scope*>(scope))
8724  scope = scope->get_scope();
8726  return scope ? dynamic_cast<global_scope*> (scope) : 0;
8727 }
8729 /// return the global scope as seen by a given declaration.
8730 ///
8731 /// @param decl the declaration to consider.
8732 ///
8733 /// @return the global scope of the decl, or a null pointer if the
8734 /// decl is not yet added to a translation_unit.
8735 const global_scope*
8737 {return get_global_scope(*decl);}
8739 /// Return the global scope as seen by a given declaration.
8740 ///
8741 /// @param decl the declaration to consider.
8742 ///
8743 /// @return the global scope of the decl, or a null pointer if the
8744 /// decl is not yet added to a translation_unit.
8745 const global_scope*
8746 get_global_scope(const shared_ptr<decl_base> decl)
8747 {return get_global_scope(decl.get());}
8749 /// Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is
8750 /// right under a given scope P.
8751 ///
8752 /// Note that @p scope must come before @p decl in topological
8753 /// order.
8754 ///
8755 /// @param decl the decl for which to find a scope.
8756 ///
8757 /// @param scope the scope under which the resulting scope must be.
8758 ///
8759 /// @return the resulting scope.
8760 const scope_decl*
8762  const scope_decl* scope)
8763 {
8764  if (!decl)
8765  return 0;
8767  if (scope == 0)
8768  return get_global_scope(decl);
8770  // Handle the case where decl is a scope itself.
8771  const scope_decl* s = dynamic_cast<const scope_decl*>(decl);
8772  if (!s)
8773  s = decl->get_scope();
8775  if (is_global_scope(s))
8776  return scope;
8778  // Here, decl is in the scope 'scope', or decl and 'scope' are the
8779  // same. The caller needs to be prepared to deal with this case.
8780  if (s == scope)
8781  return s;
8783  while (s && !is_global_scope(s) && s->get_scope() != scope)
8784  s = s->get_scope();
8786  if (!s || is_global_scope(s))
8787  // SCOPE must come before decl in topological order, but I don't
8788  // know how to ensure that ...
8789  return scope;
8790  ABG_ASSERT(s);
8792  return s;
8793 }
8795 /// Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is
8796 /// right under a given scope P.
8797 ///
8798 /// @param decl the decl for which to find a scope.
8799 ///
8800 /// @param scope the scope under which the resulting scope must be.
8801 ///
8802 /// @return the resulting scope.
8803 const scope_decl*
8804 get_top_most_scope_under(const decl_base_sptr decl,
8805  const scope_decl* scope)
8806 {return get_top_most_scope_under(decl.get(), scope);}
8808 /// Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is
8809 /// right under a given scope P.
8810 ///
8811 /// @param decl the decl for which to find a scope.
8812 ///
8813 /// @param scope the scope under which the resulting scope must be.
8814 ///
8815 /// @return the resulting scope.
8816 const scope_decl*
8817 get_top_most_scope_under(const decl_base_sptr decl,
8818  const scope_decl_sptr scope)
8819 {return get_top_most_scope_under(decl, scope.get());}
8821 // </scope_decl stuff>
8824 /// Get the string representation of a CV qualifier bitmap.
8825 ///
8826 /// @param cv_quals the bitmap of CV qualifiers to consider.
8827 ///
8828 /// @return the string representation.
8829 string
8831 {
8832  string repr;
8833  if (cv_quals & qualified_type_def::CV_RESTRICT)
8834  repr = "restrict";
8835  if (cv_quals & qualified_type_def::CV_CONST)
8836  {
8837  if (!repr.empty())
8838  repr += ' ';
8839  repr += "const";
8840  }
8841  if (cv_quals & qualified_type_def::CV_VOLATILE)
8842  {
8843  if (!repr.empty())
8844  repr += ' ';
8845  repr += "volatile";
8846  }
8847  return repr;
8848 }
8850 /// Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is
8851 /// either a type or a decl.
8852 ///
8853 /// @param tod the ABI artifact to get the name for.
8854 ///
8855 /// @param qualified if yes, return the qualified name of @p tod;
8856 /// otherwise, return the non-qualified name;
8857 ///
8858 /// @return the name of @p tod.
8859 string
8860 get_name(const type_or_decl_base *tod, bool qualified)
8861 {
8862  string result;
8864  type_or_decl_base* a = const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(tod);
8866  if (type_base* t = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(a))
8867  result = get_type_name(t, qualified);
8868  else if (decl_base *d = dynamic_cast<decl_base*>(a))
8869  {
8870  if (qualified)
8871  result = d->get_qualified_name();
8872  else
8873  result = d->get_name();
8874  }
8875  else
8876  // We should never reach this point.
8877  abort();
8879  return result;
8880 }
8882 /// Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is
8883 /// either a type of a decl.
8884 ///
8885 /// @param tod the ABI artifact to get the name for.
8886 ///
8887 /// @param qualified if yes, return the qualified name of @p tod;
8888 /// otherwise, return the non-qualified name;
8889 ///
8890 /// @return the name of @p tod.
8891 string
8892 get_name(const type_or_decl_base_sptr& tod, bool qualified)
8893 {return get_name(tod.get(), qualified);}
8895 /// Build and return a qualified name from a name and its scope.
8896 ///
8897 /// The name is supposed to be for an entity that is part of the
8898 /// scope.
8899 ///
8900 /// @param the scope to consider.
8901 ///
8902 /// @param name of the name to consider.
8903 ///
8904 /// @return a copy of the string that represents the qualified name.
8905 string
8906 build_qualified_name(const scope_decl* scope, const string& name)
8907 {
8908  if (name.empty())
8909  return "";
8911  string qualified_name;
8912  if (scope)
8913  qualified_name = scope->get_qualified_name();
8915  if (qualified_name.empty())
8916  qualified_name = name;
8917  else
8918  qualified_name = qualified_name + "::" + name;
8920  return qualified_name;
8921 }
8923 /// Build and return the qualified name of a type in its scope.
8924 ///
8925 /// @param scope the scope of the type to consider.
8926 ///
8927 /// @param type the type to consider.
8928 string
8929 build_qualified_name(const scope_decl* scope, const type_base_sptr& type)
8930 {return build_qualified_name(scope, get_name((type)));}
8932 // </scope_decl stuff>
8934 /// Get the location of the declaration of a given type.
8935 ///
8936 /// @param type the type to consider.
8937 ///
8938 /// @return the location of the declaration of type @p type.
8939 location
8940 get_location(const type_base_sptr& type)
8941 {
8942  if (decl_base_sptr decl = get_type_declaration(type))
8943  return get_location(decl);
8944  return location();
8945 }
8947 /// Get the location of a given declaration.
8948 ///
8949 /// @param decl the declaration to consider.
8950 ///
8951 /// @return the location of the declaration @p decl.
8952 location
8953 get_location(const decl_base_sptr& decl)
8954 {
8955  location loc = decl->get_location();
8956  if (!loc)
8957  {
8958  if (class_or_union_sptr c = is_class_or_union_type(decl))
8959  if (c->get_is_declaration_only() && c->get_definition_of_declaration())
8960  {
8961  c = is_class_or_union_type(c->get_definition_of_declaration());
8962  loc = c->get_location();
8963  }
8964  }
8965  return loc;
8966 }
8968 /// Get the scope of a given type.
8969 ///
8970 /// @param t the type to consider.
8971 ///
8972 /// @return the scope of type @p t or 0 if the type has no scope yet.
8973 scope_decl*
8975 {
8976  if (!t)
8977  return 0;
8980  if (d)
8981  return d->get_scope();
8982  return 0;
8983 }
8985 /// Get the scope of a given type.
8986 ///
8987 /// @param t the type to consider.
8988 ///
8989 /// @return the scope of type @p t or 0 if the type has no scope yet.
8990 scope_decl*
8991 get_type_scope(const type_base_sptr& t)
8992 {return get_type_scope(t.get());}
8994 /// Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it.
8995 ///
8996 /// @param t the type to consider.
8997 ///
8998 /// @param qualified if true then return the qualified name of the
8999 /// type.
9000 ///
9001 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9002 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9003 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9004 /// false.
9005 ///
9006 /// @return a copy of the type name if the type has a name, or the
9007 /// empty string if it does not.
9009 get_type_name(const type_base_sptr& t, bool qualified, bool internal)
9010 {return get_type_name(t.get(), qualified, internal);}
9012 /// Return true iff a decl is for a type type that has a generic
9013 /// anonymous internal type name.
9014 ///
9015 /// @param d the decl to considier.
9016 ///
9017 /// @return true iff @p d is for a type type that has a generic
9018 /// anonymous internal type name.
9019 static bool
9020 has_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(const decl_base *d)
9021 {
9022  return (is_class_or_union_type(d)
9023  || is_enum_type(d)
9024  || is_subrange_type(d));
9025 }
9027 /// Return the generic internal name of an anonymous type.
9028 ///
9029 /// For internal purposes, we want to define a generic name for all
9030 /// anonymous types of a certain kind. For instance, all anonymous
9031 /// structs will be have a generic name of "__anonymous_struct__", all
9032 /// anonymous unions will have a generic name of
9033 /// "__anonymous_union__", etc.
9034 ///
9035 /// That generic name can be used as a hash to put all anonymous types
9036 /// of a certain kind in the same hash table bucket, for instance.
9037 static interned_string
9038 get_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(const decl_base *d)
9039 {
9040  ABG_ASSERT(has_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(d));
9042  const environment&env = d->get_environment();
9044  interned_string result;
9045  if (is_class_type(d))
9046  result =
9048  else if (is_union_type(d))
9049  result =
9051  else if (is_enum_type(d))
9052  result =
9054  else if (is_subrange_type(d))
9055  result =
9057  else
9060  return result;
9061 }
9063 /// Get the internal name for a given integral type.
9064 ///
9065 /// All integral types that have the modifiers 'short, long or long
9066 /// long' have the same internal name. This is so that they can all
9067 /// have the same canonical type if they are of the same size.
9068 /// Otherwise, 'long int' and 'long long int' would have different
9069 /// canonical types even though they are equivalent from an ABI point
9070 /// of view.
9071 ///
9072 /// @param t the integral type to consider
9073 ///
9074 /// @return the internal name for @p t if it's an integral type, or
9075 /// the empty string if @p t is not an integral type.
9076 static string
9077 get_internal_integral_type_name(const type_base* t)
9078 {
9079  string name;
9080  type_decl *type = is_integral_type(t);
9082  if (!type)
9083  return name;
9085  integral_type int_type;
9086  if (parse_integral_type(type->get_name(), int_type))
9087  name = int_type.to_string(/*internal=*/true);
9089  return name;
9090 }
9092 /// Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it.
9093 ///
9094 /// @param t the type to consider.
9095 ///
9096 /// @param qualified if true then return the qualified name of the
9097 /// type.
9098 ///
9099 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9100 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9101 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9102 /// false.
9103 ///
9104 /// @return a copy of the type name if the type has a name, or the
9105 /// empty string if it does not.
9106 interned_string
9107 get_type_name(const type_base* t, bool qualified, bool internal)
9108 {
9109  const decl_base* d = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(t);
9110  if (!d)
9111  {
9112  const function_type* fn_type = is_function_type(t);
9113  ABG_ASSERT(fn_type);
9114  return fn_type->get_cached_name(internal);
9115  }
9117  const environment&env = d->get_environment();
9119  // All anonymous types of a given kind get to have the same internal
9120  // name for internal purpose. This to allow them to be compared
9121  // among themselves during type canonicalization.
9122  if (internal)
9123  {
9124  if (d->get_is_anonymous())
9125  {
9126  string r;
9127  r += get_generic_anonymous_internal_type_name(d);
9128  return t->get_environment().intern(r);
9129  }
9131  if (is_typedef(t))
9132  return d->get_name();
9134  if (qualified)
9135  return d->get_qualified_name(internal);
9137  return env.intern(get_internal_integral_type_name(t));
9138  }
9140  if (d->get_is_anonymous())
9141  {
9142  if (is_class_or_union_type(t) || is_enum_type(t))
9143  return env.intern
9145  /*one_line=*/true,
9146  internal, qualified));
9147  }
9149  if (qualified)
9150  return d->get_qualified_name(internal);
9151  return d->get_name();
9152 }
9154 /// Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it.
9155 ///
9156 /// @param t the type to consider.
9157 ///
9158 /// @param qualified if true then return the qualified name of the
9159 /// type.
9160 ///
9161 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9162 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9163 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9164 /// false.
9165 ///
9166 /// @return a copy of the type name if the type has a name, or the
9167 /// empty string if it does not.
9169 get_type_name(const type_base& t, bool qualified, bool internal)
9170 {return get_type_name(&t, qualified, internal);}
9172 /// Get the name of the pointer to a given type.
9173 ///
9174 /// @param pointed_to_type the pointed-to-type to consider.
9175 ///
9176 /// @param qualified this is true if the resulting name should be of a
9177 /// pointer to a *fully-qualified* pointed-to-type.
9178 ///
9179 /// @param internal true if the name is for libabigail-internal
9180 /// purposes.
9181 ///
9182 /// @return the name (string representation) of the pointer.
9185  bool qualified, bool internal)
9186 {
9187  const environment& env = pointed_to_type.get_environment();
9188  string tn = get_type_name(pointed_to_type, qualified, internal);
9189  tn = tn + "*";
9191  return env.intern(tn);
9192 }
9194 /// Get the name of the reference to a given type.
9195 ///
9196 /// @param pointed_to_type the pointed-to-type to consider.
9197 ///
9198 /// @param qualified this is true if the resulting name should be of a
9199 /// reference to a *fully-qualified* pointed-to-type.
9200 ///
9201 /// @param internal true if the name is for libabigail-internal
9202 /// purposes.
9203 ///
9204 /// @return the name (string representation) of the reference.
9207  bool lvalue_reference,
9208  bool qualified, bool internal)
9209 {
9210  const environment& env = pointed_to_type.get_environment();
9212  string name = get_type_name(pointed_to_type, qualified, internal);
9213  if (lvalue_reference)
9214  name = name + "&";
9215  else
9216  name = name + "&&";
9218  return env.intern(name);
9219 }
9221 /// Get the name of a qualified type, given the underlying type and
9222 /// its qualifiers.
9223 ///
9224 /// @param underlying_type the underlying type to consider.
9225 ///
9226 /// @param quals the CV qualifiers of the name.
9227 ///
9228 /// @param qualified true if we should consider the fully qualified
9229 /// name of @p underlying_type.
9230 ///
9231 /// @param internal true if the result is to be used for
9232 /// libabigail-internal purposes.
9233 ///
9234 /// @return the name (string representation) of the qualified type.
9236 get_name_of_qualified_type(const type_base_sptr& underlying_type,
9237  qualified_type_def::CV quals,
9238  bool qualified, bool internal)
9239 {
9240  const environment& env = underlying_type->get_environment();
9242  string quals_repr = get_string_representation_of_cv_quals(quals);
9243  string name = get_type_name(underlying_type, qualified, internal);
9245  if (quals_repr.empty() && internal)
9246  // We are asked to return the internal name, that might be used
9247  // for type canonicalization. For that canonicalization, we need
9248  // to make a difference between a no-op qualified type which
9249  // underlying type is foo (the qualified type is named "none
9250  // foo"), and the name of foo, which is just "foo".
9251  //
9252  // Please remember that this has to be kept in sync with what is
9253  // done in die_qualified_name, in So if you
9254  // change this code here, please change that code there too.
9255  quals_repr = "";
9257  if (!quals_repr.empty())
9258  {
9259  if (is_pointer_type(peel_qualified_type(underlying_type))
9260  || is_reference_type(peel_qualified_type(underlying_type)))
9261  {
9262  name += " ";
9263  name += quals_repr;
9264  }
9265  else
9266  name = quals_repr + " " + name;
9267  }
9269  return env.intern(name);
9270 }
9272 /// Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it.
9273 ///
9274 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9275 ///
9276 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9277 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9278 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9279 /// false.
9280 ///
9281 /// @return a copy of the function type name
9284  bool internal)
9285 {return get_function_type_name(fn_type.get(), internal);}
9287 /// Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it.
9288 ///
9289 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9290 ///
9291 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9292 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9293 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9294 /// false.
9295 ///
9296 /// @return a copy of the function type name
9299  bool internal)
9300 {
9301  ABG_ASSERT(fn_type);
9303  if (const method_type* method = is_method_type(fn_type))
9304  return get_method_type_name(method, internal);
9306  return get_function_type_name(*fn_type, internal);
9307 }
9309 /// Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it.
9310 ///
9311 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9312 ///
9313 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9314 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9315 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9316 /// false.
9317 ///
9318 /// @return a copy of the function type name
9321  bool internal)
9322 {
9323  std::ostringstream o;
9324  // When the function name is used for internal purposes (e.g, for
9325  // canonicalization), we want its representation to stay the same,
9326  // regardless of typedefs. So let's strip typedefs from the return
9327  // type.
9328  type_base_sptr return_type =
9329  internal
9330  ? peel_typedef_type(fn_type.get_return_type())
9331  : fn_type.get_return_type();
9332  const environment& env = fn_type.get_environment();
9334  o << get_pretty_representation(return_type, internal) << " ";
9335  stream_pretty_representation_of_fn_parms(fn_type, o,
9336  /*qualified=*/true,
9337  internal);
9338  return env.intern(o.str());
9339 }
9341 /// Get the ID of a function, or, if the ID can designate several
9342 /// different functions, get its pretty representation.
9343 ///
9344 /// @param fn the function to consider
9345 ///
9346 /// @return the function ID of pretty representation of @p fn.
9349 {
9350  ABG_ASSERT(fn);
9352  interned_string result = fn->get_environment().intern(fn->get_id());
9354  if (const corpus *c = fn->get_corpus())
9355  {
9357  c->get_exported_decls_builder();
9358  if (b->fn_id_maps_to_several_fns(fn))
9359  result = fn->get_environment().intern(fn->get_pretty_representation());
9360  }
9362  return result;
9363 }
9365 /// Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it.
9366 ///
9367 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9368 ///
9369 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9370 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9371 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9372 /// false.
9373 ///
9374 /// @return a copy of the function type name
9377  bool internal)
9378 {return get_method_type_name(fn_type.get(), internal);}
9380 /// Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it.
9381 ///
9382 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9383 ///
9384 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9385 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9386 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9387 /// false.
9388 ///
9389 /// @return a copy of the function type name
9392  bool internal)
9393 {
9394  if (fn_type)
9395  return get_method_type_name(*fn_type, internal);
9397  return interned_string();
9398 }
9400 /// Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it.
9401 ///
9402 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9403 ///
9404 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9405 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9406 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9407 /// false.
9408 ///
9409 /// @return a copy of the function type name
9412  bool internal)
9413 {
9414  std::ostringstream o;
9415  // When the function name is used for internal purposes (e.g, for
9416  // canonicalization), we want its representation to stay the same,
9417  // regardless of typedefs. So let's strip typedefs from the return
9418  // type.
9419  type_base_sptr return_type =
9420  internal
9421  ? peel_typedef_type(fn_type.get_return_type())
9422  : fn_type.get_return_type();
9423  const environment& env = fn_type.get_environment();
9425  if (return_type)
9426  o << return_type->get_cached_pretty_representation(internal);
9427  else
9428  // There are still some abixml files out there in which "void"
9429  // can be expressed as an empty type.
9430  o << "void";
9432  class_or_union_sptr class_type = fn_type.get_class_type();
9433  ABG_ASSERT(class_type);
9435  o << " (" << class_type->get_qualified_name(internal) << "::*) ";
9436  stream_pretty_representation_of_fn_parms(fn_type, o,
9437  /*qualified=*/true,
9438  internal);
9440  return env.intern(o.str());
9441 }
9443 /// Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI
9444 /// artifact that could be either a type of a decl.
9445 ///
9446 /// param tod the ABI artifact to consider.
9447 ///
9448 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9449 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9450 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9451 /// false.
9452 ///
9453 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact
9454 /// that could be either a type of a decl.
9455 string
9457 {
9458  string result;
9460  if (type_base* t = is_type(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(tod)))
9461  result = get_pretty_representation(t, internal);
9462  else if (decl_base* d = is_decl(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(tod)))
9463  result = get_pretty_representation(d, internal);
9464  else
9465  // We should never reach this point
9466  abort();
9468  return result;
9469 }
9471 /// Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI
9472 /// artifact that could be either a type of a decl.
9473 ///
9474 /// param tod the ABI artifact to consider.
9475 ///
9476 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9477 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9478 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9479 /// false.
9480 ///
9481 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact
9482 /// that could be either a type of a decl.
9483 string
9485 {return get_pretty_representation(tod.get(), internal);}
9487 /// Get a copy of the pretty representation of a decl.
9488 ///
9489 /// @param d the decl to consider.
9490 ///
9491 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9492 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9493 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9494 /// false.
9495 ///
9496 /// @return the pretty representation of the decl.
9497 string
9498 get_pretty_representation(const decl_base* d, bool internal)
9499 {
9500  if (!d)
9501  return "";
9502  return d->get_pretty_representation(internal);
9503 }
9505 /// Get a copy of the pretty representation of a type.
9506 ///
9507 /// @param d the type to consider.
9508 ///
9509 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9510 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9511 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9512 /// false.
9513 ///
9514 /// @return the pretty representation of the type.
9515 string
9516 get_pretty_representation(const type_base* t, bool internal)
9517 {
9518  if (!t)
9519  return "void";
9520  if (const function_type* fn_type = is_function_type(t))
9521  return get_pretty_representation(fn_type, internal);
9523  const decl_base* d = get_type_declaration(t);
9524  ABG_ASSERT(d);
9525  return get_pretty_representation(d, internal);
9526 }
9528 /// Get a copy of the pretty representation of a decl.
9529 ///
9530 /// @param d the decl to consider.
9531 ///
9532 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9533 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9534 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9535 /// false.
9536 ///
9537 /// @return the pretty representation of the decl.
9538 string
9539 get_pretty_representation(const decl_base_sptr& d, bool internal)
9540 {return get_pretty_representation(d.get(), internal);}
9542 /// Get a copy of the pretty representation of a type.
9543 ///
9544 /// @param d the type to consider.
9545 ///
9546 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9547 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9548 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9549 /// false.
9550 ///
9551 /// @return the pretty representation of the type.
9552 string
9553 get_pretty_representation(const type_base_sptr& t, bool internal)
9554 {return get_pretty_representation(t.get(), internal);}
9556 /// Get the pretty representation of a function type.
9557 ///
9558 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9559 ///
9560 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9561 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9562 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9563 /// false.
9564 ///
9565 /// @return the string represenation of the function type.
9566 string
9568  bool internal)
9569 {return get_pretty_representation(fn_type.get(), internal);}
9571 /// Get the pretty representation of a function type.
9572 ///
9573 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9574 ///
9575 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9576 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9577 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9578 /// false.
9579 ///
9580 /// @return the string represenation of the function type.
9581 string
9582 get_pretty_representation(const function_type* fn_type, bool internal)
9583 {
9584  if (!fn_type)
9585  return "void";
9587  if (const method_type* method = is_method_type(fn_type))
9588  return get_pretty_representation(method, internal);
9590  return get_pretty_representation(*fn_type, internal);
9591 }
9593 /// Get the pretty representation of a function type.
9594 ///
9595 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
9596 ///
9597 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9598 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9599 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9600 /// false.
9601 ///
9602 /// @return the string represenation of the function type.
9603 string
9604 get_pretty_representation(const function_type& fn_type, bool internal)
9605 {
9606  std::ostringstream o;
9607  o << "function type " << get_function_type_name(fn_type, internal);
9608  return o.str();
9609 }
9611 /// Get the pretty representation of a method type.
9612 ///
9613 /// @param method the method type to consider.
9614 ///
9615 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9616 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9617 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9618 /// false.
9619 ///
9620 /// @return the string represenation of the method type.
9621 string
9622 get_pretty_representation(const method_type& method, bool internal)
9623 {
9624  std::ostringstream o;
9625  o << "method type " << get_method_type_name(method, internal);
9626  return o.str();
9627 }
9629 /// Get the pretty representation of a method type.
9630 ///
9631 /// @param method the method type to consider.
9632 ///
9633 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9634 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9635 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9636 /// false.
9637 ///
9638 /// @return the string represenation of the method type.
9639 string
9640 get_pretty_representation(const method_type* method, bool internal)
9641 {
9642  if (!method)
9643  return "void";
9644  return get_pretty_representation(*method, internal);
9645 }
9647 /// Get the pretty representation of a method type.
9648 ///
9649 /// @param method the method type to consider.
9650 ///
9651 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
9652 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
9653 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
9654 /// false.
9655 ///
9656 /// @return the string represenation of the method type.
9657 string
9658 get_pretty_representation(const method_type_sptr method, bool internal)
9659 {return get_pretty_representation(method.get(), internal);}
9661 /// Get the flat representation of an instance of @ref class_or_union
9662 /// type.
9663 ///
9664 /// The flat representation of a given @ref class_or_union type is the
9665 /// actual definition of the type, for instance:
9666 ///
9667 /// struct foo {int a; char b;}
9668 ///
9669 ///@param cou the instance of @ref class_or_union to consider.
9670 ///
9671 ///@param indent the identation spaces to use in the representation.
9672 ///
9673 ///@param one_line if true, then the flat representation stands on one
9674 ///line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
9675 ///
9676 ///@return the resulting flat representation.
9677 string
9679  const string& indent,
9680  bool one_line,
9681  bool internal,
9682  bool qualified_names)
9683 {
9684  string repr;
9685  string local_indent = " ";
9687  if (class_decl* clazz = is_class_type(&cou))
9688  {
9689  repr = indent;
9690  if (!internal && clazz->is_struct())
9691  repr += "struct";
9692  else
9693  repr += "class";
9694  }
9695  else if (is_union_type(cou))
9696  repr = indent + "union";
9697  else
9698  return "";
9700  repr += " ";
9702  string name = cou.get_qualified_name();
9704  if (!cou.get_is_anonymous())
9705  repr += name;
9707  repr += "{";
9709  if (!one_line)
9710  repr += "\n";
9712  string real_indent;
9713  const class_or_union::data_members &dmems = cou.get_data_members();
9714  for (class_or_union::data_members::const_iterator dm = dmems.begin();
9715  dm != dmems.end();
9716  ++dm)
9717  {
9718  if (dm != dmems.begin())
9719  {
9720  if (one_line)
9721  real_indent = " ";
9722  else
9723  real_indent = "\n" + indent + local_indent;
9724  }
9727  repr +=
9730  real_indent, one_line, internal, qualified_names);
9731  else
9732  {
9733  if (one_line)
9734  {
9735  if (dm != dmems.begin())
9736  repr += real_indent;
9737  repr += (*dm)->get_pretty_representation(internal,
9738  qualified_names);
9739  }
9740  else
9741  repr +=
9742  real_indent+ (*dm)->get_pretty_representation(internal,
9743  qualified_names);
9744  }
9745  repr += ";";
9746  }
9748  if (one_line)
9749  repr += "}";
9750  else
9751  repr += indent + "}";
9753  return repr;
9754 }
9756 /// Get the flat representation of an instance of @ref class_or_union
9757 /// type.
9758 ///
9759 /// The flat representation of a given @ref class_or_union type is the
9760 /// actual definition of the type, for instance:
9761 ///
9762 /// struct foo {int a; char b;}
9763 ///
9764 ///@param cou the instance of @ref class_or_union to consider.
9765 ///
9766 ///@param indent the identation spaces to use in the representation.
9767 ///
9768 ///@param one_line if true, then the flat representation stands on one
9769 ///line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
9770 ///
9771 ///@return the resulting flat representation.
9772 string
9774  const string& indent,
9775  bool one_line,
9776  bool internal,
9777  bool qualified_names)
9778 {
9779  if (cou)
9780  return get_class_or_union_flat_representation(*cou, indent, one_line,
9781  internal, qualified_names);
9782  return "";
9783 }
9785 /// Get the flat representation of an instance of @ref class_or_union
9786 /// type.
9787 ///
9788 /// The flat representation of a given @ref class_or_union type is the
9789 /// actual definition of the type, for instance:
9790 ///
9791 /// struct foo {int a; char b;}
9792 ///
9793 ///@param cou the instance of @ref class_or_union to consider.
9794 ///
9795 ///@param indent the identation spaces to use in the representation.
9796 ///
9797 ///@param one_line if true, then the flat representation stands on one
9798 ///line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
9799 ///
9800 ///@return the resulting flat representation.
9801 string
9802 get_class_or_union_flat_representation(const class_or_union_sptr& cou,
9803  const string& indent,
9804  bool one_line,
9805  bool internal,
9806  bool qualified_names)
9807 {return get_class_or_union_flat_representation(cou.get(),
9808  indent,
9809  one_line,
9810  internal,
9811  qualified_names);}
9813 /// Get the flat representation of an instance of @ref enum_type_decl
9814 /// type.
9815 ///
9816 /// The flat representation of a given @ref enum_type_decl type is the
9817 /// actual definition of the type, for instance:
9818 ///
9819 /// enum {E_0 =0, E_1 = 1}
9820 ///
9821 ///@param enum_type the enum type to consider.
9822 ///
9823 ///@param indent the identation spaces to use in the representation.
9824 ///
9825 ///@param one_line if true, then the flat representation stands on one
9826 ///line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
9827 ///
9828 ///@param qualified_names use qualified names when applicable.
9829 ///Typically, if this is true, the name of the enum is going to be
9830 ///qualified.
9831 ///
9832 ///@return the resulting flat representation.
9833 string
9835  const string& indent, bool one_line,
9836  bool qualified_names)
9837 {
9838  string repr;
9839  std::ostringstream o;
9840  string local_indent = " ";
9842  repr = indent + "enum ";
9844  if (!enum_type.get_is_anonymous())
9845  o << (qualified_names
9846  ? enum_type.get_qualified_name()
9847  : enum_type.get_name()) + " ";
9849  o << "{";
9851  if (!one_line)
9852  o << "\n";
9854  for (const auto &enumerator : enum_type.get_sorted_enumerators())
9855  {
9856  if (!one_line)
9857  o << "\n" + indent;
9859  o << enumerator.get_name() + "=" << enumerator.get_value() << ", ";
9860  }
9862  if (!one_line)
9863  o << "\n" + indent << "}";
9864  else
9865  o << "}";
9867  repr =o.str();
9869  return repr;
9870 }
9872 /// Get the flat representation of an instance of @ref enum_type_decl
9873 /// type.
9874 ///
9875 /// The flat representation of a given @ref enum_type_decl type is the
9876 /// actual definition of the type, for instance:
9877 ///
9878 /// enum {E_0 =0, E_1 = 1}
9879 ///
9880 ///@param enum_type the enum type to consider.
9881 ///
9882 ///@param indent the identation spaces to use in the representation.
9883 ///
9884 ///@param one_line if true, then the flat representation stands on one
9885 ///line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
9886 ///
9887 ///@param qualified_names use qualified names when applicable.
9888 ///Typically, if this is true, the name of the enum is going to be
9889 ///qualified.
9890 ///
9891 ///@return the resulting flat representation.
9892 string
9894  const string& indent, bool one_line,
9895  bool qualified_names)
9896 {
9897  if (!enum_type)
9898  return "";
9900  return get_enum_flat_representation(*enum_type, indent,
9901  one_line, qualified_names);
9902 }
9904 /// Get the flat representation of an instance of @ref enum_type_decl
9905 /// type.
9906 ///
9907 /// The flat representation of a given @ref enum_type_decl type is the
9908 /// actual definition of the type, for instance:
9909 ///
9910 /// enum {E_0 =0, E_1 = 1}
9911 ///
9912 ///@param enum_type the enum type to consider.
9913 ///
9914 ///@param indent the identation spaces to use in the representation.
9915 ///
9916 ///@param one_line if true, then the flat representation stands on one
9917 ///line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
9918 ///
9919 ///@param qualified_names use qualified names when applicable.
9920 ///Typically, if this is true, the name of the enum is going to be
9921 ///qualified.
9922 ///
9923 ///@return the resulting flat representation.
9924 string
9926  const string& indent, bool one_line,
9927  bool qualified_names)
9928 {
9929  return get_enum_flat_representation(enum_type.get(),
9930  indent, one_line,
9931  qualified_names);
9932 }
9934 /// Get the flat representation of an instance of @ref enum_type_decl
9935 /// type.
9936 ///
9937 /// The flat representation of a given @ref enum_type_decl type is the
9938 /// actual definition of the type, for instance:
9939 ///
9940 /// enum {E_0 =0, E_1 = 1}
9941 ///
9942 ///@param enum_type the enum type to consider.
9943 ///
9944 ///@param indent the identation spaces to use in the representation.
9945 ///
9946 ///@param one_line if true, then the flat representation stands on one
9947 ///line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
9948 ///
9949 ///@param qualified_names use qualified names when applicable.
9950 ///Typically, if this is true, the name of the enum is going to be
9951 ///qualified.
9952 ///
9953 ///@return the resulting flat representation.
9954 string
9956  const string& indent,
9957  bool one_line,
9958  bool internal,
9959  bool qualified_name)
9961 {
9962  string repr;
9963  if (const class_or_union* cou = is_class_or_union_type(&coe))
9964  repr = get_class_or_union_flat_representation(cou, indent, one_line,
9965  internal, qualified_name);
9966  else if (const enum_type_decl* enom = is_enum_type(&coe))
9967  repr = get_enum_flat_representation(*enom, indent, one_line, qualified_name);
9969  return repr;
9970 }
9972 /// Get the textual representation of a type for debugging purposes.
9973 ///
9974 /// If the type is a class/union, this shows the data members, virtual
9975 /// member functions, size, pointer value of its canonical type, etc.
9976 /// Otherwise, this just shows the name of the artifact as returned by
9977 /// type_or_decl_base:get_pretty_representation().
9978 ///
9979 /// @param artifact the artifact to show a debugging representation of.
9980 ///
9981 /// @return a debugging string representation of @p artifact.
9982 string
9984 {
9985  if (!artifact)
9986  return string("");
9988  class_or_union * c = is_class_or_union_type(artifact);
9989  if (c)
9990  {
9991  class_decl *clazz = is_class_type(c);
9992  string name = c->get_qualified_name();
9993  std::ostringstream o;
9994  if (clazz)
9995  {
9996  if (clazz->is_struct())
9997  o << "struct ";
9998  else
9999  o << "class ";
10000  }
10001  else if (is_union_type(c))
10002  o << "union ";
10003  o << name;
10005  if (clazz)
10006  {
10007  if (!clazz->get_base_specifiers().empty())
10008  o << " :" << std::endl;
10009  for (auto &b : clazz->get_base_specifiers())
10010  {
10011  o << " ";
10012  if (b->get_is_virtual())
10013  o << "virtual ";
10014  o << b->get_base_class()->get_qualified_name()
10015  << std::endl;
10016  }
10017  }
10018  o << std::endl
10019  << "{"
10020  << " // size in bits: " << c->get_size_in_bits() << "\n"
10021  << " // is-declaration-only: " << c->get_is_declaration_only() << "\n"
10022  << " // definition point: " << get_natural_or_artificial_location(c).expand() << "\n"
10023  << " // translation unit: " << c->get_translation_unit()->get_absolute_path() << std::endl
10024  << " // @: " << std::hex << is_type(c)
10025  << ", @canonical: " << c->get_canonical_type().get() << std::dec
10026  << "\n\n";
10028  for (auto m : c->get_data_members())
10029  {
10030  type_base_sptr t = m->get_type();
10033  o << " "
10034  << m->get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/false,
10035  /*qualified=*/false)
10036  << ";";
10038  if (t && t->get_canonical_type())
10039  o << " // uses canonical type '@"
10040  << std::hex << t->get_canonical_type().get() << std::dec;
10042  o << "'" << std::endl;
10043  }
10045  if (clazz && clazz->has_vtable())
10046  {
10047  o << " // virtual member functions\n\n";
10048  for (auto f : clazz->get_virtual_mem_fns())
10049  o << " " << f->get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/false,
10050  /*qualified=*/false)
10051  << ";" << std::endl;
10052  }
10054  o << "};" << std::endl;
10056  return o.str();
10057  }
10058  else if (const enum_type_decl* e = is_enum_type(artifact))
10059  {
10060  string name = e->get_qualified_name();
10061  std::ostringstream o;
10062  o << "enum " << name
10063  << " : "
10064  << e->get_underlying_type()->get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/false,
10065  true)
10066  << "\n"
10067  << "{\n"
10068  << " // size in bits: " << e->get_size_in_bits() << "\n"
10069  << " // is-declaration-only: " << e->get_is_declaration_only() << "\n"
10070  << " // definition point: " << get_natural_or_artificial_location(e).expand() << "\n"
10071  << " // translation unit: "
10072  << e->get_translation_unit()->get_absolute_path() << "\n"
10073  << " // @: " << std::hex << is_type(e)
10074  << ", @canonical: " << e->get_canonical_type().get() << std::dec
10075  << "\n\n";
10077  for (const auto &enom : e->get_enumerators())
10078  o << " " << enom.get_name() << " = " << enom.get_value() << ",\n";
10080  o << "};\n";
10082  return o.str();
10083  }
10084  return artifact->get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/true,
10085  /*qualified=*/true);
10086 }
10088 /// Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type.
10089 ///
10090 /// @param clazz the class to consider.
10091 ///
10092 /// @param member_name name of the data member to get.
10093 ///
10094 /// @return the resulting data member or nullptr if none was found.
10096 get_data_member(class_or_union *clazz, const char* member_name)
10097 {
10098  if (!clazz)
10099  return var_decl_sptr();
10100  return clazz->find_data_member(member_name);
10101 }
10103 /// Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type.
10104 ///
10105 /// @param clazz the class to consider.
10106 ///
10107 /// @param member_name name of the data member to get.
10108 ///
10109 /// @return the resulting data member or nullptr if none was found.
10111 get_data_member(type_base *clazz, const char* member_name)
10112 {return get_data_member(is_class_or_union_type(clazz), member_name);}
10114 /// Get the non-artificial (natural) location of a decl.
10115 ///
10116 /// If the decl doesn't have a natural location then return its
10117 /// artificial one.
10118 ///
10119 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10120 ///
10121 /// @return the natural location @p decl if it has one; otherwise,
10122 /// return its artificial one.
10123 const location&
10125 {
10126  ABG_ASSERT(decl);
10128  if (decl->get_location())
10129  return decl->get_location();
10130  return decl->get_artificial_location();
10131 }
10133 /// Get the artificial location of a decl.
10134 ///
10135 /// If the decl doesn't have an artificial location then return its
10136 /// natural one.
10137 ///
10138 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10139 ///
10140 /// @return the artificial location @p decl if it has one; otherwise,
10141 /// return its natural one.
10142 const location&
10144 {
10145  ABG_ASSERT(decl);
10147  if (decl->has_artificial_location())
10148  return decl->get_artificial_location();
10149  return decl->get_location();
10150 }
10152 /// Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream
10153 /// for debugging purposes.
10154 ///
10155 /// This is useful to invoke from within a command line debugger like
10156 /// GDB to help make sense of a given ABI artifact.
10157 ///
10158 /// @param artifact the ABI artifact to emit the debugging
10159 /// representation for.
10160 ///
10161 /// @return the artifact @p artifact.
10163 debug(const type_or_decl_base* artifact)
10164 {
10165  std::cerr << get_debug_representation(artifact) << std::endl;
10166  return const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(artifact);
10167 }
10169 /// Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream
10170 /// for debugging purposes.
10171 ///
10172 /// This is useful to invoke from within a command line debugger like
10173 /// GDB to help make sense of a given ABI artifact.
10174 ///
10175 /// @param artifact the ABI artifact to emit the debugging
10176 /// representation for.
10177 ///
10178 /// @return the artifact @p artifact.
10179 type_base*
10180 debug(const type_base* artifact)
10181 {
10182  debug(static_cast<const type_or_decl_base*>(artifact));
10183  return const_cast<type_base*>(artifact);
10184 }
10186 /// Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream
10187 /// for debugging purposes.
10188 ///
10189 /// This is useful to invoke from within a command line debugger like
10190 /// GDB to help make sense of a given ABI artifact.
10191 ///
10192 /// @param artifact the ABI artifact to emit the debugging
10193 /// representation for.
10194 ///
10195 /// @return the artifact @p artifact.
10196 decl_base*
10197 debug(const decl_base* artifact)
10198 {
10199  debug(static_cast<const type_or_decl_base*>(artifact));
10200  return const_cast<decl_base*>(artifact);
10201 }
10203 /// Test if two ABI artifacts are equal.
10204 ///
10205 /// This can be useful when used from the command line of a debugger
10206 /// like GDB.
10207 ///
10208 /// @param l the first ABI artifact to consider in the comparison.
10209 ///
10210 /// @param r the second ABI artifact to consider in the comparison.
10211 ///
10212 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
10213 bool
10215 {
10216  if (!!l != !!r)
10217  return false;
10218  if (!l && !r)
10219  return true;
10221  return (*l == *r);
10222 }
10224 /// Emit a trace of a comparison operand stack.
10225 ///
10226 /// @param vect the operand stack to emit the trace for.
10227 ///
10228 /// @param o the output stream to emit the trace to.
10229 static void
10230 debug_comp_vec(const vector<const type_base*>& vect, std::ostringstream& o)
10231 {
10232  for (auto t : vect)
10233  {
10234  o << "|" << t->get_pretty_representation()
10235  << "@" << std::hex << t << std::dec;
10236  }
10237  if (!vect.empty())
10238  o << "|";
10239 }
10241 /// Construct a trace of the two comparison operand stacks.
10242 ///
10243 /// @param the environment in which the comparison operand stacks are.
10244 ///
10245 /// @return a string representing the trace.
10246 static string
10247 print_comp_stack(const environment& env)
10248 {
10249  std::ostringstream o;
10250  o << "left-operands: ";
10251  debug_comp_vec(env.priv_->left_type_comp_operands_, o);
10252  o << "\n" << "right-operands: ";
10253  debug_comp_vec(env.priv_->right_type_comp_operands_, o);
10254  o << "\n";
10255  return o.str();
10256 }
10258 /// Emit a trace of the two comparison operands stack on the standard
10259 /// error stream.
10260 ///
10261 /// @param env the environment the comparison operands stack belong
10262 /// to.
10263 void
10265 {
10266  std::cerr << print_comp_stack(env);
10267  std::cerr << std::endl;
10268 }
10270 /// By looking at the language of the TU a given ABI artifact belongs
10271 /// to, test if the ONE Definition Rule should apply.
10272 ///
10273 /// To date, it applies to c++, java and ada.
10274 ///
10275 /// @param artifact the ABI artifact to consider.
10276 ///
10277 /// @return true iff the One Definition Rule should apply.
10278 bool
10280 {
10282  artifact.get_translation_unit()->get_language();
10284  if (is_cplus_plus_language(l)
10285  || is_java_language(l)
10286  || is_ada_language(l))
10287  return true;
10289  return false;
10290 }
10292 /// Get the declaration for a given type.
10293 ///
10294 /// @param t the type to consider.
10295 ///
10296 /// @return the declaration for the type to return.
10297 const decl_base*
10299 {return dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(t);}
10301 /// Get the declaration for a given type.
10302 ///
10303 /// @param t the type to consider.
10304 ///
10305 /// @return the declaration for the type to return.
10306 decl_base*
10308 {return dynamic_cast<decl_base*>(t);}
10310 /// Get the declaration for a given type.
10311 ///
10312 /// @param t the type to consider.
10313 ///
10314 /// @return the declaration for the type to return.
10315 decl_base_sptr
10316 get_type_declaration(const type_base_sptr t)
10317 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(t);}
10319 /// Test if two types are equal modulo a typedef.
10320 ///
10321 /// Type A and B are compatible if
10322 ///
10323 /// - A and B are equal
10324 /// - or if one type is a typedef of the other one.
10325 ///
10326 /// @param type1 the first type to consider.
10327 ///
10328 /// @param type2 the second type to consider.
10329 ///
10330 /// @return true iff @p type1 and @p type2 are compatible.
10331 bool
10332 types_are_compatible(const type_base_sptr type1,
10333  const type_base_sptr type2)
10334 {
10335  if (!type1 || !type2)
10336  return false;
10338  if (type1 == type2)
10339  return true;
10341  // Normally we should strip typedefs entirely, but this is
10342  // potentially costly, especially on binaries with huge changesets
10343  // like the Linux Kernel. So we just get the leaf types for now.
10344  //
10345  // Maybe there should be an option by which users accepts to pay the
10346  // CPU usage toll in exchange for finer filtering?
10348  // type_base_sptr t1 = strip_typedef(type1);
10349  // type_base_sptr t2 = strip_typedef(type2);
10351  type_base_sptr t1 = peel_typedef_type(type1);
10352  type_base_sptr t2 = peel_typedef_type(type2);
10354  return t1 == t2;
10355 }
10357 /// Test if two types are equal modulo a typedef.
10358 ///
10359 /// Type A and B are compatible if
10360 ///
10361 /// - A and B are equal
10362 /// - or if one type is a typedef of the other one.
10363 ///
10364 /// @param type1 the declaration of the first type to consider.
10365 ///
10366 /// @param type2 the declaration of the second type to consider.
10367 ///
10368 /// @return true iff @p type1 and @p type2 are compatible.
10369 bool
10370 types_are_compatible(const decl_base_sptr d1,
10371  const decl_base_sptr d2)
10372 {return types_are_compatible(is_type(d1), is_type(d2));}
10374 /// Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to.
10375 ///
10376 /// @param decl the declaration to consider.
10377 ///
10378 /// @return the resulting translation unit, or null if the decl is not
10379 /// yet added to a translation unit.
10382 {return const_cast<translation_unit*>(decl.get_translation_unit());}
10384 /// Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to.
10385 ///
10386 /// @param decl the declaration to consider.
10387 ///
10388 /// @return the resulting translation unit, or null if the decl is not
10389 /// yet added to a translation unit.
10392 {return decl ? get_translation_unit(*decl) : 0;}
10394 /// Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to.
10395 ///
10396 /// @param decl the declaration to consider.
10397 ///
10398 /// @return the resulting translation unit, or null if the decl is not
10399 /// yet added to a translation unit.
10401 get_translation_unit(const shared_ptr<decl_base> decl)
10402 {return get_translation_unit(decl.get());}
10404 /// Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope.
10405 ///
10406 /// @param scope the scope to consider.
10407 ///
10408 /// @return true iff the current scope is the global one.
10409 bool
10411 {return !!dynamic_cast<const global_scope*>(&scope);}
10413 /// Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope.
10414 ///
10415 /// @param scope the scope to consider.
10416 ///
10417 /// @return the @ref global_scope* representing the scope @p scope or
10418 /// 0 if @p scope is not a global scope.
10419 const global_scope*
10421 {return dynamic_cast<const global_scope*>(scope);}
10423 /// Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope.
10424 ///
10425 /// @param scope the scope to consider.
10426 ///
10427 /// @return true iff the current scope is the global one.
10428 bool
10429 is_global_scope(const shared_ptr<scope_decl>scope)
10430 {return is_global_scope(scope.get());}
10432 /// Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope.
10433 ///
10434 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10435 ///
10436 /// @return true iff decl is at global scope.
10437 bool
10439 {return (is_global_scope(decl.get_scope()));}
10441 /// Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope.
10442 ///
10443 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10444 ///
10445 /// @return true iff decl is at global scope.
10446 bool
10447 is_at_global_scope(const decl_base_sptr decl)
10448 {return (decl && is_global_scope(decl->get_scope()));}
10450 /// Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope.
10451 ///
10452 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10453 ///
10454 /// @return true iff decl is at global scope.
10455 bool
10457 {return is_at_global_scope(*decl);}
10459 /// Tests whether a given decl is at class scope.
10460 ///
10461 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10462 ///
10463 /// @return true iff decl is at class scope.
10465 is_at_class_scope(const decl_base_sptr decl)
10466 {return is_at_class_scope(decl.get());}
10468 /// Tests whether a given decl is at class scope.
10469 ///
10470 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10471 ///
10472 /// @return true iff decl is at class scope.
10475 {
10476  if (!decl)
10477  return 0;
10479  return is_at_class_scope(*decl);
10480 }
10482 /// Tests whether a given decl is at class scope.
10483 ///
10484 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10485 ///
10486 /// @return true iff decl is at class scope.
10489 {
10490  scope_decl* scope = decl.get_scope();
10491  if (class_or_union* cl = is_class_type(scope))
10492  return cl;
10493  if (class_or_union* cl = is_union_type(scope))
10494  return cl;
10495  return 0;
10496 }
10498 /// Find a data member inside an anonymous data member.
10499 ///
10500 /// An anonymous data member has a type which is a class or union.
10501 /// This function looks for a data member inside the type of that
10502 /// anonymous data member.
10503 ///
10504 /// @param anon_dm the anonymous data member to consider.
10505 ///
10506 /// @param name the name of the data member to look for.
10509  const string& name)
10510 {
10511  const class_or_union* containing_class_or_union =
10514  if (!containing_class_or_union)
10515  return var_decl_sptr();
10517  var_decl_sptr result = containing_class_or_union->find_data_member(name);
10518  return result;
10519 }
10521 /// Tests whether a given decl is at template scope.
10522 ///
10523 /// Note that only template parameters , types that are compositions,
10524 /// and template patterns (function or class) can be at template scope.
10525 ///
10526 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10527 ///
10528 /// @return true iff the decl is at template scope.
10529 bool
10530 is_at_template_scope(const shared_ptr<decl_base> decl)
10531 {return (decl && dynamic_cast<template_decl*>(decl->get_scope()));}
10533 /// Tests whether a decl is a template parameter.
10534 ///
10535 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
10536 ///
10537 /// @return true iff decl is a template parameter.
10538 bool
10539 is_template_parameter(const shared_ptr<decl_base> decl)
10540 {
10541  return (decl && (dynamic_pointer_cast<type_tparameter>(decl)
10542  || dynamic_pointer_cast<non_type_tparameter>(decl)
10543  || dynamic_pointer_cast<template_tparameter>(decl)));
10544 }
10546 /// Test whether a declaration is a @ref function_decl.
10547 ///
10548 /// @param d the declaration to test for.
10549 ///
10550 /// @return a shared pointer to @ref function_decl if @p d is a @ref
10551 /// function_decl. Otherwise, a nil shared pointer.
10554 {return dynamic_cast<function_decl*>(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(d));}
10556 /// Test whether a declaration is a @ref function_decl.
10557 ///
10558 /// @param d the declaration to test for.
10559 ///
10560 /// @return true if @p d is a function_decl.
10561 bool
10563 {return is_function_decl(&d);}
10565 /// Test whether a declaration is a @ref function_decl.
10566 ///
10567 /// @param d the declaration to test for.
10568 ///
10569 /// @return a shared pointer to @ref function_decl if @p d is a @ref
10570 /// function_decl. Otherwise, a nil shared pointer.
10573 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<function_decl>(d);}
10575 /// Test whether a declaration is a @ref function_decl.
10576 ///
10577 /// @param d the declaration to test for.
10578 ///
10579 /// @return a pointer to @ref function_decl if @p d is a @ref
10580 /// function_decl. Otherwise, a nil shared pointer.
10583 {
10584  return dynamic_cast<function_decl::parameter*>
10585  (const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(tod));
10586 }
10588 /// Test whether an ABI artifact is a @ref function_decl.
10589 ///
10590 /// @param tod the declaration to test for.
10591 ///
10592 /// @return a pointer to @ref function_decl if @p d is a @ref
10593 /// function_decl. Otherwise, a nil shared pointer.
10596 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<function_decl::parameter>(tod);}
10598 /// Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
10599 ///
10600 /// @param d the artifact to consider.
10601 ///
10602 /// @param return the declaration sub-object of @p d if it's a
10603 /// declaration, or NULL if it is not.
10604 decl_base*
10606 {
10607  if (d && (d->kind() & type_or_decl_base::ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE))
10608  {
10609  if (!(d->kind() & type_or_decl_base::ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE))
10610  // The artifact is a decl-only (like a function or a
10611  // variable). That is, it's not a type that also has a
10612  // declaration. In this case, we are in the fast path and we
10613  // have a pointer to the decl sub-object handy. Just return
10614  // it ...
10615  return reinterpret_cast<decl_base*>
10616  (const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(d)->type_or_decl_base_pointer());
10618  // ... Otherwise, we are in the slow path, which is that the
10619  // artifact is a type which has a declaration. In that case,
10620  // let's use the slow dynamic_cast because we don't have the
10621  // pointer to the decl sub-object handily present.
10622  return dynamic_cast<decl_base*>(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(d));
10623  }
10624  return 0;
10625 }
10627 /// Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
10628 ///
10629 /// @param d the artifact to consider.
10630 ///
10631 /// @param return the declaration sub-object of @p d if it's a
10632 /// declaration, or NULL if it is not.
10633 decl_base_sptr
10635 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(d);}
10637 /// Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
10638 ///
10639 /// This is done using a slow path that uses dynamic_cast.
10640 ///
10641 /// @param d the artifact to consider.
10642 ///
10643 /// @param return the declaration sub-object of @p d if it's a
10644 decl_base*
10646 {return dynamic_cast<decl_base*>(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(t));}
10648 /// Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
10649 ///
10650 /// This is done using a slow path that uses dynamic_cast.
10651 ///
10652 /// @param d the artifact to consider.
10653 ///
10654 /// @param return the declaration sub-object of @p d if it's a
10655 decl_base_sptr
10657 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(t);}
10659 /// Test whether a declaration is a type.
10660 ///
10661 /// @param d the IR artefact to test for.
10662 ///
10663 /// @return true if the artifact is a type, false otherwise.
10664 bool
10666 {
10667  if (dynamic_cast<const type_base*>(&tod))
10668  return true;
10669  return false;
10670 }
10672 /// Test whether a declaration is a type.
10673 ///
10674 /// @param d the IR artefact to test for.
10675 ///
10676 /// @return true if the artifact is a type, false otherwise.
10677 type_base*
10679 {
10680  if (t && (t->kind() & type_or_decl_base::ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE))
10681  return reinterpret_cast<type_base*>
10682  (const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(t)->type_or_decl_base_pointer());
10684  return 0;
10685 }
10687 /// Test whether a declaration is a type.
10688 ///
10689 /// @param d the IR artefact to test for.
10690 ///
10691 /// @return true if the artifact is a type, false otherwise.
10692 type_base_sptr
10694 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<type_base>(tod);}
10696 /// Test whether a declaration is a type.
10697 ///
10698 /// @param d the declaration to test for.
10699 ///
10700 /// @return true if the declaration is a type, false otherwise.
10702 /// Test if a given type is anonymous.
10703 ///
10704 /// Note that this function considers that an anonymous class that is
10705 /// named by a typedef is not anonymous anymore. This is the C idiom:
10706 ///
10707 /// typedef struct {int member;} s_type;
10708 ///
10709 /// The typedef s_type becomes the name of the originally anonymous
10710 /// struct.
10711 ///
10712 /// @param t the type to consider.
10713 ///
10714 /// @return true iff @p t is anonymous.
10715 bool
10717 {
10718  const decl_base* d = get_type_declaration(t);
10719  if (d)
10720  if (d->get_is_anonymous())
10721  {
10722  if (class_or_union *cou = is_class_or_union_type(t))
10723  {
10724  // An anonymous class that is named by a typedef is not
10725  // considered anonymous anymore.
10726  if (!cou->get_naming_typedef())
10727  return true;
10728  }
10729  else
10730  return true;
10731  }
10732  return false;
10733 }
10735 /// Test if a given type is anonymous.
10736 ///
10737 /// @param t the type to consider.
10738 ///
10739 /// @return true iff @p t is anonymous.
10740 bool
10741 is_anonymous_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
10742 {return is_anonymous_type(t.get());}
10744 /// Test if a type is a neither a pointer, an array nor a function
10745 /// type.
10746 ///
10747 /// @param t the type to consider.
10748 ///
10749 /// @return true if the @p t is NOT a pointer, an array nor a
10750 /// function.
10751 bool
10752 is_npaf_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
10753 {
10754  if (!(is_pointer_type(t)
10755  || is_array_type(t)
10756  || is_function_type(t)
10757  || is_ptr_to_mbr_type(t)))
10758  return true;
10759  return false;
10760 }
10762 /// Test whether a type is a type_decl (a builtin type).
10763 ///
10764 /// @return the type_decl* for @t if it's type_decl, otherwise, return
10765 /// nil.
10766 const type_decl*
10768 {return dynamic_cast<const type_decl*>(t);}
10770 /// Test whether a type is a type_decl (a builtin type).
10771 ///
10772 /// @return the type_decl_sptr for @t if it's type_decl, otherwise,
10773 /// return nil.
10776 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<type_decl>(t);}
10778 /// Test if a type is an integral type.
10779 ///
10780 /// @param t the type to test.
10781 ///
10782 /// @return the integral type @p t can be converted to, or nil if @p
10783 /// is not an integral type.
10784 type_decl*
10786 {
10787  type_decl *type = const_cast<type_decl*>(is_type_decl(t));
10788  if (!type)
10789  return nullptr;
10791  integral_type int_type;
10792  if (!parse_integral_type(type->get_name(), int_type))
10793  return nullptr;
10795  return type;
10796 }
10798 /// Test if a type is an integral type.
10799 ///
10800 /// @param t the type to test.
10801 ///
10802 /// @return the integral type @p t can be converted to, or nil if @p
10803 /// is not an integral type.
10806 {
10807  const type_decl_sptr type = is_type_decl(t);
10808  if (!type)
10809  return type_decl_sptr();
10811  integral_type int_type;
10812  if (!parse_integral_type(type->get_name(), int_type))
10813  return type_decl_sptr();
10815  return type;
10816 }
10818 /// Test whether a type is a typedef.
10819 ///
10820 /// @param t the type to test for.
10821 ///
10822 /// @return the typedef declaration of the @p t, or NULL if it's not a
10823 /// typedef.
10826 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<typedef_decl>(t);}
10828 /// Test whether a type is a typedef.
10829 ///
10830 /// @param t the declaration of the type to test for.
10831 ///
10832 /// @return the typedef declaration of the @p t, or NULL if it's not a
10833 /// typedef.
10834 const typedef_decl*
10836 {return dynamic_cast<const typedef_decl*>(t);}
10838 /// Test whether a type is a typedef.
10839 ///
10840 /// @param t the declaration of the type to test for.
10841 ///
10842 /// @return the typedef declaration of the @p t, or NULL if it's not a
10843 /// typedef.
10844 typedef_decl*
10846 {return dynamic_cast<typedef_decl*>(t);}
10848 /// Test whether a type is a typedef.
10849 ///
10850 /// @param t the declaration of the type to test for.
10851 ///
10852 /// @return the typedef declaration of the @p t, or NULL if it's not a
10853 /// typedef.
10854 const typedef_decl*
10856 {return dynamic_cast<const typedef_decl*>(t);}
10857 /// Test if a type is an enum. This function looks through typedefs.
10858 ///
10859 /// @parm t the type to consider.
10860 ///
10861 /// @return the enum_decl if @p t is an @ref enum_decl or null
10862 /// otherwise.
10864 is_compatible_with_enum_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
10865 {
10866  if (!t)
10867  return enum_type_decl_sptr();
10869  // Normally we should strip typedefs entirely, but this is
10870  // potentially costly, especially on binaries with huge changesets
10871  // like the Linux Kernel. So we just get the leaf types for now.
10872  //
10873  // Maybe there should be an option by which users accepts to pay the
10874  // CPU usage toll in exchange for finer filtering?
10876  // type_base_sptr ty = strip_typedef(t);
10877  type_base_sptr ty = peel_typedef_type(t);;
10878  return is_enum_type(ty);
10879 }
10881 /// Test if a type is an enum. This function looks through typedefs.
10882 ///
10883 /// @parm t the type to consider.
10884 ///
10885 /// @return the enum_decl if @p t is an @ref enum_decl or null
10886 /// otherwise.
10888 is_compatible_with_enum_type(const decl_base_sptr& t)
10891 /// Test if a decl is an enum_type_decl
10892 ///
10893 /// @param d the decl to test for.
10894 ///
10895 /// @return the enum_type_decl* if @p d is an enum, nil otherwise.
10896 const enum_type_decl*
10898 {return dynamic_cast<const enum_type_decl*>(d);}
10900 /// Test if a decl is an enum_type_decl
10901 ///
10902 /// @param d the decl to test for.
10903 ///
10904 /// @return the enum_type_decl_sptr if @p d is an enum, nil otherwise.
10907 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<enum_type_decl>(d);}
10909 /// Test if a type is a class. This function looks through typedefs.
10910 ///
10911 /// @parm t the type to consider.
10912 ///
10913 /// @return the class_decl if @p t is a class_decl or null otherwise.
10915 is_compatible_with_class_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
10916 {
10917  if (!t)
10918  return class_decl_sptr();
10920  // Normally we should strip typedefs entirely, but this is
10921  // potentially costly, especially on binaries with huge changesets
10922  // like the Linux Kernel. So we just get the leaf types for now.
10923  //
10924  // Maybe there should be an option by which users accepts to pay the
10925  // CPU usage toll in exchange for finer filtering?
10927  // type_base_sptr ty = strip_typedef(t);
10928  type_base_sptr ty = peel_typedef_type(t);
10929  return is_class_type(ty);
10930 }
10932 /// Test if a type is a class. This function looks through typedefs.
10933 ///
10934 /// @parm t the type to consider.
10935 ///
10936 /// @return the class_decl if @p t is a class_decl or null otherwise.
10938 is_compatible_with_class_type(const decl_base_sptr& t)
10941 /// Test whether a type is a class.
10942 ///
10943 /// @parm t the type to consider.
10944 ///
10945 /// @return true iff @p t is a class_decl.
10946 bool
10948 {return is_class_type(&t);}
10950 /// Test whether a type is a class.
10951 ///
10952 /// @parm t the type to consider.
10953 ///
10954 /// @return the class_decl if @p t is a class_decl or null otherwise.
10955 class_decl*
10957 {
10958  if (!t)
10959  return 0;
10961  if (t->kind() & type_or_decl_base::CLASS_TYPE)
10962  return reinterpret_cast<class_decl*>
10963  (const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(t)->runtime_type_instance());
10965  return 0;
10966 }
10968 /// Test whether a type is a class.
10969 ///
10970 /// @parm t the type to consider.
10971 ///
10972 /// @return the class_decl if @p t is a class_decl or null otherwise.
10975 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<class_decl>(d);}
10977 /// Test if the last data member of a class is an array with
10978 /// non-finite data member.
10979 ///
10980 /// The flexible data member idiom is a well known C idiom:
10981 ///
10982 ///
10983 /// @param klass the class to consider.
10984 ///
10985 /// @return the data member which type is a flexible array, if any, or
10986 /// nil.
10989 {
10990  var_decl_sptr nil;
10991  const class_or_union::data_members& dms = klass.get_data_members();
10992  if (dms.empty())
10993  return nil;
10995  if (array_type_def_sptr array = is_array_type(dms.back()->get_type()))
10996  {// The type of the last data member is an array.
10997  if (array->is_non_finite())
10998  // The array has a non-finite size. We are thus looking at a
10999  // flexible array data member. Let's return it.
11000  return dms.back();
11001  }
11003  return nil;
11004 }
11006 /// Test if the last data member of a class is an array with
11007 /// non-finite data member.
11008 ///
11009 /// The flexible data member idiom is a well known C idiom:
11010 ///
11011 ///
11012 /// @param klass the class to consider.
11013 ///
11014 /// @return the data member which type is a flexible array, if any, or
11015 /// nil.
11018 {
11019  if (!klass)
11020  return var_decl_sptr();
11022  return has_flexible_array_data_member(*klass);
11023 }
11025 /// Test if the last data member of a class is an array with
11026 /// non-finite data member.
11027 ///
11028 /// The flexible data member idiom is a well known C idiom:
11029 ///
11030 ///
11031 /// @param klass the class to consider.
11032 ///
11033 /// @return the data member which type is a flexible array, if any, or
11034 /// nil.
11037 {return has_flexible_array_data_member(klass.get());}
11039 /// Test if the last data member of a class is an array with
11040 /// one element.
11041 ///
11042 /// An array with one element is a way to mimic the flexible data
11043 /// member idiom that was later standardized in C99.
11044 ///
11045 /// To learn more about the flexible data member idiom, please
11046 /// consider reading :
11047 ///
11048 ///
11049 /// The various ways of representing that idiom pre-standardization
11050 /// are presented in this article:
11051 ///
11052 ///
11053 /// @param klass the class to consider.
11054 ///
11055 /// @return the data member which type is a fake flexible array, if
11056 /// any, or nil.
11059 {
11060  var_decl_sptr nil;
11061  const class_or_union::data_members& dms = klass.get_data_members();
11062  if (dms.empty())
11063  return nil;
11065  if (array_type_def_sptr array = is_array_type(dms.back()->get_type()))
11066  {// The type of the last data member is an array.
11067  if (array->get_subranges().size() == 1
11068  && array->get_subranges()[0]->get_length() == 1)
11069  // The array has a size of one. We are thus looking at a
11070  // "fake" flexible array data member. Let's return it.
11071  return dms.back();
11072  }
11074  return nil;
11075 }
11077 /// Test if the last data member of a class is an array with
11078 /// one element.
11079 ///
11080 /// An array with one element is a way to mimic the flexible data
11081 /// member idiom that was later standardized in C99.
11082 ///
11083 /// To learn more about the flexible data member idiom, please
11084 /// consider reading :
11085 ///
11086 ///
11087 /// The various ways of representing that idiom pre-standardization
11088 /// are presented in this article:
11089 ///
11090 ///
11091 /// @param klass the class to consider.
11092 ///
11093 /// @return the data member which type is a fake flexible array, if
11094 /// any, or nil.
11097 {return has_fake_flexible_array_data_member(*klass);}
11099 /// Test if the last data member of a class is an array with
11100 /// one element.
11101 ///
11102 /// An array with one element is a way to mimic the flexible data
11103 /// member idiom that was later standardized in C99.
11104 ///
11105 /// To learn more about the flexible data member idiom, please
11106 /// consider reading :
11107 ///
11108 ///
11109 /// The various ways of representing that idiom pre-standardization
11110 /// are presented in this article:
11111 ///
11112 ///
11113 /// @param klass the class to consider.
11114 ///
11115 /// @return the data member which type is a fake flexible array, if
11116 /// any, or nil.
11119 {return has_fake_flexible_array_data_member(klass.get());}
11121 /// Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class.
11122 ///
11123 /// @param t the type to considier.
11124 ///
11125 /// @param look_through_decl_only if true, then look through the
11126 /// decl-only class to see if it actually has a class definition in
11127 /// the same ABI corpus.
11128 ///
11129 /// @return true iff @p t is a declaration-only class.
11130 bool
11133 {
11134  if (class_or_union *klass = is_class_or_union_type(t))
11135  {
11137  klass = look_through_decl_only_class(klass);
11138  return klass->get_is_declaration_only();
11139  }
11140  return false;
11141 }
11143 /// Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class.
11144 ///
11145 /// @param t the type to considier.
11146 ///
11147 /// @param look_through_decl_only if true, then look through the
11148 /// decl-only class to see if it actually has a class definition in
11149 /// the same ABI corpus.
11150 ///
11151 /// @return true iff @p t is a declaration-only class.
11152 bool
11157 /// Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class.
11158 ///
11159 /// @param t the type to considier.
11160 ///
11161 /// @param look_through_decl_only if true, then look through the
11162 /// decl-only class to see if it actually has a class definition in
11163 /// the same ABI corpus.
11164 ///
11165 /// @return true iff @p t is a declaration-only class.
11166 bool
11167 is_declaration_only_class_type(const type_base_sptr& t,
11171 /// Test if a type is a @ref class_or_union.
11172 ///
11173 /// @param t the type to consider.
11174 ///
11175 /// @return the @ref class_or_union is @p is a @ref class_or_union, or
11176 /// nil otherwise.
11179 {return dynamic_cast<class_or_union*>(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(t));}
11181 /// Test if a type is a @ref class_or_union.
11182 ///
11183 /// @param t the type to consider.
11184 ///
11185 /// @return the @ref class_or_union is @p is a @ref class_or_union, or
11186 /// nil otherwise.
11187 shared_ptr<class_or_union>
11188 is_class_or_union_type(const shared_ptr<type_or_decl_base>& t)
11189 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<class_or_union>(t);}
11191 /// Test if two class or union types are of the same kind.
11192 ///
11193 /// @param first the first type to consider.
11194 ///
11195 /// @param second the second type to consider.
11196 ///
11197 /// @return true iff @p first is of the same kind as @p second.
11198 bool
11200  const class_or_union* second)
11201 {
11202  if ((is_class_type(first) && is_class_type(second))
11203  || (is_union_type(first) && is_union_type(second)))
11204  return true;
11206  return false;
11207 }
11209 /// Test if two class or union types are of the same kind.
11210 ///
11211 /// @param first the first type to consider.
11212 ///
11213 /// @param second the second type to consider.
11214 ///
11215 /// @return true iff @p first is of the same kind as @p second.
11216 bool
11217 class_or_union_types_of_same_kind(const class_or_union_sptr& first,
11218  const class_or_union_sptr& second)
11219 {return class_or_union_types_of_same_kind(first.get(), second.get());}
11221 /// Test if a type is a @ref union_decl.
11222 ///
11223 /// @param t the type to consider.
11224 ///
11225 /// @return true iff @p t is a union_decl.
11226 bool
11228 {return is_union_type(&t);}
11230 /// Test if a type is a @ref union_decl.
11231 ///
11232 /// @param t the type to consider.
11233 ///
11234 /// @return the @ref union_decl is @p is a @ref union_decl, or nil
11235 /// otherwise.
11236 union_decl*
11238 {return dynamic_cast<union_decl*>(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(t));}
11240 /// Test if a type is a @ref union_decl.
11241 ///
11242 /// @param t the type to consider.
11243 ///
11244 /// @return the @ref union_decl is @p is a @ref union_decl, or nil
11245 /// otherwise.
11246 union_decl_sptr
11247 is_union_type(const shared_ptr<type_or_decl_base>& t)
11248 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<union_decl>(t);}
11250 /// Test whether a type is a pointer_type_def.
11251 ///
11252 /// @param t the type to test.
11253 ///
11254 /// @param look_through_decl_only if this is true, then look through
11255 /// qualified types to see if the underlying type is a
11256 /// pointer_type_def.
11257 ///
11258 /// @return the @ref pointer_type_def_sptr if @p t is a
11259 /// pointer_type_def, null otherwise.
11260 const pointer_type_def*
11262  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11263 {
11264  if (!t)
11265  return 0;
11267  const type_base* type = is_type(t);
11268  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11269  type = peel_qualified_type(is_type(t));
11271  return dynamic_cast<pointer_type_def*>(const_cast<type_base*>(type));
11272 }
11274 /// Test whether a type is a pointer_type_def.
11275 ///
11276 /// @param t the type to test.
11277 ///
11278 /// @param look_through_decl_only if this is true, then look through
11279 /// qualified types to see if the underlying type is a
11280 /// pointer_type_def.
11281 ///
11282 /// @return the @ref pointer_type_def_sptr if @p t is a
11283 /// pointer_type_def, null otherwise.
11286  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11287 {
11288  type_base_sptr type = is_type(t);
11289  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11290  type = peel_qualified_type(type);
11291  return dynamic_pointer_cast<pointer_type_def>(type);
11292 }
11294 /// Test if a type is a pointer to function type.
11295 ///
11296 /// @param t the type to consider.
11297 ///
11298 /// @return the @ref pointer_type_def_sptr iff @p t is a pointer to
11299 /// function type.
11301 is_pointer_to_function_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
11302 {
11304  {
11305  if (is_function_type(p->get_pointed_to_type()))
11306  return p;
11307  }
11308  return pointer_type_def_sptr();
11309 }
11311 /// Test if a type is a pointer to array type.
11312 ///
11313 /// @param t the type to consider.
11314 ///
11315 /// @return the pointer_type_def_sptr iff @p t is a pointer to array
11316 /// type.
11318 is_pointer_to_array_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
11319 {
11321  {
11322  if (is_array_type(p->get_pointed_to_type()))
11323  return p;
11324  }
11325  return pointer_type_def_sptr();
11326 }
11328 /// Test if we are looking at a pointer to a
11329 /// neither-a-pointer-to-an-array-nor-a-function type.
11330 ///
11331 /// @param t the type to consider.
11332 ///
11333 /// @return the @ref pointer_type_def_sptr type iff @p t is a
11334 /// neither-a-pointer-an-array-nor-a-function type.
11336 is_pointer_to_npaf_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
11337 {
11339  {
11340  if (is_npaf_type(p->get_pointed_to_type()))
11341  return p;
11342  }
11343  return pointer_type_def_sptr();
11344 }
11346 /// Test if we are looking at a pointer to pointer to member type.
11347 ///
11348 /// @param t the type to consider.
11349 ///
11350 /// @return the @ref pointer_type_def_sptr type iff @p t is a pointer
11351 /// to pointer to member type.
11353 is_pointer_to_ptr_to_mbr_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
11354 {
11356  {
11357  if (is_ptr_to_mbr_type(p->get_pointed_to_type()))
11358  return p;
11359  }
11360  return pointer_type_def_sptr();
11361 }
11363 /// Test if a type is a typedef, pointer or reference to a decl-only
11364 /// class/union.
11365 ///
11366 /// This looks into qualified types too.
11367 ///
11368 /// @param t the type to consider.
11369 ///
11370 /// @return true iff @p t is a type is a typedef, pointer or reference
11371 /// to a decl-only class/union.
11372 bool
11374 {
11375  const type_base * type =
11376  peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type(t, /*peel_qual_type=*/true);
11379  /*look_through_decl_only=*/true))
11380  return true;
11382  return false;
11383 }
11385 /// Test if a type is a typedef of a class or union type, or a typedef
11386 /// of a qualified class or union type.
11387 ///
11388 /// Note that if the type is directly a class or union type, the
11389 /// function returns true as well.
11390 ///
11391 /// @param t the type to consider.
11392 ///
11393 /// @return true iff @p t is a typedef of a class or union type, or a
11394 /// typedef of a qualified class or union type.
11395 bool
11397 {
11398  if (!t)
11399  return false;
11402  if (is_class_or_union_type(t))
11403  return true;
11405 return false;
11406 }
11408 /// Test if a type is a typedef of a class or union type, or a typedef
11409 /// of a qualified class or union type.
11410 ///
11411 /// Note that if the type is directly a class or union type, the
11412 /// function returns true as well.
11413 ///
11414 /// @param t the type to consider.
11415 ///
11416 /// @return true iff @p t is a typedef of a class or union type, or a
11417 /// typedef of a qualified class or union type.
11418 bool
11422 /// Test whether a type is a reference_type_def.
11423 ///
11424 /// @param t the type to test.
11425 ///
11426 /// @param look_through_decl_only if this is true, then look through
11427 /// qualified types to see if the underlying type is a
11428 /// reference_type_def.
11429 ///
11430 /// @return the @ref reference_type_def_sptr if @p t is a
11431 /// reference_type_def, null otherwise.
11434  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11435 {
11436  const type_base* type = is_type(t);
11437  if (!type)
11438  return nullptr;
11440  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11441  type = peel_qualified_type(type);
11442  return dynamic_cast<reference_type_def*>(const_cast<type_base*>(type));
11443 }
11445 /// Test whether a type is a reference_type_def.
11446 ///
11447 /// @param t the type to test.
11448 ///
11449 /// @param look_through_decl_only if this is true, then look through
11450 /// qualified types to see if the underlying type is a
11451 /// reference_type_def.
11452 ///
11453 /// @return the @ref reference_type_def_sptr if @p t is a
11454 /// reference_type_def, null otherwise.
11455 const reference_type_def*
11457  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11458 {
11459  const type_base* type = is_type(t);
11461  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11462  type = peel_qualified_type(type);
11463  return dynamic_cast<const reference_type_def*>(type);
11464 }
11466 /// Test whether a type is a reference_type_def.
11467 ///
11468 /// @param t the type to test.
11469 ///
11470 /// @param look_through_decl_only if this is true, then look through
11471 /// qualified types to see if the underlying type is a
11472 /// reference_type_def.
11473 ///
11474 /// @return the @ref reference_type_def_sptr if @p t is a
11475 /// reference_type_def, null otherwise.
11478  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11479 {
11480  type_base_sptr type = is_type(t);
11481  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11482  type = peel_qualified_type(type);
11483  return dynamic_pointer_cast<reference_type_def>(type);
11484 }
11486 /// Test whether a type is a @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
11487 ///
11488 /// @param t the type to test.
11489 ///
11490 /// @return the @ref ptr_to_mbr_type* if @p t is a @ref
11491 /// ptr_to_mbr_type type, null otherwise.
11492 const ptr_to_mbr_type*
11494  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11495 {
11496  const type_base* type = is_type(t);
11497  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11498  type = peel_qualified_type(type);
11499  return dynamic_cast<const ptr_to_mbr_type*>(type);
11500 }
11502 /// Test whether a type is a @ref ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr.
11503 ///
11504 /// @param t the type to test.
11505 ///
11506 /// @param look_through_decl_only if this is true, then look through
11507 /// qualified types to see if the underlying type is a
11508 /// ptr_to_mbr_type..
11509 ///
11510 /// @return the @ref ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr if @p t is a @ref
11511 /// ptr_to_mbr_type type, null otherwise.
11514  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11515 {
11516  type_base_sptr type = is_type(t);
11517  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11518  type = peel_qualified_type(type);
11519  return dynamic_pointer_cast<ptr_to_mbr_type>(type);
11520 }
11522 /// Test if a type is equivalent to a pointer to void type.
11523 ///
11524 /// Note that this looks trough typedefs or CV qualifiers to look for
11525 /// the void pointer.
11526 ///
11527 /// @param type the type to consider.
11528 ///
11529 /// @return the actual void pointer if @p is eqivalent to a void
11530 /// pointer or NULL if it's not.
11531 const type_base*
11533 {
11534  type = peel_qualified_or_typedef_type(type);
11536  const pointer_type_def * t = is_pointer_type(type);
11537  if (!t)
11538  return 0;
11540  // Look through typedefs in the pointed-to type as well.
11541  type_base * ty = t->get_pointed_to_type().get();
11543  if (ty && ty->get_environment().is_void_type(ty))
11544  return ty;
11546  return 0;
11547 }
11549 /// Test if a type is equivalent to a pointer to void type.
11550 ///
11551 /// Note that this looks trough typedefs or CV qualifiers to look for
11552 /// the void pointer.
11553 ///
11554 /// @param type the type to consider.
11555 ///
11556 /// @return the actual void pointer if @p is eqivalent to a void
11557 /// pointer or NULL if it's not.
11558 const type_base*
11560 {return is_void_pointer_type_equivalent(&type);}
11562 /// Test if a type is a pointer to void type.
11563 ///
11564 /// @param type the type to consider.
11565 ///
11566 /// @return the actual void pointer if @p is a void pointer or NULL if
11567 /// it's not.
11568 const type_base*
11570 {
11571  if (!t)
11572  return nullptr;
11574  if (t->get_environment().get_void_pointer_type().get() == t)
11575  return t;
11577  const pointer_type_def* ptr = is_pointer_type(t);
11578  if (!ptr)
11579  return nullptr;
11582  return t;
11584  return nullptr;
11585 }
11587 /// Test if a type is a pointer to void type.
11588 ///
11589 /// @param type the type to consider.
11590 ///
11591 /// @return the actual void pointer if @p is a void pointer or NULL if
11592 /// it's not.
11593 const type_base_sptr
11594 is_void_pointer_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
11595 {
11596  type_base_sptr nil;
11597  if (!t)
11598  return nil;
11600  if (t->get_environment().get_void_pointer_type().get() == t.get())
11601  return t;
11603  const pointer_type_def* ptr = is_pointer_type(t.get());
11604  if (!ptr)
11605  return nil;
11607  if (t->get_environment().is_void_type(ptr->get_pointed_to_type()))
11608  return t;
11610  return nil;
11611 }
11613 /// Test whether a type is a reference_type_def.
11614 ///
11615 /// @param t the type to test.
11616 ///
11617 /// @return the @ref reference_type_def_sptr if @p t is a
11618 /// reference_type_def, null otherwise.
11621 {return dynamic_cast<qualified_type_def*>(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(t));}
11623 /// Test whether a type is a qualified_type_def.
11624 ///
11625 /// @param t the type to test.
11626 ///
11627 /// @return the @ref qualified_type_def_sptr if @p t is a
11628 /// qualified_type_def, null otherwise.
11629 qualified_type_def_sptr
11631 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<qualified_type_def>(t);}
11633 /// Test whether a type is a function_type.
11634 ///
11635 /// @param t the type to test.
11636 ///
11637 /// @return the @ref function_type_sptr if @p t is a
11638 /// function_type, null otherwise.
11641 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<function_type>(t);}
11643 /// Test whether a type is a function_type.
11644 ///
11645 /// @param t the type to test.
11646 ///
11647 /// @return the @ref function_type_sptr if @p t is a
11648 /// function_type, null otherwise.
11651 {return dynamic_cast<function_type*>(t);}
11653 /// Test whether a type is a function_type.
11654 ///
11655 /// @param t the type to test.
11656 ///
11657 /// @return the @ref function_type_sptr if @p t is a
11658 /// function_type, null otherwise.
11659 const function_type*
11661 {return dynamic_cast<const function_type*>(t);}
11663 /// Test whether a type is a method_type.
11664 ///
11665 /// @param t the type to test.
11666 ///
11667 /// @return the @ref method_type_sptr if @p t is a
11668 /// method_type, null otherwise.
11671 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<method_type>(t);}
11673 /// Test whether a type is a method_type.
11674 ///
11675 /// @param t the type to test.
11676 ///
11677 /// @return the @ref method_type_sptr if @p t is a
11678 /// method_type, null otherwise.
11679 const method_type*
11681 {return dynamic_cast<const method_type*>(t);}
11683 /// Test whether a type is a method_type.
11684 ///
11685 /// @param t the type to test.
11686 ///
11687 /// @return the @ref method_type_sptr if @p t is a
11688 /// method_type, null otherwise.
11689 method_type*
11691 {return dynamic_cast<method_type*>(t);}
11693 /// If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition.
11694 /// Otherwise, just return the initial class.
11695 ///
11696 /// @param the_class the class (or union) to consider.
11697 ///
11698 /// @return either the definition of the class, or the class itself.
11701 {return is_class_or_union_type(look_through_decl_only(the_class));}
11703 /// If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition.
11704 /// Otherwise, just return the initial class.
11705 ///
11706 /// @param the_class the class (or union) to consider.
11707 ///
11708 /// @return either the definition of the class, or the class itself.
