Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
abigail::ir Namespace Reference

The namespace of the internal representation of ABI artifacts like types and decls. More...


class  array_type_def
 The abstraction of an array type. More...
struct  canonical_type_hash
 Functor to hash a canonical type by using its pointer value. More...
class  class_decl
 Abstracts a class declaration. More...
class  class_or_union
 The base type of class_decl and union_decl. More...
class  class_tdecl
 Abstract a class template. More...
class  context_rel
 The abstraction of the relationship between an entity and its containing scope (its context). That relationship can carry properties like access rights (if the parent is a class_decl), etc. More...
class  corpus
 This is the abstraction of a set of translation units (themselves seen as bundles of unitary abi artefacts like types and decls) bundled together as a corpus. A corpus is thus the Application binary interface of a program, a library or just a set of modules put together. More...
class  corpus_group
 Abstraction of a group of corpora. More...
class  decl_base
 The base type of all declarations. More...
class  dm_context_rel
 The abstraction for a data member context relationship. This relates a data member to its parent class. More...
class  elf_symbol
 Abstraction of an elf symbol. More...
class  enum_type_decl
 Abstracts a declaration for an enum type. More...
class  environment
 This is an abstraction of the set of resources necessary to manage several aspects of the internal representations of the Abigail library. More...
class  function_decl
 Abstraction for a function declaration. More...
class  function_tdecl
 Abstract a function template declaration. More...
class  function_type
 Abstraction of a function type. More...
class  global_scope
 This abstracts the global scope of a given translation unit. More...
class  integral_type
 The internal representation of an integral type. More...
class  ir_node_visitor
 The base class for the visitor type hierarchy used for traversing a translation unit. More...
struct  ir_traversable_base
 The base of an entity of the intermediate representation that is to be traversed. More...
class  location
 The source location of a token. More...
class  location_manager
 The entry point to manage locations. More...
class  mem_fn_context_rel
 Abstraction of a member function context relationship. This relates a member function to its parent class. More...
class  member_base
 The base class for member types, data members and member functions. Its purpose is mainly to carry the access specifier (and possibly other properties that might be shared by all class members) for the member. More...
class  member_class_template
 Abstracts a member class template template. More...
class  member_function_template
 Abstract a member function template. More...
class  method_decl
 Abstraction of the declaration of a method. More...
class  method_type
 Abstracts the type of a class member function. More...
class  namespace_decl
 The abstraction of a namespace declaration. More...
struct  node_visitor_base
 The base class for the visitor type hierarchy used for traversing a hierarchy of nodes. More...
class  non_type_tparameter
 Abstracts non type template parameters. More...
class  pointer_type_def
 The abstraction of a pointer type. More...
class  ptr_to_mbr_type
 The abstraction of a pointer-to-member type. More...
class  qualified_type_def
 The abstraction of a qualified type. More...
class  reference_type_def
 Abstracts a reference type. More...
class  scope_decl
 A declaration that introduces a scope. More...
class  scope_type_decl
 A type that introduces a scope. More...
struct  shared_translation_unit_comp
 A comparison functor to compare translation units based on their absolute paths. More...
class  template_decl
 The base class of templates. More...
class  template_parameter
 Base class for a template parameter. Client code should use the more specialized type_template_parameter, non_type_template_parameter and template_template_parameter below. More...
class  template_tparameter
 Abstracts a template template parameter. More...
class  translation_unit
 This is the abstraction of the set of relevant artefacts (types, variable declarations, functions, templates, etc) bundled together into a translation unit. More...
class  traversable_base
 The interface for types which are feeling social and want to be visited during the traversal of a hierarchy of nodes. More...
class  type_base
 An abstraction helper for type declarations. More...
class  type_composition
 This abstracts a composition of types based on template type parameters. The result of the composition is a type that can be referred to by a template non-type parameter. Instances of this type can appear at the same level as template parameters, in the scope of a template_decl. More...
class  type_decl
 A basic type declaration that introduces no scope. More...
class  type_maps
 This is a type that aggregates maps of all the kinds of types that are supported by libabigail. More...
class  type_or_decl_base
 The base class of both types and declarations. More...
struct  type_or_decl_base_comp
 A comparison functor to compare pointer to instances of type_or_decl_base. More...
struct  type_or_decl_equal
 The comparison functor for using instances of type_or_decl_base as values in a hash map or set. More...
struct  type_or_decl_hash
 The hashing functor for using instances of type_or_decl_base as values in a hash map or set. More...
struct  type_ptr_equal
 A predicate for deep equality of instances of type_base*. More...
struct  type_shared_ptr_equal
 A predicate for deep equality of instances of shared_ptr<type_base> More...
class  type_tparameter
 Abstracts a type template parameter. More...
class  typedef_decl
 The abstraction of a typedef declaration. More...
struct  uint64_t_pair_hash
 The hashing functor for a pair of uint64_t. More...
class  union_decl
 Abstracts a union type declaration. More...
class  var_decl
 Abstracts a variable declaration. More...


typedef shared_ptr< array_type_defarray_type_def_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a array_type_def. More...
typedef unordered_set< const type_or_decl_base *, type_or_decl_hash, type_or_decl_equalartifact_ptr_set_type
 A convenience typedef for a hash set of const type_or_decl_base*. More...
typedef unordered_set< type_or_decl_base_sptr, type_or_decl_hash, type_or_decl_equalartifact_sptr_set_type
 A convenience typedef for a hash set of type_or_decl_base_sptr. More...
typedef unordered_set< type_base_sptr, canonical_type_hashcanonical_type_sptr_set_type
 Helper typedef for an unordered set of type_base_sptr which uses pointer value to tell its members appart, because the members are canonical types. More...
typedef shared_ptr< class_declclass_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_decl. More...
typedef weak_ptr< class_declclass_decl_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a class_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< class_or_unionclass_or_union_sptr
typedef weak_ptr< class_or_unionclass_or_union_wptr
typedef unordered_set< const class_or_union * > class_set_type
 A convenience typedef for a set of pointer to class_or_union. More...
typedef shared_ptr< class_tdeclclass_tdecl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_tdecl. More...
typedef vector< class_or_union_sptr > classes_or_unions_type
 Convenience typedef for a vector of class_or_union_sptr. More...
typedef vector< class_decl_sptrclasses_type
 Convenience typedef for a vector of class_decl_sptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< context_relcontext_rel_sptr
 A convenience typedef for shared pointers to context_rel. More...
typedef shared_ptr< corpus_groupcorpus_group_sptr
typedef shared_ptr< corpuscorpus_sptr
typedef weak_ptr< corpuscorpus_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to a corpus. More...
typedef shared_ptr< decl_basedecl_base_sptr
typedef weak_ptr< decl_basedecl_base_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to a decl_base. More...
typedef shared_ptr< dm_context_reldm_context_rel_sptr
 A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to dm_context_rel. More...
typedef shared_ptr< elf_symbolelf_symbol_sptr
 A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to elf_symbol. More...
typedef weak_ptr< elf_symbolelf_symbol_wptr
 A convenience typedef for a weak pointer to elf_symbol. More...
typedef std::vector< elf_symbol_sptrelf_symbols
 Convenience typedef for a vector of elf_symbol. More...
typedef shared_ptr< enum_type_declenum_type_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to a enum_type_decl. More...
typedef vector< enum_type_decl_sptrenums_type
 Convenience typedef for a vector of enum_type_decl_sptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< environmentenvironment_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to an environment. More...
typedef unordered_map< const function_decl *, bool, function_decl::hash, function_decl::ptr_equalfn_ptr_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to function_decl and boolean. More...
typedef unordered_set< const function_type * > fn_set_type
 A convenience typedef for a set of pointer to function_type. More...
typedef unordered_map< function_type_sptr, bool, function_type::hash, type_shared_ptr_equalfn_type_ptr_map
typedef unordered_map< const function_decl *, string, function_decl::hash, function_decl::ptr_equalfns_to_str_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to function_decl and string. More...
typedef shared_ptr< function_declfunction_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< function_tdeclfunction_tdecl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_tdecl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< function_typefunction_type_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_type. More...
typedef weak_ptr< function_typefunction_type_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a function_type. More...
typedef vector< function_type_sptrfunction_types_type
 Convenience typedef fo a vector of function_type_sptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< global_scopeglobal_scope_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer on global_scope. More...
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, bool, hash_interned_stringinterned_string_bool_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a map of interned_string -> bool. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ir_traversable_baseir_traversable_base_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to ir_traversable_base. More...
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, std::unordered_set< function_decl * >, hash_interned_stringistr_fn_ptr_set_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is an interned_string and which data is a set of abigail::ir::function_decl*. More...
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, var_decl *, hash_interned_stringistr_var_ptr_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is an interned_string and which data is an abigail::ir::var_decl*. More...
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, const function_decl *, hash_interned_stringistring_function_decl_ptr_map_type
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, type_base_wptr, hash_interned_stringistring_type_base_wptr_map_type
 A convenience typedef for a map which key is an interned_string and which value is a type_base_wptr. More...
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, type_base_wptrs_type, hash_interned_stringistring_type_base_wptrs_map_type
 A convenience typedef for a map which key is an interned_string and which value is a vector of type_base_wptr. More...
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, type_or_decl_base_sptr, hash_interned_stringistring_type_or_decl_base_sptr_map_type
 A convenience typedef for a map which key is an interned_string and which value is a type_base_wptr. More...
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, const var_decl *, hash_interned_stringistring_var_decl_ptr_map_type
typedef shared_ptr< mem_fn_context_relmem_fn_context_rel_sptr
 A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to mem_fn_context_rel. More...
typedef shared_ptr< member_class_templatemember_class_template_sptr
typedef vector< member_class_template_sptr > member_class_templates
typedef shared_ptr< member_function_templatemember_function_template_sptr
typedef vector< member_function_template_sptr > member_function_templates
typedef shared_ptr< method_declmethod_decl_sptr
typedef shared_ptr< method_typemethod_type_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to method_type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< namespace_declnamespace_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on namespace_decl. More...
typedef vector< namespace_decl_sptrnamespaces_type
 A convenience typedef for vectors of namespace_decl_sptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< non_type_tparameternon_type_tparameter_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to non_type_template_parameter. More...
typedef unordered_set< uintptr_t > pointer_set
 A convenience typedef for an unordered set of pointer values. More...
typedef shared_ptr< pointer_type_defpointer_type_def_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a pointer_type_def. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ptr_to_mbr_typeptr_to_mbr_type_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a ptr_to_mbr_type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< qualified_type_defqualified_type_def_sptr
typedef shared_ptr< reference_type_defreference_type_def_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a reference_type_def. More...
typedef vector< regex_t_sptr > regex_t_sptrs_type
 A convenience typedef for std::vector<regex_t_sptr>. More...
typedef shared_ptr< scope_declscope_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a scope_decl. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, const function_decl * > str_fn_ptr_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map of string and pointer to function_decl. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, std::unordered_set< function_decl * > > str_fn_ptr_set_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is a string and which data is a set of abigail::ir::function_decl*. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, vector< function_decl * > > str_fn_ptrs_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is a string and which data is a vector of abigail::ir::function_decl*. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, var_decl * > str_var_ptr_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is a string and which data is an abigail::ir::var_decl*. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, decl_base_sptr > string_decl_base_sptr_map
 Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a decl_base_sptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_typestring_elf_symbol_sptr_map_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to an string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type. More...
typedef std::unordered_map< string, elf_symbol_sptrstring_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value if the elf symbol of the same name. More...
typedef shared_ptr< string_elf_symbols_map_typestring_elf_symbols_map_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to string_elf_symbols_map_type. More...
typedef std::unordered_map< string, elf_symbolsstring_elf_symbols_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a vector of elf_symbol. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, translation_unit_sptrstring_tu_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a map that associates a string to a translation unit. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, type_base_sptr > string_type_base_sptr_map_type
 A convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a type_base_sptr. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, type_base_wptrstring_type_base_wptr_map_type
 A convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a type_base_wptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< template_decltemplate_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to template_decl. More...
typedef weak_ptr< template_decltemplate_decl_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to template_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< template_parametertemplate_parameter_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to template parameter. More...
typedef shared_ptr< template_tparametertemplate_tparameter_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to template_tparameter. More...
typedef shared_ptr< translation_unittranslation_unit_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a translation_unit type. More...
typedef std::set< translation_unit_sptr, shared_translation_unit_comptranslation_units
 Convenience typedef for an ordered set of translation_unit_sptr. More...
typedef vector< type_base * > type_base_ptrs_type
 Helper typedef for a vector of pointer to type_base. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_basetype_base_sptr
typedef vector< type_base_sptr > type_base_sptrs_type
 Helper typedef for a vector of shared pointer to a type_base. More...
typedef weak_ptr< type_basetype_base_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a type_base. More...
typedef vector< type_base_wptrtype_base_wptrs_type
 A convenience typedef for a vector of type_base_wptr. More...
typedef unordered_map< uint64_t_pair_type, bool, uint64_t_pair_hashtype_comparison_result_type
 A convenience typedef for a map which key is a pair of uint64_t and which value is a boolean. This is initially intended to cache the result of comparing two (sub-)types. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_compositiontype_composition_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to type_composition. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_decltype_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a type_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_or_decl_basetype_or_decl_base_sptr
 A convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to type_or_decl_base. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_tparametertype_tparameter_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to type_tparameter. More...
typedef shared_ptr< typedef_decltypedef_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a typedef_decl. More...
typedef weak_ptr< typedef_decltypedef_decl_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a typedef_decl. More...
typedef std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > uint64_t_pair_type
 A convenience typedef for a pair of uint64_t which is initially intended to store a pair of pointer values. More...
typedef unordered_set< uint64_t_pair_type, uint64_t_pair_hashuint64_t_pairs_set_type
 A convenience typedef for a set of uint64_t_pair. More...
typedef shared_ptr< union_declunion_decl_sptr
typedef shared_ptr< var_declvar_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a var_decl. More...
typedef weak_ptr< var_declvar_decl_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a var_decl. More...
typedef unordered_map< const var_decl *, bool, var_decl::hash, var_decl::ptr_equalvar_ptr_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to var_decl and boolean. More...