11709 class_or_union_sptr
11711 {return is_class_or_union_type(look_through_decl_only(the_class));}
11713 /// If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition.
11714 /// Otherwise, just return the initial class.
11715 ///
11716 /// @param klass the class (or union) to consider.
11717 ///
11718 /// @return either the definition of the class, or the class itself.
11719 class_or_union_sptr
11720 look_through_decl_only_class(class_or_union_sptr klass)
11723 /// If an enum is a decl-only enum, get its definition.
11724 /// Otherwise, just return the initial enum.
11725 ///
11726 /// @param the_enum the enum to consider.
11727 ///
11728 /// @return either the definition of the enum, or the enum itself.
11731 {return is_enum_type(look_through_decl_only(the_enum));}
11733 /// If an enum is a decl-only enum, get its definition.
11734 /// Otherwise, just return the initial enum.
11735 ///
11736 /// @param enom the enum to consider.
11737 ///
11738 /// @return either the definition of the enum, or the enum itself.
11741 {return is_enum_type(look_through_decl_only(enom));}
11743 /// If a decl is decl-only get its definition. Otherwise, just return nil.
11744 ///
11745 /// @param d the decl to consider.
11746 ///
11747 /// @return either the definition of the decl, or nil.
11748 decl_base_sptr
11750 {
11751  decl_base_sptr decl;
11752  if (d.get_is_declaration_only())
11753  decl = d.get_definition_of_declaration();
11755  if (!decl)
11756  return decl;
11758  while (decl->get_is_declaration_only()
11759  && decl->get_definition_of_declaration())
11760  decl = decl->get_definition_of_declaration();
11762  return decl;
11763 }
11765 /// If a decl is decl-only enum, get its definition. Otherwise, just
11766 /// return the initial decl.
11767 ///
11768 /// @param d the decl to consider.
11769 ///
11770 /// @return either the definition of the enum, or the decl itself.
11771 decl_base*
11773 {
11774  if (!d)
11775  return d;
11777  decl_base* result = look_through_decl_only(*d).get();
11778  if (!result)
11779  result = d;
11781  return result;
11782 }
11784 /// If a decl is decl-only get its definition. Otherwise, just return nil.
11785 ///
11786 /// @param d the decl to consider.
11787 ///
11788 /// @return either the definition of the decl, or nil.
11789 decl_base_sptr
11790 look_through_decl_only(const decl_base_sptr& d)
11791 {
11792  if (!d)
11793  return d;
11795  decl_base_sptr result = look_through_decl_only(*d);
11796  if (!result)
11797  result = d;
11799  return result;
11800 }
11802 /// If a type is is decl-only, then get its definition. Otherwise,
11803 /// just return the initial type.
11804 ///
11805 /// @param d the decl to consider.
11806 ///
11807 /// @return either the definition of the decl, or the initial type.
11808 type_base*
11810 {
11811  decl_base* d = is_decl(t);
11812  if (!d)
11813  return t;
11814  d = look_through_decl_only(d);
11815  return is_type(d);
11816 }
11818 /// If a type is is decl-only, then get its definition. Otherwise,
11819 /// just return the initial type.
11820 ///
11821 /// @param d the decl to consider.
11822 ///
11823 /// @return either the definition of the decl, or the initial type.
11824 type_base_sptr
11825 look_through_decl_only(const type_base_sptr& t)
11826 {
11827  decl_base_sptr d = is_decl(t);
11828  if (!d)
11829  return t;
11830  d = look_through_decl_only(d);
11831  return is_type(d);
11832 }
11834 /// Tests if a declaration is a variable declaration.
11835 ///
11836 /// @param decl the decl to test.
11837 ///
11838 /// @return the var_decl_sptr iff decl is a variable declaration; nil
11839 /// otherwise.
11840 var_decl*
11842 {return dynamic_cast<var_decl*>(const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(tod));}
11844 /// Tests if a declaration is a variable declaration.
11845 ///
11846 /// @param decl the decl to test.
11847 ///
11848 /// @return the var_decl_sptr iff decl is a variable declaration; nil
11849 /// otherwise.
11852 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<var_decl>(decl);}
11854 /// Tests if a declaration is a namespace declaration.
11855 ///
11856 /// @param d the decalration to consider.
11857 ///
11858 /// @return the namespace declaration if @p d is a namespace.
11860 is_namespace(const decl_base_sptr& d)
11861 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<namespace_decl>(d);}
11863 /// Tests if a declaration is a namespace declaration.
11864 ///
11865 /// @param d the decalration to consider.
11866 ///
11867 /// @return the namespace declaration if @p d is a namespace.
11870 {return dynamic_cast<namespace_decl*>(const_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
11872 /// Tests whether a decl is a template parameter composition type.
11873 ///
11874 /// @param decl the declaration to consider.
11875 ///
11876 /// @return true iff decl is a template parameter composition type.
11877 bool
11878 is_template_parm_composition_type(const shared_ptr<decl_base> decl)
11879 {
11880  return (decl
11881  && is_at_template_scope(decl)
11882  && is_type(decl)
11883  && !is_template_parameter(decl));
11884 }
11886 /// Test whether a decl is the pattern of a function template.
11887 ///
11888 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
11889 ///
11890 /// @return true iff decl is the pattern of a function template.
11891 bool
11892 is_function_template_pattern(const shared_ptr<decl_base> decl)
11893 {
11894  return (decl
11895  && dynamic_pointer_cast<function_decl>(decl)
11896  && dynamic_cast<template_decl*>(decl->get_scope()));
11897 }
11899 /// Test if a type is an array_type_def.
11900 ///
11901 /// @param type the type to consider.
11902 ///
11903 /// @return true iff @p type is an array_type_def.
11906  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11907 {
11908  const type_base* t = is_type(type);
11910  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11911  t = peel_qualified_type(t);
11912  return dynamic_cast<array_type_def*>(const_cast<type_base*>(t));
11913 }
11915 /// Test if a type is an array_type_def.
11916 ///
11917 /// @param type the type to consider.
11918 ///
11919 /// @return true iff @p type is an array_type_def.
11922  bool look_through_qualifiers)
11923 {
11924  type_base_sptr t = is_type(type);
11926  if (look_through_qualifiers)
11927  t = peel_qualified_type(t);
11928  return dynamic_pointer_cast<array_type_def>(t);
11929 }
11931 /// Tests if the element of a given array is a qualified type.
11932 ///
11933 /// @param array the array type to consider.
11934 ///
11935 /// @return the qualified element of the array iff it's a qualified
11936 /// type. Otherwise, return a nil object.
11937 qualified_type_def_sptr
11939 {
11940  if (!array)
11941  return qualified_type_def_sptr();
11943  return is_qualified_type(array->get_element_type());
11944 }
11946 /// Test if an array type is an array to a qualified element type.
11947 ///
11948 /// @param type the array type to consider.
11949 ///
11950 /// @return true the array @p type iff it's an array to a qualified
11951 /// element type.
11953 is_array_of_qualified_element(const type_base_sptr& type)
11954 {
11955  if (array_type_def_sptr array = is_array_type(type))
11956  if (is_array_of_qualified_element(array))
11957  return array;
11959  return array_type_def_sptr();
11960 }
11962 /// Test if a type is a typedef of an array.
11963 ///
11964 /// Note that the function looks through qualified and typedefs types
11965 /// of the underlying type of the current typedef. In other words, if
11966 /// we are looking at a typedef of a CV-qualified array, or at a
11967 /// typedef of a CV-qualified typedef of an array, this function will
11968 /// still return TRUE.
11969 ///
11970 /// @param t the type to consider.
11971 ///
11972 /// @return true if t is a typedef which underlying type is an array.
11973 /// That array might be either cv-qualified array or a typedef'ed
11974 /// array, or a combination of both.
11976 is_typedef_of_array(const type_base_sptr& t)
11977 {
11978  array_type_def_sptr result;
11980  if (typedef_decl_sptr typdef = is_typedef(t))
11981  {
11982  type_base_sptr u =
11983  peel_qualified_or_typedef_type(typdef->get_underlying_type());
11984  result = is_array_type(u);
11985  }
11987  return result;
11988 }
11990 /// Test if a type is an array_type_def::subrange_type.
11991 ///
11992 /// @param type the type to consider.
11993 ///
11994 /// @return the array_type_def::subrange_type which @p type is a type
11995 /// of, or nil if it's not of that type.
11996 array_type_def::subrange_type*
11998 {
11999  return dynamic_cast<array_type_def::subrange_type*>
12000  (const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(type));
12001 }
12003 /// Test if a type is an array_type_def::subrange_type.
12004 ///
12005 /// @param type the type to consider.
12006 ///
12007 /// @return the array_type_def::subrange_type which @p type is a type
12008 /// of, or nil if it's not of that type.
12011 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<array_type_def::subrange_type>(type);}
12013 /// Tests whether a decl is a template.
12014 ///
12015 /// @param decl the decl to consider.
12016 ///
12017 /// @return true iff decl is a function template, class template, or
12018 /// template template parameter.
12019 bool
12020 is_template_decl(const decl_base_sptr& decl)
12021 {return decl && dynamic_pointer_cast<template_decl>(decl);}
12023 /// This enum describe the kind of entity to lookup, while using the
12024 /// lookup API.
12026 {
12029 };
12031 /// Find the first relevant delimiter (the "::" string) in a fully
12032 /// qualified C++ type name, starting from a given position. The
12033 /// delimiter returned separates a type name from the name of its
12034 /// context.
12035 ///
12036 /// This is supposed to work correctly on names in cases like this:
12037 ///
12038 /// foo<ns1::name1, ns2::name2>
12039 ///
12040 /// In that case when called with with parameter @p begin set to 0, no
12041 /// delimiter is returned, because the type name in this case is:
12042 /// 'foo<ns1::name1, ns2::name2>'.
12043 ///
12044 /// But in this case:
12045 ///
12046 /// foo<p1, bar::name>::some_type
12047 ///
12048 /// The "::" returned is the one right before 'some_type'.
12049 ///
12050 /// @param fqn the fully qualified name of the type to consider.
12051 ///
12052 /// @param begin the position from which to look for the delimiter.
12053 ///
12054 /// @param delim_pos out parameter. Is set to the position of the
12055 /// delimiter iff the function returned true.
12056 ///
12057 /// @return true iff the function found and returned the delimiter.
12058 static bool
12059 find_next_delim_in_cplus_type(const string& fqn,
12060  size_t begin,
12061  size_t& delim_pos)
12062 {
12063  int angle_count = 0;
12064  bool found = false;
12065  size_t i = begin;
12066  for (; i < fqn.size(); ++i)
12067  {
12068  if (fqn[i] == '<')
12069  ++angle_count;
12070  else if (fqn[i] == '>')
12071  --angle_count;
12072  else if (i + 1 < fqn.size()
12073  && !angle_count
12074  && fqn[i] == ':'
12075  && fqn[i+1] == ':')
12076  {
12077  delim_pos = i;
12078  found = true;
12079  break;
12080  }
12081  }
12082  return found;
12083 }
12085 /// Decompose a fully qualified name into the list of its components.
12086 ///
12087 /// @param fqn the fully qualified name to decompose.
12088 ///
12089 /// @param comps the resulting list of component to fill.
12090 void
12091 fqn_to_components(const string& fqn,
12092  list<string>& comps)
12093 {
12094  string::size_type fqn_size = fqn.size(), comp_begin = 0, comp_end = fqn_size;
12095  do
12096  {
12097  if (!find_next_delim_in_cplus_type(fqn, comp_begin, comp_end))
12098  comp_end = fqn_size;
12100  string comp = fqn.substr(comp_begin, comp_end - comp_begin);
12101  comps.push_back(comp);
12103  comp_begin = comp_end + 2;
12104  if (comp_begin >= fqn_size)
12105  break;
12106  } while (true);
12107 }
12109 /// Turn a set of qualified name components (that name a type) into a
12110 /// qualified name string.
12111 ///
12112 /// @param comps the name components
12113 ///
12114 /// @return the resulting string, which would be the qualified name of
12115 /// a type.
12116 string
12117 components_to_type_name(const list<string>& comps)
12118 {
12119  string result;
12120  for (list<string>::const_iterator c = comps.begin();
12121  c != comps.end();
12122  ++c)
12123  if (c == comps.begin())
12124  result = *c;
12125  else
12126  result += "::" + *c;
12127  return result;
12128 }
12130 /// This predicate returns true if a given container iterator points
12131 /// to the last element of the container, false otherwise.
12132 ///
12133 /// @tparam T the type of the container of the iterator.
12134 ///
12135 /// @param container the container the iterator points into.
12136 ///
12137 /// @param i the iterator to consider.
12138 ///
12139 /// @return true iff the iterator points to the last element of @p
12140 /// container.
12141 template<typename T>
12142 static bool
12143 iterator_is_last(T& container,
12144  typename T::const_iterator i)
12145 {
12146  typename T::const_iterator next = i;
12147  ++next;
12148  return (next == container.end());
12149 }
12151 //--------------------------------
12152 // <type and decls lookup stuff>
12153 // ------------------------------
12155 /// Lookup all the type*s* that have a given fully qualified name.
12156 ///
12157 /// @param type_name the fully qualified name of the type to
12158 /// lookup.
12159 ///
12160 /// @param type_map the map to look into.
12161 ///
12162 /// @return the vector containing the types named @p type_name. If
12163 /// the lookup didn't yield any type, then this function returns nil.
12164 static const type_base_wptrs_type*
12165 lookup_types_in_map(const interned_string& type_name,
12166  const istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type& type_map)
12167 {
12168  istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type::const_iterator i = type_map.find(type_name);
12169  if (i != type_map.end())
12170  return &i->second;
12171  return 0;
12172 }
12174 /// Lookup a type (with a given name) in a map that associates a type
12175 /// name to a type. If there are several types with a given name,
12176 /// then try to return the first one that is not decl-only.
12177 /// Otherwise, return the last of such types, that is, the last one
12178 /// that got registered.
12179 ///
12180 /// @tparam TypeKind the type of the type this function is supposed to
12181 /// return.
12182 ///
12183 /// @param type_name the name of the type to lookup.
12184 ///
12185 /// @param type_map the map in which to look.
12186 ///
12187 /// @return a shared_ptr to the type found. If no type was found or
12188 /// if the type found was not of type @p TypeKind then the function
12189 /// returns nil.
12190 template <class TypeKind>
12191 static shared_ptr<TypeKind>
12192 lookup_type_in_map(const interned_string& type_name,
12193  const istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type& type_map)
12194 {
12195  istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type::const_iterator i = type_map.find(type_name);
12196  if (i != type_map.end())
12197  {
12198  // Walk the types that have the name "type_name" and return the
12199  // first one that is not declaration-only ...
12200  for (auto j : i->second)
12201  {
12202  type_base_sptr t(j);
12203  decl_base_sptr d = is_decl(t);
12204  if (d && !d->get_is_declaration_only())
12205  return dynamic_pointer_cast<TypeKind>(type_base_sptr(j));
12206  }
12207  // ... or return the last type with the name "type_name" that
12208  // was recorded. It's likely to be declaration-only if we
12209  // reached this point.
12210  return dynamic_pointer_cast<TypeKind>(type_base_sptr(i->second.back()));
12211  }
12212  return shared_ptr<TypeKind>();
12213 }
12215 /// Lookup a basic type from a translation unit.
12216 ///
12217 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12218 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12219 /// possible.
12220 ///
12221 /// @param type_name the name of the basic type to look for.
12222 ///
12223 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12224 ///
12225 /// @return the basic type found or nil if no basic type was found.
12228 {
12229  return lookup_type_in_map<type_decl>(type_name,
12230  tu.get_types().basic_types());
12231 }
12233 /// Lookup a basic type from a translation unit.
12234 ///
12235 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12236 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12237 /// possible.
12238 ///
12239 /// @param type_name the name of the basic type to look for.
12240 ///
12241 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12242 ///
12243 /// @return the basic type found or nil if no basic type was found.
12245 lookup_basic_type(const string& type_name, const translation_unit& tu)
12246 {
12247  const environment& env = tu.get_environment();
12249  interned_string s = env.intern(type_name);
12250  return lookup_basic_type(s, tu);
12251 }
12253 /// Lookup a class type from a translation unit.
12254 ///
12255 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12256 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12257 /// possible.
12258 ///
12259 /// @param fqn the fully qualified name of the class type node to look
12260 /// up.
12261 ///
12262 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
12263 ///
12264 /// @return the declaration of the class type IR node found, NULL
12265 /// otherwise.
12267 lookup_class_type(const string& fqn, const translation_unit& tu)
12268 {
12269  const environment& env = tu.get_environment();
12270  interned_string s = env.intern(fqn);
12271  return lookup_class_type(s, tu);
12272 }
12274 /// Lookup a class type from a translation unit.
12275 ///
12276 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12277 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12278 /// possible.
12279 ///
12280 /// @param type_name the name of the class type to look for.
12281 ///
12282 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12283 ///
12284 /// @return the class type found or nil if no class type was found.
12287 {
12288  return lookup_type_in_map<class_decl>(type_name,
12289  tu.get_types().class_types());
12290 }
12292 /// Lookup a union type from a translation unit.
12293 ///
12294 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12295 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12296 /// possible.
12297 ///
12298 /// @param type_name the name of the union type to look for.
12299 ///
12300 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12301 ///
12302 /// @return the union type found or nil if no union type was found.
12303 union_decl_sptr
12305 {
12306  return lookup_type_in_map<union_decl>(type_name,
12307  tu.get_types().union_types());
12308 }
12310 /// Lookup a union type from a translation unit.
12311 ///
12312 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12313 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12314 /// possible.
12315 ///
12316 /// @param fqn the fully qualified name of the type to lookup.
12317 ///
12318 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12319 ///
12320 /// @return the union type found or nil if no union type was found.
12321 union_decl_sptr
12322 lookup_union_type(const string& fqn, const translation_unit& tu)
12323 {
12324  const environment& env = tu.get_environment();
12325  interned_string s = env.intern(fqn);
12326  return lookup_union_type(s, tu);
12327 }
12329 /// Lookup a union type in a given corpus, from its location.
12330 ///
12331 /// @param loc the location of the union type to look for.
12332 ///
12333 /// @param corp the corpus to look it from.
12334 ///
12335 /// @return the resulting union_decl.
12336 union_decl_sptr
12338 {
12341  union_decl_sptr result = lookup_type_in_map<union_decl>(loc, m);
12343  return result;
12344 }
12346 /// Lookup a union type in a given corpus, from its location.
12347 ///
12348 /// @param loc the location of the union type to look for.
12349 ///
12350 /// @param corp the corpus to look it from.
12351 ///
12352 /// @return the resulting union_decl.
12353 union_decl_sptr
12354 lookup_union_type_per_location(const string& loc, const corpus& corp)
12355 {
12356  const environment& env = corp.get_environment();
12357  return lookup_union_type_per_location(env.intern(loc), corp);
12358 }
12360 /// Lookup an enum type from a translation unit.
12361 ///
12362 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12363 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12364 /// possible.
12365 ///
12366 /// @param type_name the name of the enum type to look for.
12367 ///
12368 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12369 ///
12370 /// @return the enum type found or nil if no enum type was found.
12373 {
12374  return lookup_type_in_map<enum_type_decl>(type_name,
12375  tu.get_types().enum_types());
12376 }
12378 /// Lookup an enum type from a translation unit.
12379 ///
12380 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12381 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12382 /// possible.
12383 ///
12384 /// @param type_name the name of the enum type to look for.
12385 ///
12386 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12387 ///
12388 /// @return the enum type found or nil if no enum type was found.
12390 lookup_enum_type(const string& type_name, const translation_unit& tu)
12391 {
12392  const environment& env = tu.get_environment();
12393  interned_string s = env.intern(type_name);
12394  return lookup_enum_type(s, tu);
12395 }
12397 /// Lookup a typedef type from a translation unit.
12398 ///
12399 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12400 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12401 /// possible.
12402 ///
12403 /// @param type_name the name of the typedef type to look for.
12404 ///
12405 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12406 ///
12407 /// @return the typedef type found or nil if no typedef type was
12408 /// found.
12411  const translation_unit& tu)
12412 {
12413  return lookup_type_in_map<typedef_decl>(type_name,
12414  tu.get_types().typedef_types());
12415 }
12417 /// Lookup a typedef type from a translation unit.
12418 ///
12419 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12420 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12421 /// possible.
12422 ///
12423 /// @param type_name the name of the typedef type to look for.
12424 ///
12425 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12426 ///
12427 /// @return the typedef type found or nil if no typedef type was
12428 /// found.
12430 lookup_typedef_type(const string& type_name, const translation_unit& tu)
12431 {
12432  const environment& env = tu.get_environment();
12433  interned_string s = env.intern(type_name);
12434  return lookup_typedef_type(s, tu);
12435 }
12437 /// Lookup a qualified type from a translation unit.
12438 ///
12439 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12440 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12441 /// possible.
12442 ///
12443 /// @param type_name the name of the qualified type to look for.
12444 ///
12445 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12446 ///
12447 /// @return the qualified type found or nil if no qualified type was
12448 /// found.
12449 qualified_type_def_sptr
12451  const translation_unit& tu)
12452 {
12453  const type_maps& m = tu.get_types();
12454  return lookup_type_in_map<qualified_type_def>(type_name,
12455  m.qualified_types());
12456 }
12458 /// Lookup a qualified type from a translation unit.
12459 ///
12460 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12461 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12462 /// possible.
12463 ///
12464 /// @param underlying_type the underying type of the qualified type to
12465 /// look up.
12466 ///
12467 /// @param quals the CV-qualifiers of the qualified type to look for.
12468 ///
12469 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12470 ///
12471 /// @return the qualified type found or nil if no qualified type was
12472 /// found.
12473 qualified_type_def_sptr
12474 lookup_qualified_type(const type_base_sptr& underlying_type,
12475  qualified_type_def::CV quals,
12476  const translation_unit& tu)
12477 {
12478  interned_string type_name = get_name_of_qualified_type(underlying_type,
12479  quals);
12480  return lookup_qualified_type(type_name, tu);
12481 }
12483 /// Lookup a pointer type from a translation unit.
12484 ///
12485 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12486 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12487 /// possible.
12488 ///
12489 /// @param type_name the name of the pointer type to look for.
12490 ///
12491 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12492 ///
12493 /// @return the pointer type found or nil if no pointer type was
12494 /// found.
12497  const translation_unit& tu)
12498 {
12499  const type_maps& m = tu.get_types();
12500  return lookup_type_in_map<pointer_type_def>(type_name,
12501  m.pointer_types());
12502 }
12504 /// Lookup a pointer type from a translation unit.
12505 ///
12506 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12507 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12508 /// possible.
12509 ///
12510 /// @param type_name the name of the pointer type to look for.
12511 ///
12512 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12513 ///
12514 /// @return the pointer type found or nil if no pointer type was
12515 /// found.
12517 lookup_pointer_type(const string& type_name, const translation_unit& tu)
12518 {
12519  const environment& env = tu.get_environment();
12520  interned_string s = env.intern(type_name);
12521  return lookup_pointer_type(s, tu);
12522 }
12524 /// Lookup a pointer type from a translation unit.
12525 ///
12526 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12527 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12528 /// possible.
12529 ///
12530 /// @param pointed_to_type the pointed-to-type of the pointer to look for.
12531 ///
12532 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12533 ///
12534 /// @return the pointer type found or nil if no pointer type was
12535 /// found.
12537 lookup_pointer_type(const type_base_sptr& pointed_to_type,
12538  const translation_unit& tu)
12539 {
12540  type_base_sptr t = look_through_decl_only(pointed_to_type);
12542  return lookup_pointer_type(type_name, tu);
12543 }
12545 /// Lookup a reference type from a translation unit.
12546 ///
12547 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12548 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12549 /// possible.
12550 ///
12551 /// @param type_name the name of the reference type to look for.
12552 ///
12553 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12554 ///
12555 /// @return the reference type found or nil if no reference type was
12556 /// found.
12559  const translation_unit& tu)
12560 {
12561  const type_maps& m = tu.get_types();
12562  return lookup_type_in_map<reference_type_def>(type_name,
12563  m.reference_types());
12564 }
12566 /// Lookup a reference type from a translation unit.
12567 ///
12568 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12569 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12570 /// possible.
12571 ///
12572 /// @param pointed_to_type the pointed-to-type of the reference to
12573 /// look up.
12574 ///
12575 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12576 ///
12577 /// @return the reference type found or nil if no reference type was
12578 /// found.
12580 lookup_reference_type(const type_base_sptr& pointed_to_type,
12581  bool lvalue_reference,
12582  const translation_unit& tu)
12583 {
12584  interned_string type_name =
12586  lvalue_reference);
12587  return lookup_reference_type(type_name, tu);
12588 }
12590 /// Lookup an array type from a translation unit.
12591 ///
12592 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12593 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12594 /// possible.
12595 ///
12596 /// @param type_name the name of the array type to look for.
12597 ///
12598 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12599 ///
12600 /// @return the array type found or nil if no array type was found.
12603  const translation_unit& tu)
12604 {
12605  const type_maps& m = tu.get_types();
12606  return lookup_type_in_map<array_type_def>(type_name,
12607  m.array_types());
12608 }
12610 /// Lookup a function type from a translation unit.
12611 ///
12612 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12613 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12614 /// possible.
12615 ///
12616 /// @param type_name the name of the type to lookup.
12617 ///
12618 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12619 ///
12620 /// @return the function type found, or NULL of none was found.
12623  const translation_unit& tu)
12624 {
12625  const type_maps& m = tu.get_types();
12626  return lookup_type_in_map<function_type>(type_name,
12627  m.function_types());
12628 }
12630 /// Lookup a function type from a translation unit.
12631 ///
12632 /// This walks all the function types held by the translation unit and
12633 /// compare their sub-type *names*. If the names match then return
12634 /// the function type found in the translation unit.
12635 ///
12636 /// @param t the function type to look for.
12637 ///
12638 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12639 ///
12640 /// @return the function type found, or NULL of none was found.
12643  const translation_unit& tu)
12644 {
12645  interned_string type_name = get_type_name(t);
12646  return lookup_function_type(type_name, tu);
12647 }
12649 /// Lookup a function type from a translation unit.
12650 ///
12651 /// This is done by looking the type up in the type map that is
12652 /// maintained in the translation unit. So this is as fast as
12653 /// possible.
12654 ///
12655 /// @param t the function type to look for.
12656 ///
12657 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
12658 ///
12659 /// @return the function type found, or NULL of none was found.
12662  const translation_unit& tu)
12663 {return lookup_function_type(*t, tu);}
12665 /// Lookup a type in a translation unit.
12666 ///
12667 /// @param fqn the fully qualified name of the type to lookup.
12668 ///
12669 /// @param tu the translation unit to consider.
12670 ///
12671 /// @return the declaration of the type if found, NULL otherwise.
12672 const type_base_sptr
12674  const translation_unit& tu)
12675 {
12676  type_base_sptr result;
12677  ((result = lookup_typedef_type(fqn, tu))
12678  || (result = lookup_class_type(fqn, tu))
12679  || (result = lookup_union_type(fqn, tu))
12680  || (result = lookup_enum_type(fqn, tu))
12681  || (result = lookup_qualified_type(fqn, tu))
12682  || (result = lookup_pointer_type(fqn, tu))
12683  || (result = lookup_reference_type(fqn, tu))
12684  || (result = lookup_array_type(fqn, tu))
12685  || (result = lookup_function_type(fqn, tu))
12686  || (result = lookup_basic_type(fqn, tu)));
12688  return result;
12689 }
12691 /// Lookup a type in a translation unit, starting from the global
12692 /// namespace.
12693 ///
12694 /// @param fqn the fully qualified name of the type to lookup.
12695 ///
12696 /// @param tu the translation unit to consider.
12697 ///
12698 /// @return the declaration of the type if found, NULL otherwise.
12699 type_base_sptr
12700 lookup_type(const string& fqn, const translation_unit& tu)
12701 {
12702  const environment&env = tu.get_environment();
12703  interned_string ifqn = env.intern(fqn);
12704  return lookup_type(ifqn, tu);
12705 }
12707 /// Lookup a type from a translation unit.
12708 ///
12709 /// @param fqn the components of the fully qualified name of the node
12710 /// to look up.
12711 ///
12712 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
12713 ///
12714 /// @return the declaration of the IR node found, NULL otherwise.
12715 const type_base_sptr
12716 lookup_type(const type_base_sptr type,
12717  const translation_unit& tu)
12718 {
12719  interned_string type_name = get_type_name(type);
12720  return lookup_type(type_name, tu);
12721 }
12723 /// Lookup a type in a scope.
12724 ///
12725 /// This is really slow as it walks the member types of the scope in
12726 /// sequence to find the type with a given name.
12727 ///
12728 /// If possible, users should prefer looking up types from the
12729 /// enclosing translation unit or even ABI corpus because both the
12730 /// translation unit and the corpus have a map of type, indexed by
12731 /// their name. Looking up a type from those maps is thus much
12732 /// faster.
12733 ///
12734 /// @param fqn the fully qualified name of the type to lookup.
12735 ///
12736 /// @param skope the scope to look into.
12737 ///
12738 /// @return the declaration of the type if found, NULL otherwise.
12739 const type_base_sptr
12740 lookup_type_in_scope(const string& fqn,
12741  const scope_decl_sptr& skope)
12742 {
12743  list<string> comps;
12744  fqn_to_components(fqn, comps);
12745  return lookup_type_in_scope(comps, skope);
12746 }
12748 /// Lookup a @ref var_decl in a scope.
12749 ///
12750 /// @param fqn the fuly qualified name of the @var_decl to lookup.
12751 ///
12752 /// @param skope the scope to look into.
12753 ///
12754 /// @return the declaration of the @ref var_decl if found, NULL
12755 /// otherwise.
12756 const decl_base_sptr
12757 lookup_var_decl_in_scope(const string& fqn,
12758  const scope_decl_sptr& skope)
12759 {
12760  list<string> comps;
12761  fqn_to_components(fqn, comps);
12762  return lookup_var_decl_in_scope(comps, skope);
12763 }
12765 /// A generic function (template) to get the name of a node, whatever
12766 /// node it is. This has to be specialized for the kind of node we
12767 /// want.
12768 ///
12769 /// Note that a node is a member of a scope.
12770 ///
12771 /// @tparam NodeKind the kind of node to consider.
12772 ///
12773 /// @param node the node to get the name from.
12774 ///
12775 /// @return the name of the node.
12776 template<typename NodeKind>
12777 static const interned_string&
12778 get_node_name(shared_ptr<NodeKind> node);
12780 /// Gets the name of a class_decl node.
12781 ///
12782 /// @param node the decl_base node to get the name from.
12783 ///
12784 /// @return the name of the node.
12785 template<>
12786 const interned_string&
12788 {return node->get_name();}
12790 /// Gets the name of a type_base node.
12791 ///
12792 /// @param node the type_base node to get the name from.
12793 ///
12794 /// @return the name of the node.
12795 template<>
12796 const interned_string&
12797 get_node_name(type_base_sptr node)
12798 {return get_type_declaration(node)->get_name();}
12800 /// Gets the name of a var_decl node.
12801 ///
12802 /// @param node the var_decl node to get the name from.
12803 ///
12804 /// @return the name of the node.
12805 template<>
12806 const interned_string&
12808 {return node->get_name();}
12810 /// Generic function to get the declaration of a given node, whatever
12811 /// it is. There has to be specializations for the kind of the nodes
12812 /// we want to support.
12813 ///
12814 /// @tparam NodeKind the type of the node we are looking at.
12815 ///
12816 /// @return the declaration.
12817 template<typename NodeKind>
12818 static decl_base_sptr
12819 convert_node_to_decl(shared_ptr<NodeKind> node);
12821 /// Lookup a node in a given scope.
12822 ///
12823 /// @tparam the type of the node to lookup.
12824 ///
12825 /// @param fqn the components of the fully qualified name of the node
12826 /// to lookup.
12827 ///
12828 /// @param skope the scope to look into.
12829 ///
12830 /// @return the declaration of the looked up node, or NULL if it
12831 /// wasn't found.
12832 template<typename NodeKind>
12833 static const type_or_decl_base_sptr
12834 lookup_node_in_scope(const list<string>& fqn,
12835  const scope_decl_sptr& skope)
12836 {
12837  type_or_decl_base_sptr resulting_decl;
12838  shared_ptr<NodeKind> node;
12839  bool it_is_last = false;
12840  scope_decl_sptr cur_scope = skope, new_scope, scope;
12842  for (list<string>::const_iterator c = fqn.begin(); c != fqn.end(); ++c)
12843  {
12844  new_scope.reset();
12845  it_is_last = iterator_is_last(fqn, c);
12846  for (scope_decl::declarations::const_iterator m =
12847  cur_scope->get_member_decls().begin();
12848  m != cur_scope->get_member_decls().end();
12849  ++m)
12850  {
12851  if (!it_is_last)
12852  {
12853  // looking for a scope
12854  scope = dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(*m);
12855  if (scope && scope->get_name() == *c)
12856  {
12857  new_scope = scope;
12858  break;
12859  }
12860  }
12861  else
12862  {
12863  //looking for a final type.
12864  node = dynamic_pointer_cast<NodeKind>(*m);
12865  if (node && get_node_name(node) == *c)
12866  {
12867  if (class_decl_sptr cl =
12868  dynamic_pointer_cast<class_decl>(node))
12869  if (cl->get_is_declaration_only()
12870  && !cl->get_definition_of_declaration())
12871  continue;
12872  resulting_decl = node;
12873  break;
12874  }
12875  }
12876  }
12877  if (!new_scope && !resulting_decl)
12878  return decl_base_sptr();
12879  cur_scope = new_scope;
12880  }
12881  ABG_ASSERT(resulting_decl);
12882  return resulting_decl;
12883 }
12885 /// lookup a type in a scope.
12886 ///
12887 ///
12888 /// This is really slow as it walks the member types of the scope in
12889 /// sequence to find the type with a given name.
12890 ///
12891 /// If possible, users should prefer looking up types from the
12892 /// enclosing translation unit or even ABI corpus because both the
12893 /// translation unit and the corpus have a map of type, indexed by
12894 /// their name. Looking up a type from those maps is thus much
12895 /// faster.
12896 ///
12897 /// @param comps the components of the fully qualified name of the
12898 /// type to lookup.
12899 ///
12900 /// @param skope the scope to look into.
12901 ///
12902 /// @return the declaration of the type found.
12903 const type_base_sptr
12904 lookup_type_in_scope(const list<string>& comps,
12905  const scope_decl_sptr& scope)
12906 {return is_type(lookup_node_in_scope<type_base>(comps, scope));}
12908 /// lookup a type in a scope.
12909 ///
12910 /// This is really slow as it walks the member types of the scope in
12911 /// sequence to find the type with a given name.
12912 ///
12913 /// If possible, users should prefer looking up types from the
12914 /// enclosing translation unit or even ABI corpus because both the
12915 /// translation unit and the corpus have a map of type, indexed by
12916 /// their name. Looking up a type from those maps is thus much
12917 /// faster.
12918 ///
12919 /// @param type the type to look for.
12920 ///
12921 /// @param access_path a vector of scopes the path of scopes to follow
12922 /// before reaching the scope into which to look for @p type. Note
12923 /// that the deepest scope (the one immediately containing @p type) is
12924 /// at index 0 of this vector, and the top-most scope is the last
12925 /// element of the vector.
12926 ///
12927 /// @param scope the top-most scope into which to look for @p type.
12928 ///
12929 /// @return the scope found in @p scope, or NULL if it wasn't found.
12930 static const type_base_sptr
12931 lookup_type_in_scope(const type_base& type,
12932  const vector<scope_decl*>& access_path,
12933  const scope_decl* scope)
12934 {
12935  vector<scope_decl*> a = access_path;
12936  type_base_sptr result;
12938  scope_decl* first_scope = 0;
12939  if (!a.empty())
12940  {
12941  first_scope = a.back();
12942  ABG_ASSERT(first_scope->get_name() == scope->get_name());
12943  a.pop_back();
12944  }
12946  if (a.empty())
12947  {
12948  interned_string n = get_type_name(type, false);
12949  for (scope_decl::declarations::const_iterator i =
12950  scope->get_member_decls().begin();
12951  i != scope->get_member_decls().end();
12952  ++i)
12953  if (is_type(*i) && (*i)->get_name() == n)
12954  {
12955  result = is_type(*i);
12956  break;
12957  }
12958  }
12959  else
12960  {
12961  first_scope = a.back();
12962  interned_string scope_name, cur_scope_name = first_scope->get_name();
12963  for (scope_decl::scopes::const_iterator i =
12964  scope->get_member_scopes().begin();
12965  i != scope->get_member_scopes().end();
12966  ++i)
12967  {
12968  scope_name = (*i)->get_name();
12969  if (scope_name == cur_scope_name)
12970  {
12971  result = lookup_type_in_scope(type, a, (*i).get());
12972  break;
12973  }
12974  }
12975  }
12976  return result;
12977 }
12979 /// lookup a type in a scope.
12980 ///
12981 /// This is really slow as it walks the member types of the scope in
12982 /// sequence to find the type with a given name.
12983 ///
12984 /// If possible, users should prefer looking up types from the
12985 /// enclosing translation unit or even ABI corpus because both the
12986 /// translation unit and the corpus have a map of type, indexed by
12987 /// their name. Looking up a type from those maps is thus much
12988 /// faster.
12989 ///
12990 /// @param type the type to look for.
12991 ///
12992 /// @param scope the top-most scope into which to look for @p type.
12993 ///
12994 /// @return the scope found in @p scope, or NULL if it wasn't found.
12995 static const type_base_sptr
12996 lookup_type_in_scope(const type_base_sptr type,
12997  const scope_decl* scope)
12998 {
12999  if (!type || is_function_type(type))
13000  return type_base_sptr();
13002  decl_base_sptr type_decl = get_type_declaration(type);
13003  ABG_ASSERT(type_decl);
13004  vector<scope_decl*> access_path;
13005  for (scope_decl* s = type_decl->get_scope(); s != 0; s = s->get_scope())
13006  {
13007  access_path.push_back(s);
13008  if (is_global_scope(s))
13009  break;
13010  }
13011  return lookup_type_in_scope(*type, access_path, scope);
13012 }
13014 /// Lookup a type from a translation unit by walking the scopes of the
13015 /// translation unit in sequence and looking into them.
13016 ///
13017 /// This is really slow as it walks the member types of the scopes in
13018 /// sequence to find the type with a given name.
13019 ///
13020 /// If possible, users should prefer looking up types from the
13021 /// translation unit or even ABI corpus in a more direct way, by using
13022 /// the lookup_type() functins.
13023 ///
13024 ///
13025 /// This is because both the translation unit and the corpus have a
13026 /// map of types, indexed by their name. Looking up a type from those
13027 /// maps is thus much faster. @param fqn the components of the fully
13028 /// qualified name of the node to look up.
13029 ///
13030 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
13031 ///
13032 /// @return the declaration of the IR node found, NULL otherwise.
13033 const type_base_sptr
13034 lookup_type_through_scopes(const type_base_sptr type,
13035  const translation_unit& tu)
13036 {
13037  if (function_type_sptr fn_type = is_function_type(type))
13038  return lookup_function_type(fn_type, tu);
13039  return lookup_type_in_scope(type, tu.get_global_scope().get());
13040 }
13042 /// lookup a var_decl in a scope.
13043 ///
13044 /// @param comps the components of the fully qualified name of the
13045 /// var_decl to lookup.
13046 ///
13047 /// @param skope the scope to look into.
13048 const decl_base_sptr
13049 lookup_var_decl_in_scope(const std::list<string>& comps,
13050  const scope_decl_sptr& skope)
13051 {return is_var_decl(lookup_node_in_scope<var_decl>(comps, skope));}
13053 /// Lookup an IR node from a translation unit.
13054 ///
13055 /// @tparam NodeKind the type of the IR node to lookup from the
13056 /// translation unit.
13057 ///
13058 /// @param fqn the components of the fully qualified name of the node
13059 /// to look up.
13060 ///
13061 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
13062 ///
13063 /// @return the declaration of the IR node found, NULL otherwise.
13064 template<typename NodeKind>
13065 static const type_or_decl_base_sptr
13066 lookup_node_in_translation_unit(const list<string>& fqn,
13067  const translation_unit& tu)
13068 {return lookup_node_in_scope<NodeKind>(fqn, tu.get_global_scope());}
13070 /// Lookup a type from a translation unit by walking its scopes in
13071 /// sequence and by looking into them.
13072 ///
13073 /// This is much slower than using the lookup_type() function.
13074 ///
13075 /// @param fqn the components of the fully qualified name of the node
13076 /// to look up.
13077 ///
13078 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
13079 ///
13080 /// @return the declaration of the IR node found, NULL otherwise.
13081 type_base_sptr
13082 lookup_type_through_scopes(const list<string>& fqn,
13083  const translation_unit& tu)
13084 {return is_type(lookup_node_in_translation_unit<type_base>(fqn, tu));}
13087 /// Lookup a class type from a translation unit by walking its scopes
13088 /// in sequence and by looking into them.
13089 ///
13090 /// This is much slower than using the lookup_class_type() function
13091 /// because it walks all the scopes of the translation unit in
13092 /// sequence and lookup the types to find one that has a given name.
13093 ///
13094 /// @param fqn the components of the fully qualified name of the class
13095 /// type node to look up.
13096 ///
13097 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
13098 ///
13099 /// @return the declaration of the class type IR node found, NULL
13100 /// otherwise.
13102 lookup_class_type_through_scopes(const list<string>& fqn,
13103  const translation_unit& tu)
13104 {return is_class_type(lookup_node_in_translation_unit<class_decl>(fqn, tu));}
13106 /// Lookup a basic type from all the translation units of a given
13107 /// corpus.
13108 ///
13109 /// @param fqn the components of the fully qualified name of the basic
13110 /// type node to look up.
13111 ///
13112 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
13113 ///
13114 /// @return the declaration of the basic type IR node found, NULL
13115 /// otherwise.
13116 static type_decl_sptr
13117 lookup_basic_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& type_name,
13118  const corpus& abi_corpus)
13119 {
13120  type_decl_sptr result;
13122  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13123  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13124  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13125  ++tu)
13126  if ((result = lookup_basic_type(type_name, **tu)))
13127  break;
13129  return result;
13130 }
13132 /// Lookup a union type from all the translation units of a given
13133 /// corpus.
13134 ///
13135 /// @param fqn the components of the fully qualified name of the union
13136 /// type node to look up.
13137 ///
13138 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
13139 ///
13140 /// @return the declaration of the union type IR node found, NULL
13141 /// otherwise.
13142 static union_decl_sptr
13143 lookup_union_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& type_name,
13144  const corpus & abi_corpus)
13145 {
13146  union_decl_sptr result;
13148  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13149  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13150  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13151  ++tu)
13152  if ((result = lookup_union_type(type_name, **tu)))
13153  break;
13155  return result;
13156 }
13158 /// Lookup an enum type from all the translation units of a given
13159 /// corpus.
13160 ///
13161 /// @param fqn the components of the fully qualified name of the enum
13162 /// type node to look up.
13163 ///
13164 /// @param tu the translation unit to perform lookup from.
13165 ///
13166 /// @return the declaration of the enum type IR node found, NULL
13167 /// otherwise.
13168 static enum_type_decl_sptr
13169 lookup_enum_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& type_name,
13170  const corpus & abi_corpus)
13171 {
13172  enum_type_decl_sptr result;
13174  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13175  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13176  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13177  ++tu)
13178  if ((result = lookup_enum_type(type_name, **tu)))
13179  break;
13181  return result;
13182 }
13184 /// Lookup a typedef type definition in all the translation units of a
13185 /// given ABI corpus.
13186 ///
13187 /// @param @param qn the fully qualified name of the typedef type to lookup.
13188 ///
13189 /// @param abi_corpus the ABI corpus which to look the type up in.
13190 ///
13191 /// @return the type definition if any was found, or a NULL pointer.
13192 static typedef_decl_sptr
13193 lookup_typedef_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& type_name,
13194  const corpus & abi_corpus)
13195 {
13196  typedef_decl_sptr result;
13198  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13199  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13200  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13201  ++tu)
13202  if ((result = lookup_typedef_type(type_name, **tu)))
13203  break;
13205  return result;
13206 }
13208 /// Lookup a qualified type definition in all the translation units of a
13209 /// given ABI corpus.
13210 ///
13211 /// @param @param qn the fully qualified name of the qualified type to
13212 /// lookup.
13213 ///
13214 /// @param abi_corpus the ABI corpus which to look the type up in.
13215 ///
13216 /// @return the type definition if any was found, or a NULL pointer.
13217 static qualified_type_def_sptr
13218 lookup_qualified_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& t_name,
13219  const corpus & abi_corpus)
13220 {
13221  qualified_type_def_sptr result;
13223  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13224  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13225  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13226  ++tu)
13227  if ((result = lookup_qualified_type(t_name, **tu)))
13228  break;
13230  return result;
13231 }
13233 /// Lookup a pointer type definition in all the translation units of a
13234 /// given ABI corpus.
13235 ///
13236 /// @param @param qn the fully qualified name of the pointer type to
13237 /// lookup.
13238 ///
13239 /// @param abi_corpus the ABI corpus which to look the type up in.
13240 ///
13241 /// @return the type definition if any was found, or a NULL pointer.
13242 static pointer_type_def_sptr
13243 lookup_pointer_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& type_name,
13244  const corpus & abi_corpus)
13245 {
13246  pointer_type_def_sptr result;
13248  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13249  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13250  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13251  ++tu)
13252  if ((result = lookup_pointer_type(type_name, **tu)))
13253  break;
13255  return result;
13256 }
13258 /// Lookup a reference type definition in all the translation units of a
13259 /// given ABI corpus.
13260 ///
13261 /// @param @param qn the fully qualified name of the reference type to
13262 /// lookup.
13263 ///
13264 /// @param abi_corpus the ABI corpus which to look the type up in.
13265 ///
13266 /// @return the type definition if any was found, or a NULL pointer.
13268 lookup_reference_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& t_name,
13269  const corpus & abi_corpus)
13270 {
13271  reference_type_def_sptr result;
13273  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13274  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13275  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13276  ++tu)
13277  if ((result = lookup_reference_type(t_name, **tu)))
13278  break;
13280  return result;
13281 }
13283 /// Lookup a array type definition in all the translation units of a
13284 /// given ABI corpus.
13285 ///
13286 /// @param @param qn the fully qualified name of the array type to
13287 /// lookup.
13288 ///
13289 /// @param abi_corpus the ABI corpus which to look the type up in.
13290 ///
13291 /// @return the type definition if any was found, or a NULL pointer.
13292 static array_type_def_sptr
13293 lookup_array_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& type_name,
13294  const corpus & abi_corpus)
13295 {
13296  array_type_def_sptr result;
13298  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13299  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13300  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13301  ++tu)
13302  if ((result = lookup_array_type(type_name, **tu)))
13303  break;
13305  return result;
13306 }
13308 /// Lookup a function type definition in all the translation units of
13309 /// a given ABI corpus.
13310 ///
13311 /// @param @param qn the fully qualified name of the function type to
13312 /// lookup.
13313 ///
13314 /// @param abi_corpus the ABI corpus which to look the type up in.
13315 ///
13316 /// @return the type definition if any was found, or a NULL pointer.
13317 static function_type_sptr
13318 lookup_function_type_through_translation_units(const interned_string& type_name,
13319  const corpus & abi_corpus)
13320 {
13321  function_type_sptr result;
13323  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13324  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13325  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13326  ++tu)
13327  if ((result = lookup_function_type(type_name, **tu)))
13328  break;
13330  return result;
13331 }
13333 /// Lookup a type definition in all the translation units of a given
13334 /// ABI corpus.
13335 ///
13336 /// @param @param qn the fully qualified name of the type to lookup.
13337 ///
13338 /// @param abi_corpus the ABI corpus which to look the type up in.
13339 ///
13340 /// @return the type definition if any was found, or a NULL pointer.
13341 type_base_sptr
13343  const corpus& abi_corpus)
13344 {
13345  type_base_sptr result;
13347  for (translation_units::const_iterator tu =
13348  abi_corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13349  tu != abi_corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13350  ++tu)
13351  if ((result = lookup_type(qn, **tu)))
13352  break;
13354  return result;
13355 }
13357 /// Lookup a type from a given translation unit present in a give corpus.
13358 ///
13359 /// @param type_name the name of the type to look for.
13360 ///
13361 /// @parm tu_path the path of the translation unit to consider.
13362 ///
13363 /// @param corp the corpus to consider.
13364 ///
13365 /// @return the resulting type, if any.
13366 type_base_sptr
13367 lookup_type_from_translation_unit(const string& type_name,
13368  const string& tu_path,
13369  const corpus& corp)
13370 {
13371  string_tu_map_type::const_iterator i = corp.priv_->path_tu_map.find(tu_path);
13372  if (i == corp.priv_->path_tu_map.end())
13373  return type_base_sptr();
13375  translation_unit_sptr tu = i->second;
13376  ABG_ASSERT(tu);
13378  type_base_sptr t = lookup_type(type_name, *tu);
13379  return t;
13380 }
13382 /// Look into an ABI corpus for a function type.
13383 ///
13384 /// @param fn_type the function type to be looked for in the ABI
13385 /// corpus.
13386 ///
13387 /// @param corpus the ABI corpus into which to look for the function
13388 /// type.
13389 ///
13390 /// @return the function type found in the corpus.
13393  const corpus& corpus)
13394 {
13395  ABG_ASSERT(fn_t);
13397  function_type_sptr result;
13399  if ((result = lookup_function_type(fn_t, corpus)))
13400  return result;
13402  for (translation_units::const_iterator i =
13403  corpus.get_translation_units().begin();
13404  i != corpus.get_translation_units().end();
13405  ++i)
13407  **i)))
13408  return result;
13410  return result;
13411 }
13413 /// Look into a given corpus to find a type which has the same
13414 /// qualified name as a giventype.
13415 ///
13416 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13417 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13418 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13419 /// translation unit.
13420 ///
13421 /// @param t the type which has the same qualified name as the type we
13422 /// are looking for.
13423 ///
13424 /// @param corp the ABI corpus to look into for the type.
13426 lookup_basic_type(const type_decl& t, const corpus& corp)
13427 {return lookup_basic_type(t.get_name(), corp);}
13429 /// Look into a given corpus to find a basic type which has a given
13430 /// qualified name.
13431 ///
13432 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13433 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13434 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13435 /// translation unit.
13436 ///
13437 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the basic type to look
13438 /// for.
13439 ///
13440 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13442 lookup_basic_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13443 {
13445  type_decl_sptr result;
13447  if (!m.empty())
13448  result = lookup_type_in_map<type_decl>(qualified_name, m);
13449  else
13450  result = lookup_basic_type_through_translation_units(qualified_name, corp);
13452  return result;
13453 }
13455 /// Lookup a @ref type_decl type from a given corpus, by its location.
13456 ///
13457 /// @param loc the location to consider.
13458 ///
13459 /// @param corp the corpus to consider.
13460 ///
13461 /// @return the resulting basic type, if any.
13464  const corpus &corp)
13465 {
13468  type_decl_sptr result;
13470  result = lookup_type_in_map<type_decl>(loc, m);
13472  return result;
13473 }
13475 /// Lookup a @ref type_decl type from a given corpus, by its location.
13476 ///
13477 /// @param loc the location to consider.
13478 ///
13479 /// @param corp the corpus to consider.
13480 ///
13481 /// @return the resulting basic type, if any.
13483 lookup_basic_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
13484 {
13485  const environment& env = corp.get_environment();
13486  return lookup_basic_type_per_location(env.intern(loc), corp);
13487 }
13489 /// Look into a given corpus to find a basic type which has a given
13490 /// qualified name.
13491 ///
13492 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13493 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13494 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13495 /// translation unit.
13496 ///
13497 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the basic type to look
13498 /// for.
13499 ///
13500 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13502 lookup_basic_type(const string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13503 {
13504  return lookup_basic_type(corp.get_environment().intern(qualified_name),
13505  corp);
13506 }
13508 /// Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has the same
13509 /// qualified name as a given type.
13510 ///
13511 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13512 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13513 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13514 /// translation unit.
13515 ///
13516 /// @param t the class decl type which has the same qualified name as
13517 /// the type we are looking for.
13518 ///
13519 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13521 lookup_class_type(const class_decl& t, const corpus& corp)
13522 {
13524  return lookup_class_type(s, corp);
13525 }
13527 /// Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has a given
13528 /// qualified name.
13529 ///
13530 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13531 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13532 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13533 /// translation unit.
13534 ///
13535 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13536 ///
13537 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13539 lookup_class_type(const string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13540 {
13541  interned_string s = corp.get_environment().intern(qualified_name);
13542  return lookup_class_type(s, corp);
13543 }
13545 /// Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has a given
13546 /// qualified name.
13547 ///
13548 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13549 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13550 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13551 /// translation unit.
13552 ///
13553 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13554 ///
13555 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13557 lookup_class_type(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13558 {
13561  class_decl_sptr result = lookup_type_in_map<class_decl>(qualified_name, m);
13563  return result;
13564 }
13566 /// Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a
13567 /// given qualified name.
13568 ///
13569 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13570 ///
13571 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13572 ///
13573 /// @return the vector of class types named @p qualified_name.
13574 const type_base_wptrs_type *
13575 lookup_class_types(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13576 {
13579  return lookup_types_in_map(qualified_name, m);
13580 }
13582 /// Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a
13583 /// given qualified name and that are declaration-only.
13584 ///
13585 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13586 ///
13587 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13588 ///
13589 /// @param result the vector of decl-only class types named @p
13590 /// qualified_name. This is populated iff the function returns true.
13591 ///
13592 /// @return true iff @p result was populated with the decl-only
13593 /// classes named @p qualified_name.
13594 bool
13596  const corpus& corp,
13597  type_base_wptrs_type& result)
13598 {
13601  const type_base_wptrs_type *v = lookup_types_in_map(qualified_name, m);
13602  if (!v)
13603  return false;
13605  for (auto type : *v)
13606  {
13607  type_base_sptr t(type);
13609  if (c->get_is_declaration_only()
13610  && !c->get_definition_of_declaration())
13611  result.push_back(type);
13612  }
13614  return !result.empty();
13615 }
13617 /// Look into a given corpus to find the union type*s* that have a
13618 /// given qualified name.
13619 ///
13620 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13621 ///
13622 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13623 ///
13624 /// @return the vector of union types named @p qualified_name.
13625 const type_base_wptrs_type *
13626 lookup_union_types(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13627 {
13630  return lookup_types_in_map(qualified_name, m);
13631 }
13633 /// Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a
13634 /// given qualified name.
13635 ///
13636 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13637 ///
13638 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13639 ///
13640 /// @return the vector of class types which name is @p qualified_name.
13641 const type_base_wptrs_type*
13642 lookup_class_types(const string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13643 {
13644  interned_string s = corp.get_environment().intern(qualified_name);
13645  return lookup_class_types(s, corp);
13646 }
13648 /// Look into a given corpus to find the union types that have a given
13649 /// qualified name.
13650 ///
13651 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13652 ///
13653 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13654 ///
13655 /// @return the vector of union types which name is @p qualified_name.
13656 const type_base_wptrs_type *
13657 lookup_union_types(const string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13658 {
13659  interned_string s = corp.get_environment().intern(qualified_name);
13660  return lookup_union_types(s, corp);
13661 }
13663 /// Look up a @ref class_decl from a given corpus by its location.
13664 ///
13665 /// @param loc the location to consider.
13666 ///
13667 /// @param corp the corpus to consider.
13668 ///
13669 /// @return the resulting class decl, if any.
13672  const corpus& corp)
13673 {
13676  class_decl_sptr result = lookup_type_in_map<class_decl>(loc, m);
13678  return result;
13679 }
13681 /// Look up a @ref class_decl from a given corpus by its location.
13682 ///
13683 /// @param loc the location to consider.
13684 ///
13685 /// @param corp the corpus to consider.
13686 ///
13687 /// @return the resulting class decl, if any.
13689 lookup_class_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
13690 {
13691  const environment& env = corp.get_environment();
13692  return lookup_class_type_per_location(env.intern(loc), corp);
13693 }
13695 /// Look into a given corpus to find a union type which has a given
13696 /// qualified name.
13697 ///
13698 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13699 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13700 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13701 /// translation unit.
13702 ///
13703 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13704 ///
13705 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13706 union_decl_sptr
13707 lookup_union_type(const interned_string& type_name, const corpus& corp)
13708 {
13711  union_decl_sptr result = lookup_type_in_map<union_decl>(type_name, m);
13712  if (!result)
13713  result = lookup_union_type_through_translation_units(type_name, corp);
13715  return result;
13716 }
13718 /// Look into a given corpus to find a union type which has a given
13719 /// qualified name.
13720 ///
13721 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13722 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13723 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13724 /// translation unit.
13725 ///
13726 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13727 ///
13728 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13729 union_decl_sptr
13730 lookup_union_type(const string& type_name, const corpus& corp)
13731 {
13732  interned_string s = corp.get_environment().intern(type_name);
13733  return lookup_union_type(s, corp);
13734 }
13736 /// Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has the same
13737 /// qualified name as a given enum type.
13738 ///
13739 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13740 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13741 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13742 /// translation unit.
13743 ///
13744 /// @param t the enum type which has the same qualified name as the
13745 /// type we are looking for.
13746 ///
13747 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13750 {
13752  return lookup_enum_type(s, corp);
13753 }
13755 /// Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has a given
13756 /// qualified name.
13757 ///
13758 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13759 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13760 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13761 /// translation unit.
13762 ///
13763 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the enum type to look
13764 /// for.
13765 ///
13766 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13768 lookup_enum_type(const string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13769 {
13770  interned_string s = corp.get_environment().intern(qualified_name);
13771  return lookup_enum_type(s, corp);
13772 }
13774 /// Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has a given
13775 /// qualified name.
13776 ///
13777 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13778 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13779 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13780 /// translation unit.
13781 ///
13782 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the enum type to look
13783 /// for.
13784 ///
13785 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13787 lookup_enum_type(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13788 {
13791  enum_type_decl_sptr result =
13792  lookup_type_in_map<enum_type_decl>(qualified_name, m);
13793  if (!result)
13794  result = lookup_enum_type_through_translation_units(qualified_name, corp);
13796  return result;
13797 }
13799 /// Look into a given corpus to find the enum type*s* that have a
13800 /// given qualified name.
13801 ///
13802 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13803 ///
13804 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13805 ///
13806 /// @return the vector of enum types that which name is @p qualified_name.
13807 const type_base_wptrs_type *
13808 lookup_enum_types(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13809 {
13812  return lookup_types_in_map(qualified_name, m);
13813 }
13815 /// Look into a given corpus to find the enum type*s* that have a
13816 /// given qualified name.
13817 ///
13818 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13819 ///
13820 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13821 ///
13822 /// @return the vector of enum types that which name is @p qualified_name.
13823 const type_base_wptrs_type*
13824 lookup_enum_types(const string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13825 {
13826  interned_string s = corp.get_environment().intern(qualified_name);
13827  return lookup_enum_types(s, corp);
13828 }
13830 /// Look up an @ref enum_type_decl from a given corpus, by its location.
13831 ///
13832 /// @param loc the location to consider.
13833 ///
13834 /// @param corp the corpus to look the type from.
13835 ///
13836 /// @return the resulting enum type, if any.
13839 {
13842  enum_type_decl_sptr result = lookup_type_in_map<enum_type_decl>(loc, m);
13844  return result;
13845 }
13847 /// Look up an @ref enum_type_decl from a given corpus, by its location.
13848 ///
13849 /// @param loc the location to consider.
13850 ///
13851 /// @param corp the corpus to look the type from.
13852 ///
13853 /// @return the resulting enum type, if any.
13855 lookup_enum_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
13856 {
13857  const environment& env = corp.get_environment();
13858  return lookup_enum_type_per_location(env.intern(loc), corp);
13859 }
13861 /// Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has the
13862 /// same qualified name as a given typedef type.
13863 ///
13864 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13865 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13866 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13867 /// translation unit.
13868 ///
13869 /// @param t the typedef type which has the same qualified name as the
13870 /// typedef type we are looking for.
13871 ///
13872 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13875 {
13877  return lookup_typedef_type(s, corp);
13878 }
13880 /// Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has the
13881 /// same qualified name as a given typedef type.
13882 ///
13883 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13884 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13885 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13886 /// translation unit.
13887 ///
13888 /// @param t the typedef type which has the same qualified name as the
13889 /// typedef type we are looking for.
13890 ///
13891 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13893 lookup_typedef_type(const string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13894 {
13895  interned_string s = corp.get_environment().intern(qualified_name);
13896  return lookup_typedef_type(s, corp);
13897 }
13899 /// Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has a
13900 /// given qualified name.
13901 ///
13902 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13903 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13904 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13905 /// translation unit.
13906 ///
13907 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the typedef type to
13908 /// look for.
13909 ///
13910 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13912 lookup_typedef_type(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13913 {
13916  typedef_decl_sptr result =
13917  lookup_type_in_map<typedef_decl>(qualified_name, m);
13918  if (!result)
13919  result = lookup_typedef_type_through_translation_units(qualified_name,
13920  corp);
13922  return result;
13923 }
13925 /// Lookup a @ref typedef_decl from a corpus, by its location.
13926 ///
13927 /// @param loc the location to consider.
13928 ///
13929 /// @param corp the corpus to consider.
13930 ///
13931 /// @return the typedef_decl found, if any.
13934 {
13937  typedef_decl_sptr result = lookup_type_in_map<typedef_decl>(loc, m);
13939  return result;
13940 }
13942 /// Lookup a @ref typedef_decl from a corpus, by its location.
13943 ///
13944 /// @param loc the location to consider.
13945 ///
13946 /// @param corp the corpus to consider.
13947 ///
13948 /// @return the typedef_decl found, if any.
13950 lookup_typedef_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
13951 {
13952  const environment& env = corp.get_environment();
13953  return lookup_typedef_type_per_location(env.intern(loc), corp);
13954 }
13956 /// Look into a corpus to find a class, union or typedef type which
13957 /// has a given qualified name.
13958 ///
13959 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13960 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13961 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13962 /// translation unit.
13963 ///
13964 /// @param qualified_name the name of the type to find.
13965 ///
13966 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13967 ///
13968 /// @return the typedef or class type found.
13969 type_base_sptr
13970 lookup_class_or_typedef_type(const string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
13971 {
13972  type_base_sptr result = lookup_class_type(qualified_name, corp);
13973  if (!result)
13974  result = lookup_union_type(qualified_name, corp);
13976  if (!result)
13977  result = lookup_typedef_type(qualified_name, corp);
13978  return result;
13979 }
13981 /// Look into a corpus to find a class, typedef or enum type which has
13982 /// a given qualified name.
13983 ///
13984 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
13985 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
13986 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
13987 /// translation unit.
13988 ///
13989 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
13990 ///
13991 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
13992 ///
13993 /// @return the typedef, class or enum type found.
13994 type_base_sptr
13995 lookup_class_typedef_or_enum_type(const string& qualified_name,
13996  const corpus& corp)
13997 {
13998  type_base_sptr result = lookup_class_or_typedef_type(qualified_name, corp);
13999  if (!result)
14000  result = lookup_enum_type(qualified_name, corp);
14002  return result;
14003 }
14005 /// Look into a given corpus to find a qualified type which has the
14006 /// same qualified name as a given type.
14007 ///
14008 /// @param t the type which has the same qualified name as the
14009 /// qualified type we are looking for.
14010 ///
14011 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14012 ///
14013 /// @return the qualified type found.
14014 qualified_type_def_sptr
14016 {
14018  return lookup_qualified_type(s, corp);
14019 }
14021 /// Look into a given corpus to find a qualified type which has a
14022 /// given qualified name.
14023 ///
14024 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the type to look for.
14025 ///
14026 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14027 ///
14028 /// @return the type found.
14029 qualified_type_def_sptr
14030 lookup_qualified_type(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
14031 {
14033  corp.get_types().qualified_types();
14035  qualified_type_def_sptr result =
14036  lookup_type_in_map<qualified_type_def>(qualified_name, m);
14038  if (!result)
14039  result = lookup_qualified_type_through_translation_units(qualified_name,
14040  corp);
14042  return result;
14043 }
14045 /// Look into a given corpus to find a pointer type which has the same
14046 /// qualified name as a given pointer type.
14047 ///
14048 /// @param t the pointer type which has the same qualified name as the
14049 /// type we are looking for.
14050 ///
14051 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14052 ///
14053 /// @return the pointer type found.
14056 {
14058  return lookup_pointer_type(s, corp);
14059 }
14061 /// Look into a given corpus to find a pointer type which has a given
14062 /// qualified name.
14063 ///
14064 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14065 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14066 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14067 /// translation unit.
14068 ///
14069 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the pointer type to
14070 /// look for.
14071 ///
14072 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14073 ///
14074 /// @return the pointer type found.
14076 lookup_pointer_type(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
14077 {
14080  pointer_type_def_sptr result =
14081  lookup_type_in_map<pointer_type_def>(qualified_name, m);
14082  if (!result)
14083  result = lookup_pointer_type_through_translation_units(qualified_name,
14084  corp);
14086  return result;
14087 }
14089 /// Look into a given corpus to find a reference type which has the
14090 /// same qualified name as a given reference type.
14091 ///
14092 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14093 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14094 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14095 /// translation unit.
14096 ///
14097 /// @param t the reference type which has the same qualified name as
14098 /// the reference type we are looking for.
14099 ///
14100 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14101 ///
14102 /// @return the reference type found.
14105 {
14107  return lookup_reference_type(s, corp);
14108 }
14110 /// Look into a given corpus to find a reference type which has a
14111 /// given qualified name.
14112 ///
14113 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14114 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14115 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14116 /// translation unit.
14117 ///
14118 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the reference type to
14119 /// look for.
14120 ///
14121 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14122 ///
14123 /// @return the reference type found.
14125 lookup_reference_type(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
14126 {
14128  corp.get_types().reference_types();
14130  reference_type_def_sptr result =
14131  lookup_type_in_map<reference_type_def>(qualified_name, m);
14132  if (!result)
14133  result = lookup_reference_type_through_translation_units(qualified_name,
14134  corp);
14136  return result;
14137 }
14139 /// Look into a given corpus to find an array type which has a given
14140 /// qualified name.
14141 ///
14142 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14143 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14144 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14145 /// translation unit.
14146 ///
14147 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the array type to look
14148 /// for.
14149 ///
14150 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14151 ///
14152 /// @return the array type found.
14155 {
14157  return lookup_array_type(s, corp);
14158 }
14160 /// Look into a given corpus to find an array type which has the same
14161 /// qualified name as a given array type.
14162 ///
14163 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14164 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14165 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14166 /// translation unit.
14167 ///
14168 /// @param t the type which has the same qualified name as the type we
14169 /// are looking for.
14170 ///
14171 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14172 ///
14173 /// @return the type found.
14175 lookup_array_type(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
14176 {
14179  array_type_def_sptr result =
14180  lookup_type_in_map<array_type_def>(qualified_name, m);
14181  if (!result)
14182  result = lookup_array_type_through_translation_units(qualified_name, corp);
14184  return result;
14185 }
14187 /// Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has the same
14188 /// qualified name as a given function type.
14189 ///
14190 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14191 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14192 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14193 /// translation unit.
14194 ///
14195 /// @param t the function type which has the same qualified name as
14196 /// the function type we are looking for.
14197 ///
14198 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14199 ///
14200 /// @return the function type found.
14203 {
14204  interned_string type_name = get_type_name(t);
14205  return lookup_function_type(type_name, corp);
14206 }
14208 /// Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has the same
14209 /// qualified name as a given function type.
14210 ///
14211 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14212 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14213 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14214 /// translation unit.
14215 ///
14216 /// @param t the function type which has the same qualified name as
14217 /// the function type we are looking for.
14218 ///
14219 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14220 ///
14221 /// @return the function type found.
14224  const corpus& corpus)
14225 {
14226  if (fn_t)
14227  return lookup_function_type(*fn_t, corpus);
14228  return function_type_sptr();
14229 }
14231 /// Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has a given
14232 /// qualified name.
14233 ///
14234 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14235 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14236 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14237 /// translation unit.
14238 ///
14239 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the function type to
14240 /// look for.
14241 ///
14242 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14243 ///
14244 /// @return the function type found.
14246 lookup_function_type(const interned_string& qualified_name, const corpus& corp)
14247 {
14250  function_type_sptr result =
14251  lookup_type_in_map<function_type>(qualified_name, m);
14252  if (!result)
14253  result = lookup_function_type_through_translation_units(qualified_name,
14254  corp);
14256  return result;
14257 }
14259 /// Look into a given corpus to find a type which has a given
14260 /// qualified name.
14261 ///
14262 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14263 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14264 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14265 /// translation unit.
14266 ///
14267 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the function type to
14268 /// look for.
14269 ///
14270 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14271 ///
14272 /// @return the function type found.
14273 type_base_sptr
14274 lookup_type(const interned_string& n, const corpus& corp)
14275 {
14276  type_base_sptr result;
14278  ((result = lookup_basic_type(n, corp))
14279  || (result = lookup_class_type(n, corp))
14280  || (result = lookup_union_type(n, corp))
14281  || (result = lookup_enum_type(n, corp))
14282  || (result = lookup_typedef_type(n, corp))
14283  || (result = lookup_qualified_type(n, corp))
14284  || (result = lookup_pointer_type(n, corp))
14285  || (result = lookup_reference_type(n, corp))
14286  || (result = lookup_array_type(n, corp))
14287  || (result= lookup_function_type(n, corp)));
14289  return result;
14290 }
14292 /// Lookup a type from a corpus, by its location.
14293 ///
14294 /// @param loc the location to consider.
14295 ///
14296 /// @param corp the corpus to look the type from.
14297 ///
14298 /// @return the resulting type, if any found.
14299 type_base_sptr
14301 {
14302  // TODO: finish this.
14304  //TODO: when we fully support types indexed by their location, this
14305  //function should return a vector of types because at each location,
14306  //there can be several types that are defined (yay, C and C++,
14307  //*sigh*).
14309  type_base_sptr result;
14310  ((result = lookup_basic_type_per_location(loc, corp))
14311  || (result = lookup_class_type_per_location(loc, corp))
14312  || (result = lookup_union_type_per_location(loc, corp))
14313  || (result = lookup_enum_type_per_location(loc, corp))
14314  || (result = lookup_typedef_type_per_location(loc, corp)));
14316  return result;
14317 }
14319 /// Look into a given corpus to find a type
14320 ///
14321 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14322 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14323 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14324 /// translation unit.
14325 ///
14326 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the function type to
14327 /// look for.
14328 ///
14329 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14330 ///
14331 /// @return the function type found.
14332 type_base_sptr
14333 lookup_type(const type_base&t, const corpus& corp)
14334 {
14336  return lookup_type(n, corp);
14337 }
14339 /// Look into a given corpus to find a type
14340 ///
14341 /// If the per-corpus type map is non-empty (because the corpus allows
14342 /// the One Definition Rule) then the type islooked up in that
14343 /// per-corpus type map. Otherwise, the type is looked-up in each
14344 /// translation unit.
14345 ///
14346 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the function type to
14347 /// look for.
14348 ///
14349 /// @param corp the corpus to look into.
14350 ///
14351 /// @return the function type found.
14352 type_base_sptr
14353 lookup_type(const type_base_sptr&t, const corpus& corp)
14354 {
14355  if (t)
14356  return lookup_type(*t, corp);
14357  return type_base_sptr();
14358 }
14360 /// Update the map that associates a fully qualified name of a given
14361 /// type to that type.
14362 ///
14363 ///
14364 /// @param type the type we are considering.
14365 ///
14366 /// @param types_map the map to update. It's a map that assciates a
14367 /// fully qualified name of a type to the type itself.
14368 ///
14369 /// @param use_type_name_as_key if true, use the name of the type as
14370 /// the key to look it up later. If false, then use the location of
14371 /// the type as a key to look it up later.
14372 ///
14373 /// @return true iff the type was added to the map.
14374 template<typename TypeKind>
14375 bool
14376 maybe_update_types_lookup_map(const shared_ptr<TypeKind>& type,
14378  bool use_type_name_as_key = true)
14379 {
14380  interned_string s;
14382  if (use_type_name_as_key)
14383  s = get_type_name(type);
14384  else if (location l = type->get_location())
14385  {
14386  string str = l.expand();
14387  s = type->get_environment().intern(str);
14388  }
14390  istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type::iterator i = types_map.find(s);
14391  bool result = false;
14393  if (i == types_map.end())
14394  {
14395  types_map[s].push_back(type);
14396  result = true;
14397  }
14398  else
14399  i->second.push_back(type);
14401  return result;
14402 }
14404 /// This is the specialization for type @ref class_decl of the
14405 /// function template:
14406 ///
14407 /// maybe_update_types_lookup_map<T>(scope_decl*,
14408 /// const shared_ptr<T>&,
14409 /// istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type&)
14410 ///
14411 /// @param class_type the type to consider.
14412 ///
14413 /// @param types_map the type map to update.
14414 ///
14415 /// @return true iff the type was added to the map.
14416 template<>
14417 bool
14420  bool use_type_name_as_key)
14421 {
14422  class_decl_sptr type = class_type;
14424  bool update_qname_map = true;
14425  if (type->get_is_declaration_only())
14426  {
14427  // Let's try to look through decl-only classes to get their
14428  // definition. But if the class doesn't have a definition then
14429  // we'll keep it.
14430  if (class_decl_sptr def =
14431  is_class_type(class_type->get_definition_of_declaration()))
14432  type = def;
14433  }
14435  if (!update_qname_map)
14436  return false;
14438  interned_string s;
14439  if (use_type_name_as_key)
14440  {
14441  string qname = type->get_qualified_name();
14442  s = type->get_environment().intern(qname);
14443  }
14444  else if (location l = type->get_location())
14445  {
14446  string str = l.expand();
14447  s = type->get_environment().intern(str);
14448  }
14450  bool result = false;
14451  istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type::iterator i = map.find(s);
14452  if (i == map.end())
14453  {
14454  map[s].push_back(type);
14455  result = true;
14456  }
14457  else
14458  i->second.push_back(type);
14460  return result;
14461 }
14463 /// This is the specialization for type @ref function_type of the
14464 /// function template:
14465 ///
14466 /// maybe_update_types_lookup_map<T>(scope_decl*,
14467 /// const shared_ptr<T>&,
14468 /// istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type&)
14469 ///
14470 /// @param scope the scope of the type to consider.
14471 ///
14472 /// @param class_type the type to consider.
14473 ///
14474 /// @param types_map the type map to update.
14475 ///
14476 /// @return true iff the type was added to the map.
14477 template<>
14478 bool
14480 (const function_type_sptr& type,
14482  bool /*use_type_name_as_key*/)
14483 {
14484  bool result = false;
14485  interned_string s = get_type_name(type);
14486  istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type::iterator i = types_map.find(s);
14487  if (i == types_map.end())
14488  {
14489  types_map[s].push_back(type);
14490  result = true;
14491  }
14492  else
14493  i->second.push_back(type);
14495  return result;
14496 }
14498 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a basic
14499 /// type with the type itself.
14500 ///
14501 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14502 /// name was already existing in that map.
14503 ///
14504 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14505 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14506 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14507 ///
14508 /// @param basic_type the basic type to consider.
14509 void
14511 {
14512  if (translation_unit *tu = basic_type->get_translation_unit())
14513  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<type_decl>
14514  (basic_type, tu->get_types().basic_types());
14516  if (corpus *type_corpus = basic_type->get_corpus())
14517  {
14518  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<type_decl>
14519  (basic_type,
14520  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().basic_types());
14522  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<type_decl>
14523  (basic_type,
14524  type_corpus->get_type_per_loc_map().basic_types(),
14525  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14527  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14528  {
14529  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<type_decl>
14530  (basic_type,
14531  group->priv_->get_types().basic_types());
14533  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<type_decl>
14534  (basic_type,
14535  group->get_type_per_loc_map().basic_types(),
14536  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14537  }
14538  }
14540 }
14542 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a class
14543 /// type with the type itself.
14544 ///
14545 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14546 /// name was already existing in that map.
14547 ///
14548 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14549 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14550 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14551 ///
14552 /// @param class_type the class type to consider.
14553 void
14555 {
14556  if (translation_unit *tu = class_type->get_translation_unit())
14558  (class_type, tu->get_types().class_types());
14560  if (corpus *type_corpus = class_type->get_corpus())
14561  {
14563  (class_type,
14564  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().class_types());
14567  (class_type,
14568  type_corpus->get_type_per_loc_map().class_types(),
14569  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14571  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14572  {
14574  (class_type,
14575  group->priv_->get_types().class_types());
14578  (class_type,
14579  group->get_type_per_loc_map().class_types(),
14580  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14581  }
14582  }
14583 }
14585 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a union
14586 /// type with the type itself.
14587 ///
14588 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14589 /// name was already existing in that map.
14590 ///
14591 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14592 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14593 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14594 ///
14595 /// @param union_type the union type to consider.
14596 void
14597 maybe_update_types_lookup_map(const union_decl_sptr& union_type)
14598 {
14599  if (translation_unit *tu = union_type->get_translation_unit())
14600  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<union_decl>
14601  (union_type, tu->get_types().union_types());
14603  if (corpus *type_corpus = union_type->get_corpus())
14604  {
14605  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<union_decl>
14606  (union_type,
14607  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().union_types());
14609  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<union_decl>
14610  (union_type,
14611  type_corpus->get_type_per_loc_map().union_types(),
14612  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14614  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14615  {
14616  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<union_decl>
14617  (union_type,
14618  group->priv_->get_types().union_types());
14620  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<union_decl>
14621  (union_type,
14622  group->get_type_per_loc_map().union_types(),
14623  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14624  }
14625  }
14626 }
14628 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of an enum
14629 /// type with the type itself.
14630 ///
14631 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14632 /// name was already existing in that map.
14633 ///
14634 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14635 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14636 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14637 ///
14638 /// @param enum_type the type to consider.
14639 void
14641 {
14642  if (translation_unit *tu = enum_type->get_translation_unit())
14643  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<enum_type_decl>
14644  (enum_type, tu->get_types().enum_types());
14646  if (corpus *type_corpus = enum_type->get_corpus())
14647  {
14648  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<enum_type_decl>
14649  (enum_type,
14650  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().enum_types());
14652  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<enum_type_decl>
14653  (enum_type,
14654  type_corpus->get_type_per_loc_map().enum_types(),
14655  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14657  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14658  {
14659  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<enum_type_decl>
14660  (enum_type,
14661  group->priv_->get_types().enum_types());
14663  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<enum_type_decl>
14664  (enum_type,
14665  group->get_type_per_loc_map().enum_types(),
14666  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14667  }
14668  }
14670 }
14672 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a
14673 /// typedef type with the type itself.
14674 ///
14675 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14676 /// name was already existing in that map.
14677 ///
14678 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14679 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14680 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14681 ///
14682 /// @param typedef_type the type to consider.
14683 void
14685 {
14686  if (translation_unit *tu = typedef_type->get_translation_unit())
14687  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<typedef_decl>
14688  (typedef_type, tu->get_types().typedef_types());
14690  if (corpus *type_corpus = typedef_type->get_corpus())
14691  {
14692  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<typedef_decl>
14693  (typedef_type,
14694  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().typedef_types());
14696  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<typedef_decl>
14697  (typedef_type,
14698  type_corpus->get_type_per_loc_map().typedef_types(),
14699  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14701  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14702  {
14703  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<typedef_decl>
14704  (typedef_type,
14705  group->priv_->get_types().typedef_types());
14707  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<typedef_decl>
14708  (typedef_type,
14709  group->get_type_per_loc_map().typedef_types(),
14710  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14711  }
14712  }
14713 }
14715 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a
14716 /// qualified type with the type itself.
14717 ///
14718 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14719 /// name was already existing in that map.
14720 ///
14721 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14722 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14723 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14724 ///
14725 /// @param qualified_type the type to consider.
14726 void
14727 maybe_update_types_lookup_map(const qualified_type_def_sptr& qualified_type)
14728 {
14729  if (translation_unit *tu = qualified_type->get_translation_unit())
14730  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<qualified_type_def>
14731  (qualified_type, tu->get_types().qualified_types());
14733  if (corpus *type_corpus = qualified_type->get_corpus())
14734  {
14735  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<qualified_type_def>
14736  (qualified_type,
14737  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().qualified_types());
14739  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14740  {
14741  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<qualified_type_def>
14742  (qualified_type,
14743  group->priv_->get_types().qualified_types());
14744  }
14745  }
14746 }
14748 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a
14749 /// pointer type with the type itself.
14750 ///
14751 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14752 /// name was already existing in that map.
14753 ///
14754 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14755 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14756 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14757 ///
14758 /// @param pointer_type the type to consider.
14759 void
14761 {
14762  if (translation_unit *tu = pointer_type->get_translation_unit())
14763  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<pointer_type_def>
14764  (pointer_type, tu->get_types().pointer_types());
14766  if (corpus *type_corpus = pointer_type->get_corpus())
14767  {
14768  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<pointer_type_def>
14769  (pointer_type,
14770  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().pointer_types());
14772  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14773  {
14774  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<pointer_type_def>
14775  (pointer_type,
14776  group->priv_->get_types().pointer_types());
14777  }
14778  }
14779 }
14781 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a
14782 /// pointer-to-member type with the type itself.
14783 ///
14784 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14785 /// name was already existing in that map.
14786 ///
14787 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14788 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14789 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14790 ///
14791 /// @param ptr_to_mbr_type the type to consider.
14792 void
14794 {
14795  if (translation_unit *tu = ptr_to_member->get_translation_unit())
14796  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<ptr_to_mbr_type>
14797  (ptr_to_member, tu->get_types().ptr_to_mbr_types());
14799  if (corpus *type_corpus = ptr_to_member->get_corpus())
14800  {
14801  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<ptr_to_mbr_type>
14802  (ptr_to_member,
14803  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().ptr_to_mbr_types());
14805  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14806  {
14807  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<ptr_to_mbr_type>
14808  (ptr_to_member,
14809  group->priv_->get_types().ptr_to_mbr_types());
14810  }
14811  }
14812 }
14814 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a
14815 /// reference type with the type itself.
14816 ///
14817 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14818 /// name was already existing in that map.
14819 ///
14820 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14821 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14822 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14823 ///
14824 /// @param reference_type the type to consider.
14825 void
14827 {
14828  if (translation_unit *tu = reference_type->get_translation_unit())
14829  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<reference_type_def>
14830  (reference_type, tu->get_types().reference_types());
14832  if (corpus *type_corpus = reference_type->get_corpus())
14833  {
14834  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<reference_type_def>
14835  (reference_type,
14836  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().reference_types());
14838  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14839  {
14840  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<reference_type_def>
14841  (reference_type,
14842  group->priv_->get_types().reference_types());
14843  }
14844  }
14845 }
14847 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a type
14848 /// with the type itself.
14849 ///
14850 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14851 /// name was already existing in that map.
14852 ///
14853 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14854 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14855 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14856 ///
14857 /// @param array_type the type to consider.
14858 void
14860 {
14861  if (translation_unit *tu = array_type->get_translation_unit())
14862  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def>
14863  (array_type, tu->get_types().array_types());
14865  if (corpus *type_corpus = array_type->get_corpus())
14866  {
14867  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def>
14868  (array_type,
14869  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().array_types());
14871  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def>
14872  (array_type,
14873  type_corpus->get_type_per_loc_map().array_types(),
14874  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14876  if (corpus *group = type_corpus->get_group())
14877  {
14878  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def>
14879  (array_type,
14880  group->priv_->get_types().array_types());
14882  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def>
14883  (array_type,
14884  group->get_type_per_loc_map().array_types(),
14885  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14886  }
14887  }
14888 }
14890 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a type
14891 /// with the type itself.
14892 ///
14893 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14894 /// name was already existing in that map.
14895 ///
14896 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14897 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14898 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14899 ///
14900 /// @param subrange_type the type to consider.
14901 void
14903 (const array_type_def::subrange_sptr& subrange_type)
14904 {
14905  if (translation_unit *tu = subrange_type->get_translation_unit())
14906  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def::subrange_type>
14907  (subrange_type, tu->get_types().subrange_types());
14909  if (corpus *type_corpus = subrange_type->get_corpus())
14910  {
14911  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def::subrange_type>
14912  (subrange_type,
14913  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().subrange_types());
14915  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def::subrange_type>
14916  (subrange_type,
14917  type_corpus->get_type_per_loc_map().subrange_types(),
14918  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14920  if (corpus *group = subrange_type->get_corpus())
14921  {
14922  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def::subrange_type>
14923  (subrange_type,
14924  group->priv_->get_types().subrange_types());
14926  maybe_update_types_lookup_map<array_type_def::subrange_type>
14927  (subrange_type,
14928  group->get_type_per_loc_map().subrange_types(),
14929  /*use_type_name_as_key*/false);
14930  }
14931  }
14932 }
14934 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a
14935 /// function type with the type itself.
14936 ///
14937 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14938 /// name was already existing in that map.
14939 ///
14940 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14941 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14942 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14943 ///
14944 /// @param scope the scope of the function type.
14945 /// @param fn_type the type to consider.
14946 void
14948 {
14949  if (translation_unit *tu = fn_type->get_translation_unit())
14951  (fn_type, tu->get_types().function_types());
14953  if (corpus *type_corpus = fn_type->get_corpus())
14954  {
14956  (fn_type,
14957  type_corpus->priv_->get_types().function_types());
14959  if (corpus *group = fn_type->get_corpus())
14960  {
14962  (fn_type,
14963  group->priv_->get_types().function_types());
14964  }
14965  }
14966 }
14968 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a type
14969 /// declaration with the type itself.
14970 ///
14971 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
14972 /// name was already existing in that map.
14973 ///
14974 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
14975 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
14976 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
14977 ///
14978 /// @param decl the declaration of the type to consider.
14979 void
14980 maybe_update_types_lookup_map(const decl_base_sptr& decl)
14981 {
14982  if (!is_type(decl))
14983  return;
14985  if (type_decl_sptr basic_type = is_type_decl(decl))
14986  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(basic_type);
14987  else if (class_decl_sptr class_type = is_class_type(decl))
14988  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(class_type);
14989  else if (union_decl_sptr union_type = is_union_type(decl))
14990  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(union_type);
14991  else if (enum_type_decl_sptr enum_type = is_enum_type(decl))
14992  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(enum_type);
14993  else if (typedef_decl_sptr typedef_type = is_typedef(decl))
14994  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(typedef_type);
14995  else if (qualified_type_def_sptr qualified_type = is_qualified_type(decl))
14996  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(qualified_type);
14997  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr pointer_type = is_pointer_type(decl))
14998  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(pointer_type);
14999  else if (ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr ptr_to_member = is_ptr_to_mbr_type(decl))
15000  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(ptr_to_member);
15001  else if (reference_type_def_sptr reference_type = is_reference_type(decl))
15002  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(reference_type);
15003  else if (array_type_def_sptr array_type = is_array_type(decl))
15004  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(array_type);
15005  else if (array_type_def::subrange_sptr subrange_type = is_subrange_type(decl))
15006  maybe_update_types_lookup_map(subrange_type);
15007  else if (function_type_sptr fn_type = is_function_type(decl))
15009  else
15011 }
15013 /// Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a type
15014 /// with the type itself.
15015 ///
15016 /// The per-translation unit type map is updated if no type with this
15017 /// name was already existing in that map.
15018 ///
15019 /// If no type with this name did already exist in the per-corpus type
15020 /// map, then that per-corpus type map is updated. Otherwise, that
15021 /// type is erased from that per-corpus map.
15022 ///
15023 /// @param type the type to consider.
15024 void
15025 maybe_update_types_lookup_map(const type_base_sptr& type)
15026 {
15027  if (decl_base_sptr decl = get_type_declaration(type))
15029  else if (function_type_sptr fn_type = is_function_type(type))
15031  else
15033 }
15035 //--------------------------------
15036 // </type and decls lookup stuff>
15037 // ------------------------------
15039 /// In a translation unit, lookup a given type or synthesize it if
15040 /// it's a qualified type.
15041 ///
15042 /// So this function first looks the type up in the translation unit.
15043 /// If it's found, then OK, it's returned. Otherwise, if it's a
15044 /// qualified, reference or pointer or function type (a composite
15045 /// type), lookup the underlying type, synthesize the type we want
15046 /// from it and return it.
15047 ///
15048 /// If the underlying types is not not found, then give up and return
15049 /// nil.
15050 ///
15051 /// @return the type that was found or the synthesized type.
15052 type_base_sptr
15053 synthesize_type_from_translation_unit(const type_base_sptr& type,
15054  translation_unit& tu)
15055 {
15056  type_base_sptr result;
15058  result = lookup_type(type, tu);
15060  if (!result)
15061  {
15062  if (qualified_type_def_sptr qual = is_qualified_type(type))
15063  {
15064  type_base_sptr underlying_type =
15065  synthesize_type_from_translation_unit(qual->get_underlying_type(),
15066  tu);
15067  if (underlying_type)
15068  {
15069  result.reset(new qualified_type_def(underlying_type,
15070  qual->get_cv_quals(),
15071  qual->get_location()));
15072  }
15073  }
15074  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr p = is_pointer_type(type))
15075  {
15076  type_base_sptr pointed_to_type =
15077  synthesize_type_from_translation_unit(p->get_pointed_to_type(),
15078  tu);
15079  if (pointed_to_type)
15080  {
15081  result.reset(new pointer_type_def(pointed_to_type,
15082  p->get_size_in_bits(),
15083  p->get_alignment_in_bits(),
15084  p->get_location()));
15085  }
15086  }
15087  else if (reference_type_def_sptr r = is_reference_type(type))
15088  {
15089  type_base_sptr pointed_to_type =
15090  synthesize_type_from_translation_unit(r->get_pointed_to_type(), tu);
15091  if (pointed_to_type)
15092  {
15093  result.reset(new reference_type_def(pointed_to_type,
15094  r->is_lvalue(),
15095  r->get_size_in_bits(),
15096  r->get_alignment_in_bits(),
15097  r->get_location()));
15098  }
15099  }
15100  else if (function_type_sptr f = is_function_type(type))
15103  if (result)
15104  {
15106  canonicalize(result);
15107  }
15108  }
15110  if (result)
15111  tu.priv_->synthesized_types_.push_back(result);
15113  return result;
15114 }
15116 /// In a translation unit, lookup the sub-types that make up a given
15117 /// function type and if the sub-types are all found, synthesize and
15118 /// return a function_type with them.
15119 ///
15120 /// This function is like lookup_function_type_in_translation_unit()
15121 /// execept that it constructs the function type from the sub-types
15122 /// found in the translation, rather than just looking for the
15123 /// function types held by the translation unit. This can be useful
15124 /// if the translation unit doesnt hold the function type we are
15125 /// looking for (i.e, lookup_function_type_in_translation_unit()
15126 /// returned NULL) but we still want to see if the sub-types of the
15127 /// function types are present in the translation unit.
15128 ///
15129 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
15130 ///
15131 /// @param tu the translation unit to look into.
15132 ///
15133 /// @return the resulting synthesized function type if all its
15134 /// sub-types have been found, NULL otherwise.
15137  translation_unit& tu)
15138 {
15141  const environment& env = tu.get_environment();
15143  type_base_sptr return_type = fn_type.get_return_type();
15144  type_base_sptr result_return_type;
15145  if (!return_type || env.is_void_type(return_type))
15146  result_return_type = env.get_void_type();
15147  else
15148  result_return_type = synthesize_type_from_translation_unit(return_type, tu);
15149  if (!result_return_type)
15150  return nil;
15153  type_base_sptr parm_type;
15155  for (function_type::parameters::const_iterator i =
15156  fn_type.get_parameters().begin();
15157  i != fn_type.get_parameters().end();
15158  ++i)
15159  {
15160  type_base_sptr t = (*i)->get_type();
15161  parm_type = synthesize_type_from_translation_unit(t, tu);
15162  if (!parm_type)
15163  return nil;
15164  parm.reset(new function_decl::parameter(parm_type,
15165  (*i)->get_index(),
15166  (*i)->get_name(),
15167  (*i)->get_location(),
15168  (*i)->get_variadic_marker(),
15169  (*i)->get_is_artificial()));
15170  parms.push_back(parm);
15171  }
15173  class_or_union_sptr class_type;
15174  const method_type* method = is_method_type(&fn_type);
15175  if (method)
15176  {
15177  class_type = is_class_or_union_type
15179  ABG_ASSERT(class_type);
15180  }
15182  function_type_sptr result_fn_type;
15184  if (class_type)
15185  result_fn_type.reset(new method_type(result_return_type,
15186  class_type,
15187  parms,
15188  method->get_is_const(),
15189  fn_type.get_size_in_bits(),
15190  fn_type.get_alignment_in_bits()));
15191  else
15192  result_fn_type.reset(new function_type(result_return_type,
15193  parms,
15194  fn_type.get_size_in_bits(),
15195  fn_type.get_alignment_in_bits()));
15197  tu.priv_->synthesized_types_.push_back(result_fn_type);
15198  tu.bind_function_type_life_time(result_fn_type);
15200  canonicalize(result_fn_type);
15201  return result_fn_type;
15202 }
15204 /// Demangle a C++ mangled name and return the resulting string
15205 ///
15206 /// @param mangled_name the C++ mangled name to demangle.
15207 ///
15208 /// @return the resulting mangled name.
15209 string
15210 demangle_cplus_mangled_name(const string& mangled_name)
15211 {
15212  if (mangled_name.empty())
15213  return "";
15215  size_t l = 0;
15216  int status = 0;
15217  char * str = abi::__cxa_demangle(mangled_name.c_str(),
15218  NULL, &l, &status);
15219  string demangled_name = mangled_name;
15220  if (str)
15221  {
15222  ABG_ASSERT(status == 0);
15223  demangled_name = str;
15224  free(str);
15225  str = 0;
15226  }
15227  return demangled_name;
15228 }
15230 /// Return either the type given in parameter if it's non-null, or the
15231 /// void type.
15232 ///
15233 /// @param t the type to consider.
15234 ///
15235 /// @param env the environment to use. If NULL, just abort the
15236 /// process.
15237 ///
15238 /// @return either @p t if it is non-null, or the void type.
15239 type_base_sptr
15240 type_or_void(const type_base_sptr t, const environment& env)
15241 {
15242  type_base_sptr r;
15244  if (t)
15245  r = t;
15246  else
15247  r = type_base_sptr(env.get_void_type());
15249  return r;
15250 }
15252 global_scope::~global_scope()
15253 {
15254 }
15256 static bool
15257 maybe_propagate_canonical_type(const type_base& lhs_type,
15258  const type_base& rhs_type);
15260 /// Test if two types are eligible to the "Linux Kernel Fast Type
15261 /// Comparison Optimization", a.k.a LKFTCO.
15262 ///
15263 /// Two types T1 and T2 (who are presumably of the same name and kind)
15264 /// are eligible to the LKFTCO if they fulfill the following criteria/
15265 ///
15266 /// 1/ T1 and T2 come from the same Linux Kernel Corpus and they are
15267 /// either class, union or enums.
15268 ///
15269 /// 2/ They are defined in the same translation unit.
15270 ///
15271 /// @param t1 the first type to consider.
15272 ///
15273 /// @param t2 the second type to consider.
15274 ///
15275 /// @return true iff t1 and t2 are eligible to the LKFTCO.
15276 static bool
15277 types_defined_same_linux_kernel_corpus_public(const type_base& t1,
15278  const type_base& t2)
15279 {
15280  const corpus *t1_corpus = t1.get_corpus(), *t2_corpus = t2.get_corpus();
15281  string t1_file_path, t2_file_path;
15283  /// If the t1 (and t2) are classes/unions/enums from the same linux
15284  /// kernel corpus, let's move on. Otherwise bail out.
15285  if (!(t1_corpus && t2_corpus
15286  && t1_corpus == t2_corpus
15287  && (t1_corpus->get_origin() & corpus::LINUX_KERNEL_BINARY_ORIGIN)
15288  && (is_class_or_union_type(&t1)
15289  || is_enum_type(&t1))))
15290  return false;
15292  class_or_union *c1 = 0, *c2 = 0;
15293  c1 = is_class_or_union_type(&t1);
15294  c2 = is_class_or_union_type(&t2);
15296  // Two anonymous class types with no naming typedefs cannot be
15297  // eligible to this optimization.
15298  if ((c1 && c1->get_is_anonymous() && !c1->get_naming_typedef())
15299  || (c2 && c2->get_is_anonymous() && !c2->get_naming_typedef()))
15300  return false;
15302  // Two anonymous classes with naming typedefs should have the same
15303  // typedef name.
15304  if (c1
15305  && c2
15306  && c1->get_is_anonymous() && c1->get_naming_typedef()
15307  && c2->get_is_anonymous() && c2->get_naming_typedef())
15308  if (c1->get_naming_typedef()->get_name()
15309  != c2->get_naming_typedef()->get_name())
15310  return false;
15312  // Two anonymous enum types cannot be eligible to this optimization.
15313  if (const enum_type_decl *e1 = is_enum_type(&t1))
15314  if (const enum_type_decl *e2 = is_enum_type(&t2))
15315  if (e1->get_is_anonymous() || e2->get_is_anonymous())
15316  return false;
15318  // Look through declaration-only types. That is, get the associated
15319  // definition type.
15323  if (c1 && c2)
15324  {
15325  if (c1->get_is_declaration_only() != c2->get_is_declaration_only())
15326  {
15327  if (c1->get_environment().decl_only_class_equals_definition())
15328  // At least one of classes/union is declaration-only.
15329  // Because we are in a context in which a declaration-only
15330  // class/union is equal to all definitions of that
15331  // class/union, we can assume that the two types are
15332  // equal.
15333  return true;
15334  }
15335  }
15337  if (t1.get_size_in_bits() != t2.get_size_in_bits())
15338  return false;
15340  // Look at the file names of the locations of t1 and t2. If they
15341  // are equal, then t1 and t2 are defined in the same file.
15342  {
15343  location l;
15345  if (c1)
15346  l = c1->get_location();
15347  else
15348  l = dynamic_cast<const decl_base&>(t1).get_location();
15350  unsigned line = 0, col = 0;
15351  if (l)
15352  l.expand(t1_file_path, line, col);
15353  if (c2)
15354  l = c2->get_location();
15355  else
15356  l = dynamic_cast<const decl_base&>(t2).get_location();
15357  if (l)
15358  l.expand(t2_file_path, line, col);
15359  }
15361  if (t1_file_path.empty() || t2_file_path.empty())
15362  return false;
15364  if (t1_file_path == t2_file_path)
15365  return true;
15367  return false;
15368 }
15371 /// Compare a type T against a canonical type.
15372 ///
15373 /// This function is called during the canonicalization process of the
15374 /// type T. T is called the "candidate type" because it's in the
15375 /// process of being canonicalized. Meaning, it's going to be
15376 /// compared to a canonical type C. If T equals C, then the canonical
15377 /// type of T is C.
15378 ///
15379 /// The purpose of this function is to allow the debugging of the
15380 /// canonicalization of T, if that debugging is activated by
15381 /// configuring the libabigail package with
15382 /// --enable-debug-type-canonicalization and by running "abidw
15383 /// --debug-tc". In that case, T is going to be compared to C twice:
15384 /// once with canonical equality and once with structural equality.
15385 /// The two comparisons must be equal. Otherwise, the
15386 /// canonicalization process is said to be faulty and this function
15387 /// aborts.
15388 ///
15389 /// This is a sub-routine of type_base::get_canonical_type_for.
15390 ///
15391 /// @param canonical_type the canonical type to compare the candidate
15392 /// type against.
15393 ///
15394 /// @param candidate_type the candidate type to compare against the
15395 /// canonical type.
15396 ///
15397 /// @return true iff @p canonical_type equals @p candidate_type.
15398 ///
15399 static bool
15400 compare_types_during_canonicalization(const type_base& canonical_type,
15401  const type_base& candidate_type)
15402 {
15404  const environment& env = canonical_type.get_environment();
15405  if (env.debug_type_canonicalization_is_on())
15406  {
15407  bool canonical_equality = false, structural_equality = false;
15408  env.priv_->use_canonical_type_comparison_ = false;
15409  structural_equality = canonical_type == candidate_type;
15410  env.priv_->use_canonical_type_comparison_ = true;
15411  canonical_equality = canonical_type == candidate_type;
15412  if (canonical_equality != structural_equality)
15413  {
15414  std::cerr << "structural & canonical equality different for type: "
15415  << canonical_type.get_pretty_representation(true, true)
15416  << std::endl;
15418  }
15419  return structural_equality;
15420  }
15422  return canonical_type == candidate_type;
15423 }
15425 /// Compare a canonical type against a candidate canonical type.
15426 ///
15427 /// This is ultimately a sub-routine of the
15428 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
15429 ///
15430 /// The goal of this function is to ease debugging because it can be
15431 /// called from within type_base::get_canonical_type_for() from the
15432 /// prompt of the debugger (with some breakpoint appropriately set) to
15433 /// debug the comparison that happens during type canonicalization,
15434 /// between a candidate type being canonicalized, and an existing
15435 /// canonical type that is registered in the system, in as returned by
15436 /// environment::get_canonical_types()
15437 ///
15438 /// @param canonical_type the canonical type to consider.
15439 ///
15440 /// @param candidate_type the candidate type that is being
15441 /// canonicalized, and thus compared to @p canonical_type.
15442 ///
15443 /// @return true iff @p canonical_type compares equal to @p
15444 /// candidate_type.
15445 static bool
15446 compare_canonical_type_against_candidate(const type_base& canonical_type,
15447  const type_base& candidate_type)
15448 {
15449  environment& env = const_cast<environment&>(canonical_type.get_environment());
15451  // Before the "*it == it" comparison below is done, let's
15452  // perform on-the-fly-canonicalization. For C types, let's
15453  // consider that an unresolved struct declaration 'struct S'
15454  // is different from a definition 'struct S'. This is
15455  // because normally, at this point all the declarations of
15456  // struct S that are compatible with the definition of
15457  // struct S have already been resolved to that definition,
15458  // during the DWARF parsing. The remaining unresolved
15459  // declaration are thus considered different. With this
15460  // setup we can properly handle cases of two *different*
15461  // struct S being defined in the same binary (in different
15462  // translation units), and a third struct S being only
15463  // declared as an opaque type in a third translation unit of
15464  // its own, with no definition in there. In that case, the
15465  // declaration-only struct S should be left alone and not
15466  // resolved to any of the two definitions of struct S.
15467  bool saved_decl_only_class_equals_definition =
15468  env.decl_only_class_equals_definition();
15469  env.do_on_the_fly_canonicalization(true);
15470  // Compare types by considering that decl-only classes don't
15471  // equal their definition.
15472  env.decl_only_class_equals_definition(false);
15473  env.priv_->allow_type_comparison_results_caching(true);
15474  bool equal = (types_defined_same_linux_kernel_corpus_public(canonical_type,
15475  candidate_type)
15476  || compare_types_during_canonicalization(canonical_type,
15477  candidate_type));
15478  // Restore the state of the on-the-fly-canonicalization and
15479  // the decl-only-class-being-equal-to-a-matching-definition
15480  // flags.
15481  env.priv_->clear_type_comparison_results_cache();
15482  env.priv_->allow_type_comparison_results_caching(false);
15483  env.do_on_the_fly_canonicalization(false);
15484  env.decl_only_class_equals_definition
15485  (saved_decl_only_class_equals_definition);
15486  return equal;
15487 }
15489 /// Compare a canonical type against a candidate canonical type.
15490 ///
15491 /// This is ultimately a sub-routine of the
15492 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
15493 ///
15494 /// The goal of this function is to ease debugging because it can be
15495 /// called from within type_base::get_canonical_type_for() from the
15496 /// prompt of the debugger (with some breakpoint appropriately set) to
15497 /// debug the comparison that happens during type canonicalization,
15498 /// between a candidate type being canonicalized, and an existing
15499 /// canonical type that is registered in the system, in as returned by
15500 /// environment::get_canonical_types()
15501 ///
15502 /// @param canonical_type the canonical type to consider.
15503 ///
15504 /// @param candidate_type the candidate type that is being
15505 /// canonicalized, and thus compared to @p canonical_type.
15506 ///
15507 /// @return true iff @p canonical_type compares equal to @p
15508 /// candidate_type.
15509 static bool
15510 compare_canonical_type_against_candidate(const type_base* canonical_type,
15511  const type_base* candidate_type)
15512 {
15513  return compare_canonical_type_against_candidate(*canonical_type,
15514  *candidate_type);
15515 }
15517 /// Compare a canonical type against a candidate canonical type.
15518 ///
15519 /// This is ultimately a sub-routine of the
15520 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
15521 ///
15522 /// The goal of this function is to ease debugging because it can be
15523 /// called from within type_base::get_canonical_type_for() from the
15524 /// prompt of the debugger (with some breakpoint appropriately set) to
15525 /// debug the comparison that happens during type canonicalization,
15526 /// between a candidate type being canonicalized, and an existing
15527 /// canonical type that is registered in the system, in as returned by
15528 /// environment::get_canonical_types()
15529 ///
15530 /// @param canonical_type the canonical type to consider.
15531 ///
15532 /// @param candidate_type the candidate type that is being
15533 /// canonicalized, and thus compared to @p canonical_type.
15534 ///
15535 /// @return true iff @p canonical_type compares equal to @p
15536 /// candidate_type.
15537 static bool
15538 compare_canonical_type_against_candidate(const type_base_sptr& canonical_type,
15539  const type_base_sptr& candidate_type)
15540 {
15541  return compare_canonical_type_against_candidate(canonical_type.get(),
15542  candidate_type.get());
15543 }
15545 /// Compute the canonical type for a given instance of @ref type_base.
15546 ///
15547 /// Consider two types T and T'. The canonical type of T, denoted
15548 /// C(T) is a type such as T == T' if and only if C(T) == C(T'). Said
15549 /// otherwise, to compare two types, one just needs to compare their
15550 /// canonical types using pointer equality. That makes type
15551 /// comparison faster than the structural comparison performed by the
15552 /// abigail::ir::equals() overloads.
15553 ///
15554 /// If there is not yet any canonical type for @p t, then @p t is its
15555 /// own canonical type. Otherwise, this function returns the
15556 /// canonical type of @p t which is the canonical type that has the
15557 /// same hash value as @p t and that structurally equals @p t. Note
15558 /// that after invoking this function, the life time of the returned
15559 /// canonical time is then equals to the life time of the current
15560 /// process.
15561 ///
15562 /// @param t a smart pointer to instance of @ref type_base we want to
15563 /// compute a canonical type for.
15564 ///
15565 /// @return the canonical type for the current instance of @ref
15566 /// type_base.
15567 type_base_sptr
15568 type_base::get_canonical_type_for(type_base_sptr t)
15569 {
15570  if (!t)
15571  return t;
15573  environment& env = const_cast<environment&>(t->get_environment());
15576  // This type should not be canonicalized!
15577  return type_base_sptr();
15579  if (is_decl(t))
15582  // Look through decl-only types (classes, unions and enums)
15583  bool decl_only_class_equals_definition =
15584  (odr_is_relevant(*t) || env.decl_only_class_equals_definition());
15586  class_or_union_sptr class_or_union = is_class_or_union_type(t);
15588  // In the context of types from C++ or languages where we assume the
15589  // "One Definition Rule", we assume that a declaration-only
15590  // non-anonymous class equals all fully defined classes of the same
15591  // name.
15592  //
15593  // Otherwise, all classes, including declaration-only classes are
15594  // canonicalized and only canonical comparison is going to be used
15595  // in the system.
15596  if (decl_only_class_equals_definition)
15597  if (class_or_union)
15598  if (class_or_union->get_is_declaration_only())
15599  return type_base_sptr();
15601  class_decl_sptr is_class = is_class_type(t);
15602  if (t->get_canonical_type())
15603  return t->get_canonical_type();
15605  // For classes and union, ensure that an anonymous class doesn't
15606  // have a linkage name. If it does in the future, then me must be
15607  // mindful that the linkage name respects the type identity
15608  // constraints which states that "if two linkage names are different
15609  // then the two types are different".
15610  ABG_ASSERT(!class_or_union
15611  || !class_or_union->get_is_anonymous()
15612  || class_or_union->get_linkage_name().empty());
15614  // We want the pretty representation of the type, but for an
15615  // internal use, not for a user-facing purpose.
15616  //
15617  // If two classe types Foo are declared, one as a class and the
15618  // other as a struct, but are otherwise equivalent, we want their
15619  // pretty representation to be the same. Hence the 'internal'
15620  // argument of ir::get_pretty_representation() is set to true here.
15621  // So in this case, the pretty representation of Foo is going to be
15622  // "class Foo", regardless of its struct-ness. This also applies to
15623  // composite types which would have "class Foo" as a sub-type.
15624  string repr = t->get_cached_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/true);
15626  // If 't' already has a canonical type 'inside' its corpus
15627  // (t_corpus), then this variable is going to contain that canonical
15628  // type.
15629  type_base_sptr canonical_type_present_in_corpus;
15631  env.get_canonical_types_map();
15633  type_base_sptr result;
15634  environment::canonical_types_map_type::iterator i = types.find(repr);
15635  if (i == types.end())
15636  {
15637  vector<type_base_sptr> v;
15638  v.push_back(t);
15639  types[repr] = v;
15640  result = t;
15641  }
15642  else
15643  {
15644  vector<type_base_sptr> &v = i->second;
15645  // Let's compare 't' structurally (i.e, compare its sub-types
15646  // recursively) against the canonical types of the system. If it
15647  // equals a given canonical type C, then it means C is the
15648  // canonical type of 't'. Otherwise, if 't' is different from
15649  // all the canonical types of the system, then it means 't' is a
15650  // canonical type itself.
15651  for (vector<type_base_sptr>::const_reverse_iterator it = v.rbegin();
15652  it != v.rend();
15653  ++it)
15654  {
15655  bool equal = compare_canonical_type_against_candidate(*it, t);
15656  if (equal)
15657  {
15658  result = *it;
15659  break;
15660  }
15661  }
15663  if (env.self_comparison_debug_is_on())
15664  {
15665  // So we are debugging the canonicalization process,
15666  // possibly via the use of 'abidw --debug-abidiff <binary>'.
15667  corpus_sptr corp1, corp2;
15668  env.get_self_comparison_debug_inputs(corp1, corp2);
15669  if (corp1 && corp2 && t->get_corpus() == corp2.get())
15670  {
15671  // If 't' comes from the second corpus, then it *must*
15672  // be equal to its matching canonical type coming from
15673  // the first corpus because the second corpus is the
15674  // abixml representation of the first corpus. In other
15675  // words, all types coming from the second corpus must
15676  // have canonical types coming from the first corpus.
15677  if (result)
15678  {
15679  if (!env.priv_->
15680  check_canonical_type_from_abixml_during_self_comp(t,
15681  result))
15682  {
15683  // The canonical type of the type re-read from abixml
15684  // type doesn't match the canonical type that was
15685  // initially serialized down.
15686  uintptr_t should_have_canonical_type = 0;
15687  string type_id = env.get_type_id_from_type(t.get());
15688  if (type_id.empty())
15689  type_id = "type-id-<not-found>";
15690  else
15691  should_have_canonical_type =
15692  env.get_canonical_type_from_type_id(type_id.c_str());
15693  std::cerr << "error: wrong canonical type for '"
15694  << repr
15695  << "' / type: @"
15696  << std::hex
15697  << t.get()
15698  << "/ canon: @"
15699  << result.get()
15700  << ", type-id: '"
15701  << type_id
15702  << "'. Should have had canonical type: "
15703  << std::hex
15704  << should_have_canonical_type
15705  << std::endl;
15706  }
15707  }
15708  else //!result
15709  {
15710  uintptr_t ptr_val = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(t.get());
15711  string type_id = env.get_type_id_from_pointer(ptr_val);
15712  if (type_id.empty())
15713  type_id = "type-id-<not-found>";
15714  // We are in the case where 't' is different from all
15715  // the canonical types of the same name that come from
15716  // the first corpus.
15717  //
15718  // If 't' indeed comes from the second corpus then this
15719  // clearly is a canonicalization failure.
15720  //
15721  // There was a problem either during the serialization
15722  // of 't' into abixml, or during the de-serialization
15723  // from abixml into abigail::ir. Further debugging is
15724  // needed to determine what that root cause problem is.
15725  //
15726  // Note that the first canonicalization problem of this
15727  // kind must be fixed before looking at the subsequent
15728  // ones, because the later might well just be
15729  // consequences of the former.
15730  std::cerr << "error: wrong induced canonical type for '"
15731  << repr
15732  << "' from second corpus"
15733  << ", ptr: " << std::hex << t.get()
15734  << " type-id: " << type_id
15735  << std::endl;
15736  }
15737  }
15738  }
15741  if (!result)
15742  {
15743  v.push_back(t);
15744  result = t;
15745  }
15746  }
15748  return result;
15749 }
15751 /// This method is invoked automatically right after the current
15752 /// instance of @ref class_decl has been canonicalized.
15753 void
15755 {}
15757 /// This is a subroutine of the canonicalize() function.
15758 ///
15759 /// When the canonical type C of type T has just been computed, there
15760 /// can be cases where T has member functions that C doesn't have.
15761 ///
15762 /// This is possible because non virtual member functions are not
15763 /// taken in account when comparing two types.
15764 ///
15765 /// In that case, this function updates C so that it contains the
15766 /// member functions.
15767 ///
15768 /// There can also be cases where C has a method M which is not linked
15769 /// to any underlying symbol, whereas in T, M is to link to an
15770 /// underlying symbol. In that case, this function updates M in C so
15771 /// that it's linked to the same underlying symbol as for M in T.
15772 static void
15773 maybe_adjust_canonical_type(const type_base_sptr& canonical,
15774  const type_base_sptr& type)
15775 {
15776  if (type->get_naked_canonical_type())
15777  return;
15779  class_decl_sptr canonical_class = is_class_type(canonical);
15781  if (class_decl_sptr cl = is_class_type(type))
15782  {
15783  if (canonical_class
15784  && canonical_class.get() != cl.get())
15785  {
15786  // Set symbols of member functions that might be missing
15787  // theirs.
15788  for (class_decl::member_functions::const_iterator i =
15789  cl->get_member_functions().begin();
15790  i != cl->get_member_functions().end();
15791  ++i)
15792  if ((*i)->get_symbol())
15793  {
15794  if (method_decl *m = canonical_class->
15795  find_member_function((*i)->get_linkage_name()))
15796  {
15797  elf_symbol_sptr s1 = (*i)->get_symbol();
15798  if (s1 && !m->get_symbol())
15799  // Method 'm' in the canonical type is not
15800  // linked to the underlying symbol of '*i'.
15801  // Let's link it now. have th
15802  m->set_symbol(s1);
15803  }
15804  else
15805  // There is a member function defined and publicly
15806  // exported in the other class, and the canonical
15807  // class doesn't have that member function. Let's
15808  // copy that member function to the canonical class
15809  // then.
15810  {
15811  method_decl_sptr method =
15812  copy_member_function (canonical_class, *i);
15813  canonicalize(method->get_type());
15814  }
15815  }
15816  }
15817  }
15819  // Make sure the virtual member functions with exported symbols are
15820  // all added to the set of exported functions of the corpus.
15822  // If we are looking at a non-canonicalized class (for instance, a
15823  // decl-only class that has virtual member functoins), let's pretend
15824  // it does have a canonical class so that we can perform the
15825  // necessary virtual member function adjustments
15826  if (class_decl_sptr cl = is_class_type(type))
15827  if (is_non_canonicalized_type(cl))
15828  {
15829  ABG_ASSERT(!canonical_class);
15830  canonical_class = cl;
15831  }
15833  if (canonical_class)
15834  {
15835  if (auto abi_corpus = canonical_class->get_corpus())
15836  {
15837  for (auto& fn : canonical_class->get_member_functions())
15838  {
15839  if (elf_symbol_sptr sym = fn->get_symbol())
15840  {
15841  if (sym->is_defined() && sym->is_public())
15842  {
15843  fn->set_is_in_public_symbol_table(true);
15844  auto b = abi_corpus->get_exported_decls_builder();
15845  b->maybe_add_fn_to_exported_fns(fn.get());
15846  }
15847  else if (!sym->is_defined())
15848  abi_corpus->get_undefined_functions().insert(fn.get());
15849  }
15850  }
15851  }
15852  }
15854  // If an artificial function type equals a non-artfificial one in
15855  // the system, then the canonical type of both should be deemed
15856  // non-artificial. This is important because only non-artificial
15857  // canonical function types are emitted out into abixml, so if don't
15858  // do this we risk missing to emit some function types.
15859  if (is_function_type(type))
15860  if (type->get_is_artificial() != canonical->get_is_artificial())
15861  canonical->set_is_artificial(false);
15862 }
15864 /// Compute the canonical type of a given type.
15865 ///
15866 /// It means that after invoking this function, comparing the intance
15867 /// instance @ref type_base and another one (on which
15868 /// type_base::enable_canonical_equality() would have been invoked as
15869 /// well) is performed by just comparing the pointer values of the
15870 /// canonical types of both types. That equality comparison is
15871 /// supposedly faster than structural comparison of the types.
15872 ///
15873 /// @param t a smart pointer to the instance of @ref type_base for
15874 /// which to compute the canonical type. After this call,
15875 /// t->get_canonical_type() will return the newly computed canonical
15876 /// type.
15877 ///
15878 /// @return the canonical type computed for @p t.
15879 type_base_sptr
15880 canonicalize(type_base_sptr t)
15881 {
15882  if (!t)
15883  return t;
15885  if (t->get_canonical_type())
15886  return t->get_canonical_type();
15888  if (t->get_environment().priv_->do_log())
15889  std::cerr << "Canonicalization of type '"
15890  << t->get_pretty_representation(true, true)
15891  << "/@#" << std::hex << t.get() << ": ";
15893  tools_utils::timer tmr;
15895  if (t->get_environment().priv_->do_log())
15896  tmr.start();
15897  type_base_sptr canonical = type_base::get_canonical_type_for(t);
15899  if (t->get_environment().priv_->do_log())
15900  tmr.stop();
15902  if (t->get_environment().priv_->do_log())
15903  std::cerr << tmr << "\n";
15905  maybe_adjust_canonical_type(canonical, t);
15907  t->priv_->canonical_type = canonical;
15908  t->priv_->naked_canonical_type = canonical.get();
15910  // So this type is now canonicalized.
15911  //
15912  // It means that:
15913  //
15914  // 1/ Either the canonical type was not propagated during the
15915  // comparison of another type that was being canonicalized
15916  //
15917  // 2/ Or the canonical type has been propagated during the
15918  // comparison of another type that was being canonicalized and
15919  // that propagated canonical type has been confirmed, because
15920  // it was depending on a recursive type which comparison
15921  // succeeded.
15922  ABG_ASSERT(!t->priv_->canonical_type_propagated()
15923  || t->priv_->propagated_canonical_type_confirmed());
15925  if (class_decl_sptr cl = is_class_type(t))
15926  if (type_base_sptr d = is_type(cl->get_earlier_declaration()))
15927  if ((canonical = d->get_canonical_type()))
15928  {
15929  d->priv_->canonical_type = canonical;
15930  d->priv_->naked_canonical_type = canonical.get();
15931  }
15933  if (canonical)
15934  {
15935  if (decl_base_sptr d = is_decl_slow(canonical))
15936  {
15937  scope_decl *scope = d->get_scope();
15938  // Add the canonical type to the set of canonical types
15939  // belonging to its scope.
15940  if (scope)
15941  {
15942  if (is_type(scope))
15943  // The scope in question is itself a type (e.g, a class
15944  // or union). Let's call that type ST. We want to add
15945  // 'canonical' to the set of canonical types belonging
15946  // to ST.
15947  if (type_base_sptr c = is_type(scope)->get_canonical_type())
15948  // We want to add 'canonical' to set of canonical
15949  // types belonging to the canonical type of ST. That
15950  // way, just looking at the canonical type of ST is
15951  // enough to get the types that belong to the scope of
15952  // the class of equivalence of ST.
15953  scope = is_scope_decl(is_decl(c)).get();
15954  scope->get_canonical_types().insert(canonical);
15955  }
15956  // else, if the type doesn't have a scope, it's not meant to be
15957  // emitted. This can be the case for the result of the
15958  // function strip_typedef, for instance.
15959  }
15962  // Update the book-keeping of the set of the types which
15963  // propagated canonical type has been cleared.
15964  //
15965  // If this type 't' which has just been canonicalized was
15966  // previously in the set of types which propagated canonical
15967  // type has been cleared, then remove it from that set because
15968  // its canonical type is now computed and definitely set.
15969  const environment& env = t->get_environment();
15970  env.priv_->erase_type_with_cleared_propagated_canonical_type(t.get());
15971 #endif
15972  }
15974  t->on_canonical_type_set();
15975  return canonical;
15976 }
15978 /// Set the definition of this declaration-only @ref decl_base.
15979 ///
15980 /// @param d the new definition to set.
15981 void
15983 {
15985  priv_->definition_of_declaration_ = d;
15986  if (type_base *t = is_type(this))
15987  if (type_base_sptr canonical_type = is_type(d)->get_canonical_type())
15988  t->priv_->canonical_type = canonical_type;
15990  priv_->naked_definition_of_declaration_ = const_cast<decl_base*>(d.get());
15991 }
15993 /// The constructor of @ref type_base.
15994 ///
15995 /// @param s the size of the type, in bits.
15996 ///
15997 /// @param a the alignment of the type, in bits.
15998 type_base::type_base(const environment& e, size_t s, size_t a)
15999  : type_or_decl_base(e, ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE|ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE),
16000  priv_(new priv(s, a))
16001 {}
16003 /// Getter of the canonical type of the current instance of @ref
16004 /// type_base.
16005 ///
16006 /// @return a smart pointer to the canonical type of the current
16007 /// intance of @ref type_base, or an empty smart pointer if the
16008 /// current instance of @ref type_base doesn't have any canonical
16009 /// type.
16010 type_base_sptr
16012 {return priv_->canonical_type.lock();}
16014 /// Getter of the canonical type pointer.
16015 ///
16016 /// Note that this function doesn't return a smart pointer, but rather
16017 /// the underlying pointer managed by the smart pointer. So it's as
16018 /// fast as possible. This getter is to be used in code paths that
16019 /// are proven to be performance hot spots; especially, when comparing
16020 /// sensitive types like class, function, pointers and reference
16021 /// types. Those are compared extremely frequently and thus, their
16022 /// accessing the canonical type must be fast.
16023 ///
16024 /// @return the canonical type pointer, not managed by a smart
16025 /// pointer.
16026 type_base*
16028 {return priv_->naked_canonical_type;}
16030 /// Get the pretty representation of the current type.
16031 ///
16032 /// The pretty representation is retrieved from a cache. If the cache
16033 /// is empty, this function computes the pretty representation, put it
16034 /// in the cache and returns it.
16035 ///
16036 /// Note that if the type is *NOT* canonicalized, the pretty
16037 /// representation is never cached.
16038 ///
16039 /// @param internal if true, then the pretty representation is to be
16040 /// used for purpuses that are internal to the libabigail library
16041 /// itself. If you don't know what this means, then you probably
16042 /// should set this parameter to "false".
16043 const interned_string&
16045 {
16046  if (internal)
16047  {
16048  if (!get_naked_canonical_type() || priv_->internal_cached_repr_.empty())
16049  {
16050  string r = ir::get_pretty_representation(this, internal);
16051  priv_->internal_cached_repr_ = get_environment().intern(r);
16052  }
16053  return priv_->internal_cached_repr_;
16054  }
16056  if (!get_naked_canonical_type() || priv_->cached_repr_.empty())
16057  {
16058  string r = ir::get_pretty_representation(this, internal);
16059  priv_->cached_repr_ = get_environment().intern(r);
16060  }
16062  return priv_->cached_repr_;
16063 }
16065 /// Compares two instances of @ref type_base.
16066 ///
16067 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
16068 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
16069 ///
16070 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
16071 ///
16072 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
16073 ///
16074 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
16075 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
16076 /// iff @p is non-null and if the function returns false.
16077 ///
16078 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
16079 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
16080 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
16081 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
16082 ///
16083 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
16084 bool
16085 equals(const type_base& l, const type_base& r, change_kind* k)
16086 {
16087  bool result = (l.get_size_in_bits() == r.get_size_in_bits()
16089  if (!result)
16090  if (k)
16092  ABG_RETURN(result);
16093 }
16095 /// Return true iff both type declarations are equal.
16096 ///
16097 /// Note that this doesn't test if the scopes of both types are equal.
16098 bool
16100 {return equals(*this, other, 0);}
16102 /// Inequality operator.
16103 ///
16104 ///@param other the instance of @ref type_base to compare the current
16105 /// instance against.
16106 ///
16107 /// @return true iff the current instance is different from @p other.
16108 bool
16110 {return !operator==(other);}
16112 /// Setter for the size of the type.
16113 ///
16114 /// @param s the new size -- in bits.
16115 void
16117 {priv_->size_in_bits = s;}
16119 /// Getter for the size of the type.
16120 ///
16121 /// @return the size in bits of the type.
16122 size_t
16124 {return priv_->size_in_bits;}
16126 /// Setter for the alignment of the type.
16127 ///
16128 /// @param a the new alignment -- in bits.
16129 void
16131 {priv_->alignment_in_bits = a;}
16133 /// Getter for the alignment of the type.
16134 ///
16135 /// @return the alignment of the type in bits.
16136 size_t
16138 {return priv_->alignment_in_bits;}
16140 /// Default implementation of traversal for types. This function does
16141 /// nothing. It must be implemented by every single new type that is
16142 /// written.
16143 ///
16144 /// Please look at e.g, class_decl::traverse() for an example of how
16145 /// to implement this.
16146 ///
16147 /// @param v the visitor used to visit the type.
16148 bool
16150 {
16151  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
16152  return true;
16154  v.visit_begin(this);
16155  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
16156  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
16158  return result;
16159 }
16161 type_base::~type_base()
16162 {delete priv_;}
16164 // </type_base definitions>
16166 // <integral_type definitions>
16168 /// Bitwise OR operator for integral_type::modifiers_type.
16169 ///
16170 /// @param l the left-hand side operand.
16171 ///
16172 /// @param r the right-hand side operand.
16173 ///
16174 /// @return the result of the bitwise OR.
16177 {
16178  return static_cast<integral_type::modifiers_type>(static_cast<unsigned>(l)
16179  |
16180  static_cast<unsigned>(r));
16181 }
16183 /// Bitwise AND operator for integral_type::modifiers_type.
16184 ///
16185 /// @param l the left-hand side operand.
16186 ///
16187 /// @param r the right-hand side operand.
16188 ///
16189 /// @return the result of the bitwise AND.
16192 {
16193  return static_cast<integral_type::modifiers_type>(static_cast<unsigned>(l)
16194  &
16195  static_cast<unsigned>(r));
16196 }
16198 /// Bitwise one's complement operator for integral_type::modifiers_type.
16199 ///
16200 /// @param l the left-hand side operand.
16201 ///
16202 /// @param r the right-hand side operand.
16203 ///
16204 /// @return the result of the bitwise one's complement operator.
16207 {
16208  return static_cast<integral_type::modifiers_type>(~static_cast<unsigned>(l));
16209 }
16211 /// Bitwise |= operator for integral_type::modifiers_type.
16212 ///
16213 /// @param l the left-hand side operand.
16214 ///
16215 /// @param r the right-hand side operand.
16216 ///
16217 /// @return the result of the bitwise |=.
16220 {
16221  l = l | r;
16222  return l;
16223 }
16225 /// Bitwise &= operator for integral_type::modifiers_type.
16226 ///
16227 /// @param l the left-hand side operand.
16228 ///
16229 /// @param r the right-hand side operand.
16230 ///
16231 /// @return the result of the bitwise &=.
16234 {
16235  l = l & r;
16236  return l;
16237 }
16239 /// Parse a word containing one integral type modifier.
16240 ///
16241 /// A word is considered to be a string of characters that doesn't
16242 /// contain any white space.
16243 ///
16244 /// @param word the word to parse. It is considered to be a string of
16245 /// characters that doesn't contain any white space.
16246 ///
16247 /// @param modifiers out parameter. It's set by this function to the
16248 /// parsed modifier iff the function returned true.
16249 ///
16250 /// @return true iff @word was successfully parsed.
16251 static bool
16252 parse_integral_type_modifier(const string& word,
16253  integral_type::modifiers_type &modifiers)
16254 {
16255  if (word == "signed")
16256  modifiers |= integral_type::SIGNED_MODIFIER;
16257  else if (word == "unsigned")
16258  modifiers |= integral_type::UNSIGNED_MODIFIER;
16259  else if (word == "short")
16260  modifiers |= integral_type::SHORT_MODIFIER;
16261  else if (word == "long")
16262  modifiers |= integral_type::LONG_MODIFIER;
16263  else if (word == "long long")
16264  modifiers |= integral_type::LONG_LONG_MODIFIER;
16265  else
16266  return false;
16268  return true;
16269 }
16271 /// Parse a base type of an integral type from a string.
16272 ///
16273 /// @param type_name the type name to parse.
16274 ///
16275 /// @param base out parameter. This is set to the resulting base type
16276 /// parsed, iff the function returned true.
16277 ///
16278 /// @return true iff the function could successfully parse the base
16279 /// type.
16280 static bool
16281 parse_base_integral_type(const string& type_name,
16283 {
16284  if (type_name == "int")
16286  else if (type_name == "char")
16288  else if (type_name == "bool" || type_name == "_Bool")
16290  else if (type_name == "double")
16292  else if (type_name =="float")
16294  else if (type_name == "char16_t")
16296  else if (type_name == "char32_t")
16298  else if (type_name == "wchar_t")
16300  else
16301  return false;
16303  return true;
16304 }
16306 /// Parse an integral type from a string.
16307 ///
16308 /// @param type_name the string containing the integral type to parse.
16309 ///
16310 /// @param base out parameter. Is set by this function to the base
16311 /// type of the integral type, iff the function returned true.
16312 ///
16313 /// @param modifiers out parameter If set by this function to the
16314 /// modifier of the integral type, iff the function returned true.
16315 ///
16316 /// @return true iff the function could parse an integral type from @p
16317 /// type_name.
16318 static bool
16319 parse_integral_type(const string& type_name,
16321  integral_type::modifiers_type& modifiers)
16322 {
16323  string input = type_name;
16324  string::size_type len = input.length();
16325  string::size_type cur_pos = 0, prev_pos = 0;
16326  string cur_word, prev_word;
16327  bool ok = false;
16329  while (cur_pos < len)
16330  {
16331  if (cur_pos < len && isspace(input[cur_pos]))
16332  do
16333  ++cur_pos;
16334  while (cur_pos < len && isspace(input[cur_pos]));
16336  prev_pos = cur_pos;
16337  cur_pos = input.find(' ', prev_pos);
16338  prev_word = cur_word;
16339  cur_word = input.substr(prev_pos, cur_pos - prev_pos);
16341  if (cur_pos < len
16342  && cur_word == "long"
16343  && prev_word != "long")
16344  {
16345  if (cur_pos < len && isspace(input[cur_pos]))
16346  do
16347  ++cur_pos;
16348  while (cur_pos < len && isspace(input[cur_pos]));
16349  prev_pos = cur_pos;
16351  cur_pos = input.find(' ', prev_pos);
16352  string saved_prev_word = prev_word;
16353  prev_word = cur_word;
16354  cur_word = input.substr(prev_pos, cur_pos - prev_pos);
16355  if (cur_word == "long")
16356  cur_word = "long long";
16357  else
16358  {
16359  cur_pos = prev_pos;
16360  cur_word = prev_word;
16361  prev_word = saved_prev_word;
16362  }
16363  }
16365  if (!parse_integral_type_modifier(cur_word, modifiers))
16366  {
16367  if (!parse_base_integral_type(cur_word, base))
16368  return false;
16369  else
16370  ok = true;
16371  }
16372  else
16373  ok = true;
16374  }
16376  return ok;
16377 }
16379 /// Parse an integral type from a string.
16380 ///
16381 /// @param str the string containing the integral type to parse.
16382 ///
16383 ///@param type the resulting @ref integral_type. Is set to the result
16384 ///of the parse, iff the function returns true.
16385 ///
16386 /// @return true iff the function could parse an integral type from @p
16387 /// str.
16388 bool
16389 parse_integral_type(const string& str, integral_type& type)
16390 {
16392  integral_type::modifiers_type modifiers = integral_type::NO_MODIFIER;
16394  if (!parse_integral_type(str, base_type, modifiers))
16395  return false;
16397  // So this is an integral type.
16398  integral_type int_type(base_type, modifiers);
16399  type = int_type;
16400  return true;
16401 }
16403 /// Default constructor of the @ref integral_type.
16405  : base_(INT_BASE_TYPE),
16406  modifiers_(NO_MODIFIER)
16407 {}
16409 /// Constructor of the @ref integral_type.
16410 ///
16411 /// @param b the base type of the integral type.
16412 ///
16413 /// @param m the modifiers of the integral type.
16415  : base_(b), modifiers_(m)
16416 {}
16418 /// Constructor of the @ref integral_type.
16419 ///
16420 /// @param the name of the integral type to parse to initialize the
16421 /// current instance of @ref integral_type.
16422 integral_type::integral_type(const string& type_name)
16423  : base_(INT_BASE_TYPE),
16424  modifiers_(NO_MODIFIER)
16425 {
16426  bool could_parse = parse_integral_type(type_name, base_, modifiers_);
16427  ABG_ASSERT(could_parse);
16428 }
16430 /// Getter of the base type of the @ref integral_type.
16431 ///
16432 /// @return the base type of the @ref integral_type.
16435 {return base_;}
16437 /// Getter of the modifiers bitmap of the @ref integral_type.
16438 ///
16439 /// @return the modifiers bitmap of the @ref integral_type.
16442 {return modifiers_;}
16444 /// Setter of the modifiers bitmap of the @ref integral_type.
16445 ///
16446 /// @param m the new modifiers.
16447 void
16449 {modifiers_ = m;}
16451 /// Equality operator for the @ref integral_type.
16452 ///
16453 /// @param other the other integral type to compare against.
16454 ///
16455 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance of @ref
16456 /// integral_type.
16457 bool
16459 {return base_ == other.base_ && modifiers_ == other.modifiers_;}
16461 /// Return the string representation of the current instance of @ref
16462 /// integral_type.
16463 ///
16464 /// @param internal if true the string representation is to be used
16465 /// for internal purposes. In general, it means it's for type
16466 /// canonicalization purposes.
16467 ///
16468 /// @return the string representation of the current instance of @ref
16469 /// integral_type.
16470 string
16471 integral_type::to_string(bool internal) const
16472 {
16473  string result;
16475  // Look at modifiers ...
16476  if (modifiers_ & SIGNED_MODIFIER)
16477  result += "signed ";
16478  if (modifiers_ & UNSIGNED_MODIFIER)
16479  result += "unsigned ";
16480  if (!internal)
16481  {
16482  // For canonicalization purposes, we won't emit the "short, long, or
16483  // long long" modifiers. This is because on some platforms, "long
16484  // int" and "long long int" might have the same size. In those
16485  // cases, we want the two types to be equivalent if they have the
16486  // same size. If they don't have the same internal string
16487  // representation, they'd automatically have different canonical
16488  // types and thus be canonically different.
16489  if (modifiers_ & SHORT_MODIFIER)
16490  result += "short ";
16491  if (modifiers_ & LONG_MODIFIER)
16492  result += "long ";
16493  if (modifiers_ & LONG_LONG_MODIFIER)
16494  result += "long long ";
16495  }
16497  // ... and look at base types.
16498  if (base_ == INT_BASE_TYPE)
16499  result += "int";
16500  else if (base_ == CHAR_BASE_TYPE)
16501  result += "char";
16502  else if (base_ == BOOL_BASE_TYPE)
16503  result += "bool";
16504  else if (base_ == DOUBLE_BASE_TYPE)
16505  result += "double";
16506  else if (base_ == FLOAT_BASE_TYPE)
16507  result += "float";
16508  else if (base_ == CHAR16_T_BASE_TYPE)
16509  result += "char16_t";
16510  else if (base_ == CHAR32_T_BASE_TYPE)
16511  result += "char32_t";
16512  else if (base_ == WCHAR_T_BASE_TYPE)
16513  result += "wchar_t";
16515  return result;
16516 }
16518 /// Convert the current instance of @ref integral_type into its string
16519 /// representation.
16520 ///
16521 /// @return the string representation of the current instance of @ref
16522 /// integral_type.
16523 integral_type::operator string() const
16524 {return to_string();}
16526 // </integral_type definitions>
16528 //<type_decl definitions>
16530 /// Constructor.
16531 ///
16532 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
16533 ///
16534 /// @param name the name of the type declaration.
16535 ///
16536 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the current type_decl, in bits.
16537 ///
16538 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of the current typ, in
16539 /// bits.
16540 ///
16541 /// @param locus the source location of the current type declaration.
16542 ///
16543 /// @param linkage_name the linkage_name of the current type declaration.
16544 ///
16545 /// @param vis the visibility of the type declaration.
16546 type_decl::type_decl(const environment& env,
16547  const string& name,
16548  size_t size_in_bits,
16549  size_t alignment_in_bits,
16550  const location& locus,
16551  const string& linkage_name,
16552  visibility vis)
16554  : type_or_decl_base(env,
16558  decl_base(env, name, locus, linkage_name, vis),
16559  type_base(env, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits)
16560 {
16561  runtime_type_instance(this);
16564  integral_type::modifiers_type modifiers = integral_type::NO_MODIFIER;
16565  integral_type int_type(base_type, modifiers);
16566  if (parse_integral_type(name, int_type))
16567  {
16568  // Convert the integral_type into its canonical string
16569  // representation.
16570  string integral_type_name = int_type;
16572  // Set the name of this type_decl to the canonical string
16573  // representation above
16574  set_name(integral_type_name);
16577  if (!get_linkage_name().empty())
16578  set_linkage_name(integral_type_name);
16579  }
16580 }
16582 /// Compares two instances of @ref type_decl.
16583 ///
16584 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
16585 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
16586 ///
16587 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
16588 ///
16589 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
16590 ///
16591 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
16592 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
16593 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
16594 ///
16595 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
16596 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
16597 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
16598 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
16599 ///
16600 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
16601 bool
16602 equals(const type_decl& l, const type_decl& r, change_kind* k)
16603 {
16604  bool result = false;
16606  // Consider the types as decls to compare their decls-related
16607  // properties.
16608  result = equals(static_cast<const decl_base&>(l),
16609  static_cast<const decl_base&>(r),
16610  k);
16611  if (!k && !result)
16614  // Now consider the types a "types' to compare their size-related
16615  // properties.
16616  result &= equals(static_cast<const type_base&>(l),
16617  static_cast<const type_base&>(r),
16618  k);
16619  ABG_RETURN(result);
16620 }
16622 /// Return true if both types equals.
16623 ///
16624 /// This operator re-uses the overload that takes a decl_base.
16625 ///
16626 /// Note that this does not check the scopes of any of the types.
16627 ///
16628 /// @param o the other type_decl to check agains.
16629 bool
16631 {
16632  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
16633  if (!other)
16634  return false;
16635  return *this == *other;
16636 }
16638 /// Return true if both types equals.
16639 ///
16640 /// Note that this does not check the scopes of any of the types.
16641 ///
16642 /// @param o the other type_decl to check against.
16643 bool
16645 {
16646  const type_decl* other = dynamic_cast<const type_decl*>(&o);
16647  if (!other)
16648  return false;
16649  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
16650 }
16652 /// Return true if both types equals.
16653 ///
16654 /// Note that this does not check the scopes of any of the types.
16655 ///
16656 /// @param o the other type_decl to check against.
16657 ///
16658 /// @return true iff the current isntance equals @p o
16659 bool
16661 {
16662  const decl_base& other = o;
16663  return *this == other;
16664 }
16666 /// Return true if both types equals.
16667 ///
16668 /// Note that this does not check the scopes of any of the types.
16669 ///
16670 /// @param o the other type_decl to check against.
16671 ///
16672 /// @return true iff the current isntance equals @p o
16673 bool
16675 {return !operator==(o);}
16677 /// Return true if both types equals.
16678 ///
16679 /// Note that this does not check the scopes of any of the types.
16680 ///
16681 /// @param o the other type_decl to check against.
16682 ///
16683 /// @return true iff the current isntance equals @p o
16684 bool
16686 {return !operator==(o);}
16688 /// Inequality operator.
16689 ///
16690 /// @param o the other type to compare against.
16691 ///
16692 /// @return true iff the current instance is different from @p o.
16693 bool
16695 {return !operator==(o);}
16697 /// Equality operator for @ref type_decl_sptr.
16698 ///
16699 /// @param l the first operand to compare.
16700 ///
16701 /// @param r the second operand to compare.
16702 ///
16703 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
16704 bool
16706 {
16707  if (!!l != !!r)
16708  return false;
16709  if (l.get() == r.get())
16710  return true;
16711  return *l == *r;
16712 }
16714 /// Inequality operator for @ref type_decl_sptr.
16715 ///
16716 /// @param l the first operand to compare.
16717 ///
16718 /// @param r the second operand to compare.
16719 ///
16720 /// @return true iff @p l is different from @p r.
16721 bool
16723 {return !operator==(l, r);}
16725 /// Implementation for the virtual qualified name builder for @ref
16726 /// type_decl.
16727 ///
16728 /// @param qualified_name the output parameter to hold the resulting
16729 /// qualified name.
16730 ///
16731 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
16732 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
16733 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
16734 /// false.
16735 void
16737  bool internal) const
16738 {qualified_name = get_qualified_name(internal);}
16740 /// Implementation for the virtual qualified name builder for @ref
16741 /// type_decl.
16742 ///
16743 /// @param qualified_name the output parameter to hold the resulting
16744 /// qualified name.
16745 ///
16746 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
16747 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
16748 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
16749 /// false.
16750 const interned_string&
16751 type_decl::get_qualified_name(bool internal) const
16752 {
16753  const environment& env = get_environment();
16756  if (internal)
16757  if (is_integral_type(this))
16758  {
16760  {
16761  if (decl_base::priv_->internal_qualified_name_.empty())
16762  decl_base::priv_->internal_qualified_name_ =
16763  env.intern(get_internal_integral_type_name(this));
16764  return decl_base::priv_->internal_qualified_name_;
16765  }
16766  else
16767  {
16768  decl_base::priv_->temporary_internal_qualified_name_ =
16769  env.intern(get_internal_integral_type_name(this));
16770  return decl_base::priv_->temporary_internal_qualified_name_;
16771  }
16772  }
16774  return decl_base::get_qualified_name(/*internal=*/false);
16775 }
16777 /// Get the pretty representation of the current instance of @ref
16778 /// type_decl.
16779 ///
16780 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
16781 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
16782 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
16783 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
16784 ///
16785 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
16786 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
16787 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
16788 /// for, then set it to false.
16789 ///
16790 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
16791 /// representation are fully qualified.
16792 ///
16793 /// @return the pretty representatin of the @ref type_decl.
16794 string
16796  bool qualified_name) const
16797 {
16798  if (internal)
16799  if (is_integral_type(this))
16800  return get_internal_integral_type_name(this);
16802  if (qualified_name)
16803  return get_qualified_name(internal);
16804  return get_name();
16805 }
16807 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
16808 /// function.
16809 ///
16810 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
16811 ///
16812 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
16813 /// otherwise.
16814 bool
16816 {
16817  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
16818  return true;
16820  v.visit_begin(this);
16821  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
16822  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
16824  return result;
16825 }
16827 type_decl::~type_decl()
16828 {}
16829 //</type_decl definitions>
16831 // <scope_type_decl definitions>
16833 /// Constructor.
16834 ///
16835 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
16836 ///
16837 /// @param name the name of the type.
16838 ///
16839 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the type, in bits.
16840 ///
16841 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of the type, in bits.
16842 ///
16843 /// @param locus the source location where the type is defined.
16844 ///
16845 /// @param vis the visibility of the type.
16846 scope_type_decl::scope_type_decl(const environment& env,
16847  const string& name,
16848  size_t size_in_bits,
16849  size_t alignment_in_bits,
16850  const location& locus,
16851  visibility vis)
16852  : type_or_decl_base(env,
16856  decl_base(env, name, locus, "", vis),
16857  type_base(env, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
16858  scope_decl(env, name, locus)
16859 {}
16861 /// Compares two instances of @ref scope_type_decl.
16862 ///
16863 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
16864 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
16865 ///
16866 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
16867 ///
16868 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
16869 ///
16870 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
16871 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
16872 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
16873 ///
16874 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
16875 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
16876 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
16877 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
16878 ///
16879 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
16880 bool
16882 {
16883  bool result = equals(static_cast<const scope_decl&>(l),
16884  static_cast<const scope_decl&>(r),
16885  k);
16887  if (!k && !result)
16890  result &= equals(static_cast<const type_base&>(l),
16891  static_cast<const type_base&>(r),
16892  k);
16894  ABG_RETURN(result);
16895 }
16897 /// Equality operator between two scope_type_decl.
16898 ///
16899 /// Note that this function does not consider the scope of the scope
16900 /// types themselves.
16901 ///
16902 /// @return true iff both scope types are equal.
16903 bool
16905 {
16906  const scope_type_decl* other = dynamic_cast<const scope_type_decl*>(&o);
16907  if (!other)
16908  return false;
16909  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
16910 }
16912 /// Equality operator between two scope_type_decl.
16913 ///
16914 /// This re-uses the equality operator that takes a decl_base.
16915 ///
16916 /// @param o the other scope_type_decl to compare against.
16917 ///
16918 /// @return true iff both scope types are equal.
16919 bool
16921 {
16922  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
16923  if (!other)
16924  return false;
16926  return *this == *other;
16927 }
16929 /// Traverses an instance of @ref scope_type_decl, visiting all the
16930 /// sub-types and decls that it might contain.
16931 ///
16932 /// @param v the visitor that is used to visit every IR sub-node of
16933 /// the current node.
16934 ///
16935 /// @return true if either
16936 /// - all the children nodes of the current IR node were traversed
16937 /// and the calling code should keep going with the traversing.
16938 /// - or the current IR node is already being traversed.
16939 /// Otherwise, returning false means that the calling code should not
16940 /// keep traversing the tree.
16941 bool
16943 {
16944  if (visiting())
16945  return true;
16947  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
16948  return true;
16950  if (v.visit_begin(this))
16951  {
16952  visiting(true);
16953  for (scope_decl::declarations::const_iterator i =
16954  get_member_decls().begin();
16955  i != get_member_decls ().end();
16956  ++i)
16957  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
16958  break;
16959  visiting(false);
16960  }
16962  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
16963  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
16965  return result;
16966 }
16968 scope_type_decl::~scope_type_decl()
16969 {}
16970 // </scope_type_decl definitions>
16972 // <namespace_decl>
16974 /// Constructor.
16975 ///
16976 /// @param the environment we are operatin from.
16977 ///
16978 /// @param name the name of the namespace.
16979 ///
16980 /// @param locus the source location where the namespace is defined.
16981 ///
16982 /// @param vis the visibility of the namespace.
16984  const string& name,
16985  const location& locus,
16986  visibility vis)
16987  // We need to call the constructor of decl_base directly here
16988  // because it is virtually inherited by scope_decl. Note that we
16989  // just implicitely call the default constructor for scope_decl
16990  // here, as what we really want is to initialize the decl_base
16991  // subobject. Wow, virtual inheritance is useful, but setting it
16992  // up is ugly.
16993  : type_or_decl_base(env,
16997  decl_base(env, name, locus, "", vis),
16998  scope_decl(env, name, locus)
16999 {
17000  runtime_type_instance(this);
17001 }
17003 /// Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of the
17004 /// namespace.
17005 ///
17006 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
17007 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
17008 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
17009 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
17010 ///
17011 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
17012 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
17013 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
17014 /// for, then set it to false.
17015 ///
17016 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
17017 /// representation are fully qualified.
17018 ///
17019 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of the namespace.
17020 string
17022  bool qualified_name) const
17023 {
17024  string r =
17025  "namespace " + scope_decl::get_pretty_representation(internal,
17026  qualified_name);
17027  return r;
17028 }
17030 /// Return true iff both namespaces and their members are equal.
17031 ///
17032 /// Note that this function does not check if the scope of these
17033 /// namespaces are equal.
17034 bool
17036 {
17037  const namespace_decl* other = dynamic_cast<const namespace_decl*>(&o);
17038  if (!other)
17039  return false;
17040  return scope_decl::operator==(*other);
17041 }
17043 /// Test if the current namespace_decl is empty or contains empty
17044 /// namespaces itself.
17045 ///
17046 /// @return true iff the current namespace_decl is empty or contains
17047 /// empty itself.
17048 bool
17050 {
17051  if (is_empty())
17052  return true;
17054  for (declarations::const_iterator i = get_member_decls().begin();
17055  i != get_member_decls().end();
17056  ++i)
17057  {
17058  if (!is_namespace(*i))
17059  return false;
17062  ABG_ASSERT(ns);
17064  if (!ns->is_empty_or_has_empty_sub_namespaces())
17065  return false;
17066  }
17068  return true;
17069 }
17071 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
17072 /// function.
17073 ///
17074 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance and on its
17075 /// member nodes.
17076 ///
17077 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
17078 /// otherwise.
17079 bool
17081 {
17082  if (visiting())
17083  return true;
17085  if (v.visit_begin(this))
17086  {
17087  visiting(true);
17088  scope_decl::declarations::const_iterator i;
17089  for (i = get_member_decls().begin();
17090  i != get_member_decls ().end();
17091  ++i)
17092  {
17094  dynamic_pointer_cast<ir_traversable_base>(*i);
17095  if (t)
17096  if (!t->traverse (v))
17097  break;
17098  }
17099  visiting(false);
17100  }
17101  return v.visit_end(this);
17102 }
17104 namespace_decl::~namespace_decl()
17105 {
17106 }
17108 // </namespace_decl>
17110 // <qualified_type_def>
17112 /// Type of the private data of qualified_type_def.
17113 class qualified_type_def::priv
17114 {
17115  friend class qualified_type_def;
17117  qualified_type_def::CV cv_quals_;
17118  // Before the type is canonicalized, this is used as a temporary
17119  // internal name.
17120  interned_string temporary_internal_name_;
17121  // Once the type is canonicalized, this is used as the internal
17122  // name.
17123  interned_string internal_name_;
17124  weak_ptr<type_base> underlying_type_;
17126  priv()
17127  : cv_quals_(CV_NONE)
17128  {}
17130  priv(qualified_type_def::CV quals,
17131  type_base_sptr t)
17132  : cv_quals_(quals),
17133  underlying_type_(t)
17134  {}
17136  priv(qualified_type_def::CV quals)
17137  : cv_quals_(quals)
17138  {}
17139 };// end class qualified_type_def::priv
17141 /// Build the name of the current instance of qualified type.
17142 ///
17143 /// @param fully_qualified if true, build a fully qualified name.
17144 ///
17145 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
17146 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
17147 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
17148 /// false.
17149 ///
17150 /// @return a copy of the newly-built name.
17151 string
17152 qualified_type_def::build_name(bool fully_qualified, bool internal) const
17153 {
17154  type_base_sptr t = get_underlying_type();
17155  if (!t)
17156  // The qualified type might temporarily have no underlying type,
17157  // especially during the construction of the type, while the
17158  // underlying type is not yet constructed. In that case, let's do
17159  // like if the underlying type is the 'void' type.
17163  fully_qualified,
17164  internal);
17165 }
17167 /// This function is automatically invoked whenever an instance of
17168 /// this type is canonicalized.
17169 ///
17170 /// It's an overload of the virtual type_base::on_canonical_type_set.
17171 ///
17172 /// We put here what is thus meant to be executed only at the point of
17173 /// type canonicalization.
17174 void
17178 /// Constructor of the qualified_type_def
17179 ///
17180 /// @param type the underlying type
17181 ///
17182 /// @param quals a bitfield representing the const/volatile qualifiers
17183 ///
17184 /// @param locus the location of the qualified type definition
17185 qualified_type_def::qualified_type_def(type_base_sptr type,
17186  CV quals,
17187  const location& locus)
17188  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(),
17192  type_base(type->get_environment(), type->get_size_in_bits(),
17193  type->get_alignment_in_bits()),
17194  decl_base(type->get_environment(), "", locus, "",
17195  dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(type)->get_visibility()),
17196  priv_(new priv(quals, type))
17197 {
17198  runtime_type_instance(this);
17199  interned_string name = type->get_environment().intern(build_name(false));
17200  set_name(name);
17201 }
17203 /// Constructor of the qualified_type_def
17204 ///
17205 /// @param env the environment of the type.
17206 ///
17207 /// @param quals a bitfield representing the const/volatile qualifiers
17208 ///
17209 /// @param locus the location of the qualified type definition
17210 qualified_type_def::qualified_type_def(const environment& env,
17211  CV quals,
17212  const location& locus)
17213  : type_or_decl_base(env,
17217  type_base(env, /*size_in_bits=*/0,
17218  /*alignment_in_bits=*/0),
17219  decl_base(env, "", locus, ""),
17220  priv_(new priv(quals))
17221 {
17222  runtime_type_instance(this);
17223  // We don't yet have an underlying type. So for naming purpose,
17224  // let's temporarily pretend the underlying type is 'void'.
17225  interned_string name = env.intern("void");
17226  set_name(name);
17227 }
17229 /// Get the size of the qualified type def.
17230 ///
17231 /// This is an overload for type_base::get_size_in_bits().
17232 ///
17233 /// @return the size of the qualified type.
17234 size_t
17236 {
17237  size_t s = 0;
17238  if (type_base_sptr ut = get_underlying_type())
17239  {
17240  // We do have the underlying type properly set, so let's make
17241  // the size of the qualified type match the size of its
17242  // underlying type.
17243  s = ut->get_size_in_bits();
17244  if (s != type_base::get_size_in_bits())
17245  const_cast<qualified_type_def*>(this)->set_size_in_bits(s);
17246  }
17247  return type_base::get_size_in_bits();
17248 }
17250 /// Compares two instances of @ref qualified_type_def.
17251 ///
17252 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
17253 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
17254 ///
17255 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
17256 ///
17257 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
17258 ///
17259 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
17260 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
17261 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
17262 ///
17263 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
17264 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
17265 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
17266 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
17267 ///
17268 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
17269 bool
17271 {
17272  bool result = true;
17273  if (l.get_cv_quals() != r.get_cv_quals())
17274  {
17275  result = false;
17276  if (k)
17278  else
17280  }
17283  {
17284  result = false;
17285  if (k)
17286  {
17288  r.get_underlying_type().get()))
17289  // Underlying type changes in which the structure of the
17290  // type changed are considered local changes to the
17291  // qualified type.
17293  else
17295  }
17296  else
17297  // okay strictly speaking this is not necessary, but I am
17298  // putting it here to maintenance; that is, so that adding
17299  // subsequent clauses needed to compare two qualified types
17300  // later still works.
17302  }
17304  ABG_RETURN(result);
17305 }
17307 /// Equality operator for qualified types.
17308 ///
17309 /// Note that this function does not check for equality of the scopes.
17310 ///
17311 ///@param o the other qualified type to compare against.
17312 ///
17313 /// @return true iff both qualified types are equal.
17314 bool
17316 {
17317  const qualified_type_def* other =
17318  dynamic_cast<const qualified_type_def*>(&o);
17319  if (!other)
17320  return false;
17321  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
17322 }
17324 /// Equality operator for qualified types.
17325 ///
17326 /// Note that this function does not check for equality of the scopes.
17327 /// Also, this re-uses the equality operator above that takes a
17328 /// decl_base.
17329 ///
17330 ///@param o the other qualified type to compare against.
17331 ///
17332 /// @return true iff both qualified types are equal.
17333 bool
17335 {
17336  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
17337  if (!other)
17338  return false;
17339  return *this == *other;
17340 }
17342 /// Equality operator for qualified types.
17343 ///
17344 /// Note that this function does not check for equality of the scopes.
17345 /// Also, this re-uses the equality operator above that takes a
17346 /// decl_base.
17347 ///
17348 ///@param o the other qualified type to compare against.
17349 ///
17350 /// @return true iff both qualified types are equal.
17351 bool
17353 {
17354  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
17355  if (!other)
17356  return false;
17357  return *this == *other;
17358 }
17360 /// Implementation for the virtual qualified name builder for @ref
17361 /// qualified_type_def.
17362 ///
17363 /// @param qualified_name the output parameter to hold the resulting
17364 /// qualified name.
17365 ///
17366 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
17367 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
17368 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
17369 /// false.
17370 void
17372  bool internal) const
17373 {qualified_name = get_qualified_name(internal);}
17375 /// Implementation of the virtual qualified name builder/getter.
17376 ///
17377 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
17378 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
17379 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
17380 /// false.
17381 ///
17382 /// @return the resulting qualified name.
17383 const interned_string&
17385 {
17386  const environment& env = get_environment();
17389  if (!get_canonical_type())
17390  {
17391  // The type hasn't been canonicalized yet. We want to return a
17392  // temporary name that is not cached because the structure of
17393  // this type (and so its name) can change until its
17394  // canonicalized.
17395  if (internal)
17396  {
17397  // We are asked to return a temporary *internal* name.
17398  // Lets compute it and return a reference to where it's
17399  // stored.
17400  if (priv_->temporary_internal_name_.empty())
17401  priv_->temporary_internal_name_ =
17402  env.intern(build_name(true, /*internal=*/true));
17403  return priv_->temporary_internal_name_;
17404  }
17405  else
17406  {
17407  // We are asked to return a temporary non-internal name.
17409  (env.intern(build_name(true, /*internal=*/false)));
17411  }
17412  }
17413  else
17414  {
17415  // The type has already been canonicalized. We want to return
17416  // the definitive name and cache it.
17417  if (internal)
17418  {
17419  if (priv_->internal_name_.empty())
17420  priv_->internal_name_ =
17421  env.intern(build_name(/*qualified=*/true,
17422  /*internal=*/true));
17423  return priv_->internal_name_;
17424  }
17425  else
17426  {
17427  if (peek_qualified_name().empty())
17429  (env.intern(build_name(/*qualified=*/true,
17430  /*internal=*/false)));
17431  return peek_qualified_name();
17432  }
17433  }
17434 }
17436 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
17437 /// function.
17438 ///
17439 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
17440 ///
17441 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
17442 /// otherwise.
17443 bool
17445 {
17446  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
17447  return true;
17449  if (visiting())
17450  return true;
17452  if (v.visit_begin(this))
17453  {
17454  visiting(true);
17455  if (type_base_sptr t = get_underlying_type())
17456  t->traverse(v);
17457  visiting(false);
17458  }
17459  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
17460  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
17461  return result;
17462 }
17464 qualified_type_def::~qualified_type_def()
17465 {
17466 }
17468 /// Getter of the const/volatile qualifier bit field
17471 {return priv_->cv_quals_;}
17473 /// Setter of the const/value qualifiers bit field
17474 void
17476 {priv_->cv_quals_ = cv_quals;}
17478 /// Compute and return the string prefix or suffix representing the
17479 /// qualifiers hold by the current instance of @ref
17480 /// qualified_type_def.
17481 ///
17482 /// @return the newly-built cv string.
17483 string
17485 {return get_string_representation_of_cv_quals(priv_->cv_quals_);}
17487 /// Getter of the underlying type
17488 type_base_sptr
17490 {return priv_->underlying_type_.lock();}
17492 /// Setter of the underlying type.
17493 ///
17494 /// @param t the new underlying type.
17495 void
17497 {
17498  ABG_ASSERT(t);
17499  priv_->underlying_type_ = t;
17500  // Now we need to update other properties that depend on the new underlying type.
17501  set_size_in_bits(t->get_size_in_bits());
17502  set_alignment_in_bits(t->get_alignment_in_bits());
17504  set_name(name);
17505  if (scope_decl* s = get_scope())
17506  {
17507  // Now that the name has been updated, we need to update the
17508  // lookup maps accordingly.
17509  scope_decl::declarations::iterator i;
17510  if (s->find_iterator_for_member(this, i))
17512  else
17514  }
17515 }
17517 /// Non-member equality operator for @ref qualified_type_def
17518 ///
17519 /// @param l the left-hand side of the equality operator
17520 ///
17521 /// @param r the right-hand side of the equality operator
17522 ///
17523 /// @return true iff @p l and @p r equals.
17524 bool
17525 operator==(const qualified_type_def_sptr& l, const qualified_type_def_sptr& r)
17526 {
17527  if (l.get() == r.get())
17528  return true;
17529  if (!!l != !!r)
17530  return false;
17532  return *l == *r;
17533 }
17535 /// Non-member inequality operator for @ref qualified_type_def
17536 ///
17537 /// @param l the left-hand side of the equality operator
17538 ///
17539 /// @param r the right-hand side of the equality operator
17540 ///
17541 /// @return true iff @p l and @p r equals.
17542 bool
17543 operator!=(const qualified_type_def_sptr& l, const qualified_type_def_sptr& r)
17544 {return ! operator==(l, r);}
17546 /// Overloaded bitwise OR operator for cv qualifiers.
17549 {
17550  return static_cast<qualified_type_def::CV>
17551  (static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs));
17552 }
17554 /// Overloaded bitwise |= operator for cv qualifiers.
17557 {
17558  l = l | r;
17559  return l;
17560 }
17562 /// Overloaded bitwise &= operator for cv qualifiers.
17565 {
17566  l = l & r;
17567  return l;
17568 }
17570 /// Overloaded bitwise AND operator for CV qualifiers.
17573 {
17574  return static_cast<qualified_type_def::CV>
17575  (static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs));
17576 }
17578 /// Overloaded bitwise inverting operator for CV qualifiers.
17581 {return static_cast<qualified_type_def::CV>(~static_cast<unsigned>(q));}
17583 /// Streaming operator for qualified_type_decl::CV
17584 ///
17585 /// @param o the output stream to serialize the cv qualifier to.
17586 ///
17587 /// @param cv the cv qualifier to serialize.
17588 ///
17589 /// @return the output stream used.
17590 std::ostream&
17591 operator<<(std::ostream& o, qualified_type_def::CV cv)
17592 {
17593  string str;
17595  switch (cv)
17596  {
17597  case qualified_type_def::CV_NONE:
17598  str = "none";
17599  break;
17600  case qualified_type_def::CV_CONST:
17601  str = "const";
17602  break;
17603  case qualified_type_def::CV_VOLATILE:
17604  str = "volatile";
17605  break;
17606  case qualified_type_def::CV_RESTRICT:
17607  str = "restrict";
17608  break;
17609  }
17611  o << str;
17612  return o;
17613 }
17615 // </qualified_type_def>
17617 //<pointer_type_def definitions>
17619 /// Private data structure of the @ref pointer_type_def.
17620 struct pointer_type_def::priv
17621 {
17622  type_base_wptr pointed_to_type_;
17623  type_base* naked_pointed_to_type_;
17624  interned_string internal_qualified_name_;
17625  interned_string temp_internal_qualified_name_;
17627  priv(const type_base_sptr& t)
17628  : pointed_to_type_(type_or_void(t, t->get_environment())),
17629  naked_pointed_to_type_(t.get())
17630  {}
17632  priv()
17633  : naked_pointed_to_type_()
17634  {}
17635 }; //end struct pointer_type_def
17637 /// This function is automatically invoked whenever an instance of
17638 /// this type is canonicalized.
17639 ///
17640 /// It's an overload of the virtual type_base::on_canonical_type_set.
17641 ///
17642 /// We put here what is thus meant to be executed only at the point of
17643 /// type canonicalization.
17644 void
17649 ///Constructor of @ref pointer_type_def.
17650 ///
17651 /// @param pointed_to the pointed-to type.
17652 ///
17653 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the type, in bits.
17654 ///
17655 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of the type, in bits.
17656 ///
17657 /// @param locus the source location where the type was defined.
17658 pointer_type_def::pointer_type_def(const type_base_sptr& pointed_to,
17659  size_t size_in_bits,
17660  size_t align_in_bits,
17661  const location& locus)
17662  : type_or_decl_base(pointed_to->get_environment(),
17666  type_base(pointed_to->get_environment(), size_in_bits, align_in_bits),
17667  decl_base(pointed_to->get_environment(), "", locus, ""),
17668  priv_(new priv(pointed_to))
17669 {
17670  runtime_type_instance(this);
17671  try
17672  {
17673  ABG_ASSERT(pointed_to);
17674  const environment& env = pointed_to->get_environment();
17675  decl_base_sptr pto = dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(pointed_to);
17676  string name = (pto ? pto->get_name() : string("void")) + "*";
17677  set_name(env.intern(name));
17678  if (pto)
17679  set_visibility(pto->get_visibility());
17680  }
17681  catch (...)