enum  access_specifier { no_access , public_access , protected_access , private_access }
 Access specifier for class members. More...
enum  change_kind {
 A bitfield that gives callers of abigail::ir::equals() some insight about how different two internal representation artifacts are. More...
 The result of structural comparison of type ABI artifacts. More...
enum  lookup_entity_kind { LOOKUP_ENTITY_TYPE , LOOKUP_ENTITY_VAR }
 This enum describe the kind of entity to lookup, while using the lookup API. More...


decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope (decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl_sptr &scope)
 Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to a scope. More...
decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope (decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl *scope)
 Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to one and if the declaration is not for a type that is supposed to be unique. More...
bool anonymous_data_member_exists_in_class (const var_decl &anon_dm, const class_or_union &clazz)
 Test if a given anonymous data member exists in a class or union. More...
class_or_union_sptr anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union (const var_decl &d)
 Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member. More...
class_or_unionanonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union (const var_decl *d)
 Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member. More...
class_or_union_sptr anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union (const var_decl_sptr &d)
 Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member. More...
string build_internal_underlying_enum_type_name (const string &base_name, bool is_anonymous, uint64_t size)
 Build the internal name of the underlying type of an enum. More...
string build_qualified_name (const scope_decl *scope, const string &name)
 Build and return a qualified name from a name and its scope. More...
string build_qualified_name (const scope_decl *scope, const type_base_sptr &type)
 Build and return the qualified name of a type in its scope. More...
type_base_sptr canonicalize (type_base_sptr t)
 Compute the canonical type of a given type. More...
template<typename input_iterator , typename deref_lambda >
void canonicalize_types (const input_iterator &begin, const input_iterator &end, deref_lambda deref)
 Compute the canonical type for all the IR types of the system. More...
bool class_or_union_types_of_same_kind (const class_or_union *first, const class_or_union *second)
 Test if two class or union types are of the same kind. More...
bool class_or_union_types_of_same_kind (const class_or_union_sptr &first, const class_or_union_sptr &second)
 Test if two class or union types are of the same kind. More...
array_type_def_sptr clone_array (const array_type_def_sptr &array)
 Clone an array type. More...
type_base_sptr clone_array_tree (const type_base_sptr t)
 Clone a type tree made of an array or a typedef of array. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr clone_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def_sptr &t)
 Clone a qualifiend type. More...
typedef_decl_sptr clone_typedef (const typedef_decl_sptr &t)
 Clone a typedef type. More...
bool collect_non_anonymous_data_members (const class_or_union *cou, string_decl_base_sptr_map &dms)
 Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type. More...
bool collect_non_anonymous_data_members (const class_or_union_sptr &cou, string_decl_base_sptr_map &dms)
 Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type. More...
string components_to_type_name (const list< string > &comps)
 Turn a set of qualified name components (that name a type) into a qualified name string. More...
string components_to_type_name (const std::list< string > &)
void compute_aliases_for_elf_symbol (const elf_symbol &sym, const string_elf_symbols_map_type &symtab, vector< elf_symbol_sptr > &aliases)
method_decl_sptr copy_member_function (const class_decl_sptr &clazz, const method_decl *f)
 Copy a method of a class into a new class. More...
method_decl_sptr copy_member_function (const class_decl_sptr &clazz, const method_decl_sptr &f)
 Copy a method of a class into a new class. More...
method_decl_sptr copy_member_function (const class_or_union_sptr &t, const method_decl *method)
 Copy a method of a class_or_union into a new class_or_union. More...
method_decl_sptr copy_member_function (const class_or_union_sptr &t, const method_decl_sptr &method)
 Copy a method of a class_or_union into a new class_or_union. More...
method_decl_sptr copy_member_function (const union_decl_sptr &union_type, const method_decl *f)
 Copy a method of a union_decl into a new union_decl. More...
method_decl_sptr copy_member_function (const union_decl_sptr &union_type, const method_decl_sptr &f)
 Copy a method of a union_decl into a new union_decl. More...
const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type (const var_decl &d)
 Test if a data member has annonymous type or not. More...
const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type (const var_decl *d)
 Test if a data member has annonymous type or not. More...
const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type (const var_decl_sptr &d)
 Test if a data member has annonymous type or not. More...
decl_basedebug (const decl_base *artifact)
 Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes. More...
type_basedebug (const type_base *artifact)
 Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes. More...
type_or_decl_basedebug (const type_or_decl_base *artifact)
 Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes. More...
void debug_comp_stack (const environment &env)
 Emit a trace of the two comparison operands stack on the standard error stream. More...
bool debug_equals (const type_or_decl_base *l, const type_or_decl_base *r)
 Test if two ABI artifacts are equal. More...
string demangle_cplus_mangled_name (const string &mangled_name)
 Demangle a C++ mangled name and return the resulting string. More...
bool elf_symbol_is_function (elf_symbol::type t)
 Test if the type of an ELF symbol denotes a function symbol. More...
bool elf_symbol_is_variable (elf_symbol::type t)
 Test if the type of an ELF symbol denotes a function symbol. More...
bool elf_symbols_alias (const elf_symbol &s1, const elf_symbol &s2)
 Test if two symbols alias. More...
bool elf_symbols_alias (const elf_symbol *s1, const elf_symbol *s2)
 Test if two symbols alias. More...
bool elf_symbols_alias (const elf_symbol_sptr s1, const elf_symbol_sptr s2)
 Test if two symbols alias. More...
bool enum_has_non_name_change (const enum_type_decl &l, const enum_type_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Test if two enums differ, but not by a name change. More...
bool equals (const array_type_def &l, const array_type_def &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of array_type_def. More...
bool equals (const array_type_def::subrange_type &l, const array_type_def::subrange_type &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two isntances of array_type_def::subrange_type. More...
bool equals (const class_decl &l, const class_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of class_decl. More...
bool equals (const class_decl::base_spec &l, const class_decl::base_spec &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of class_decl::base_spec. More...
bool equals (const class_or_union &l, const class_or_union &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of class_or_union. More...
bool equals (const decl_base &l, const decl_base &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of decl_base. More...
bool equals (const enum_type_decl &l, const enum_type_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of enum_type_decl. More...
bool equals (const function_decl &l, const function_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of function_decl. More...
bool equals (const function_decl::parameter &l, const function_decl::parameter &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of function_decl::parameter. More...
bool equals (const function_type &l, const function_type &r, change_kind *k)
 Compare two function types. More...
bool equals (const pointer_type_def &l, const pointer_type_def &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of pointer_type_def. More...
bool equals (const ptr_to_mbr_type &l, const ptr_to_mbr_type &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of ptr_to_mbr_type. More...
bool equals (const qualified_type_def &l, const qualified_type_def &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of qualified_type_def. More...
bool equals (const reference_type_def &l, const reference_type_def &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of reference_type_def. More...
bool equals (const scope_decl &l, const scope_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of scope_decl. More...
bool equals (const scope_type_decl &l, const scope_type_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of scope_type_decl. More...
bool equals (const type_base &l, const type_base &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of type_base. More...
bool equals (const type_decl &l, const type_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of type_decl. More...
bool equals (const typedef_decl &l, const typedef_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of typedef_decl. More...
bool equals (const union_decl &l, const union_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of union_decl. More...
bool equals (const var_decl &l, const var_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of var_decl. More...
bool equals_modulo_cv_qualifier (const array_type_def *l, const array_type_def *r)
 Test if two variables are equals modulo CV qualifiers. More...
var_decl_sptr find_data_member_from_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl_sptr &anon_dm, const string &name)
 Find a data member inside an anonymous data member. More...
var_decl_sptr find_first_data_member_matching_regexp (const class_or_union &t, const regex::regex_t_sptr &r)
 Find the first data member of a class or union which name matches a regular expression. More...
var_decl_sptr find_last_data_member_matching_regexp (const class_or_union &t, const regex::regex_t_sptr &regex)
 Find the last data member of a class or union which name matches a regular expression. More...
void fixup_virtual_member_function (method_decl_sptr method)
 When a virtual member function has seen its virtualness set by set_member_function_is_virtual(), this function ensures that the member function is added to the specific vectors and maps of virtual member function of its class. More...
void fns_to_str (vector< function_decl * >::const_iterator a_begin, vector< function_decl * >::const_iterator a_end, vector< function_decl * >::const_iterator b_begin, vector< function_decl * >::const_iterator b_end, std::ostream &o)
 For each sequence of functions given in argument, generate a sequence of string that matches a given sequence of function. In the resulting sequence, each function is "uniquely representated" by a string. For instance, if the same function "foo" appears at indexes 1 and 3, then the same string 'schmurf' (okay, we don't care about the actual string) would appear at index 1 and 3. More...
void fqn_to_components (const std::string &, std::list< string > &)
void fqn_to_components (const string &fqn, list< string > &comps)
 Decompose a fully qualified name into the list of its components. More...
bool function_decl_is_less_than (const function_decl &f, const function_decl &s)
 Test if the pretty representation of a given function_decl is lexicographically less then the pretty representation of another function_decl. More...
bool function_decls_alias (const function_decl &f1, const function_decl &f2)
 Test if two function declarations are aliases. More...
uint64_t get_absolute_data_member_offset (const var_decl &m)
 Get the absolute offset of a data member. More...
uint64_t get_absolute_data_member_offset (const var_decl_sptr &m)
 Get the absolute offset of a data member. More...
const locationget_artificial_or_natural_location (const decl_base *decl)
 Get the artificial location of a decl. More...
string get_class_or_enum_flat_representation (const type_base &coe, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_name)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type. More...
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation (const class_or_union &cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type. More...
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation (const class_or_union *cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type. More...
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation (const class_or_union_sptr &cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type. More...
var_decl_sptr get_data_member (class_or_union *clazz, const char *member_name)
 Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type. More...
var_decl_sptr get_data_member (type_base *clazz, const char *member_name)
 Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type. More...
bool get_data_member_is_laid_out (const var_decl &m)
 Test whether a data member is laid out. More...
bool get_data_member_is_laid_out (const var_decl_sptr m)
 Test whether a data member is laid out. More...
uint64_t get_data_member_offset (const decl_base_sptr d)
 Get the offset of a data member. More...
uint64_t get_data_member_offset (const var_decl &m)
 Get the offset of a data member. More...
uint64_t get_data_member_offset (const var_decl_sptr m)
 Get the offset of a data member. More...
string get_debug_representation (const type_or_decl_base *artifact)
 Get the textual representation of a type for debugging purposes. More...
string get_enum_flat_representation (const enum_type_decl &enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
string get_enum_flat_representation (const enum_type_decl &enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type. More...
string get_enum_flat_representation (const enum_type_decl *enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
string get_enum_flat_representation (const enum_type_decl *enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type. More...
string get_enum_flat_representation (const enum_type_decl_sptr &enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type. More...
type_baseget_exemplar_type (const type_base *type)
 For a given type, return its exemplar type. More...
const var_decl_sptr get_first_non_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl_sptr anon_dm)
 Get the first non-anonymous data member of a given anonymous data member. More...
interned_string get_function_id_or_pretty_representation (const function_decl *fn)
 Get the ID of a function, or, if the ID can designate several different functions, get its pretty representation. More...
const function_decl::parameterget_function_parameter (const decl_base *fun, unsigned parm_index)
 Get the function parameter designated by its index. More...
interned_string get_function_type_name (const function_type &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_function_type_name (const function_type *fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_function_type_name (const function_type_sptr &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it. More...
const global_scopeget_global_scope (const decl_base &decl)
 return the global scope as seen by a given declaration. More...
const global_scopeget_global_scope (const decl_base *decl)
 return the global scope as seen by a given declaration. More...
const global_scopeget_global_scope (const decl_base_sptr)
const global_scopeget_global_scope (const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
 Return the global scope as seen by a given declaration. More...
var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member (const class_or_union &klass)
 Get the last data member of a class type. More...
var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member (const class_or_union *klass)
 Get the last data member of a class type. More...
var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member (const class_or_union_sptr &klass)
 Get the last data member of a class type. More...
location get_location (const decl_base_sptr &decl)
 Get the location of a given declaration. More...
location get_location (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Get the location of the declaration of a given type. More...
access_specifier get_member_access_specifier (const decl_base &d)
 Gets the access specifier for a class member. More...
access_specifier get_member_access_specifier (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Gets the access specifier for a class member. More...