17682  {}
17683 }
17685 ///Constructor of @ref pointer_type_def.
17686 ///
17687 /// @param env the environment of the type.
17688 ///
17689 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the type, in bits.
17690 ///
17691 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of the type, in bits.
17692 ///
17693 /// @param locus the source location where the type was defined.
17694 pointer_type_def::pointer_type_def(const environment& env, size_t size_in_bits,
17695  size_t alignment_in_bits,
17696  const location& locus)
17697  : type_or_decl_base(env,
17701  type_base(env, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
17702  decl_base(env, "", locus, ""),
17703  priv_(new priv())
17704 {
17705  runtime_type_instance(this);
17706  string name = string("void") + "*";
17707  set_name(env.intern(name));
17708 }
17710 /// Set the pointed-to type of the pointer.
17711 ///
17712 /// @param t the new pointed-to type.
17713 void
17715 {
17716  ABG_ASSERT(t);
17717  priv_->pointed_to_type_ = t;
17718  priv_->naked_pointed_to_type_ = t.get();
17720  try
17721  {
17722  const environment& env = t->get_environment();
17723  decl_base_sptr pto = dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(t);
17724  string name = (pto ? pto->get_name() : string("void")) + "*";
17725  set_name(env.intern(name));
17726  if (pto)
17727  set_visibility(pto->get_visibility());
17728  }
17729  catch (...)
17730  {}
17731 }
17733 /// Compares two instances of @ref pointer_type_def.
17734 ///
17735 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
17736 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
17737 ///
17738 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
17739 ///
17740 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
17741 ///
17742 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
17743 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
17744 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
17745 ///
17746 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
17747 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
17748 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
17749 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
17750 ///
17751 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
17752 bool
17754 {
17755  // In C and C++ languages, a pointer to void equals all other
17756  // pointers.
17757  if (l.get_translation_unit()
17758  && r.get_translation_unit()
17763  return true;
17765  bool result = l.get_pointed_to_type() == r.get_pointed_to_type();
17766  if (!result)
17767  if (k)
17768  {
17769  if (!types_have_similar_structure(&l, &r))
17770  // pointed-to type changes in which the structure of the
17771  // type changed are considered local changes to the pointer
17772  // type.
17775  }
17777  ABG_RETURN(result);
17778 }
17780 /// Return true iff both instances of pointer_type_def are equal.
17781 ///
17782 /// Note that this function does not check for the scopes of the this
17783 /// types.
17784 bool
17786 {
17787  const pointer_type_def* other = is_pointer_type(&o);
17788  if (!other)
17789  return false;
17790  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
17791 }
17793 /// Return true iff both instances of pointer_type_def are equal.
17794 ///
17795 /// Note that this function does not check for the scopes of the
17796 /// types.
17797 ///
17798 /// @param other the other type to compare against.
17799 ///
17800 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
17801 bool
17803 {
17804  const decl_base* o = is_decl(&other);
17805  if (!o)
17806  return false;
17807  return *this == *o;
17808 }
17810 /// Return true iff both instances of pointer_type_def are equal.
17811 ///
17812 /// Note that this function does not check for the scopes of the
17813 /// types.
17814 ///
17815 /// @param other the other type to compare against.
17816 ///
17817 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
17818 bool
17820 {
17821  const decl_base& o = other;
17822  return *this == o;
17823 }
17825 /// Getter of the pointed-to type.
17826 ///
17827 /// @return the pointed-to type.
17828 const type_base_sptr
17830 {return priv_->pointed_to_type_.lock();}
17832 /// Getter of a naked pointer to the pointed-to type.
17833 ///
17834 /// @return a naked pointed to the pointed-to type.
17835 type_base*
17837 {return priv_->naked_pointed_to_type_;}
17839 /// Build and return the qualified name of the current instance of
17840 /// @ref pointer_type_def.
17841 ///
17842 /// @param qn output parameter. The resulting qualified name.
17843 ///
17844 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
17845 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
17846 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
17847 /// false.
17848 void
17850 {qn = get_qualified_name(internal);}
17852 /// Build, cache and return the qualified name of the current instance
17853 /// of @ref pointer_type_def. Subsequent invocations of this function
17854 /// return the cached value.
17855 ///
17856 /// Note that this function should work even if the underlying type is
17857 /// momentarily empty.
17858 ///
17859 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
17860 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
17861 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
17862 /// false.
17863 ///
17864 /// @return the resulting qualified name.
17865 const interned_string&
17867 {
17868  type_base* pointed_to_type = get_naked_pointed_to_type();
17869  pointed_to_type = look_through_decl_only(pointed_to_type);
17871  if (internal)
17872  {
17873  if (get_canonical_type())
17874  {
17875  if (priv_->internal_qualified_name_.empty())
17876  if (pointed_to_type)
17877  priv_->internal_qualified_name_ =
17878  pointer_declaration_name(this,
17879  /*variable_name=*/"",
17880  /*qualified_name=*/
17881  is_typedef(pointed_to_type)
17882  ? false
17883  : true,
17884  /*internal=*/true);
17885  return priv_->internal_qualified_name_;
17886  }
17887  else
17888  {
17889  // As the type hasn't yet been canonicalized, its structure
17890  // (and so its name) can change. So let's invalidate the
17891  // cache where we store its name at each invocation of this
17892  // function.
17893  if (pointed_to_type)
17894  if (priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_.empty())
17895  priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_ =
17896  pointer_declaration_name(this,
17897  /*variable_name=*/"",
17898  /*qualified_name=*/
17899  is_typedef(pointed_to_type)
17900  ? false
17901  : true,
17902  /*internal=*/true);
17903  return priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_;
17904  }
17905  }
17906  else
17907  {
17909  {
17910  if (decl_base::peek_qualified_name().empty())
17912  (pointer_declaration_name(this,
17913  /*variable_name=*/"",
17914  /*qualified_name=*/true,
17915  /*internal=*/false));
17917  }
17918  else
17919  {
17920  // As the type hasn't yet been canonicalized, its structure
17921  // (and so its name) can change. So let's invalidate the
17922  // cache where we store its name at each invocation of this
17923  // function.
17924  if (pointed_to_type)
17926  (pointer_declaration_name(this,
17927  /*variable_name=*/"",
17928  /*qualified_name=*/true,
17929  /*internal=*/false));
17931  }
17932  }
17933 }
17935 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
17936 /// function.
17937 ///
17938 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
17939 ///
17940 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
17941 /// otherwise.
17942 bool
17944 {
17945  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
17946  return true;
17948  if (visiting())
17949  return true;
17951  if (v.visit_begin(this))
17952  {
17953  visiting(true);
17954  if (type_base_sptr t = get_pointed_to_type())
17955  t->traverse(v);
17956  visiting(false);
17957  }
17959  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
17960  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
17961  return result;
17962 }
17964 pointer_type_def::~pointer_type_def()
17965 {}
17967 /// Turn equality of shared_ptr of @ref pointer_type_def into a deep
17968 /// equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
17969 ///
17970 /// @param l the shared_ptr of @ref pointer_type_def on left-hand-side
17971 /// of the equality.
17972 ///
17973 /// @param r the shared_ptr of @ref pointer_type_def on
17974 /// right-hand-side of the equality.
17975 ///
17976 /// @return true if the @ref pointer_type_def pointed to by the
17977 /// shared_ptrs are equal, false otherwise.
17978 bool
17980 {
17981  if (l.get() == r.get())
17982  return true;
17983  if (!!l != !!r)
17984  return false;
17986  return *l == *r;
17987 }
17989 /// Turn inequality of shared_ptr of @ref pointer_type_def into a deep
17990 /// equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
17991 ///
17992 /// @param l the shared_ptr of @ref pointer_type_def on left-hand-side
17993 /// of the equality.
17994 ///
17995 /// @param r the shared_ptr of @ref pointer_type_def on
17996 /// right-hand-side of the equality.
17997 ///
17998 /// @return true iff the @ref pointer_type_def pointed to by the
17999 /// shared_ptrs are different.
18000 bool
18002 {return !operator==(l, r);}
18004 // </pointer_type_def definitions>
18006 // <reference_type_def definitions>
18008 /// Private data structure of the @ref reference_type_def type.
18009 struct reference_type_def::priv
18010 {
18012  type_base_wptr pointed_to_type_;
18013  bool is_lvalue_;
18014  interned_string internal_qualified_name_;
18015  interned_string temp_internal_qualified_name_;
18017  priv(const type_base_sptr& t, bool is_lvalue)
18018  : pointed_to_type_(type_or_void(t, t->get_environment())),
18019  is_lvalue_(is_lvalue)
18020  {}
18022  priv(bool is_lvalue)
18023  : is_lvalue_(is_lvalue)
18024  {}
18026  priv() = delete;
18027 };
18029 /// This function is automatically invoked whenever an instance of
18030 /// this type is canonicalized.
18031 ///
18032 /// It's an overload of the virtual type_base::on_canonical_type_set.
18033 ///
18034 /// We put here what is thus meant to be executed only at the point of
18035 /// type canonicalization.
18036 void
18040 /// Constructor of the reference_type_def type.
18041 ///
18042 /// @param pointed_to the pointed to type.
18043 ///
18044 /// @param lvalue wether the reference is an lvalue reference. If
18045 /// false, the reference is an rvalue one.
18046 ///
18047 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the type, in bits.
18048 ///
18049 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of the type, in bits.
18050 ///
18051 /// @param locus the source location of the type.
18052 reference_type_def::reference_type_def(const type_base_sptr pointed_to,
18053  bool lvalue,
18054  size_t size_in_bits,
18055  size_t align_in_bits,
18056  const location& locus)
18057  : type_or_decl_base(pointed_to->get_environment(),
18061  type_base(pointed_to->get_environment(), size_in_bits, align_in_bits),
18062  decl_base(pointed_to->get_environment(), "", locus, ""),
18063  priv_(new priv(pointed_to, lvalue))
18064 {
18065  runtime_type_instance(this);
18067  try
18068  {
18069  decl_base_sptr pto = dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(pointed_to);
18070  string name;
18071  if (pto)
18072  {
18073  set_visibility(pto->get_visibility());
18074  name = string(pto->get_name()) + "&";
18075  }
18076  else
18077  name = string(get_type_name(is_function_type(pointed_to),
18078  /*qualified_name=*/true)) + "&";
18080  if (!is_lvalue())
18081  name += "&";
18082  const environment& env = pointed_to->get_environment();
18083  set_name(env.intern(name));
18084  }
18085  catch (...)
18086  {}
18087 }
18089 /// Constructor of the reference_type_def type.
18090 ///
18091 /// This one creates a type that has no pointed-to type, temporarily.
18092 /// This is useful for cases where the underlying type is not yet
18093 /// available. It can be set later using
18094 /// reference_type_def::set_pointed_to_type().
18095 ///
18096 /// @param env the environment of the type.
18097 ///
18098 /// @param lvalue wether the reference is an lvalue reference. If
18099 /// false, the reference is an rvalue one.
18100 ///
18101 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the type, in bits.
18102 ///
18103 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of the type, in bits.
18104 ///
18105 /// @param locus the source location of the type.
18106 reference_type_def::reference_type_def(const environment& env, bool lvalue,
18107  size_t size_in_bits,
18108  size_t alignment_in_bits,
18109  const location& locus)
18110  : type_or_decl_base(env,
18114  type_base(env, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
18115  decl_base(env, "", locus, ""),
18116  priv_(new priv(lvalue))
18117 {
18118  runtime_type_instance(this);
18119  string name = "void&";
18120  if (!is_lvalue())
18121  name += "&";
18123  set_name(env.intern(name));
18124  priv_->pointed_to_type_ = type_base_wptr(env.get_void_type());
18125 }
18127 /// Setter of the pointed_to type of the current reference type.
18128 ///
18129 /// @param pointed_to the new pointed to type.
18130 void
18131 reference_type_def::set_pointed_to_type(type_base_sptr& pointed_to_type)
18132 {
18133  ABG_ASSERT(pointed_to_type);
18134  priv_->pointed_to_type_ = pointed_to_type;
18136  decl_base_sptr pto;
18137  try
18138  {pto = dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(pointed_to_type);}
18139  catch (...)
18140  {}
18142  if (pto)
18143  {
18144  set_visibility(pto->get_visibility());
18145  string name = string(pto->get_name()) + "&";
18146  if (!is_lvalue())
18147  name += "&";
18148  const environment& env = pto->get_environment();
18149  set_name(env.intern(name));
18150  }
18151 }
18153 /// Compares two instances of @ref reference_type_def.
18154 ///
18155 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
18156 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
18157 ///
18158 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
18159 ///
18160 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
18161 ///
18162 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
18163 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
18164 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
18165 ///
18166 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
18167 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
18168 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
18169 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
18170 ///
18171 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
18172 bool
18174 {
18175  if (l.is_lvalue() != r.is_lvalue())
18176  {
18177  if (k)
18180  }
18182  // Compare the pointed-to-types modulo the typedefs they might have
18183  bool result = (l.get_pointed_to_type() == r.get_pointed_to_type());
18184  if (!result)
18185  if (k)
18186  {
18187  if (!types_have_similar_structure(&l, &r))
18190  }
18191  ABG_RETURN(result);
18192 }
18194 /// Equality operator of the @ref reference_type_def type.
18195 ///
18196 /// @param o the other instance of @ref reference_type_def to compare
18197 /// against.
18198 ///
18199 /// @return true iff the two instances are equal.
18200 bool
18202 {
18203  const reference_type_def* other =
18204  dynamic_cast<const reference_type_def*>(&o);
18205  if (!other)
18206  return false;
18207  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
18208 }
18210 /// Equality operator of the @ref reference_type_def type.
18211 ///
18212 /// @param o the other instance of @ref reference_type_def to compare
18213 /// against.
18214 ///
18215 /// @return true iff the two instances are equal.
18216 bool
18218 {
18219  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
18220  if (!other)
18221  return false;
18222  return *this == *other;
18223 }
18225 /// Equality operator of the @ref reference_type_def type.
18226 ///
18227 /// @param o the other instance of @ref reference_type_def to compare
18228 /// against.
18229 ///
18230 /// @return true iff the two instances are equal.
18231 bool
18233 {
18234  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
18235  if (!other)
18236  return false;
18237  return *this == *other;
18238 }
18240 type_base_sptr
18241 reference_type_def::get_pointed_to_type() const
18242 {return priv_->pointed_to_type_.lock();}
18244 bool
18245 reference_type_def::is_lvalue() const
18246 {return priv_->is_lvalue_;}
18248 /// Build and return the qualified name of the current instance of the
18249 /// @ref reference_type_def.
18250 ///
18251 /// @param qn output parameter. Is set to the newly-built qualified
18252 /// name of the current instance of @ref reference_type_def.
18253 ///
18254 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
18255 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
18256 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
18257 /// false.
18258 void
18260 {qn = get_qualified_name(internal);}
18262 /// Build, cache and return the qualified name of the current instance
18263 /// of the @ref reference_type_def. Subsequent invocations of this
18264 /// function return the cached value.
18265 ///
18266 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
18267 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
18268 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
18269 /// false.
18270 ///
18271 /// @return the newly-built qualified name of the current instance of
18272 /// @ref reference_type_def.
18273 const interned_string&
18275 {
18276  type_base_sptr pointed_to_type = get_pointed_to_type();
18277  pointed_to_type = look_through_decl_only(pointed_to_type);
18279  if (internal)
18280  {
18281  if (get_canonical_type())
18282  {
18283  if (priv_->internal_qualified_name_.empty())
18284  if (pointed_to_type)
18285  priv_->internal_qualified_name_ =
18286  get_name_of_reference_to_type(*pointed_to_type,
18287  is_lvalue(),
18288  /*qualified_name=*/
18289  is_typedef(pointed_to_type)
18290  ? false
18291  : true,
18292  /*internal=*/true);
18293  return priv_->internal_qualified_name_;
18294  }
18295  else
18296  {
18297  // As the type hasn't yet been canonicalized, its structure
18298  // (and so its name) can change. So let's invalidate the
18299  // cache where we store its name at each invocation of this
18300  // function.
18301  if (pointed_to_type)
18302  if (priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_.empty())
18303  priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_ =
18304  get_name_of_reference_to_type(*pointed_to_type,
18305  is_lvalue(),
18306  /*qualified_name=*/
18307  is_typedef(pointed_to_type)
18308  ? false
18309  : true,
18310  /*internal=*/true);
18311  return priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_;
18312  }
18313  }
18314  else
18315  {
18317  {
18319  (get_name_of_reference_to_type(*pointed_to_type,
18320  is_lvalue(),
18321  /*qualified_name=*/true,
18322  /*internal=*/false));
18324  }
18325  else
18326  {
18327  // As the type hasn't yet been canonicalized, its structure
18328  // (and so its name) can change. So let's invalidate the
18329  // cache where we store its name at each invocation of this
18330  // function.
18331  if (pointed_to_type)
18333  (get_name_of_reference_to_type(*pointed_to_type,
18334  is_lvalue(),
18335  /*qualified_name=*/true,
18336  /*internal=*/false));
18338  }
18339  }
18340 }
18342 /// Get the pretty representation of the current instance of @ref
18343 /// reference_type_def.
18344 ///
18345 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
18346 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
18347 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
18348 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
18349 ///
18350 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
18351 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
18352 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
18353 /// for, then set it to false.
18354 ///
18355 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
18356 /// representation are fully qualified.
18357 ///
18358 /// @return the pretty representatin of the @ref reference_type_def.
18359 string
18361  bool qualified_name) const
18362 {
18363  string result =
18365  (get_pointed_to_type()),
18366  is_lvalue(),
18367  qualified_name,
18368  internal);
18370  return result;
18371 }
18373 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
18374 /// function.
18375 ///
18376 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
18377 ///
18378 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
18379 /// otherwise.
18380 bool
18382 {
18383  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
18384  return true;
18386  if (visiting())
18387  return true;
18389  if (v.visit_begin(this))
18390  {
18391  visiting(true);
18392  if (type_base_sptr t = get_pointed_to_type())
18393  t->traverse(v);
18394  visiting(false);
18395  }
18397  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
18398  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
18399  return result;
18400 }
18402 reference_type_def::~reference_type_def()
18403 {}
18405 /// Turn equality of shared_ptr of @ref reference_type_def into a deep
18406 /// equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
18407 ///
18408 /// @param l the shared_ptr of @ref reference_type_def on left-hand-side
18409 /// of the equality.
18410 ///
18411 /// @param r the shared_ptr of @ref reference_type_def on
18412 /// right-hand-side of the equality.
18413 ///
18414 /// @return true if the @ref reference_type_def pointed to by the
18415 /// shared_ptrs are equal, false otherwise.
18416 bool
18418 {
18419  if (l.get() == r.get())
18420  return true;
18421  if (!!l != !!r)
18422  return false;
18424  return *l == *r;
18425 }
18427 /// Turn inequality of shared_ptr of @ref reference_type_def into a deep
18428 /// equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
18429 ///
18430 /// @param l the shared_ptr of @ref reference_type_def on left-hand-side
18431 /// of the equality.
18432 ///
18433 /// @param r the shared_ptr of @ref reference_type_def on
18434 /// right-hand-side of the equality.
18435 ///
18436 /// @return true iff the @ref reference_type_def pointed to by the
18437 /// shared_ptrs are different.
18438 bool
18440 {return !operator==(l, r);}
18442 // </reference_type_def definitions>
18444 // <ptr_to_mbr_type definitions>
18446 /// The private data type of @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18447 struct ptr_to_mbr_type::priv
18448 {
18449  // The type of the data member this pointer-to-member-type
18450  // designates.
18451  type_base_sptr dm_type_;
18452  // The class (or typedef to potentially qualified class) containing
18453  // the data member this pointer-to-member-type designates.
18454  type_base_sptr containing_type_;
18455  interned_string internal_qualified_name_;
18456  interned_string temp_internal_qualified_name_;
18458  priv()
18459  {}
18461  priv(const type_base_sptr& dm_type, const type_base_sptr& containing_type)
18462  : dm_type_(dm_type),
18463  containing_type_(containing_type)
18464  {}
18465 };// end struct ptr_to_mbr_type::priv
18467 /// A constructor for a @ref ptr_to_mbr_type type.
18468 ///
18469 /// @param env the environment to construct the @ref ptr_to_mbr_type in.
18470 ///
18471 /// @param member_type the member type of the of the @ref
18472 /// ptr_to_mbr_type to construct.
18473 ///
18474 /// @param containing_type the containing type of the @ref
18475 /// ptr_to_mbr_type to construct.
18476 ///
18477 /// @param size_in_bits the size (in bits) of the resulting type.
18478 ///
18479 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment (in bits) of the resulting
18480 /// type.
18481 ///
18482 /// @param locus the source location of the definition of the
18483 /// resulting type.
18484 ptr_to_mbr_type::ptr_to_mbr_type(const environment& env,
18485  const type_base_sptr& member_type,
18486  const type_base_sptr& containing_type,
18487  size_t size_in_bits,
18488  size_t alignment_in_bits,
18489  const location& locus)
18490  : type_or_decl_base(env,
18494  type_base(env, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
18495  decl_base(env, "", locus, ""),
18496  priv_(new priv(member_type, containing_type))
18497 {
18498  runtime_type_instance(this);
18499  ABG_ASSERT(member_type);
18500  ABG_ASSERT(containing_type);
18501  interned_string name = ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(this, "",
18502  /*qualified=*/true,
18503  /*internal=*/false);
18504  set_name(name);
18505 }
18507 /// Getter of the member type of the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18508 ///
18509 /// @return the type of the member referred to by the current
18510 /// @ptr_to_mbr_type.
18511 const type_base_sptr&
18513 {return priv_->dm_type_;}
18515 /// Getter of the type containing the member pointed-to by the current
18516 /// @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18517 ///
18518 /// @return the type containing the member pointed-to by the current
18519 /// @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18520 const type_base_sptr&
18522 {return priv_->containing_type_;}
18524 /// Equality operator for the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18525 ///
18526 ///@param o the other instance of @ref ptr_to_mbr_type to compare the
18527 ///current instance to.
18528 ///
18529 /// @return true iff the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type equals @p o.
18530 bool
18532 {
18533  const ptr_to_mbr_type* other =
18534  dynamic_cast<const ptr_to_mbr_type*>(&o);
18535  if (!other)
18536  return false;
18537  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
18538 }
18540 /// Equality operator for the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18541 ///
18542 ///@param o the other instance of @ref ptr_to_mbr_type to compare the
18543 ///current instance to.
18544 ///
18545 /// @return true iff the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type equals @p o.
18546 bool
18548 {
18549  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
18550  if (!other)
18551  return false;
18552  return *this == *other;
18553 }
18555 /// Equality operator for the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18556 ///
18557 ///@param o the other instance of @ref ptr_to_mbr_type to compare the
18558 ///current instance to.
18559 ///
18560 /// @return true iff the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type equals @p o.
18561 bool
18563 {
18564  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
18565  if (!other)
18566  return false;
18567  return *this == *other;
18568 }
18570 /// Get the qualified name for the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18571 ///
18572 /// @param qualified_name out parameter. This is set to the name of
18573 /// the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18574 ///
18575 /// @param internal if this is true, then the qualified name is for
18576 /// the purpose of type canoicalization.
18577 void
18579  bool internal) const
18580 {qualified_name = get_qualified_name(internal);}
18582 /// Get the qualified name for the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18583 ///
18584 /// @param internal if this is true, then the qualified name is for
18585 /// the purpose of type canoicalization.
18586 ///
18587 /// @return the qualified name for the current @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18588 const interned_string&
18590 {
18591  type_base_sptr member_type = get_member_type();
18592  type_base_sptr containing_type = get_containing_type();
18594  if (internal)
18595  {
18596  if (get_canonical_type())
18597  {
18598  if (priv_->internal_qualified_name_.empty())
18599  priv_->internal_qualified_name_ =
18600  ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(this, "",
18601  /*qualified=*/true,
18602  internal);
18603  return priv_->internal_qualified_name_;
18604  }
18605  else
18606  {
18607  priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_ =
18608  ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(this, "", /*qualified=*/true, internal);
18609  return priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_;
18610  }
18611  }
18612  else
18613  {
18615  (ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(this, "", /*qualified=*/true,
18616  /*internal=*/false));
18618  }
18619 }
18621 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
18622 /// function for @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18623 ///
18624 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
18625 ///
18626 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
18627 /// otherwise.
18628 bool
18630 {
18631  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
18632  return true;
18634  if (visiting())
18635  return true;
18637  if (v.visit_begin(this))
18638  {
18639  visiting(true);
18640  if (type_base_sptr t = get_member_type())
18641  t->traverse(v);
18643  if (type_base_sptr t = get_containing_type())
18644  t->traverse(v);
18645  visiting(false);
18646  }
18648  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
18649  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
18650  return result;
18651 }
18653 /// Desctructor for @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18655 {}
18658 /// Compares two instances of @ref ptr_to_mbr_type.
18659 ///
18660 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
18661 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
18662 ///
18663 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
18664 ///
18665 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
18666 ///
18667 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
18668 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
18669 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
18670 ///
18671 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
18672 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
18673 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
18674 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
18675 ///
18676 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
18677 bool
18679 {
18680  bool result = true;
18682  if (!(l.decl_base::operator==(r)))
18683  {
18684  result = false;
18685  if (k)
18687  else
18688  result = false;
18689  }
18691  if (l.get_member_type() != r.get_member_type())
18692  {
18693  if (k)
18694  {
18695  if (!types_have_similar_structure(&l, &r))
18698  }
18699  result = false;
18700  }
18703  {
18704  if (k)
18705  {
18706  if (!types_have_similar_structure(&l, &r))
18709  }
18710  result = false;
18711  }
18713  ABG_RETURN(result);
18714 }
18716 // </ptr_to_mbr_type definitions>
18718 // <array_type_def definitions>
18720 // <array_type_def::subrange_type>
18721 array_type_def::subrange_type::~subrange_type() = default;
18723 // <array_type_def::subrante_type::bound_value>
18725 /// Default constructor of the @ref
18726 /// array_type_def::subrange_type::bound_value class.
18727 ///
18728 /// Constructs an unsigned bound_value of value zero.
18731 {
18732  v_.unsigned_ = 0;
18733 }
18735 /// Initialize an unsigned bound_value with a given value.
18736 ///
18737 /// @param v the initial bound value.
18740 {
18741  v_.unsigned_ = v;
18742 }
18744 /// Initialize a signed bound_value with a given value.
18745 ///
18746 /// @param v the initial bound value.
18749 {
18750  v_.signed_ = v;
18751 }
18753 /// Getter of the signedness (unsigned VS signed) of the bound value.
18754 ///
18755 /// @return the signedness of the bound value.
18756 enum array_type_def::subrange_type::bound_value::signedness
18758 {return s_;}
18760 /// Setter of the signedness (unsigned VS signed) of the bound value.
18761 ///
18762 /// @param s the new signedness of the bound value.
18763 void
18765 { s_ = s;}
18767 /// Getter of the bound value as a signed value.
18768 ///
18769 /// @return the bound value as signed.
18770 int64_t
18772 {return v_.signed_;
18773 }
18775 /// Getter of the bound value as an unsigned value.
18776 ///
18777 /// @return the bound value as unsigned.
18778 uint64_t
18780 {return v_.unsigned_;}
18782 /// Setter of the bound value as unsigned.
18783 ///
18784 /// @param v the new unsigned value.
18785 void
18787 {
18789  v_.unsigned_ = v;
18790 }
18792 /// Setter of the bound value as signed.
18793 ///
18794 /// @param v the new signed value.
18795 void
18797 {
18799  v_.signed_ = v;
18800 }
18802 /// Equality operator of the bound value.
18803 ///
18804 /// @param v the other bound value to compare with.
18805 ///
18806 /// @return true iff the current bound value equals @p v.
18807 bool
18809 {
18810  return s_ == v.s_ && v_.unsigned_ == v.v_.unsigned_;
18811 }
18813 // </array_type_def::subrante_type::bound_value>
18815 struct array_type_def::subrange_type::priv
18816 {
18817  bound_value lower_bound_;
18818  bound_value upper_bound_;
18819  type_base_wptr underlying_type_;
18820  translation_unit::language language_;
18821  bool infinite_;
18823  priv(bound_value ub,
18824  translation_unit::language l = translation_unit::LANG_C11)
18825  : upper_bound_(ub), language_(l), infinite_(false)
18826  {}
18828  priv(bound_value lb, bound_value ub,
18829  translation_unit::language l = translation_unit::LANG_C11)
18830  : lower_bound_(lb), upper_bound_(ub),
18831  language_(l), infinite_(false)
18832  {}
18834  priv(bound_value lb, bound_value ub, const type_base_sptr &u,
18835  translation_unit::language l = translation_unit::LANG_C11)
18836  : lower_bound_(lb), upper_bound_(ub), underlying_type_(u),
18837  language_(l), infinite_(false)
18838  {}
18839 };
18841 /// Constructor of an array_type_def::subrange_type type.
18842 ///
18843 /// @param env the environment this type was created from.
18844 ///
18845 /// @param name the name of the subrange type.
18846 ///
18847 /// @param lower_bound the lower bound of the array. This is
18848 /// generally zero (at least for C and C++).
18849 ///
18850 /// @param upper_bound the upper bound of the array.
18851 ///
18852 /// @param underlying_type the underlying type of the subrange type.
18853 ///
18854 /// @param loc the source location where the type is defined.
18855 array_type_def::subrange_type::subrange_type(const environment& env,
18856  const string& name,
18857  bound_value lower_bound,
18858  bound_value upper_bound,
18859  const type_base_sptr& utype,
18860  const location& loc,
18862  : type_or_decl_base(env, SUBRANGE_TYPE | ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE | ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
18863  type_base(env,
18864  upper_bound.get_unsigned_value()
18865  - lower_bound.get_unsigned_value(),
18866  0),
18867  decl_base(env, name, loc, ""),
18868  priv_(new priv(lower_bound, upper_bound, utype, l))
18869 {
18870  runtime_type_instance(this);
18871 }
18873 /// Constructor of the array_type_def::subrange_type type.
18874 ///
18875 /// @param env the environment this type is being created in.
18876 ///
18877 /// @param name the name of the subrange type.
18878 ///
18879 /// @param lower_bound the lower bound of the array. This is
18880 /// generally zero (at least for C and C++).
18881 ///
18882 /// @param upper_bound the upper bound of the array.
18883 ///
18884 /// @param loc the source location where the type is defined.
18885 ///
18886 /// @param l the language that generated this subrange.
18887 array_type_def::subrange_type::subrange_type(const environment& env,
18888  const string& name,
18889  bound_value lower_bound,
18890  bound_value upper_bound,
18891  const location& loc,
18893  : type_or_decl_base(env, SUBRANGE_TYPE | ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE | ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
18894  type_base(env,
18895  upper_bound.get_unsigned_value()
18896  - lower_bound.get_unsigned_value(), 0),
18897  decl_base(env, name, loc, ""),
18898  priv_(new priv(lower_bound, upper_bound, l))
18899 {
18900  runtime_type_instance(this);
18901 }
18903 /// Constructor of the array_type_def::subrange_type type.
18904 ///
18905 /// @param env the environment this type is being created from.
18906 ///
18907 /// @param name of the name of type.
18908 ///
18909 /// @param upper_bound the upper bound of the array. The lower bound
18910 /// is considered to be zero.
18911 ///
18912 /// @param loc the source location of the type.
18913 ///
18914 /// @param the language that generated this type.
18915 array_type_def::subrange_type::subrange_type(const environment& env,
18916  const string& name,
18917  bound_value upper_bound,
18918  const location& loc,
18920  : type_or_decl_base(env, SUBRANGE_TYPE | ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE | ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
18921  type_base(env, upper_bound.get_unsigned_value(), 0),
18922  decl_base(env, name, loc, ""),
18923  priv_(new priv(upper_bound, l))
18924 {
18925  runtime_type_instance(this);
18926 }
18928 /// Getter of the underlying type of the subrange, that is, the type
18929 /// that defines the range.
18930 ///
18931 /// @return the underlying type.
18932 type_base_sptr
18934 {return priv_->underlying_type_.lock();}
18936 /// Setter of the underlying type of the subrange, that is, the type
18937 /// that defines the range.
18938 ///
18939 /// @param u the new underlying type.
18940 void
18942 {
18943  ABG_ASSERT(priv_->underlying_type_.expired());
18944  priv_->underlying_type_ = u;
18945 }
18947 /// Getter of the upper bound of the subrange type.
18948 ///
18949 /// @return the upper bound of the subrange type.
18950 int64_t
18952 {return priv_->upper_bound_.get_signed_value();}
18954 /// Getter of the lower bound of the subrange type.
18955 ///
18956 /// @return the lower bound of the subrange type.
18957 int64_t
18959 {return priv_->lower_bound_.get_signed_value();}
18961 /// Setter of the upper bound of the subrange type.
18962 ///
18963 /// @param ub the new value of the upper bound.
18964 void
18966 {priv_->upper_bound_ = ub;}
18968 /// Setter of the lower bound.
18969 ///
18970 /// @param lb the new value of the lower bound.
18971 void
18973 {priv_->lower_bound_ = lb;}
18975 /// Getter of the length of the subrange type.
18976 ///
18977 /// Note that a length of zero means the array has an infinite (or
18978 /// rather a non-known) size.
18979 ///
18980 /// @return the length of the subrange type.
18981 uint64_t
18983 {
18984  if (is_non_finite())
18985  return 0;
18987  // A subrange can have an upper bound that is lower than its lower
18988  // bound. This is possible in Ada for instance. In that case, the
18989  // length of the subrange is considered to be zero.
18990  if (get_upper_bound() >= get_lower_bound())
18991  return get_upper_bound() - get_lower_bound() + 1;
18992  return 0;
18993 }
18995 /// Test if the length of the subrange type is infinite.
18996 ///
18997 /// @return true iff the length of the subrange type is infinite.
18998 bool
19000 {return priv_->infinite_;}
19002 /// Set the infinite-ness status of the subrange type.
19003 ///
19004 /// @param f true iff the length of the subrange type should be set to
19005 /// being infinite.
19006 void
19008 {priv_->infinite_ = f;}
19010 /// Getter of the language that generated this type.
19011 ///
19012 /// @return the language of this type.
19015 {return priv_->language_;}
19017 /// Return a string representation of the sub range.
19018 ///
19019 /// @return the string representation of the sub range.
19020 string
19022 {
19023  std::ostringstream o;
19026  {
19027  type_base_sptr underlying_type = get_underlying_type();
19028  if (underlying_type)
19029  o << ir::get_pretty_representation(underlying_type, false) << " ";
19030  o << "range "<< get_lower_bound() << " .. " << get_upper_bound();
19031  }
19032  else if (is_non_finite())
19033  o << "[]";
19034  else
19035  o << "[" << get_length() << "]";
19037  return o.str();
19038 }
19040 /// Return a string representation of a vector of subranges
19041 ///
19042 /// @return the string representation of a vector of sub ranges.
19043 string
19045 {
19046  if (v.empty())
19047  return "[]";
19049  string r;
19050  for (vector<subrange_sptr>::const_iterator i = v.begin();
19051  i != v.end();
19052  ++i)
19053  r += (*i)->as_string();
19055  return r;
19056 }
19058 /// Compares two isntances of @ref array_type_def::subrange_type.
19059 ///
19060 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
19061 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
19062 ///
19063 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
19064 ///
19065 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
19066 ///
19067 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
19068 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
19069 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
19070 ///
19071 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
19072 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
19073 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
19074 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
19075 ///
19076 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
19077 bool
19080  change_kind* k)
19081 {
19082  bool result = true;
19084  if (l.get_lower_bound() != r.get_lower_bound()
19085  || l.get_upper_bound() != r.get_upper_bound()
19086  || l.get_name() != r.get_name())
19087  {
19088  result = false;
19089  if (k)
19091  else
19092  ABG_RETURN(result);
19093  }
19095  ABG_RETURN(result);
19096 }
19098 /// Equality operator.
19099 ///
19100 /// @param o the other subrange to test against.
19101 ///
19102 /// @return true iff @p o equals the current instance of
19103 /// array_type_def::subrange_type.
19104 bool
19106 {
19107  const subrange_type* other =
19108  dynamic_cast<const subrange_type*>(&o);
19109  if (!other)
19110  return false;
19111  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
19112 }
19114 /// Equality operator.
19115 ///
19116 /// @param o the other subrange to test against.
19117 ///
19118 /// @return true iff @p o equals the current instance of
19119 /// array_type_def::subrange_type.
19120 bool
19122 {
19123  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
19124  if (!other)
19125  return false;
19126  return *this == *other;
19127 }
19129 /// Equality operator.
19130 ///
19131 /// @param o the other subrange to test against.
19132 ///
19133 /// @return true iff @p o equals the current instance of
19134 /// array_type_def::subrange_type.
19135 bool
19137 {
19138  const type_base &t = o;
19139  return operator==(t);
19140 }
19142 /// Equality operator.
19143 ///
19144 /// @param o the other subrange to test against.
19145 ///
19146 /// @return true iff @p o equals the current instance of
19147 /// array_type_def::subrange_type.
19148 bool
19150 {return !operator==(o);}
19152 /// Equality operator.
19153 ///
19154 /// @param o the other subrange to test against.
19155 ///
19156 /// @return true iff @p o equals the current instance of
19157 /// array_type_def::subrange_type.
19158 bool
19160 {return !operator==(o);}
19162 /// Inequality operator.
19163 ///
19164 /// @param o the other subrange to test against.
19165 ///
19166 /// @return true iff @p o is different from the current instance of
19167 /// array_type_def::subrange_type.
19168 bool
19170 {return !operator==(o);}
19172 /// Build a pretty representation for an
19173 /// array_type_def::subrange_type.
19174 ///
19175 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
19176 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
19177 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
19178 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
19179 ///
19180 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
19181 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
19182 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
19183 /// for, then set it to false.
19184 ///
19185 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of the current
19186 /// instance of typedef_decl.
19187 string
19189 {
19190  string name = get_name();
19191  string repr;
19193  if (name.empty())
19194  repr += "<anonymous range>";
19195  else
19196  repr += "<range " + get_name() + ">";
19197  repr += as_string();
19199  return repr;
19200 }
19202 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
19203 /// function.
19204 ///
19205 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
19206 ///
19207 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
19208 /// otherwise.
19209 bool
19211 {
19212  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
19213  return true;
19215  if (v.visit_begin(this))
19216  {
19217  visiting(true);
19218  if (type_base_sptr u = get_underlying_type())
19219  u->traverse(v);
19220  visiting(false);
19221  }
19223  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
19224  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
19225  return result;
19226 }
19228 // </array_type_def::subrange_type>
19230 struct array_type_def::priv
19231 {
19232  type_base_wptr element_type_;
19233  subranges_type subranges_;
19234  interned_string temp_internal_qualified_name_;
19235  interned_string internal_qualified_name_;
19237  priv(type_base_sptr t)
19238  : element_type_(t)
19239  {}
19241  priv(type_base_sptr t, subranges_type subs)
19242  : element_type_(t), subranges_(subs)
19243  {}
19245  priv()
19246  {}
19247 };
19249 /// Constructor for the type array_type_def
19250 ///
19251 /// Note how the constructor expects a vector of subrange
19252 /// objects. Parsing of the array information always entails
19253 /// parsing the subrange info as well, thus the class subrange_type
19254 /// is defined inside class array_type_def and also parsed
19255 /// simultaneously.
19256 ///
19257 /// @param e_type the type of the elements contained in the array
19258 ///
19259 /// @param subs a vector of the array's subranges(dimensions)
19260 ///
19261 /// @param locus the source location of the array type definition.
19262 array_type_def::array_type_def(const type_base_sptr e_type,
19263  const std::vector<subrange_sptr>& subs,
19264  const location& locus)
19265  : type_or_decl_base(e_type->get_environment(),
19269  type_base(e_type->get_environment(), 0, e_type->get_alignment_in_bits()),
19270  decl_base(e_type->get_environment(), locus),
19271  priv_(new priv(e_type))
19272 {
19273  runtime_type_instance(this);
19274  append_subranges(subs);
19275 }
19277 /// Constructor for the type array_type_def
19278 ///
19279 /// This constructor builds a temporary array that has no element type
19280 /// associated. Later when the element type is available, it be set
19281 /// with the array_type_def::set_element_type() member function.
19282 ///
19283 /// Note how the constructor expects a vector of subrange
19284 /// objects. Parsing of the array information always entails
19285 /// parsing the subrange info as well, thus the class subrange_type
19286 /// is defined inside class array_type_def and also parsed
19287 /// simultaneously.
19288 ///
19289 /// @param env the environment of the array type.
19290 ///
19291 /// @param subs a vector of the array's subranges(dimensions)
19292 ///
19293 /// @param locus the source location of the array type definition.
19294 array_type_def::array_type_def(const environment& env,
19295  const std::vector<subrange_sptr>& subs,
19296  const location& locus)
19297  : type_or_decl_base(env,
19301  type_base(env, 0, 0),
19302  decl_base(env, locus),
19303  priv_(new priv)
19304 {
19305  runtime_type_instance(this);
19306  append_subranges(subs);
19307 }
19309 /// Update the size of the array.
19310 ///
19311 /// This function computes the size of the array and sets it using
19312 /// type_base::set_size_in_bits().
19313 void
19314 array_type_def::update_size()
19315 {
19316  type_base_sptr e = priv_->element_type_.lock();
19317  if (e)
19318  {
19319  size_t s = e->get_size_in_bits();
19320  if (s)
19321  {
19322  for (const auto &sub : get_subranges())
19323  s *= sub->get_length();
19324  set_size_in_bits(s);
19325  }
19326  set_alignment_in_bits(e->get_alignment_in_bits());
19327  }
19328 }
19330 string
19331 array_type_def::get_subrange_representation() const
19332 {
19334  return r;
19335 }
19337 /// Get the pretty representation of the current instance of @ref
19338 /// array_type_def.
19339 ///
19340 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
19341 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
19342 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
19343 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
19344 ///
19345 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
19346 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
19347 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
19348 /// for, then set it to false.
19349 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
19350 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
19351 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
19352 /// false.
19353 ///
19354 /// @return the pretty representation of the ABI artifact.
19355 string
19357  bool qualified_name) const
19358 {
19359  return array_declaration_name(this, /*variable_name=*/"",
19360  qualified_name, internal);
19361 }
19363 /// Compares two instances of @ref array_type_def.
19364 ///
19365 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
19366 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
19367 ///
19368 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
19369 ///
19370 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
19371 ///
19372 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
19373 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
19374 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
19375 ///
19376 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
19377 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
19378 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
19379 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
19380 ///
19381 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
19382 bool
19384 {
19385  std::vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr > this_subs = l.get_subranges();
19386  std::vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr > other_subs = r.get_subranges();
19388  bool result = true;
19389  if (this_subs.size() != other_subs.size())
19390  {
19391  result = false;
19392  if (k)
19394  else
19396  }
19398  std::vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr >::const_iterator i,j;
19399  for (i = this_subs.begin(), j = other_subs.begin();
19400  i != this_subs.end() && j != other_subs.end();
19401  ++i, ++j)
19402  if (**i != **j)
19403  {
19404  result = false;
19405  if (k)
19406  {
19408  break;
19409  }
19410  else
19412  }
19414  // Compare the element types modulo the typedefs they might have
19415  if (l.get_element_type() != r.get_element_type())
19416  {
19417  result = false;
19418  if (k)
19420  else
19422  }
19424  ABG_RETURN(result);
19425 }
19427 /// Test if two variables are equals modulo CV qualifiers.
19428 ///
19429 /// @param l the first array of the comparison.
19430 ///
19431 /// @param r the second array of the comparison.
19432 ///
19433 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r or, if they are different, the
19434 /// difference between the too is just a matter of CV qualifiers.
19435 bool
19437 {
19438  if (l == r)
19439  return true;
19441  if (!l || !r)
19447  std::vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr > this_subs = l->get_subranges();
19448  std::vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr > other_subs = r->get_subranges();
19450  if (this_subs.size() != other_subs.size())
19453  std::vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr >::const_iterator i,j;
19454  for (i = this_subs.begin(), j = other_subs.begin();
19455  i != this_subs.end() && j != other_subs.end();
19456  ++i, ++j)
19457  if (**i != **j)
19460  type_base *first_element_type =
19462  type_base *second_element_type =
19465  if (*first_element_type != *second_element_type)
19468  return true;
19469 }
19471 /// Get the language of the array.
19472 ///
19473 /// @return the language of the array.
19476 {
19477  const std::vector<subrange_sptr>& subranges =
19478  get_subranges();
19480  if (subranges.empty())
19481  return translation_unit::LANG_C11;
19482  return subranges.front()->get_language();
19483 }
19485 bool
19487 {
19488  const array_type_def* other =
19489  dynamic_cast<const array_type_def*>(&o);
19490  if (!other)
19491  return false;
19492  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
19493 }
19495 bool
19497 {
19498  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
19499  if (!other)
19500  return false;
19501  return *this == *other;
19502 }
19504 /// Getter of the type of an array element.
19505 ///
19506 /// @return the type of an array element.
19507 const type_base_sptr
19509 {return priv_->element_type_.lock();}
19511 /// Setter of the type of array element.
19512 ///
19513 /// Beware that after using this function, one might want to
19514 /// re-compute the canonical type of the array, if one has already
19515 /// been computed.
19516 ///
19517 /// The intended use of this method is to permit in-place adjustment
19518 /// of the element type's qualifiers. In particular, the size of the
19519 /// element type should not be changed.
19520 ///
19521 /// @param element_type the new element type to set.
19522 void
19523 array_type_def::set_element_type(const type_base_sptr& element_type)
19524 {
19525  priv_->element_type_ = element_type;
19526  update_size();
19528 }
19530 /// Append subranges from the vector @param subs to the current
19531 /// vector of subranges.
19532 void
19533 array_type_def::append_subranges(const std::vector<subrange_sptr>& subs)
19534 {
19536  for (const auto &sub : subs)
19537  priv_->subranges_.push_back(sub);
19539  update_size();
19541 }
19543 /// @return true if one of the sub-ranges of the array is infinite, or
19544 /// if the array has no sub-range at all, also meaning that the size
19545 /// of the array is infinite.
19546 bool
19548 {
19549  if (priv_->subranges_.empty())
19550  return true;
19552  for (std::vector<shared_ptr<subrange_type> >::const_iterator i =
19553  priv_->subranges_.begin();
19554  i != priv_->subranges_.end();
19555  ++i)
19556  if ((*i)->is_non_finite())
19557  return true;
19559  return false;
19560 }
19562 int
19563 array_type_def::get_dimension_count() const
19564 {return priv_->subranges_.size();}
19566 /// Build and return the qualified name of the current instance of the
19567 /// @ref array_type_def.
19568 ///
19569 /// @param qn output parameter. Is set to the newly-built qualified
19570 /// name of the current instance of @ref array_type_def.
19571 ///
19572 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
19573 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
19574 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
19575 /// false.
19576 void
19578 {qn = get_qualified_name(internal);}
19580 /// Compute the qualified name of the array.
19581 ///
19582 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
19583 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
19584 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
19585 /// false.
19586 ///
19587 /// @return the resulting qualified name.
19588 const interned_string&
19590 {
19591  if (internal)
19592  {
19593  if (get_canonical_type())
19594  {
19595  if (priv_->internal_qualified_name_.empty())
19596  priv_->internal_qualified_name_ =
19597  array_declaration_name(this, /*variable_name=*/"",
19598  /*qualified=*/false,
19599  /*internal=*/true);
19600  return priv_->internal_qualified_name_;
19601  }
19602  else
19603  {
19604  priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_ =
19605  array_declaration_name(this, /*variable_name=*/"",
19606  /*qualified*/false, /*internal*/true);
19607  return priv_->temp_internal_qualified_name_;
19608  }
19609  }
19610  else
19611  {
19612  if (get_canonical_type())
19613  {
19614  if (decl_base::peek_qualified_name().empty())
19615  set_qualified_name(array_declaration_name(this,
19616  /*variable_name=*/"",
19617  /*qualified=*/false,
19618  /*internal=*/false));
19620  }
19621  else
19622  {
19624  (array_declaration_name(this, /*variable_name=*/"",
19625  /*qualified=*/false,
19626  /*internal=*/false));
19628  }
19629  }
19630 }
19632 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
19633 /// function.
19634 ///
19635 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
19636 ///
19637 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
19638 /// otherwise.
19639 bool
19641 {
19642  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
19643  return true;
19645  if (visiting())
19646  return true;
19648  if (v.visit_begin(this))
19649  {
19650  visiting(true);
19651  if (type_base_sptr t = get_element_type())
19652  t->traverse(v);
19653  visiting(false);
19654  }
19656  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
19657  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
19658  return result;
19659 }
19661 const location&
19662 array_type_def::get_location() const
19663 {return decl_base::get_location();}
19665 /// Get the array's subranges
19666 const std::vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr>&
19668 {return priv_->subranges_;}
19670 array_type_def::~array_type_def()
19671 {}
19673 // </array_type_def definitions>
19675 // <enum_type_decl definitions>
19677 class enum_type_decl::priv
19678 {
19679  type_base_sptr underlying_type_;
19680  enumerators enumerators_;
19681  mutable enumerators sorted_enumerators_;
19683  friend class enum_type_decl;
19685  priv();
19687 public:
19688  priv(type_base_sptr underlying_type,
19690  : underlying_type_(underlying_type),
19691  enumerators_(enumerators)
19692  {}
19693 }; // end class enum_type_decl::priv
19695 /// Constructor.
19696 ///
19697 /// @param name the name of the type declaration.
19698 ///
19699 /// @param locus the source location where the type was defined.
19700 ///
19701 /// @param underlying_type the underlying type of the enum.
19702 ///
19703 /// @param enums the enumerators of this enum type.
19704 ///
19705 /// @param linkage_name the linkage name of the enum.
19706 ///
19707 /// @param vis the visibility of the enum type.
19708 enum_type_decl::enum_type_decl(const string& name,
19709  const location& locus,
19710  type_base_sptr underlying_type,
19711  enumerators& enums,
19712  const string& linkage_name,
19713  visibility vis)
19714  : type_or_decl_base(underlying_type->get_environment(),
19715  ENUM_TYPE
19718  type_base(underlying_type->get_environment(),
19719  underlying_type->get_size_in_bits(),
19720  underlying_type->get_alignment_in_bits()),
19721  decl_base(underlying_type->get_environment(),
19722  name, locus, linkage_name, vis),
19723  priv_(new priv(underlying_type, enums))
19724 {
19725  runtime_type_instance(this);
19726  for (enumerators::iterator e = get_enumerators().begin();
19727  e != get_enumerators().end();
19728  ++e)
19729  e->set_enum_type(this);
19730 }
19732 /// Return the underlying type of the enum.
19733 type_base_sptr
19735 {return priv_->underlying_type_;}
19737 /// @return the list of enumerators of the enum.
19740 {return priv_->enumerators_;}
19742 /// @return the list of enumerators of the enum.
19745 {return priv_->enumerators_;}
19747 /// Get the lexicographically sorted vector of enumerators.
19748 ///
19749 /// @return the lexicographically sorted vector of enumerators.
19752 {
19753  if (priv_->sorted_enumerators_.empty())
19754  {
19755  for (auto e = get_enumerators().rbegin();
19756  e != get_enumerators().rend();
19757  ++e)
19758  priv_->sorted_enumerators_.push_back(*e);
19760  std::sort(priv_->sorted_enumerators_.begin(),
19761  priv_->sorted_enumerators_.end(),
19762  [](const enum_type_decl::enumerator& l,
19763  const enum_type_decl::enumerator& r)
19764  {
19765  if (l.get_name() == r.get_name())
19766  return l.get_value() < r.get_value();
19767  return (l.get_name() < r.get_name());
19768  });
19769  }
19771  return priv_->sorted_enumerators_;
19772 }
19774 /// Get the pretty representation of the current instance of @ref
19775 /// enum_type_decl.
19776 ///
19777 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
19778 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
19779 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
19780 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
19781 ///
19782 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
19783 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
19784 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
19785 /// for, then set it to false.
19786 ///
19787 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
19788 /// representation are fully qualified.
19789 ///
19790 /// @return the pretty representation of the enum type.
19791 string
19793  bool qualified_name) const
19794 {
19795  string r = "enum ";
19797  if (internal && get_is_anonymous())
19798  r += get_type_name(this, qualified_name, /*internal=*/true);
19799  else if (get_is_anonymous())
19800  r += get_enum_flat_representation(*this, "",
19801  /*one_line=*/true,
19802  qualified_name);
19803  else
19805  qualified_name);
19806  return r;
19807 }
19809 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
19810 /// function.
19811 ///
19812 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
19813 ///
19814 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
19815 /// otherwise.
19816 bool
19818 {
19819  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
19820  return true;
19822  if (visiting())
19823  return true;
19825  if (v.visit_begin(this))
19826  {
19827  visiting(true);
19828  if (type_base_sptr t = get_underlying_type())
19829  t->traverse(v);
19830  visiting(false);
19831  }
19833  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
19834  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
19835  return result;
19836 }
19838 /// Destructor for the enum type declaration.
19840 {}
19842 /// Test if two enums differ, but not by a name change.
19843 ///
19844 /// @param l the first enum to consider.
19845 ///
19846 /// @param r the second enum to consider.
19847 ///
19848 /// @return true iff @p l differs from @p r by anything but a name
19849 /// change.
19850 bool
19852  const enum_type_decl& r,
19853  change_kind* k)
19854 {
19855  bool result = false;
19856  if (*l.get_underlying_type() != *r.get_underlying_type())
19857  {
19858  result = true;
19859  if (k)
19861  else
19862  return true;
19863  }
19865  enum_type_decl::enumerators::const_iterator i, j;
19866  for (i = l.get_enumerators().begin(), j = r.get_enumerators().begin();
19867  i != l.get_enumerators().end() && j != r.get_enumerators().end();
19868  ++i, ++j)
19869  if (*i != *j)
19870  {
19871  result = true;
19872  if (k)
19873  {
19875  break;
19876  }
19877  else
19878  return true;
19879  }
19881  if (i != l.get_enumerators().end() || j != r.get_enumerators().end())
19882  {
19883  result = true;
19884  if (k)
19886  else
19887  return true;
19888  }
19890  enum_type_decl &local_r = const_cast<enum_type_decl&>(r);
19893  string n_l = l.get_name();
19894  string n_r = r.get_name();
19895  local_r.set_qualified_name(qn_l);
19896  local_r.set_name(n_l);
19898  if (!(l.decl_base::operator==(r) && l.type_base::operator==(r)))
19899  {
19900  result = true;
19901  if (k)
19902  {
19903  if (!l.decl_base::operator==(r))
19905  if (!l.type_base::operator==(r))
19907  }
19908  else
19909  {
19910  local_r.set_name(n_r);
19911  local_r.set_qualified_name(qn_r);
19912  return true;
19913  }
19914  }
19915  local_r.set_qualified_name(qn_r);
19916  local_r.set_name(n_r);
19918  return result;
19919 }
19921 /// Test if a given enumerator is found present in an enum.
19922 ///
19923 /// This is a subroutine of the equals function for enums.
19924 ///
19925 /// @param enr the enumerator to consider.
19926 ///
19927 /// @param enom the enum to consider.
19928 ///
19929 /// @return true iff the enumerator @p enr is present in the enum @p
19930 /// enom.
19931 bool
19933  const enum_type_decl &enom)
19934 {
19935  for (const auto &e : enom.get_enumerators())
19936  if (e == enr)
19937  return true;
19938  return false;
19939 }
19941 /// Check if two enumerators values are equal.
19942 ///
19943 /// This function doesn't check if the names of the enumerators are
19944 /// equal or not.
19945 ///
19946 /// @param enr the first enumerator to consider.
19947 ///
19948 /// @param enl the second enumerator to consider.
19949 ///
19950 /// @return true iff @p enr has the same value as @p enl.
19951 static bool
19952 enumerators_values_are_equal(const enum_type_decl::enumerator &enr,
19953  const enum_type_decl::enumerator &enl)
19954 {return enr.get_value() == enl.get_value();}
19956 /// Detect if a given enumerator value is present in an enum.
19957 ///
19958 /// This function looks inside the enumerators of a given enum and
19959 /// detect if the enum contains at least one enumerator or a given
19960 /// value. The function also detects if the enumerator value we are
19961 /// looking at is present in the enum with a different name. An
19962 /// enumerator with the same value but with a different name is named
19963 /// a "redundant enumerator". The function returns the set of
19964 /// enumerators that are redundant with the value we are looking at.
19965 ///
19966 /// @param enr the enumerator to consider.
19967 ///
19968 /// @param enom the enum to consider.
19969 ///
19970 /// @param redundant_enrs if the function returns true, then this
19971 /// vector is filled with enumerators that are redundant with the
19972 /// value of @p enr.
19973 ///
19974 /// @return true iff the function detects that @p enom contains
19975 /// enumerators with the same value as @p enr.
19976 static bool
19977 is_enumerator_value_present_in_enum(const enum_type_decl::enumerator &enr,
19978  const enum_type_decl &enom,
19979  vector<enum_type_decl::enumerator>& redundant_enrs)
19980 {
19981  bool found = false;
19982  for (const auto &e : enom.get_enumerators())
19983  if (enumerators_values_are_equal(e, enr))
19984  {
19985  found = true;
19986  if (e != enr)
19987  redundant_enrs.push_back(e);
19988  }
19990  return found;
19991 }
19993 /// Check if an enumerator value is redundant in a given enum.
19994 ///
19995 /// Given an enumerator value, this function detects if an enum
19996 /// contains at least one enumerator with the the same value but with
19997 /// a different name.
19998 ///
19999 /// @param enr the enumerator to consider.
20000 ///
20001 /// @param enom the enum to consider.
20002 ///
20003 /// @return true iff @p enr is a redundant enumerator in enom.
20004 static bool
20005 is_enumerator_value_redundant(const enum_type_decl::enumerator &enr,
20006  const enum_type_decl &enom)
20007 {
20008  vector<enum_type_decl::enumerator> redundant_enrs;
20009  if (is_enumerator_value_present_in_enum(enr, enom, redundant_enrs))
20010  {
20011  if (!redundant_enrs.empty())
20012  return true;
20013  }
20014  return false;
20015 }
20017 /// Compares two instances of @ref enum_type_decl.
20018 ///
20019 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
20020 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
20021 ///
20022 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
20023 ///
20024 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
20025 ///
20026 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
20027 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
20028 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
20029 ///
20030 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
20031 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
20032 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
20033 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
20034 ///
20035 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
20036 bool
20038 {
20039  bool result = true;
20041  //
20042  // Look through decl-only-enum.
20043  //
20045  const enum_type_decl *def1 =
20048  : &l;
20050  const enum_type_decl *def2 =
20053  : &r;
20055  if (!!def1 != !!def2)
20056  {
20057  // One enum is decl-only while the other is not.
20058  // So the two enums are different.
20059  result = false;
20060  if (k)
20062  else
20064  }
20066  //
20067  // At this point, both enums have the same state of decl-only-ness.
20068  // So we can compare oranges to oranges.
20069  //
20071  if (!def1)
20072  def1 = &l;
20073  if (!def2)
20074  def2 = &r;
20076  if (def1->get_underlying_type() != def2->get_underlying_type())
20077  {
20078  result = false;
20079  if (k)
20081  else
20083  }
20085  if (!(def1->decl_base::operator==(*def2)
20086  && def1->type_base::operator==(*def2)))
20087  {
20088  result = false;
20089  if (k)
20090  {
20091  if (!def1->decl_base::operator==(*def2))
20093  if (!def1->type_base::operator==(*def2))
20095  }
20096  else
20098  }
20100  // Now compare the enumerators. Note that the order of declaration
20101  // of enumerators should not matter in the comparison.
20102  //
20103  // Also if an enumerator value is redundant, that shouldn't impact
20104  // the comparison.
20105  //
20106  // In that case, note that the two enums below are considered equal:
20107  //
20108  // enum foo
20109  // {
20110  // e0 = 0;
20111  // e1 = 1;
20112  // e2 = 2;
20113  // };
20114  //
20115  // enum foo
20116  // {
20117  // e0 = 0;
20118  // e1 = 1;
20119  // e2 = 2;
20120  // e_added = 1; // <-- this value is redundant with the value
20121  // // of the enumerator e1.
20122  // };
20123  //
20124  // Note however that in the case below, the enums are different.
20125  //
20126  // enum foo
20127  // {
20128  // e0 = 0;
20129  // e1 = 1;
20130  // };
20131  //
20132  // enum foo
20133  // {
20134  // e0 = 0;
20135  // e2 = 1; // <-- this enum value is present in the first version
20136  // // of foo, but is not redundant with any enumerator
20137  // // in the second version of of enum foo.
20138  // };
20139  //
20140  // These two enums are considered equal.
20142  for(const auto &e : def1->get_enumerators())
20143  if (!is_enumerator_present_in_enum(e, *def2)
20144  && (!is_enumerator_value_redundant(e, *def2)
20145  || !is_enumerator_value_redundant(e, *def1)))
20146  {
20147  result = false;
20148  if (k)
20149  {
20151  break;
20152  }
20153  else
20155  }
20157  for(const auto &e : def2->get_enumerators())
20158  if (!is_enumerator_present_in_enum(e, *def1)
20159  && (!is_enumerator_value_redundant(e, *def1)
20160  || !is_enumerator_value_redundant(e, *def2)))
20161  {
20162  result = false;
20163  if (k)
20164  {
20166  break;
20167  }
20168  else
20170  }
20172  ABG_RETURN(result);
20173 }
20175 /// Equality operator.
20176 ///
20177 /// @param o the other enum to test against.
20178 ///
20179 /// @return true iff @p o equals the current instance of enum type
20180 /// decl.
20181 bool
20183 {
20184  const enum_type_decl* op = dynamic_cast<const enum_type_decl*>(&o);
20185  if (!op)
20186  return false;
20187  return try_canonical_compare(this, op);
20188 }
20190 /// Equality operator.
20191 ///
20192 /// @param o the other enum to test against.
20193 ///
20194 /// @return true iff @p o is equals the current instance of enum type
20195 /// decl.
20196 bool
20198 {
20199  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
20200  if (!other)
20201  return false;
20202  return *this == *other;
20203 }
20205 /// Equality operator for @ref enum_type_decl_sptr.
20206 ///
20207 /// @param l the first operand to compare.
20208 ///
20209 /// @param r the second operand to compare.
20210 ///
20211 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
20212 bool
20214 {
20215  if (!!l != !!r)
20216  return false;
20217  if (l.get() == r.get())
20218  return true;
20219  decl_base_sptr o = r;
20220  return *l == *o;
20221 }
20223 /// Inequality operator for @ref enum_type_decl_sptr.
20224 ///
20225 /// @param l the first operand to compare.
20226 ///
20227 /// @param r the second operand to compare.
20228 ///
20229 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
20230 bool
20232 {return !operator==(l, r);}
20234 /// The type of the private data of an @ref
20235 /// enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20236 class enum_type_decl::enumerator::priv
20237 {
20238  string name_;
20239  int64_t value_;
20240  string qualified_name_;
20241  enum_type_decl* enum_type_;
20243  friend class enum_type_decl::enumerator;
20245 public:
20247  priv()
20248  : enum_type_()
20249  {}
20251  priv(const string& name,
20252  int64_t value,
20253  enum_type_decl* e = 0)
20254  : name_(name),
20255  value_(value),
20256  enum_type_(e)
20257  {}
20258 }; // end class enum_type_def::enumerator::priv
20260 /// Default constructor of the @ref enum_type_decl::enumerator type.
20262  : priv_(new priv)
20263 {}
20265 enum_type_decl::enumerator::~enumerator() = default;
20267 /// Constructor of the @ref enum_type_decl::enumerator type.
20268 ///
20269 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
20270 ///
20271 /// @param name the name of the enumerator.
20272 ///
20273 /// @param value the value of the enumerator.
20275  int64_t value)
20276  : priv_(new priv(name, value))
20277 {}
20279 /// Copy constructor of the @ref enum_type_decl::enumerator type.
20280 ///
20281 /// @param other enumerator to copy.
20283  : priv_(new priv(other.get_name(),
20284  other.get_value(),
20285  other.get_enum_type()))
20286 {}
20288 /// Assignment operator of the @ref enum_type_decl::enumerator type.
20289 ///
20290 /// @param o
20293 {
20294  priv_->name_ = o.get_name();
20295  priv_->value_ = o.get_value();
20296  priv_->enum_type_ = o.get_enum_type();
20297  return *this;
20298 }
20300 /// Equality operator
20301 ///
20302 /// @param other the enumerator to compare to the current
20303 /// instance of enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20304 ///
20305 /// @return true if @p other equals the current instance of
20306 /// enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20307 bool
20309 {
20310  bool names_equal = true;
20311  names_equal = (get_name() == other.get_name());
20312  return names_equal && (get_value() == other.get_value());
20313 }
20315 /// Inequality operator.
20316 ///
20317 /// @param other the other instance to compare against.
20318 ///
20319 /// @return true iff @p other is different from the current instance.
20320 bool
20322 {return !operator==(other);}
20324 /// Getter for the name of the current instance of
20325 /// enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20326 ///
20327 /// @return a reference to the name of the current instance of
20328 /// enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20329 const string&
20331 {return priv_->name_;}
20333 /// Getter for the qualified name of the current instance of
20334 /// enum_type_decl::enumerator. The first invocation of the method
20335 /// builds the qualified name, caches it and return a reference to the
20336 /// cached qualified name. Subsequent invocations just return the
20337 /// cached value.
20338 ///
20339 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
20340 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
20341 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
20342 /// false.
20343 ///
20344 /// @return the qualified name of the current instance of
20345 /// enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20346 const string&
20348 {
20349  if (priv_->qualified_name_.empty())
20350  {
20351  priv_->qualified_name_ =
20352  get_enum_type()->get_qualified_name(internal)
20353  + "::"
20354  + get_name();
20355  }
20356  return priv_->qualified_name_;
20357 }
20359 /// Setter for the name of @ref enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20360 ///
20361 /// @param n the new name.
20362 void
20364 {priv_->name_ = n;}
20366 /// Getter for the value of @ref enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20367 ///
20368 /// @return the value of the current instance of
20369 /// enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20370 int64_t
20372 {return priv_->value_;}
20374 /// Setter for the value of @ref enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20375 ///
20376 /// @param v the new value of the enum_type_decl::enumerator.
20377 void
20379 {priv_->value_= v;}
20381 /// Getter for the enum type that this enumerator is for.
20382 ///
20383 /// @return the enum type that this enumerator is for.
20386 {return priv_->enum_type_;}
20388 /// Setter for the enum type that this enumerator is for.
20389 ///
20390 /// @param e the new enum type.
20391 void
20393 {priv_->enum_type_ = e;}
20394 // </enum_type_decl definitions>
20396 // <typedef_decl definitions>
20398 /// Private data structure of the @ref typedef_decl.
20399 struct typedef_decl::priv
20400 {
20401  type_base_wptr underlying_type_;
20403  priv(const type_base_sptr& t)
20404  : underlying_type_(t)
20405  {}
20406 }; // end struct typedef_decl::priv
20408 /// Constructor of the typedef_decl type.
20409 ///
20410 /// @param name the name of the typedef.
20411 ///
20412 /// @param underlying_type the underlying type of the typedef.
20413 ///
20414 /// @param locus the source location of the typedef declaration.
20415 ///
20416 /// @param linkage_name the mangled name of the typedef.
20417 ///
20418 /// @param vis the visibility of the typedef type.
20419 typedef_decl::typedef_decl(const string& name,
20420  const type_base_sptr underlying_type,
20421  const location& locus,
20422  const string& linkage_name,
20423  visibility vis)
20424  : type_or_decl_base(underlying_type->get_environment(),
20428  type_base(underlying_type->get_environment(),
20429  underlying_type->get_size_in_bits(),
20430  underlying_type->get_alignment_in_bits()),
20431  decl_base(underlying_type->get_environment(),
20432  name, locus, linkage_name, vis),
20433  priv_(new priv(underlying_type))
20434 {
20435  runtime_type_instance(this);
20436 }
20438 /// Constructor of the typedef_decl type.
20439 ///
20440 /// @param name the name of the typedef.
20441 ///
20442 /// @param env the environment of the current typedef.
20443 ///
20444 /// @param locus the source location of the typedef declaration.
20445 ///
20446 /// @param mangled_name the mangled name of the typedef.
20447 ///
20448 /// @param vis the visibility of the typedef type.
20449 typedef_decl::typedef_decl(const string& name,
20450  const environment& env,
20451  const location& locus,
20452  const string& mangled_name,
20453  visibility vis)
20454  : type_or_decl_base(env,
20458  type_base(env, /*size_in_bits=*/0,
20459  /*alignment_in_bits=*/0),
20460  decl_base(env, name, locus, mangled_name, vis),
20461  priv_(new priv(nullptr))
20462 {
20463  runtime_type_instance(this);
20464 }
20466 /// Return the size of the typedef.
20467 ///
20468 /// This function looks at the size of the underlying type and ensures
20469 /// that it's the same as the size of the typedef.
20470 ///
20471 /// @return the size of the typedef.
20472 size_t
20474 {
20475  if (!get_underlying_type())
20476  return 0;
20477  size_t s = get_underlying_type()->get_size_in_bits();
20478  if (s != type_base::get_size_in_bits())
20479  const_cast<typedef_decl*>(this)->set_size_in_bits(s);
20480  return type_base::get_size_in_bits();
20481 }
20483 /// Return the alignment of the typedef.
20484 ///
20485 /// This function looks at the alignment of the underlying type and
20486 /// ensures that it's the same as the alignment of the typedef.
20487 ///
20488 /// @return the size of the typedef.
20489 size_t
20491 {
20492  if (!get_underlying_type())
20493  return 0;
20494  size_t s = get_underlying_type()->get_alignment_in_bits();
20496  const_cast<typedef_decl*>(this)->set_alignment_in_bits(s);
20498 }
20500 /// Compares two instances of @ref typedef_decl.
20501 ///
20502 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
20503 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
20504 ///
20505 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
20506 ///
20507 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
20508 ///
20509 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
20510 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
20511 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
20512 ///
20513 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
20514 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
20515 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
20516 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
20517 ///
20518 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
20519 bool
20521 {
20522  bool result = true;
20524  // No need to go further if the types have different names or
20525  // different size / alignment.
20526  if (!(l.decl_base::operator==(r)))
20527  {
20528  result = false;
20529  if (k)
20531  else
20533  }
20535  if (*l.get_underlying_type() != *r.get_underlying_type())
20536  {
20537  // Changes to the underlying type of a typedef are considered
20538  // local, a bit like for pointers.
20539  result = false;
20540  if (k)
20542  else
20544  }
20546  ABG_RETURN(result);
20547 }
20549 /// Equality operator
20550 ///
20551 /// @param o the other typedef_decl to test against.
20552 bool
20554 {
20555  const typedef_decl* other = dynamic_cast<const typedef_decl*>(&o);
20556  if (!other)
20557  return false;
20558  return try_canonical_compare(this, other);
20559 }
20561 /// Equality operator
20562 ///
20563 /// @param o the other typedef_decl to test against.
20564 ///
20565 /// @return true if the current instance of @ref typedef_decl equals
20566 /// @p o.
20567 bool
20569 {
20570  const decl_base* other = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&o);
20571  if (!other)
20572  return false;
20573  return *this == *other;
20574 }
20576 /// Build a pretty representation for a typedef_decl.
20577 ///
20578 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
20579 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
20580 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
20581 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
20582 ///
20583 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
20584 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
20585 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
20586 /// for, then set it to false.
20588 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
20589 /// representation are fully qualified.
20590 ///
20591 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of the current
20592 /// instance of typedef_decl.
20593 string
20595  bool qualified_name) const
20596 {
20598  string result = "typedef ";
20599  if (internal)
20600  result += get_name();
20601  else
20602  {
20603  if (qualified_name)
20604  result += get_qualified_name(internal);
20605  else
20606  result += get_name();
20607  }
20609  return result;
20610 }
20612 /// Getter of the underlying type of the typedef.
20613 ///
20614 /// @return the underlying_type.
20615 type_base_sptr
20617 {return priv_->underlying_type_.lock();}
20619 /// Setter ofthe underlying type of the typedef.
20620 ///
20621 /// @param t the new underlying type of the typedef.
20622 void
20623 typedef_decl::set_underlying_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
20624 {
20625  priv_->underlying_type_ = t;
20626  set_size_in_bits(t->get_size_in_bits());
20627  set_alignment_in_bits(t->get_alignment_in_bits());
20628 }
20630 /// Implementation of the virtual "get_qualified_name" method.
20631 ///
20632 /// @param qualified_name the resuling qualified name of the typedef type.
20633 ///
20634 /// @param internal if true, then it means the qualified name is for
20635 /// "internal" purposes, meaning mainly for type canonicalization
20636 /// purposes.
20637 void
20639  bool internal) const
20640 {qualified_name = get_qualified_name(internal);}
20642 /// Implementation of the virtual "get_qualified_name" method.
20643 ///
20644 /// @param internal if true, then it means the qualified name is for
20645 /// "internal" purposes, meaning mainly for type canonicalization
20646 /// purposes.
20647 ///
20648 /// @return the qualified name.
20649 const interned_string&
20651 {
20652  // Note that the qualified name has been already set by
20653  // qualified_name_setter::do_update, which is invoked by
20654  // update_qualified_name. The latter is itself invoked whenever the
20655  // typedef is added to its scope, in scope_decl::add_member_decl.
20656  if (internal)
20657  return decl_base::priv_->internal_qualified_name_;
20658  else
20659  return decl_base::priv_->qualified_name_;
20660 }
20662 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
20663 /// function.
20664 ///
20665 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
20666 ///
20667 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
20668 /// otherwise.
20669 bool
20671 {
20672  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
20673  return true;
20675  if (visiting())
20676  return true;
20678  if (v.visit_begin(this))
20679  {
20680  visiting(true);
20681  if (type_base_sptr t = get_underlying_type())
20682  t->traverse(v);
20683  visiting(false);
20684  }
20686  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
20687  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
20688  return result;
20689 }
20691 typedef_decl::~typedef_decl()
20692 {}
20693 // </typedef_decl definitions>
20695 // <var_decl definitions>
20697 struct var_decl::priv
20698 {
20699  type_base_wptr type_;
20700  type_base* naked_type_;
20701  decl_base::binding binding_;
20702  elf_symbol_sptr symbol_;
20703  interned_string id_;
20705  priv()
20706  : naked_type_(),
20707  binding_(decl_base::BINDING_GLOBAL)
20708  {}
20710  priv(type_base_sptr t,
20712  : type_(t),
20713  naked_type_(t.get()),
20714  binding_(b)
20715  {}
20717  /// Setter of the type of the variable.
20718  ///
20719  /// @param t the new variable type.
20720  void
20721  set_type(type_base_sptr t)
20722  {
20723  type_ = t;
20724  naked_type_ = t.get();
20725  }
20726 }; // end struct var_decl::priv
20728 /// Constructor of the @ref var_decl type.
20729 ///
20730 /// @param name the name of the variable declaration
20731 ///
20732 /// @param type the type of the variable declaration
20733 ///
20734 /// @param locus the source location where the variable was defined.
20735 ///
20736 /// @param linkage_name the linkage name of the variable.
20737 ///
20738 /// @param vis the visibility of of the variable.
20739 ///
20740 /// @param bind the binding kind of the variable.
20741 var_decl::var_decl(const string& name,
20742  type_base_sptr type,
20743  const location& locus,
20744  const string& linkage_name,
20745  visibility vis,
20746  binding bind)
20747  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(),
20749  decl_base(type->get_environment(), name, locus, linkage_name, vis),
20750  priv_(new priv(type, bind))
20751 {
20752  runtime_type_instance(this);
20753 }
20755 /// Getter of the type of the variable.
20756 ///
20757 /// @return the type of the variable.
20758 const type_base_sptr
20760 {return priv_->type_.lock();}
20762 /// Setter of the type of the variable.
20763 ///
20764 /// @param the new type of the variable.
20765 void
20766 var_decl::set_type(type_base_sptr& t)
20767 {priv_->set_type(t);}
20769 /// Getter of the type of the variable.
20770 ///
20771 /// This getter returns a bare pointer, as opposed to a smart pointer.
20772 /// It's to be used on performance sensitive code paths identified by
20773 /// careful profiling.
20774 ///
20775 /// @return the type of the variable, as a bare pointer.
20776 const type_base*
20778 {return priv_->naked_type_;}
20780 /// Getter of the binding of the variable.
20781 ///
20782 /// @return the biding of the variable.
20785 {return priv_->binding_;}
20787 /// Setter of the binding of the variable.
20788 ///
20789 /// @param b the new binding value.
20790 void
20792 {priv_->binding_ = b;}
20794 /// Sets the underlying ELF symbol for the current variable.
20795 ///
20796 /// And underlyin$g ELF symbol for the current variable might exist
20797 /// only if the corpus that this variable originates from was
20798 /// constructed from an ELF binary file.
20799 ///
20800 /// Note that comparing two variables that have underlying ELF symbols
20801 /// involves comparing their underlying elf symbols. The decl name
20802 /// for the variable thus becomes irrelevant in the comparison.
20803 ///
20804 /// @param sym the new ELF symbol for this variable decl.
20805 void
20807 {
20808  priv_->symbol_ = sym;
20809  // The variable id cache that depends on the symbol must be
20810  // invalidated because the symbol changed.
20811  priv_->id_ = get_environment().intern("");
20812 }
20814 /// Gets the the underlying ELF symbol for the current variable,
20815 /// that was set using var_decl::set_symbol(). Please read the
20816 /// documentation for that member function for more information about
20817 /// "underlying ELF symbols".
20818 ///
20819 /// @return sym the underlying ELF symbol for this variable decl, if
20820 /// one exists.
20821 const elf_symbol_sptr&
20823 {return priv_->symbol_;}
20825 /// Create a new var_decl that is a clone of the current one.
20826 ///
20827 /// @return the cloned var_decl.
20830 {
20832  get_type(),
20833  get_location(),
20834  get_linkage_name(),
20835  get_visibility(),
20836  get_binding()));
20838  v->set_symbol(get_symbol());
20840  if (is_member_decl(*this))
20841  {
20845  get_member_is_static(*this),
20846  get_data_member_offset(*this));
20847  }
20848  else
20851  return v;
20852 }
20853 /// Setter of the scope of the current var_decl.
20854 ///
20855 /// Note that the decl won't hold a reference on the scope. It's
20856 /// rather the scope that holds a reference on its members.
20857 ///
20858 /// @param scope the new scope.
20859 void
20860 var_decl::set_scope(scope_decl* scope)
20861 {
20862  if (!get_context_rel())
20863  set_context_rel(new dm_context_rel(scope));
20864  else
20865  get_context_rel()->set_scope(scope);
20866 }
20868 /// Compares two instances of @ref var_decl without taking their type
20869 /// into account.
20870 ///
20871 /// If the two intances are different modulo their type, set a
20872 /// bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there
20873 /// are.
20874 ///
20875 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
20876 ///
20877 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
20878 ///
20879 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
20880 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
20881 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
20882 ///
20883 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
20884 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
20885 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
20886 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
20887 ///
20888 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
20889 bool
20891 {
20892  bool result = true;
20894  // If there are underlying elf symbols for these variables,
20895  // compare them. And then compare the other parts.
20896  const elf_symbol_sptr &s0 = l.get_symbol(), &s1 = r.get_symbol();
20897  if (!!s0 != !!s1)
20898  {
20899  result = false;
20900  if (k)
20902  else
20904  }
20905  else if (s0 && s0 != s1)
20906  {
20907  result = false;
20908  if (k)
20910  else
20912  }
20913  bool symbols_are_equal = (s0 && s1 && result);
20915  if (symbols_are_equal)
20916  {
20917  // The variables have underlying elf symbols that are equal, so
20918  // now, let's compare the decl_base part of the variables w/o
20919  // considering their decl names.
20920  const environment& env = l.get_environment();
20921  const interned_string n1 = l.get_qualified_name(), n2 = r.get_qualified_name();
20922  const_cast<var_decl&>(l).set_qualified_name(env.intern(""));
20923  const_cast<var_decl&>(r).set_qualified_name(env.intern(""));
20924  bool decl_bases_different = !l.decl_base::operator==(r);
20925  const_cast<var_decl&>(l).set_qualified_name(n1);
20926  const_cast<var_decl&>(r).set_qualified_name(n2);
20928  if (decl_bases_different)
20929  {
20930  result = false;
20931  if (k)
20933  else
20935  }
20936  }
20937  else
20938  if (!l.decl_base::operator==(r))
20939  {
20940  result = false;
20941  if (k)
20943  else
20945  }
20947  const dm_context_rel* c0 =
20948  dynamic_cast<const dm_context_rel*>(l.get_context_rel());
20949  const dm_context_rel* c1 =
20950  dynamic_cast<const dm_context_rel*>(r.get_context_rel());
20951  ABG_ASSERT(c0 && c1);
20953  if (*c0 != *c1)
20954  {
20955  result = false;
20956  if (k)
20958  else
20960  }
20962  ABG_RETURN(result);
20963 }
20965 /// Compares two instances of @ref var_decl.
20966 ///
20967 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
20968 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
20969 ///
20970 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
20971 ///
20972 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
20973 ///
20974 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
20975 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
20976 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
20977 ///
20978 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
20979 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
20980 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
20981 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
20982 ///
20983 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
20984 bool
20985 equals(const var_decl& l, const var_decl& r, change_kind* k)
20986 {
20987  bool result = true;
20989  // First test types of variables. This should be fast because in
20990  // the general case, most types should be canonicalized.
20991  if (*l.get_naked_type() != *r.get_naked_type())
20992  {
20993  result = false;
20994  if (k)
20995  {
20997  r.get_naked_type()))
20998  *k |= (LOCAL_TYPE_CHANGE_KIND);
20999  else
21001  }
21002  else
21004  }
21006  result &= var_equals_modulo_types(l, r, k);
21008  ABG_RETURN(result);
21009 }
21011 /// Comparison operator of @ref var_decl.
21012 ///
21013 /// @param o the instance of @ref var_decl to compare against.
21014 ///
21015 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref var_decl equals @p o.
21016 bool
21018 {
21019  const var_decl* other = dynamic_cast<const var_decl*>(&o);
21020  if (!other)
21021  return false;
21023  return equals(*this, *other, 0);
21024 }
21026 /// Return an ID that tries to uniquely identify the variable inside a
21027 /// program or a library.