bool get_member_function_is_const (const function_decl &f)
 Test whether a member function is const. More...
bool get_member_function_is_const (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Test whether a member function is const. More...
bool get_member_function_is_ctor (const function_decl &f)
 Test whether a member function is a constructor. More...
bool get_member_function_is_ctor (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Test whether a member function is a constructor. More...
bool get_member_function_is_dtor (const function_decl &f)
 Test whether a member function is a destructor. More...
bool get_member_function_is_dtor (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Test whether a member function is a destructor. More...
bool get_member_function_is_virtual (const function_decl &f)
 Test if a given member function is virtual. More...
bool get_member_function_is_virtual (const function_decl *mem_fn)
 Test if a given member function is virtual. More...
bool get_member_function_is_virtual (const function_decl_sptr &mem_fn)
 Test if a given member function is virtual. More...
ssize_t get_member_function_vtable_offset (const function_decl &f)
 Get the vtable offset of a member function. More...
ssize_t get_member_function_vtable_offset (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Get the vtable offset of a member function. More...
bool get_member_is_static (const decl_base &d)
 Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not. More...
bool get_member_is_static (const decl_base *d)
 Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not. More...
bool get_member_is_static (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not. More...
interned_string get_method_type_name (const method_type &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_method_type_name (const method_type *fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_method_type_name (const method_type_sptr &, bool internal=false)
interned_string get_method_type_name (const method_type_sptr fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it. More...
string get_name (const type_or_decl_base *tod, bool qualified)
 Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl. More...
string get_name (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod, bool qualified)
 Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is either a type of a decl. More...
interned_string get_name_of_pointer_to_type (const type_base &pointed_to_type, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of the pointer to a given type. More...
interned_string get_name_of_qualified_type (const type_base_sptr &underlying_type, qualified_type_def::CV quals, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of a qualified type, given the underlying type and its qualifiers. More...
interned_string get_name_of_reference_to_type (const type_base &pointed_to_type, bool lvalue_reference, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of the reference to a given type. More...
const locationget_natural_or_artificial_location (const decl_base *decl)
 Get the non-artificial (natural) location of a decl. More...
const var_decl_sptr get_next_data_member (const class_or_union *klass, const var_decl_sptr &data_member)
 In the context of a given class or union, this function returns the data member that is located after a given data member. More...
const var_decl_sptr get_next_data_member (const class_or_union_sptr &klass, const var_decl_sptr &data_member)
 In the context of a given class or union, this function returns the data member that is located after a given data member. More...
bool get_next_data_member_offset (const class_or_union *klass, const var_decl_sptr &dm, uint64_t &offset)
 Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a given one. More...
bool get_next_data_member_offset (const class_or_union_sptr &klass, const var_decl_sptr &dm, uint64_t &offset)
 Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a given one. More...
const interned_stringget_node_name (class_decl_sptr node)
 Gets the name of a class_decl node. More...
const interned_stringget_node_name (type_base_sptr node)
 Gets the name of a type_base node. More...
const interned_stringget_node_name (var_decl_sptr node)
 Gets the name of a var_decl node. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const decl_base *d, bool internal)
 Get a copy of the pretty representation of a decl. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const decl_base_sptr &d, bool internal)
 Get a copy of the pretty representation of a decl. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const function_type &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a function type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const function_type *fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a function type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const function_type_sptr &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a function type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const method_type &method, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a method type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const method_type *method, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a method type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const method_type_sptr &, bool internal=false)
string get_pretty_representation (const method_type_sptr method, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a method type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const type_base *t, bool internal)
 Get a copy of the pretty representation of a type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const type_base_sptr &t, bool internal)
 Get a copy of the pretty representation of a type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const type_or_decl_base *tod, bool internal)
 Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type of a decl. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod, bool internal)
 Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type of a decl. More...
string get_string_representation_of_cv_quals (const qualified_type_def::CV cv_quals)
 Get the string representation of a CV qualifier bitmap. More...
const scope_declget_top_most_scope_under (const decl_base *decl, const scope_decl *scope)
 Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P. More...
const scope_declget_top_most_scope_under (const decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl *scope)
 Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P. More...
const scope_declget_top_most_scope_under (const decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl_sptr scope)
 Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P. More...
translation_unitget_translation_unit (const decl_base &decl)
 Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to. More...
translation_unitget_translation_unit (const decl_base *decl)
 Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to. More...
translation_unitget_translation_unit (const decl_base_sptr)
translation_unitget_translation_unit (const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
 Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to. More...
const decl_baseget_type_declaration (const type_base *t)
 Get the declaration for a given type. More...
decl_base_sptr get_type_declaration (const type_base_sptr t)
 Get the declaration for a given type. More...
decl_baseget_type_declaration (type_base *t)
 Get the declaration for a given type. More...
interned_string get_type_name (const type_base &t, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_type_name (const type_base *t, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_type_name (const type_base_sptr &t, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it. More...
scope_declget_type_scope (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Get the scope of a given type. More...
scope_declget_type_scope (type_base *t)
 Get the scope of a given type. More...
uint64_t get_var_size_in_bits (const var_decl_sptr &v)
 Get the size of a given variable. More...
var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl &klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element. More...
var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl *klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element. More...
var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl_sptr &klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element. More...
var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl &klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member. More...
var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl *klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member. More...
var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl_sptr &klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member. More...
bool has_scope (const decl_base &d)
 Tests if a declaration has got a scope. More...
bool has_scope (const decl_base_sptr d)
 Tests if a declaration has got a scope. More...
size_t hash_type (const type_base *t)
 Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type. More...
size_t hash_type_or_decl (const type_or_decl_base *tod)
 Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl. More...
size_t hash_type_or_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod)
 Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type of a decl. More...
decl_base_sptr insert_decl_into_scope (decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl::declarations::iterator before, scope_decl *scope)
 Inserts a declaration into a given scope, before a given IR child node of the scope. More...
decl_base_sptr insert_decl_into_scope (decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl::declarations::iterator before, scope_decl_sptr scope)
 Inserts a declaration into a given scope, before a given IR child node of the scope. More...
decl_base_sptr insert_decl_into_scope (decl_base_sptr, vector< decl_base_sptr >::iterator, scope_decl *)
decl_base_sptr insert_decl_into_scope (decl_base_sptr, vector< decl_base_sptr >::iterator, scope_decl_sptr)
bool is_ada_language (translation_unit::language l)
 Test if a language enumerator designates the Ada language. More...
bool is_anonymous_data_member (const decl_base &d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
const var_declis_anonymous_data_member (const decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
const var_declis_anonymous_data_member (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
bool is_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl &d)
 Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member. More...
const var_declis_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl *d)
 Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl_sptr &d)
 Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member. More...
bool is_anonymous_or_typedef_named (const decl_base &d)
 Test if a given decl is anonymous or has a naming typedef. More...
bool is_anonymous_type (const type_base *t)
 Test whether a declaration is a type. More...
bool is_anonymous_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a given type is anonymous. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr is_array_of_qualified_element (const array_type_def_sptr &array)
 Tests if the element of a given array is a qualified type. More...
array_type_def_sptr is_array_of_qualified_element (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Test if an array type is an array to a qualified element type. More...
array_type_defis_array_type (const type_or_decl_base *type, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test if a type is an array_type_def. More...
array_type_def_sptr is_array_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &type, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test if a type is an array_type_def. More...
class_or_unionis_at_class_scope (const decl_base &decl)
 Tests whether a given decl is at class scope. More...
class_or_unionis_at_class_scope (const decl_base *decl)
 Tests whether a given decl is at class scope. More...
class_or_unionis_at_class_scope (const decl_base_sptr decl)
 Tests whether a given decl is at class scope. More...
bool is_at_global_scope (const decl_base &decl)
 Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope. More...
bool is_at_global_scope (const decl_base *decl)
 Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope. More...
bool is_at_global_scope (const decl_base_sptr decl)
 Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope. More...
bool is_at_template_scope (const decl_base_sptr)
bool is_at_template_scope (const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
 Tests whether a given decl is at template scope. More...
bool is_c_language (translation_unit::language l)
 Test if a language enumerator designates the C language. More...
class_decl::base_specis_class_base_spec (const type_or_decl_base *tod)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a class base specifier. More...
class_decl::base_specis_class_base_spec (type_or_decl_base *)
class_decl::base_spec_sptr is_class_base_spec (type_or_decl_base_sptr tod)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a class base specifier. More...
shared_ptr< class_or_unionis_class_or_union_type (const shared_ptr< type_or_decl_base > &t)
 Test if a type is a class_or_union. More...
class_or_unionis_class_or_union_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test if a type is a class_or_union. More...
class_or_union_sptr is_class_or_union_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &)
bool is_class_type (const type_or_decl_base &t)
 Test whether a type is a class. More...
class_declis_class_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a class. More...
class_decl_sptr is_class_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test whether a type is a class. More...
bool is_comparison_cycle_detected (const class_decl &l, const class_decl &r)
 Detect if a recursive comparison cycle is detected while structurally comparing two class_decl types. More...
template<typename T >
bool is_comparison_cycle_detected (T &l, T &r)
 Detect if a recursive comparison cycle is detected while structurally comparing two types (a.k.a member-wise comparison). More...
class_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_class_type (const decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a class. This function looks through typedefs. More...
class_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_class_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a class. This function looks through typedefs. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_enum_type (const decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is an enum. This function looks through typedefs. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_enum_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is an enum. This function looks through typedefs. More...
bool is_const_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def_sptr &t)
 Test if a given qualified type is const. More...
bool is_const_qualified_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a given type is const-qualified. More...
bool is_cplus_plus_language (translation_unit::language l)
 Test if a language enumerator designates the C++ language. More...
var_declis_data_member (const decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is a data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_data_member (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is a data member. More...
var_declis_data_member (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is a data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_data_member (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is a data member. More...
bool is_data_member (const var_decl &v)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member. More...
bool is_data_member (const var_decl *v)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member. More...
bool is_data_member (const var_decl_sptr d)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member. More...
bool is_data_member_of_anonymous_class_or_union (const var_decl &d)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous type. More...
bool is_data_member_of_anonymous_class_or_union (const var_decl *d)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous type. More...
bool is_data_member_of_anonymous_class_or_union (const var_decl_sptr &d)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous type. More...
decl_baseis_decl (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration. More...
decl_base_sptr is_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration. More...