21028 ///
21029 /// So if the variable has an underlying elf symbol, the ID is the
21030 /// concatenation of the symbol name and its version. Otherwise, the
21031 /// ID is the linkage name if its non-null. Otherwise, it's the
21032 /// pretty representation of the variable.
21033 ///
21034 /// @return the ID.
21037 {
21038  if (priv_->id_.empty())
21039  {
21040  string repr = get_name();
21041  string sym_str;
21042  if (elf_symbol_sptr s = get_symbol())
21043  sym_str = s->get_id_string();
21044  else if (!get_linkage_name().empty())
21045  sym_str = get_linkage_name();
21047  const environment& env = get_type()->get_environment();
21048  priv_->id_ = env.intern(repr);
21049  if (!sym_str.empty())
21050  priv_->id_ = env.intern(priv_->id_ + "{" + sym_str + "}");
21051  }
21052  return priv_->id_;
21053 }
21055 /// Return the hash value for the current instance.
21056 ///
21057 /// @return the hash value.
21058 size_t
21060 {
21061  var_decl::hash hash_var;
21062  return hash_var(this);
21063 }
21065 /// Get the qualified name of a given variable or data member.
21066 ///
21067 ///
21068 /// Note that if the current instance of @ref var_decl is an anonymous
21069 /// data member, then the qualified name is actually the flat
21070 /// representation (the definition) of the type of the anonymous data
21071 /// member. We chose the flat representation because otherwise, the
21072 /// name of an *anonymous* data member is empty, by construction, e.g:
21073 ///
21074 /// struct foo {
21075 /// int a;
21076 /// union {
21077 /// char b;
21078 /// char c;
21079 /// }; // <---- this data member is anonymous.
21080 /// int d;
21081 /// }
21082 ///
21083 /// The string returned for the anonymous member here is going to be:
21084 ///
21085 /// "union {char b; char c}"
21086 ///
21087 /// @param internal if true then this is for a purpose to the library,
21088 /// otherwise, it's for being displayed to users.
21089 ///
21090 /// @return the resulting qualified name.
21091 const interned_string&
21092 var_decl::get_qualified_name(bool internal) const
21093 {
21094  if (is_anonymous_data_member(this)
21095  && decl_base::get_qualified_name().empty())
21096  {
21097  // Display the anonymous data member in a way that makes sense.
21098  string r = get_pretty_representation(internal);
21099  set_qualified_name(get_environment().intern(r));
21100  }
21102  return decl_base::get_qualified_name(internal);
21103 }
21105 /// Build and return the pretty representation of this variable.
21106 ///
21107 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
21108 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
21109 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
21110 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
21111 ///
21112 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
21113 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
21114 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
21115 /// for, then set it to false.
21116 ///
21117 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
21118 /// representation are fully qualified.
21119 ///
21120 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of this variable.
21121 string
21122 var_decl::get_pretty_representation(bool internal, bool qualified_name) const
21123 {
21124  string result;
21126  if (is_member_decl(this) && get_member_is_static(this))
21127  result = "static ";
21129  // Detect if the current instance of var_decl is a member of
21130  // an anonymous class or union.
21131  bool member_of_anonymous_class = false;
21132  if (class_or_union* scope = is_at_class_scope(this))
21133  if (scope->get_is_anonymous())
21134  member_of_anonymous_class = true;
21136  type_base_sptr type = get_type();
21137  if (is_array_type(type, /*look_through_qualifiers=*/true)
21138  || is_pointer_type(type, /*look_through_qualifiers=*/true)
21139  || is_reference_type(type, /*look_through_qualifiers=*/true)
21140  || is_ptr_to_mbr_type(type, /*look_through_qualifiers=*/true))
21141  {
21142  string name;
21143  if (member_of_anonymous_class || !qualified_name)
21144  name = get_name();
21145  else
21146  name = get_qualified_name(internal);
21148  if (qualified_type_def_sptr q = is_qualified_type(type))
21149  {
21150  string quals_repr =
21151  get_string_representation_of_cv_quals(q->get_cv_quals());
21152  if (!quals_repr.empty())
21153  name = quals_repr + " " + name;
21154  type = peel_qualified_type(type);
21155  }
21157  name = string(" ") + name;
21158  if (array_type_def_sptr t = is_array_type(type))
21159  result += array_declaration_name(t, name, qualified_name, internal);
21160  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr t = is_pointer_type(type))
21161  result += pointer_declaration_name(t, name, qualified_name, internal);
21162  else if (reference_type_def_sptr t = is_reference_type(type))
21163  result += pointer_declaration_name(t, name, qualified_name, internal);
21164  else if (ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr t = is_ptr_to_mbr_type(type))
21165  result += ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(t, name,
21166  qualified_name,
21167  internal);
21168  }
21169  else
21170  {
21171  if (/*The current var_decl is to be used as an anonymous data
21172  member. */
21173  get_name().empty())
21174  {
21175  // Display the anonymous data member in a way that
21176  // makes sense.
21177  result +=
21180  "", /*one_line=*/true, internal);
21181  }
21182  else if (data_member_has_anonymous_type(this))
21183  {
21186  "", /*one_line=*/true, internal);
21187  result += " ";
21188  if (!internal
21189  && (member_of_anonymous_class || !qualified_name))
21190  // It doesn't make sense to name the member of an
21191  // anonymous class or union like:
21192  // "__anonymous__::data_member_name". So let's just use
21193  // its non-qualified name.
21194  result += get_name();
21195  else
21196  result += get_qualified_name(internal);
21197  }
21198  else
21199  {
21200  result +=
21202  + " ";
21204  if (!internal
21205  && (member_of_anonymous_class || !qualified_name))
21206  // It doesn't make sense to name the member of an
21207  // anonymous class or union like:
21208  // "__anonymous__::data_member_name". So let's just use
21209  // its non-qualified name.
21210  result += get_name();
21211  else
21212  result += get_qualified_name(internal);
21213  }
21214  }
21215  return result;
21216 }
21218 /// Get a name that is valid even for an anonymous data member.
21219 ///
21220 /// If the current @ref var_decl is an anonymous data member, then
21221 /// return its pretty representation. As of now, that pretty
21222 /// representation is actually its flat representation as returned by
21223 /// get_class_or_union_flat_representation().
21224 ///
21225 /// Otherwise, just return the name of the current @ref var_decl.
21226 ///
21227 /// @param qualified if true, return the qualified name. This doesn't
21228 /// have an effet if the current @ref var_decl represents an anonymous
21229 /// data member.
21230 string
21232 {
21233  string name;
21234  if (is_anonymous_data_member(this))
21235  // This function is used in the comparison engine to determine
21236  // which anonymous data member was deleted. So it's not involved
21237  // in type comparison or canonicalization. We don't want to use
21238  // the 'internal' version of the pretty presentation.
21239  name = get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/false, qualified);
21240  else
21241  name = get_name();
21243  return name;
21244 }
21246 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
21247 /// function.
21248 ///
21249 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
21250 ///
21251 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
21252 /// otherwise.
21253 bool
21255 {
21256  if (visiting())
21257  return true;
21259  if (v.visit_begin(this))
21260  {
21261  visiting(true);
21262  if (type_base_sptr t = get_type())
21263  t->traverse(v);
21264  visiting(false);
21265  }
21266  return v.visit_end(this);
21267 }
21269 var_decl::~var_decl()
21270 {}
21272 // </var_decl definitions>
21274 /// This function is automatically invoked whenever an instance of
21275 /// this type is canonicalized.
21276 ///
21277 /// It's an overload of the virtual type_base::on_canonical_type_set.
21278 ///
21279 /// We put here what is thus meant to be executed only at the point of
21280 /// type canonicalization.
21281 void
21283 {
21284  priv_->cached_name_.clear();
21285  priv_->internal_cached_name_.clear();
21286 }
21288 /// The most straightforward constructor for the function_type class.
21289 ///
21290 /// @param return_type the return type of the function type.
21291 ///
21292 /// @param parms the list of parameters of the function type.
21293 /// Stricto sensu, we just need a list of types; we are using a list
21294 /// of parameters (where each parameter also carries the name of the
21295 /// parameter and its source location) to try and provide better
21296 /// diagnostics whenever it makes sense. If it appears that this
21297 /// wasts too many resources, we can fall back to taking just a
21298 /// vector of types here.
21299 ///
21300 /// @param size_in_bits the size of this type, in bits.
21301 ///
21302 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of this type, in bits.
21303 ///
21304 /// @param size_in_bits the size of this type.
21305 function_type::function_type(type_base_sptr return_type,
21306  const parameters& parms,
21307  size_t size_in_bits,
21308  size_t alignment_in_bits)
21309  : type_or_decl_base(return_type->get_environment(),
21311  type_base(return_type->get_environment(), size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21312  priv_(new priv(parms, return_type))
21313 {
21314  runtime_type_instance(this);
21316  for (parameters::size_type i = 0, j = 1;
21317  i < priv_->parms_.size();
21318  ++i, ++j)
21319  {
21320  if (i == 0 && priv_->parms_[i]->get_is_artificial())
21321  // If the first parameter is artificial, then it certainly
21322  // means that this is a member function, and the first
21323  // parameter is the implicit this pointer. In that case, set
21324  // the index of that implicit parameter to zero. Otherwise,
21325  // the index of the first parameter starts at one.
21326  j = 0;
21327  priv_->parms_[i]->set_index(j);
21328  }
21329 }
21331 /// A constructor for a function_type that takes no parameters.
21332 ///
21333 /// @param return_type the return type of this function_type.
21334 ///
21335 /// @param size_in_bits the size of this type, in bits.
21336 ///
21337 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of this type, in bits.
21338 function_type::function_type(type_base_sptr return_type,
21339  size_t size_in_bits, size_t alignment_in_bits)
21340  : type_or_decl_base(return_type->get_environment(),
21342  type_base(return_type->get_environment(), size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21343  priv_(new priv(return_type))
21344 {
21345  runtime_type_instance(this);
21346 }
21348 /// A constructor for a function_type that takes no parameter and
21349 /// that has no return_type yet. These missing parts can (and must)
21350 /// be added later.
21351 ///
21352 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
21353 ///
21354 /// @param size_in_bits the size of this type, in bits.
21355 ///
21356 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of this type, in bits.
21357 function_type::function_type(const environment& env,
21358  size_t size_in_bits,
21359  size_t alignment_in_bits)
21360  : type_or_decl_base(env, FUNCTION_TYPE | ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE),
21361  type_base(env, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21362  priv_(new priv)
21363 {
21364  runtime_type_instance(this);
21365 }
21367 /// Getter for the return type of the current instance of @ref
21368 /// function_type.
21369 ///
21370 /// @return the return type.
21371 type_base_sptr
21373 {return priv_->return_type_.lock();}
21375 /// Setter of the return type of the current instance of @ref
21376 /// function_type.
21377 ///
21378 /// @param t the new return type to set.
21379 void
21381 {priv_->return_type_ = t;}
21383 /// Getter for the set of parameters of the current intance of @ref
21384 /// function_type.
21385 ///
21386 /// @return the parameters of the current instance of @ref
21387 /// function_type.
21390 {return priv_->parms_;}
21392 /// Get the Ith parameter of the vector of parameters of the current
21393 /// instance of @ref function_type.
21394 ///
21395 /// Note that the first parameter is at index 0. That parameter is
21396 /// the first parameter that comes after the possible implicit "this"
21397 /// parameter, when the current instance @ref function_type is for a
21398 /// member function. Otherwise, if the current instance of @ref
21399 /// function_type is for a non-member function, the parameter at index
21400 /// 0 is the first parameter of the function.
21401 ///
21402 ///
21403 /// @param i the index of the parameter to return. If i is greater
21404 /// than the index of the last parameter, then this function returns
21405 /// an empty parameter (smart) pointer.
21406 ///
21407 /// @return the @p i th parameter that is not implicit.
21410 {
21411  parameter_sptr result;
21412  if (dynamic_cast<const method_type*>(this))
21413  {
21414  if (i + 1 < get_parameters().size())
21415  result = get_parameters()[i + 1];
21416  }
21417  else
21418  {
21419  if (i < get_parameters().size())
21420  result = get_parameters()[i];
21421  }
21422  return result;
21423 }
21425 /// Setter for the parameters of the current instance of @ref
21426 /// function_type.
21427 ///
21428 /// @param p the new vector of parameters to set.
21429 void
21431 {
21432  priv_->parms_ = p;
21433  for (parameters::size_type i = 0, j = 1;
21434  i < priv_->parms_.size();
21435  ++i, ++j)
21436  {
21437  if (i == 0 && priv_->parms_[i]->get_is_artificial())
21438  // If the first parameter is artificial, then it certainly
21439  // means that this is a member function, and the first
21440  // parameter is the implicit this pointer. In that case, set
21441  // the index of that implicit parameter to zero. Otherwise,
21442  // the index of the first parameter starts at one.
21443  j = 0;
21444  priv_->parms_[i]->set_index(j);
21445  }
21446 }
21448 /// Append a new parameter to the vector of parameters of the current
21449 /// instance of @ref function_type.
21450 ///
21451 /// @param parm the parameter to append.
21452 void
21454 {
21455  parm->set_index(priv_->parms_.size());
21456  priv_->parms_.push_back(parm);
21457 }
21459 /// Test if the current instance of @ref function_type is for a
21460 /// variadic function.
21461 ///
21462 /// A variadic function is a function that takes a variable number of
21463 /// arguments.
21464 ///
21465 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref function_type is for
21466 /// a variadic function.
21467 bool
21469 {
21470  return (!priv_->parms_.empty()
21471  && priv_->parms_.back()->get_variadic_marker());
21472 }
21474 /// Compare two function types.
21475 ///
21476 /// In case these function types are actually method types, this
21477 /// function avoids comparing two parameters (of the function types)
21478 /// if the types of the parameters are actually the types of the
21479 /// classes of the method types. This prevents infinite recursion
21480 /// during the comparison of two classes that are structurally
21481 /// identical.
21482 ///
21483 /// This is a subroutine of the equality operator of function_type.
21484 ///
21485 /// @param lhs the first function type to consider
21486 ///
21487 /// @param rhs the second function type to consider
21488 ///
21489 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield set by the function to give
21490 /// information about the kind of changes carried by @p lhs and @p
21491 /// rhs. It is set iff @p k is non-null and the function returns
21492 /// false.
21493 ///
21494 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
21495 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
21496 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
21497 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
21498 ///
21499 ///@return true if lhs == rhs, false otherwise.
21500 bool
21502 {
21507  {
21508  // First of all, let's see if these two function types haven't
21509  // already been compared. If so, and if the result of the
21510  // comparison has been cached, let's just re-use it, rather than
21511  // comparing them all over again.
21512  bool cached_result = false;
21513  if (l.get_environment().priv_->is_type_comparison_cached(l, r,
21514  cached_result))
21515  ABG_RETURN(cached_result);
21516  }
21520  bool result = true;
21522  if (!l.type_base::operator==(r))
21523  {
21524  result = false;
21525  if (k)
21527  else
21528  RETURN(result);
21529  }
21531  class_or_union* l_class = 0, *r_class = 0;
21532  if (const method_type* m = dynamic_cast<const method_type*>(&l))
21533  l_class = m->get_class_type().get();
21535  if (const method_type* m = dynamic_cast<const method_type*>(&r))
21536  r_class = m->get_class_type().get();
21538  // Compare the names of the class of the method
21540  if (!!l_class != !!r_class)
21541  {
21542  result = false;
21543  if (k)
21545  else
21546  RETURN(result);
21547  }
21548  else if (l_class
21549  && (l_class->get_qualified_name()
21550  != r_class->get_qualified_name()))
21551  {
21552  result = false;
21553  if (k)
21555  else
21556  RETURN(result);
21557  }
21559  // Then compare the return type; Beware if it's t's a class type
21560  // that is the same as the method class name; we can recurse for
21561  // ever in that case.
21563  decl_base* l_return_type_decl =
21565  decl_base* r_return_type_decl =
21567  bool compare_result_types = true;
21568  string l_rt_name = l_return_type_decl
21569  ? l_return_type_decl->get_qualified_name()
21570  : string();
21571  string r_rt_name = r_return_type_decl
21572  ? r_return_type_decl->get_qualified_name()
21573  : string();
21575  if ((l_class && (l_class->get_qualified_name() == l_rt_name))
21576  ||
21577  (r_class && (r_class->get_qualified_name() == r_rt_name)))
21578  compare_result_types = false;
21580  if (compare_result_types)
21581  {
21582  // Let's not consider typedefs when comparing return types to
21583  // avoid spurious changes.
21584  //
21585  // TODO: We should also do this for parameter types, or rather,
21586  // we should teach the equality operators in the IR, at some
21587  // point, to peel typedefs off.
21589  !=
21591  {
21592  result = false;
21593  if (k)
21594  {
21596  r.get_return_type()))
21598  else
21600  }
21601  else
21602  RETURN(result);
21603  }
21604  }
21605  else
21606  if (l_rt_name != r_rt_name)
21607  {
21608  result = false;
21609  if (k)
21611  else
21612  RETURN(result);
21613  }
21615  vector<shared_ptr<function_decl::parameter> >::const_iterator i,j;
21616  for (i = l.get_first_parm(), j = r.get_first_parm();
21617  i != l.get_parameters().end() && j != r.get_parameters().end();
21618  ++i, ++j)
21619  {
21620  if (**i != **j)
21621  {
21622  result = false;
21623  if (k)
21624  {
21625  if (!types_have_similar_structure((*i)->get_type(),
21626  (*j)->get_type()))
21628  else
21630  }
21631  else
21632  RETURN(result);
21633  }
21634  }
21636  if ((i != l.get_parameters().end()
21637  || j != r.get_parameters().end()))
21638  {
21639  result = false;
21640  if (k)
21642  else
21643  RETURN(result);
21644  }
21646  RETURN(result);
21647 #undef RETURN
21648 }
21650 /// Get the first parameter of the function.
21651 ///
21652 /// If the function is a non-static member function, the parameter
21653 /// returned is the first one following the implicit 'this' parameter.
21654 ///
21655 /// @return the first non implicit parameter of the function.
21656 function_type::parameters::const_iterator
21658 {
21659  if (get_parameters().empty())
21660  return get_parameters().end();
21662  bool is_method = dynamic_cast<const method_type*>(this);
21664  parameters::const_iterator i = get_parameters().begin();
21666  if (is_method)
21667  ++i;
21669  return i;
21670 }
21672 /// Get the first parameter of the function.
21673 ///
21674 /// Note that if the function is a non-static member function, the
21675 /// parameter returned is the implicit 'this' parameter.
21676 ///
21677 /// @return the first parameter of the function.
21678 function_type::parameters::const_iterator
21680 {return get_parameters().begin();}
21682 /// Get the name of the current @ref function_type.
21683 ///
21684 /// The name is retrieved from a cache. If the cache is empty, this
21685 /// function computes the name of the type, stores it in the cache and
21686 /// returns it. Subsequent invocation of the function are going to
21687 /// just hit the cache.
21688 ///
21689 /// Note that if the type is *NOT* canonicalized then function type
21690 /// name is never cached.
21691 ///
21692 /// @param internal if true then it means the function type name is
21693 /// going to be used for purposes that are internal to libabigail
21694 /// itself. If you don't know what this is then you probably should
21695 /// set this parameter to 'false'.
21696 ///
21697 /// @return the name of the function type.
21698 const interned_string&
21700 {
21701  if (internal)
21702  {
21704  {
21705  if (priv_->internal_cached_name_.empty())
21706  priv_->internal_cached_name_ =
21707  get_function_type_name(this, /*internal=*/true);
21708  return priv_->internal_cached_name_;
21709  }
21710  else
21711  {
21712  if (priv_->temp_internal_cached_name_.empty())
21713  priv_->temp_internal_cached_name_ =
21714  get_function_type_name(this, /*internal=*/true);
21715  return priv_->temp_internal_cached_name_;
21716  }
21717  }
21718  else
21719  {
21721  {
21722  if (priv_->cached_name_.empty())
21723  priv_->cached_name_ =
21724  get_function_type_name(this, /*internal=*/false);
21725  return priv_->cached_name_;
21726  }
21727  else
21728  {
21729  priv_->cached_name_ =
21730  get_function_type_name(this, /*internal=*/false);
21731  return priv_->cached_name_;
21732  }
21733  }
21734 }
21736 /// Equality operator for function_type.
21737 ///
21738 /// @param o the other function_type to compare against.
21739 ///
21740 /// @return true iff the two function_type are equal.
21741 bool
21743 {
21744  const function_type* o = dynamic_cast<const function_type*>(&other);
21745  if (!o)
21746  return false;
21747  return try_canonical_compare(this, o);
21748 }
21750 /// Return a copy of the pretty representation of the current @ref
21751 /// function_type.
21752 ///
21753 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
21754 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
21755 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
21756 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
21757 ///
21758 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
21759 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
21760 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
21761 /// for, then set it to false.
21762 ///
21763 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of the current @ref
21764 /// function_type.
21765 string
21767  bool /*qualified_name*/) const
21768 {return ir::get_pretty_representation(this, internal);}
21770 /// Traverses an instance of @ref function_type, visiting all the
21771 /// sub-types and decls that it might contain.
21772 ///
21773 /// @param v the visitor that is used to visit every IR sub-node of
21774 /// the current node.
21775 ///
21776 /// @return true if either
21777 /// - all the children nodes of the current IR node were traversed
21778 /// and the calling code should keep going with the traversing.
21779 /// - or the current IR node is already being traversed.
21780 /// Otherwise, returning false means that the calling code should not
21781 /// keep traversing the tree.
21782 bool
21784 {
21785  // TODO: should we allow the walker to avoid visiting function type
21786  // twice? I think that if we do, then ir_node_visitor needs an
21787  // option to specifically disallow this feature for function types.
21789  if (visiting())
21790  return true;
21792  if (v.visit_begin(this))
21793  {
21794  visiting(true);
21795  bool keep_going = true;
21797  if (type_base_sptr t = get_return_type())
21798  {
21799  if (!t->traverse(v))
21800  keep_going = false;
21801  }
21803  if (keep_going)
21804  for (parameters::const_iterator i = get_parameters().begin();
21805  i != get_parameters().end();
21806  ++i)
21807  if (type_base_sptr parm_type = (*i)->get_type())
21808  if (!parm_type->traverse(v))
21809  break;
21811  visiting(false);
21812  }
21813  return v.visit_end(this);
21814 }
21816 function_type::~function_type()
21817 {}
21818 // </function_type>
21820 // <method_type>
21822 struct method_type::priv
21823 {
21824  class_or_union_wptr class_type_;
21825  bool is_const;
21827  priv()
21828  : is_const()
21829  {}
21830 }; // end struct method_type::priv
21832 /// Constructor for instances of method_type.
21833 ///
21834 /// Instances of method_decl must be of type method_type.
21835 ///
21836 /// @param return_type the type of the return value of the method.
21837 ///
21838 /// @param class_type the base type of the method type. That is, the
21839 /// type of the class the method belongs to.
21840 ///
21841 /// @param p the vector of the parameters of the method.
21842 ///
21843 /// @param is_const whether this method type is for a const method.
21844 /// Note that const-ness is a property of the method *type* and of the
21845 /// relationship between a method *declaration* and its scope.
21846 ///
21847 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of method_type,
21848 /// expressed in bits.
21849 ///
21850 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of an instance of
21851 /// method_type, expressed in bits.
21852 method_type::method_type (type_base_sptr return_type,
21853  class_or_union_sptr class_type,
21854  const std::vector<function_decl::parameter_sptr>& p,
21855  bool is_const,
21856  size_t size_in_bits,
21857  size_t alignment_in_bits)
21858  : type_or_decl_base(class_type->get_environment(),
21860  type_base(class_type->get_environment(), size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21861  function_type(return_type, p, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21862  priv_(new priv)
21863 {
21864  runtime_type_instance(this);
21865  set_class_type(class_type);
21866  set_is_const(is_const);
21867 }
21869 /// Constructor of instances of method_type.
21870 ///
21871 ///Instances of method_decl must be of type method_type.
21872 ///
21873 /// @param return_type the type of the return value of the method.
21874 ///
21875 /// @param class_type the type of the class the method belongs to.
21876 /// The actual (dynamic) type of class_type must be a pointer
21877 /// class_type. We are setting it to pointer to type_base here to
21878 /// help client code that is compiled without rtti and thus cannot
21879 /// perform dynamic casts.
21880 ///
21881 /// @param p the vector of the parameters of the method type.
21882 ///
21883 /// @param is_const whether this method type is for a const method.
21884 /// Note that const-ness is a property of the method *type* and of the
21885 /// relationship between a method *declaration* and its scope.
21886 ///
21887 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of method_type,
21888 /// expressed in bits.
21889 ///
21890 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of an instance of
21891 /// method_type, expressed in bits.
21892 method_type::method_type(type_base_sptr return_type,
21893  type_base_sptr class_type,
21894  const std::vector<function_decl::parameter_sptr>& p,
21895  bool is_const,
21896  size_t size_in_bits,
21897  size_t alignment_in_bits)
21898  : type_or_decl_base(class_type->get_environment(),
21900  type_base(class_type->get_environment(), size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21901  function_type(return_type, p, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21902  priv_(new priv)
21903 {
21904  runtime_type_instance(this);
21905  set_class_type(is_class_type(class_type));
21906  set_is_const(is_const);
21907 }
21909 /// Constructor of the qualified_type_def
21910 ///
21911 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
21912 ///
21913 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the type, expressed in bits.
21914 ///
21915 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of the type, expressed in bits
21916 method_type::method_type(const environment& env,
21917  size_t size_in_bits,
21918  size_t alignment_in_bits)
21919  : type_or_decl_base(env, METHOD_TYPE | ABSTRACT_TYPE_BASE | FUNCTION_TYPE),
21920  type_base(env, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21921  function_type(env, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21922  priv_(new priv)
21923 {
21924  runtime_type_instance(this);
21925 }
21927 /// Constructor of instances of method_type.
21928 ///
21929 /// When constructed with this constructor, and instane of method_type
21930 /// must set a return type using method_type::set_return_type
21931 ///
21932 /// @param class_typ the base type of the method type. That is, the
21933 /// type of the class (or union) the method belongs to.
21934 ///
21935 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of method_type,
21936 /// expressed in bits.
21937 ///
21938 /// @param alignment_in_bits the alignment of an instance of
21939 /// method_type, expressed in bits.
21940 method_type::method_type(class_or_union_sptr class_type,
21941  bool is_const,
21942  size_t size_in_bits,
21943  size_t alignment_in_bits)
21944  : type_or_decl_base(class_type->get_environment(),
21946  type_base(class_type->get_environment(), size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits),
21947  function_type(class_type->get_environment(),
21948  size_in_bits,
21949  alignment_in_bits),
21950  priv_(new priv)
21951 {
21952  runtime_type_instance(this);
21953  set_class_type(class_type);
21954  set_is_const(is_const);
21955 }
21957 /// Get the class type this method belongs to.
21958 ///
21959 /// @return the class type.
21960 class_or_union_sptr
21962 {return class_or_union_sptr(priv_->class_type_);}
21964 /// Sets the class type of the current instance of method_type.
21965 ///
21966 /// The class type is the type of the class the method belongs to.
21967 ///
21968 /// @param t the new class type to set.
21969 void
21970 method_type::set_class_type(const class_or_union_sptr& t)
21971 {
21972  if (!t)
21973  return;
21975  priv_->class_type_ = t;
21976 }
21978 /// Return a copy of the pretty representation of the current @ref
21979 /// method_type.
21980 ///
21981 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
21982 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
21983 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
21984 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
21985 ///
21986 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
21987 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
21988 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
21989 /// for, then set it to false.
21990 ///
21991 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of the current @ref
21992 /// method_type.
21993 string
21995  bool /*qualified_name*/) const
21996 {return ir::get_pretty_representation(*this, internal);}
21998 /// Setter of the "is-const" property of @ref method_type.
21999 ///
22000 /// @param the new value of the "is-const" property.
22001 void
22003 {priv_->is_const = f;}
22005 /// Getter of the "is-const" property of @ref method_type.
22006 ///
22007 /// @return true iff the "is-const" property was set.
22008 bool
22010 {return priv_->is_const;}
22012 /// The destructor of method_type
22014 {}
22016 // </method_type>
22018 // <function_decl definitions>
22020 struct function_decl::priv
22021 {
22022  bool declared_inline_;
22023  decl_base::binding binding_;
22024  function_type_wptr type_;
22025  function_type* naked_type_;
22026  elf_symbol_sptr symbol_;
22027  interned_string id_;
22029  priv()
22030  : declared_inline_(false),
22031  binding_(decl_base::BINDING_GLOBAL),
22032  naked_type_()
22033  {}
22035  priv(function_type_sptr t,
22036  bool declared_inline,
22038  : declared_inline_(declared_inline),
22039  binding_(binding),
22040  type_(t),
22041  naked_type_(t.get())
22042  {}
22044  priv(function_type_sptr t,
22045  bool declared_inline,
22047  elf_symbol_sptr s)
22048  : declared_inline_(declared_inline),
22049  binding_(binding),
22050  type_(t),
22051  naked_type_(t.get()),
22052  symbol_(s)
22053  {}
22054 }; // end sruct function_decl::priv
22056 /// Constructor of the @ref function_decl.
22057 ///
22058 /// @param name the name of the function.
22059 ///
22060 /// @param function_type the type of the function.
22061 ///
22062 /// @param declared_inline wether the function is declared inline.
22063 ///
22064 /// @param locus the source location of the function.
22065 ///
22066 /// @param mangled_name the linkage name of the function.
22067 ///
22068 /// @param vis the visibility of the function.
22069 ///
22070 /// @param bind the binding of the function.
22071 function_decl::function_decl(const string& name,
22073  bool declared_inline,
22074  const location& locus,
22075  const string& mangled_name,
22076  visibility vis,
22077  binding bind)
22078  : type_or_decl_base(function_type->get_environment(),
22080  decl_base(function_type->get_environment(), name, locus, mangled_name, vis),
22081  priv_(new priv(function_type, declared_inline, bind))
22082 {
22083  runtime_type_instance(this);
22084 }
22086 /// Constructor of the function_decl type.
22087 ///
22088 /// This flavour of constructor is for when the pointer to the
22089 /// instance of function_type that the client code has is presented as
22090 /// a pointer to type_base. In that case, this constructor saves the
22091 /// client code from doing a dynamic_cast to get the function_type
22092 /// pointer.
22093 ///
22094 /// @param name the name of the function declaration.
22095 ///
22096 /// @param fn_type the type of the function declaration. The dynamic
22097 /// type of this parameter should be 'pointer to function_type'
22098 ///
22099 /// @param declared_inline whether this function was declared inline
22100 ///
22101 /// @param locus the source location of the function declaration.
22102 ///
22103 /// @param linkage_name the mangled name of the function declaration.
22104 ///
22105 /// @param vis the visibility of the function declaration.
22106 ///
22107 /// @param bind the kind of the binding of the function
22108 /// declaration.
22109 function_decl::function_decl(const string& name,
22110  type_base_sptr fn_type,
22111  bool declared_inline,
22112  const location& locus,
22113  const string& linkage_name,
22114  visibility vis,
22115  binding bind)
22116  : type_or_decl_base(fn_type->get_environment(),
22118  decl_base(fn_type->get_environment(), name, locus, linkage_name, vis),
22119  priv_(new priv(dynamic_pointer_cast<function_type>(fn_type),
22120  declared_inline,
22121  bind))
22122 {
22123  runtime_type_instance(this);
22124 }
22126 /// Get the pretty representation of the current instance of @ref function_decl.
22127 ///
22128 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
22129 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
22130 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
22131 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
22132 ///
22133 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
22134 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
22135 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
22136 /// for, then set it to false.
22137 ///
22138 /// @return the pretty representation for a function.
22139 string
22141  bool qualified_name) const
22142 {
22143  const method_decl* mem_fn =
22144  dynamic_cast<const method_decl*>(this);
22146  string fn_prefix = mem_fn ? "method ": "function ";
22147  string result;
22149  if (mem_fn
22150  && is_member_function(mem_fn)
22151  && get_member_function_is_virtual(mem_fn))
22152  fn_prefix += "virtual ";
22154  decl_base_sptr return_type;
22155  if ((mem_fn
22156  && is_member_function(mem_fn)
22157  && (get_member_function_is_dtor(*mem_fn)
22158  || get_member_function_is_ctor(*mem_fn))))
22159  /*cdtors do not have return types. */;
22160  else
22161  return_type = mem_fn
22162  ? get_type_declaration(mem_fn->get_type()->get_return_type())
22165  result = get_pretty_representation_of_declarator(internal);
22166  if (return_type)
22167  {
22168  if (is_npaf_type(is_type(return_type))
22169  || !(is_pointer_to_function_type(is_type(return_type))
22170  || is_pointer_to_array_type(is_type(return_type))))
22171  result = get_type_name(is_type(return_type).get(), qualified_name,
22172  internal) + " " + result;
22173  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr p =
22174  is_pointer_to_function_type(is_type(return_type)))
22175  result = add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(p, result,
22176  /*qualified=*/true,
22177  internal);
22178  else if(pointer_type_def_sptr p =
22179  is_pointer_to_array_type(is_type(return_type)))
22180  result = add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(p, result,
22181  qualified_name,
22182  internal);
22183  else
22185  }
22187  return fn_prefix + result;
22188 }
22190 /// Compute and return the pretty representation for the part of the
22191 /// function declaration that starts at the declarator. That is, the
22192 /// return type and the other specifiers of the beginning of the
22193 /// function's declaration ar omitted.
22194 ///
22195 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
22196 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
22197 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
22198 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
22199 ///
22200 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
22201 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
22202 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
22203 /// for, then set it to false.
22204 ///
22205 /// @return the pretty representation for the part of the function
22206 /// declaration that starts at the declarator.
22207 string
22209 {
22210  const method_decl* mem_fn =
22211  dynamic_cast<const method_decl*>(this);
22213  string result;
22215  if (mem_fn)
22216  {
22217  result += mem_fn->get_type()->get_class_type()->get_qualified_name()
22218  + "::" + mem_fn->get_name();
22219  }
22220  else
22221  result += get_qualified_name();
22223  std::ostringstream fn_parms;
22224  stream_pretty_representation_of_fn_parms(*get_type(),
22225  fn_parms,
22226  /*qualified=*/true,
22227  internal);
22228  result += fn_parms.str();
22230  if (mem_fn
22231  &&((is_member_function(mem_fn) && get_member_function_is_const(*mem_fn))
22232  || is_method_type(mem_fn->get_type())->get_is_const()))
22233  result += " const";
22235  return result;
22236 }
22238 /// Getter for the first non-implicit parameter of a function decl.
22239 ///
22240 /// If the function is a non-static member function, the parameter
22241 /// returned is the first one following the implicit 'this' parameter.
22242 ///
22243 /// @return the first non implicit parm.
22244 function_decl::parameters::const_iterator
22246 {
22247  if (get_parameters().empty())
22248  return get_parameters().end();
22250  bool is_method = dynamic_cast<const method_decl*>(this);
22252  parameters::const_iterator i = get_parameters().begin();
22253  if (is_method)
22254  ++i;
22256  return i;
22257 }
22259 /// Return the type of the current instance of @ref function_decl.
22260 ///
22261 /// It's either a function_type or method_type.
22262 /// @return the type of the current instance of @ref function_decl.
22263 const shared_ptr<function_type>
22265 {return priv_->type_.lock();}
22267 /// Fast getter of the type of the current instance of @ref function_decl.
22268 ///
22269 /// Note that this function returns the underlying pointer managed by
22270 /// the smart pointer returned by function_decl::get_type(). It's
22271 /// faster than function_decl::get_type(). This getter is to be used
22272 /// in code paths that are proven to be performance hot spots;
22273 /// especially (for instance) when comparing function types. Those
22274 /// are compared extremely frequently when libabigail is used to
22275 /// handle huge binaries with a lot of functions.
22276 ///
22277 /// @return the type of the current instance of @ref function_decl.
22278 const function_type*
22280 {return priv_->naked_type_;}
22282 void
22283 function_decl::set_type(const function_type_sptr& fn_type)
22284 {
22285  priv_->type_ = fn_type;
22286  priv_->naked_type_ = fn_type.get();
22287 }
22289 /// This sets the underlying ELF symbol for the current function decl.
22290 ///
22291 /// And underlyin$g ELF symbol for the current function decl might
22292 /// exist only if the corpus that this function decl originates from
22293 /// was constructed from an ELF binary file.
22294 ///
22295 /// Note that comparing two function decls that have underlying ELF
22296 /// symbols involves comparing their underlying elf symbols. The decl
22297 /// name for the function thus becomes irrelevant in the comparison.
22298 ///
22299 /// @param sym the new ELF symbol for this function decl.
22300 void
22302 {
22303  priv_->symbol_ = sym;
22304  // The function id cache that depends on the symbol must be
22305  // invalidated because the symbol changed.
22306  priv_->id_ = get_environment().intern("");
22307 }
22309 /// Gets the the underlying ELF symbol for the current variable,
22310 /// that was set using function_decl::set_symbol(). Please read the
22311 /// documentation for that member function for more information about
22312 /// "underlying ELF symbols".
22313 ///
22314 /// @return sym the underlying ELF symbol for this function decl, if
22315 /// one exists.
22316 const elf_symbol_sptr&
22318 {return priv_->symbol_;}
22320 /// Test if the function was declared inline.
22321 ///
22322 /// @return true iff the function was declared inline.
22323 bool
22325 {return priv_->declared_inline_;}
22327 /// Set the property of the function being declared inline.
22328 ///
22329 /// @param value true iff the function was declared inline.
22330 void
22332 {priv_->declared_inline_ = value;}
22335 function_decl::get_binding() const
22336 {return priv_->binding_;}
22338 /// @return the return type of the current instance of function_decl.
22339 const shared_ptr<type_base>
22341 {return get_type()->get_return_type();}
22343 /// @return the parameters of the function.
22344 const std::vector<shared_ptr<function_decl::parameter> >&
22346 {return get_type()->get_parameters();}
22348 /// Append a parameter to the type of this function.
22349 ///
22350 /// @param parm the parameter to append.
22351 void
22352 function_decl::append_parameter(shared_ptr<parameter> parm)
22353 {get_type()->append_parameter(parm);}
22355 /// Append a vector of parameters to the type of this function.
22356 ///
22357 /// @param parms the vector of parameters to append.
22358 void
22359 function_decl::append_parameters(std::vector<shared_ptr<parameter> >& parms)
22360 {
22361  for (std::vector<shared_ptr<parameter> >::const_iterator i = parms.begin();
22362  i != parms.end();
22363  ++i)
22364  get_type()->append_parameter(*i);
22365 }
22367 /// Create a new instance of function_decl that is a clone of the
22368 /// current one.
22369 ///
22370 /// @return the new clone.
22373 {
22375  if (is_member_function(*this))
22376  {
22377  method_decl_sptr
22378  m(new method_decl(get_name(),
22379  get_type(),
22381  get_location(),
22382  get_linkage_name(),
22383  get_visibility(),
22384  get_binding()));
22386  ABG_ASSERT(scope);
22390  get_member_is_static(*this),
22394  f = m;
22395  }
22396  else
22397  {
22398  f.reset(new function_decl(get_name(),
22399  get_type(),
22401  get_location(),
22402  get_linkage_name(),
22403  get_visibility(),
22404  get_binding()));
22406  }
22407  f->set_symbol(get_symbol());
22409  return f;
22410 }
22412 /// Compares two instances of @ref function_decl.
22413 ///
22414 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
22415 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
22416 ///
22417 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
22418 ///
22419 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
22420 ///
22421 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
22422 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
22423 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
22424 ///
22425 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
22426 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
22427 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
22428 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
22429 ///
22430 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
22431 bool
22433 {
22434  bool result = true;
22436  // Compare function types
22437  const type_base* t0 = l.get_naked_type(), *t1 = r.get_naked_type();
22438  if (t0 == t1 || *t0 == *t1)
22439  ; // the types are equal, let's move on to compare the other
22440  // properties of the functions.
22441  else
22442  {
22443  result = false;
22444  if (k)
22445  {
22446  if (!types_have_similar_structure(t0, t1))
22448  else
22450  }
22451  else
22453  }
22455  const elf_symbol_sptr &s0 = l.get_symbol(), &s1 = r.get_symbol();
22456  if (!!s0 != !!s1)
22457  {
22458  result = false;
22459  if (k)
22461  else
22463  }
22464  else if (s0 && s0 != s1)
22465  {
22466  if (!elf_symbols_alias(s0, s1))
22467  {
22468  result = false;
22469  if (k)
22471  else
22473  }
22474  }
22475  bool symbols_are_equal = (s0 && s1 && result);
22477  if (symbols_are_equal)
22478  {
22479  // The functions have underlying elf symbols that are equal,
22480  // so now, let's compare the decl_base part of the functions
22481  // w/o considering their decl names.
22482  interned_string n1 = l.get_name(), n2 = r.get_name();
22483  interned_string ln1 = l.get_linkage_name(), ln2 = r.get_linkage_name();
22484  const_cast<function_decl&>(l).set_name("");
22485  const_cast<function_decl&>(l).set_linkage_name("");
22486  const_cast<function_decl&>(r).set_name("");
22487  const_cast<function_decl&>(r).set_linkage_name("");
22489  bool decl_bases_different = !l.decl_base::operator==(r);
22491  const_cast<function_decl&>(l).set_name(n1);
22492  const_cast<function_decl&>(l).set_linkage_name(ln1);
22493  const_cast<function_decl&>(r).set_name(n2);
22494  const_cast<function_decl&>(r).set_linkage_name(ln2);
22496  if (decl_bases_different)
22497  {
22498  result = false;
22499  if (k)
22501  else
22503  }
22504  }
22505  else
22506  if (!l.decl_base::operator==(r))
22507  {
22508  result = false;
22509  if (k)
22511  else
22513  }
22515  // Compare the remaining properties. Note that we don't take into
22516  // account the fact that the function was declared inline or not as
22517  // that doesn't have any impact on the final ABI.
22518  if (l.get_binding() != r.get_binding())
22519  {
22520  result = false;
22521  if (k)
22523  else
22525  }
22528  {
22529  result = false;
22530  if (k)
22532  else
22534  }
22537  {
22538  if (!((get_member_function_is_ctor(l)
22542  && (get_member_is_static(l)
22543  == get_member_is_static(r))
22550  {
22551  result = false;
22552  if (k)
22554  else
22556  }
22557  }
22559  ABG_RETURN(result);
22560 }
22562 /// Comparison operator for @ref function_decl.
22563 ///
22564 /// @param other the other instance of @ref function_decl to compare
22565 /// against.
22566 ///
22567 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref function_decl equals
22568 /// @p other.
22569 bool
22571 {
22572  const function_decl* o = dynamic_cast<const function_decl*>(&other);
22573  if (!o)
22574  return false;
22575  return equals(*this, *o, 0);
22576 }
22578 /// Return true iff the function takes a variable number of
22579 /// parameters.
22580 ///
22581 /// @return true if the function taks a variable number
22582 /// of parameters.
22583 bool
22585 {
22586  return (!get_parameters().empty()
22587  && get_parameters().back()->get_variadic_marker());
22588 }
22590 /// The virtual implementation of 'get_hash' for a function_decl.
22591 ///
22592 /// This allows decl_base::get_hash to work for function_decls.
22593 ///
22594 /// @return the hash value for function decl.
22595 size_t
22597 {
22598  function_decl::hash hash_fn;
22599  return hash_fn(*this);
22600 }
22602 /// Return an ID that tries to uniquely identify the function inside a
22603 /// program or a library.
22604 ///
22605 /// So if the function has an underlying elf symbol, the ID is the
22606 /// concatenation of the symbol name and its version. Otherwise, the
22607 /// ID is the linkage name if its non-null. Otherwise, it's the
22608 /// pretty representation of the function.
22609 ///
22610 /// @return the ID.
22613 {
22614  if (priv_->id_.empty())
22615  {
22616  const environment& env = get_type()->get_environment();
22617  if (elf_symbol_sptr s = get_symbol())
22618  {
22619  string virtual_member_suffix;
22620  if (is_member_function(this))
22621  {
22622  method_decl* m = is_method_decl(this);
22623  ABG_ASSERT(m);
22625  {
22627  (m->get_type()->get_class_type(),
22628  /*look_through_decl_only=*/true))
22629  virtual_member_suffix += "/o";
22630  }
22631  }
22632  if (s->has_aliases())
22633  // The symbol has several aliases, so let's use a scheme
22634  // that allows all aliased functions to have different
22635  // IDs.
22636  priv_->id_ = env.intern(get_name() + "/" + s->get_id_string());
22637  else
22638  // Let's use the full symbol name with its version as ID.
22639  priv_->id_ = env.intern(s->get_id_string());
22641  if (!virtual_member_suffix.empty())
22642  priv_->id_ = env.intern(priv_->id_ + virtual_member_suffix);
22643  }
22644  else if (!get_linkage_name().empty())
22645  priv_->id_= env.intern(get_linkage_name());
22646  else
22647  priv_->id_ = env.intern(get_pretty_representation());
22648  }
22649  return priv_->id_;
22650 }
22652 /// Test if two function declarations are aliases.
22653 ///
22654 /// Two functions declarations are aliases if their symbols are
22655 /// aliases, in the ELF sense.
22656 ///
22657 /// @param f1 the first function to consider.
22658 ///
22659 /// @param f2 the second function to consider.
22660 ///
22661 /// @return true iff @p f1 is an alias of @p f2
22662 bool
22664 {
22665  elf_symbol_sptr s1 = f1.get_symbol(), s2 = f2.get_symbol();
22667  if (!s1 || !s2)
22668  return false;
22670  return elf_symbols_alias(s1, s2);
22671 }
22673 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
22674 /// function.
22675 ///
22676 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance.
22677 ///
22678 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
22679 /// otherwise.
22680 bool
22682 {
22683  if (visiting())
22684  return true;
22686  if (v.visit_begin(this))
22687  {
22688  visiting(true);
22689  if (type_base_sptr t = get_type())
22690  t->traverse(v);
22691  visiting(false);
22692  }
22693  return v.visit_end(this);
22694 }
22696 /// Destructor of the @ref function_decl type.
22698 {delete priv_;}
22700 /// A deep comparison operator for a shared pointer to @ref function_decl
22701 ///
22702 /// This function compares to shared pointers to @ref function_decl by
22703 /// looking at the pointed-to instances of @ref function_dec
22704 /// comparing them too. If the two pointed-to objects are equal then
22705 /// this function returns true.
22706 ///
22707 /// @param l the left-hand side argument of the equality operator.
22708 ///
22709 /// @param r the right-hand side argument of the equality operator.
22710 ///
22711 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
22712 bool
22714 {
22715  if (l.get() == r.get())
22716  return true;
22717  if (!!l != !!r)
22718  return false;
22720  return *l == *r;
22721 }
22723 /// A deep inequality operator for smart pointers to functions.
22724 ///
22725 /// @param l the left-hand side argument of the inequality operator.
22726 ///
22727 /// @pram r the right-hand side argument of the inequality operator.
22728 ///
22729 /// @return true iff @p is not equal to @p r.
22730 bool
22732 {return !operator==(l, r);}
22734 // <function_decl definitions>
22736 // <function_decl::parameter definitions>
22738 struct function_decl::parameter::priv
22739 {
22740  type_base_wptr type_;
22741  unsigned index_;
22742  bool variadic_marker_;
22744  priv()
22745  : index_(),
22746  variadic_marker_()
22747  {}
22749  priv(type_base_sptr type,
22750  unsigned index,
22751  bool variadic_marker)
22752  : type_(type),
22753  index_(index),
22754  variadic_marker_(variadic_marker)
22755  {}
22756 };// end struct function_decl::parameter::priv
22758 function_decl::parameter::parameter(const type_base_sptr type,
22759  unsigned index,
22760  const string& name,
22761  const location& loc,
22762  bool is_variadic)
22763  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(),
22765  decl_base(type->get_environment(), name, loc),
22766  priv_(new priv(type, index, is_variadic))
22767 {
22768  runtime_type_instance(this);
22769 }
22771 function_decl::parameter::parameter(const type_base_sptr type,
22772  unsigned index,
22773  const string& name,
22774  const location& loc,
22775  bool is_variadic,
22776  bool is_artificial)
22777  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(),
22779  decl_base(type->get_environment(), name, loc),
22780  priv_(new priv(type, index, is_variadic))
22781 {
22782  runtime_type_instance(this);
22783  set_is_artificial(is_artificial);
22784 }
22786 function_decl::parameter::parameter(const type_base_sptr type,
22787  const string& name,
22788  const location& loc,
22789  bool is_variadic,
22790  bool is_artificial)
22791  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(),
22793  decl_base(type->get_environment(), name, loc),
22794  priv_(new priv(type, 0, is_variadic))
22795 {
22796  runtime_type_instance(this);
22797  set_is_artificial(is_artificial);
22798 }
22800 function_decl::parameter::parameter(const type_base_sptr type,
22801  unsigned index,
22802  bool variad)
22803  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(),
22805  decl_base(type->get_environment(), "", location()),
22806  priv_(new priv(type, index, variad))
22807 {
22808  runtime_type_instance(this);
22809 }
22811 function_decl::parameter::~parameter() = default;
22813 const type_base_sptr
22814 function_decl::parameter::get_type()const
22815 {return priv_->type_.lock();}
22817 /// @return a copy of the type name of the parameter.
22818 interned_string
22820 {
22821  const environment& env = get_environment();
22823  type_base_sptr t = get_type();
22824  string str;
22825  if (get_variadic_marker() || env.is_variadic_parameter_type(t))
22826  str = "...";
22827  else
22828  {
22829  ABG_ASSERT(t);
22830  str = abigail::ir::get_type_name(t);
22831  }
22832  return env.intern(str);
22833 }
22835 /// @return a copy of the pretty representation of the type of the
22836 /// parameter.
22837 const string
22839 {
22840  type_base_sptr t = get_type();
22841  string str;
22842  if (get_variadic_marker()
22843  || get_environment().is_variadic_parameter_type(t))
22844  str = "...";
22845  else
22846  {
22847  ABG_ASSERT(t);
22849  }
22850  return str;
22851 }
22853 /// Get a name uniquely identifying the parameter in the function.
22854 ///
22855 ///@return the unique parm name id.
22858 {
22859  const environment& env = get_environment();
22862  std::ostringstream o;
22863  o << "parameter-" << get_index();
22865  return env.intern(o.str());
22866 }
22868 unsigned
22869 function_decl::parameter::get_index() const
22870 {return priv_->index_;}
22872 void
22873 function_decl::parameter::set_index(unsigned i)
22874 {priv_->index_ = i;}
22877 bool
22878 function_decl::parameter::get_variadic_marker() const
22879 {return priv_->variadic_marker_;}
22881 /// Compares two instances of @ref function_decl::parameter.
22882 ///
22883 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
22884 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
22885 ///
22886 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
22887 ///
22888 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
22889 ///
22890 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
22891 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
22892 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
22893 ///
22894 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
22895 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
22896 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
22897 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
22898 ///
22899 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
22900 bool
22902  const function_decl::parameter& r,
22903  change_kind* k)
22904 {
22905  bool result = true;
22907  if ((l.get_variadic_marker() != r.get_variadic_marker())
22908  || (l.get_index() != r.get_index())
22909  || (!!l.get_type() != !!r.get_type()))
22910  {
22911  result = false;
22912  if (k)
22913  {
22914  if (l.get_index() != r.get_index())
22916  if (l.get_variadic_marker() != r.get_variadic_marker()
22917  || !!l.get_type() != !!r.get_type())
22919  }
22920  else
22922  }
22924  type_base_sptr l_type = peel_typedef_type(l.get_type());
22925  type_base_sptr r_type = peel_typedef_type(r.get_type());
22926  if (l_type != r_type)
22927  {
22928  result = false;
22929  if (k)
22930  {
22931  if (!types_have_similar_structure(l_type, r_type))
22933  else
22935  }
22936  else
22938  }
22940  ABG_RETURN(result);
22941 }
22943 bool
22944 function_decl::parameter::operator==(const parameter& o) const
22945 {return equals(*this, o, 0);}
22947 bool
22948 function_decl::parameter::operator==(const decl_base& o) const
22949 {
22950  const function_decl::parameter* p =
22951  dynamic_cast<const function_decl::parameter*>(&o);
22952  if (!p)
22953  return false;
22954  return function_decl::parameter::operator==(*p);
22955 }
22957 /// Non-member equality operator for @ref function_decl::parameter.
22958 ///
22959 /// @param l the left-hand side of the equality operator
22960 ///
22961 /// @param r the right-hand side of the equality operator
22962 ///
22963 /// @return true iff @p l and @p r equals.
22964 bool
22967 {
22968  if (!!l != !!r)
22969  return false;
22970  if (!l)
22971  return true;
22972  return *l == *r;
22973 }
22975 /// Non-member inequality operator for @ref function_decl::parameter.
22976 ///
22977 /// @param l the left-hand side of the equality operator
22978 ///
22979 /// @param r the right-hand side of the equality operator
22980 ///
22981 /// @return true iff @p l and @p r different.
22982 bool
22985 {return !operator==(l, r);}
22987 /// Traverse the diff sub-tree under the current instance
22988 /// function_decl.
22989 ///
22990 /// @param v the visitor to invoke on each diff node of the sub-tree.
22991 ///
22992 /// @return true if the traversing has to keep going on, false
22993 /// otherwise.
22994 bool
22996 {
22997  if (visiting())
22998  return true;
23000  if (v.visit_begin(this))
23001  {
23002  visiting(true);
23003  if (type_base_sptr t = get_type())
23004  t->traverse(v);
23005  visiting(false);
23006  }
23007  return v.visit_end(this);
23008 }
23010 /// Get the hash of a decl. If the hash hasn't been computed yet,
23011 /// compute it ans store its value; otherwise, just return the hash.
23012 ///
23013 /// @return the hash of the decl.
23014 size_t
23016 {
23017  function_decl::parameter::hash hash_fn_parm;
23018  return hash_fn_parm(this);
23019 }
23021 /// Compute the qualified name of the parameter.
23022 ///
23023 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended for an
23024 /// internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false
23025 /// otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to
23026 /// false.
23027 ///
23028 /// @param qn the resulting qualified name.
23029 void
23031  bool /*internal*/) const
23032 {qualified_name = get_name();}
23034 /// Compute and return a copy of the pretty representation of the
23035 /// current function parameter.
23036 ///
23037 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
23038 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
23039 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
23040 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
23041 ///
23042 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
23043 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
23044 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
23045 /// for, then set it to false.
23046 ///
23047 /// @return a copy of the textual representation of the current
23048 /// function parameter.
23049 string
23051  bool qualified_name) const
23052 {
23053  const environment& env = get_environment();
23055  string type_repr;
23056  type_base_sptr t = get_type();
23057  if (!t)
23058  type_repr = "void";
23059  else if (env.is_variadic_parameter_type(t))
23060  type_repr = "...";
23061  else
23062  type_repr = ir::get_type_name(t, qualified_name, internal);
23064  string result = type_repr;
23065  string parm_name = get_name_id();
23067  if (!parm_name.empty())
23068  result += " " + parm_name;
23070  return result;
23071 }
23073 // </function_decl::parameter definitions>
23075 // <class_or_union definitions>
23077 /// A Constructor for instances of @ref class_or_union
23078 ///
23079 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
23080 ///
23081 /// @param name the identifier of the class.
23082 ///
23083 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of @ref
23084 /// class_or_union, expressed in bits
23085 ///
23086 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of an instance of @ref class_or_union,
23087 /// expressed in bits.
23088 ///
23089 /// @param locus the source location of declaration point this class.
23090 ///
23091 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of @ref class_or_union.
23092 ///
23093 /// @param mem_types the vector of member types of this instance of
23094 /// @ref class_or_union.
23095 ///
23096 /// @param data_members the vector of data members of this instance of
23097 /// @ref class_or_union.
23098 ///
23099 /// @param member_fns the vector of member functions of this instance
23100 /// of @ref class_or_union.
23101 class_or_union::class_or_union(const environment& env, const string& name,
23102  size_t size_in_bits, size_t align_in_bits,
23103  const location& locus, visibility vis,
23104  member_types& mem_types,
23106  member_functions& member_fns)
23107  : type_or_decl_base(env,
23112  decl_base(env, name, locus, name, vis),
23113  type_base(env, size_in_bits, align_in_bits),
23114  scope_type_decl(env, name, size_in_bits, align_in_bits, locus, vis),
23115  priv_(new priv(data_members, member_fns))
23116 {
23117  for (member_types::iterator i = mem_types.begin();
23118  i != mem_types.end();
23119  ++i)
23120  if (!has_scope(get_type_declaration(*i)))
23123  for (data_members::iterator i = data_members.begin();
23124  i != data_members.end();
23125  ++i)
23126  if (!has_scope(*i))
23127  add_decl_to_scope(*i, this);
23129  for (member_functions::iterator i = member_fns.begin();
23130  i != member_fns.end();
23131  ++i)
23132  if (!has_scope(static_pointer_cast<decl_base>(*i)))
23133  add_decl_to_scope(*i, this);
23134 }
23136 /// A constructor for instances of @ref class_or_union.
23137 ///
23138 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
23139 ///
23140 /// @param name the name of the class.
23141 ///
23142 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of @ref
23143 /// class_or_union, expressed in bits
23144 ///
23145 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of an instance of @ref class_or_union,
23146 /// expressed in bits.
23147 ///
23148 /// @param locus the source location of declaration point this class.
23149 ///
23150 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of @ref class_or_union.
23151 class_or_union::class_or_union(const environment& env, const string& name,
23152  size_t size_in_bits, size_t align_in_bits,
23153  const location& locus, visibility vis)
23154  : type_or_decl_base(env,
23159  decl_base(env, name, locus, name, vis),
23160  type_base(env, size_in_bits, align_in_bits),
23161  scope_type_decl(env, name, size_in_bits, align_in_bits, locus, vis),
23162  priv_(new priv)
23163 {}
23165 /// Constructor of the @ref class_or_union type.
23166 ///
23167 /// @param env the @ref environment we are operating from.
23168 ///
23169 /// @param name the name of the @ref class_or_union.
23170 ///
23171 /// @param is_declaration_only a boolean saying whether the instance
23172 /// represents a declaration only, or not.
23173 class_or_union::class_or_union(const environment& env, const string& name,
23174  bool is_declaration_only)
23175  : type_or_decl_base(env,
23180  decl_base(env, name, location(), name),
23181  type_base(env, 0, 0),
23182  scope_type_decl(env, name, 0, 0, location()),
23183  priv_(new priv)
23184 {
23185  set_is_declaration_only(is_declaration_only);
23186 }
23188 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
23189 /// function.
23190 ///
23191 /// @param v the visitor used on the member nodes of the translation
23192 /// unit during the traversal.
23193 ///
23194 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
23195 /// otherwise.
23196 bool
23198 {
23199  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
23200  return true;
23202  if (visiting())
23203  return true;
23205  if (v.visit_begin(this))
23206  {
23207  visiting(true);
23208  bool stop = false;
23210  if (!stop)
23211  for (data_members::const_iterator i = get_data_members().begin();
23212  i != get_data_members().end();
23213  ++i)
23214  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
23215  {
23216  stop = true;
23217  break;
23218  }
23220  if (!stop)
23221  for (member_functions::const_iterator i= get_member_functions().begin();
23222  i != get_member_functions().end();
23223  ++i)
23224  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
23225  {
23226  stop = true;
23227  break;
23228  }
23230  if (!stop)
23231  for (member_types::const_iterator i = get_member_types().begin();
23232  i != get_member_types().end();
23233  ++i)
23234  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
23235  {
23236  stop = true;
23237  break;
23238  }
23240  if (!stop)
23241  for (member_function_templates::const_iterator i =
23243  i != get_member_function_templates().end();
23244  ++i)
23245  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
23246  {
23247  stop = true;
23248  break;
23249  }
23251  if (!stop)
23252  for (member_class_templates::const_iterator i =
23253  get_member_class_templates().begin();
23254  i != get_member_class_templates().end();
23255  ++i)
23256  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
23257  {
23258  stop = true;
23259  break;
23260  }
23261  visiting(false);
23262  }
23264  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
23265  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
23266  return result;
23267 }
23269 /// Destrcutor of the @ref class_or_union type.
23271 {delete priv_;}
23273 /// Add a member declaration to the current instance of class_or_union.
23274 /// The member declaration can be either a member type, data member,
23275 /// member function, or member template.
23276 ///
23277 /// @param d the member declaration to add.
23278 decl_base_sptr
23279 class_or_union::add_member_decl(const decl_base_sptr& d)
23280 {return insert_member_decl(d);}
23282 /// Remove a given decl from the current @ref class_or_union scope.
23283 ///
23284 /// Note that only type declarations are supported by this method for
23285 /// now. Support for the other kinds of declaration is left as an
23286 /// exercise for the interested reader of the code.
23287 ///
23288 /// @param decl the declaration to remove from this @ref
23289 /// class_or_union scope.
23290 void
23292 {
23293  type_base_sptr t = is_type(decl);
23295  // For now we want to support just removing types from classes. For
23296  // other kinds of IR node, we need more work.
23297  ABG_ASSERT(t);
23299  remove_member_type(t);
23300 }
23302 /// Fixup the members of the type of an anonymous data member.
23303 ///
23304 /// Walk all data members of (the type of) a given anonymous data
23305 /// member and set a particular property of the relationship between
23306 /// each data member and its containing type.
23307 ///
23308 /// That property records the fact that the data member belongs to the
23309 /// anonymous data member we consider.
23310 ///
23311 /// In the future, if there are other properties of this relationship
23312 /// to set in this manner, they ought to be added here.
23313 ///
23314 /// @param anon_dm the anonymous data member to consider.
23315 void
23317 {
23318  class_or_union * anon_dm_type =
23320  if (!anon_dm_type)
23321  return;
23323  for (class_or_union::data_members::const_iterator it =
23324  anon_dm_type->get_non_static_data_members().begin();
23325  it != anon_dm_type->get_non_static_data_members().end();
23326  ++it)
23327  {
23328  dm_context_rel *rel =
23329  dynamic_cast<dm_context_rel*>((*it)->get_context_rel());
23330  ABG_ASSERT(rel);
23331  rel->set_anonymous_data_member(anon_dm.get());
23332  }
23333 }
23335 /// Getter of the alignment of the @ref class_or_union type.
23336 ///
23337 /// If this @ref class_or_union is a declaration of a definition that
23338 /// is elsewhere, then the size of the definition is returned.
23339 ///
23340 /// @return the alignment of the @ref class_or_union type.
23341 size_t
23343 {
23345  return is_class_or_union_type
23349 }
23351 /// Setter of the alignment of the class type.
23352 ///
23353 /// If this class is a declaration of a definition that is elsewhere,
23354 /// then the new alignment is set to the definition.
23355 ///
23356 /// @param s the new alignment.
23357 void
23359 {
23363  else
23365 }
23367 /// Setter of the size of the @ref class_or_union type.
23368 ///
23369 /// If this @ref class_or_union is a declaration of a definition that
23370 /// is elsewhere, then the new size is set to the definition.
23371 ///
23372 /// @param s the new size.
23373 void
23375 {
23379  else
23381 }
23383 /// Getter of the size of the @ref class_or_union type.
23384 ///
23385 /// If this @ref class_or_union is a declaration of a definition that
23386 /// is elsewhere, then the size of the definition is returned.
23387 ///
23388 /// @return the size of the @ref class_or_union type.
23389 size_t
23391 {
23393  return is_class_or_union_type
23396  return type_base::get_size_in_bits();
23397 }
23399 /// Get the number of anonymous member classes contained in this
23400 /// class.
23401 ///
23402 /// @return the number of anonymous member classes contained in this
23403 /// class.
23404 size_t
23406 {
23407  int result = 0;
23408  for (member_types::const_iterator it = get_member_types().begin();
23409  it != get_member_types().end();
23410  ++it)
23411  if (class_decl_sptr t = is_class_type(*it))
23412  if (t->get_is_anonymous())
23413  ++result;
23415  return result;
23416 }
23418 /// Get the number of anonymous member unions contained in this class.
23419 ///
23420 /// @return the number of anonymous member unions contained in this
23421 /// class.
23422 size_t
23424 {
23425  int result = 0;
23426  for (member_types::const_iterator it = get_member_types().begin();
23427  it != get_member_types().end();
23428  ++it)
23429  if (union_decl_sptr t = is_union_type(*it))
23430  if (t->get_is_anonymous())
23431  ++result;
23433  return result;
23434 }
23436 /// Get the number of anonymous member enums contained in this class.
23437 ///
23438 /// @return the number of anonymous member enums contained in this
23439 /// class.
23440 size_t
23442 {
23443  int result = 0;
23444  for (member_types::const_iterator it = get_member_types().begin();
23445  it != get_member_types().end();
23446  ++it)
23447  if (enum_type_decl_sptr t = is_enum_type(*it))
23448  if (t->get_is_anonymous())
23449  ++result;
23451  return result;
23452 }
23454 /// Add a data member to the current instance of class_or_union.
23455 ///
23456 /// @param v a var_decl to add as a data member. A proper
23457 /// class_or_union::data_member is created from @p v and added to the
23458 /// class_or_union. This var_decl should not have been already added
23459 /// to a scope.
23460 ///
23461 /// @param access the access specifier for the data member.
23462 ///
23463 /// @param is_laid_out whether the data member was laid out. That is,
23464 /// if its offset has been computed. In the pattern of a class
23465 /// template for instance, this would be set to false.
23466 ///
23467 /// @param is_static whether the data memer is static.
23468 ///
23469 /// @param offset_in_bits if @p is_laid_out is true, this is the
23470 /// offset of the data member, expressed (oh, surprise) in bits.
23471 void
23473  bool is_laid_out, bool is_static,
23474  size_t offset_in_bits)
23475 {
23476  ABG_ASSERT(!has_scope(v));
23478  priv_->data_members_.push_back(v);
23480  set_data_member_is_laid_out(v, is_laid_out);
23481  set_data_member_offset(v, offset_in_bits);
23482  set_member_access_specifier(v, access);
23483  set_member_is_static(v, is_static);
23485  if (!is_static)
23486  {
23487  // If this is a non-static variable, add it to the set of
23488  // non-static variables, if it's not already in there.
23489  bool is_already_in = false;
23490  for (data_members::const_iterator i =
23491  priv_->non_static_data_members_.begin();
23492  i != priv_->non_static_data_members_.end();
23493  ++i)
23494  if (*i == v)
23495  {
23496  is_already_in = true;
23497  break;
23498  }
23499  if (!is_already_in)
23500  priv_->non_static_data_members_.push_back(v);
23501  }
23503  // If v is an anonymous data member, then fixup its data members.
23504  // For now, the only thing the fixup does is to make the data
23505  // members of the anonymous data member be aware of their containing
23506  // anonymous data member. That is helpful to compute the absolute
23507  // bit offset of each of the members of the anonymous data member.
23509 }
23511 /// Get the data members of this @ref class_or_union.
23512 ///
23513 /// @return a vector of the data members of this @ref class_or_union.
23516 {return priv_->data_members_;}
23518 /// Find a data member of a given name in the current @ref class_or_union.
23519 ///
23520 /// @param name the name of the data member to find in the current
23521 /// @ref class_or_union.
23522 ///
23523 /// @return a pointer to the @ref var_decl that represents the data
23524 /// member to find inside the current @ref class_or_union.
23525 const var_decl_sptr
23526 class_or_union::find_data_member(const string& name) const
23527 {
23528  for (data_members::const_iterator i = get_data_members().begin();
23529  i != get_data_members().end();
23530  ++i)
23531  if ((*i)->get_name() == name)
23532  return *i;
23534  // We haven't found a data member with the name 'name'. Let's look
23535  // closer again, this time in our anonymous data members.
23536  for (data_members::const_iterator i = get_data_members().begin();
23537  i != get_data_members().end();
23538  ++i)
23539  if (is_anonymous_data_member(*i))
23540  {
23541  class_or_union_sptr type = is_class_or_union_type((*i)->get_type());
23542  ABG_ASSERT(type);
23543  if (var_decl_sptr data_member = type->find_data_member(name))
23544  return data_member;
23545  }
23547  return var_decl_sptr();
23548 }
23550 /// Find an anonymous data member in the class.
23551 ///
23552 /// @param v the anonymous data member to find.
23553 ///
23554 /// @return the anonymous data member found, or nil if none was found.
23555 const var_decl_sptr
23557 {
23558  if (!v->get_name().empty())
23559  return var_decl_sptr();
23561  for (data_members::const_iterator it = get_non_static_data_members().begin();
23562  it != get_non_static_data_members().end();
23563  ++it)
23564  {
23565  if (is_anonymous_data_member(*it))
23566  if ((*it)->get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/false, true)
23567  == v->get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/false, true))
23568  return *it;
23569  }
23571  return var_decl_sptr();
23572 }
23574 /// Find a given data member.
23575 ///
23576 /// This function takes a @ref var_decl as an argument. If it has a
23577 /// non-empty name, then it tries to find a data member which has the
23578 /// same name as the argument.
23579 ///
23580 /// If it has an empty name, then the @ref var_decl is considered as
23581 /// an anonymous data member. In that case, this function tries to
23582 /// find an anonymous data member which type equals that of the @ref
23583 /// var_decl argument.
23584 ///
23585 /// @param v this carries either the name of the data member we need
23586 /// to look for, or the type of the anonymous data member we are
23587 /// looking for.
23588 const var_decl_sptr
23590 {
23591  if (!v)
23592  return var_decl_sptr();
23594  if (v->get_name().empty())
23595  return find_anonymous_data_member(v);
23597  return find_data_member(v->get_name());
23598 }
23601 /// Get the non-static data memebers of this @ref class_or_union.
23602 ///
23603 /// @return a vector of the non-static data members of this @ref
23604 /// class_or_union.
23607 {return priv_->non_static_data_members_;}
23609 /// Add a member function.
23610 ///
23611 /// @param f the new member function to add.
23612 ///
23613 /// @param a the access specifier to use for the new member function.
23614 ///
23615 /// @param is_static whether the new member function is static.
23616 ///
23617 /// @param is_ctor whether the new member function is a constructor.
23618 ///
23619 /// @param is_dtor whether the new member function is a destructor.
23620 ///
23621 /// @param is_const whether the new member function is const.
23622 void
23624  access_specifier a,
23625  bool is_static, bool is_ctor,
23626  bool is_dtor, bool is_const)
23627 {
23628  ABG_ASSERT(!has_scope(f));
23632  set_member_function_is_ctor(f, is_ctor);
23633  set_member_function_is_dtor(f, is_dtor);
23635  set_member_is_static(f, is_static);
23636  set_member_function_is_const(f, is_const);
23638  priv_->member_functions_.push_back(f);
23640  // Update the map of linkage name -> member functions. It's useful,
23641  // so that class_or_union::find_member_function() can function.
23642  if (!f->get_linkage_name().empty())
23643  priv_->mem_fns_map_[f->get_linkage_name()] = f;
23644 }
23646 /// Get the member functions of this @ref class_or_union.
23647 ///
23648 /// @return a vector of the member functions of this @ref
23649 /// class_or_union.
23652 {return priv_->member_functions_;}
23654 /// Find a method, using its linkage name as a key.
23655 ///
23656 /// @param linkage_name the linkage name of the method to find.
23657 ///
23658 /// @return the method found, or nil if none was found.
23659 const method_decl*
23660 class_or_union::find_member_function(const string& linkage_name) const
23661 {
23662  return const_cast<class_or_union*>(this)->find_member_function(linkage_name);
23663 }
23665 /// Find a method, using its linkage name as a key.
23666 ///
23667 /// @param linkage_name the linkage name of the method to find.
23668 ///
23669 /// @return the method found, or nil if none was found.
23670 method_decl*
23671 class_or_union::find_member_function(const string& linkage_name)
23672 {
23673  string_mem_fn_sptr_map_type::const_iterator i =
23674  priv_->mem_fns_map_.find(linkage_name);
23675  if (i == priv_->mem_fns_map_.end())
23676  return 0;
23677  return i->second.get();
23678 }
23680 /// Find a method, using its linkage name as a key.
23681 ///
23682 /// @param linkage_name the linkage name of the method to find.
23683 ///
23684 /// @return the method found, or nil if none was found.
23685 method_decl_sptr
23687 {
23688  string_mem_fn_sptr_map_type::const_iterator i =
23689  priv_->mem_fns_map_.find(linkage_name);
23690  if (i == priv_->mem_fns_map_.end())
23691  return 0;
23692  return i->second;
23693 }
23695 /// Find a method (member function) using its signature (pretty
23696 /// representation) as a key.
23697 ///
23698 /// @param s the signature of the method.
23699 ///
23700 /// @return the method found, or nil if none was found.
23701 const method_decl*
23703 {
23704  return const_cast<class_or_union*>(this)->find_member_function_from_signature(s);
23705 }
23707 /// Find a method (member function) using its signature (pretty
23708 /// representation) as a key.
23709 ///
23710 /// @param s the signature of the method.
23711 ///
23712 /// @return the method found, or nil if none was found.
23713 method_decl*
23715 {
23716  string_mem_fn_ptr_map_type::const_iterator i =
23717  priv_->signature_2_mem_fn_map_.find(s);
23718  if (i == priv_->signature_2_mem_fn_map_.end())
23719  return 0;
23720  return i->second;
23721 }
23723 /// Get the member function templates of this class.
23724 ///
23725 /// @return a vector of the member function templates of this class.
23726 const member_function_templates&
23728 {return priv_->member_function_templates_;}
23730 /// Get the member class templates of this class.
23731 ///
23732 /// @return a vector of the member class templates of this class.
23733 const member_class_templates&
23735 {return priv_->member_class_templates_;}
23737 /// Append a member function template to the @ref class_or_union.
23738 ///
23739 /// @param m the member function template to append.
23740 void
23741 class_or_union::add_member_function_template(member_function_template_sptr m)
23742 {
23743  decl_base* c = m->as_function_tdecl()->get_scope();
23744  /// TODO: use our own ABG_ASSERTion facility that adds a meaningful
23745  /// error message or something like a structured error.
23746  priv_->member_function_templates_.push_back(m);
23747  if (!c)
23748  scope_decl::add_member_decl(m->as_function_tdecl());
23749 }
23751 /// Append a member class template to the @ref class_or_union.
23752 ///
23753 /// @param m the member function template to append.
23754 void
23755 class_or_union::add_member_class_template(member_class_template_sptr m)
23756 {
23757  decl_base* c = m->as_class_tdecl()->get_scope();
23758  /// TODO: use our own ABG_ASSERTion facility that adds a meaningful
23759  /// error message or something like a structured error.
23760  m->set_scope(this);
23761  priv_->member_class_templates_.push_back(m);
23762  if (!c)
23763  scope_decl::add_member_decl(m->as_class_tdecl());
23764 }
23766 ///@return true iff the current instance has no member.
23767 bool
23769 {
23770  return (get_member_types().empty()
23771  && priv_->data_members_.empty()
23772  && priv_->member_functions_.empty()
23773  && priv_->member_function_templates_.empty()
23774  && priv_->member_class_templates_.empty());
23775 }
23777 /// Insert a data member to this @ref class_or_union type.
23778 ///
23779 /// @param d the data member to insert.
23780 ///
23781 /// @return the decl @p that got inserted.
23782 decl_base_sptr
23784 {
23785  if (var_decl_sptr v = dynamic_pointer_cast<var_decl>(d))
23786  {
23787  add_data_member(v, public_access,
23788  /*is_laid_out=*/false,
23789  /*is_static=*/true,
23790  /*offset_in_bits=*/0);
23791  d = v;
23792  }
23793  else if (method_decl_sptr f = dynamic_pointer_cast<method_decl>(d))
23794  add_member_function(f, public_access,
23795  /*is_static=*/false,
23796  /*is_ctor=*/false,
23797  /*is_dtor=*/false,
23798  /*is_const=*/false);
23799  else if (member_function_template_sptr f =
23800  dynamic_pointer_cast<member_function_template>(d))
23802  else if (member_class_template_sptr c =
23803  dynamic_pointer_cast<member_class_template>(d))
23805  else
23808  return d;
23809 }
23811 /// Equality operator.
23812 ///
23813 /// @param other the other @ref class_or_union to compare against.
23814 ///
23815 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current @ref class_or_union.
23816 bool
23818 {
23819  const class_or_union* op = dynamic_cast<const class_or_union*>(&other);
23820  if (!op)
23821  return false;
23823  // If this is a decl-only type (and thus with no canonical type),
23824  // use the canonical type of the definition, if any.
23825  const class_or_union *l = 0;
23827  l = dynamic_cast<const class_or_union*>(get_naked_definition_of_declaration());
23828  if (l == 0)
23829  l = this;
23831  // Likewise for the other class.
23832  const class_or_union *r = 0;
23833  if (op->get_is_declaration_only())
23834  r = dynamic_cast<const class_or_union*>(op->get_naked_definition_of_declaration());
23835  if (r == 0)
23836  r = op;
23838  return try_canonical_compare(l, r);
23839 }
23841 /// Equality operator.
23842 ///
23843 /// @param other the other @ref class_or_union to compare against.
23844 ///
23845 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current @ref class_or_union.
23846 bool
23848 {
23849  const decl_base* o = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&other);
23850  if (!o)
23851  return false;
23852  return *this == *o;
23853 }
23855 /// Equality operator.
23856 ///
23857 /// @param other the other @ref class_or_union to compare against.
23858 ///
23859 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current @ref class_or_union.
23860 bool
23862 {
23863  const decl_base& o = other;
23864  return class_or_union::operator==(o);
23865 }
23867 /// Compares two instances of @ref class_or_union.
23868 ///
23869 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
23870 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
23871 ///
23872 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
23873 ///
23874 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
23875 ///
23876 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
23877 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
23878 /// iff it's non-null and if the function returns false.
23879 ///
23880 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
23881 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
23882 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
23883 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
23884 ///
23885 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
23886 bool
23888 {
23889  // if one of the classes is declaration-only, look through it to
23890  // get its definition.
23891  bool l_is_decl_only = l.get_is_declaration_only();
23892  bool r_is_decl_only = r.get_is_declaration_only();
23893  if (l_is_decl_only || r_is_decl_only)
23894  {
23895  const class_or_union* def1 = l_is_decl_only
23897  : &l;
23899  const class_or_union* def2 = r_is_decl_only
23901  : &r;
23903  if (!def1 || !def2)
23904  {
23905  if (!l.get_is_anonymous()
23906  && !r.get_is_anonymous()
23907  && l_is_decl_only && r_is_decl_only
23909  // The two decl-only classes differ from their size. A
23910  // true decl-only class should not have a size property to
23911  // begin with. This comes from a DWARF oddity and can
23912  // results in a false positive, so let's not consider that
23913  // change.
23914  return true;
23917  || ((odr_is_relevant(l) && !def1)
23918  || (odr_is_relevant(r) && !def2)))
23921  {
23922  const interned_string& q1 = l.get_scoped_name();
23923  const interned_string& q2 = r.get_scoped_name();
23924  if (q1 == q2)
23925  // Not using RETURN(true) here, because that causes
23926  // performance issues. We don't need to do
23927  // l.priv_->unmark_as_being_compared({l,r}) here because
23928  // we haven't marked l or r as being compared yet, and
23929  // doing so has a peformance cost that shows up on
23930  // performance profiles for *big* libraries.
23931  return true;
23932  else
23933  {
23934  if (k)
23936  // Not using RETURN(true) here, because that causes
23937  // performance issues. We don't need to do
23938  // l.priv_->unmark_as_being_compared({l,r}) here because
23939  // we haven't marked l or r as being compared yet, and
23940  // doing so has a peformance cost that shows up on
23941  // performance profiles for *big* libraries.
23943  }
23944  }
23945  else // A decl-only class is considered different from a
23946  // class definition of the same name.
23947  {
23948  if (!!def1 != !!def2)
23949  {
23950  if (k)
23953  }
23955  // both definitions are empty
23956  if (!(l.decl_base::operator==(r)
23957  && l.type_base::operator==(r)))
23958  {
23959  if (k)
23962  }
23964  return true;
23965  }
23966  }
23968  bool val = *def1 == *def2;
23969  if (!val)
23970  if (k)
23972  ABG_RETURN(val);
23973  }
23975  // No need to go further if the classes have different names or
23976  // different size / alignment.
23977  if (!(l.decl_base::operator==(r) && l.type_base::operator==(r)))
23978  {
23979  if (k)
23982  }
23984  if (types_defined_same_linux_kernel_corpus_public(l, r))
23985  return true;
23987  //TODO: Maybe remove this (cycle detection and canonical type
23988  //propagation handling) from here and have it only in the equal
23989  //overload for class_decl and union_decl because this one ( the
23990  //equal overload for class_or_union) is just a sub-routine of these
23991  //two above.
23992 #define RETURN(value) \
23993  return return_comparison_result(l, r, value, \
23994  /*propagate_canonical_type=*/false);
24000  bool result = true;
24002  //compare data_members
24003  {
24004  if (l.get_non_static_data_members().size()
24005  != r.get_non_static_data_members().size())
24006  {
24007  result = false;
24008  if (k)
24010  else
24011  RETURN(result);
24012  }
24014  for (class_or_union::data_members::const_iterator
24015  d0 = l.get_non_static_data_members().begin(),
24016  d1 = r.get_non_static_data_members().begin();
24017  (d0 != l.get_non_static_data_members().end()
24018  && d1 != r.get_non_static_data_members().end());
24019  ++d0, ++d1)
24020  if (**d0 != **d1)
24021  {
24022  result = false;
24023  if (k)
24024  {
24025  // Report any representation change as being local.
24026  if (!types_have_similar_structure((*d0)->get_type(),
24027  (*d1)->get_type())
24028  || (*d0)->get_type() == (*d1)->get_type())
24030  else
24032  }
24033  else
24034  RETURN(result);
24035  }
24036  }
24038  // Do not compare member functions. DWARF does not necessarily
24039  // all the member functions, be they virtual or not, in all
24040  // translation units. So we cannot have a clear view of them, per
24041  // class
24043  // compare member function templates
24044  {
24045  if (l.get_member_function_templates().size()
24046  != r.get_member_function_templates().size())
24047  {
24048  result = false;
24049  if (k)
24051  else
24052  RETURN(result);
24053  }
24055  for (member_function_templates::const_iterator
24056  fn_tmpl_it0 = l.get_member_function_templates().begin(),
24057  fn_tmpl_it1 = r.get_member_function_templates().begin();
24058  fn_tmpl_it0 != l.get_member_function_templates().end()
24059  && fn_tmpl_it1 != r.get_member_function_templates().end();
24060  ++fn_tmpl_it0, ++fn_tmpl_it1)
24061  if (**fn_tmpl_it0 != **fn_tmpl_it1)
24062  {
24063  result = false;
24064  if (k)
24065  {
24067  break;
24068  }
24069  else
24070  RETURN(result);
24071  }
24072  }
24074  // compare member class templates
24075  {
24076  if (l.get_member_class_templates().size()
24077  != r.get_member_class_templates().size())
24078  {
24079  result = false;
24080  if (k)
24082  else
24083  RETURN(result);
24084  }
24086  for (member_class_templates::const_iterator
24087  cl_tmpl_it0 = l.get_member_class_templates().begin(),
24088  cl_tmpl_it1 = r.get_member_class_templates().begin();
24089  cl_tmpl_it0 != l.get_member_class_templates().end()
24090  && cl_tmpl_it1 != r.get_member_class_templates().end();
24091  ++cl_tmpl_it0, ++cl_tmpl_it1)
24092  if (**cl_tmpl_it0 != **cl_tmpl_it1)
24093  {
24094  result = false;
24095  if (k)
24096  {
24098  break;
24099  }
24100  else
24101  RETURN(result);
24102  }
24103  }
24105  RETURN(result);
24106 #undef RETURN
24107 }
24110 /// Copy a method of a @ref class_or_union into a new @ref
24111 /// class_or_union.
24112 ///
24113 /// @param t the @ref class_or_union into which the method is to be copied.
24114 ///
24115 /// @param method the method to copy into @p t.
24116 ///
24117 /// @return the resulting newly copied method.
24118 method_decl_sptr
24119 copy_member_function(const class_or_union_sptr& t,
24120  const method_decl_sptr& method)
24121 {return copy_member_function(t, method.get());}
24124 /// Copy a method of a @ref class_or_union into a new @ref
24125 /// class_or_union.
24126 ///
24127 /// @param t the @ref class_or_union into which the method is to be copied.
24128 ///
24129 /// @param method the method to copy into @p t.
24130 ///
24131 /// @return the resulting newly copied method.
24132 method_decl_sptr
24133 copy_member_function(const class_or_union_sptr& t, const method_decl* method)
24134 {
24135  ABG_ASSERT(t);
24136  ABG_ASSERT(method);
24138  method_type_sptr old_type = method->get_type();
24139  ABG_ASSERT(old_type);
24140  method_type_sptr new_type(new method_type(old_type->get_return_type(),
24141  t,
24142  old_type->get_parameters(),
24143  old_type->get_is_const(),
24144  old_type->get_size_in_bits(),
24145  old_type->get_alignment_in_bits()));
24146  t->get_translation_unit()->bind_function_type_life_time(new_type);
24148  method_decl_sptr
24149  new_method(new method_decl(method->get_name(),
24150  new_type,
24151  method->is_declared_inline(),
24152  method->get_location(),
24153  method->get_linkage_name(),
24154  method->get_visibility(),
24155  method->get_binding()));
24156  new_method->set_symbol(method->get_symbol());
24158  if (class_decl_sptr class_type = is_class_type(t))
24159  class_type->add_member_function(new_method,
24160  get_member_access_specifier(*method),
24163  get_member_is_static(*method),
24164  get_member_function_is_ctor(*method),
24165  get_member_function_is_dtor(*method),
24166  get_member_function_is_const(*method));
24167  else
24168  t->add_member_function(new_method,
24169  get_member_access_specifier(*method),
24170  get_member_is_static(*method),
24171  get_member_function_is_ctor(*method),
24172  get_member_function_is_dtor(*method),
24173  get_member_function_is_const(*method));
24174  return new_method;
24175 }
24177 // </class_or_union definitions>
24179 /// @defgroup OnTheFlyCanonicalization On-the-fly Canonicalization
24180 /// @{
24181 ///
24182 /// This optimization is also known as "canonical type propagation".
24183 ///
24184 /// During the canonicalization of a type T (which doesn't yet have a
24185 /// canonical type), T is compared structurally (member-wise) against
24186 /// a type C which already has a canonical type. The comparison
24187 /// expression is C == T.
24188 ///
24189 /// During that structural comparison, if a subtype of C (which also
24190 /// already has a canonical type) is structurally compared to a
24191 /// subtype of T (which doesn't yet have a canonical type) and if they
24192 /// are equal, then we can deduce that the canonical type of the
24193 /// subtype of C is the canonical type of the subtype of C.
24194 ///
24195 /// Thus, we can canonicalize the sub-type of the T, during the
24196 /// canonicalization of T itself. That canonicalization of the
24197 /// sub-type of T is what we call the "on-the-fly canonicalization".
24198 /// It's on the fly because it happens during a comparison -- which
24199 /// itself happens during the canonicalization of T.
24200 ///
24201 /// For now this on-the-fly canonicalization only happens when
24202 /// comparing @ref class_decl and @ref function_type.
24203 ///
24204 /// Note however that there is a case when a type is *NOT* eligible to
24205 /// this canonical type propagation optimization.
24206 ///
24207 /// The reason why a type is deemed NON-eligible to the canonical type
24208 /// propagation optimization is that it "depends" on recursively
24209 /// present type. Let me explain.
24210 ///
24211 /// Suppose we have a type T that has sub-types named ST0 and ST1.
24212 /// Suppose ST1 itself has a sub-type that is T itself. In this case,
24213 /// we say that T is a recursive type, because it has T (itself) as
24214 /// one of its sub-types:
24215 ///
24216 /// <PRE>
24217 /// T
24218 /// +-- ST0
24219 /// |
24220 /// +-- ST1
24221 /// | +
24222 /// | |
24223 /// | +-- T
24224 /// |
24225 /// +-- ST2
24226 /// </PRE>
24227 ///
24228 /// ST1 is said to "depend" on T because it has T as a sub-type. But
24229 /// because T is recursive, then ST1 is said to depend on a recursive
24230 /// type. Notice however that ST0 does not depend on any recursive
24231 /// type.
24232 ///
24233 /// Now suppose we are comparing T to a type T' that has the same
24234 /// structure with sub-types ST0', ST1' and ST2'. During the
24235 /// comparison of ST1 against ST1', their sub-type T is compared
24236 /// against T'. Because T (resp. T') is a recursive type that is
24237 /// already being compared, the comparison of T against T' (as a
24238 /// subtypes of ST1 and ST1') returns true, meaning they are
24239 /// considered equal. This is done so that we don't enter an infinite
24240 /// recursion.
24241 ///
24242 /// That means ST1 is also deemed equal to ST1'. If we are in the
24243 /// course of the canonicalization of T' and thus if T (as well as as
24244 /// all of its sub-types) is already canonicalized, then the canonical
24245 /// type propagation optimization will make us propagate the canonical
24246 /// type of ST1 onto ST1'. So the canonical type of ST1' will be
24247 /// equal to the canonical type of ST1 as a result of that
24248 /// optmization.
24249 ///
24250 /// But then, later down the road, when ST2 is compared against ST2',
24251 /// let's suppose that we find out that they are different. Meaning
24252 /// that ST2 != ST2'. This means that T != T', i.e, the
24253 /// canonicalization of T' failed for now. But most importantly, it
24254 /// means that the propagation of the canonical type of ST1 to ST1'
24255 /// must now be invalidated. Meaning, ST1' must now be considered as
24256 /// not having any canonical type.
24257 ///
24258 /// In other words, during type canonicalization, if ST1' depends on a
24259 /// recursive type T', its propagated canonical type must be
24260 /// invalidated (set to nullptr) if T' appears to be different from T,
24261 /// a.k.a, the canonicalization of T' temporarily failed.
24262 ///
24263 /// This means that any sub-type that depends on recursive types and
24264 /// that has been the target of the canonical type propagation
24265 /// optimization must be tracked. If the dependant recursive type
24266 /// fails its canonicalization, then the sub-type being compared must
24267 /// have its propagated canonical type cleared. In other words, its
24268 /// propagated canonical type must be cancelled.
24269 ///
24270 /// @}
24273 /// If on-the-fly canonicalization is turned on, then this function
24274 /// sets the canonical type of its second parameter to the canonical
24275 /// type of the first parameter.
24276 ///
24277 /// @param lhs_type the type which canonical type to propagate.
24278 ///
24279 /// @param rhs_type the type which canonical type to set.
24280 static bool
24281 maybe_propagate_canonical_type(const type_base& lhs_type,
24282  const type_base& rhs_type)
24283 {
24284  const environment& env = lhs_type.get_environment();
24286  if (!env.priv_->use_canonical_type_comparison_)
24287  return false;
24288 #endif
24291  if (type_base_sptr canonical_type = lhs_type.get_canonical_type())
24292  if (!rhs_type.get_canonical_type())
24293  if (env.priv_->propagate_ct(lhs_type, rhs_type))
24294  return true;
24295  return false;
24296 }
24298 // <class_decl definitions>
24300 static void
24301 sort_virtual_member_functions(class_decl::member_functions& mem_fns);
24303 /// The private data for the class_decl type.
24304 struct class_decl::priv
24305 {
24306  base_specs bases_;
24307  unordered_map<string, base_spec_sptr> bases_map_;
24308  member_functions virtual_mem_fns_;
24309  virtual_mem_fn_map_type virtual_mem_fns_map_;
24310  bool is_struct_;
24312  priv()
24313  : is_struct_(false)
24314  {}
24316  priv(bool is_struct, class_decl::base_specs& bases)
24317  : bases_(bases),
24318  is_struct_(is_struct)
24319  {
24320  }
24322  priv(bool is_struct)
24323  : is_struct_(is_struct)
24324  {}
24325 };// end struct class_decl::priv
24327 /// A Constructor for instances of \ref class_decl
24328 ///
24329 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
24330 ///
24331 /// @param name the identifier of the class.
24332 ///
24333 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of class_decl, expressed
24334 /// in bits
24335 ///
24336 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of an instance of class_decl,
24337 /// expressed in bits.
24338 ///
24339 /// @param locus the source location of declaration point this class.
24340 ///
24341 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of class_decl.
24342 ///
24343 /// @param bases the vector of base classes for this instance of class_decl.
24344 ///
24345 /// @param mbrs the vector of member types of this instance of
24346 /// class_decl.
24347 ///
24348 /// @param data_mbrs the vector of data members of this instance of
24349 /// class_decl.
24350 ///
24351 /// @param mbr_fns the vector of member functions of this instance of
24352 /// class_decl.
24353 class_decl::class_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
24354  size_t size_in_bits, size_t align_in_bits,
24355  bool is_struct, const location& locus,
24356  visibility vis, base_specs& bases,
24357  member_types& mbr_types,
24358  data_members& data_mbrs,
24359  member_functions& mbr_fns)
24360  : type_or_decl_base(env,
24366  decl_base(env, name, locus, name, vis),
24367  type_base(env, size_in_bits, align_in_bits),
24368  class_or_union(env, name, size_in_bits, align_in_bits,
24369  locus, vis, mbr_types, data_mbrs, mbr_fns),
24370  priv_(new priv(is_struct, bases))
24371 {
24372  runtime_type_instance(this);
24373 }
24375 /// A Constructor for instances of @ref class_decl
24376 ///
24377 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
24378 ///
24379 /// @param name the identifier of the class.
24380 ///
24381 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of class_decl, expressed
24382 /// in bits
24383 ///
24384 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of an instance of class_decl,
24385 /// expressed in bits.
24386 ///
24387 /// @param locus the source location of declaration point this class.
24388 ///
24389 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of class_decl.
24390 ///
24391 /// @param bases the vector of base classes for this instance of class_decl.
24392 ///
24393 /// @param mbrs the vector of member types of this instance of
24394 /// class_decl.
24395 ///
24396 /// @param data_mbrs the vector of data members of this instance of
24397 /// class_decl.
24398 ///
24399 /// @param mbr_fns the vector of member functions of this instance of
24400 /// class_decl.
24401 ///
24402 /// @param is_anonymous whether the newly created instance is
24403 /// anonymous.
24404 class_decl::class_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
24405  size_t size_in_bits, size_t align_in_bits,
24406  bool is_struct, const location& locus,
24407  visibility vis, base_specs& bases,
24408  member_types& mbr_types, data_members& data_mbrs,
24409  member_functions& mbr_fns, bool is_anonymous)
24410  : type_or_decl_base(env,
24416  decl_base(env, name, locus,
24417  // If the class is anonymous then by default it won't
24418  // have a linkage name. Also, the anonymous class does
24419  // have an internal-only unique name that is generally
24420  // not taken into account when comparing classes; such a
24421  // unique internal-only name, when used as a linkage
24422  // name might introduce spurious comparison false
24423  // negatives.
24424  /*linkage_name=*/is_anonymous ? string() : name,
24425  vis),
24426  type_base(env, size_in_bits, align_in_bits),
24427  class_or_union(env, name, size_in_bits, align_in_bits,
24428  locus, vis, mbr_types, data_mbrs, mbr_fns),
24429  priv_(new priv(is_struct, bases))
24430 {
24431  runtime_type_instance(this);
24432  set_is_anonymous(is_anonymous);
24433 }
24435 /// A constructor for instances of class_decl.
24436 ///
24437 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
24438 ///
24439 /// @param name the name of the class.
24440 ///
24441 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of class_decl, expressed
24442 /// in bits
24443 ///
24444 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of an instance of class_decl,
24445 /// expressed in bits.
24446 ///
24447 /// @param locus the source location of declaration point this class.
24448 ///
24449 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of class_decl.
24450 class_decl::class_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
24451  size_t size_in_bits, size_t align_in_bits,
24452  bool is_struct, const location& locus,
24453  visibility vis)
24454  : type_or_decl_base(env,
24460  decl_base(env, name, locus, name, vis),
24461  type_base(env, size_in_bits, align_in_bits),
24462  class_or_union(env, name, size_in_bits, align_in_bits,
24463  locus, vis),
24464  priv_(new priv(is_struct))
24465 {
24466  runtime_type_instance(this);
24467 }
24469 /// A constructor for instances of @ref class_decl.
24470 ///
24471 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
24472 ///
24473 /// @param name the name of the class.
24474 ///
24475 /// @param size_in_bits the size of an instance of class_decl, expressed
24476 /// in bits
24477 ///
24478 /// @param align_in_bits the alignment of an instance of class_decl,
24479 /// expressed in bits.
24480 ///
24481 /// @param locus the source location of declaration point this class.
24482 ///
24483 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of class_decl.
24484 ///
24485 /// @param is_anonymous whether the newly created instance is
24486 /// anonymous.
24487 class_decl:: class_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
24488  size_t size_in_bits, size_t align_in_bits,
24489  bool is_struct, const location& locus,
24490  visibility vis, bool is_anonymous)
24491  : type_or_decl_base(env,
24497  decl_base(env, name, locus,
24498  // If the class is anonymous then by default it won't
24499  // have a linkage name. Also, the anonymous class does
24500  // have an internal-only unique name that is generally
24501  // not taken into account when comparing classes; such a
24502  // unique internal-only name, when used as a linkage
24503  // name might introduce spurious comparison false
24504  // negatives.
24505  /*linkage_name=*/ is_anonymous ? string() : name,
24506  vis),
24507  type_base(env, size_in_bits, align_in_bits),
24508  class_or_union(env, name, size_in_bits, align_in_bits,
24509  locus, vis),
24510  priv_(new priv(is_struct))
24511 {
24512  runtime_type_instance(this);
24513  set_is_anonymous(is_anonymous);
24514 }
24516 /// A constuctor for instances of class_decl that represent a
24517 /// declaration without definition.
24518 ///
24519 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
24520 ///
24521 /// @param name the name of the class.
24522 ///
24523 /// @param is_declaration_only a boolean saying whether the instance
24524 /// represents a declaration only, or not.
24525 class_decl::class_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
24526  bool is_struct, bool is_declaration_only)
24527  : type_or_decl_base(env,
24533  decl_base(env, name, location(), name),
24534  type_base(env, 0, 0),
24535  class_or_union(env, name, is_declaration_only),
24536  priv_(new priv(is_struct))
24537 {
24538  runtime_type_instance(this);
24539 }
24541 /// This method is invoked automatically right after the current
24542 /// instance of @ref class_decl has been canonicalized.
24543 ///
24544 /// Currently, the only thing it does is to sort the virtual member
24545 /// functions vector.
24546 void
24548 {
24551  for (class_decl::virtual_mem_fn_map_type::iterator i =
24552  priv_->virtual_mem_fns_map_.begin();
24553  i != priv_->virtual_mem_fns_map_.end();
24554  ++i)
24555  sort_virtual_member_functions(i->second);
24556 }
24558 /// Set the "is-struct" flag of the class.
24559 ///
24560 /// @param f the new value of the flag.
24561 void
24563 {priv_->is_struct_ = f;}
24565 /// Test if the class is a struct.
24566 ///
24567 /// @return true iff the class is a struct.
24568 bool
24570 {return priv_->is_struct_;}
24572 /// Add a base specifier to this class.
24573 ///
24574 /// @param b the new base specifier.
24575 void
24577 {
24578  priv_->bases_.push_back(b);
24579  priv_->bases_map_[b->get_base_class()->get_qualified_name()] = b;
24580 }
24582 /// Get the base specifiers for this class.
24583 ///
24584 /// @return a vector of the base specifiers.
24587 {return priv_->bases_;}
24589 /// Find a base class of a given qualified name for the current class.
24590 ///
24591 /// @param qualified_name the qualified name of the base class to look for.
24592 ///
24593 /// @return a pointer to the @ref class_decl that represents the base
24594 /// class of name @p qualified_name, if found.
24596 class_decl::find_base_class(const string& qualified_name) const
24597 {
24598  unordered_map<string, base_spec_sptr>::iterator i =
24599  priv_->bases_map_.find(qualified_name);
24601  if (i != priv_->bases_map_.end())
24602  return i->second->get_base_class();
24604  return class_decl_sptr();
24605 }
24607 /// Get the virtual member functions of this class.
24608 ///
24609 /// @param return a vector of the virtual member functions of this
24610 /// class.
24613 {return priv_->virtual_mem_fns_;}
24615 /// Get the map that associates a virtual table offset to the virtual
24616 /// member functions with that virtual table offset.
24617 ///
24618 /// Usually, there should be a 1:1 mapping between a given vtable
24619 /// offset and virtual member functions of that vtable offset. But
24620 /// because of some implementation details, there can be several C++
24621 /// destructor functions that are *generated* by compilers, for a
24622 /// given destructor that is defined in the source code. If the
24623 /// destructor is virtual then those generated functions have some
24624 /// DWARF attributes in common with the constructor that the user
24625 /// actually defined in its source code. Among those attributes are
24626 /// the vtable offset of the destructor.
24627 ///
24628 /// @return the map that associates a virtual table offset to the
24629 /// virtual member functions with that virtual table offset.
24632 {return priv_->virtual_mem_fns_map_;}
24634 /// Sort the virtual member functions by their virtual index.
24635 void
24637 {sort_virtual_member_functions(priv_->virtual_mem_fns_);}
24639 /// Getter of the pretty representation of the current instance of
24640 /// @ref class_decl.
24641 ///
24642 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
24643 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
24644 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
24645 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
24646 ///
24647 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
24648 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
24649 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
24650 /// for, then set it to false.
24651 ///
24652 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
24653 /// representation are fully qualified.
24654 ///
24655 /// @return the pretty representaion for a class_decl.
24656 string
24658  bool qualified_name) const
24659 {
24660  string cl = "class ";
24661  if (!internal && is_struct())
24662  cl = "struct ";
24664  // When computing the pretty representation for internal purposes,
24665  // if an anonymous class is named by a typedef, then consider that
24666  // it has a name, which is the typedef name.
24667  if (get_is_anonymous())
24668  {
24669  if (internal && !get_name().empty())
24670  return cl + get_type_name(this, qualified_name, /*internal=*/true);
24672  /*one_line=*/true,
24673  internal);
24675  }
24677  string result = cl;
24678  if (qualified_name)
24679  result += get_qualified_name(internal);
24680  else
24681  result += get_name();
24683  return result;
24684 }
24686 decl_base_sptr
24687 class_decl::insert_member_decl(decl_base_sptr d)
24688 {
24689  if (method_decl_sptr f = dynamic_pointer_cast<method_decl>(d))
24690  add_member_function(f, public_access,
24691  /*is_virtual=*/false,
24692  /*vtable_offset=*/0,
24693  /*is_static=*/false,
24694  /*is_ctor=*/false,
24695  /*is_dtor=*/false,
24696  /*is_const=*/false);
24697  else
24700  return d;
24701 }
24703 /// The private data structure of class_decl::base_spec.
24704 struct class_decl::base_spec::priv
24705 {
24706  class_decl_wptr base_class_;
24707  long offset_in_bits_;
24708  bool is_virtual_;
24710  priv(const class_decl_sptr& cl,
24711  long offset_in_bits,
24712  bool is_virtual)
24713  : base_class_(cl),
24714  offset_in_bits_(offset_in_bits),
24715  is_virtual_(is_virtual)
24716  {}
24717 };
24719 /// Constructor for base_spec instances.
24720 ///
24721 /// @param base the base class to consider
24722 ///
24723 /// @param a the access specifier of the base class.
24724 ///
24725 /// @param offset_in_bits if positive or null, represents the offset
24726 /// of the base in the layout of its containing type.. If negative,
24727 /// means that the current base is not laid out in its containing type.
24728 ///
24729 /// @param is_virtual if true, means that the current base class is
24730 /// virtual in it's containing type.
24731 class_decl::base_spec::base_spec(const class_decl_sptr& base,
24732  access_specifier a,
24733  long offset_in_bits,
24734  bool is_virtual)
24735  : type_or_decl_base(base->get_environment(),
24737  decl_base(base->get_environment(), base->get_name(), base->get_location(),
24738  base->get_linkage_name(), base->get_visibility()),
24739  member_base(a),
24740  priv_(new priv(base, offset_in_bits, is_virtual))
24741 {
24742  runtime_type_instance(this);
24743  set_qualified_name(base->get_qualified_name());
24744 }
24746 /// Get the base class referred to by the current base class
24747 /// specifier.
24748 ///
24749 /// @return the base class.
24752 {return priv_->base_class_.lock();}
24754 /// Getter of the "is-virtual" proprerty of the base class specifier.
24755 ///
24756 /// @return true iff this specifies a virtual base class.
24757 bool
24759 {return priv_->is_virtual_;}
24761 /// Getter of the offset of the base.
24762 ///
24763 /// @return the offset of the base.
24764 long
24766 {return priv_->offset_in_bits_;}
24768 /// Calculate the hash value for a class_decl::base_spec.
24769 ///
24770 /// @return the hash value.
24771 size_t
24773 {
24774  base_spec::hash h;
24775  return h(*this);
24776 }
24778 /// Traverses an instance of @ref class_decl::base_spec, visiting all
24779 /// the sub-types and decls that it might contain.
24780 ///
24781 /// @param v the visitor that is used to visit every IR sub-node of
24782 /// the current node.
24783 ///
24784 /// @return true if either
24785 /// - all the children nodes of the current IR node were traversed
24786 /// and the calling code should keep going with the traversing.
24787 /// - or the current IR node is already being traversed.
24788 /// Otherwise, returning false means that the calling code should not
24789 /// keep traversing the tree.
24790 bool
24792 {
24793  if (visiting())
24794  return true;
24796  if (v.visit_begin(this))
24797  {
24798  visiting(true);
24799  get_base_class()->traverse(v);
24800  visiting(false);
24801  }
24803  return v.visit_end(this);
24804 }
24806 /// Constructor for base_spec instances.
24807 ///
24808 /// Note that this constructor is for clients that don't support RTTI
24809 /// and that have a base class of type_base, but of dynamic type
24810 /// class_decl.
24811 ///
24812 /// @param base the base class to consider. Must be a pointer to an
24813 /// instance of class_decl
24814 ///
24815 /// @param a the access specifier of the base class.
24816 ///
24817 /// @param offset_in_bits if positive or null, represents the offset
24818 /// of the base in the layout of its containing type.. If negative,
24819 /// means that the current base is not laid out in its containing type.
24820 ///
24821 /// @param is_virtual if true, means that the current base class is
24822 /// virtual in it's containing type.
24823 class_decl::base_spec::base_spec(const type_base_sptr& base,
24824  access_specifier a,
24825  long offset_in_bits,
24826  bool is_virtual)
24833  member_base(a),
24834  priv_(new priv(dynamic_pointer_cast<class_decl>(base),
24835  offset_in_bits,
24836  is_virtual))
24837 {
24838  runtime_type_instance(this);
24839 }
24841 class_decl::base_spec::~base_spec() = default;
24843 /// Compares two instances of @ref class_decl::base_spec.
24844 ///
24845 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
24846 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
24847 ///
24848 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
24849 ///
24850 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
24851 ///
24852 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
24853 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
24854 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
24855 ///
24856 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
24857 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
24858 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
24859 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
24860 ///
24861 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
24862 bool
24864  const class_decl::base_spec& r,
24865  change_kind* k)
24866 {
24867  if (!l.member_base::operator==(r))
24868  {
24869  if (k)
24872  }
24874  ABG_RETURN((*l.get_base_class() == *r.get_base_class()));
24875 }
24877 /// Comparison operator for @ref class_decl::base_spec.
24878 ///
24879 /// @param other the instance of @ref class_decl::base_spec to compare
24880 /// against.
24881 ///
24882 /// @return true if the current instance of @ref class_decl::base_spec
24883 /// equals @p other.
24884 bool
24886 {
24887  const class_decl::base_spec* o =
24888  dynamic_cast<const class_decl::base_spec*>(&other);
24890  if (!o)
24891  return false;
24893  return equals(*this, *o, 0);
24894 }
24896 /// Comparison operator for @ref class_decl::base_spec.
24897 ///
24898 /// @param other the instance of @ref class_decl::base_spec to compare
24899 /// against.
24900 ///
24901 /// @return true if the current instance of @ref class_decl::base_spec
24902 /// equals @p other.
24903 bool
24905 {
24906  const class_decl::base_spec* o =
24907  dynamic_cast<const class_decl::base_spec*>(&other);
24908  if (!o)
24909  return false;
24911  return operator==(static_cast<const decl_base&>(*o));
24912 }
24914 mem_fn_context_rel::~mem_fn_context_rel()
24915 {
24916 }
24918 /// A constructor for instances of method_decl.
24919 ///
24920 /// @param name the name of the method.
24921 ///
24922 /// @param type the type of the method.
24923 ///
24924 /// @param declared_inline whether the method was
24925 /// declared inline or not.
24926 ///
24927 /// @param locus the source location of the method.
24928 ///
24929 /// @param linkage_name the mangled name of the method.
24930 ///
24931 /// @param vis the visibility of the method.
24932 ///
24933 /// @param bind the binding of the method.
24934 method_decl::method_decl(const string& name,
24935  method_type_sptr type,
24936  bool declared_inline,
24937  const location& locus,
24938  const string& linkage_name,
24939  visibility vis,
24940  binding bind)
24945  decl_base(type->get_environment(), name, locus, linkage_name, vis),
24946  function_decl(name, static_pointer_cast<function_type>(type),
24947  declared_inline, locus, linkage_name, vis, bind)
24948 {
24949  runtime_type_instance(this);
24950  set_context_rel(new mem_fn_context_rel(0));
24951  set_member_function_is_const(*this, type->get_is_const());
24952 }
24954 /// A constructor for instances of method_decl.
24955 ///
24956 /// @param name the name of the method.
24957 ///
24958 /// @param type the type of the method. Must be an instance of
24959 /// method_type.
24960 ///
24961 /// @param declared_inline whether the method was
24962 /// declared inline or not.
24963 ///
24964 /// @param locus the source location of the method.
24965 ///
24966 /// @param linkage_name the mangled name of the method.
24967 ///
24968 /// @param vis the visibility of the method.
24969 ///
24970 /// @param bind the binding of the method.
24971 method_decl::method_decl(const string& name,
24972  function_type_sptr type,
24973  bool declared_inline,
24974  const location& locus,
24975  const string& linkage_name,
24976  visibility vis,
24977  binding bind)
24978  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(),
24981  | FUNCTION_DECL),
24982  decl_base(type->get_environment(), name, locus, linkage_name, vis),
24983  function_decl(name, static_pointer_cast<function_type>
24984  (dynamic_pointer_cast<method_type>(type)),
24985  declared_inline, locus, linkage_name, vis, bind)
24986 {
24987  runtime_type_instance(this);
24988  set_context_rel(new mem_fn_context_rel(0));
24989 }
24991 /// A constructor for instances of method_decl.
24992 ///
24993 /// @param name the name of the method.
24994 ///
24995 /// @param type the type of the method. Must be an instance of
24996 /// method_type.
24997 ///
24998 /// @param declared_inline whether the method was
24999 /// declared inline or not.
25000 ///
25001 /// @param locus the source location of the method.
25002 ///
25003 /// @param linkage_name the mangled name of the method.
25004 ///
25005 /// @param vis the visibility of the method.
25006 ///
25007 /// @param bind the binding of the method.
25008 method_decl::method_decl(const string& name,
25009  type_base_sptr type,
25010  bool declared_inline,
25011  const location& locus,
25012  const string& linkage_name,
25013  visibility vis,
25014  binding bind)
25015  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(),
25018  | FUNCTION_DECL),
25019  decl_base(type->get_environment(), name, locus, linkage_name, vis),
25020  function_decl(name, static_pointer_cast<function_type>
25021  (dynamic_pointer_cast<method_type>(type)),
25022  declared_inline, locus, linkage_name, vis, bind)
25023 {
25024  runtime_type_instance(this);
25025  set_context_rel(new mem_fn_context_rel(0));
25026 }
25028 /// Set the linkage name of the method.
25029 ///
25030 /// @param l the new linkage name of the method.
25031 void
25033 {
25034  string old_lname = get_linkage_name();
25036  // Update the linkage_name -> member function map of the containing
25037  // class declaration.
25038  if (!l.empty())
25039  {
25040  method_type_sptr t = get_type();
25041  class_or_union_sptr cl = t->get_class_type();
25042  method_decl_sptr m(this, sptr_utils::noop_deleter());
25043  cl->priv_->mem_fns_map_[l] = m;
25044  if (!old_lname.empty() && l != old_lname)
25045  {
25046  if (method_decl_sptr m = cl->find_member_function_sptr(old_lname))
25047  {
25048  ABG_ASSERT(m.get() == this);
25049  cl->priv_->mem_fns_map_.erase(old_lname);
25050  }
25051  }
25052  }
25053 }
25055 method_decl::~method_decl()
25056 {}
25058 const method_type_sptr
25060 {
25061  method_type_sptr result;
25063  result = dynamic_pointer_cast<method_type>(function_decl::get_type());
25064  return result;
25065 }
25067 /// Set the containing class of a method_decl.
25068 ///
25069 /// @param scope the new containing class_decl.
25070 void
25071 method_decl::set_scope(scope_decl* scope)
25072 {
25073  if (!get_context_rel())
25074  set_context_rel(new mem_fn_context_rel(scope));
25075  else
25076  get_context_rel()->set_scope(scope);
25077 }
25079 /// Equality operator for @ref method_decl_sptr.
25080 ///
25081 /// This is a deep equality operator, as it compares the @ref
25082 /// method_decl that is pointed-to by the smart pointer.
25083 ///
25084 /// @param l the left-hand side argument of the equality operator.
25085 ///
25086 /// @param r the righ-hand side argument of the equality operator.
25087 ///
25088 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
25089 bool
25090 operator==(const method_decl_sptr& l, const method_decl_sptr& r)
25091 {
25092  if (l.get() == r.get())
25093  return true;
25094  if (!!l != !!r)
25095  return false;
25097  return *l == *r;
25098 }
25100 /// Inequality operator for @ref method_decl_sptr.
25101 ///
25102 /// This is a deep equality operator, as it compares the @ref
25103 /// method_decl that is pointed-to by the smart pointer.
25104 ///
25105 /// @param l the left-hand side argument of the equality operator.
25106 ///
25107 /// @param r the righ-hand side argument of the equality operator.
25108 ///
25109 /// @return true iff @p l differs from @p r.
25110 bool
25111 operator!=(const method_decl_sptr& l, const method_decl_sptr& r)
25112 {return !operator==(l, r);}
25114 /// Test if a function_decl is actually a method_decl.
25115 ///
25116 ///@param d the @ref function_decl to consider.
25117 ///
25118 /// @return the method_decl sub-object of @p d if inherits
25119 /// a method_decl type.
25120 method_decl*
25122 {
25123  return dynamic_cast<method_decl*>
25124  (const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(d));
25125 }
25127 /// Test if a function_decl is actually a method_decl.
25128 ///
25129 ///@param d the @ref function_decl to consider.
25130 ///
25131 /// @return the method_decl sub-object of @p d if inherits
25132 /// a method_decl type.
25133 method_decl*
25135 {return is_method_decl(&d);}
25137 /// Test if a function_decl is actually a method_decl.
25138 ///
25139 ///@param d the @ref function_decl to consider.
25140 ///
25141 /// @return the method_decl sub-object of @p d if inherits
25142 /// a method_decl type.
25143 method_decl_sptr
25145 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<method_decl>(d);}
25147 /// A "less than" functor to sort a vector of instances of
25148 /// method_decl that are virtual.
25149 struct virtual_member_function_less_than
25150 {
25151  /// The less than operator. First, it sorts the methods by their
25152  /// vtable index. If they have the same vtable index, it sorts them
25153  /// by the name of their ELF symbol. If they don't have elf
25154  /// symbols, it sorts them by considering their pretty
25155  /// representation.
25156  ///
25157  /// Note that this method expects virtual methods.
25158  ///
25159  /// @param f the first method to consider.
25160  ///
25161  /// @param s the second method to consider.
25162  ///
25163  /// @return true if method @p is less than method @s.
25164  bool
25165  operator()(const method_decl& f,
25166  const method_decl& s)
25167  {
25171  ssize_t f_offset = get_member_function_vtable_offset(f);
25172  ssize_t s_offset = get_member_function_vtable_offset(s);
25173  if (f_offset != s_offset) return f_offset < s_offset;
25175  string fn, sn;
25176  // Try the linkage names (important for destructors).
25177  fn = f.get_linkage_name();
25178  sn = s.get_linkage_name();
25179  if (fn != sn) return fn < sn;
25181  // If the functions have symbols, then compare their symbol-id
25182  // string.
25183  elf_symbol_sptr f_sym = f.get_symbol();
25184  elf_symbol_sptr s_sym = s.get_symbol();
25185  if ((!f_sym) != (!s_sym)) return !f_sym;
25186  if (f_sym && s_sym)
25187  {
25188  fn = f_sym->get_id_string();
25189  sn = s_sym->get_id_string();
25190  if (fn != sn) return fn < sn;
25191  }
25193  // None of the functions have symbols or linkage names that
25194  // distinguish them, so compare their pretty representation.
25195  fn = f.get_pretty_representation();
25196  sn = s.get_pretty_representation();
25197  if (fn != sn) return fn < sn;
25199  /// If it's just the file paths that are different then sort them
25200  /// too.
25201  string fn_filepath, sn_filepath;
25202  unsigned line = 0, column = 0;
25203  location fn_loc = f.get_location(), sn_loc = s.get_location();
25204  if (fn_loc)
25205  fn_loc.expand(fn_filepath, line, column);
25206  if (sn_loc)
25207  sn_loc.expand(sn_filepath, line, column);
25208  return fn_filepath < sn_filepath;
25209  }
25211  /// The less than operator. First, it sorts the methods by their
25212  /// vtable index. If they have the same vtable index, it sorts them
25213  /// by the name of their ELF symbol. If they don't have elf
25214  /// symbols, it sorts them by considering their pretty
25215  /// representation.
25216  ///
25217  /// Note that this method expects to take virtual methods.
25218  ///
25219  /// @param f the first method to consider.
25220  ///
25221  /// @param s the second method to consider.
25222  bool
25223  operator()(const method_decl_sptr f,
25224  const method_decl_sptr s)
25225  {return operator()(*f, *s);}
25226 }; // end struct virtual_member_function_less_than
25228 /// Sort a vector of instances of virtual member functions.
25229 ///
25230 /// @param mem_fns the vector of member functions to sort.
25231 static void
25232 sort_virtual_member_functions(class_decl::member_functions& mem_fns)
25233 {
25234  virtual_member_function_less_than lt;
25235  std::stable_sort(mem_fns.begin(), mem_fns.end(), lt);
25236 }
25238 /// Add a member function to the current instance of @ref class_or_union.
25239 ///
25240 /// @param f a method_decl to add to the current class. This function
25241 /// should not have been already added to a scope.
25242 ///
25243 /// @param access the access specifier for the member function to add.
25244 ///
25245 /// @param is_virtual if this is true then it means the function @p f
25246 /// is a virtual function. That also means that the current instance
25247 /// of @ref class_or_union is actually an instance of @ref class_decl.
25248 ///
25249 /// @param vtable_offset the offset of the member function in the
25250 /// virtual table. This parameter is taken into account only if @p
25251 /// is_virtual is true.
25252 ///
25253 /// @param is_static whether the member function is static.
25254 ///
25255 /// @param is_ctor whether the member function is a constructor.
25256 ///
25257 /// @param is_dtor whether the member function is a destructor.
25258 ///
25259 /// @param is_const whether the member function is const.
25260 void
25262  access_specifier a,
25263  bool is_virtual,
25264  size_t vtable_offset,
25265  bool is_static, bool is_ctor,
25266  bool is_dtor, bool is_const)
25267 {
25268  add_member_function(f, a, is_static, is_ctor,
25269  is_dtor, is_const);
25271  if (class_decl* klass = is_class_type(this))
25272  {
25273  set_member_function_is_virtual(f, is_virtual);
25274  if (is_virtual)
25275  {
25276  set_member_function_vtable_offset(f, vtable_offset);
25277  sort_virtual_member_functions(klass->priv_->virtual_mem_fns_);
25278  }
25279  }
25280 }
25282 /// When a virtual member function has seen its virtualness set by
25283 /// set_member_function_is_virtual(), this function ensures that the
25284 /// member function is added to the specific vectors and maps of
25285 /// virtual member function of its class.
25286 ///
25287 /// @param method the method to fixup.
25288 void
25289 fixup_virtual_member_function(method_decl_sptr method)
25290 {
25291  if (!method || !get_member_function_is_virtual(method))
25292  return;
25294  class_decl_sptr klass = is_class_type(method->get_type()->get_class_type());
25296  class_decl::member_functions::const_iterator m;
25297  for (m = klass->priv_->virtual_mem_fns_.begin();
25298  m != klass->priv_->virtual_mem_fns_.end();
25299  ++m)
25300  if (m->get() == method.get()
25301  || (*m)->get_linkage_name() == method->get_linkage_name())
25302  break;
25303  if (m == klass->priv_->virtual_mem_fns_.end())
25304  klass->priv_->virtual_mem_fns_.push_back(method);
25306  // Build or udpate the map that associates a vtable offset to the
25307  // number of virtual member functions that "point" to it.
25308  ssize_t voffset = get_member_function_vtable_offset(method);
25309  if (voffset == -1)
25310  return;
25312  class_decl::virtual_mem_fn_map_type::iterator i =
25313  klass->priv_->virtual_mem_fns_map_.find(voffset);
25314  if (i == klass->priv_->virtual_mem_fns_map_.end())
25315  {
25316  class_decl::member_functions virtual_mem_fns_at_voffset;
25317  virtual_mem_fns_at_voffset.push_back(method);
25318  klass->priv_->virtual_mem_fns_map_[voffset] = virtual_mem_fns_at_voffset;
25319  }
25320  else
25321  {
25322  for (m = i->second.begin() ; m != i->second.end(); ++m)
25323  if (m->get() == method.get()
25324  || (*m)->get_linkage_name() == method->get_linkage_name())
25325  break;
25326  if (m == i->second.end())
25327  i->second.push_back(method);
25328  }
25329 }
25331 /// Return true iff the class has no entity in its scope.
25332 bool
25334 {return priv_->bases_.empty() && has_no_member();}
25336 /// Test if the current instance of @ref class_decl has virtual member
25337 /// functions.
25338 ///
25339 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref class_decl has
25340 /// virtual member functions.
25341 bool
25343 {return !get_virtual_mem_fns().empty();}
25345 /// Test if the current instance of @ref class_decl has at least one
25346 /// virtual base.
25347 ///
25348 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref class_decl has a
25349 /// virtual member function.
25350 bool
25352 {
25353  for (base_specs::const_iterator b = get_base_specifiers().begin();
25354  b != get_base_specifiers().end();
25355  ++b)
25356  if ((*b)->get_is_virtual()
25357  || (*b)->get_base_class()->has_virtual_bases())
25358  return true;
25360  return false;
25361 }
25363 /// Test if the current instance has a vtable.
25364 ///
25365 /// This is only valid for a C++ program.
25366 ///
25367 /// Basically this function checks if the class has either virtual
25368 /// functions, or virtual bases.
25369 bool
25371 {
25373  || has_virtual_bases())
25374  return true;
25375  return false;
25376 }
25378 /// Get the highest vtable offset of all the virtual methods of the
25379 /// class.
25380 ///
25381 /// @return the highest vtable offset of all the virtual methods of
25382 /// the class.
25383 ssize_t
25385 {
25386  ssize_t offset = -1;
25387  for (class_decl::virtual_mem_fn_map_type::const_iterator e =
25388  get_virtual_mem_fns_map().begin();
25389  e != get_virtual_mem_fns_map().end();
25390  ++e)
25391  if (e->first > offset)
25392  offset = e->first;
25394  return offset;
25395 }
25397 /// Return the hash value for the current instance.
25398 ///
25399 /// @return the hash value.
25400 size_t
25402 {
25403  class_decl::hash hash_class;
25404  return hash_class(this);
25405 }
25407 /// Test if two methods are equal without taking their symbol or
25408 /// linkage name into account.
25409 ///
25410 /// @param f the first method.
25411 ///
25412 /// @param s the second method.
25413 ///
25414 /// @return true iff @p f equals @p s without taking their linkage
25415 /// name or symbol into account.
25416 static bool
25417 methods_equal_modulo_elf_symbol(const method_decl_sptr& f,
25418  const method_decl_sptr& s)
25419 {
25420  method_decl_sptr first = f, second = s;
25421  elf_symbol_sptr saved_first_elf_symbol =
25422  first->get_symbol();
25423  elf_symbol_sptr saved_second_elf_symbol =
25424  second->get_symbol();
25425  interned_string saved_first_linkage_name =
25426  first->get_linkage_name();
25427  interned_string saved_second_linkage_name =
25428  second->get_linkage_name();
25430  first->set_symbol(elf_symbol_sptr());
25431  first->set_linkage_name("");
25432  second->set_symbol(elf_symbol_sptr());
25433  second->set_linkage_name("");
25435  bool equal = *first == *second;
25437  first->set_symbol(saved_first_elf_symbol);
25438  first->set_linkage_name(saved_first_linkage_name);
25439  second->set_symbol(saved_second_elf_symbol);
25440  second->set_linkage_name(saved_second_linkage_name);
25442  return equal;
25443 }
25445 /// Test if a given method is equivalent to at least of other method
25446 /// that is in a vector of methods.
25447 ///
25448 /// Note that "equivalent" here means being equal without taking the
25449 /// linkage name or the symbol of the methods into account.
25450 ///
25451 /// This is a sub-routine of the 'equals' function that compares @ref
25452 /// class_decl.
25453 ///
25454 /// @param method the method to compare.
25455 ///
25456 /// @param fns the vector of functions to compare @p method against.
25457 ///
25458 /// @return true iff @p is equivalent to at least one method in @p
25459 /// fns.
25460 static bool
25461 method_matches_at_least_one_in_vector(const method_decl_sptr& method,
25462  const class_decl::member_functions& fns)
25463 {
25464  for (class_decl::member_functions::const_iterator i = fns.begin();
25465  i != fns.end();
25466  ++i)
25467  // Note that the comparison must be done in this order: method ==
25468  // *i This is to keep the consistency of the comparison. It's
25469  // important especially when doing type canonicalization. The
25470  // already canonicalize type is the left operand, and the type
25471  // being canonicalized is the right operand. This comes from the
25472  // code in type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
25473  if (methods_equal_modulo_elf_symbol(method, *i))
25474  return true;
25476  return false;
25477 }
25479 /// Cancel the canonical type that was propagated.
25480 ///
25481 /// If we are in the process of comparing a type for the purpose of
25482 /// canonicalization, and if that type has been the target of the
25483 /// canonical type propagation optimization, then clear the propagated
25484 /// canonical type. See @ref OnTheFlyCanonicalization for more about
25485 /// the canonical type optimization
25486 ///
25487 /// @param t the type to consider.
25488 static bool
25489 maybe_cancel_propagated_canonical_type(const class_or_union& t)
25490 {
25491  const environment& env = t.get_environment();
25492  if (env.do_on_the_fly_canonicalization())
25493  if (is_type(&t)->priv_->canonical_type_propagated())
25494  {
25495  is_type(&t)->priv_->clear_propagated_canonical_type();
25496  env.priv_->remove_from_types_with_non_confirmed_propagated_ct(&t);
25497  return true;
25498  }
25499  return false;
25500 }
25502 /// Compares two instances of @ref class_decl.
25503 ///
25504 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
25505 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
25506 ///
25507 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
25508 ///
25509 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
25510 ///
25511 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
25512 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
25513 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
25514 ///
25515 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
25516 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
25517 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
25518 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
25519 ///
25520 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
25521 bool
25522 equals(const class_decl& l, const class_decl& r, change_kind* k)
25523 {
25524  {
25525  // First of all, let's see if these two types haven't already been
25526  // compared. If so, and if the result of the comparison has been
25527  // cached, let's just re-use it, rather than comparing them all
25528  // over again.
25529  bool result = false;
25530  if (l.get_environment().priv_->is_type_comparison_cached(l, r, result))
25531  ABG_RETURN(result);
25532  }
25534  // if one of the classes is declaration-only then we take a fast
25535  // path here.
25537  ABG_RETURN(equals(static_cast<const class_or_union&>(l),
25538  static_cast<const class_or_union&>(r),
25539  k));
25541  bool had_canonical_type = !!r.get_naked_canonical_type();
25542  bool result = true;
25543  if (!equals(static_cast<const class_or_union&>(l),
25544  static_cast<const class_or_union&>(r),
25545  k))
25546  {
25547  result = false;
25548  if (!k)
25549  ABG_RETURN(result);
25550  }
25552  // If comparing the class_or_union 'part' of the type led to
25553  // canonical type propagation, then cancel that because it's too
25554  // early to do that at this point. We still need to compare bases
25555  // virtual members.
25556  if (!had_canonical_type)
25557  maybe_cancel_propagated_canonical_type(r);
25565  // Compare bases.
25566  if (l.get_base_specifiers().size() != r.get_base_specifiers().size())
25567  {
25568  result = false;
25569  if (k)
25571  else
25572  RETURN(result);
25573  }
25575  for (class_decl::base_specs::const_iterator
25576  b0 = l.get_base_specifiers().begin(),
25577  b1 = r.get_base_specifiers().begin();
25578  (b0 != l.get_base_specifiers().end()
25579  && b1 != r.get_base_specifiers().end());
25580  ++b0, ++b1)
25581  if (*b0 != *b1)
25582  {
25583  result = false;
25584  if (k)
25585  {
25586  if (!types_have_similar_structure((*b0)->get_base_class().get(),
25587  (*b1)->get_base_class().get()))
25589  else
25591  break;
25592  }
25593  RETURN(result);
25594  }
25596  // Compare virtual member functions
25598  // We look at the map that associates a given vtable offset to a
25599  // vector of virtual member functions that point to that offset.
25600  //
25601  // This is because there are cases where several functions can
25602  // point to the same virtual table offset.
25603  //
25604  // This is usually the case for virtual destructors. Even though
25605  // there can be only one virtual destructor declared in source
25606  // code, there are actually potentially up to three generated
25607  // functions for that destructor. Some of these generated
25608  // functions can be clones of other functions that are among those
25609  // generated ones. In any cases, they all have the same
25610  // properties, including the vtable offset property.
25612  // So, there should be the same number of different vtable
25613  // offsets, the size of two maps must be equals.
25614  if (l.get_virtual_mem_fns_map().size()
25615  != r.get_virtual_mem_fns_map().size())
25616  {
25617  result = false;
25618  if (k)
25620  else
25621  RETURN(result);
25622  }
25624  // Then, each virtual member function of a given vtable offset in
25625  // the first class type, must match an equivalent virtual member
25626  // function of a the same vtable offset in the second class type.
25627  //
25628  // By "match", I mean that the two virtual member function should
25629  // be equal if we don't take into account their symbol name or
25630  // their linkage name. This is because two destructor functions
25631  // clones (for instance) might have different linkage name, but
25632  // are still equivalent if their other properties are the same.
25633  for (class_decl::virtual_mem_fn_map_type::const_iterator first_v_fn_entry =
25634  l.get_virtual_mem_fns_map().begin();
25635  first_v_fn_entry != l.get_virtual_mem_fns_map().end();
25636  ++first_v_fn_entry)
25637  {
25638  unsigned voffset = first_v_fn_entry->first;
25639  const class_decl::member_functions& first_vfns =
25640  first_v_fn_entry->second;
25642  const class_decl::virtual_mem_fn_map_type::const_iterator
25643  second_v_fn_entry = r.get_virtual_mem_fns_map().find(voffset);
25645  if (second_v_fn_entry == r.get_virtual_mem_fns_map().end())
25646  {
25647  result = false;
25648  if (k)
25650  RETURN(result);
25651  }
25653  const class_decl::member_functions& second_vfns =
25654  second_v_fn_entry->second;
25656  bool matches = false;
25657  for (class_decl::member_functions::const_iterator i =
25658  first_vfns.begin();
25659  i != first_vfns.end();
25660  ++i)
25661  if (method_matches_at_least_one_in_vector(*i, second_vfns))
25662  {
25663  matches = true;
25664  break;
25665  }
25667  if (!matches)
25668  {
25669  result = false;
25670  if (k)
25672  else
25673  RETURN(result);
25674  }
25675  }
25677  RETURN(result);
25678 #undef RETURN
25679 }
25681 /// Copy a method of a class into a new class.
25682 ///
25683 /// @param klass the class into which the method is to be copied.
25684 ///
25685 /// @param method the method to copy into @p klass.
25686 ///
25687 /// @return the resulting newly copied method.
25688 method_decl_sptr
25689 copy_member_function(const class_decl_sptr& clazz, const method_decl_sptr& f)
25690 {return copy_member_function(static_pointer_cast<class_or_union>(clazz), f);}
25692 /// Copy a method of a class into a new class.
25693 ///
25694 /// @param klass the class into which the method is to be copied.
25695 ///
25696 /// @param method the method to copy into @p klass.
25697 ///
25698 /// @return the resulting newly copied method.
25699 method_decl_sptr
25701 {return copy_member_function(static_pointer_cast<class_or_union>(clazz), f);}
25703 /// Comparison operator for @ref class_decl.
25704 ///
25705 /// @param other the instance of @ref class_decl to compare against.
25706 ///
25707 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref class_decl equals @p
25708 /// other.
25709 bool
25711 {
25712  const class_decl* op = is_class_type(&other);
25713  if (!op)
25714  return false;
25716  // If this is a decl-only type (and thus with no canonical type),
25717  // use the canonical type of the definition, if any.
25718  const class_decl *l = 0;
25720  l = dynamic_cast<const class_decl*>(get_naked_definition_of_declaration());
25721  if (l == 0)
25722  l = this;
25724  ABG_ASSERT(l);
25726  // Likewise for the other type.
25727  const class_decl *r = 0;
25728  if (op->get_is_declaration_only())
25729  r = dynamic_cast<const class_decl*>(op->get_naked_definition_of_declaration());
25730  if (r == 0)
25731  r = op;
25733  ABG_ASSERT(r);
25735  return try_canonical_compare(l, r);
25736 }
25738 /// Equality operator for class_decl.
25739 ///
25740 /// Re-uses the equality operator that takes a decl_base.
25741 ///
25742 /// @param other the other class_decl to compare against.
25743 ///
25744 /// @return true iff the current instance equals the other one.
25745 bool
25747 {
25748  const decl_base* o = is_decl(&other);
25749  if (!o)
25750  return false;
25751  return *this == *o;
25752 }
25754 /// Equality operator for class_decl.
25755 ///
25756 /// Re-uses the equality operator that takes a decl_base.
25757 ///
25758 /// @param other the other class_decl to compare against.
25759 ///
25760 /// @return true iff the current instance equals the other one.
25761 bool
25763 {
25764  const decl_base& o = other;
25765  return *this == o;
25766 }
25768 /// Comparison operator for @ref class_decl.
25769 ///
25770 /// @param other the instance of @ref class_decl to compare against.
25771 ///
25772 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref class_decl equals @p
25773 /// other.
25774 bool
25776 {
25777  const decl_base& o = other;
25778  return *this == o;
25779 }
25781 /// Turn equality of shared_ptr of class_decl into a deep equality;
25782 /// that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
25783 ///
25784 /// @param l the shared_ptr of class_decl on left-hand-side of the
25785 /// equality.
25786 ///
25787 /// @param r the shared_ptr of class_decl on right-hand-side of the
25788 /// equality.
25789 ///
25790 /// @return true if the class_decl pointed to by the shared_ptrs are
25791 /// equal, false otherwise.
25792 bool
25794 {
25795  if (l.get() == r.get())
25796  return true;
25797  if (!!l != !!r)
25798  return false;
25800  return *l == *r;
25801 }
25803 /// Turn inequality of shared_ptr of class_decl into a deep equality;
25804 /// that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
25805 ///
25806 /// @param l the shared_ptr of class_decl on left-hand-side of the
25807 /// equality.
25808 ///
25809 /// @param r the shared_ptr of class_decl on right-hand-side of the
25810 /// equality.
25811 ///
25812 /// @return true if the class_decl pointed to by the shared_ptrs are
25813 /// different, false otherwise.
25814 bool
25816 {return !operator==(l, r);}
25818 /// Turn equality of shared_ptr of class_or_union into a deep
25819 /// equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
25820 ///
25821 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the operator
25822 ///
25823 /// @param r the right-hand-side operand of the operator.
25824 ///
25825 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
25826 bool
25827 operator==(const class_or_union_sptr& l, const class_or_union_sptr& r)
25828 {
25829  if (l.get() == r.get())
25830  return true;
25831  if (!!l != !!r)
25832  return false;
25834  return *l == *r;
25835 }
25837 /// Turn inequality of shared_ptr of class_or_union into a deep
25838 /// equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
25839 ///
25840 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the operator
25841 ///
25842 /// @param r the right-hand-side operand of the operator.
25843 ///
25844 /// @return true iff @p l is different from @p r.
25845 bool
25846 operator!=(const class_or_union_sptr& l, const class_or_union_sptr& r)
25847 {return !operator==(l, r);}
25849 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
25850 /// function.
25851 ///
25852 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance and on its
25853 /// members.
25854 ///
25855 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
25856 /// otherwise.
25857 bool
25859 {
25860  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
25861  return true;
25863  if (visiting())
25864  return true;
25866  if (v.visit_begin(this))
25867  {
25868  visiting(true);
25869  bool stop = false;
25871  for (base_specs::const_iterator i = get_base_specifiers().begin();
25872  i != get_base_specifiers().end();
25873  ++i)
25874  {
25875  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
25876  {
25877  stop = true;
25878  break;
25879  }
25880  }
25882  if (!stop)
25883  for (data_members::const_iterator i = get_data_members().begin();
25884  i != get_data_members().end();
25885  ++i)
25886  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
25887  {
25888  stop = true;
25889  break;
25890  }
25892  if (!stop)
25893  for (member_functions::const_iterator i= get_member_functions().begin();
25894  i != get_member_functions().end();
25895  ++i)
25896  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
25897  {
25898  stop = true;
25899  break;
25900  }
25902  if (!stop)
25903  for (member_types::const_iterator i = get_member_types().begin();
25904  i != get_member_types().end();
25905  ++i)
25906  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
25907  {
25908  stop = true;
25909  break;
25910  }
25912  if (!stop)
25913  for (member_function_templates::const_iterator i =
25915  i != get_member_function_templates().end();
25916  ++i)
25917  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
25918  {
25919  stop = true;
25920  break;
25921  }
25923  if (!stop)
25924  for (member_class_templates::const_iterator i =
25925  get_member_class_templates().begin();
25926  i != get_member_class_templates().end();
25927  ++i)
25928  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
25929  {
25930  stop = true;
25931  break;
25932  }
25933  visiting(false);
25934  }
25936  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
25937  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
25938  return result;
25939 }
25941 /// Destructor of the @ref class_decl type.
25943 {delete priv_;}
25945 context_rel::~context_rel()
25946 {}
25948 bool
25949 member_base::operator==(const member_base& o) const
25950 {
25952  && get_is_static() == o.get_is_static());
25953 }
25955 /// Equality operator for smart pointers to @ref
25956 /// class_decl::base_specs.
25957 ///
25958 /// This compares the pointed-to objects.
25959 ///
25960 /// @param l the first instance to consider.
25961 ///
25962 /// @param r the second instance to consider.
25963 ///
25964 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
25965 bool
25967  const class_decl::base_spec_sptr& r)
25968 {
25969  if (l.get() == r.get())
25970  return true;
25971  if (!!l != !!r)
25972  return false;
25974  return *l == static_cast<const decl_base&>(*r);
25975 }
25977 /// Inequality operator for smart pointers to @ref
25978 /// class_decl::base_specs.
25979 ///
25980 /// This compares the pointed-to objects.
25981 ///
25982 /// @param l the first instance to consider.
25983 ///
25984 /// @param r the second instance to consider.
25985 ///
25986 /// @return true iff @p l is different from @p r.
25987 bool
25989  const class_decl::base_spec_sptr& r)
25990 {return !operator==(l, r);}
25992 /// Test if an ABI artifact is a class base specifier.
25993 ///
25994 /// @param tod the ABI artifact to consider.
25995 ///
25996 /// @return a pointer to the @ref class_decl::base_spec sub-object of
25997 /// @p tod iff it's a class base specifier.
26000 {
26001  return dynamic_cast<class_decl::base_spec*>
26002  (const_cast<type_or_decl_base*>(tod));
26003 }
26005 /// Test if an ABI artifact is a class base specifier.
26006 ///
26007 /// @param tod the ABI artifact to consider.
26008 ///
26009 /// @return a pointer to the @ref class_decl::base_spec sub-object of
26010 /// @p tod iff it's a class base specifier.
26013 {return dynamic_pointer_cast<class_decl::base_spec>(tod);}
26015 bool
26016 member_function_template::operator==(const member_base& other) const
26017 {
26018  try
26019  {
26020  const member_function_template& o =
26021  dynamic_cast<const member_function_template&>(other);
26023  if (!(is_constructor() == o.is_constructor()
26024  && is_const() == o.is_const()
26025  && member_base::operator==(o)))
26026  return false;
26028  if (function_tdecl_sptr ftdecl = as_function_tdecl())
26029  {
26030  function_tdecl_sptr other_ftdecl = o.as_function_tdecl();
26031  if (other_ftdecl)
26032  return ftdecl->function_tdecl::operator==(*other_ftdecl);
26033  }
26034  }
26035  catch(...)
26036  {}
26037  return false;
26038 }
26040 /// Equality operator for smart pointers to @ref
26041 /// member_function_template. This is compares the
26042 /// pointed-to instances.
26043 ///
26044 /// @param l the first instance to consider.
26045 ///
26046 /// @param r the second instance to consider.
26047 ///
26048 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
26049 bool
26050 operator==(const member_function_template_sptr& l,
26051  const member_function_template_sptr& r)
26052 {
26053  if (l.get() == r.get())
26054  return true;
26055  if (!!l != !!r)
26056  return false;
26058  return *l == *r;
26059 }
26061 /// Inequality operator for smart pointers to @ref
26062 /// member_function_template. This is compares the pointed-to
26063 /// instances.
26064 ///
26065 /// @param l the first instance to consider.
26066 ///
26067 /// @param r the second instance to consider.
26068 ///
26069 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
26070 bool
26071 operator!=(const member_function_template_sptr& l,
26072  const member_function_template_sptr& r)
26073 {return !operator==(l, r);}
26075 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
26076 /// function.
26077 ///
26078 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance and on its
26079 /// underlying function template.
26080 ///
26081 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
26082 /// otherwise.
26083 bool
26085 {
26086  if (visiting())
26087  return true;
26089  if (v.visit_begin(this))
26090  {
26091  visiting(true);
26092  if (function_tdecl_sptr f = as_function_tdecl())
26093  f->traverse(v);
26094  visiting(false);
26095  }
26096  return v.visit_end(this);
26097 }
26099 /// Equality operator of the the @ref member_class_template class.
26100 ///
26101 /// @param other the other @ref member_class_template to compare against.
26102 ///
26103 /// @return true iff the current instance equals @p other.
26104 bool
26106 {
26107  try
26108  {
26109  const member_class_template& o =
26110  dynamic_cast<const member_class_template&>(other);
26112  if (!member_base::operator==(o))
26113  return false;
26115  return as_class_tdecl()->class_tdecl::operator==(o);
26116  }
26117  catch(...)
26118  {return false;}
26119 }
26121 /// Equality operator of the the @ref member_class_template class.
26122 ///
26123 /// @param other the other @ref member_class_template to compare against.
26124 ///
26125 /// @return true iff the current instance equals @p other.
26126 bool
26128 {
26129  if (!decl_base::operator==(other))
26130  return false;
26131  return as_class_tdecl()->class_tdecl::operator==(other);
26132 }
26134 /// Comparison operator for the @ref member_class_template
26135 /// type.
26136 ///
26137 /// @param other the other instance of @ref
26138 /// member_class_template to compare against.
26139 ///
26140 /// @return true iff the two instances are equal.
26141 bool
26143 {
26144  const decl_base* o = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&other);
26145  return *this == *o;
26146 }
26148 /// Comparison operator for the @ref member_class_template
26149 /// type.
26150 ///
26151 /// @param l the first argument of the operator.
26152 ///
26153 /// @param r the second argument of the operator.
26154 ///
26155 /// @return true iff the two instances are equal.
26156 bool
26157 operator==(const member_class_template_sptr& l,
26158  const member_class_template_sptr& r)
26159 {
26160  if (l.get() == r.get())
26161  return true;
26162  if (!!l != !!r)
26163  return false;
26165  return *l == *r;
26166 }
26168 /// Inequality operator for the @ref member_class_template
26169 /// type.
26170 ///
26171 /// @param l the first argument of the operator.
26172 ///
26173 /// @param r the second argument of the operator.
26174 ///
26175 /// @return true iff the two instances are equal.
26176 bool
26177 operator!=(const member_class_template_sptr& l,
26178  const member_class_template_sptr& r)
26179 {return !operator==(l, r);}
26181 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
26182 /// function.
26183 ///
26184 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance and on the class
26185 /// pattern of the template.
26186 ///
26187 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
26188 /// otherwise.
26189 bool
26191 {
26192  if (visiting())
26193  return true;
26195  if (v.visit_begin(this))
26196  {
26197  visiting(true);
26198  if (class_tdecl_sptr t = as_class_tdecl())
26199  t->traverse(v);
26200  visiting(false);
26201  }
26202  return v.visit_end(this);
26203 }
26205 /// Streaming operator for class_decl::access_specifier.
26206 ///
26207 /// @param o the output stream to serialize the access specifier to.
26208 ///
26209 /// @param a the access specifier to serialize.
26210 ///
26211 /// @return the output stream.
26212 std::ostream&
26213 operator<<(std::ostream& o, access_specifier a)
26214 {
26215  string r;
26217  switch (a)
26218  {
26219  case no_access:
26220  r = "none";
26221  break;
26222  case private_access:
26223  r = "private";
26224  break;
26225  case protected_access:
26226  r = "protected";
26227  break;
26228  case public_access:
26229  r= "public";
26230  break;
26231  };
26232  o << r;
26233  return o;
26234 }
26236 /// Sets the static-ness property of a class member.
26237 ///
26238 /// @param d the class member to set the static-ness property for.
26239 /// Note that this must be a class member otherwise the function
26240 /// aborts the current process.
26241 ///
26242 /// @param s this must be true if the member is to be static, false
26243 /// otherwise.
26244 void
26246 {
26249  context_rel* c = d.get_context_rel();
26250  ABG_ASSERT(c);
26252  c->set_is_static(s);
26254  scope_decl* scope = d.get_scope();
26256  if (class_or_union* cl = is_class_or_union_type(scope))
26257  {
26258  if (var_decl* v = is_var_decl(&d))
26259  {
26260  if (s)
26261  // remove from the non-static data members
26262  for (class_decl::data_members::iterator i =
26263  cl->priv_->non_static_data_members_.begin();
26264  i != cl->priv_->non_static_data_members_.end();
26265  ++i)
26266  {
26267  if ((*i)->get_name() == v->get_name())
26268  {
26269  cl->priv_->non_static_data_members_.erase(i);
26270  break;
26271  }
26272  }
26273  else
26274  {
26275  bool is_already_in_non_static_data_members = false;
26276  for (class_or_union::data_members::iterator i =
26277  cl->priv_->non_static_data_members_.begin();
26278  i != cl->priv_->non_static_data_members_.end();
26279  ++i)
26280  {
26281  if ((*i)->get_name() == v->get_name())
26282  {
26283  is_already_in_non_static_data_members = true;
26284  break;
26285  }
26286  }
26287  if (!is_already_in_non_static_data_members)
26288  {
26289  var_decl_sptr var;
26290  // add to non-static data members.
26291  for (class_or_union::data_members::const_iterator i =
26292  cl->priv_->data_members_.begin();
26293  i != cl->priv_->data_members_.end();
26294  ++i)
26295  {
26296  if ((*i)->get_name() == v->get_name())
26297  {
26298  var = *i;
26299  break;
26300  }
26301  }
26302  ABG_ASSERT(var);
26303  cl->priv_->non_static_data_members_.push_back(var);
26304  }
26305  }
26306  }
26307  }
26308 }
26310 /// Sets the static-ness property of a class member.
26311 ///
26312 /// @param d the class member to set the static-ness property for.
26313 /// Note that this must be a class member otherwise the function
26314 /// aborts the current process.
26315 ///
26316 /// @param s this must be true if the member is to be static, false
26317 /// otherwise.
26318 void
26319 set_member_is_static(const decl_base_sptr& d, bool s)
26320 {set_member_is_static(*d, s);}
26322 // </class_decl>
26324 // <union_decl>
26326 /// Constructor for the @ref union_decl type.
26327 ///
26328 /// @param env the @ref environment we are operating from.
26329 ///
26330 /// @param name the name of the union type.
26331 ///
26332 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the union, in bits.
26333 ///
26334 /// @param locus the location of the type.
26335 ///
26336 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of @ref union_decl.
26337 ///
26338 /// @param mbr_types the member types of the union.
26339 ///
26340 /// @param data_mbrs the data members of the union.
26341 ///
26342 /// @param member_fns the member functions of the union.
26343 union_decl::union_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
26344  size_t size_in_bits, const location& locus,
26345  visibility vis, member_types& mbr_types,
26346  data_members& data_mbrs, member_functions& member_fns)
26347  : type_or_decl_base(env,
26351  decl_base(env, name, locus, name, vis),
26352  type_base(env, size_in_bits, 0),
26353  class_or_union(env, name, size_in_bits, 0,
26354  locus, vis, mbr_types, data_mbrs, member_fns)
26355 {
26356  runtime_type_instance(this);
26357 }
26359 /// Constructor for the @ref union_decl type.
26360 ///
26361 /// @param env the @ref environment we are operating from.
26362 ///
26363 /// @param name the name of the union type.
26364 ///
26365 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the union, in bits.
26366 ///
26367 /// @param locus the location of the type.
26368 ///
26369 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of @ref union_decl.
26370 ///
26371 /// @param mbr_types the member types of the union.
26372 ///
26373 /// @param data_mbrs the data members of the union.
26374 ///
26375 /// @param member_fns the member functions of the union.
26376 ///
26377 /// @param is_anonymous whether the newly created instance is
26378 /// anonymous.
26379 union_decl::union_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
26380  size_t size_in_bits, const location& locus,
26381  visibility vis, member_types& mbr_types,
26382  data_members& data_mbrs, member_functions& member_fns,
26383  bool is_anonymous)
26384  : type_or_decl_base(env,
26388  decl_base(env, name, locus,
26389  // If the class is anonymous then by default it won't
26390  // have a linkage name. Also, the anonymous class does
26391  // have an internal-only unique name that is generally
26392  // not taken into account when comparing classes; such a
26393  // unique internal-only name, when used as a linkage
26394  // name might introduce spurious comparison false
26395  // negatives.
26396  /*linkage_name=*/is_anonymous ? string() : name,
26397  vis),
26398  type_base(env, size_in_bits, 0),
26399  class_or_union(env, name, size_in_bits, 0,
26400  locus, vis, mbr_types, data_mbrs, member_fns)
26401 {
26402  runtime_type_instance(this);
26403  set_is_anonymous(is_anonymous);
26404 }
26406 /// Constructor for the @ref union_decl type.
26407 ///
26408 /// @param env the @ref environment we are operating from.
26409 ///
26410 /// @param name the name of the union type.
26411 ///
26412 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the union, in bits.
26413 ///
26414 /// @param locus the location of the type.
26415 ///
26416 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of @ref union_decl.
26417 union_decl::union_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
26418  size_t size_in_bits, const location& locus,
26419  visibility vis)
26420  : type_or_decl_base(env,
26426  decl_base(env, name, locus, name, vis),
26427  type_base(env, size_in_bits, 0),
26428  class_or_union(env, name, size_in_bits,
26429  0, locus, vis)
26430 {
26431  runtime_type_instance(this);
26432 }
26434 /// Constructor for the @ref union_decl type.
26435 ///
26436 /// @param env the @ref environment we are operating from.
26437 ///
26438 /// @param name the name of the union type.
26439 ///
26440 /// @param size_in_bits the size of the union, in bits.
26441 ///
26442 /// @param locus the location of the type.
26443 ///
26444 /// @param vis the visibility of instances of @ref union_decl.
26445 ///
26446 /// @param is_anonymous whether the newly created instance is
26447 /// anonymous.
26448 union_decl::union_decl(const environment& env, const string& name,
26449  size_t size_in_bits, const location& locus,
26450  visibility vis, bool is_anonymous)
26451  : type_or_decl_base(env,
26457  decl_base(env, name, locus,
26458  // If the class is anonymous then by default it won't
26459  // have a linkage name. Also, the anonymous class does
26460  // have an internal-only unique name that is generally
26461  // not taken into account when comparing classes; such a
26462  // unique internal-only name, when used as a linkage
26463  // name might introduce spurious comparison false
26464  // negatives.
26465  /*linkage_name=*/is_anonymous ? string() : name,
26466  vis),
26467  type_base(env, size_in_bits, 0),
26468  class_or_union(env, name, size_in_bits,
26469  0, locus, vis)
26470 {
26471  runtime_type_instance(this);
26472  set_is_anonymous(is_anonymous);
26473 }
26475 /// Constructor for the @ref union_decl type.
26476 ///
26477 /// @param env the @ref environment we are operating from.
26478 ///
26479 /// @param name the name of the union type.
26480 ///
26481 /// @param is_declaration_only a boolean saying whether the instance
26482 /// represents a declaration only, or not.
26483 union_decl::union_decl(const environment& env,
26484  const string& name,
26485  bool is_declaration_only)
26486  : type_or_decl_base(env,
26492  decl_base(env, name, location(), name),
26493  type_base(env, 0, 0),
26494  class_or_union(env, name, is_declaration_only)
26495 {
26496  runtime_type_instance(this);
26497 }
26499 /// Getter of the pretty representation of the current instance of
26500 /// @ref union_decl.
26501 ///
26502 /// @param internal set to true if the call is intended to get a
26503 /// representation of the decl (or type) for the purpose of canonical
26504 /// type comparison. This is mainly used in the function
26505 /// type_base::get_canonical_type_for().
26506 ///
26507 /// In other words if the argument for this parameter is true then the
26508 /// call is meant for internal use (for technical use inside the
26509 /// library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is
26510 /// for, then set it to false.
26511 ///
26512 /// @param qualified_name if true, names emitted in the pretty
26513 /// representation are fully qualified.
26514 ///
26515 /// @return the pretty representaion for a union_decl.
26516 string
26518  bool qualified_name) const
26519 {
26520  string repr;
26521  if (get_is_anonymous())
26522  {
26523  if (internal && !get_name().empty())
26524  repr = string("union ") +
26525  get_type_name(this, qualified_name, /*internal=*/true);
26526  else
26528  /*one_line=*/true,
26529  internal);
26530  }
26531  else
26532  {
26533  repr = "union ";
26534  if (qualified_name)
26535  repr += get_qualified_name(internal);
26536  else
26537  repr += get_name();
26538  }
26540  return repr;
26541 }
26543 /// Comparison operator for @ref union_decl.
26544 ///
26545 /// @param other the instance of @ref union_decl to compare against.
26546 ///
26547 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref union_decl equals @p
26548 /// other.
26549 bool
26551 {
26552  const union_decl* op = dynamic_cast<const union_decl*>(&other);
26553  if (!op)
26554  return false;
26555  return try_canonical_compare(this, op);
26556 }
26558 /// Equality operator for union_decl.
26559 ///
26560 /// Re-uses the equality operator that takes a decl_base.
26561 ///
26562 /// @param other the other union_decl to compare against.
26563 ///
26564 /// @return true iff the current instance equals the other one.
26565 bool
26567 {
26568  const decl_base *o = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&other);
26569  if (!o)
26570  return false;
26571  return *this == *o;
26572 }
26574 /// Equality operator for union_decl.
26575 ///
26576 /// Re-uses the equality operator that takes a decl_base.
26577 ///
26578 /// @param other the other union_decl to compare against.
26579 ///
26580 /// @return true iff the current instance equals the other one.
26581 bool
26583 {
26584  const decl_base *o = dynamic_cast<const decl_base*>(&other);
26585  return *this == *o;
26586 }
26588 /// Comparison operator for @ref union_decl.
26589 ///
26590 /// @param other the instance of @ref union_decl to compare against.
26591 ///
26592 /// @return true iff the current instance of @ref union_decl equals @p
26593 /// other.
26594 bool
26596 {
26597  const decl_base& o = other;
26598  return *this == o;
26599 }
26601 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
26602 /// function.
26603 ///
26604 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance and on its
26605 /// members.
26606 ///
26607 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
26608 /// otherwise.
26609 bool
26611 {
26612  if (v.type_node_has_been_visited(this))
26613  return true;
26615  if (visiting())
26616  return true;
26618  if (v.visit_begin(this))
26619  {
26620  visiting(true);
26621  bool stop = false;
26623  if (!stop)
26624  for (data_members::const_iterator i = get_data_members().begin();
26625  i != get_data_members().end();
26626  ++i)
26627  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
26628  {
26629  stop = true;
26630  break;
26631  }
26633  if (!stop)
26634  for (member_functions::const_iterator i= get_member_functions().begin();
26635  i != get_member_functions().end();
26636  ++i)
26637  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
26638  {
26639  stop = true;
26640  break;
26641  }
26643  if (!stop)
26644  for (member_types::const_iterator i = get_member_types().begin();
26645  i != get_member_types().end();
26646  ++i)
26647  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
26648  {
26649  stop = true;
26650  break;
26651  }
26653  if (!stop)
26654  for (member_function_templates::const_iterator i =
26656  i != get_member_function_templates().end();
26657  ++i)
26658  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
26659  {
26660  stop = true;
26661  break;
26662  }
26664  if (!stop)
26665  for (member_class_templates::const_iterator i =
26666  get_member_class_templates().begin();
26667  i != get_member_class_templates().end();
26668  ++i)
26669  if (!(*i)->traverse(v))
26670  {
26671  stop = true;
26672  break;
26673  }
26674  visiting(false);
26675  }
26677  bool result = v.visit_end(this);
26678  v.mark_type_node_as_visited(this);
26679  return result;
26680 }
26682 /// Destructor of the @ref union_decl type.
26684 {}
26686 /// Compares two instances of @ref union_decl.
26687 ///
26688 /// If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some
26689 /// insight about the kind of differences there are.
26690 ///
26691 /// @param l the first artifact of the comparison.
26692 ///
26693 /// @param r the second artifact of the comparison.
26694 ///
26695 /// @param k a pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the
26696 /// kind of changes there are between @p l and @p r. This one is set
26697 /// iff @p k is non-null and the function returns false.
26698 ///
26699 /// Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a
26700 /// negative performance impact because even if @p l and @p r are not
26701 /// equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine
26702 /// the different kinds of ways in which they are different.
26703 ///
26704 /// @return true if @p l equals @p r, false otherwise.
26705 bool
26706 equals(const union_decl& l, const union_decl& r, change_kind* k)
26707 {
26711  {
26712  // First of all, let's see if these two types haven't already been
26713  // compared. If so, and if the result of the comparison has been
26714  // cached, let's just re-use it, rather than comparing them all
26715  // over again.
26716  bool result = false;
26717  if (l.get_environment().priv_->is_type_comparison_cached(l, r, result))
26718  ABG_RETURN(result);
26719  }
26721  bool result = equals(static_cast<const class_or_union&>(l),
26722  static_cast<const class_or_union&>(r),
26723  k);
26726 }
26728 /// Copy a method of a @ref union_decl into a new @ref
26729 /// union_decl.
26730 ///
26731 /// @param t the @ref union_decl into which the method is to be copied.
26732 ///
26733 /// @param method the method to copy into @p t.
26734 ///
26735 /// @return the resulting newly copied method.
26736 method_decl_sptr
26737 copy_member_function(const union_decl_sptr& union_type,
26738  const method_decl_sptr& f)
26739 {return copy_member_function(union_type, f.get());}
26741 /// Copy a method of a @ref union_decl into a new @ref
26742 /// union_decl.
26743 ///
26744 /// @param t the @ref union_decl into which the method is to be copied.
26745 ///
26746 /// @param method the method to copy into @p t.
26747 ///
26748 /// @return the resulting newly copied method.
26749 method_decl_sptr
26750 copy_member_function(const union_decl_sptr& union_type,
26751  const method_decl* f)
26752 {
26753  const class_or_union_sptr t = union_type;
26754  return copy_member_function(t, f);
26755 }
26757 /// Turn equality of shared_ptr of union_decl into a deep equality;
26758 /// that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
26759 ///
26760 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the operator
26761 ///
26762 /// @param r the right-hand-side operand of the operator.
26763 ///
26764 /// @return true iff @p l equals @p r.
26765 bool
26766 operator==(const union_decl_sptr& l, const union_decl_sptr& r)
26767 {
26768  if (l.get() == r.get())
26769  return true;
26770  if (!!l != !!r)
26771  return false;
26773  return *l == *r;
26774 }
26776 /// Turn inequality of shared_ptr of union_decl into a deep equality;
26777 /// that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too.
26778 ///
26779 /// @param l the left-hand-side operand of the operator
26780 ///
26781 /// @param r the right-hand-side operand of the operator.
26782 ///
26783 /// @return true iff @p l is different from @p r.
26784 bool
26785 operator!=(const union_decl_sptr& l, const union_decl_sptr& r)
26786 {return !operator==(l, r);}
26787 // </union_decl>
26789 // <template_decl stuff>
26791 /// Data type of the private data of the @template_decl type.
26792 class template_decl::priv
26793 {
26794  friend class template_decl;
26796  std::list<template_parameter_sptr> parms_;
26797 public:
26799  priv()
26800  {}
26801 }; // end class template_decl::priv
26803 /// Add a new template parameter to the current instance of @ref
26804 /// template_decl.
26805 ///
26806 /// @param p the new template parameter to add.
26807 void
26809 {priv_->parms_.push_back(p);}
26811 /// Get the list of template parameters of the current instance of
26812 /// @ref template_decl.
26813 ///
26814 /// @return the list of template parameters.
26815 const std::list<template_parameter_sptr>&
26817 {return priv_->parms_;}
26819 /// Constructor.
26820 ///
26821 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
26822 ///
26823 /// @param name the name of the template decl.
26824 ///
26825 /// @param locus the source location where the template declaration is
26826 /// defined.
26827 ///
26828 /// @param vis the visibility of the template declaration.
26829 template_decl::template_decl(const environment& env,
26830  const string& name,
26831  const location& locus,
26832  visibility vis)
26833  : type_or_decl_base(env, TEMPLATE_DECL | ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
26834  decl_base(env, name, locus, /*mangled_name=*/"", vis),
26835  priv_(new priv)
26836 {
26837  runtime_type_instance(this);
26838 }
26840 /// Destructor.
26842 {}
26844 /// Equality operator.
26845 ///
26846 /// @param o the other instance to compare against.
26847 ///
26848 /// @return true iff @p equals the current instance.
26849 bool
26851 {
26852  const template_decl* other = dynamic_cast<const template_decl*>(&o);
26853  if (!other)
26854  return false;
26855  return *this == *other;
26856 }
26858 /// Equality operator.
26859 ///
26860 /// @param o the other instance to compare against.
26861 ///
26862 /// @return true iff @p equals the current instance.
26863 bool
26865 {
26866  try
26867  {
26868  list<shared_ptr<template_parameter> >::const_iterator t0, t1;
26869  for (t0 = get_template_parameters().begin(),
26870  t1 = o.get_template_parameters().begin();
26871  (t0 != get_template_parameters().end()
26872  && t1 != o.get_template_parameters().end());
26873  ++t0, ++t1)
26874  {
26875  if (**t0 != **t1)
26876  return false;
26877  }
26879  if (t0 != get_template_parameters().end()
26880  || t1 != o.get_template_parameters().end())
26881  return false;
26883  return true;
26884  }
26885  catch(...)
26886  {return false;}
26887 }
26889 // </template_decl stuff>
26891 //<template_parameter>
26893 /// The type of the private data of the @ref template_parameter type.