decl_baseis_decl_slow (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration. More...
decl_base_sptr is_decl_slow (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration. More...
bool is_declaration_only_class_or_union_type (const type_base *t, bool look_through_decl_only)
 Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class. More...
bool is_declaration_only_class_or_union_type (const type_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_decl_only)
 Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class. More...
bool is_declaration_only_class_type (const type_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_decl_only)
 Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class. More...
const enum_type_declis_enum_type (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is an enum_type_decl. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr is_enum_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is an enum_type_decl. More...
bool is_enumerator_present_in_enum (const enum_type_decl::enumerator &enr, const enum_type_decl &enom)
 Test if a given enumerator is found present in an enum. More...
bool is_function_decl (const type_or_decl_base &d)
 Test whether a declaration is a function_decl. More...
function_declis_function_decl (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test whether a declaration is a function_decl. More...
function_decl_sptr is_function_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test whether a declaration is a function_decl. More...
function_decl::parameteris_function_parameter (const type_or_decl_base *tod)
 Test whether a declaration is a function_decl. More...
function_decl::parameter_sptr is_function_parameter (const type_or_decl_base_sptr tod)
 Test whether an ABI artifact is a function_decl. More...
bool is_function_template_pattern (const decl_base_sptr)
bool is_function_template_pattern (const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
 Test whether a decl is the pattern of a function template. More...
const function_typeis_function_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a function_type. More...
function_type_sptr is_function_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test whether a type is a function_type. More...
function_typeis_function_type (type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a function_type. More...
bool is_global_scope (const scope_decl &scope)
 Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope. More...
const global_scopeis_global_scope (const scope_decl *scope)
 Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope. More...
bool is_global_scope (const scope_decl_sptr)
bool is_global_scope (const shared_ptr< scope_decl >scope)
 Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope. More...
type_declis_integral_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test if a type is an integral type. More...
type_decl_sptr is_integral_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is an integral type. More...
bool is_java_language (translation_unit::language l)
 Test if a language enumerator designates the Java language. More...
bool is_member_decl (const decl_base &d)
 Tests if a declaration is a class member. More...
bool is_member_decl (const decl_base *d)
 Tests if a declaration is a class member. More...
bool is_member_decl (const decl_base_sptr d)
 Tests if a declaration is a class member. More...
bool is_member_function (const function_decl &f)
 Test whether a function_decl is a member function. More...
bool is_member_function (const function_decl *f)
 Test whether a function_decl is a member function. More...
bool is_member_function (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Test whether a function_decl is a member function. More...
bool is_member_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Tests if a type is a class member. More...
method_declis_method_decl (const type_or_decl_base &d)
 Test if a function_decl is actually a method_decl. More...
method_declis_method_decl (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if a function_decl is actually a method_decl. More...
method_decl_sptr is_method_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a function_decl is actually a method_decl. More...
const method_typeis_method_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a method_type. More...
method_type_sptr is_method_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test whether a type is a method_type. More...
method_typeis_method_type (type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a method_type. More...
namespace_declis_namespace (const decl_base *d)
 Tests if a declaration is a namespace declaration. More...
namespace_decl_sptr is_namespace (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Tests if a declaration is a namespace declaration. More...
bool is_non_canonicalized_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a given type is allowed to be non canonicalized. More...
bool is_non_canonicalized_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a given type is allowed to be non canonicalized. More...
bool is_npaf_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a neither a pointer, an array nor a function type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_array_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a pointer to array type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_function_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a pointer to function type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_npaf_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if we are looking at a pointer to a neither-a-pointer-to-an-array-nor-a-function type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_ptr_to_mbr_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if we are looking at a pointer to pointer to member type. More...
const pointer_type_defis_pointer_type (const type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a pointer_type_def. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a pointer_type_def. More...
const ptr_to_mbr_typeis_ptr_to_mbr_type (const type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a ptr_to_mbr_type. More...
ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr is_ptr_to_mbr_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr. More...
qualified_type_defis_qualified_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a reference_type_def. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr is_qualified_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test whether a type is a qualified_type_def. More...
const reference_type_defis_reference_type (const type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a reference_type_def. More...
reference_type_def_sptr is_reference_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a reference_type_def. More...
reference_type_defis_reference_type (type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a reference_type_def. More...
scope_decl_sptr is_scope_decl (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a declaration is a scope_decl. More...
scope_declis_scope_decl (decl_base *d)
 Test if a declaration is a scope_decl. More...
array_type_def::subrange_typeis_subrange_type (const type_or_decl_base *type)
 Test if a type is an array_type_def::subrange_type. More...
array_type_def::subrange_sptr is_subrange_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &type)
 Test if a type is an array_type_def::subrange_type. More...
bool is_template_decl (const decl_base_sptr &decl)
 Tests whether a decl is a template. More...
bool is_template_decl (const decl_base_sptr)
bool is_template_parameter (const decl_base_sptr)
bool is_template_parameter (const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
 Tests whether a decl is a template parameter. More...
bool is_template_parm_composition_type (const decl_base_sptr)
bool is_template_parm_composition_type (const shared_ptr< decl_base > decl)
 Tests whether a decl is a template parameter composition type. More...
bool is_type (const type_or_decl_base &tod)
 Test whether a declaration is a type. More...
type_baseis_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a declaration is a type. More...
type_base_sptr is_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod)
 Test whether a declaration is a type. More...
const type_declis_type_decl (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a type_decl (a builtin type). More...
type_decl_sptr is_type_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test whether a type is a type_decl (a builtin type). More...
const typedef_declis_typedef (const type_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a typedef. More...
const typedef_declis_typedef (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a typedef. More...
typedef_decl_sptr is_typedef (const type_or_decl_base_sptr t)
 Test whether a type is a typedef. More...
typedef_declis_typedef (type_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a typedef. More...
array_type_def_sptr is_typedef_of_array (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a typedef of an array. More...
bool is_typedef_of_maybe_qualified_class_or_union_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is a typedef of a class or union type, or a typedef of a qualified class or union type. More...
bool is_typedef_of_maybe_qualified_class_or_union_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a typedef of a class or union type, or a typedef of a qualified class or union type. More...
bool is_typedef_ptr_or_ref_to_decl_only_class_or_union_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is a typedef, pointer or reference to a decl-only class/union. More...
union_decl_sptr is_union_type (const shared_ptr< type_or_decl_base > &t)
 Test if a type is a union_decl. More...
bool is_union_type (const type_or_decl_base &t)
 Test if a type is a union_decl. More...
union_declis_union_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test if a type is a union_decl. More...
union_decl_sptr is_union_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &)
bool is_unique_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is unique in the entire environment. More...
bool is_unique_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is unique in the entire environment. More...
bool is_user_defined_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is user-defined. More...
bool is_user_defined_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is user-defined. More...
var_declis_var_decl (const type_or_decl_base *tod)
 Tests if a declaration is a variable declaration. More...
var_decl_sptr is_var_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &decl)
 Tests if a declaration is a variable declaration. More...
const type_baseis_void_pointer_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is a pointer to void type. More...
const type_base_sptr is_void_pointer_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a pointer to void type. More...
const type_baseis_void_pointer_type_equivalent (const type_base &type)
 Test if a type is equivalent to a pointer to void type. More...
const type_baseis_void_pointer_type_equivalent (const type_base *type)
 Test if a type is equivalent to a pointer to void type. More...
void keep_type_alive (type_base_sptr t)
 Make sure that the life time of a given (smart pointer to a) type is the same as the life time of the libabigail library. More...
decl_base_sptr look_through_decl_only (const decl_base &d)
 If a decl is decl-only get its definition. Otherwise, just return nil. More...
decl_base_sptr look_through_decl_only (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 If a decl is decl-only get its definition. Otherwise, just return nil. More...
type_base_sptr look_through_decl_only (const type_base_sptr &t)
 If a type is is decl-only, then get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial type. More...
decl_baselook_through_decl_only (decl_base *d)
 If a decl is decl-only enum, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial decl. More...
type_baselook_through_decl_only (type_base *t)
 If a type is is decl-only, then get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial type. More...
class_or_unionlook_through_decl_only_class (class_or_union *the_class)
 If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial class. More...
class_or_union_sptr look_through_decl_only_class (class_or_union_sptr klass)
 If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial class. More...
class_or_union_sptr look_through_decl_only_class (const class_or_union &the_class)
 If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial class. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr look_through_decl_only_enum (const enum_type_decl &the_enum)
 If an enum is a decl-only enum, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial enum. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr look_through_decl_only_enum (enum_type_decl_sptr enom)
 If an enum is a decl-only enum, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial enum. More...
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const array_type_def &, const translation_unit &)
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const array_type_def &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an array type which has a given qualified name. More...
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an array type which has the same qualified name as a given array type. More...
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup an array type from a translation unit. More...
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a basic type which has a given qualified name. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a basic type from a translation unit. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a basic type which has a given qualified name. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a basic type from a translation unit. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const type_decl &, const translation_unit &)
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const type_decl &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a type which has the same qualified name as a giventype. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a type_decl type from a given corpus, by its location. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a type_decl type from a given corpus, by its location. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_class_or_typedef_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
type_base_sptr lookup_class_or_typedef_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a corpus to find a class, union or typedef type which has a given qualified name. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const class_decl &, const translation_unit &)
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const class_decl &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has the same qualified name as a given type. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has a given qualified name. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a class type from a translation unit. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const string &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a class type from a translation unit. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has a given qualified name. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Look up a class_decl from a given corpus by its location. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Look up a class_decl from a given corpus by its location. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_through_scopes (const list< string > &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a class type from a translation unit by walking its scopes in sequence and by looking into them. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_through_scopes (const std::list< string > &, const translation_unit &)
type_base_sptr lookup_class_typedef_or_enum_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
type_base_sptr lookup_class_typedef_or_enum_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a corpus to find a class, typedef or enum type which has a given qualified name. More...
const type_base_wptrs_typelookup_class_types (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
const type_base_wptrs_typelookup_class_types (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
const var_decllookup_data_member (const type_base *type, const char *dm_name)
 Look for a data member of a given class, struct or union type and return it. More...
const var_decl_sptr lookup_data_member (const type_base_sptr &type, const var_decl_sptr &dm)