26894 class template_parameter::priv
26895 {
26896  friend class template_parameter;
26898  unsigned index_;
26899  template_decl_wptr template_decl_;
26900  mutable bool hashing_started_;
26901  mutable bool comparison_started_;
26903  priv();
26905 public:
26907  priv(unsigned index, template_decl_sptr enclosing_template_decl)
26908  : index_(index),
26909  template_decl_(enclosing_template_decl),
26910  hashing_started_(),
26911  comparison_started_()
26912  {}
26913 }; // end class template_parameter::priv
26915 template_parameter::template_parameter(unsigned index,
26916  template_decl_sptr enclosing_template)
26917  : priv_(new priv(index, enclosing_template))
26918  {}
26920 unsigned
26921 template_parameter::get_index() const
26922 {return priv_->index_;}
26924 const template_decl_sptr
26925 template_parameter::get_enclosing_template_decl() const
26926 {return priv_->template_decl_.lock();}
26928 bool
26929 template_parameter::get_hashing_has_started() const
26930 {return priv_->hashing_started_;}
26932 void
26933 template_parameter::set_hashing_has_started(bool f) const
26934 {priv_->hashing_started_ = f;}
26936 bool
26937 template_parameter::operator==(const template_parameter& o) const
26938 {
26939  if (get_index() != o.get_index())
26940  return false;
26942  if (priv_->comparison_started_)
26943  return true;
26945  bool result = false;
26947  // Avoid inifite loops due to the fact that comparison the enclosing
26948  // template decl might lead to comparing this very same template
26949  // parameter with another one ...
26950  priv_->comparison_started_ = true;
26952  if (!!get_enclosing_template_decl() != !!o.get_enclosing_template_decl())
26953  ;
26954  else if (get_enclosing_template_decl()
26955  && (*get_enclosing_template_decl()
26956  != *o.get_enclosing_template_decl()))
26957  ;
26958  else
26959  result = true;
26961  priv_->comparison_started_ = false;
26963  return result;
26964 }
26966 /// Inequality operator.
26967 ///
26968 /// @param other the other instance to compare against.
26969 ///
26970 /// @return true iff the other instance is different from the current
26971 /// one.
26972 bool
26974 {return !operator==(other);}
26976 /// Destructor.
26978 {}
26980 /// The type of the private data of the @ref type_tparameter type.
26981 class type_tparameter::priv
26982 {
26983  friend class type_tparameter;
26984 }; // end class type_tparameter::priv
26986 /// Constructor of the @ref type_tparameter type.
26987 ///
26988 /// @param index the index the type template parameter.
26989 ///
26990 /// @param enclosing_tdecl the enclosing template declaration.
26991 ///
26992 /// @param name the name of the template parameter.
26993 ///
26994 /// @param locus the location of the declaration of this type template
26995 /// parameter.
26996 type_tparameter::type_tparameter(unsigned index,
26997  template_decl_sptr enclosing_tdecl,
26998  const string& name,
26999  const location& locus)
27000  : type_or_decl_base(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(),
27003  | BASIC_TYPE),
27004  decl_base(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(), name, locus),
27005  type_base(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(), 0, 0),
27006  type_decl(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(), name, 0, 0, locus),
27007  template_parameter(index, enclosing_tdecl),
27008  priv_(new priv)
27009 {
27010  runtime_type_instance(this);
27011 }
27013 /// Equality operator.
27014 ///
27015 /// @param other the other template type parameter to compare against.
27016 ///
27017 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
27018 bool
27020 {
27021  if (!type_decl::operator==(other))
27022  return false;
27024  try
27025  {
27026  const type_tparameter& o = dynamic_cast<const type_tparameter&>(other);
27028  }
27029  catch (...)
27030  {return false;}
27031 }
27033 /// Equality operator.
27034 ///
27035 /// @param other the other template type parameter to compare against.
27036 ///
27037 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
27038 bool
27040 {
27041  if (!type_decl::operator==(other))
27042  return false;
27044  try
27045  {
27046  const type_tparameter& o = dynamic_cast<const type_tparameter&>(other);
27048  }
27049  catch (...)
27050  {return false;}
27051 }
27053 /// Equality operator.
27054 ///
27055 /// @param other the other template type parameter to compare against.
27056 ///
27057 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
27058 bool
27060 {
27061  if (!decl_base::operator==(other))
27062  return false;
27064  try
27065  {
27066  const type_tparameter& o = dynamic_cast<const type_tparameter&>(other);
27068  }
27069  catch (...)
27070  {return false;}
27071 }
27073 /// Equality operator.
27074 ///
27075 /// @param other the other template type parameter to compare against.
27076 ///
27077 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
27078 bool
27080 {
27081  try
27082  {
27083  const type_base& o = dynamic_cast<const type_base&>(other);
27084  return *this == o;
27085  }
27086  catch(...)
27087  {return false;}
27088 }
27090 /// Equality operator.
27091 ///
27092 /// @param other the other template type parameter to compare against.
27093 ///
27094 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
27095 bool
27097 {return *this == static_cast<const type_base&>(other);}
27099 type_tparameter::~type_tparameter()
27100 {}
27102 /// The type of the private data of the @ref non_type_tparameter type.
27103 class non_type_tparameter::priv
27104 {
27105  friend class non_type_tparameter;
27107  type_base_wptr type_;
27109  priv();
27111 public:
27113  priv(type_base_sptr type)
27114  : type_(type)
27115  {}
27116 }; // end class non_type_tparameter::priv
27118 /// The constructor for the @ref non_type_tparameter type.
27119 ///
27120 /// @param index the index of the template parameter.
27121 ///
27122 /// @param enclosing_tdecl the enclosing template declaration that
27123 /// holds this parameter parameter.
27124 ///
27125 /// @param name the name of the template parameter.
27126 ///
27127 /// @param type the type of the template parameter.
27128 ///
27129 /// @param locus the location of the declaration of this template
27130 /// parameter.
27131 non_type_tparameter::non_type_tparameter(unsigned index,
27132  template_decl_sptr enclosing_tdecl,
27133  const string& name,
27134  type_base_sptr type,
27135  const location& locus)
27136  : type_or_decl_base(type->get_environment(), ABSTRACT_DECL_BASE),
27137  decl_base(type->get_environment(), name, locus, ""),
27138  template_parameter(index, enclosing_tdecl),
27139  priv_(new priv(type))
27140 {
27141  runtime_type_instance(this);
27142 }
27144 /// Getter for the type of the template parameter.
27145 ///
27146 /// @return the type of the template parameter.
27147 const type_base_sptr
27149 {return priv_->type_.lock();}
27151 /// Get the hash value of the current instance.
27152 ///
27153 /// @return the hash value.
27154 size_t
27156 {
27157  non_type_tparameter::hash hash_tparm;
27158  return hash_tparm(this);
27159 }
27161 bool
27163 {
27164  if (!decl_base::operator==(other))
27165  return false;
27167  try
27168  {
27169  const non_type_tparameter& o =
27170  dynamic_cast<const non_type_tparameter&>(other);
27171  return (template_parameter::operator==(o)
27172  && get_type() == o.get_type());
27173  }
27174  catch(...)
27175  {return false;}
27176 }
27178 bool
27180 {
27181  try
27182  {
27183  const decl_base& o = dynamic_cast<const decl_base&>(other);
27184  return *this == o;
27185  }
27186  catch(...)
27187  {return false;}
27188 }
27190 non_type_tparameter::~non_type_tparameter()
27191 {}
27193 // <template_tparameter stuff>
27195 /// Type of the private data of the @ref template_tparameter type.
27196 class template_tparameter::priv
27197 {
27198 }; //end class template_tparameter::priv
27200 /// Constructor for the @ref template_tparameter.
27201 ///
27202 /// @param index the index of the template parameter.
27203 ///
27204 /// @param enclosing_tdecl the enclosing template declaration.
27205 ///
27206 /// @param name the name of the template parameter.
27207 ///
27208 /// @param locus the location of the declaration of the template
27209 /// parameter.
27210 template_tparameter::template_tparameter(unsigned index,
27211  template_decl_sptr enclosing_tdecl,
27212  const string& name,
27213  const location& locus)
27214  : type_or_decl_base(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(),
27217  | BASIC_TYPE),
27218  decl_base(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(), name, locus),
27219  type_base(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(), 0, 0),
27220  type_decl(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(), name,
27221  0, 0, locus, name, VISIBILITY_DEFAULT),
27222  type_tparameter(index, enclosing_tdecl, name, locus),
27223  template_decl(enclosing_tdecl->get_environment(), name, locus),
27224  priv_(new priv)
27225 {
27226  runtime_type_instance(this);
27227 }
27229 /// Equality operator.
27230 ///
27231 /// @param other the other template parameter to compare against.
27232 ///
27233 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
27234 bool
27236 {
27237  try
27238  {
27239  const template_tparameter& o =
27240  dynamic_cast<const template_tparameter&>(other);
27241  return (type_tparameter::operator==(o)
27243  }
27244  catch(...)
27245  {return false;}
27246 }
27248 /// Equality operator.
27249 ///
27250 /// @param other the other template parameter to compare against.
27251 ///
27252 /// @return true iff @p other equals the current instance.
27253 bool
27255 {
27256  try
27257  {
27258  const template_tparameter& o =
27259  dynamic_cast<const template_tparameter&>(other);
27260  return (type_tparameter::operator==(o)
27262  }
27263  catch(...)
27264  {return false;}
27265 }
27267 bool
27269 {
27270  try
27271  {
27272  const template_tparameter& other =
27273  dynamic_cast<const template_tparameter&>(o);
27274  return *this == static_cast<const type_base&>(other);
27275  }
27276  catch(...)
27277  {return false;}
27278 }
27280 bool
27282 {
27283  try
27284  {
27285  const template_tparameter& other =
27286  dynamic_cast<const template_tparameter&>(o);
27287  return type_base::operator==(other);
27288  }
27289  catch(...)
27290  {return false;}
27291 }
27293 template_tparameter::~template_tparameter()
27294 {}
27296 // </template_tparameter stuff>
27298 // <type_composition stuff>
27300 /// The type of the private data of the @ref type_composition type.
27301 class type_composition::priv
27302 {
27303  friend class type_composition;
27305  type_base_wptr type_;
27307  // Forbid this.
27308  priv();
27310 public:
27312  priv(type_base_wptr type)
27313  : type_(type)
27314  {}
27315 }; //end class type_composition::priv
27317 /// Constructor for the @ref type_composition type.
27318 ///
27319 /// @param index the index of the template type composition.
27320 ///
27321 /// @param tdecl the enclosing template parameter that owns the
27322 /// composition.
27323 ///
27324 /// @param t the resulting type.
27325 type_composition::type_composition(unsigned index,
27326  template_decl_sptr tdecl,
27327  type_base_sptr t)
27328  : type_or_decl_base(tdecl->get_environment(),
27330  decl_base(tdecl->get_environment(), "", location()),
27331  template_parameter(index, tdecl),
27332  priv_(new priv(t))
27333 {
27334  runtime_type_instance(this);
27335 }
27337 /// Getter for the resulting composed type.
27338 ///
27339 /// @return the composed type.
27340 const type_base_sptr
27342 {return priv_->type_.lock();}
27344 /// Setter for the resulting composed type.
27345 ///
27346 /// @param t the composed type.
27347 void
27349 {priv_->type_ = t;}
27351 /// Get the hash value for the current instance.
27352 ///
27353 /// @return the hash value.
27354 size_t
27356 {
27357  type_composition::hash hash_type_composition;
27358  return hash_type_composition(this);
27359 }
27361 type_composition::~type_composition()
27362 {}
27364 // </type_composition stuff>
27366 //</template_parameter stuff>
27368 // <function_template>
27370 class function_tdecl::priv
27371 {
27372  friend class function_tdecl;
27374  function_decl_sptr pattern_;
27375  binding binding_;
27377  priv();
27379 public:
27381  priv(function_decl_sptr pattern, binding bind)
27382  : pattern_(pattern), binding_(bind)
27383  {}
27385  priv(binding bind)
27386  : binding_(bind)
27387  {}
27388 }; // end class function_tdecl::priv
27390 /// Constructor for a function template declaration.
27391 ///
27392 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
27393 ///
27394 /// @param locus the location of the declaration.
27395 ///
27396 /// @param vis the visibility of the declaration. This is the
27397 /// visibility the functions instantiated from this template are going
27398 /// to have.
27399 ///
27400 /// @param bind the binding of the declaration. This is the binding
27401 /// the functions instantiated from this template are going to have.
27402 function_tdecl::function_tdecl(const environment& env,
27403  const location& locus,
27404  visibility vis,
27405  binding bind)
27406  : type_or_decl_base(env,
27410  decl_base(env, "", locus, "", vis),
27411  template_decl(env, "", locus, vis),
27412  scope_decl(env, "", locus),
27413  priv_(new priv(bind))
27414 {
27415  runtime_type_instance(this);
27416 }
27418 /// Constructor for a function template declaration.
27419 ///
27420 /// @param pattern the pattern of the template.
27421 ///
27422 /// @param locus the location of the declaration.
27423 ///
27424 /// @param vis the visibility of the declaration. This is the
27425 /// visibility the functions instantiated from this template are going
27426 /// to have.
27427 ///
27428 /// @param bind the binding of the declaration. This is the binding
27429 /// the functions instantiated from this template are going to have.
27430 function_tdecl::function_tdecl(function_decl_sptr pattern,
27431  const location& locus,
27432  visibility vis,
27433  binding bind)
27434  : type_or_decl_base(pattern->get_environment(),
27438  decl_base(pattern->get_environment(), pattern->get_name(), locus,
27439  pattern->get_name(), vis),
27440  template_decl(pattern->get_environment(), pattern->get_name(), locus, vis),
27441  scope_decl(pattern->get_environment(), pattern->get_name(), locus),
27442  priv_(new priv(pattern, bind))
27443 {
27444  runtime_type_instance(this);
27445 }
27447 /// Set a new pattern to the function template.
27448 ///
27449 /// @param p the new pattern.
27450 void
27452 {
27453  priv_->pattern_ = p;
27454  add_decl_to_scope(p, this);
27455  set_name(p->get_name());
27456 }
27458 /// Get the pattern of the function template.
27459 ///
27460 /// @return the pattern.
27463 {return priv_->pattern_;}
27465 /// Get the binding of the function template.
27466 ///
27467 /// @return the binding
27470 {return priv_->binding_;}
27472 /// Comparison operator for the @ref function_tdecl type.
27473 ///
27474 /// @param other the other instance of @ref function_tdecl to compare against.
27475 ///
27476 /// @return true iff the two instance are equal.
27477 bool
27479 {
27480  const function_tdecl* o = dynamic_cast<const function_tdecl*>(&other);
27481  if (o)
27482  return *this == *o;
27483  return false;
27484 }
27486 /// Comparison operator for the @ref function_tdecl type.
27487 ///
27488 /// @param other the other instance of @ref function_tdecl to compare against.
27489 ///
27490 /// @return true iff the two instance are equal.
27491 bool
27493 {
27494  const function_tdecl* o = dynamic_cast<const function_tdecl*>(&other);
27495  if (o)
27496  return *this == *o;
27497  return false;
27498 }
27500 /// Comparison operator for the @ref function_tdecl type.
27501 ///
27502 /// @param o the other instance of @ref function_tdecl to compare against.
27503 ///
27504 /// @return true iff the two instance are equal.
27505 bool
27507 {
27508  if (!(get_binding() == o.get_binding()
27509  && template_decl::operator==(o)
27510  && scope_decl::operator==(o)
27511  && !!get_pattern() == !!o.get_pattern()))
27512  return false;
27514  if (get_pattern())
27515  return (*get_pattern() == *o.get_pattern());
27517  return true;
27518 }
27520 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
27521 /// function.
27522 ///
27523 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance and on the
27524 /// function pattern of the template.
27525 ///
27526 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
27527 /// otherwise.
27528 bool
27530 {
27531  if (visiting())
27532  return true;
27534  if (!v.visit_begin(this))
27535  {
27536  visiting(true);
27537  if (get_pattern())
27538  get_pattern()->traverse(v);
27539  visiting(false);
27540  }
27541  return v.visit_end(this);
27542 }
27544 function_tdecl::~function_tdecl()
27545 {}
27547 // </function_template>
27549 // <class template>
27551 /// Type of the private data of the the @ref class_tdecl type.
27552 class class_tdecl::priv
27553 {
27554  friend class class_tdecl;
27555  class_decl_sptr pattern_;
27557 public:
27559  priv()
27560  {}
27562  priv(class_decl_sptr pattern)
27563  : pattern_(pattern)
27564  {}
27565 }; // end class class_tdecl::priv
27567 /// Constructor for the @ref class_tdecl type.
27568 ///
27569 /// @param env the environment we are operating from.
27570 ///
27571 /// @param locus the location of the declaration of the class_tdecl
27572 /// type.
27573 ///
27574 /// @param vis the visibility of the instance of class instantiated
27575 /// from this template.
27576 class_tdecl::class_tdecl(const environment& env,
27577  const location& locus,
27578  visibility vis)
27579  : type_or_decl_base(env,
27583  decl_base(env, "", locus, "", vis),
27584  template_decl(env, "", locus, vis),
27585  scope_decl(env, "", locus),
27586  priv_(new priv)
27587 {
27588  runtime_type_instance(this);
27589 }
27591 /// Constructor for the @ref class_tdecl type.
27592 ///
27593 /// @param pattern The details of the class template. This must NOT be a
27594 /// null pointer. If you really this to be null, please use the
27595 /// constructor above instead.
27596 ///
27597 /// @param locus the source location of the declaration of the type.
27598 ///
27599 /// @param vis the visibility of the instances of class instantiated
27600 /// from this template.
27601 class_tdecl::class_tdecl(class_decl_sptr pattern,
27602  const location& locus,
27603  visibility vis)
27604  : type_or_decl_base(pattern->get_environment(),
27608  decl_base(pattern->get_environment(), pattern->get_name(),
27609  locus, pattern->get_name(), vis),
27610  template_decl(pattern->get_environment(), pattern->get_name(), locus, vis),
27611  scope_decl(pattern->get_environment(), pattern->get_name(), locus),
27612  priv_(new priv(pattern))
27613 {
27614  runtime_type_instance(this);
27615 }
27617 /// Setter of the pattern of the template.
27618 ///
27619 /// @param p the new template.
27620 void
27622 {
27623  priv_->pattern_ = p;
27624  add_decl_to_scope(p, this);
27625  set_name(p->get_name());
27626 }
27628 /// Getter of the pattern of the template.
27629 ///
27630 /// @return p the new template.
27633 {return priv_->pattern_;}
27635 bool
27637 {
27638  try
27639  {
27640  const class_tdecl& o = dynamic_cast<const class_tdecl&>(other);
27642  if (!(template_decl::operator==(o)
27643  && scope_decl::operator==(o)
27644  && !!get_pattern() == !!o.get_pattern()))
27645  return false;
27647  if (!get_pattern() || !o.get_pattern())
27648  return true;
27650  return get_pattern()->decl_base::operator==(*o.get_pattern());
27651  }
27652  catch(...) {}
27653  return false;
27654 }
27656 bool
27658 {
27659  try
27660  {
27661  const class_tdecl& o = dynamic_cast<const class_tdecl&>(other);
27662  return *this == static_cast<const decl_base&>(o);
27663  }
27664  catch(...)
27665  {return false;}
27666 }
27668 bool
27669 class_tdecl::operator==(const class_tdecl& o) const
27670 {return *this == static_cast<const decl_base&>(o);}
27672 /// This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual
27673 /// function.
27674 ///
27675 /// @param v the visitor used on the current instance and on the class
27676 /// pattern of the template.
27677 ///
27678 /// @return true if the entire IR node tree got traversed, false
27679 /// otherwise.
27680 bool
27682 {
27683  if (visiting())
27684  return true;
27686  if (v.visit_begin(this))
27687  {
27688  visiting(true);
27689  if (class_decl_sptr pattern = get_pattern())
27690  pattern->traverse(v);
27691  visiting(false);
27692  }
27693  return v.visit_end(this);
27694 }
27696 class_tdecl::~class_tdecl()
27697 {}
27699 /// This visitor checks if a given type as non-canonicalized sub
27700 /// types.
27701 class non_canonicalized_subtype_detector : public ir::ir_node_visitor
27702 {
27703  type_base* type_;
27704  type_base* has_non_canonical_type_;
27706 private:
27707  non_canonicalized_subtype_detector();
27709 public:
27710  non_canonicalized_subtype_detector(type_base* type)
27711  : type_(type),
27712  has_non_canonical_type_()
27713  {}
27715  /// Return true if the visitor detected that there is a
27716  /// non-canonicalized sub-type.
27717  ///
27718  /// @return true if the visitor detected that there is a
27719  /// non-canonicalized sub-type.
27720  type_base*
27721  has_non_canonical_type() const
27722  {return has_non_canonical_type_;}
27724  /// The intent of this visitor handler is to avoid looking into
27725  /// sub-types of member functions of the type we are traversing.
27726  bool
27727  visit_begin(function_decl* f)
27728  {
27729  // Do not look at sub-types of non-virtual member functions.
27730  if (is_member_function(f)
27732  return false;
27733  return true;
27734  }
27736  /// When visiting a sub-type, if it's *NOT* been canonicalized, set
27737  /// the 'has_non_canonical_type' flag. And in any case, when
27738  /// visiting a sub-type, do not visit its children nodes. So this
27739  /// function only goes to the level below the level of the top-most
27740  /// type.
27741  ///
27742  /// @return true if we are at the same level as the top-most type,
27743  /// otherwise return false.
27744  bool
27745  visit_begin(type_base* t)
27746  {
27747  if (t != type_)
27748  {
27749  if (!t->get_canonical_type())
27750  // We are looking a sub-type of 'type_' which has no
27751  // canonical type. So tada! we found one! Get out right
27752  // now with the trophy.
27753  has_non_canonical_type_ = t;
27755  return false;
27756  }
27757  return true;
27758  }
27760  /// When we are done visiting a sub-type, if it's been flagged as
27761  /// been non-canonicalized, then stop the traversing.
27762  ///
27763  /// Otherwise, keep going.
27764  ///
27765  /// @return false iff the sub-type that has been visited is
27766  /// non-canonicalized.
27767  bool
27768  visit_end(type_base* )
27769  {
27770  if (has_non_canonical_type_)
27771  return false;
27772  return true;
27773  }
27774 }; //end class non_canonicalized_subtype_detector
27776 /// Test if a type has sub-types that are non-canonicalized.
27777 ///
27778 /// @param t the type which sub-types to consider.
27779 ///
27780 /// @return true if a type has sub-types that are non-canonicalized.
27781 type_base*
27783 {
27784  if (!t)
27785  return 0;
27787  non_canonicalized_subtype_detector v(t.get());
27788  t->traverse(v);
27789  return v.has_non_canonical_type();
27790 }
27792 /// Tests if the change of a given type effectively comes from just
27793 /// its sub-types. That is, if the type has changed but its type name
27794 /// hasn't changed, then the change of the type mostly likely is a
27795 /// sub-type change.
27796 ///
27797 /// @param t_v1 the first version of the type.
27798 ///
27799 /// @param t_v2 the second version of the type.
27800 ///
27801 /// @return true iff the type changed and the change is about its
27802 /// sub-types.
27803 bool
27804 type_has_sub_type_changes(const type_base_sptr t_v1,
27805  const type_base_sptr t_v2)
27806 {
27807  type_base_sptr t1 = strip_typedef(t_v1);
27808  type_base_sptr t2 = strip_typedef(t_v2);
27810  string repr1 = get_pretty_representation(t1, /*internal=*/false),
27811  repr2 = get_pretty_representation(t2, /*internal=*/false);
27812  return (t1 != t2 && repr1 == repr2);
27813 }
27815 /// Make sure that the life time of a given (smart pointer to a) type
27816 /// is the same as the life time of the libabigail library.
27817 ///
27818 /// @param t the type to consider.
27819 void
27820 keep_type_alive(type_base_sptr t)
27821 {
27822  const environment& env = t->get_environment();
27823  env.priv_->extra_live_types_.push_back(t);
27824 }
27826 /// Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl.
27827 ///
27828 /// This function intends to provides the fastest possible hashing for
27829 /// types and decls, while being completely correct.
27830 ///
27831 /// Note that if the artifact is a type and if it has a canonical
27832 /// type, the hash value is going to be the pointer value of the
27833 /// canonical type. Otherwise, this function computes a hash value
27834 /// for the type by recursively walking the type members. This last
27835 /// code path is possibly *very* slow and should only be used when
27836 /// only handful of types are going to be hashed.
27837 ///
27838 /// If the artifact is a decl, then a combination of the hash of its
27839 /// type and the hash of the other properties of the decl is computed.
27840 ///
27841 /// @param tod the type or decl to hash.
27842 ///
27843 /// @return the resulting hash value.
27844 size_t
27846 {
27847  size_t result = 0;
27849  if (tod == 0)
27850  ;
27851  else if (const type_base* t = is_type(tod))
27852  result = hash_type(t);
27853  else if (const decl_base* d = is_decl(tod))
27854  {
27855  if (var_decl* v = is_var_decl(d))
27856  {
27857  ABG_ASSERT(v->get_type());
27858  size_t h = hash_type_or_decl(v->get_type());
27859  string repr = v->get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/true);
27860  std::hash<string> hash_string;
27861  h = hashing::combine_hashes(h, hash_string(repr));
27862  result = h;
27863  }
27864  else if (function_decl* f = is_function_decl(d))
27865  {
27866  ABG_ASSERT(f->get_type());
27867  size_t h = hash_type_or_decl(f->get_type());
27868  string repr = f->get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/true);
27869  std::hash<string> hash_string;
27870  h = hashing::combine_hashes(h, hash_string(repr));
27871  result = h;
27872  }
27874  {
27875  type_base_sptr parm_type = p->get_type();
27876  ABG_ASSERT(parm_type);
27877  std::hash<bool> hash_bool;
27878  std::hash<unsigned> hash_unsigned;
27879  size_t h = hash_type_or_decl(parm_type);
27880  h = hashing::combine_hashes(h, hash_unsigned(p->get_index()));
27881  h = hashing::combine_hashes(h, hash_bool(p->get_variadic_marker()));
27882  result = h;
27883  }
27884  else if (class_decl::base_spec *bs = is_class_base_spec(d))
27885  {
27886  member_base::hash hash_member;
27887  std::hash<size_t> hash_size;
27888  std::hash<bool> hash_bool;
27889  type_base_sptr type = bs->get_base_class();
27890  size_t h = hash_type_or_decl(type);
27891  h = hashing::combine_hashes(h, hash_member(*bs));
27892  h = hashing::combine_hashes(h, hash_size(bs->get_offset_in_bits()));
27893  h = hashing::combine_hashes(h, hash_bool(bs->get_is_virtual()));
27894  result = h;
27895  }
27896  else
27897  // This is a *really* *SLOW* path. If it shows up in a
27898  // performance profile, I bet it'd be a good idea to try to
27899  // avoid it altogether.
27900  result = d->get_hash();
27901  }
27902  else
27903  // We should never get here.
27904  abort();
27905  return result;
27906 }
27908 /// Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type.
27909 ///
27910 /// This function intends to provides the fastest possible hashing for
27911 /// types while being completely correct.
27912 ///
27913 /// Note that if the type artifact has a canonical type, the hash
27914 /// value is going to be the pointer value of the canonical type.
27915 /// Otherwise, this function computes a hash value for the type by
27916 /// recursively walking the type members. This last code path is
27917 /// possibly *very* slow and should only be used when only handful of
27918 /// types are going to be hashed.
27919 ///
27920 /// @param t the type or decl to hash.
27921 ///
27922 /// @return the resulting hash value.
27923 size_t
27925 {return hash_as_canonical_type_or_constant(t);}
27927 /// Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type of a decl.
27928 ///
27929 /// @param tod the ABI artifact to hash.
27930 ///
27931 /// @return the hash value of the ABI artifact.
27932 size_t
27934 {return hash_type_or_decl(tod.get());}
27936 /// Test if a given type is allowed to be non canonicalized
27937 ///
27938 /// This is a subroutine of hash_as_canonical_type_or_constant.
27939 ///
27940 /// For now, the only types allowed to be non canonicalized in the
27941 /// system are (typedefs & pointers to) decl-only class/union, the
27942 /// void type and variadic parameter types.
27943 ///
27944 /// @return true iff @p t is a one of the only types allowed to be
27945 /// non-canonicalized in the system.
27946 bool
27948 {
27949  if (!t)
27950  return true;
27952  return (// The IR nodes for the types below are unique across the
27953  // entire ABI corpus. Thus, no need to canonicalize them.
27954  // Maybe we could say otherwise and canonicalize them once
27955  // for all so that they can be removed from here.
27956  is_unique_type(t)
27958  // An IR node for the types below can be equal to several
27959  // other types (i.e, a decl-only type t equals a fully
27960  // defined type of the same name in ODR-supported
27961  // languages). Hence, they can't be given a canonical type.
27962  //
27963  // TODO: Maybe add a mode that would detect ODR violations
27964  // that would make a decl-only type co-exists with several
27965  // different definitions of the type in the ABI corpus.
27968  /*look_through_decl_only=*/true)
27971 }
27973 /// Test if a type is unique in the entire environment.
27974 ///
27975 /// Examples of unique types are void, void* and variadic parameter
27976 /// types.
27977 ///
27978 /// @param t the type to test for.
27979 ///
27980 /// @return true iff the type @p t is unique in the entire
27981 /// environment.
27982 bool
27983 is_unique_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
27984 {return is_unique_type(t.get());}
27986 /// Test if a type is unique in the entire environment.
27987 ///
27988 /// Examples of unique types are void, void* and variadic parameter
27989 /// types.
27990 ///
27991 /// @param t the type to test for.
27992 ///
27993 /// @return true iff the type @p t is unique in the entire
27994 /// environment.
27995 bool
27997 {
27998  if (!t)
27999  return false;
28001  const environment& env = t->get_environment();
28002  return (env.is_void_type(t)
28003  || env.is_void_pointer_type(t)
28004  || env.is_variadic_parameter_type(t));
28005 }
28007 /// For a given type, return its exemplar type.
28008 ///
28009 /// For a given type, its exemplar type is either its canonical type
28010 /// or the canonical type of the definition type of a given
28011 /// declaration-only type. If the neither of those two types exist,
28012 /// then the exemplar type is the given type itself.
28013 ///
28014 /// @param type the input to consider.
28015 ///
28016 /// @return the exemplar type.
28017 type_base*
28019 {
28020  if (decl_base * decl = is_decl(type))
28021  {
28022  // Make sure we get the real definition of a decl-only type.
28023  decl = look_through_decl_only(decl);
28024  type = is_type(decl);
28025  ABG_ASSERT(type);
28026  }
28027  type_base *exemplar = type->get_naked_canonical_type();
28028  if (!exemplar)
28029  {
28030  // The type has no canonical type. Let's be sure that it's one
28031  // of those rare types that are allowed to be non canonicalized
28032  // in the system.
28033  exemplar = const_cast<type_base*>(type);
28035  }
28036  return exemplar;
28037 }
28039 /// Test if a given type is allowed to be non canonicalized
28040 ///
28041 /// This is a subroutine of hash_as_canonical_type_or_constant.
28042 ///
28043 /// For now, the only types allowed to be non canonicalized in the
28044 /// system are decl-only class/union and the void type.
28045 ///
28046 /// @return true iff @p t is a one of the only types allowed to be
28047 /// non-canonicalized in the system.
28048 bool
28049 is_non_canonicalized_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
28050 {return is_non_canonicalized_type(t.get());}
28052 /// Hash a type by either returning the pointer value of its canonical
28053 /// type or by returning a constant if the type doesn't have a
28054 /// canonical type.
28055 ///
28056 /// This is a subroutine of hash_type.
28057 ///
28058 /// @param t the type to consider.
28059 ///
28060 /// @return the hash value.
28061 static size_t
28062 hash_as_canonical_type_or_constant(const type_base *t)
28063 {
28064  type_base *canonical_type = 0;
28066  if (t)
28067  canonical_type = t->get_naked_canonical_type();
28069  if (!canonical_type)
28070  {
28071  // If the type doesn't have a canonical type, maybe it's because
28072  // it's a declaration-only type? If that's the case, let's try
28073  // to get the canonical type of the definition of this
28074  // declaration.
28075  decl_base *decl = is_decl(t);
28076  if (decl
28077  && decl->get_is_declaration_only()
28079  {
28080  type_base *definition =
28082  ABG_ASSERT(definition);
28083  canonical_type = definition->get_naked_canonical_type();
28084  }
28085  }
28087  if (canonical_type)
28088  return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(canonical_type);
28090  // If we reached this point, it means we are seeing a
28091  // non-canonicalized type. It must be a decl-only class or a void
28092  // type, otherwise it means that for some weird reason, the type
28093  // hasn't been canonicalized. It should be!
28096  return 0xDEADBABE;
28097 }
28099 /// Test if the pretty representation of a given @ref function_decl is
28100 /// lexicographically less then the pretty representation of another
28101 /// @ref function_decl.
28102 ///
28103 /// @param f the first @ref function_decl to consider for comparison.
28104 ///
28105 /// @param s the second @ref function_decl to consider for comparison.
28106 ///
28107 /// @return true iff the pretty representation of @p f is
28108 /// lexicographically less than the pretty representation of @p s.
28109 bool
28111 {
28115  if (fr != sr)
28116  return fr < sr;
28118  fr = f.get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/true),
28119  sr = s.get_pretty_representation(/*internal=*/true);
28121  if (fr != sr)
28122  return fr < sr;
28124  if (f.get_symbol())
28125  fr = f.get_symbol()->get_id_string();
28126  else if (!f.get_linkage_name().empty())
28127  fr = f.get_linkage_name();
28129  if (s.get_symbol())
28130  sr = s.get_symbol()->get_id_string();
28131  else if (!s.get_linkage_name().empty())
28132  sr = s.get_linkage_name();
28134  return fr < sr;
28135 }
28137 /// Test if two types have similar structures, even though they are
28138 /// (or can be) different.
28139 ///
28140 /// const and volatile qualifiers are completely ignored.
28141 ///
28142 /// typedef are resolved to their definitions; their names are ignored.
28143 ///
28144 /// Two indirect types (pointers or references) have similar structure
28145 /// if their underlying types are of the same kind and have the same
28146 /// name. In the indirect types case, the size of the underlying type
28147 /// does not matter.
28148 ///
28149 /// Two direct types (i.e, non indirect) have a similar structure if
28150 /// they have the same kind, name and size. Two class types have
28151 /// similar structure if they have the same name, size, and if the
28152 /// types of their data members have similar types.
28153 ///
28154 /// @param first the first type to consider.
28155 ///
28156 /// @param second the second type to consider.
28157 ///
28158 /// @param indirect_type whether to do an indirect comparison
28159 ///
28160 /// @return true iff @p first and @p second have similar structures.
28161 bool
28162 types_have_similar_structure(const type_base_sptr& first,
28163  const type_base_sptr& second,
28164  bool indirect_type)
28165 {return types_have_similar_structure(first.get(), second.get(), indirect_type);}
28167 /// Test if two types have similar structures, even though they are
28168 /// (or can be) different.
28169 ///
28170 /// const and volatile qualifiers are completely ignored.
28171 ///
28172 /// typedef are resolved to their definitions; their names are ignored.
28173 ///
28174 /// Two indirect types (pointers, references or arrays) have similar
28175 /// structure if their underlying types are of the same kind and have
28176 /// the same name. In the indirect types case, the size of the
28177 /// underlying type does not matter.
28178 ///
28179 /// Two direct types (i.e, non indirect) have a similar structure if
28180 /// they have the same kind, name and size. Two class types have
28181 /// similar structure if they have the same name, size, and if the
28182 /// types of their data members have similar types.
28183 ///
28184 /// @param first the first type to consider.
28185 ///
28186 /// @param second the second type to consider.
28187 ///
28188 /// @param indirect_type if true, then consider @p first and @p
28189 /// second as being underlying types of indirect types. Meaning that
28190 /// their size does not matter.
28191 ///
28192 /// @return true iff @p first and @p second have similar structures.
28193 bool
28195  const type_base* second,
28196  bool indirect_type)
28197 {
28198  if (!!first != !!second)
28199  return false;
28201  if (!first)
28202  return false;
28204  // Treat typedefs purely as type aliases and ignore CV-qualifiers.
28205  first = peel_qualified_or_typedef_type(first);
28206  second = peel_qualified_or_typedef_type(second);
28208  // Eliminate all but N of the N^2 comparison cases. This also guarantees the
28209  // various ty2 below cannot be null.
28210  if (typeid(*first) != typeid(*second))
28211  return false;
28213  // Peel off matching pointers.
28214  if (const pointer_type_def* ty1 = is_pointer_type(first))
28215  {
28216  const pointer_type_def* ty2 = is_pointer_type(second);
28217  return types_have_similar_structure(ty1->get_pointed_to_type(),
28218  ty2->get_pointed_to_type(),
28219  /*indirect_type=*/true);
28220  }
28222  // Peel off matching references.
28223  if (const reference_type_def* ty1 = is_reference_type(first))
28224  {
28225  const reference_type_def* ty2 = is_reference_type(second);
28226  if (ty1->is_lvalue() != ty2->is_lvalue())
28227  return false;
28228  return types_have_similar_structure(ty1->get_pointed_to_type(),
28229  ty2->get_pointed_to_type(),
28230  /*indirect_type=*/true);
28231  }
28233  // Peel off matching pointer-to-member types.
28234  if (const ptr_to_mbr_type* ty1 = is_ptr_to_mbr_type(first))
28235  {
28236  const ptr_to_mbr_type* ty2 = is_ptr_to_mbr_type(second);
28237  return (types_have_similar_structure(ty1->get_member_type(),
28238  ty2->get_member_type(),
28239  /*indirect_type=*/true)
28240  && types_have_similar_structure(ty1->get_containing_type(),
28241  ty2->get_containing_type(),
28242  /*indirect_type=*/true));
28243  }
28245  if (const type_decl* ty1 = is_type_decl(first))
28246  {
28247  const type_decl* ty2 = is_type_decl(second);
28248  if (!indirect_type)
28249  if (ty1->get_size_in_bits() != ty2->get_size_in_bits())
28250  return false;
28252  return ty1->get_name() == ty2->get_name();
28253  }
28255  if (const enum_type_decl* ty1 = is_enum_type(first))
28256  {
28257  const enum_type_decl* ty2 = is_enum_type(second);
28258  if (!indirect_type)
28259  if (ty1->get_size_in_bits() != ty2->get_size_in_bits())
28260  return false;
28262  return (get_name(ty1->get_underlying_type())
28263  == get_name(ty2->get_underlying_type()));
28264  }
28266  if (const class_decl* ty1 = is_class_type(first))
28267  {
28268  const class_decl* ty2 = is_class_type(second);
28269  if (!ty1->get_is_anonymous() && !ty2->get_is_anonymous()
28270  && ty1->get_name() != ty2->get_name())
28271  return false;
28273  if (!indirect_type)
28274  {
28275  if ((ty1->get_size_in_bits() != ty2->get_size_in_bits())
28276  || (ty1->get_non_static_data_members().size()
28277  != ty2->get_non_static_data_members().size()))
28278  return false;
28280  for (class_or_union::data_members::const_iterator
28281  i = ty1->get_non_static_data_members().begin(),
28282  j = ty2->get_non_static_data_members().begin();
28283  (i != ty1->get_non_static_data_members().end()
28284  && j != ty2->get_non_static_data_members().end());
28285  ++i, ++j)
28286  {
28287  var_decl_sptr dm1 = *i;
28288  var_decl_sptr dm2 = *j;
28289  if (!types_have_similar_structure(dm1->get_type().get(),
28290  dm2->get_type().get(),
28291  indirect_type))
28292  return false;
28293  }
28294  }
28296  return true;
28297  }
28299  if (const union_decl* ty1 = is_union_type(first))
28300  {
28301  const union_decl* ty2 = is_union_type(second);
28302  if (!ty1->get_is_anonymous() && !ty2->get_is_anonymous()
28303  && ty1->get_name() != ty2->get_name())
28304  return false;
28306  if (!indirect_type)
28307  return ty1->get_size_in_bits() == ty2->get_size_in_bits();
28309  return true;
28310  }
28312  if (const array_type_def* ty1 = is_array_type(first))
28313  {
28314  const array_type_def* ty2 = is_array_type(second);
28315  // TODO: Handle int[5][2] vs int[2][5] better.
28316  if (!indirect_type)
28317  {
28318  if (ty1->get_size_in_bits() != ty2->get_size_in_bits()
28319  || ty1->get_dimension_count() != ty2->get_dimension_count())
28320  return false;
28321  }
28323  if (!types_have_similar_structure(ty1->get_element_type(),
28324  ty2->get_element_type(),
28325  /*indirect_type=*/true))
28326  return false;
28328  return true;
28329  }
28331  if (const array_type_def::subrange_type *ty1 = is_subrange_type(first))
28332  {
28333  const array_type_def::subrange_type *ty2 = is_subrange_type(second);
28334  if (ty1->get_upper_bound() != ty2->get_upper_bound()
28335  || ty1->get_lower_bound() != ty2->get_lower_bound()
28336  || ty1->get_language() != ty2->get_language()
28337  || !types_have_similar_structure(ty1->get_underlying_type(),
28338  ty2->get_underlying_type(),
28339  indirect_type))
28340  return false;
28342  return true;
28343  }
28345  if (const function_type* ty1 = is_function_type(first))
28346  {
28347  const function_type* ty2 = is_function_type(second);
28348  if (!types_have_similar_structure(ty1->get_return_type(),
28349  ty2->get_return_type(),
28350  indirect_type))
28351  return false;
28353  if (ty1->get_parameters().size() != ty2->get_parameters().size())
28354  return false;
28356  for (function_type::parameters::const_iterator
28357  i = ty1->get_parameters().begin(),
28358  j = ty2->get_parameters().begin();
28359  (i != ty1->get_parameters().end()
28360  && j != ty2->get_parameters().end());
28361  ++i, ++j)
28362  if (!types_have_similar_structure((*i)->get_type(),
28363  (*j)->get_type(),
28364  indirect_type))
28365  return false;
28367  return true;
28368  }
28370  // All kinds of type should have been handled at this point.
28373  return false;
28374 }
28376 /// Look for a data member of a given class, struct or union type and
28377 /// return it.
28378 ///
28379 /// The data member is designated by its name.
28380 ///
28381 /// @param type the class, struct or union type to consider.
28382 ///
28383 /// @param dm_name the name of the data member to lookup.
28384 ///
28385 /// @return the data member iff it was found in @type or NULL if no
28386 /// data member with that name was found.
28387 const var_decl*
28389  const char* dm_name)
28391 {
28393  if (!cou)
28394  return 0;
28396  return cou->find_data_member(dm_name).get();
28397 }
28399 /// Look for a data member of a given class, struct or union type and
28400 /// return it.
28401 ///
28402 /// The data member is designated by its name.
28403 ///
28404 /// @param type the class, struct or union type to consider.
28405 ///
28406 /// @param dm the data member to lookup.
28407 ///
28408 /// @return the data member iff it was found in @type or NULL if no
28409 /// data member with that name was found.
28410 const var_decl_sptr
28411 lookup_data_member(const type_base_sptr& type, const var_decl_sptr& dm)
28412 {
28413  class_or_union_sptr cou = is_class_or_union_type(type);
28414  if (!cou)
28415  return var_decl_sptr();
28417  return cou->find_data_member(dm);
28418 }
28420 /// Get the function parameter designated by its index.
28421 ///
28422 /// Note that the first function parameter has index 0.
28423 ///
28424 /// @param fun the function to consider.
28425 ///
28426 /// @param parm_index the index of the function parameter to get.
28427 ///
28428 /// @return the function parameter designated by its index, of NULL if
28429 /// no function parameter with that index was found.
28432  unsigned parm_index)
28433 {
28434  function_decl* fn = is_function_decl(fun);
28435  if (!fn)
28436  return 0;
28438  const function_decl::parameters &parms = fn->get_type()->get_parameters();
28439  if (parms.size() <= parm_index)
28440  return 0;
28442  return parms[parm_index].get();
28443 }
28445 /// Build the internal name of the underlying type of an enum.
28446 ///
28447 /// @param base_name the (unqualified) name of the enum the underlying
28448 /// type is destined to.
28449 ///
28450 /// @param is_anonymous true if the underlying type of the enum is to
28451 /// be anonymous.
28452 string
28454  bool is_anonymous,
28455  uint64_t size)
28456 {
28457  std::ostringstream o;
28459  if (is_anonymous)
28460  o << "unnamed-enum";
28461  else
28462  o << "enum-" << base_name;
28464  o << "-underlying-type-" << size;
28466  return o.str();
28467 }
28469 /// Find the first data member of a class or union which name matches
28470 /// a regular expression.
28471 ///
28472 /// @param t the class or union to consider.
28473 ///
28474 /// @param r the regular expression to consider.
28475 ///
28476 /// @return the data member matched by @p r or nil if none was found.
28479  const regex::regex_t_sptr& r)
28480 {
28481  for (auto data_member : t.get_data_members())
28482  {
28483  if (regex::match(r, data_member->get_name()))
28484  return data_member;
28485  }
28487  return var_decl_sptr();
28488 }
28490 /// Find the last data member of a class or union which name matches
28491 /// a regular expression.
28492 ///
28493 /// @param t the class or union to consider.
28494 ///
28495 /// @param r the regular expression to consider.
28496 ///
28497 /// @return the data member matched by @p r or nil if none was found.
28500  const regex::regex_t_sptr& regex)
28501 {
28502  auto d = t.get_data_members().rbegin();
28503  auto e = t.get_data_members().rend();
28504  for (; d != e; ++d)
28505  {
28506  if (regex::match(regex, (*d)->get_name()))
28507  return *d;
28508  }
28510  return var_decl_sptr();
28511 }
28513 /// Emit the pretty representation of the parameters of a function
28514 /// type.
28515 ///
28516 /// @param fn_type the function type to consider.
28517 ///
28518 /// @param o the output stream to emit the pretty representation to.
28519 ///
28520 /// @param qualified if true, emit fully qualified names.
28521 ///
28522 /// @param internal if true, then the result is to be used for the
28523 /// purpose of type canonicalization.
28524 static void
28525 stream_pretty_representation_of_fn_parms(const function_type& fn_type,
28526  ostream& o, bool qualified,
28527  bool internal)
28528 {
28529  o << "(";
28530  if (fn_type.get_parameters().empty())
28531  o << "void";
28532  else
28533  {
28534  type_base_sptr type;
28535  auto end = fn_type.get_parameters().end();
28536  auto first_parm = fn_type.get_first_non_implicit_parm();
28538  const environment& env = fn_type.get_environment();
28539  for (auto i = fn_type.get_first_non_implicit_parm(); i != end; ++i)
28540  {
28541  if (i != first_parm)
28542  o << ", ";
28543  parm = *i;
28544  type = parm->get_type();
28545  if (env.is_variadic_parameter_type(type))
28546  o << "...";
28547  else
28548  {
28549  if (internal)
28550  type = peel_typedef_type(type);
28551  o << get_type_name(type, qualified, internal);
28552  }
28553  }
28554  }
28555  o << ")";
28556 }
28558 /// When constructing the name of a pointer to function type, add the
28559 /// return type to the left of the existing type identifier, and the
28560 /// parameters declarator to the right.
28561 ///
28562 /// This function considers the name of the type as an expression.
28563 ///
28564 /// The resulting type expr is going to be made of three parts:
28565 /// left_expr inner_expr right_expr.
28566 ///
28567 /// Suppose we want to build the type expression representing:
28568 ///
28569 /// "an array of pointer to function taking a char parameter and
28570 /// returning an int".
28571 ///
28572 /// It's going to look like:
28573 ///
28574 /// int(*a[])(char);
28575 ///
28576 /// Suppose the caller of this function started to emit the inner
28577 /// "a[]" part of the expression already. It thus calls this
28578 /// function with that input "a[]" part. We consider that "a[]" as
28579 /// the "type identifier".
28580 ///
28581 /// So the inner_expr is going to be "(*a[])".
28582 ///
28583 /// The left_expr part is "int". The right_expr part is "(char)".
28584 ///
28585 /// In other words, this function adds the left_expr and right_expr to
28586 /// the inner_expr. left_expr and right_expr are called "outer
28587 /// pointer to function type expression".
28588 ///
28589 /// This is a sub-routine of @ref pointer_declaration_name() and @ref
28590 /// array_declaration_name()
28591 ///
28592 /// @param p the pointer to function type to consider.
28593 ///
28594 /// @param input the type-id to use as the inner expression of the
28595 /// overall pointer-to-function type expression
28596 ///
28597 /// @param qualified if true then use qualified names in the resulting
28598 /// type name.
28599 ///
28600 /// @param internal if true then the resulting type name is going to
28601 /// be used for type canonicalization purposes.
28602 ///
28603 /// @return the name of the pointer to function type.
28604 static string
28605 add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(const type_base* p,
28606  const string& input,
28607  bool qualified, bool internal)
28608 {
28609  if (!p)
28610  return "";
28612  function_type_sptr pointed_to_fn;
28613  string star_or_ref;
28615  if (const pointer_type_def* ptr = is_pointer_type(p))
28616  {
28617  pointed_to_fn = is_function_type(ptr->get_pointed_to_type());
28618  star_or_ref= "*";
28619  }
28620  else if (const reference_type_def* ref = is_reference_type(p))
28621  {
28622  star_or_ref = "&";
28623  pointed_to_fn = is_function_type(ref->get_pointed_to_type());
28624  }
28626  if (!pointed_to_fn)
28627  return "";
28629  std::ostringstream left, right, inner;
28631  inner << "(" << star_or_ref << input << ")";
28633  type_base_sptr type;
28634  stream_pretty_representation_of_fn_parms(*pointed_to_fn, right,
28635  qualified, internal);
28636  type_base_sptr return_type =
28637  internal
28638  ? peel_typedef_type(pointed_to_fn->get_return_type())
28639  : pointed_to_fn->get_return_type();
28641  string result;
28643  if (is_npaf_type(return_type)
28644  || !(is_pointer_to_function_type(return_type)
28645  || is_pointer_to_array_type(return_type)))
28646  {
28647  if (return_type)
28648  left << get_type_name(return_type, qualified, internal);
28649  result = left.str() + " " + inner.str() + right.str();
28650  }
28651  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr p = is_pointer_to_function_type(return_type))
28652  {
28653  string inner_string = inner.str() + right.str();
28654  result = add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(p, inner_string,
28655  qualified, internal);
28656  }
28657  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr p = is_pointer_to_array_type(return_type))
28658  {
28659  string inner_string = inner.str() + right.str();
28660  result = add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(p, inner_string,
28661  qualified, internal);
28662  }
28663  else
28666  return result;
28667 }
28669 /// When constructing the name of a pointer to function type, add the
28670 /// return type to the left of the existing type identifier, and the
28671 /// parameters declarator to the right.
28672 ///
28673 /// This function considers the name of the type as an expression.
28674 ///
28675 /// The resulting type expr is going to be made of three parts:
28676 /// left_expr inner_expr right_expr.
28677 ///
28678 /// Suppose we want to build the type expression representing:
28679 ///
28680 /// "an array of pointer to function taking a char parameter and
28681 /// returning an int".
28682 ///
28683 /// It's going to look like:
28684 ///
28685 /// int(*a[])(char);
28686 ///
28687 /// Suppose the caller of this function started to emit the inner
28688 /// "a[]" part of the expression already. It thus calls this
28689 /// function with that input "a[]" part. We consider that "a[]" as
28690 /// the "type identifier".
28691 ///
28692 /// So the inner_expr is going to be "(*a[])".
28693 ///
28694 /// The left_expr part is "int". The right_expr part is "(char)".
28695 ///
28696 /// In other words, this function adds the left_expr and right_expr to
28697 /// the inner_expr. left_expr and right_expr are called "outer
28698 /// pointer to function type expression".
28699 ///
28700 /// This is a sub-routine of @ref pointer_declaration_name() and @ref
28701 /// array_declaration_name()
28702 ///
28703 /// @param p the pointer to function type to consider.
28704 ///
28705 /// @param input the type-id to use as the inner expression of the
28706 /// overall pointer-to-function type expression
28707 ///
28708 /// @param qualified if true then use qualified names in the resulting
28709 /// type name.
28710 ///
28711 /// @param internal if true then the resulting type name is going to
28712 /// be used for type canonicalization purposes.
28713 ///
28714 /// @return the name of the pointer to function type.
28715 static string
28716 add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(const type_base_sptr& p,
28717  const string& input,
28718  bool qualified, bool internal)
28719 {return add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(p.get(), input, qualified, internal);}
28721 /// When constructing the name of a pointer to array type, add the
28722 /// array element type type to the left of the existing type
28723 /// identifier, and the array declarator part to the right.
28724 ///
28725 /// This function considers the name of the type as an expression.
28726 ///
28727 /// The resulting type expr is going to be made of three parts:
28728 /// left_expr inner_expr right_expr.
28729 ///
28730 /// Suppose we want to build the type expression representing:
28731 ///
28732 /// "a pointer to an array of int".
28733 ///
28734 /// It's going to look like:
28735 ///
28736 /// int(*foo)[];
28737 ///
28738 /// Suppose the caller of this function started to emit the inner
28739 /// "foo" part of the expression already. It thus calls this function
28740 /// with that input "foo" part. We consider that "foo" as the "type
28741 /// identifier".
28742 ///
28743 /// So we are passed an input string that is "foo" and it's going to
28744 /// be turned into the inner_expr part, which is going to be "(*foo)".
28745 ///
28746 /// The left_expr part is "int". The right_expr part is "[]".
28747 ///
28748 /// In other words, this function adds the left_expr and right_expr to
28749 /// the inner_expr. left_expr and right_expr are called "outer
28750 /// pointer to array type expression".
28751 ///
28752 /// The model of this function was taken from the article "Reading C
28753 /// type declaration", from Steve Friedl at
28754 ///
28755 ///
28756 /// This is a sub-routine of @ref pointer_declaration_name() and @ref
28757 /// array_declaration_name()
28758 ///
28759 /// @param p the pointer to array type to consider.
28760 ///
28761 /// @param input the type-id to start from as the inner part of the
28762 /// final type name.
28763 ///
28764 /// @param qualified if true then use qualified names in the resulting
28765 /// type name.
28766 ///
28767 /// @param internal if true then the resulting type name is going to
28768 /// be used for type canonicalization purposes.
28769 ///
28770 /// @return the name of the pointer to array type.
28771 static string
28772 add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(const type_base* p,
28773  const string& input, bool qualified,
28774  bool internal)
28775 {
28776  if (!p)
28777  return "";
28779  string star_or_ref;
28780  type_base_sptr pointed_to_type;
28782  if (const pointer_type_def *ptr = is_pointer_type(p))
28783  {
28784  pointed_to_type = ptr->get_pointed_to_type();
28785  star_or_ref = "*";
28786  }
28787  else if (const reference_type_def *ref = is_reference_type(p))
28788  {
28789  pointed_to_type = ref->get_pointed_to_type();
28790  star_or_ref = "&";
28791  }
28793  array_type_def_sptr array = is_array_type(pointed_to_type);
28794  if (!array)
28795  return "";
28797  std::ostringstream left, right, inner;
28798  inner << "(" << star_or_ref << input << ")";
28799  right << array->get_subrange_representation();
28800  string result;
28802  type_base_sptr array_element_type = array->get_element_type();
28804  if (is_npaf_type(array_element_type)
28805  || !(is_pointer_to_function_type(array_element_type)
28806  || is_pointer_to_array_type(array_element_type)))
28807  {
28808  left << get_type_name(array_element_type, qualified, internal);
28809  result = left.str() + inner.str() + right.str();
28810  }
28811  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr p =
28812  is_pointer_to_function_type(array_element_type))
28813  {
28814  string r = inner.str() + right.str();
28815  result = add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(p, r, qualified, internal);
28816  }
28817  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr p =
28818  is_pointer_to_array_type(array_element_type))
28819  {
28820  string inner_string = inner.str() + right.str();
28821  result = add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(p, inner_string,
28822  qualified, internal);
28823  }
28824  else
28827  return result;
28828 }
28830 /// When constructing the name of a pointer to array type, add the
28831 /// array element type type to the left of the existing type
28832 /// identifier, and the array declarator part to the right.
28833 ///
28834 /// This function considers the name of the type as an expression.
28835 ///
28836 /// The resulting type expr is going to be made of three parts:
28837 /// left_expr inner_expr right_expr.
28838 ///
28839 /// Suppose we want to build the type expression representing:
28840 ///
28841 /// "a pointer to an array of int".
28842 ///
28843 /// It's going to look like:
28844 ///
28845 /// int(*foo)[];
28846 ///
28847 /// Suppose the caller of this function started to emit the inner
28848 /// "foo" part of the expression already. It thus calls this function
28849 /// with that input "foo" part. We consider that "foo" as the "type
28850 /// identifier".
28851 ///
28852 /// So we are passed an input string that is "foo" and it's going to
28853 /// be turned into the inner_expr part, which is going to be "(*foo)".
28854 ///
28855 /// The left_expr part is "int". The right_expr part is "[]".
28856 ///
28857 /// In other words, this function adds the left_expr and right_expr to
28858 /// the inner_expr. left_expr and right_expr are called "outer
28859 /// pointer to array type expression".
28860 ///
28861 /// The model of this function was taken from the article "Reading C
28862 /// type declaration", from Steve Friedl at
28863 ///
28864 ///
28865 /// This is a sub-routine of @ref pointer_declaration_name() and @ref
28866 /// array_declaration_name()
28867 ///
28868 /// @param p the pointer to array type to consider.
28869 ///
28870 /// @param input the type-id to start from as the inner part of the
28871 /// final type name.
28872 ///
28873 /// @param qualified if true then use qualified names in the resulting
28874 /// type name.
28875 ///
28876 /// @param internal if true then the resulting type name is going to
28877 /// be used for type canonicalization purposes.
28878 ///
28879 /// @return the name of the pointer to array type.
28880 static string
28881 add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(const type_base_sptr& pointer_to_ar,
28882  const string& input, bool qualified,
28883  bool internal)
28884 {return add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(pointer_to_ar.get(),
28885  input, qualified, internal);}
28887 /// When constructing the name of a pointer to mebmer type, add the
28888 /// return type to the left of the existing type identifier, and the
28889 /// parameters declarator to the right.
28890 ///
28891 /// This function considers the name of the type as an expression.
28892 ///
28893 /// The resulting type expr is going to be made of three parts:
28894 /// left_expr inner_expr right_expr.
28895 ///
28896 /// Suppose we want to build the type expression representing:
28897 ///
28898 /// "an array of pointer to member function (of a containing struct
28899 /// X) taking a char parameter and returning an int".
28900 ///
28901 /// It's going to look like:
28902 ///
28903 /// int (X::* a[])(char);
28904 ///
28905 /// Suppose the caller of this function started to emit the inner
28906 /// "a[]" part of the expression already. It thus calls this
28907 /// function with that input "a[]" part. We consider that "a[]" as
28908 /// the "type identifier".
28909 ///
28910 /// So the inner_expr is going to be "(X::* a[])".
28911 ///
28912 /// The left_expr part is "int". The right_expr part is "(char)".
28913 ///
28914 /// In other words, this function adds the left_expr and right_expr to
28915 /// the inner_expr. left_expr and right_expr are called "outer
28916 /// pointer to member type expression".
28917 ///
28918 /// This is a sub-routine of @ref ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name().
28919 ///
28920 /// @param p the pointer to member type to consider.
28921 ///
28922 /// @param input the type-id to use as the inner expression of the
28923 /// overall pointer-to-member type expression
28924 ///
28925 /// @param qualified if true then use qualified names in the resulting
28926 /// type name.
28927 ///
28928 /// @param internal if true then the resulting type name is going to
28929 /// be used for type canonicalization purposes.
28930 ///
28931 /// @return the name of the pointer to member type.
28932 static string
28933 add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(const ptr_to_mbr_type* p,
28934  const string& input, bool qualified,
28935  bool internal)
28936 {
28937  if (!p)
28938  return "";
28940  std::ostringstream left, right, inner;
28941  string containing_type_name = get_type_name(p->get_containing_type(),
28942  qualified, internal);
28943  type_base_sptr mbr_type = p->get_member_type();
28944  string result;
28945  if (function_type_sptr fn_type = is_function_type(mbr_type))
28946  {
28947  inner << "(" << containing_type_name << "::*" << input << ")";
28948  stream_pretty_representation_of_fn_parms(*fn_type, right,
28949  qualified, internal);
28950  type_base_sptr return_type = fn_type->get_return_type();
28951  if (is_npaf_type(return_type)
28952  || !(is_pointer_to_function_type(return_type)
28953  || is_pointer_to_array_type(return_type)
28954  || is_pointer_to_ptr_to_mbr_type(return_type)
28955  || is_ptr_to_mbr_type(return_type)))
28956  {
28957  left << get_type_name(return_type, qualified, internal) << " ";;
28958  result = left.str() + inner.str() + right.str();
28959  }
28960  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr p = is_pointer_type(return_type))
28961  {
28962  string inner_str = inner.str() + right.str();
28963  result = pointer_declaration_name(p, inner_str, qualified, internal);
28964  }
28965  else if (ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr p = is_ptr_to_mbr_type(return_type))
28966  {
28967  string inner_str = inner.str() + right.str();
28968  result = add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(p, inner_str,
28969  qualified, internal);
28970  }
28971  else
28973  }
28974  else if (ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr ptr_mbr_type = is_ptr_to_mbr_type(mbr_type))
28975  {
28976  inner << "(" << containing_type_name << "::*" << input << ")";
28977  stream_pretty_representation_of_fn_parms(*fn_type, right,
28978  qualified, internal);
28979  string inner_str = inner.str() + right.str();
28980  result = add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(ptr_mbr_type, inner_str,
28981  qualified, internal);
28982  }
28983  else
28984  {
28985  left << get_type_name(p->get_member_type(), qualified, internal) << " ";
28986  inner << containing_type_name << "::*" << input;
28987  result = left.str()+ inner.str();
28988  }
28990  return result;
28991 }
28993 /// When constructing the name of a pointer to mebmer type, add the
28994 /// return type to the left of the existing type identifier, and the
28995 /// parameters declarator to the right.
28996 ///
28997 /// This function considers the name of the type as an expression.
28998 ///
28999 /// The resulting type expr is going to be made of three parts:
29000 /// left_expr inner_expr right_expr.
29001 ///
29002 /// Suppose we want to build the type expression representing:
29003 ///
29004 /// "an array of pointer to member function (of a containing struct
29005 /// X) taking a char parameter and returning an int".
29006 ///
29007 /// It's going to look like:
29008 ///
29009 /// int (X::* a[])(char);
29010 ///
29011 /// Suppose the caller of this function started to emit the inner
29012 /// "a[]" part of the expression already. It thus calls this
29013 /// function with that input "a[]" part. We consider that "a[]" as
29014 /// the "type identifier".
29015 ///
29016 /// So the inner_expr is going to be "(X::* a[])".
29017 ///
29018 /// The left_expr part is "int". The right_expr part is "(char)".
29019 ///
29020 /// In other words, this function adds the left_expr and right_expr to
29021 /// the inner_expr. left_expr and right_expr are called "outer
29022 /// pointer to member type expression".
29023 ///
29024 /// This is a sub-routine of @ref ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name().
29025 ///
29026 /// @param p the pointer to member type to consider.
29027 ///
29028 /// @param input the type-id to use as the inner expression of the
29029 /// overall pointer-to-member type expression
29030 ///
29031 /// @param qualified if true then use qualified names in the resulting
29032 /// type name.
29033 ///
29034 /// @param internal if true then the resulting type name is going to
29035 /// be used for type canonicalization purposes.
29036 ///
29037 /// @return the name of the pointer to member type.
29038 static string
29039 add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(const ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr& p,
29040  const string& input, bool qualified,
29041  bool internal)
29042 {return add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(p.get(), input, qualified, internal);}
29044 /// This adds the outer parts of a pointer to a pointer-to-member
29045 /// expression.
29046 ///
29047 /// Please read the comments of @ref add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr to
29048 /// learn more about this function, which is similar.
29049 ///
29050 /// This is a sub-routine of @ref pointer_declaration_name().
29051 ///
29052 /// @param a pointer (or reference) to a pointer-to-member type.
29053 ///
29054 /// @param input the inner type-id to add the outer parts to.
29055 ///
29056 /// @param qualified if true then use qualified names in the resulting
29057 /// type name.
29058 ///
29059 /// @param internal if true then the resulting type name is going to
29060 /// be used for type canonicalization purposes.
29061 static string
29062 add_outer_pointer_to_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(const type_base* p,
29063  const string& input, bool qualified,
29064  bool internal)
29065 {
29066  if (!p)
29067  return "";
29069  string star_or_ref;
29070  type_base_sptr pointed_to_type;
29072  if (const pointer_type_def* ptr = is_pointer_type(p))
29073  {
29074  pointed_to_type = ptr->get_pointed_to_type();
29075  star_or_ref = "*";
29076  }
29077  else if (const reference_type_def* ref = is_reference_type(p))
29078  {
29079  pointed_to_type= ref->get_pointed_to_type();
29080  star_or_ref = "&";
29081  }
29083  if (!pointed_to_type)
29084  return "";
29086  ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr pointed_to_ptr_to_mbr =
29087  is_ptr_to_mbr_type(pointed_to_type);
29088  if (!pointed_to_ptr_to_mbr)
29089  return "";
29091  std::ostringstream inner;
29092  inner << star_or_ref << input;
29093  string result = add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(pointed_to_ptr_to_mbr,
29094  inner.str(),
29095  qualified, internal);
29096  return result;
29097 }
29099 /// Emit the name of a pointer declaration.
29100 ///
29101 /// @param the pointer to consider.
29102 ///
29103 /// @param idname the name of the variable that has @p as a type or
29104 /// the id of the type. If it's empty then the resulting name is
29105 /// going to be the abstract name of the type.
29106 ///
29107 /// @param qualified if true then the type name is going to be
29108 /// fully qualified.
29109 ///
29110 /// @param internal if true then the type name is going to be used for
29111 /// type canonicalization purposes.
29112 static interned_string
29113 pointer_declaration_name(const type_base* ptr,
29114  const string& idname,
29115  bool qualified, bool internal)
29116 {
29117  if (!ptr)
29118  return interned_string();
29120  type_base_sptr pointed_to_type;
29121  string star_or_ref;
29122  if (const pointer_type_def* p = is_pointer_type(ptr))
29123  {
29124  pointed_to_type = p->get_pointed_to_type();
29125  star_or_ref = "*";
29126  }
29127  else if (const reference_type_def* p = is_reference_type(ptr))
29128  {
29129  pointed_to_type = p->get_pointed_to_type();
29130  star_or_ref = "&";
29131  }
29133  if (!pointed_to_type)
29134  return interned_string();
29136  string result;
29137  if (is_npaf_type(pointed_to_type)
29138  || !(is_function_type(pointed_to_type)
29139  || is_array_type(pointed_to_type)
29140  || is_ptr_to_mbr_type(pointed_to_type)))
29141  {
29142  result = get_type_name(pointed_to_type,
29143  qualified,
29144  internal)
29145  + star_or_ref;
29147  if (!idname.empty())
29148  result += idname;
29149  }
29150  else
29151  {
29152  // derived type
29153  if (is_function_type(pointed_to_type))
29154  result = add_outer_pointer_to_fn_type_expr(ptr, idname,
29155  qualified, internal);
29156  else if (is_array_type(pointed_to_type))
29157  result = add_outer_pointer_to_array_type_expr(ptr, idname,
29158  qualified, internal);
29159  else if (is_ptr_to_mbr_type(pointed_to_type))
29160  result = add_outer_pointer_to_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(ptr, idname,
29161  qualified, internal);
29162  else
29164  }
29165  return ptr->get_environment().intern(result);
29166 }
29169 /// Emit the name of a pointer declaration.
29170 ///
29171 /// @param the pointer to consider.
29172 ///
29173 /// @param the name of the variable that has @p as a type. If it's
29174 /// empty then the resulting name is going to be the abstract name of
29175 /// the type.
29176 ///
29177 /// @param qualified if true then the type name is going to be
29178 /// fully qualified.
29179 ///
29180 /// @param internal if true then the type name is going to be used for
29181 /// type canonicalization purposes.
29182 static interned_string
29183 pointer_declaration_name(const type_base_sptr& ptr,
29184  const string& variable_name,
29185  bool qualified, bool internal)
29186 {return pointer_declaration_name(ptr.get(), variable_name,
29187  qualified, internal);}
29189 /// Emit the name of a array declaration.
29190 ///
29191 /// @param the array to consider.
29192 ///
29193 /// @param the name of the variable that has @p as a type. If it's
29194 /// empty then the resulting name is going to be the abstract name of
29195 /// the type.
29196 ///
29197 /// @param qualified if true then the type name is going to be
29198 /// fully qualified.
29199 ///
29200 /// @param internal if true then the type name is going to be used for
29201 /// type canonicalization purposes.
29202 static interned_string
29203 array_declaration_name(const array_type_def* array,
29204  const string& variable_name,
29205  bool qualified, bool internal)
29206 {
29207  if (!array)
29208  return interned_string();
29210  type_base_sptr e_type = array->get_element_type();
29211  string e_type_repr =
29212  (e_type
29213  ? get_type_name(e_type, qualified, internal)
29214  : string("void"));
29216  string result;
29217  if (is_ada_language(array->get_language()))
29218  {
29219  std::ostringstream o;
29220  if (!variable_name.empty())
29221  o << variable_name << " is ";
29222  o << "array ("
29223  << array->get_subrange_representation()
29224  << ") of " << e_type_repr;
29225  result = o.str();
29226  }
29227  else
29228  {
29229  if (is_npaf_type(e_type)
29230  || !(is_pointer_to_function_type(e_type)
29231  || is_pointer_to_array_type(e_type)
29233  || is_ptr_to_mbr_type(e_type)))
29234  {
29235  result = e_type_repr;
29236  if (!variable_name.empty())
29237  result += variable_name;
29238  result += array->get_subrange_representation();
29239  }
29240  else if (pointer_type_def_sptr p = is_pointer_type(e_type))
29241  {
29242  string s = variable_name + array->get_subrange_representation();
29243  result = pointer_declaration_name(p, s, qualified, internal);
29244  }
29245  else if (ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr p = is_ptr_to_mbr_type(e_type))
29246  {
29247  string s = variable_name + array->get_subrange_representation();
29248  result = ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(p, s, qualified, internal);
29249  }
29250  else
29252  }
29253  return array->get_environment().intern(result);
29254 }
29256 /// Emit the name of a array declaration.
29257 ///
29258 /// @param the array to consider.
29259 ///
29260 /// @param the name of the variable that has @p as a type. If it's
29261 /// empty then the resulting name is going to be the abstract name of
29262 /// the type.
29263 ///
29264 /// @param qualified if true then the type name is going to be
29265 /// fully qualified.
29266 ///
29267 /// @param internal if true then the type name is going to be used for
29268 /// type canonicalization purposes.
29269 static interned_string
29270 array_declaration_name(const array_type_def_sptr& array,
29271  const string& variable_name,
29272  bool qualified, bool internal)
29273 {return array_declaration_name(array.get(), variable_name,
29274  qualified, internal);}
29276 /// Emit the name of a pointer-to-member declaration.
29277 ///
29278 /// @param ptr the pointer-to-member to consider.
29279 ///
29280 /// @param variable_name the name of the variable that has @p as a
29281 /// type. If it's empty then the resulting name is going to be the
29282 /// abstract name of the type.
29283 ///
29284 /// @param qualified if true then the type name is going to be
29285 /// fully qualified.
29286 ///
29287 /// @param internal if true then the type name is going to be used for
29288 /// type canonicalization purposes.
29289 static interned_string
29290 ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(const ptr_to_mbr_type* ptr,
29291  const string& variable_name,
29292  bool qualified, bool internal)
29293 {
29294  if (!ptr)
29295  return interned_string();
29297  string input = variable_name;
29298  string result = add_outer_ptr_to_mbr_type_expr(ptr, input,
29299  qualified, internal);
29300  return ptr->get_environment().intern(result);
29301 }
29303 /// Emit the name of a pointer-to-member declaration.
29304 ///
29305 /// @param ptr the pointer-to-member to consider.
29306 ///
29307 /// @param variable_name the name of the variable that has @p as a
29308 /// type. If it's empty then the resulting name is going to be the
29309 /// abstract name of the type.
29310 ///
29311 /// @param qualified if true then the type name is going to be
29312 /// fully qualified.
29313 ///
29314 /// @param internal if true then the type name is going to be used for
29315 /// type canonicalization purposes.
29316 static interned_string
29317 ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(const ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr& ptr,
29318  const string& variable_name,
29319  bool qualified, bool internal)
29320 {
29321  return ptr_to_mbr_declaration_name(ptr.get(), variable_name,
29322  qualified, internal);
29323 }
29325 bool
29327 {return true;}
29329 // <ir_node_visitor stuff>
29331 /// The private data structure of the ir_node_visitor type.
29332 struct ir_node_visitor::priv
29333 {
29334  pointer_set visited_ir_nodes;
29337  priv()
29339  {}
29340 }; // end struct ir_node_visitory::priv
29342 /// Default Constructor of the ir_node_visitor type.
29344  : priv_(new priv)
29345 {}
29347 ir_node_visitor::~ir_node_visitor() = default;
29349 /// Set if the walker using this visitor is allowed to re-visit a type
29350 /// node that was previously visited or not.
29351 ///
29352 /// @param f if true, then the walker using this visitor is allowed to
29353 /// re-visit a type node that was previously visited.
29354 void
29356 {priv_->allow_visiting_already_visited_type_node = f;}
29358 /// Get if the walker using this visitor is allowed to re-visit a type
29359 /// node that was previously visited or not.
29360 ///
29361 /// @return true iff the walker using this visitor is allowed to
29362 /// re-visit a type node that was previously visited.
29363 bool
29365 {return priv_->allow_visiting_already_visited_type_node;}
29367 /// Mark a given type node as having been visited.
29368 ///
29369 /// Note that for this function to work, the type node must have been
29370 /// canonicalized. Otherwise the process is aborted.
29371 ///
29372 /// @param p the type to mark as having been visited.
29373 void
29375 {
29377  return;
29379  if (p == 0 || type_node_has_been_visited(p))
29380  return;
29382  type_base* canonical_type = p->get_naked_canonical_type();
29383  ABG_ASSERT(canonical_type);
29385  size_t canonical_ptr_value = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(canonical_type);
29386  priv_->visited_ir_nodes.insert(canonical_ptr_value);
29387 }
29389 /// Un-mark all visited type nodes.
29390 ///
29391 /// That is, no type node is going to be considered as having been
29392 /// visited anymore.
29393 ///
29394 /// In other words, after invoking this funciton,
29395 /// ir_node_visitor::type_node_has_been_visited() is going to return
29396 /// false on all type nodes.
29397 void
29399 {priv_->visited_ir_nodes.clear();}
29401 /// Test if a given type node has been marked as visited.
29402 ///
29403 /// @param p the type node to consider.
29404 ///
29405 /// @return true iff the type node @p p has been marked as visited by
29406 /// the function ir_node_visitor::mark_type_node_as_visited.
29407 bool
29409 {
29411  return false;
29413  if (p == 0)
29414  return false;
29416  type_base *canonical_type = p->get_naked_canonical_type();
29417  ABG_ASSERT(canonical_type);
29419  size_t ptr_value = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(canonical_type);
29420  pointer_set::iterator it = priv_->visited_ir_nodes.find(ptr_value);
29421  if (it == priv_->visited_ir_nodes.end())
29422  return false;
29424  return true;
29425 }
29427 bool
29428 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(decl_base*)
29429 {return true;}
29431 bool
29432 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(decl_base*)
29433 {return true;}
29435 bool
29436 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(scope_decl*)
29437 {return true;}
29439 bool
29440 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(scope_decl*)
29441 {return true;}
29443 bool
29444 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(type_base*)
29445 {return true;}
29447 bool
29448 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(type_base*)
29449 {return true;}
29451 bool
29452 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(scope_type_decl* t)
29453 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29455 bool
29456 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(scope_type_decl* t)
29457 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29459 bool
29460 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(type_decl* t)
29461 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29463 bool
29464 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(type_decl* t)
29465 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29467 bool
29468 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(namespace_decl* d)
29469 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29471 bool
29472 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(namespace_decl* d)
29473 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29475 bool
29476 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(qualified_type_def* t)
29477 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29479 bool
29480 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(qualified_type_def* t)
29481 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29483 bool
29484 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(pointer_type_def* t)
29485 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29487 bool
29488 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(pointer_type_def* t)
29489 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29491 bool
29492 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(reference_type_def* t)
29493 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29495 bool
29496 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(reference_type_def* t)
29497 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29499 bool
29500 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(ptr_to_mbr_type* t)
29501 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29503 bool
29504 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(ptr_to_mbr_type* t)
29505 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29507 bool
29508 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(array_type_def* t)
29509 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29511 bool
29512 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(array_type_def* t)
29513 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29515 bool
29516 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(array_type_def::subrange_type* t)
29517 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29519 bool
29520 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(array_type_def::subrange_type* t)
29521 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29523 bool
29524 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(enum_type_decl* t)
29525 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29527 bool
29528 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(enum_type_decl* t)
29529 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29531 bool
29532 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(typedef_decl* t)
29533 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29535 bool
29536 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(typedef_decl* t)
29537 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29539 bool
29540 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(function_type* t)
29541 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29543 bool
29544 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(function_type* t)
29545 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29547 bool
29548 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(var_decl* d)
29549 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29551 bool
29552 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(var_decl* d)
29553 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29555 bool
29556 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(function_decl* d)
29557 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29559 bool
29560 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(function_decl* d)
29561 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29563 bool
29564 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(function_decl::parameter* d)
29565 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29567 bool
29568 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(function_decl::parameter* d)
29569 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29571 bool
29572 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(function_tdecl* d)
29573 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29575 bool
29576 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(function_tdecl* d)
29577 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29579 bool
29580 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(class_tdecl* d)
29581 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29583 bool
29584 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(class_tdecl* d)
29585 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29587 bool
29588 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(class_or_union* t)
29589 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29591 bool
29592 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(class_or_union* t)
29593 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29595 bool
29596 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(class_decl* t)
29597 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29599 bool
29600 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(class_decl* t)
29601 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29603 bool
29604 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(union_decl* t)
29605 {return visit_begin(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29607 bool
29608 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(union_decl* t)
29609 {return visit_end(static_cast<type_base*>(t));}
29611 bool
29612 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(class_decl::base_spec* d)
29613 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29615 bool
29616 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(class_decl::base_spec* d)
29617 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29619 bool
29620 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(member_function_template* d)
29621 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29623 bool
29624 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(member_function_template* d)
29625 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29627 bool
29628 ir_node_visitor::visit_begin(member_class_template* d)
29629 {return visit_begin(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29631 bool
29632 ir_node_visitor::visit_end(member_class_template* d)
29633 {return visit_end(static_cast<decl_base*>(d));}
29635 // </ir_node_visitor stuff>
29637 // <debugging facilities>
29639 /// Generate a different string at each invocation.
29640 ///
29641 /// @return the resulting string.
29642 static string
29643 get_next_string()
29644 {
29645  static __thread size_t counter;
29646  ++counter;
29647  std::ostringstream o;
29648  o << counter;
29649  return o.str();
29650 }
29652 /// Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to function_decl and
29653 /// string.
29654 typedef unordered_map<const function_decl*, string,
29655  function_decl::hash,
29658 /// Return a string associated to a given function. Two functions
29659 /// that compare equal would yield the same string, as far as this
29660 /// routine is concerned. And two functions that are different would
29661 /// yield different strings.
29662 ///
29663 /// This is used to debug core diffing issues on functions. The
29664 /// sequence of strings can be given to the 'testdiff2' program that
29665 /// is in the tests/ directory of the source tree, to reproduce core
29666 /// diffing issues on string and thus ease the debugging.
29667 ///
29668 /// @param fn the function to generate a string for.
29669 ///
29670 /// @param m the function_decl* <-> string map to be used by this
29671 /// function to generate strings associated to a function.
29672 ///
29673 /// @return the resulting string.
29674 static const string&
29675 fn_to_str(const function_decl* fn,
29677 {
29678  fns_to_str_map_type::const_iterator i = m.find(fn);
29679  if (i != m.end())
29680  return i->second;
29681  string s = get_next_string();
29682  return m[fn]= s;
29683 }
29685 /// Generate a sequence of string that matches a given sequence of
29686 /// function. In the resulting sequence, each function is "uniquely
29687 /// representated" by a string. For instance, if the same function "foo"
29688 /// appears at indexes 1 and 3, then the same string 'schmurf' (okay,
29689 /// we don't care about the actual string) would appear at index 1 and 3.
29690 ///
29691 /// @param begin the beginning of the sequence of functions to consider.
29692 ///
29693 /// @param end the end of the sequence of functions. This points to
29694 /// one-passed-the-end of the actual sequence.
29695 ///
29696 /// @param m the function_decl* <-> string map to be used by this
29697 /// function to generate strings associated to a function.
29698 ///
29699 /// @param o the output stream where to emit the generated list of
29700 /// strings to.
29701 static void
29702 fns_to_str(vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator begin,
29703  vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator end,
29705  std::ostream& o)
29706 {
29707  vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator i;
29708  for (i = begin; i != end; ++i)
29709  o << "'" << fn_to_str(*i, m) << "' ";
29710 }
29712 /// For each sequence of functions given in argument, generate a
29713 /// sequence of string that matches a given sequence of function. In
29714 /// the resulting sequence, each function is "uniquely representated"
29715 /// by a string. For instance, if the same function "foo" appears at
29716 /// indexes 1 and 3, then the same string 'schmurf' (okay, we don't
29717 /// care about the actual string) would appear at index 1 and 3.
29718 ///
29719 /// @param a_begin the beginning of the sequence of functions to consider.
29720 ///
29721 /// @param a_end the end of the sequence of functions. This points to
29722 /// one-passed-the-end of the actual sequence.
29723 ///
29724 /// @param b_begin the beginning of the second sequence of functions
29725 /// to consider.
29726 ///
29727 /// @param b_end the end of the second sequence of functions.
29728 ///
29729 /// @param m the function_decl* <-> string map to be used by this
29730 /// function to generate strings associated to a function.
29731 ///
29732 /// @param o the output stream where to emit the generated list of
29733 /// strings to.
29734 static void
29735 fns_to_str(vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator a_begin,
29736  vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator a_end,
29737  vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator b_begin,
29738  vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator b_end,
29740  std::ostream& o)
29741 {
29742  fns_to_str(a_begin, a_end, m, o);
29743  o << "->|<- ";
29744  fns_to_str(b_begin, b_end, m, o);
29745  o << "\n";
29746 }
29748 /// For each sequence of functions given in argument, generate a
29749 /// sequence of string that matches a given sequence of function. In
29750 /// the resulting sequence, each function is "uniquely representated"
29751 /// by a string. For instance, if the same function "foo" appears at
29752 /// indexes 1 and 3, then the same string 'schmurf' (okay, we don't
29753 /// care about the actual string) would appear at index 1 and 3.