 Look for a data member of a given class, struct or union type and return it. More...
bool lookup_decl_only_class_types (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp, type_base_wptrs_type &result)
 Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a given qualified name and that are declaration-only. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const enum_type_decl &, const translation_unit &)
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const enum_type_decl &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has the same qualified name as a given enum type. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has a given qualified name. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup an enum type from a translation unit. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has a given qualified name. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup an enum type from a translation unit. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Look up an enum_type_decl from a given corpus, by its location. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Look up an enum_type_decl from a given corpus, by its location. More...
const type_base_wptrs_typelookup_enum_types (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the enum type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
const type_base_wptrs_typelookup_enum_types (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the enum type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const function_type &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has the same qualified name as a given function type. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const function_type &t, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a function type from a translation unit. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const function_type_sptr &fn_t, const corpus &corpus)
 Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has the same qualified name as a given function type. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const function_type_sptr &t, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a function type from a translation unit. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has a given qualified name. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a function type from a translation unit. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
function_type_sptr lookup_or_synthesize_fn_type (const function_type_sptr &fn_t, const corpus &corpus)
 Look into an ABI corpus for a function type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a pointer type which has a given qualified name. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a pointer type from a translation unit. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const pointer_type_def &, const translation_unit &)
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const pointer_type_def &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a pointer type which has the same qualified name as a given pointer type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a pointer type from a translation unit. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const type_base_sptr &pointed_to_type, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a pointer type from a translation unit. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a qualified type which has a given qualified name. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a qualified type from a translation unit. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def &, const translation_unit &)
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a qualified type which has the same qualified name as a given type. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const type_base_sptr &underlying_type, qualified_type_def::CV quals, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a qualified type from a translation unit. More...
reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a reference type which has a given qualified name. More...
reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a reference type from a translation unit. More...
const reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const reference_type_def &, const translation_unit &)
reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const reference_type_def &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a reference type which has the same qualified name as a given reference type. More...
const reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
const reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const type_base_sptr &pointed_to_type, bool lvalue_reference, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a reference type from a translation unit. More...
const type_base_sptr lookup_type (const interned_string &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a type in a translation unit. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type (const interned_string &n, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a type which has a given qualified name. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type (const string &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a type in a translation unit, starting from the global namespace. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type (const type_base &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a type. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type (const type_base_sptr &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a type. More...
const type_base_sptr lookup_type (const type_base_sptr type, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a type from a translation unit. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type_from_translation_unit (const string &type_name, const string &tu_path, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a type from a given translation unit present in a give corpus. More...
const type_base_sptr lookup_type_in_scope (const list< string > &comps, const scope_decl_sptr &scope)
 lookup a type in a scope. More...
const type_base_sptr lookup_type_in_scope (const std::list< string > &, const scope_decl_sptr &)
const type_base_sptr lookup_type_in_scope (const string &fqn, const scope_decl_sptr &skope)
 Lookup a type in a scope. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a type from a corpus, by its location. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type_through_scopes (const list< string > &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a type from a translation unit by walking its scopes in sequence and by looking into them. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type_through_scopes (const std::list< string > &, const translation_unit &)
const type_base_sptr lookup_type_through_scopes (const type_base_sptr type, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a type from a translation unit by walking the scopes of the translation unit in sequence and looking into them. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type_through_translation_units (const string &qn, const corpus &abi_corpus)
 Lookup a type definition in all the translation units of a given ABI corpus. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has a given qualified name. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a typedef type from a translation unit. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has the same qualified name as a given typedef type. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a typedef type from a translation unit. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const typedef_decl &, const translation_unit &)
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const typedef_decl &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has the same qualified name as a given typedef type. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a typedef_decl from a corpus, by its location. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a typedef_decl from a corpus, by its location. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type (const interned_string &type_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a union type which has a given qualified name. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a union type from a translation unit. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type (const string &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a union type from a translation unit. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type (const string &type_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a union type which has a given qualified name. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a union type in a given corpus, from its location. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a union type in a given corpus, from its location. More...
const type_base_wptrs_typelookup_union_types (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the union type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
const type_base_wptrs_typelookup_union_types (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the union types that have a given qualified name. More...
const decl_base_sptr lookup_var_decl_in_scope (const std::list< string > &comps, const scope_decl_sptr &skope)
 lookup a var_decl in a scope. More...
const decl_base_sptr lookup_var_decl_in_scope (const string &fqn, const scope_decl_sptr &skope)
 Lookup a var_decl in a scope. More...
bool mark_dependant_types_compared_until (const type_base &r)
 In the stack of the current types being compared (as part of type canonicalization), mark all the types that comes after a certain one as NOT being eligible to the canonical type propagation optimization. More...
void mark_types_as_being_compared (const class_decl &l, const class_decl &r)
 Mark a pair of class_decl types as being compared. More...
template<typename T >
void mark_types_as_being_compared (T &l, T &r)
 Mark a pair of types as being compared. More...
bool maybe_compare_as_member_decls (const decl_base &l, const decl_base &r, change_kind *k)
 Compare the properties that belong to the "is-a-member-relation" of a decl. More...
void maybe_update_scope_lookup_map (const decl_base_sptr &member_scope)
void maybe_update_scope_lookup_map (const scope_decl_sptr &member_scope)
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const array_type_def::subrange_sptr &subrange_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const array_type_def_sptr &array_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const class_decl_sptr &class_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a class type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const decl_base_sptr &decl)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a type declaration with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const enum_type_decl_sptr &enum_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of an enum type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const function_type_sptr &fn_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a function type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const pointer_type_def_sptr &pointer_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a pointer type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr &ptr_to_member)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a pointer-to-member type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const qualified_type_def_sptr &qualified_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a qualified type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const reference_type_def_sptr &reference_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a reference type with the type itself. More...
template<typename TypeKind >
bool maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const shared_ptr< TypeKind > &type, istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type &types_map, bool use_type_name_as_key=true)
 Update the map that associates a fully qualified name of a given type to that type. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const type_decl_sptr &basic_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a basic type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const typedef_decl_sptr &typedef_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a typedef type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (const union_decl_sptr &union_type)
 Update the map that associates the fully qualified name of a union type with the type itself. More...
void maybe_update_types_lookup_map (scope_decl *scope, const function_type_sptr &function_type)
bool maybe_update_types_lookup_map< class_decl > (const class_decl_sptr &class_type, istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type &map, bool use_type_name_as_key)
 This is the specialization for type class_decl of the function template: More...
bool maybe_update_types_lookup_map< function_type > (const function_type_sptr &type, istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type &types_map, bool)
 This is the specialization for type function_type of the function template: More...
bool member_function_has_vtable_offset (const function_decl &f)
 Test if a virtual member function has a vtable offset set. More...
bool odr_is_relevant (const type_or_decl_base &artifact)
 By looking at the language of the TU a given ABI artifact belongs to, test if the ONE Definition Rule should apply. More...
bool operator!= (const class_decl::base_spec_sptr &l, const class_decl::base_spec_sptr &r)
 Inequality operator for smart pointers to class_decl::base_specs. More...
bool operator!= (const class_decl_sptr &l, const class_decl_sptr &r)
 Turn inequality of shared_ptr of class_decl into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator!= (const class_or_union_sptr &l, const class_or_union_sptr &r)
 Turn inequality of shared_ptr of class_or_union into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator!= (const decl_base_sptr &l, const decl_base_sptr &r)
 Inequality operator of shared_ptr of decl_base. More...
bool operator!= (const elf_symbol_sptr &lhs, const elf_symbol_sptr &rhs)
 Inequality operator for smart pointers to elf_symbol. More...
bool operator!= (const enum_type_decl_sptr &l, const enum_type_decl_sptr &r)
 Inequality operator for enum_type_decl_sptr. More...
bool operator!= (const function_decl::parameter_sptr &l, const function_decl::parameter_sptr &r)
 Non-member inequality operator for function_decl::parameter. More...
bool operator!= (const function_decl_sptr &l, const function_decl_sptr &r)
 A deep inequality operator for smart pointers to functions. More...
bool operator!= (const member_class_template_sptr &l, const member_class_template_sptr &r)
 Inequality operator for the member_class_template type. More...
bool operator!= (const member_function_template_sptr &l, const member_function_template_sptr &r)
 Inequality operator for smart pointers to member_function_template. This is compares the pointed-to instances. More...
bool operator!= (const method_decl_sptr &l, const method_decl_sptr &r)
 Inequality operator for method_decl_sptr. More...
bool operator!= (const pointer_type_def_sptr &l, const pointer_type_def_sptr &r)
 Turn inequality of shared_ptr of pointer_type_def into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator!= (const qualified_type_def_sptr &l, const qualified_type_def_sptr &r)
 Non-member inequality operator for qualified_type_def. More...
bool operator!= (const reference_type_def_sptr &l, const reference_type_def_sptr &r)
 Turn inequality of shared_ptr of reference_type_def into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator!= (const scope_decl_sptr &l, const scope_decl_sptr &r)
 Inequality operator for scope_decl_sptr. More...
bool operator!= (const translation_unit_sptr &l, const translation_unit_sptr &r)
 A deep inequality operator for pointers to translation units. More...
bool operator!= (const type_base_sptr &l, const type_base_sptr &r)
 Turn inequality of shared_ptr of type_base into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects.. More...
bool operator!= (const type_decl_sptr &l, const type_decl_sptr &r)
 Inequality operator for type_decl_sptr. More...
bool operator!= (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &l, const type_or_decl_base_sptr &r)
 Non-member inequality operator for the @type_or_decl_base type. More...
bool operator!= (const union_decl_sptr &l, const union_decl_sptr &r)
 Turn inequality of shared_ptr of union_decl into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
change_kind operator& (change_kind l, change_kind r)
corpus::origin operator& (corpus::origin l, corpus::origin r)