29754 ///
29755 /// @param a_begin the beginning of the sequence of functions to consider.
29756 ///
29757 /// @param a_end the end of the sequence of functions. This points to
29758 /// one-passed-the-end of the actual sequence.
29759 ///
29760 /// @param b_begin the beginning of the second sequence of functions
29761 /// to consider.
29762 ///
29763 /// @param b_end the end of the second sequence of functions.
29764 ///
29765 /// @param o the output stream where to emit the generated list of
29766 /// strings to.
29767 void
29768 fns_to_str(vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator a_begin,
29769  vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator a_end,
29770  vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator b_begin,
29771  vector<function_decl*>::const_iterator b_end,
29772  std::ostream& o)
29773 {
29775  fns_to_str(a_begin, a_end, b_begin, b_end, m, o);
29776 }
29778 // </debugging facilities>
29780 // </class template>
29782 }// end namespace ir
29783 }//end namespace abigail
29785 namespace
29786 {
29788 /// Update the qualified parent name, qualified name and scoped name
29789 /// of a tree decl node.
29790 ///
29791 /// @return true if the tree walking should continue, false otherwise.
29792 ///
29793 /// @param d the tree node to take in account.
29794 bool
29795 qualified_name_setter::do_update(abigail::ir::decl_base* d)
29796 {
29797  std::string parent_qualified_name;
29798  abigail::ir::scope_decl* parent = d->get_scope();
29799  if (parent)
29800  d->priv_->qualified_parent_name_ = parent->get_qualified_name();
29801  else
29802  d->priv_->qualified_parent_name_ = abigail::interned_string();
29804  const abigail::ir::environment& env = d->get_environment();
29806  if (!d->priv_->qualified_parent_name_.empty())
29807  {
29808  if (d->get_name().empty())
29809  d->priv_->qualified_name_ = abigail::interned_string();
29810  else
29811  {
29812  d->priv_->qualified_name_ =
29813  env.intern(d->priv_->qualified_parent_name_ + "::" + d->get_name());
29814  d->priv_->internal_qualified_name_ = env.intern(d->get_name());
29815  }
29816  }
29818  if (d->priv_->scoped_name_.empty())
29819  {
29820  if (parent
29821  && !parent->get_is_anonymous()
29822  && !parent->get_name().empty())
29823  d->priv_->scoped_name_ =
29824  env.intern(parent->get_name() + "::" + d->get_name());
29825  else
29826  d->priv_->scoped_name_ =
29827  env.intern(d->get_name());
29828  }
29830  if (!is_scope_decl(d))
29831  return false;
29833  return true;
29834 }
29836 /// This is called when we start visiting a decl node, during the
29837 /// udpate of the qualified name of a given sub-tree.
29838 ///
29839 /// @param d the decl node we are visiting.
29840 ///
29841 /// @return true iff the traversal should keep going.
29842 bool
29843 qualified_name_setter::visit_begin(abigail::ir::decl_base* d)
29844 {return do_update(d);}
29846 /// This is called when we start visiting a type node, during the
29847 /// udpate of the qualified name of a given sub-tree.
29848 ///
29849 /// @param d the decl node we are visiting.
29850 ///
29851 /// @return true iff the traversal should keep going.
29852 bool
29853 qualified_name_setter::visit_begin(abigail::ir::type_base* t)
29854 {
29856  return do_update(d);
29857  return false;
29858 }
29859 }// end anonymous namespace.
This header declares filters for the diff trees resulting from comparing ABI Corpora.
The private data and functions of the abigail::ir::corpus type.
A macro used to return the "false" boolean from DIE comparison routines.
#define ABG_RETURN(value)
A macro used to return from DIE comparison routines.
#define ABG_ASSERT(cond)
This is a wrapper around the 'assert' glibc call. It allows for its argument to have side effects,...
Definition: abg-fwd.h:1714
Declaration of types pertaining to the interned string pool used throughout Libabigail,...
This contains the private implementation of the suppression engine of libabigail.
Cache the result of a comparison between too artifacts (l & r) and return immediately.
This macro is to be used while comparing composite types that might recursively refer to themselves....
Types of the main internal representation of libabigail.
Wrappers around regex types and functions.
A macro that expands to aborting the program when executed.
This type abstracts the configuration information of the library.
Definition: abg-config.h:18
bool has_string(const char *s) const
Test if the interned string pool already contains a string with a given value.
const char * get_string(const char *s) const
Get a pointer to the interned string which has a given value.
interned_string create_string(const std::string &)
Create an interned string with a given value.
Default constructor.
The abstraction of an interned string.
bool empty() const
Test if the current instance of interned_string is empty.
This class is to hold the value of the bound of a subrange. The value can be either signed or unsigne...
Definition: abg-ir.h:2560
void set_signed(int64_t v)
Setter of the bound value as signed.
void set_signedness(enum signedness s)
Setter of the signedness (unsigned VS signed) of the bound value.
enum signedness get_signedness() const
Getter of the signedness (unsigned VS signed) of the bound value.
int64_t get_signed_value() const
Getter of the bound value as a signed value.
bool operator==(const bound_value &) const
Equality operator of the bound value.
uint64_t get_unsigned_value()
Getter of the bound value as an unsigned value.
Default constructor of the array_type_def::subrange_type::bound_value class.
void set_unsigned(uint64_t v)
Setter of the bound value as unsigned.
Abstraction for an array range type, like in Ada, or just for an array dimension like in C or C++.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2545
void set_lower_bound(int64_t lb)
Setter of the lower bound.
bool is_non_finite() const
Test if the length of the subrange type is infinite.
void set_upper_bound(int64_t ub)
Setter of the upper bound of the subrange type.
void set_underlying_type(const type_base_sptr &)
Setter of the underlying type of the subrange, that is, the type that defines the range.
string as_string() const
Return a string representation of the sub range.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
bool operator!=(const decl_base &o) const
Equality operator.
int64_t get_upper_bound() const
Getter of the upper bound of the subrange type.
type_base_sptr get_underlying_type() const
Getter of the underlying type of the subrange, that is, the type that defines the range.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Equality operator.
int64_t get_lower_bound() const
Getter of the lower bound of the subrange type.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Build a pretty representation for an array_type_def::subrange_type.
static string vector_as_string(const vector< subrange_sptr > &)
Return a string representation of a vector of subranges.
uint64_t get_length() const
Getter of the length of the subrange type.
translation_unit::language get_language() const
Getter of the language that generated this type.
The abstraction of an array type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2519
virtual bool is_non_finite() const
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &qualified_name, bool internal=false) const
Build and return the qualified name of the current instance of the array_type_def.
const type_base_sptr get_element_type() const
Getter of the type of an array element.
void set_element_type(const type_base_sptr &element_type)
Setter of the type of array element.
shared_ptr< subrange_type > subrange_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl::subrange.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2533
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
const std::vector< subrange_sptr > & get_subranges() const
Get the array's subranges.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Return true iff the two decls have the same name.
std::vector< subrange_sptr > subranges_type
Convenience typedef for a vector of subrange_sptr.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2540
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Get the pretty representation of the current instance of array_type_def.
translation_unit::language get_language() const
Get the language of the array.
virtual void append_subranges(const std::vector< subrange_sptr > &subs)
Append subranges from the vector.
Abstraction of a base specifier in a class declaration.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4428
class_decl_sptr get_base_class() const
Get the base class referred to by the current base class specifier.
bool get_is_virtual() const
Getter of the "is-virtual" proprerty of the base class specifier.
long get_offset_in_bits() const
Getter of the offset of the base.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
Traverses an instance of class_decl::base_spec, visiting all the sub-types and decls that it might co...
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Comparison operator for class_decl::base_spec.
virtual size_t get_hash() const
Calculate the hash value for a class_decl::base_spec.
Abstracts a class declaration.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4231
void is_struct(bool f)
Set the "is-struct" flag of the class.
bool has_virtual_member_functions() const
Test if the current instance of class_decl has virtual member functions.
const virtual_mem_fn_map_type & get_virtual_mem_fns_map() const
Get the map that associates a virtual table offset to the virtual member functions with that virtual ...
bool is_struct() const
Test if the class is a struct.
const base_specs & get_base_specifiers() const
Get the base specifiers for this class.
virtual ~class_decl()
Destructor of the class_decl type.
virtual void on_canonical_type_set()
This method is invoked automatically right after the current instance of class_decl has been canonica...
bool has_vtable() const
Test if the current instance has a vtable.
ssize_t get_biggest_vtable_offset() const
Get the highest vtable offset of all the virtual methods of the class.
bool has_virtual_bases() const
Test if the current instance of class_decl has at least one virtual base.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
shared_ptr< base_spec > base_spec_sptr
Convenience typedef.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4245
void add_base_specifier(shared_ptr< base_spec > b)
Add a base specifier to this class.
const member_functions & get_virtual_mem_fns() const
Get the virtual member functions of this class.
void sort_virtual_mem_fns()
Sort the virtual member functions by their virtual index.
friend bool equals(const class_decl &, const class_decl &, change_kind *)
Compares two instances of class_decl.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Comparison operator for class_decl.
bool has_no_base_nor_member() const
Return true iff the class has no entity in its scope.
virtual size_t get_hash() const
Return the hash value for the current instance.
class_decl_sptr find_base_class(const string &) const
Find a base class of a given qualified name for the current class.
vector< base_spec_sptr > base_specs
Convenience typedef.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4250
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Getter of the pretty representation of the current instance of class_decl.
The base type of class_decl and union_decl.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4029
virtual size_t get_num_anonymous_member_classes() const
Get the number of anonymous member classes contained in this class.
void add_member_function(method_decl_sptr f, access_specifier a, bool is_static, bool is_ctor, bool is_dtor, bool is_const)
Add a member function.
const var_decl_sptr find_anonymous_data_member(const var_decl_sptr &) const
Find an anonymous data member in the class.
const member_functions & get_member_functions() const
Get the member functions of this class_or_union.
virtual void remove_member_decl(decl_base_sptr)
Remove a given decl from the current class_or_union scope.
const member_function_templates & get_member_function_templates() const
Get the member function templates of this class.
virtual size_t get_size_in_bits() const
Getter of the size of the class_or_union type.
virtual size_t get_num_anonymous_member_unions() const
Get the number of anonymous member unions contained in this class.
void add_member_function_template(member_function_template_sptr)
Append a member function template to the class_or_union.
unordered_map< ssize_t, member_functions > virtual_mem_fn_map_type
Convenience typedef.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4061
vector< method_decl_sptr > member_functions
Convenience typedef.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4060
const data_members & get_data_members() const
Get the data members of this class_or_union.
void add_data_member(var_decl_sptr v, access_specifier a, bool is_laid_out, bool is_static, size_t offset_in_bits)
Add a data member to the current instance of class_or_union.
const method_decl * find_member_function_from_signature(const string &s) const
Find a method (member function) using its signature (pretty representation) as a key.
method_decl_sptr find_member_function_sptr(const string &mangled_name)
Find a method, using its linkage name as a key.
virtual void set_size_in_bits(size_t)
Setter of the size of the class_or_union type.
decl_base_sptr insert_member_decl(decl_base_sptr member)
Insert a data member to this class_or_union type.
virtual decl_base_sptr add_member_decl(const decl_base_sptr &)
Add a member declaration to the current instance of class_or_union. The member declaration can be eit...
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
void add_member_class_template(member_class_template_sptr m)
Append a member class template to the class_or_union.
const data_members & get_non_static_data_members() const
Get the non-static data memebers of this class_or_union.
const method_decl * find_member_function(const string &mangled_name) const
Find a method, using its linkage name as a key.
void maybe_fixup_members_of_anon_data_member(var_decl_sptr &anon_dm)
Fixup the members of the type of an anonymous data member.
vector< var_decl_sptr > data_members
Convenience typedef.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4059
virtual ~class_or_union()
Destrcutor of the class_or_union type.
bool has_no_member() const
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Equality operator.
friend void set_member_is_static(decl_base &d, bool s)
Sets the static-ness property of a class member.
virtual size_t get_alignment_in_bits() const
Getter of the alignment of the class_or_union type.
const member_class_templates & get_member_class_templates() const
Get the member class templates of this class.
virtual void set_alignment_in_bits(size_t)
Setter of the alignment of the class type.
vector< type_base_sptr > member_types
Convenience typedef.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4054
virtual size_t get_num_anonymous_member_enums() const
Get the number of anonymous member enums contained in this class.
const var_decl_sptr find_data_member(const string &) const
Find a data member of a given name in the current class_or_union.
Abstract a class template.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3832
shared_ptr< class_decl > get_pattern() const
Getter of the pattern of the template.
void set_pattern(class_decl_sptr p)
Setter of the pattern of the template.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Return true iff both scopes have the same names and have the same member decls.
The abstraction of the relationship between an entity and its containing scope (its context)....
Definition: abg-ir.h:1247
This is the abstraction of a set of translation units (themselves seen as bundles of unitary abi arte...
Definition: abg-corpus.h:25
shared_ptr< exported_decls_builder > exported_decls_builder_sptr
Convenience typedef for shared_ptr<exported_decls_builder>.
Definition: abg-corpus.h:42
const translation_units & get_translation_units() const
Return the list of translation units of the current corpus.
type_maps & get_types()
Get the maps that associate a name to a certain kind of type.
type_maps & get_type_per_loc_map()
Get the maps that associate a location string to a certain kind of type.
const corpus_group * get_group() const
Getter of the group this corpus is a member of.
const environment & get_environment() const
Getter of the enviroment of the corpus.
The base type of all declarations.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1538
void set_definition_of_declaration(const decl_base_sptr &)
Set the definition of this declaration-only decl_base.
void set_is_declaration_only(bool f)
Set a flag saying if the enum_type_decl is a declaration-only enum_type_decl.
virtual bool operator!=(const decl_base &) const
Inequality operator.
scope_decl * get_scope() const
Return the type containing the current decl, if any.
void set_qualified_name(const interned_string &) const
Setter for the qualified name.
void set_is_in_public_symbol_table(bool)
Set the flag saying if this decl is from a symbol that is in a public symbols table,...
friend bool get_member_is_static(const decl_base &d)
Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.
const decl_base_sptr get_earlier_declaration() const
If this decl_base is a definition, get its earlier declaration.
virtual void set_linkage_name(const string &m)
Setter for the linkage name.
const decl_base * get_naked_definition_of_declaration() const
If this decl_base is declaration-only, get its definition, if any.
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &qualified_name, bool internal=false) const
Compute the qualified name of the decl.
void clear_qualified_name()
Clear the qualified name of this decl.
void set_name(const string &n)
Setter for the name of the decl.
const location & get_location() const
Get the location of a given declaration.
ELF binding.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1589
typedef_decl_sptr get_naming_typedef() const
Getter for the naming typedef of the current decl.
const interned_string & get_name() const
Getter for the name of the current decl.
virtual void set_scope(scope_decl *)
Setter of the scope of the current decl.
const interned_string & peek_qualified_name() const
Getter for the qualified name.
const context_rel * get_context_rel() const
Getter for the context relationship.
friend void set_member_function_is_virtual(function_decl &, bool)
Set the virtual-ness of a member function.
bool get_is_anonymous() const
Test if the current declaration is anonymous.
friend decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope(decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl *scpe)
Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to one and if the d...
virtual const interned_string & get_scoped_name() const
Return the scoped name of the decl.
const decl_base_sptr get_definition_of_declaration() const
If this decl_base is declaration-only, get its definition, if any.
friend void set_member_access_specifier(decl_base &d, access_specifier a)
Sets the access specifier for a class member.
void set_naming_typedef(const typedef_decl_sptr &)
Set the naming typedef of the current instance of decl_base.
void set_location(const location &l)
Set the location for a given declaration.
void set_is_anonymous(bool)
Set the "is_anonymous" flag of the current declaration.
void set_visibility(visibility v)
Setter for the visibility of the decl.
void set_temporary_qualified_name(const interned_string &) const
Setter for the temporary qualified name of the current declaration.
visibility get_visibility() const
Getter for the visibility of the decl.
ELF visibility.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1579
bool get_is_declaration_only() const
Test if a decl_base is a declaration-only decl.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
void set_earlier_declaration(const decl_base_sptr &)
set the earlier declaration of this decl_base definition.
const interned_string & get_linkage_name() const
Getter for the mangled name.
friend enum access_specifier get_member_access_specifier(const decl_base &d)
Gets the access specifier for a class member.
friend bool get_member_function_is_virtual(const function_decl &f)
Test if a given member function is virtual.
virtual ~decl_base()
Destructor of the decl_base type.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Return true iff the two decls have the same name.
const interned_string & get_qualified_parent_name() const
Return a copy of the qualified name of the parent of the current decl.
bool get_is_anonymous_or_has_anonymous_parent() const
bool get_has_anonymous_parent() const
Get the "has_anonymous_parent" flag of the current declaration.
bool get_is_in_public_symbol_table() const
Test if the decl is defined in a ELF symbol table as a public symbol.
friend bool equals(const decl_base &, const decl_base &, change_kind *)
Compares two instances of decl_base.
virtual size_t get_hash() const
Get the hash of a decl. If the hash hasn't been computed yet, compute it ans store its value; otherwi...
const interned_string & peek_temporary_qualified_name() const
Getter of the temporary qualified name of the current declaration.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Get the pretty representatin of the current declaration.
The abstraction for a data member context relationship. This relates a data member to its parent clas...
Definition: abg-ir.h:2954
const var_decl * get_anonymous_data_member() const
Return a non-nil value if this data member context relationship has an anonymous data member....
void set_anonymous_data_member(var_decl *)
Set the containing anonymous data member of this data member context relationship....
The abstraction of the version of an ELF symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1194
version & operator=(const version &o)
Assign a version to the current one.
bool operator==(const version &o) const
Compares the current version against another one.
bool is_default() const
Getter for the 'is_default' property of the version.
const string & str() const
Getter for the version name.
bool operator!=(const version &o) const
Inequality operator.
Abstraction of an elf symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:923
const abg_compat::optional< std::string > & get_namespace() const
Getter of the 'namespace' property.
elf_symbol_sptr get_alias_which_equals(const elf_symbol &other) const
In the list of aliases of a given elf symbol, get the alias that equals this current symbol.
elf_symbol_sptr get_next_common_instance() const
Get the next common instance of the current common symbol.
type get_type() const
Getter for the type of the current instance of elf_symbol.
const elf_symbol_sptr get_main_symbol() const
Get the main symbol of an alias chain.
void set_is_in_ksymtab(bool is_in_ksymtab)
Setter of the 'is-in-ksymtab' property.
bool has_aliases() const
Check if the current elf_symbol has an alias.
void set_name(const string &n)
Setter for the name of the current intance of elf_symbol.
bool is_suppressed() const
Getter for the 'is-suppressed' property.
The binding of a symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:940
int get_number_of_aliases() const
Get the number of aliases to this elf symbol.
string get_aliases_id_string(const string_elf_symbols_map_type &symtab, bool include_symbol_itself=true) const
Return a comma separated list of the id of the current symbol as well as the id string of its aliases...
void set_binding(binding b)
Setter for the binding of the current instance of elf_symbol.
void add_common_instance(const elf_symbol_sptr &)
Add a common instance to the current common elf symbol.
void add_alias(const elf_symbol_sptr &)
Add an alias to the current elf symbol.
void set_is_suppressed(bool is_suppressed)
Setter for the 'is-suppressed' property.
bool is_variable() const
Test if the current instance of elf_symbol is a variable symbol or not.
elf_symbol_sptr update_main_symbol(const std::string &)
Update the main symbol for a group of aliased symbols.
void set_size(size_t)
Setter of the size of the symbol.
const string & get_name() const
Getter for the name of the elf_symbol.
binding get_binding() const
Getter for the binding of the current instance of elf_symbol.
static bool get_name_and_version_from_id(const string &id, string &name, string &ver)
Given the ID of a symbol, get the name and the version of said symbol.
bool is_function() const
Test if the current instance of elf_symbol is a function symbol or not.
The type of a symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:927
void set_version(const version &v)
Setter for the version of the current instance of elf_symbol.
const abg_compat::optional< uint32_t > & get_crc() const
Getter of the 'crc' property.
void set_visibility(visibility v)
Setter of the visibility of the current instance of elf_symbol.
bool does_alias(const elf_symbol &) const
Test if the current symbol aliases another one.
bool is_main_symbol() const
Tests whether this symbol is the main symbol.
void set_crc(const abg_compat::optional< uint32_t > &crc)
Setter of the 'crc' property.
static elf_symbol_sptr create(const environment &e, size_t i, size_t s, const string &n, type t, binding b, bool d, bool c, const version &ve, visibility vi, bool is_in_ksymtab=false, const abg_compat::optional< uint32_t > &crc={}, const abg_compat::optional< std::string > &ns={}, bool is_suppressed=false)
Factory of instances of elf_symbol.
The visibility of the symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:949
version & get_version() const
Getter for the version of the current instanc of elf_symbol.
bool is_common_symbol() const
Return true if the symbol is a common one.
void set_index(size_t)
Setter for the index.
visibility get_visibility() const
Getter of the visibility of the current instance of elf_symbol.
bool has_other_common_instances() const
Return true if this common common symbol has other common instances.
size_t get_index() const
Getter for the index.
const string & get_id_string() const
Get a string that is representative of a given elf_symbol.
elf_symbol_sptr get_alias_from_name(const string &name) const
From the aliases of the current symbol, lookup one with a given name.
const environment & get_environment() const
Getter of the environment used by the current instance of elf_symbol.
void set_type(type t)
Setter for the type of the current instance of elf_symbol.
bool is_public() const
Test if the current instance of elf_symbol is public or not.
bool is_in_ksymtab() const
Getter of the 'is-in-ksymtab' property.
size_t get_size() const
Getter of the size of the symbol.
bool is_defined() const
Test if the current instance of elf_symbol is defined or not.
void set_namespace(const abg_compat::optional< std::string > &ns)
Setter of the 'namespace' property.
elf_symbol_sptr get_next_alias() const
Get the next alias of the current symbol.
bool operator==(const elf_symbol &) const
Test if two main symbols are textually equal, or, if they have aliases that are textually equal.
The abstraction of an enumerator.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2835
Default constructor of the enum_type_decl::enumerator type.
bool operator!=(const enumerator &other) const
Inequality operator.
void set_name(const string &n)
Setter for the name of enum_type_decl::enumerator.
enum_type_decl * get_enum_type() const
Getter for the enum type that this enumerator is for.
const string & get_name() const
Getter for the name of the current instance of enum_type_decl::enumerator.
void set_enum_type(enum_type_decl *)
Setter for the enum type that this enumerator is for.
void set_value(int64_t v)
Setter for the value of enum_type_decl::enumerator.
const string & get_qualified_name(bool internal=false) const
Getter for the qualified name of the current instance of enum_type_decl::enumerator....
int64_t get_value() const
Getter for the value of enum_type_decl::enumerator.
bool operator==(const enumerator &other) const
Equality operator.
enumerator & operator=(const enumerator &)
Assignment operator of the enum_type_decl::enumerator type.
Abstracts a declaration for an enum type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2750
std::vector< enumerator > enumerators
Convenience typedef for a list of enumerator.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2763
virtual ~enum_type_decl()
Destructor for the enum type declaration.
const enumerators & get_enumerators() const
const enumerators & get_sorted_enumerators() const
Get the lexicographically sorted vector of enumerators.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
type_base_sptr get_underlying_type() const
Return the underlying type of the enum.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Equality operator.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Get the pretty representation of the current instance of enum_type_decl.
This is an abstraction of the set of resources necessary to manage several aspects of the internal re...
Definition: abg-ir.h:140
bool decl_only_class_equals_definition() const
Getter of the "decl-only-class-equals-definition" flag.
bool is_void_pointer_type(const type_base_sptr &) const
Test if a given type is the same as the void pointer type of the environment.
std::unordered_map< string, std::vector< type_base_sptr > > canonical_types_map_type
A convenience typedef for a map of canonical types. The key is the pretty representation string of a ...
Definition: abg-ir.h:150
bool user_set_analyze_exported_interfaces_only() const
Getter for a property that says if the user actually did set the analyze_exported_interfaces_only() p...
const type_base_sptr & get_void_type() const
Get the unique type_decl that represents a "void" type for the current environment....
bool is_variadic_parameter_type(const type_base *) const
Test if a type is a variadic parameter type as defined in the current environment.
static string & get_variadic_parameter_type_name()
Getter of the name of the variadic parameter type.
const type_base_sptr & get_void_pointer_type() const
Getter of the "pointer-to-void" IR node that is shared across the ABI corpus. This node must be the o...
const config & get_config() const
Getter of the general configuration object.
Default constructor of the environment type.
vector< type_base_sptr > * get_canonical_types(const char *name)
Get the vector of canonical types which have a given "string representation".
bool canonicalization_is_done() const
Test if the canonicalization of types created out of the current environment is done.
type_base * get_canonical_type(const char *name, unsigned index)
Get a given canonical type which has a given "string representation".
const type_base_sptr & get_variadic_parameter_type() const
Get a type_decl instance that represents a the type of a variadic function parameter....
bool is_void_type(const type_base_sptr &) const
Test if a given type is a void type as defined in the current environment.
virtual ~environment()
Destructor for the environment type.
interned_string intern(const string &) const
Do intern a string.
bool do_on_the_fly_canonicalization() const
Getter for the "on-the-fly-canonicalization" flag.
bool analyze_exported_interfaces_only() const
Getter for the property that controls if we are to restrict the analysis to the types that are only r...
canonical_types_map_type & get_canonical_types_map()
Getter the map of canonical types.
Abstraction of a function parameter.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3286
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &qualified_name, bool internal=false) const
Compute the qualified name of the parameter.
interned_string get_type_name() const
interned_string get_name_id() const
Get a name uniquely identifying the parameter in the function.
const string get_type_pretty_representation() const
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
Traverse the diff sub-tree under the current instance function_decl.
virtual size_t get_hash() const
Get the hash of a decl. If the hash hasn't been computed yet, compute it ans store its value; otherwi...
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Compute and return a copy of the pretty representation of the current function parameter.
Abstraction for a function declaration.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3111
shared_ptr< parameter > parameter_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl::parameter.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3131
string get_pretty_representation_of_declarator(bool internal=false) const
Compute and return the pretty representation for the part of the function declaration that starts at ...
const function_type * get_naked_type() const
Fast getter of the type of the current instance of function_decl.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
void append_parameters(std::vector< parameter_sptr > &parms)
Append a vector of parameters to the type of this function.
bool is_variadic() const
Return true iff the function takes a variable number of parameters.
parameters::const_iterator get_first_non_implicit_parm() const
Getter for the first non-implicit parameter of a function decl.
const function_type_sptr get_type() const
Return the type of the current instance of function_decl.
function_decl(const string &name, function_type_sptr function_type, bool declared_inline, const location &locus, const string &mangled_name, visibility vis, binding bind)
Constructor of the function_decl.
const type_base_sptr get_return_type() const
function_decl_sptr clone() const
Create a new instance of function_decl that is a clone of the current one.
const std::vector< parameter_sptr > & get_parameters() const
void append_parameter(parameter_sptr parm)
Append a parameter to the type of this function.
void set_symbol(const elf_symbol_sptr &sym)
This sets the underlying ELF symbol for the current function decl.
virtual ~function_decl()
Destructor of the function_decl type.
const elf_symbol_sptr & get_symbol() const
Gets the the underlying ELF symbol for the current variable, that was set using function_decl::set_sy...
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &o) const
Comparison operator for function_decl.
std::vector< parameter_sptr > parameters
Convenience typedef for a vector of parameter_sptr.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3138
virtual size_t get_hash() const
The virtual implementation of 'get_hash' for a function_decl.
bool is_declared_inline() const
Test if the function was declared inline.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Get the pretty representation of the current instance of function_decl.
interned_string get_id() const
Return an ID that tries to uniquely identify the function inside a program or a library.
Abstract a function template declaration.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3783
binding get_binding() const
Get the binding of the function template.
void set_pattern(shared_ptr< function_decl > p)
Set a new pattern to the function template.
shared_ptr< function_decl > get_pattern() const
Get the pattern of the function template.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Comparison operator for the function_tdecl type.
Abstraction of a function type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3390
shared_ptr< function_decl::parameter > parameter_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl::parameter.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3396
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
Traverses an instance of function_type, visiting all the sub-types and decls that it might contain.
bool is_variadic() const
Test if the current instance of function_type is for a variadic function.
parameters::const_iterator get_first_parm() const
Get the first parameter of the function.
virtual void on_canonical_type_set()
This function is automatically invoked whenever an instance of this type is canonicalized.
virtual bool operator==(const type_base &) const
Equality operator for function_type.
void append_parameter(parameter_sptr parm)
Append a new parameter to the vector of parameters of the current instance of function_type.
void set_parameters(const parameters &p)
Setter for the parameters of the current instance of function_type.
const interned_string & get_cached_name(bool internal=false) const
Get the name of the current function_type.
const parameter_sptr get_parm_at_index_from_first_non_implicit_parm(size_t) const
Get the Ith parameter of the vector of parameters of the current instance of function_type.
type_base_sptr get_return_type() const
Getter for the return type of the current instance of function_type.
void set_return_type(type_base_sptr t)
Setter of the return type of the current instance of function_type.
parameters::const_iterator get_first_non_implicit_parm() const
Get the first parameter of the function.
const parameters & get_parameters() const
Getter for the set of parameters of the current intance of function_type.
std::vector< parameter_sptr > parameters
Convenience typedef for a vector of parameter_sptr.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3402
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Return a copy of the pretty representation of the current function_type.
This abstracts the global scope of a given translation unit.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1952
The internal representation of an integral type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:46
void set_modifiers(modifiers_type)
Setter of the modifiers bitmap of the integral_type.
string to_string(bool internal=false) const
Return the string representation of the current instance of integral_type.
base_type get_base_type() const
Getter of the base type of the integral_type.
The modifiers of the base types above. Several modifiers can be combined for a given base type....
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:80
The "long long" modifier.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:91
The "long" modifier.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:89
The "signed" modifier.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:83
The "unsigned" modier.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:85
The "short" modifier.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:87
bool operator==(const integral_type &) const
Equality operator for the integral_type.
The possible base types of integral types. We might have forgotten many of these, so do not hesitate ...
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:54
The "wchar_t" base type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:70
The "char32_t" base type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:68
The "float" base type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:64
The "bool" base type in C++ or "_Bool" in C11.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:60
The "char" base type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:58
The "char16_t base type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:66
The "int" base type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:56
The "double" base type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:62
modifiers_type get_modifiers() const
Getter of the modifiers bitmap of the integral_type.
Default constructor of the integral_type.
The base class for the visitor type hierarchy used for traversing a translation unit.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4955
bool allow_visiting_already_visited_type_node() const
Get if the walker using this visitor is allowed to re-visit a type node that was previously visited o...
bool type_node_has_been_visited(type_base *) const
Test if a given type node has been marked as visited.
void forget_visited_type_nodes()
Un-mark all visited type nodes.
Default Constructor of the ir_node_visitor type.
void mark_type_node_as_visited(type_base *)
Mark a given type node as having been visited.
The entry point to manage locations.
Definition: abg-ir.h:441
location create_new_location(const std::string &fle, size_t lne, size_t col)
Insert the triplet representing a source locus into our internal vector of location triplet....
void expand_location(const location &location, std::string &path, unsigned &line, unsigned &column) const
Given an instance of location type, return the triplet {path,line,column} that represents the source ...
The source location of a token.
Definition: abg-ir.h:299
bool get_is_artificial() const
Test if the location is artificial.
Definition: abg-ir.h:340
unsigned get_value() const
Get the value of the location.
Definition: abg-ir.h:387
string expand(void) const
Expand the location into a string.
void expand(std::string &path, unsigned &line, unsigned &column) const
Expand the current location into a tripplet file path, line and column number.
Abstraction of a member function context relationship. This relates a member function to its parent c...
Definition: abg-ir.h:4556
bool is_constructor() const
Getter for the 'is-constructor' property.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4634
bool is_const() const
Getter for the 'is-const' property.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4669
size_t vtable_offset() const
Getter for the vtable offset property.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4614
bool is_destructor() const
Getter for the 'is-destructor' property.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4651
The base class for member types, data members and member functions. Its purpose is mainly to carry th...
Definition: abg-ir.h:3878
access_specifier get_access_specifier() const
Getter for the access specifier of this member.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3899
bool get_is_static() const
Definition: abg-ir.h:3911
Abstracts a member class template template.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4761
virtual bool operator==(const member_base &o) const
Equality operator of the the member_class_template class.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
Abstract a member function template.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4706
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
Abstraction of the declaration of a method.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3927
friend void set_member_function_is_const(function_decl &, bool)
set the const-ness property of a member function.
virtual void set_linkage_name(const string &)
Set the linkage name of the method.
const method_type_sptr get_type() const
Abstracts the type of a class member function.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3486
void set_class_type(const class_or_union_sptr &t)
Sets the class type of the current instance of method_type.
void set_is_const(bool)
Setter of the "is-const" property of method_type.
virtual ~method_type()
The destructor of method_type.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Return a copy of the pretty representation of the current method_type.
class_or_union_sptr get_class_type() const
Get the class type this method belongs to.
bool get_is_const() const
Getter of the "is-const" property of method_type.
The abstraction of a namespace declaration.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2197
bool is_empty_or_has_empty_sub_namespaces() const
Test if the current namespace_decl is empty or contains empty namespaces itself.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
namespace_decl(const environment &env, const string &name, const location &locus, visibility vis=VISIBILITY_DEFAULT)
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Return true iff both namespaces and their members are equal.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of the namespace.
Abstracts non type template parameters.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3660
const type_base_sptr get_type() const
Getter for the type of the template parameter.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Return true iff the two decls have the same name.
virtual size_t get_hash() const
Get the hash value of the current instance.
The abstraction of a pointer type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2337
void set_pointed_to_type(const type_base_sptr &)
Set the pointed-to type of the pointer.
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &, bool internal=false) const
Build and return the qualified name of the current instance of pointer_type_def.
virtual void on_canonical_type_set()
This function is automatically invoked whenever an instance of this type is canonicalized.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Return true iff both instances of pointer_type_def are equal.
const type_base_sptr get_pointed_to_type() const
Getter of the pointed-to type.
type_base * get_naked_pointed_to_type() const
Getter of a naked pointer to the pointed-to type.
The abstraction of a pointer-to-member type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2466
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &qualified_name, bool internal=false) const
Get the qualified name for the current ptr_to_mbr_type.
const type_base_sptr & get_containing_type() const
Getter of the type containing the member pointed-to by the current ptr_to_mbr_type.
bool operator==(const ptr_to_mbr_type &) const
Equality operator for the current ptr_to_mbr_type.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function for ptr_to_mbr_type.
const type_base_sptr & get_member_type() const
Getter of the member type of the current ptr_to_mbr_type.
virtual ~ptr_to_mbr_type()
Desctructor for ptr_to_mbr_type.
The abstraction of a qualified type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2226
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &qualified_name, bool internal=false) const
Implementation for the virtual qualified name builder for qualified_type_def.
void set_underlying_type(const type_base_sptr &)
Setter of the underlying type.
virtual size_t get_size_in_bits() const
Get the size of the qualified type def.
string get_cv_quals_string_prefix() const
Compute and return the string prefix or suffix representing the qualifiers hold by the current instan...
Bit field values representing the cv qualifiers of the underlying type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2245
virtual void on_canonical_type_set()
This function is automatically invoked whenever an instance of this type is canonicalized.
void set_cv_quals(CV cv_quals)
Setter of the const/value qualifiers bit field.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
CV get_cv_quals() const
Getter of the const/volatile qualifier bit field.
type_base_sptr get_underlying_type() const
Getter of the underlying type.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Equality operator for qualified types.
string build_name(bool, bool internal=false) const
Build the name of the current instance of qualified type.
Abstracts a reference type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2400
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &qualified_name, bool internal=false) const
Build and return the qualified name of the current instance of the reference_type_def.
virtual void on_canonical_type_set()
This function is automatically invoked whenever an instance of this type is canonicalized.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
void set_pointed_to_type(type_base_sptr &pointed_to_type)
Setter of the pointed_to type of the current reference type.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Equality operator of the reference_type_def type.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Get the pretty representation of the current instance of reference_type_def.
A declaration that introduces a scope.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1809
virtual size_t get_num_anonymous_member_classes() const
Getter for the number of anonymous classes contained in this scope.
void remove_member_type(type_base_sptr t)
Remove a member type from the current class_or_union scope.
void insert_member_type(type_base_sptr t, declarations::iterator before)
Insert a member type.
void add_member_type(type_base_sptr t)
Add a member type to the current instance of class_or_union.
virtual size_t get_num_anonymous_member_unions() const
Getter for the number of anonymous unions contained in this scope.
scopes & get_member_scopes()
Getter for the scopes carried by the current scope.
std::vector< scope_decl_sptr > scopes
Convenience typedef for a vector of scope_decl_sptr.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1820
bool is_empty() const
Test if the current scope is empty.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
const type_base_sptrs_type & get_member_types() const
Get the member types of this scope_decl.
decl_base_sptr insert_member_decl(decl_base_sptr member, declarations::iterator before)
Insert a member decl to this scope, right before an element pointed to by a given iterator....
std::vector< decl_base_sptr > declarations
Convenience typedef for a vector of decl_base_sptr.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1816
const type_base_sptrs_type & get_sorted_canonical_types() const
Return a vector of sorted canonical types of the current scope.
bool find_iterator_for_member(const decl_base *, declarations::iterator &)
Find a member of the current scope and return an iterator on it.
virtual void remove_member_decl(decl_base_sptr member)
Remove a declaration from the current scope.
virtual decl_base_sptr add_member_decl(const decl_base_sptr &member)
Add a member decl to this scope. Note that user code should not use this, but rather use add_decl_to_...
type_base_sptr find_member_type(const string &name) const
Find a member type of a given name, inside the current scope_decl.
const declarations & get_member_decls() const
Getter for the member declarations carried by the current scope_decl.
const canonical_type_sptr_set_type & get_canonical_types() const
@eturn the set of canonical types of the the current scope.
const type_base_sptrs_type & get_sorted_member_types() const
Get the sorted member types of this scope_decl.
friend decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope(decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl *scope)
Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to one and if the d...
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Return true iff both scopes have the same names and have the same member decls.
const declarations & get_sorted_member_decls() const
Getter for the sorted member declarations carried by the current scope_decl.
virtual size_t get_num_anonymous_member_enums() const
Getter for the number of anonymous enums contained in this scope.
virtual size_t get_hash() const
Return the hash value for the current instance of scope_decl.
A type that introduces a scope.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2171
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
Traverses an instance of scope_type_decl, visiting all the sub-types and decls that it might contain.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Equality operator between two scope_type_decl.
The base class of templates.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3542
const std::list< template_parameter_sptr > & get_template_parameters() const
Get the list of template parameters of the current instance of template_decl.
virtual ~template_decl()
void add_template_parameter(const template_parameter_sptr p)
Add a new template parameter to the current instance of template_decl.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &o) const
Equality operator.
Base class for a template parameter. Client code should use the more specialized type_template_parame...
Definition: abg-ir.h:3577
virtual ~template_parameter()
bool operator!=(const template_parameter &) const
Inequality operator.
Abstracts a template template parameter.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3707
virtual bool operator==(const type_base &) const
Equality operator.
This is the abstraction of the set of relevant artefacts (types, variable declarations,...
Definition: abg-ir.h:686
void set_address_size(char)
Setter of the address size in this translation unit.
const std::string & get_absolute_path() const
Get the concatenation of the build directory and the relative path of the translation unit.
void set_is_constructed(bool)
Setter of the 'is_constructed" flag. It says if the translation unit is fully constructed or not.
bool operator==(const translation_unit &) const
Compare the current translation unit against another one.
const corpus * get_corpus() const
Get the corpus this translation unit is a member of.
char get_address_size() const
Getter of the address size in this translation unit.
const std::string & get_compilation_dir_path() const
Get the path of the directory that was 'current' when the translation unit was compiled.
void set_corpus(corpus *)
Set the corpus this translation unit is a member of.
void set_language(language l)
Setter of the language of the source code of the translation unit.
void bind_function_type_life_time(function_type_sptr) const
Ensure that the life time of a function type is bound to the life time of the current translation uni...
const scope_decl_sptr & get_global_scope() const
Getter of the the global scope of the translation unit.
bool is_empty() const
Tests whether if the current translation unit contains ABI artifacts or not.
bool is_constructed() const
Getter of the 'is_constructed" flag. It says if the translation unit is fully constructed or not.
const std::string & get_path() const
Get the path of the current translation unit.
void set_compilation_dir_path(const std::string &)
Set the path of the directory that was 'current' when the translation unit was compiled.
location_manager & get_loc_mgr()
Getter of the location manager for the current translation unit.
void set_path(const string &)
Set the path associated to the current instance of translation_unit.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse virtual function.
The language of the translation unit.
Definition: abg-ir.h:699
bool operator!=(const translation_unit &) const
Inequality operator.
const vector< function_type_sptr > & get_live_fn_types() const
Get the vector of function types that are used in the current translation unit.
const environment & get_environment() const
Getter of the environment of the current translation_unit.
const type_maps & get_types() const
Getter of the types of the current translation_unit.
language get_language() const
Getter of the language of the source code of the translation unit.
bool visiting() const
This should returns false before and after the node has been visiting. During the visiting of the nod...
An abstraction helper for type declarations.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1973
const interned_string & get_cached_pretty_representation(bool internal=false) const
Get the pretty representation of the current type.
type_base * get_naked_canonical_type() const
Getter of the canonical type pointer.
virtual size_t get_size_in_bits() const
Getter for the size of the type.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
Default implementation of traversal for types. This function does nothing. It must be implemented by ...
virtual void on_canonical_type_set()
This method is invoked automatically right after the current instance of class_decl has been canonica...
virtual void set_size_in_bits(size_t)
Setter for the size of the type.
virtual bool operator!=(const type_base &) const
Inequality operator.
virtual bool operator==(const type_base &) const
Return true iff both type declarations are equal.
virtual size_t get_alignment_in_bits() const
Getter for the alignment of the type.
virtual void set_alignment_in_bits(size_t)
Setter for the alignment of the type.
type_base_sptr get_canonical_type() const
Getter of the canonical type of the current instance of type_base.
This abstracts a composition of types based on template type parameters. The result of the compositio...
Definition: abg-ir.h:3745
const type_base_sptr get_composed_type() const
Getter for the resulting composed type.
void set_composed_type(type_base_sptr t)
Setter for the resulting composed type.
virtual size_t get_hash() const
Get the hash value for the current instance.
A basic type declaration that introduces no scope.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2108
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &qualified_name, bool internal=false) const
Implementation for the virtual qualified name builder for type_decl.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
virtual bool operator!=(const type_base &) const
Return true if both types equals.
virtual bool operator==(const type_base &) const
Return true if both types equals.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Get the pretty representation of the current instance of type_decl.
This is a type that aggregates maps of all the kinds of types that are supported by libabigail.
Definition: abg-ir.h:593
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & typedef_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of a typedef to the vector of instances of typedef_decl_s...
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & function_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of a function type to the vector of instances of function...
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & reference_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of a reference type to the vector of instances of referen...
const istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & class_types() const
Getter for the map that associates the name of a class type to the vector of instances of class_decl_...
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & union_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of a union type to the vector of instances of union_decl_...
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & array_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of an array type to the vector of instances of array_type...
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & enum_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of an enum type to the vector of instances of enum_type_d...
bool empty() const
Test if the type_maps is empty.
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & qualified_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of a qualified type to the vector of instances of qualifi...
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & ptr_to_mbr_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of a pointer-to-member type to the vector of instances of...
const vector< type_base_wptr > & get_types_sorted_by_name() const
Getter of all types types sorted by their pretty representation.
istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & pointer_types()
Getter for the map that associates the name of a pointer type to the vector of instances of pointer_t...
const istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & basic_types() const
Getter for the map that associates the name of a basic type to the vector instances of type_decl_sptr...
const istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type & subrange_types() const
Getter for the map that associates the name of a subrange type to the vector of instances of array_ty...
The base class of both types and declarations.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1368
void set_translation_unit(translation_unit *)
Set the translation_unit this ABI artifact belongs to.
bool get_is_artificial() const
Getter of the flag that says if the artefact is artificial.
virtual ~type_or_decl_base()
The destructor of the type_or_decl_base type.
location & get_artificial_location() const
Getter of the artificial location of the artifact.
bool has_artificial_location() const
Test if the current ABI artifact carries an artificial location.
friend type_base * is_type(const type_or_decl_base *)
Test whether a declaration is a type.
const corpus * get_corpus() const
Get the corpus this ABI artifact belongs to.
friend class_decl * is_class_type(const type_or_decl_base *)
Test whether a type is a class.
enum type_or_decl_kind kind() const
Getter for the "kind" property of type_or_decl_base type.
void set_is_artificial(bool)
Setter of the flag that says if the artefact is artificial.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
Traverse the the ABI artifact.
const void * runtime_type_instance() const
Getter of the pointer to the runtime type sub-object of the current instance.
const void * type_or_decl_base_pointer() const
Getter of the pointer to either the type_base sub-object of the current instance if it's a type,...
bool hashing_started() const
Getter for the 'hashing_started' property.
void set_artificial_location(const location &)
Setter of the artificial location of the artificat.
This is a bitmap type which instance is meant to contain the runtime type of a given ABI artifact....
Definition: abg-ir.h:1382
const environment & get_environment() const
Getter of the environment of the current ABI artifact.
friend decl_base * is_decl(const type_or_decl_base *d)
Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
const translation_unit * get_translation_unit() const
Get the translation_unit this ABI artifact belongs to.
Abstracts a type template parameter.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3623
virtual bool operator==(const type_base &) const
Equality operator.
The abstraction of a typedef declaration.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2889
virtual void get_qualified_name(interned_string &qualified_name, bool internal=false) const
Implementation of the virtual "get_qualified_name" method.
void set_underlying_type(const type_base_sptr &)
Setter ofthe underlying type of the typedef.
virtual size_t get_size_in_bits() const
Return the size of the typedef.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
type_base_sptr get_underlying_type() const
Getter of the underlying type of the typedef.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Equality operator.
virtual size_t get_alignment_in_bits() const
Return the alignment of the typedef.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Build a pretty representation for a typedef_decl.
Abstracts a union type declaration.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4486
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Comparison operator for union_decl.
virtual ~union_decl()
Destructor of the union_decl type.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Getter of the pretty representation of the current instance of union_decl.
Abstracts a variable declaration.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3008
binding get_binding() const
Getter of the binding of the variable.
void set_type(type_base_sptr &)
Setter of the type of the variable.
void set_binding(binding b)
Setter of the binding of the variable.
friend uint64_t get_data_member_offset(const var_decl_sptr m)
Get the offset of a data member.
var_decl_sptr clone() const
Create a new var_decl that is a clone of the current one.
virtual const interned_string & get_qualified_name(bool internal=false) const
Get the qualified name of a given variable or data member.
const type_base * get_naked_type() const
Getter of the type of the variable.
friend bool get_data_member_is_laid_out(const var_decl &m)
Test whether a data member is laid out.
const type_base_sptr get_type() const
Getter of the type of the variable.
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
This implements the ir_traversable_base::traverse pure virtual function.
string get_anon_dm_reliable_name(bool qualified=true) const
Get a name that is valid even for an anonymous data member.
void set_symbol(const elf_symbol_sptr &sym)
Sets the underlying ELF symbol for the current variable.
const elf_symbol_sptr & get_symbol() const
Gets the the underlying ELF symbol for the current variable, that was set using var_decl::set_symbol(...
virtual bool operator==(const decl_base &) const
Comparison operator of var_decl.
virtual size_t get_hash() const
Return the hash value for the current instance.
virtual string get_pretty_representation(bool internal=false, bool qualified_name=true) const
Build and return the pretty representation of this variable.
interned_string get_id() const
Return an ID that tries to uniquely identify the variable inside a program or a library.
A type used to time various part of the libabigail system.
bool stop()
Stop the timer.
bool start()
Start the timer.
bool is_decl_only_class_with_size_change(const class_or_union &first, const class_or_union &second)
Test if two classes that are decl-only (have the decl-only flag and carry no data members) but are di...
const type_base * is_void_pointer_type_equivalent(const type_base &type)
Test if a type is equivalent to a pointer to void type.
shared_ptr< reference_type_def > reference_type_def_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a reference_type_def.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:233
bool is_declaration_only_class_or_union_type(const type_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_decl_only)
Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class.
bool enum_has_non_name_change(const enum_type_decl &l, const enum_type_decl &r, change_kind *k)
Test if two enums differ, but not by a name change.
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_class_types(const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a given qualified name.
const type_base_sptr lookup_type_in_scope(const string &fqn, const scope_decl_sptr &skope)
Lookup a type in a scope.
bool is_non_canonicalized_type(const type_base *t)
Test if a given type is allowed to be non canonicalized.
bool get_member_function_is_dtor(const function_decl &f)
Test whether a member function is a destructor.
const type_base * peel_qualified_type(const type_base *type)
Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified type.
shared_ptr< method_type > method_type_sptr
Convenience typedef for shared pointer to method_type.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:219
translation_unit * get_translation_unit(const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to.
size_t hash_type(const type_base *t)
Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type.
var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member(const class_or_union &klass)
Get the last data member of a class type.
bool is_anonymous_or_typedef_named(const decl_base &d)
Test if a given decl is anonymous or has a naming typedef.
bool is_typedef_of_maybe_qualified_class_or_union_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is a typedef of a class or union type, or a typedef of a qualified class or union type...
decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope(decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl_sptr &scope)
Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to a scope.
function_decl_sptr is_function_decl(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
Test whether a declaration is a function_decl.
class_decl_sptr is_class_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
Test whether a type is a class.
bool get_member_is_static(const decl_base &d)
Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_npaf_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if we are looking at a pointer to a neither-a-pointer-to-an-array-nor-a-function type.
bool debug_equals(const type_or_decl_base *l, const type_or_decl_base *r)
Test if two ABI artifacts are equal.
decl_base * debug(const decl_base *artifact)
Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes.
shared_ptr< function_decl > function_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:267
Access specifier for class members.
Definition: abg-ir.h:879
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a pointer type which has a given qualified name.
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has a given qualified name.
interned_string get_type_name(const type_base &t, bool qualified, bool internal)
Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it.
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map(const function_type_sptr &fn_type)
Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a function type with the type itself.
bool function_decls_alias(const function_decl &f1, const function_decl &f2)
Test if two function declarations are aliases.
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_array_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is a pointer to array type.
shared_ptr< class_tdecl > class_tdecl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_tdecl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:287
weak_ptr< function_type > function_type_wptr
Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a function_type.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:217
type_base_sptr lookup_class_or_typedef_type(const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a corpus to find a class, union or typedef type which has a given qualified name.
void set_member_function_is_virtual(function_decl &f, bool is_virtual)
Set the virtual-ness of a member function.
ssize_t get_member_function_vtable_offset(const function_decl &f)
Get the vtable offset of a member function.
reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a reference type which has a given qualified name.
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
Lookup a type_decl type from a given corpus, by its location.
ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr is_ptr_to_mbr_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
Test whether a type is a ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr.
class_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_class_type(const decl_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is a class. This function looks through typedefs.
corpus::origin operator|=(corpus::origin &l, corpus::origin r)
Bitwise |= operator for the corpus::origin type.
vector< type_base_wptr > type_base_wptrs_type
A convenience typedef for a vector of type_base_wptr.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:143
const type_base_sptr is_void_pointer_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is a pointer to void type.
bool operator==(const union_decl_sptr &l, const union_decl_sptr &r)
Turn equality of shared_ptr of union_decl into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed ...
void fixup_virtual_member_function(method_decl_sptr method)
When a virtual member function has seen its virtualness set by set_member_function_is_virtual(),...
void pop_composite_type_comparison_operands(const type_base &left, const type_base &right)
Pop a pair of operands from the stack of operands to the current type comparison.
bool equals_modulo_cv_qualifier(const array_type_def *l, const array_type_def *r)
Test if two variables are equals modulo CV qualifiers.
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_enum_types(const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find the enum type*s* that have a given qualified name.
qualified_type_def_sptr clone_qualified_type(const qualified_type_def_sptr &t)
Clone a qualifiend type.
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation(const class_or_union_sptr &cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type.
bool is_type(const type_or_decl_base &tod)
Test whether a declaration is a type.
scope_decl * is_scope_decl(decl_base *d)
Test if a declaration is a scope_decl.
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type(const string &type_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a union type which has a given qualified name.
bool is_anonymous_data_member(const decl_base &d)
Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.
bool is_anonymous_data_member(const var_decl &d)
Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member.
string translation_unit_language_to_string(translation_unit::language l)
Converts a translation_unit::language enumerator into a string.
weak_ptr< type_base > type_base_wptr
Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a type_base.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:129
type_decl_sptr is_integral_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is an integral type.
type_base_sptr peel_reference_type(const type_base_sptr &type)
Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a reference_type_def node.
bool has_scope(const decl_base &d)
Tests if a declaration has got a scope.
scope_decl * get_type_scope(const type_base_sptr &t)
Get the scope of a given type.
integral_type::modifiers_type operator~(integral_type::modifiers_type l)
Bitwise one's complement operator for integral_type::modifiers_type.
array_type_def::subrange_type * is_subrange_type(const type_or_decl_base *type)
Test if a type is an array_type_def::subrange_type.
shared_ptr< elf_symbol > elf_symbol_sptr
A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to elf_symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:886
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has a given qualified name.
type_base_sptr lookup_type_from_translation_unit(const string &type_name, const string &tu_path, const corpus &corp)
Lookup a type from a given translation unit present in a give corpus.
var_decl_sptr get_data_member(type_base *clazz, const char *member_name)
Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type.
type_base * get_exemplar_type(const type_base *type)
For a given type, return its exemplar type.
location get_location(const decl_base_sptr &decl)
Get the location of a given declaration.
const typedef_decl * is_typedef(const type_or_decl_base *t)
Test whether a type is a typedef.
void remove_decl_from_scope(decl_base_sptr decl)
Remove a given decl from its scope.
type_base_sptr peel_qualified_or_typedef_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified or typedef type.
bool odr_is_relevant(const type_or_decl_base &artifact)
By looking at the language of the TU a given ABI artifact belongs to, test if the ONE Definition Rule...
array_type_def_sptr clone_array(const array_type_def_sptr &array)
Clone an array type.
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
Look up an enum_type_decl from a given corpus, by its location.
A bitfield that gives callers of abigail::ir::equals() some insight about how different two internal ...
Definition: abg-ir.h:1323
This means that a given IR artifact has a local type change.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1327
This means that a given IR artifact has changes in some of its sub-types, with respect to the other a...
Definition: abg-ir.h:1343
This means that a given IR artifact has a local non-type change. That is a change that is carried by ...
Definition: abg-ir.h:1332
var_decl_sptr find_last_data_member_matching_regexp(const class_or_union &t, const regex::regex_t_sptr &regex)
Find the last data member of a class or union which name matches a regular expression.
const ptr_to_mbr_type * is_ptr_to_mbr_type(const type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
Test whether a type is a ptr_to_mbr_type.
const var_decl_sptr get_first_non_anonymous_data_member(const var_decl_sptr anon_dm)
Get the first non-anonymous data member of a given anonymous data member.
bool is_user_defined_type(const type_base *t)
Test if a type is user-defined.
bool operator==(const translation_unit_sptr &l, const translation_unit_sptr &r)
A deep comparison operator for pointers to translation units.
class_or_union_sptr anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union(const var_decl_sptr &d)
Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member.
weak_ptr< class_decl > class_decl_wptr
Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a class_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:203
const interned_string & get_node_name(var_decl_sptr node)
Gets the name of a var_decl node.
vector< type_base_sptr > type_base_sptrs_type
Helper typedef for a vector of shared pointer to a type_base.
Definition: abg-ir.h:119
void debug_comp_stack(const environment &env)
Emit a trace of the two comparison operands stack on the standard error stream.
bool collect_non_anonymous_data_members(const class_or_union *cou, string_decl_base_sptr_map &dms)
Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type.
bool is_class_type(const type_or_decl_base &t)
Test whether a type is a class.
type_base_sptr synthesize_type_from_translation_unit(const type_base_sptr &type, translation_unit &tu)
In a translation unit, lookup a given type or synthesize it if it's a qualified type.
bool maybe_update_types_lookup_map< function_type >(const function_type_sptr &type, istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type &types_map, bool)
This is the specialization for type function_type of the function template:
shared_ptr< array_type_def > array_type_def_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a array_type_def.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:242
method_type * is_method_type(type_or_decl_base *t)
Test whether a type is a method_type.
function_type_sptr lookup_or_synthesize_fn_type(const function_type_sptr &fn_t, const corpus &corpus)
Look into an ABI corpus for a function type.
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a qualified type which has a given qualified name.
bool is_declaration_only_class_or_union_type(const type_base *t, bool look_through_decl_only)
Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class.
bool is_global_scope(const shared_ptr< scope_decl >scope)
Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope.
type_base_sptr lookup_type(const type_base_sptr &t, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a type.
string get_pretty_representation(const type_or_decl_base *tod, bool internal)
Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type o...
class_decl::base_spec * is_class_base_spec(const type_or_decl_base *tod)
Test if an ABI artifact is a class base specifier.
type_base_sptr lookup_class_typedef_or_enum_type(const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a corpus to find a class, typedef or enum type which has a given qualified name.
void mark_types_as_being_compared(T &l, T &r)
Mark a pair of types as being compared.
const type_base_sptr peel_qualified_type(const type_base_sptr &type)
Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified type.
type_base_sptr peel_const_qualified_type(const qualified_type_def_sptr &q)
If a qualified type is const, then return its underlying type.
bool is_at_template_scope(const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
Tests whether a given decl is at template scope.
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has a given qualified name.
const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type(const var_decl &d)
Test if a data member has annonymous type or not.
type_decl * is_integral_type(const type_or_decl_base *t)
Test if a type is an integral type.
bool anonymous_data_member_exists_in_class(const var_decl &anon_dm, const class_or_union &clazz)
Test if a given anonymous data member exists in a class or union.
void set_member_function_is_dtor(function_decl &f, bool d)
Set the destructor-ness property of a member function.
const function_type * is_function_type(const type_or_decl_base *t)
Test whether a type is a function_type.
const type_base_sptr peel_array_type(const type_base_sptr &type)
Return the leaf element type of an array.
bool maybe_update_types_lookup_map< class_decl >(const class_decl_sptr &class_type, istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type &map, bool use_type_name_as_key)
This is the specialization for type class_decl of the function template:
bool types_have_similar_structure(const type_base_sptr &first, const type_base_sptr &second, bool indirect_type)
Test if two types have similar structures, even though they are (or can be) different.
shared_ptr< template_parameter > template_parameter_sptr
Convenience typedef for shared pointer to template parameter.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:312
enum_type_decl_sptr look_through_decl_only_enum(enum_type_decl_sptr enom)
If an enum is a decl-only enum, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial enum.
class_or_union * is_class_or_union_type(const type_or_decl_base *t)
Test if a type is a class_or_union.
type_base_sptr look_through_decl_only(const type_base_sptr &t)
If a type is is decl-only, then get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial type.
shared_ptr< class_decl > class_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:191
type_base_sptr peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type(const type_base_sptr type)
Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a typedef_decl, pointer_type_def,...
void set_member_function_is_const(function_decl &f, bool is_const)
set the const-ness property of a member function.
string get_name(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod, bool qualified)
Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is either a type of a decl.
bool is_anonymous_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if a given type is anonymous.
decl_base_sptr strip_useless_const_qualification(const qualified_type_def_sptr t)
Strip qualification from a qualified type, when it makes sense.
bool string_to_elf_symbol_type(const string &s, elf_symbol::type &t)
Convert a string representing a symbol type into an elf_symbol::type.
namespace_decl_sptr is_namespace(const decl_base_sptr &d)
Tests if a declaration is a namespace declaration.
array_type_def_sptr is_array_of_qualified_element(const type_base_sptr &type)
Test if an array type is an array to a qualified element type.
const var_decl_sptr get_next_data_member(const class_or_union *klass, const var_decl_sptr &data_member)
In the context of a given class or union, this function returns the data member that is located after...
void set_member_function_is_ctor(function_decl &f, bool c)
Setter for the is_ctor property of the member function.
const type_decl * is_type_decl(const type_or_decl_base *t)
Test whether a type is a type_decl (a builtin type).
decl_base * is_decl_slow(const type_or_decl_base *t)
Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
decl_base_sptr look_through_decl_only(const decl_base &d)
If a decl is decl-only get its definition. Otherwise, just return nil.
function_type_sptr is_function_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
Test whether a type is a function_type.
scope_decl_sptr is_scope_decl(const decl_base_sptr &d)
Test if a declaration is a scope_decl.
string get_name(const type_or_decl_base *tod, bool qualified)
Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl.
void set_member_access_specifier(decl_base &d, access_specifier a)
Sets the access specifier for a class member.
bool is_template_parameter(const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
Tests whether a decl is a template parameter.
typedef_decl_sptr is_typedef(const type_or_decl_base_sptr t)
Test whether a type is a typedef.
type_base_sptr is_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod)
Test whether a declaration is a type.
uint64_t get_var_size_in_bits(const var_decl_sptr &v)
Get the size of a given variable.
string get_debug_representation(const type_or_decl_base *artifact)
Get the textual representation of a type for debugging purposes.
shared_ptr< function_type > function_type_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_type.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:209
shared_ptr< typedef_decl > typedef_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a typedef_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:165
function_type_sptr synthesize_function_type_from_translation_unit(const function_type &fn_type, translation_unit &tu)
In a translation unit, lookup the sub-types that make up a given function type and if the sub-types a...
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, elf_symbol::type t)
Serialize an instance of symbol_type and stream it to a given output stream.
type_base_sptr peel_pointer_type(const type_base_sptr &type)
Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a pointer_type_def node.
bool var_equals_modulo_types(const var_decl &l, const var_decl &r, change_kind *k)
Compares two instances of var_decl without taking their type into account.
type_base_sptr lookup_type_through_translation_units(const string &qn, const corpus &abi_corpus)
Lookup a type definition in all the translation units of a given ABI corpus.
void sort_types(const canonical_type_sptr_set_type &types, vector< type_base_sptr > &result)
Sort types in a hopefully stable manner.
type_base * peel_pointer_or_reference_type(const type_base *type, bool peel_qual_type)
Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a, pointer_type_def, reference_type_def or qual...
decl_base_sptr is_decl_slow(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
reference_type_def * is_reference_type(type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
Test whether a type is a reference_type_def.
corpus::origin operator|(corpus::origin l, corpus::origin r)
Bitwise | operator for the corpus::origin type.
bool elf_symbol_is_function(elf_symbol::type t)
Test if the type of an ELF symbol denotes a function symbol.
bool is_cplus_plus_language(translation_unit::language l)
Test if a language enumerator designates the C++ language.
bool try_canonical_compare(const T *l, const T *r)
Compare two types by comparing their canonical types if present.
enum_type_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_enum_type(const decl_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is an enum. This function looks through typedefs.
function_decl::parameter_sptr is_function_parameter(const type_or_decl_base_sptr tod)
Test whether an ABI artifact is a function_decl.
class_or_union_sptr look_through_decl_only_class(class_or_union_sptr klass)
If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial cl...
bool lookup_decl_only_class_types(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp, type_base_wptrs_type &result)
Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a given qualified name and that are decl...
bool member_function_has_vtable_offset(const function_decl &f)
Test if a virtual member function has a vtable offset set.
bool parse_integral_type(const string &type_name, integral_type &type)
Parse an integral type from a string.
const type_base * peel_typedef_type(const type_base *type)
Return the leaf underlying type node of a typedef_decl node.
unordered_map< interned_string, bool, hash_interned_string > interned_string_bool_map_type
Convenience typedef for a map of interned_string -> bool.
type_base_sptr lookup_type_through_scopes(const list< string > &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
Lookup a type from a translation unit by walking its scopes in sequence and by looking into them.
const enum_type_decl * is_enum_type(const type_or_decl_base *d)
Test if a decl is an enum_type_decl.
const global_scope * get_global_scope(const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
Return the global scope as seen by a given declaration.
unordered_map< interned_string, type_base_wptrs_type, hash_interned_string > istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type
A convenience typedef for a map which key is an interned_string and which value is a vector of type_b...
Definition: abg-fwd.h:149
shared_ptr< class_or_union > is_class_or_union_type(const shared_ptr< type_or_decl_base > &t)
Test if a type is a class_or_union.
bool function_decl_is_less_than(const function_decl &f, const function_decl &s)
Test if the pretty representation of a given function_decl is lexicographically less then the pretty ...
bool elf_symbols_alias(const elf_symbol &s1, const elf_symbol &s2)
Test if two symbols alias.
var_decl_sptr find_data_member_from_anonymous_data_member(const var_decl_sptr &anon_dm, const string &name)
Find a data member inside an anonymous data member.
shared_ptr< var_decl > var_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a var_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:254
shared_ptr< ptr_to_mbr_type > ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a ptr_to_mbr_type.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:238
const location & get_natural_or_artificial_location(const decl_base *decl)
Get the non-artificial (natural) location of a decl.
string build_qualified_name(const scope_decl *scope, const type_base_sptr &type)
Build and return the qualified name of a type in its scope.
size_t hash_type_or_decl(const type_or_decl_base *tod)
Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl.
array_type_def_sptr is_array_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &type, bool look_through_qualifiers)
Test if a type is an array_type_def.
corpus::origin operator&(corpus::origin l, corpus::origin r)
Bitwise & operator for the corpus::origin type.
unordered_map< const function_decl *, string, function_decl::hash, function_decl::ptr_equal > fns_to_str_map_type
Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to function_decl and string.
shared_ptr< scope_decl > scope_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a scope_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:262
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
Look up a class_decl from a given corpus by its location.
bool string_to_elf_symbol_binding(const string &s, elf_symbol::binding &b)
Convert a string representing a an elf symbol binding into an elf_symbol::binding.
shared_ptr< type_or_decl_base > type_or_decl_base_sptr
A convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to type_or_decl_base.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:119
shared_ptr< translation_unit > translation_unit_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a translation_unit type.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:134
bool is_data_member_of_anonymous_class_or_union(const var_decl &d)
Test if a var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous type.
namespace_decl * is_namespace(const decl_base *d)
Tests if a declaration is a namespace declaration.
type_base * peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type(const type_base *type, bool peel_qual_type)
Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a typedef_decl, pointer_type_def or reference_t...
const type_base * is_void_pointer_type_equivalent(const type_base *type)
Test if a type is equivalent to a pointer to void type.
This enum describe the kind of entity to lookup, while using the lookup API.
type_base * type_has_non_canonicalized_subtype(type_base_sptr t)
Test if a type has sub-types that are non-canonicalized.
unordered_map< string, decl_base_sptr > string_decl_base_sptr_map
Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a decl_base_sptr.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:158
bool is_function_template_pattern(const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
Test whether a decl is the pattern of a function template.
void push_composite_type_comparison_operands(const type_base &left, const type_base &right)
Push a pair of operands on the stack of operands of the current type comparison, during type canonica...
bool is_java_language(translation_unit::language l)
Test if a language enumerator designates the Java language.
function_decl::parameter * is_function_parameter(const type_or_decl_base *tod)
Test whether a declaration is a function_decl.
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type(const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find a basic type which has a given qualified name.
class_or_union * is_at_class_scope(const decl_base &decl)
Tests whether a given decl is at class scope.
bool equals(const decl_base &l, const decl_base &r, change_kind *k)
Compares two instances of decl_base.
bool get_data_member_is_laid_out(const var_decl &m)
Test whether a data member is laid out.
bool is_template_parm_composition_type(const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
Tests whether a decl is a template parameter composition type.
const decl_base_sptr lookup_var_decl_in_scope(const std::list< string > &comps, const scope_decl_sptr &skope)
lookup a var_decl in a scope.
bool string_to_elf_symbol_visibility(const string &s, elf_symbol::visibility &v)
Convert a string representing a an elf symbol visibility into an elf_symbol::visibility.
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
Lookup a union type in a given corpus, from its location.
type_base_sptr canonicalize(type_base_sptr t)
Compute the canonical type of a given type.
weak_ptr< elf_symbol > elf_symbol_wptr
A convenience typedef for a weak pointer to elf_symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:891
bool get_member_function_is_const(const function_decl &f)
Test whether a member function is const.
interned_string get_name_of_reference_to_type(const type_base &pointed_to_type, bool lvalue_reference, bool qualified, bool internal)
Get the name of the reference to a given type.
shared_ptr< pointer_type_def > pointer_type_def_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a pointer_type_def.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:224
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map(const type_decl_sptr &basic_type)
Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a basic type with the type itself.
bool is_enumerator_present_in_enum(const enum_type_decl::enumerator &enr, const enum_type_decl &enom)
Test if a given enumerator is found present in an enum.
interned_string get_method_type_name(const method_type &fn_type, bool internal)
Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it.
bool is_const_qualified_type(const qualified_type_def_sptr &t)
Test if a given qualified type is const.
translation_unit::language string_to_translation_unit_language(const string &l)
Parse a string representing a language into a translation_unit::language enumerator into a string.
enum_type_decl_sptr is_enum_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
Test if a decl is an enum_type_decl.
var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member(const class_decl_sptr &klass)
Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element.
type_base_sptr lookup_type_per_location(const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
Lookup a type from a corpus, by its location.
bool get_next_data_member_offset(const class_or_union *klass, const var_decl_sptr &dm, uint64_t &offset)
Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a given one.
uint64_t get_absolute_data_member_offset(const var_decl &m)
Get the absolute offset of a data member.
shared_ptr< ir_traversable_base > ir_traversable_base_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to ir_traversable_base.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:106
bool is_member_function(const function_decl &f)
Test whether a function_decl is a member function.
const function_decl::parameter * get_function_parameter(const decl_base *fun, unsigned parm_index)
Get the function parameter designated by its index.
var_decl * is_var_decl(const type_or_decl_base *tod)
Tests if a declaration is a variable declaration.
bool is_c_language(translation_unit::language l)
Test if a language enumerator designates the C language.
decl_base * is_decl(const type_or_decl_base *d)
Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
void keep_type_alive(type_base_sptr t)
Make sure that the life time of a given (smart pointer to a) type is the same as the life time of the...
method_decl * is_method_decl(const type_or_decl_base *d)
Test if a function_decl is actually a method_decl.
bool is_member_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Tests if a type is a class member.
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation(const class_or_union &cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type.
array_type_def::subrange_sptr is_subrange_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &type)
Test if a type is an array_type_def::subrange_type.
decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope(decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl *scope)
Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to one and if the d...
string build_internal_underlying_enum_type_name(const string &base_name, bool is_anonymous, uint64_t size)
Build the internal name of the underlying type of an enum.
bool is_npaf_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is a neither a pointer, an array nor a function type.
access_specifier get_member_access_specifier(const decl_base &d)
Gets the access specifier for a class member.
shared_ptr< enum_type_decl > enum_type_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for shared pointer to a enum_type_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:173
void set_data_member_offset(var_decl_sptr m, uint64_t o)
Set the offset of a data member into its containing class.
type_base_sptr strip_typedef(const type_base_sptr type)
Recursively returns the the underlying type of a typedef. The return type should not be a typedef of ...
uint64_t get_data_member_offset(const var_decl &m)
Get the offset of a data member.
unordered_set< uintptr_t > pointer_set
A convenience typedef for an unordered set of pointer values.
Definition: abg-ir.h:100
type_decl_sptr is_type_decl(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
Test whether a type is a type_decl (a builtin type).
class_or_union * is_at_class_scope(const decl_base_sptr decl)
Tests whether a given decl is at class scope.
bool get_member_function_is_virtual(const function_decl &f)
Test if a given member function is virtual.
const pointer_type_def * is_pointer_type(const type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
Test whether a type is a pointer_type_def.
string get_class_or_enum_flat_representation(const type_base &coe, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_name)
Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type.
bool types_are_compatible(const decl_base_sptr d1, const decl_base_sptr d2)
Test if two types are equal modulo a typedef.
class_or_union * anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union(const var_decl *d)
Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member.
location get_location(const type_base_sptr &type)
Get the location of the declaration of a given type.
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_function_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is a pointer to function type.
weak_ptr< decl_base > decl_base_wptr
Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to a decl_base.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:182
decl_base_sptr insert_decl_into_scope(decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl::declarations::iterator before, scope_decl *scope)
Inserts a declaration into a given scope, before a given IR child node of the scope.
interned_string get_function_type_name(const function_type_sptr &fn_type, bool internal)
Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it.
bool return_comparison_result(T &l, T &r, bool value, bool propagate_canonical_type=true)
Return the result of the comparison of two (sub) types.
class_or_union * look_through_decl_only_class(class_or_union *the_class)
If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial cl...
bool is_union_type(const type_or_decl_base &t)
Test if a type is a union_decl.
const location & get_artificial_or_natural_location(const decl_base *decl)
Get the artificial location of a decl.
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type_per_location(const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
Lookup a typedef_decl from a corpus, by its location.
type_base_sptr peel_typedef_type(const type_base_sptr &type)
Return the leaf underlying type node of a typedef_decl node.
interned_string get_name_of_qualified_type(const type_base_sptr &underlying_type, qualified_type_def::CV quals, bool qualified, bool internal)
Get the name of a qualified type, given the underlying type and its qualifiers.
shared_ptr< template_decl > template_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to template_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:304
array_type_def_sptr is_typedef_of_array(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is a typedef of an array.
string get_string_representation_of_cv_quals(const qualified_type_def::CV cv_quals)
Get the string representation of a CV qualifier bitmap.
void set_data_member_is_laid_out(var_decl_sptr m, bool l)
Set a flag saying if a data member is laid out.
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_ptr_to_mbr_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if we are looking at a pointer to pointer to member type.
bool is_data_member(const var_decl &v)
Test if a var_decl is a data member.
var_decl_sptr find_first_data_member_matching_regexp(const class_or_union &t, const regex::regex_t_sptr &r)
Find the first data member of a class or union which name matches a regular expression.
union_decl_sptr is_union_type(const shared_ptr< type_or_decl_base > &t)
Test if a type is a union_decl.
const decl_base * get_type_declaration(const type_base *t)
Get the declaration for a given type.
bool is_at_global_scope(const decl_base *decl)
Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope.
void set_member_is_static(decl_base &d, bool s)
Sets the static-ness property of a class member.
array_type_def * is_array_type(const type_or_decl_base *type, bool look_through_qualifiers)
Test if a type is an array_type_def.
weak_ptr< template_decl > template_decl_wptr
Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to template_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:310
const var_decl * lookup_data_member(const type_base *type, const char *dm_name)
Look for a data member of a given class, struct or union type and return it.
interned_string get_function_id_or_pretty_representation(const function_decl *fn)
Get the ID of a function, or, if the ID can designate several different functions,...
shared_ptr< type_decl > type_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a type_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:160
bool is_comparison_cycle_detected(T &l, T &r)
Detect if a recursive comparison cycle is detected while structurally comparing two types (a....
typedef_decl_sptr clone_typedef(const typedef_decl_sptr &t)
Clone a typedef type.
string get_pretty_representation(const method_type_sptr method, bool internal)
Get the pretty representation of a method type.
string get_enum_flat_representation(const enum_type_decl_sptr &enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool qualified_names)
Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type.
void unmark_types_as_being_compared(T &l, T &r)
Mark a pair of types as being not compared anymore.
unordered_set< type_base_sptr, canonical_type_hash > canonical_type_sptr_set_type
Helper typedef for an unordered set of type_base_sptr which uses pointer value to tell its members ap...
Definition: abg-ir.h:113
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find an array type which has the same qualified name as a given array typ...
shared_ptr< namespace_decl > namespace_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on namespace_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:282
var_decl_sptr is_var_decl(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &decl)
Tests if a declaration is a variable declaration.
bool is_ada_language(translation_unit::language l)
Test if a language enumerator designates the Ada language.
string demangle_cplus_mangled_name(const string &mangled_name)
Demangle a C++ mangled name and return the resulting string.
bool is_unique_type(const type_base_sptr &t)
Test if a type is unique in the entire environment.
string components_to_type_name(const list< string > &comps)
Turn a set of qualified name components (that name a type) into a qualified name string.
interned_string get_type_name(const type_base_sptr &t, bool qualified, bool internal)
Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it.
bool mark_dependant_types_compared_until(const type_base &r)
In the stack of the current types being compared (as part of type canonicalization),...
corpus::origin operator&=(corpus::origin &l, corpus::origin r)
Bitwise &= operator for the corpus::origin type.
type_base_sptr clone_array_tree(const type_base_sptr t)
Clone a type tree made of an array or a typedef of array.
string get_enum_flat_representation(const enum_type_decl &enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool qualified_names)
Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type.
interned_string get_function_type_name(const function_type &fn_type, bool internal)
Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it.
decl_base_sptr is_decl(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration.
bool operator!=(const translation_unit_sptr &l, const translation_unit_sptr &r)
A deep inequality operator for pointers to translation units.
interned_string get_name_of_pointer_to_type(const type_base &pointed_to_type, bool qualified, bool internal)
Get the name of the pointer to a given type.
function_decl * is_function_decl(const type_or_decl_base *d)
Test whether a declaration is a function_decl.
bool is_template_decl(const decl_base_sptr &decl)
Tests whether a decl is a template.
bool elf_symbol_is_variable(elf_symbol::type t)
Test if the type of an ELF symbol denotes a function symbol.
bool type_has_sub_type_changes(const type_base_sptr t_v1, const type_base_sptr t_v2)
Tests if the change of a given type effectively comes from just its sub-types. That is,...
var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member(const class_decl_sptr &klass)
Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member.
method_type_sptr is_method_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
Test whether a type is a method_type.
qualified_type_def * is_qualified_type(const type_or_decl_base *t)
Test whether a type is a reference_type_def.
bool is_typedef_ptr_or_ref_to_decl_only_class_or_union_type(const type_base *t)
Test if a type is a typedef, pointer or reference to a decl-only class/union.
const scope_decl * get_top_most_scope_under(const decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl_sptr scope)
Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P.
std::unordered_map< string, elf_symbols > string_elf_symbols_map_type
Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a vector of elf_symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:909
string build_qualified_name(const scope_decl *scope, const string &name)
Build and return a qualified name from a name and its scope.
void set_member_function_vtable_offset(function_decl &f, ssize_t s)
Set the vtable offset of a member function.
method_decl_sptr copy_member_function(const class_or_union_sptr &t, const method_decl_sptr &method)
Copy a method of a class_or_union into a new class_or_union.
decl_base_sptr get_type_declaration(const type_base_sptr t)
Get the declaration for a given type.
shared_ptr< function_tdecl > function_tdecl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_tdecl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:292
type_base * peel_qualified_or_typedef_type(const type_base *type)
Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified or typedef type.
type_base_sptr type_or_void(const type_base_sptr t, const environment &env)
Return either the type given in parameter if it's non-null, or the void type.
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
Test whether a type is a pointer_type_def.
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_union_types(const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find the union types that have a given qualified name.
bool is_member_decl(const decl_base_sptr d)
Tests if a declaration is a class member.
bool maybe_compare_as_member_decls(const decl_base &l, const decl_base &r, change_kind *k)
Compare the properties that belong to the "is-a-member-relation" of a decl.
qualified_type_def_sptr is_qualified_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
Test whether a type is a qualified_type_def.
bool class_or_union_types_of_same_kind(const class_or_union_sptr &first, const class_or_union_sptr &second)
Test if two class or union types are of the same kind.
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_through_scopes(const list< string > &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
Lookup a class type from a translation unit by walking its scopes in sequence and by looking into the...
reference_type_def_sptr is_reference_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
Test whether a type is a reference_type_def.
void fqn_to_components(const string &fqn, list< string > &comps)
Decompose a fully qualified name into the list of its components.
bool get_member_function_is_ctor(const function_decl &f)
Test whether a member function is a constructor.
bool is_declaration_only_class_type(const type_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_decl_only)
Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class.
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type(const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has a given qualified name.
bool match(const regex_t_sptr &r, const std::string &str)
See if a string matches a regex.
std::shared_ptr< regex_t > regex_t_sptr
A convenience typedef for a shared pointer of regex_t.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:88
bool base_name(string const &path, string &file_name)
Return the file name part of a file part.
const char * get_anonymous_subrange_internal_name_prefix()
Getter of the prefix for the name of anonymous range.
const char * get_anonymous_enum_internal_name_prefix()
Getter of the prefix for the name of anonymous enums.
const char * get_anonymous_struct_internal_name_prefix()
Getter of the prefix for the name of anonymous structs.
const char * get_anonymous_union_internal_name_prefix()
Getter of the prefix for the name of anonymous unions.
bool decl_names_equal(const string &l, const string &r)
Compare two fully qualified decl names by taking into account that they might have compontents that a...
Toplevel namespace for libabigail.
std::string operator+(const interned_string &s1, const std::string &s2)
Concatenation operator.
bool operator==(const std::string &l, const interned_string &r)
Equality operator.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, const interned_string &s)
Streaming operator.
unordered_map< string, string * > pool_map_type
Convenience typedef for a map of string -> string*.
A functor to hash instances of interned_string.
size_t operator()(const type_base_sptr &l) const
Hash a type by returning the pointer value of its canonical type.
The hashing functor for class_decl::base_spec.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4888
Hasher for the class_decl type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4389
The private data of the environment type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:389
A hashing functor fo instances and pointers of function_decl.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4854
A hashing functor for a function_decl::parameter.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3368
Equality functor for instances of function_decl.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4864
The hashing functor for function_type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3473
The type of the private data of the function_type type.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:1538
virtual bool traverse(ir_node_visitor &v)
Traverse a given IR node and its children, calling an visitor on each node.
The hashing functor for member_base.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4895
Hasher for the non_type_tparameter type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3695
Hasher for the scope_decl type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:1938
Private type to hold private members of translation_unit.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:143
Definition of the private data of type_base.
Definition: abg-ir-priv.h:179
Hasher for the type_composition type.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3772
A predicate for deep equality of instances of shared_ptr<type_base>
Definition: abg-ir.h:2086
A hashing functor for instances and pointers of var_decl.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4823
A deleter for shared pointers that ... doesn't delete the object managed by the shared pointer.