 Bitwise & operator for the corpus::origin type. More...
integral_type::modifiers_type operator& (integral_type::modifiers_type l, integral_type::modifiers_type r)
 Bitwise AND operator for integral_type::modifiers_type. More...
qualified_type_def::CV operator& (qualified_type_def::CV lhs, qualified_type_def::CV rhs)
 Overloaded bitwise AND operator for CV qualifiers. More...
type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind operator& (type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind l, type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind r)
 bitwise "AND" operator for the type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind bitmap type. More...
change_kindoperator&= (change_kind &l, change_kind r)
corpus::origin operator&= (corpus::origin &l, corpus::origin r)
 Bitwise &= operator for the corpus::origin type. More...
integral_type::modifiers_typeoperator&= (integral_type::modifiers_type &l, integral_type::modifiers_type r)
 Bitwise &= operator for integral_type::modifiers_type. More...
qualified_type_def::CVoperator&= (qualified_type_def::CV &l, qualified_type_def::CV r)
 Overloaded bitwise &= operator for cv qualifiers. More...
type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kindoperator&= (type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind &l, type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind r)
 bitwise "A&=" operator for the type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind bitmap type. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, access_specifier a)
 Streaming operator for class_decl::access_specifier. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, decl_base::binding b)
 Streaming operator for decl_base::binding. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, decl_base::visibility v)
 Streaming operator for the decl_base::visibility. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, elf_symbol::binding b)
 Serialize an instance of symbol_binding and stream it to a given output stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, elf_symbol::type t)
 Serialize an instance of symbol_type and stream it to a given output stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, elf_symbol::visibility v)
 Serialize an instance of elf_symbol::visibility and stream it to a given output stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, qualified_type_def::CV cv)
 Streaming operator for qualified_type_decl::CV. More...
bool operator== (const class_decl::base_spec_sptr &l, const class_decl::base_spec_sptr &r)
 Equality operator for smart pointers to class_decl::base_specs. More...
bool operator== (const class_decl_sptr &l, const class_decl_sptr &r)
 Turn equality of shared_ptr of class_decl into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator== (const class_or_union_sptr &l, const class_or_union_sptr &r)
 Turn equality of shared_ptr of class_or_union into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator== (const decl_base_sptr &l, const decl_base_sptr &r)
 Turn equality of shared_ptr of decl_base into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects, not just the pointers. More...
bool operator== (const elf_symbol_sptr &lhs, const elf_symbol_sptr &rhs)
 Equality operator for smart pointers to elf_symbol. More...
bool operator== (const enum_type_decl_sptr &l, const enum_type_decl_sptr &r)
 Equality operator for enum_type_decl_sptr. More...
bool operator== (const function_decl::parameter_sptr &l, const function_decl::parameter_sptr &r)
 Non-member equality operator for function_decl::parameter. More...
bool operator== (const function_decl_sptr &l, const function_decl_sptr &r)
 A deep comparison operator for a shared pointer to function_decl. More...
bool operator== (const member_class_template_sptr &l, const member_class_template_sptr &r)
 Comparison operator for the member_class_template type. More...
bool operator== (const member_function_template_sptr &l, const member_function_template_sptr &r)
 Equality operator for smart pointers to member_function_template. This is compares the pointed-to instances. More...
bool operator== (const method_decl_sptr &l, const method_decl_sptr &r)
 Equality operator for method_decl_sptr. More...
bool operator== (const pointer_type_def_sptr &l, const pointer_type_def_sptr &r)
 Turn equality of shared_ptr of pointer_type_def into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator== (const qualified_type_def_sptr &l, const qualified_type_def_sptr &r)
 Non-member equality operator for qualified_type_def. More...
bool operator== (const reference_type_def_sptr &l, const reference_type_def_sptr &r)
 Turn equality of shared_ptr of reference_type_def into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator== (const scope_decl_sptr &l, const scope_decl_sptr &r)
 Equality operator for scope_decl_sptr. More...
bool operator== (const translation_unit_sptr &l, const translation_unit_sptr &r)
 A deep comparison operator for pointers to translation units. More...
bool operator== (const type_base_sptr &l, const type_base_sptr &r)
 Turn equality of shared_ptr of type_base into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
bool operator== (const type_decl_sptr &l, const type_decl_sptr &r)
 Equality operator for type_decl_sptr. More...
bool operator== (const type_or_decl_base &lr, const type_or_decl_base &rr)
 Non-member equality operator for the @type_or_decl_base type. More...
bool operator== (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &l, const type_or_decl_base_sptr &r)
 Non-member equality operator for the @type_or_decl_base type. More...
bool operator== (const union_decl_sptr &l, const union_decl_sptr &r)
 Turn equality of shared_ptr of union_decl into a deep equality; that is, make it compare the pointed to objects too. More...
change_kind operator| (change_kind l, change_kind r)
corpus::origin operator| (corpus::origin l, corpus::origin r)
 Bitwise | operator for the corpus::origin type. More...
integral_type::modifiers_type operator| (integral_type::modifiers_type l, integral_type::modifiers_type r)
 Bitwise OR operator for integral_type::modifiers_type. More...
qualified_type_def::CV operator| (qualified_type_def::CV lhs, qualified_type_def::CV rhs)
 Overloaded bitwise OR operator for cv qualifiers. More...
type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind operator| (type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind l, type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind r)
 bitwise "OR" operator for the type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind bitmap type. More...
change_kindoperator|= (change_kind &l, change_kind r)
corpus::origin operator|= (corpus::origin &l, corpus::origin r)
 Bitwise |= operator for the corpus::origin type. More...
integral_type::modifiers_typeoperator|= (integral_type::modifiers_type &l, integral_type::modifiers_type r)
 Bitwise |= operator for integral_type::modifiers_type. More...
qualified_type_def::CVoperator|= (qualified_type_def::CV &l, qualified_type_def::CV r)
 Overloaded bitwise |= operator for cv qualifiers. More...
type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kindoperator|= (type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind &l, type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind r)
 bitwise "|=" operator for the type_or_decl_base::type_or_decl_kind bitmap type. More...
integral_type::modifiers_type operator~ (integral_type::modifiers_type l)
 Bitwise one's complement operator for integral_type::modifiers_type. More...
qualified_type_def::CV operator~ (qualified_type_def::CV q)
 Overloaded bitwise inverting operator for CV qualifiers. More...
bool parse_integral_type (const string &str, integral_type &type)
 Parse an integral type from a string. More...
const type_basepeel_array_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf element type of an array. More...
const type_base_sptr peel_array_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf element type of an array. More...
type_base_sptr peel_const_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def_sptr &q)
 If a qualified type is const, then return its underlying type. More...
type_basepeel_pointer_or_reference_type (const type_base *type, bool peel_qual_type)
 Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a, pointer_type_def, reference_type_def or qualified_type_def type node. More...
const type_basepeel_pointer_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a pointer_type_def node. More...
type_base_sptr peel_pointer_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a pointer_type_def node. More...
type_basepeel_qualified_or_typedef_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified or typedef type. More...
type_base_sptr peel_qualified_or_typedef_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified or typedef type. More...
const type_basepeel_qualified_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified type. More...
const type_base_sptr peel_qualified_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified type. More...
const type_basepeel_reference_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a reference_type_def node. More...
type_base_sptr peel_reference_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a reference_type_def node. More...
type_basepeel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a typedef_decl, pointer_type_def or reference_type_def node. More...
type_basepeel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type (const type_base *type, bool peel_qual_type)
 Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a typedef_decl, pointer_type_def or reference_type_def node. More...
type_base_sptr peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type (const type_base_sptr type)
 Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a typedef_decl, pointer_type_def, reference_type_def, or array_type_def node. More...
const type_basepeel_typedef_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf underlying type node of a typedef_decl node. More...
type_base_sptr peel_typedef_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf underlying type node of a typedef_decl node. More...
void pop_composite_type_comparison_operands (const type_base &left, const type_base &right)
 Pop a pair of operands from the stack of operands to the current type comparison. More...
void push_composite_type_comparison_operands (const type_base &left, const type_base &right)
 Push a pair of operands on the stack of operands of the current type comparison, during type canonicalization. More...
void remove_decl_from_scope (decl_base_sptr decl)
 Remove a given decl from its scope. More...
template<typename T >
bool return_comparison_result (T &l, T &r, bool value, bool propagate_canonical_type=true)
 Return the result of the comparison of two (sub) types. More...
void set_data_member_is_laid_out (var_decl_sptr m, bool l)
 Set a flag saying if a data member is laid out. More...
void set_data_member_offset (var_decl_sptr m, uint64_t o)
 Set the offset of a data member into its containing class. More...
void set_member_access_specifier (const decl_base_sptr &d, access_specifier a)
 Sets the access specifier for a class member. More...
void set_member_access_specifier (decl_base &d, access_specifier a)
 Sets the access specifier for a class member. More...
void set_member_function_is_const (const function_decl_sptr &f, bool is_const)
 set the const-ness property of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_const (function_decl &f, bool is_const)
 set the const-ness property of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_ctor (const function_decl &, bool)
void set_member_function_is_ctor (const function_decl_sptr &f, bool c)
 Setter for the is_ctor property of the member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_ctor (function_decl &f, bool c)
 Setter for the is_ctor property of the member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_dtor (const function_decl_sptr &f, bool d)
 Set the destructor-ness property of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_dtor (function_decl &f, bool d)
 Set the destructor-ness property of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_virtual (const function_decl_sptr &fn, bool is_virtual)
 Set the virtual-ness of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_virtual (function_decl &f, bool is_virtual)
 Set the virtual-ness of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_vtable_offset (const function_decl &f, ssize_t s)
void set_member_function_vtable_offset (const function_decl_sptr &f, ssize_t s)
 Get the vtable offset of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_vtable_offset (function_decl &f, ssize_t s)
 Set the vtable offset of a member function. More...
void set_member_is_static (const decl_base_sptr &d, bool s)
 Sets the static-ness property of a class member. More...
void set_member_is_static (decl_base &d, bool s)
 Sets the static-ness property of a class member. More...
void sort_types (const canonical_type_sptr_set_type &types, vector< type_base_sptr > &result)
 Sort types in a hopefully stable manner. More...
bool string_to_elf_symbol_binding (const string &s, elf_symbol::binding &b)
 Convert a string representing a an elf symbol binding into an elf_symbol::binding. More...
bool string_to_elf_symbol_type (const string &s, elf_symbol::type &t)
 Convert a string representing a symbol type into an elf_symbol::type. More...
bool string_to_elf_symbol_visibility (const string &s, elf_symbol::visibility &v)
 Convert a string representing a an elf symbol visibility into an elf_symbol::visibility. More...
translation_unit::language string_to_translation_unit_language (const string &l)
 Parse a string representing a language into a translation_unit::language enumerator into a string. More...
void strip_redundant_quals_from_underyling_types (const qualified_type_def_sptr &t)
 Merge redundant qualifiers from a tree of qualified types. More...
type_base_sptr strip_typedef (const type_base_sptr type)
 Recursively returns the the underlying type of a typedef. The return type should not be a typedef of anything anymore. More...
decl_base_sptr strip_useless_const_qualification (const qualified_type_def_sptr t)
 Strip qualification from a qualified type, when it makes sense. More...
function_type_sptr synthesize_function_type_from_translation_unit (const function_type &fn_type, translation_unit &tu)
 In a translation unit, lookup the sub-types that make up a given function type and if the sub-types are all found, synthesize and return a function_type with them. More...
type_base_sptr synthesize_type_from_translation_unit (const type_base_sptr &type, translation_unit &tu)
 In a translation unit, lookup a given type or synthesize it if it's a qualified type. More...
string translation_unit_language_to_string (translation_unit::language l)
 Converts a translation_unit::language enumerator into a string. More...
template<typename T >
bool try_canonical_compare (const T *l, const T *r)
 Compare two types by comparing their canonical types if present. More...
type_basetype_has_non_canonicalized_subtype (type_base_sptr t)
 Test if a type has sub-types that are non-canonicalized. More...
bool type_has_sub_type_changes (const type_base_sptr t_v1, const type_base_sptr t_v2)
 Tests if the change of a given type effectively comes from just its sub-types. That is, if the type has changed but its type name hasn't changed, then the change of the type mostly likely is a sub-type change. More...
type_base_sptr type_or_void (const type_base_sptr t, const environment &env)
 Return either the type given in parameter if it's non-null, or the void type. More...
bool types_are_compatible (const decl_base_sptr d1, const decl_base_sptr d2)
 Test if two types are equal modulo a typedef. More...
bool types_are_compatible (const type_base_sptr type1, const type_base_sptr type2)
 Test if two types are equal modulo a typedef. More...
bool types_have_similar_structure (const type_base *first, const type_base *second, bool indirect_type)
 Test if two types have similar structures, even though they are (or can be) different. More...
bool types_have_similar_structure (const type_base_sptr &first, const type_base_sptr &second, bool indirect_type)
 Test if two types have similar structures, even though they are (or can be) different. More...
void unmark_types_as_being_compared (const class_decl &l, const class_decl &r)
 Mark a pair of class_decl types as being not compared anymore. More...
template<typename T >
void unmark_types_as_being_compared (T &l, T &r)
 Mark a pair of types as being not compared anymore. More...
bool var_equals_modulo_types (const var_decl &l, const var_decl &r, change_kind *k)
 Compares two instances of var_decl without taking their type into account. More...

Detailed Description

The namespace of the internal representation of ABI artifacts like types and decls.

Typedef Documentation

◆ array_type_def_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<array_type_def> array_type_def_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a array_type_def.

Definition at line 245 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ artifact_ptr_set_type

A convenience typedef for a hash set of const type_or_decl_base*.

Definition at line 555 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ artifact_sptr_set_type

A convenience typedef for a hash set of type_or_decl_base_sptr.

Definition at line 550 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ canonical_type_sptr_set_type

typedef unordered_set<type_base_sptr, canonical_type_hash> canonical_type_sptr_set_type

Helper typedef for an unordered set of type_base_sptr which uses pointer value to tell its members appart, because the members are canonical types.

Definition at line 113 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ class_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<class_decl> class_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_decl.

Definition at line 194 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ class_decl_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<class_decl> class_decl_wptr

Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a class_decl.

Definition at line 203 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ class_set_type

typedef unordered_set<const class_or_union*> class_set_type

A convenience typedef for a set of pointer to class_or_union.

Definition at line 376 of file abg-ir-priv.h.

◆ class_tdecl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<class_tdecl> class_tdecl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_tdecl.

Definition at line 290 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ classes_or_unions_type

typedef vector<class_or_union_sptr> classes_or_unions_type

Convenience typedef for a vector of class_or_union_sptr.

Definition at line 200 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ classes_type

typedef vector<class_decl_sptr> classes_type

Convenience typedef for a vector of class_decl_sptr.

Definition at line 197 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ context_rel_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<context_rel> context_rel_sptr

A convenience typedef for shared pointers to context_rel.

Definition at line 1237 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ corpus_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<corpus> corpus_wptr

Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to a corpus.

Definition at line 132 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ decl_base_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<decl_base> decl_base_wptr

Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to a decl_base.

Definition at line 182 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ dm_context_rel_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<dm_context_rel> dm_context_rel_sptr

A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to dm_context_rel.

Definition at line 252 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ elf_symbol_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<elf_symbol> elf_symbol_sptr

A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to elf_symbol.

Definition at line 888 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ elf_symbol_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<elf_symbol> elf_symbol_wptr

A convenience typedef for a weak pointer to elf_symbol.

Definition at line 891 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ elf_symbols

typedef std::vector<elf_symbol_sptr> elf_symbols

Convenience typedef for a vector of elf_symbol.

Definition at line 904 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ enum_type_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<enum_type_decl> enum_type_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for shared pointer to a enum_type_decl.

Definition at line 176 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ enums_type

Convenience typedef for a vector of enum_type_decl_sptr.

Definition at line 179 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ environment_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<environment> environment_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to an environment.

Definition at line 114 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ fn_ptr_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to function_decl and boolean.

Definition at line 220 of file

◆ fn_set_type

typedef unordered_set<const function_type*> fn_set_type

A convenience typedef for a set of pointer to function_type.

Definition at line 379 of file abg-ir-priv.h.

◆ fns_to_str_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to function_decl and string.

Definition at line 29656 of file

◆ function_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<function_decl> function_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl.

Definition at line 270 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ function_tdecl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<function_tdecl> function_tdecl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_tdecl.

Definition at line 295 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ function_type_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<function_type> function_type_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_type.

Definition at line 211 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ function_type_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<function_type> function_type_wptr

Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a function_type.

Definition at line 217 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ function_types_type

Convenience typedef fo a vector of function_type_sptr.

Definition at line 214 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ global_scope_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<global_scope> global_scope_sptr

Convenience typedef for shared pointer on global_scope.

Definition at line 300 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ interned_string_bool_map_type

Convenience typedef for a map of interned_string -> bool.

Definition at line 3277 of file

◆ ir_traversable_base_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to ir_traversable_base.

Definition at line 110 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ istr_fn_ptr_set_map_type

typedef unordered_map<interned_string, std::unordered_set<function_decl*>, hash_interned_string> istr_fn_ptr_set_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is an interned_string and which data is a set of abigail::ir::function_decl*.

Definition at line 54 of file abg-corpus-priv.h.

◆ istr_var_ptr_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is an interned_string and which data is an abigail::ir::var_decl*.

Definition at line 64 of file abg-corpus-priv.h.

◆ istring_type_base_wptr_map_type

A convenience typedef for a map which key is an interned_string and which value is a type_base_wptr.

Definition at line 568 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type

A convenience typedef for a map which key is an interned_string and which value is a vector of type_base_wptr.

Definition at line 149 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ istring_type_or_decl_base_sptr_map_type

A convenience typedef for a map which key is an interned_string and which value is a type_base_wptr.

Definition at line 575 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ mem_fn_context_rel_sptr

A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to mem_fn_context_rel.

Definition at line 280 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ method_type_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<method_type> method_type_sptr

Convenience typedef for shared pointer to method_type.

Definition at line 222 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ namespace_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<namespace_decl> namespace_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on namespace_decl.

Definition at line 285 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ namespaces_type

A convenience typedef for vectors of namespace_decl_sptr.

Definition at line 2219 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ non_type_tparameter_sptr

Convenience typedef for shared pointer to non_type_template_parameter.

Definition at line 321 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ pointer_set

typedef unordered_set<uintptr_t> pointer_set

A convenience typedef for an unordered set of pointer values.

Definition at line 100 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ pointer_type_def_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a pointer_type_def.

Definition at line 227 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a ptr_to_mbr_type.

Definition at line 240 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ reference_type_def_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a reference_type_def.

Definition at line 236 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ regex_t_sptrs_type

typedef vector<regex_t_sptr> regex_t_sptrs_type

A convenience typedef for std::vector<regex_t_sptr>.

Definition at line 37 of file abg-corpus-priv.h.

◆ scope_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<scope_decl> scope_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a scope_decl.

Definition at line 265 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ str_fn_ptr_map_type

typedef unordered_map<string, const function_decl*> str_fn_ptr_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map of string and pointer to function_decl.

Definition at line 224 of file

◆ str_fn_ptr_set_map_type

typedef unordered_map<string, std::unordered_set<function_decl*> > str_fn_ptr_set_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is a string and which data is a set of abigail::ir::function_decl*.

Definition at line 48 of file abg-corpus-priv.h.

◆ str_fn_ptrs_map_type

typedef unordered_map<string, vector<function_decl*> > str_fn_ptrs_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is a string and which data is a vector of abigail::ir::function_decl*.

Definition at line 43 of file abg-corpus-priv.h.

◆ str_var_ptr_map_type

typedef unordered_map<string, var_decl*> str_var_ptr_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map which key is a string and which data is an abigail::ir::var_decl*.

Definition at line 58 of file abg-corpus-priv.h.

◆ string_decl_base_sptr_map

typedef unordered_map<string, decl_base_sptr> string_decl_base_sptr_map

Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a decl_base_sptr.

Definition at line 158 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to an string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type.

Definition at line 901 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type

typedef std::unordered_map<string, elf_symbol_sptr> string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type

Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value if the elf symbol of the same name.

Definition at line 896 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ string_elf_symbols_map_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to string_elf_symbols_map_type.

Definition at line 913 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ string_elf_symbols_map_type

typedef std::unordered_map<string, elf_symbols> string_elf_symbols_map_type

Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a vector of elf_symbol.

Definition at line 909 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ string_tu_map_type

typedef unordered_map<string, translation_unit_sptr> string_tu_map_type

Convenience typedef for a map that associates a string to a translation unit.

Definition at line 140 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ string_type_base_sptr_map_type

typedef unordered_map<string, type_base_sptr> string_type_base_sptr_map_type

A convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a type_base_sptr.

Definition at line 563 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ string_type_base_wptr_map_type

typedef unordered_map<string, type_base_wptr> string_type_base_wptr_map_type

A convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a type_base_wptr.

Definition at line 559 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ template_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<template_decl> template_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to template_decl.

Definition at line 307 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ template_decl_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<template_decl> template_decl_wptr

Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to template_decl.

Definition at line 310 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ template_parameter_sptr

Convenience typedef for shared pointer to template parameter.

Definition at line 315 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ template_tparameter_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to template_tparameter.

Definition at line 328 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ translation_unit_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a translation_unit type.

Definition at line 137 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ translation_units

Convenience typedef for an ordered set of translation_unit_sptr.

Definition at line 851 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ type_base_ptrs_type

typedef vector<type_base*> type_base_ptrs_type

Helper typedef for a vector of pointer to type_base.

Definition at line 116 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ type_base_sptrs_type

typedef vector<type_base_sptr> type_base_sptrs_type

Helper typedef for a vector of shared pointer to a type_base.

Definition at line 119 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ type_base_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<type_base> type_base_wptr

Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a type_base.

Definition at line 129 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ type_base_wptrs_type

A convenience typedef for a vector of type_base_wptr.

Definition at line 143 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ type_comparison_result_type

A convenience typedef for a map which key is a pair of uint64_t and which value is a boolean. This is initially intended to cache the result of comparing two (sub-)types.

Definition at line 385 of file abg-ir-priv.h.

◆ type_composition_sptr

Convenience typedef for shared pointer to type_composition.

Definition at line 344 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ type_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<type_decl> type_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a type_decl.

Definition at line 162 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ type_or_decl_base_sptr

A convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to type_or_decl_base.

Definition at line 121 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ type_tparameter_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to type_tparameter.

Definition at line 331 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ typedef_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<typedef_decl> typedef_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a typedef_decl.

Definition at line 168 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ typedef_decl_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<typedef_decl> typedef_decl_wptr

Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a typedef_decl.

Definition at line 171 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ uint64_t_pair_type

typedef std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> uint64_t_pair_type

A convenience typedef for a pair of uint64_t which is initially intended to store a pair of pointer values.

Definition at line 369 of file abg-ir-priv.h.

◆ uint64_t_pairs_set_type

A convenience typedef for a set of uint64_t_pair.

Definition at line 373 of file abg-ir-priv.h.

◆ var_decl_sptr

typedef shared_ptr<var_decl> var_decl_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a var_decl.

Definition at line 257 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ var_decl_wptr

typedef weak_ptr<var_decl> var_decl_wptr

Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a var_decl.

Definition at line 260 of file abg-fwd.h.

◆ var_ptr_map_type

typedef unordered_map<const var_decl*, bool, var_decl::hash, var_decl::ptr_equal> var_ptr_map_type

Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to var_decl and boolean.

Definition at line 230 of file

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ access_specifier

Access specifier for class members.

Definition at line 878 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ change_kind

A bitfield that gives callers of abigail::ir::equals() some insight about how different two internal representation artifacts are.


This means that a given IR artifact has a local type change.


This means that a given IR artifact has a local non-type change. That is a change that is carried by the artifact itself, not by its type.


Testing (anding) against this mask means that a given IR artifact has local differences, with respect to the other artifact it was compared against. A local change is a change that is carried by the artifact itself (or its type), rather than by one off its sub-types.


This means that a given IR artifact has changes in some of its sub-types, with respect to the other artifact it was compared against.

Definition at line 1322 of file abg-ir.h.

◆ comparison_result

The result of structural comparison of type ABI artifacts.

Definition at line 32 of file abg-ir-priv.h.

◆ lookup_entity_kind

This enum describe the kind of entity to lookup, while using the lookup API.

Definition at line 12025 of file

Function Documentation

◆ add_decl_to_scope() [1/2]

decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope ( decl_base_sptr  decl,
const scope_decl_sptr scope 

Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to a scope.

declthe declaration to add append to the scope
scopethe scope to append the decl to

Definition at line 8642 of file

◆ add_decl_to_scope() [2/2]

decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope ( decl_base_sptr  decl,
scope_decl scope 

Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to one and if the declaration is not for a type that is supposed to be unique.

declthe declaration to add to the scope
scopethe scope to append the declaration to

Definition at line 8625 of file

◆ anonymous_data_member_exists_in_class()

bool anonymous_data_member_exists_in_class ( const var_decl anon_dm,
const class_or_union clazz 

Test if a given anonymous data member exists in a class or union.

anon_dmthe anonymous data member to consider.
clazzthe class to consider.
true iff anon_dm exists in the @clazz.

Definition at line 6355 of file

◆ anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union() [1/3]

class_or_union_sptr anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union ( const var_decl d)

Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member.

dthe anonymous data member to consider.
the class_or_union type of the anonymous data member d.

Definition at line 6285 of file

◆ anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union() [2/3]

class_or_union * anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union ( const var_decl d)

Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member.

dthe anonymous data member to consider.
the class_or_union type of the anonymous data member d.

Definition at line 6271 of file

◆ anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union() [3/3]

class_or_union_sptr anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union ( const var_decl_sptr d)

Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member.

dthe anonymous data member to consider.
the class_or_union type of the anonymous data member d.

Definition at line 6340 of file

◆ build_internal_underlying_enum_type_name()

string build_internal_underlying_enum_type_name ( const string &  base_name,
bool  is_anonymous,
uint64_t  size 

Build the internal name of the underlying type of an enum.

base_namethe (unqualified) name of the enum the underlying type is destined to.
is_anonymoustrue if the underlying type of the enum is to be anonymous.

Definition at line 28453 of file

◆ build_qualified_name() [1/2]

string build_qualified_name ( const scope_decl scope,
const string &  name 

Build and return a qualified name from a name and its scope.

The name is supposed to be for an entity that is part of the scope.

thescope to consider.
nameof the name to consider.
a copy of the string that represents the qualified name.

Definition at line 8906 of file

◆ build_qualified_name() [2/2]

string build_qualified_name ( const scope_decl scope,
const type_base_sptr &  type 

Build and return the qualified name of a type in its scope.

scopethe scope of the type to consider.
typethe type to consider.

Definition at line 8929 of file

◆ canonicalize()

type_base_sptr canonicalize ( type_base_sptr  t)

Compute the canonical type of a given type.

It means that after invoking this function, comparing the intance instance type_base and another one (on which type_base::enable_canonical_equality() would have been invoked as well) is performed by just comparing the pointer values of the canonical types of both types. That equality comparison is supposedly faster than structural comparison of the types.

ta smart pointer to the instance of type_base for which to compute the canonical type. After this call, t->get_canonical_type() will return the newly computed canonical type.
the canonical type computed for t.

Definition at line 15880 of file

◆ canonicalize_types()

void abigail::ir::canonicalize_types ( const input_iterator &  begin,
const input_iterator &  end,
deref_lambda  deref 

Compute the canonical type for all the IR types of the system.

After invoking this function, the time it takes to compare two types of the IR is equivalent to the time it takes to compare their pointer value. That is faster than performing a structural (A.K.A. member-wise) comparison.

Note that this function performs some sanity checks after* the canonicalization process. It ensures that at the end of the canonicalization process, all types have been canonicalized. This is important because the canonicalization algorithm sometimes clears some canonical types after having speculatively set them for performance purposes. At the end of the process however, all types must be canonicalized, and this function detects violations of that assertion.

Template Parameters
input_iteratorthe type of the input iterator of the beging and end.
deref_lambdaa lambda function which takes in parameter the input iterator of type input_iterator and dereferences it to return the type to canonicalize.
beginan iterator pointing to the first type of the set of types to canonicalize.
endan iterator pointing to the end (after the last type) of the set of types to canonicalize.
derefa lambda function that knows how to dereference the iterator begin to return the type to canonicalize.

Definition at line 1326 of file abg-ir-priv.h.

◆ class_or_union_types_of_same_kind() [1/2]

bool class_or_union_types_of_same_kind ( const class_or_union first,
const class_or_union second 

Test if two class or union types are of the same kind.

firstthe first type to consider.
secondthe second type to consider.
true iff first is of the same kind as second.

Definition at line 11199 of file

◆ class_or_union_types_of_same_kind() [2/2]

bool class_or_union_types_of_same_kind ( const class_or_union_sptr &  first,
const class_or_union_sptr &  second 

Test if two class or union types are of the same kind.

firstthe first type to consider.
secondthe second type to consider.
true iff first is of the same kind as second.

Definition at line 11217 of file

◆ clone_array()

array_type_def_sptr clone_array ( const array_type_def_sptr array)

Clone an array type.

Note that the element type of the new array is shared witht the old one.

arraythe array type to clone.
a newly built array type. Note that it needs to be added to a scope (e.g, using add_decl_to_scope) for its lifetime to be bound to the one of that scope. Otherwise, its lifetime is bound to the lifetime of its containing shared pointer.

Definition at line 7740 of file

◆ clone_array_tree()

type_base_sptr clone_array_tree ( const type_base_sptr  t)

Clone a type tree made of an array or a typedef of array.

Note that this can be a tree which root node is a typedef an which sub-tree can be any arbitrary combination of typedef, qualified type and arrays.

tthe array or typedef of qualified array to consider.
a clone of t.

Definition at line 7860 of file

◆ clone_qualified_type()

qualified_type_def_sptr clone_qualified_type ( const qualified_type_def_sptr &  t)

Clone a qualifiend type.

Note that underlying type of the newly constructed qualified type is shared with the old one.

tthe qualified type to clone.
the newly constructed qualified type. Note that it needs to be added to a scope (e.g, using add_decl_to_scope) for its lifetime to be bound to the one of that scope. Otherwise, its lifetime is bound to the lifetime of its containing shared pointer.

Definition at line 7807 of file

◆ clone_typedef()

typedef_decl_sptr clone_typedef ( const typedef_decl_sptr t)

Clone a typedef type.

Note that the underlying type of the newly constructed typedef is shared with the old one.

tthe typedef to clone.
the newly constructed typedef. Note that it needs to be added to a scope (e.g, using add_decl_to_scope) for its lifetime to be bound to the one of that scope. Otherwise, its lifetime is bound to the lifetime of its containing shared pointer.

Definition at line 7782 of file

◆ collect_non_anonymous_data_members() [1/2]

bool collect_non_anonymous_data_members ( const class_or_union cou,
string_decl_base_sptr_map dms 

Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type.

If the class contains any anonymous data member, this function looks through it to collect the non-anonymous data members that it contains. The function also also looks through the base classes of the current type.

couthe class or union type to consider.
dmsoutput parameter. This is populated by the function with a map containing the non-anonymous data members that were collected. The key of the map is the name of the data member. This is set iff the function returns true.
true iff at least one non-anonymous data member was collected.

Definition at line 6056 of file

◆ collect_non_anonymous_data_members() [2/2]

bool collect_non_anonymous_data_members ( const class_or_union_sptr &  cou,
string_decl_base_sptr_map dms 

Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type.

If the class contains any anonymous data member, this function looks through it to collect the non-anonymous data members that it contains. The function also also looks through the base classes of the current type.

couthe class or union type to consider.
dmsoutput parameter. This is populated by the function with a map containing the non-anonymous data members that were collected. The key of the map is the name of the data member. This is set iff the function returns true.
true iff at least one non-anonymous data member was collected.

Definition at line 6104 of file

◆ components_to_type_name()

string abigail::ir::components_to_type_name ( const list< string > &  comps)

Turn a set of qualified name components (that name a type) into a qualified name string.

compsthe name components
the resulting string, which would be the qualified name of a type.

Definition at line 12117 of file

◆ copy_member_function() [1/6]

method_decl_sptr copy_member_function ( const class_decl_sptr clazz,
const method_decl f 

Copy a method of a class into a new class.

klassthe class into which the method is to be copied.
methodthe method to copy into klass.
the resulting newly copied method.

Definition at line 25700 of file

◆ copy_member_function() [2/6]

method_decl_sptr copy_member_function ( const class_decl_sptr clazz,
const method_decl_sptr &  f 

Copy a method of a class into a new class.

klassthe class into which the method is to be copied.
methodthe method to copy into klass.
the resulting newly copied method.

Definition at line 25689 of file

◆ copy_member_function() [3/6]

method_decl_sptr copy_member_function ( const class_or_union_sptr &  t,
const method_decl method 

Copy a method of a class_or_union into a new class_or_union.

tthe class_or_union into which the method is to be copied.
methodthe method to copy into t.
the resulting newly copied method.

Definition at line 24133 of file

◆ copy_member_function() [4/6]

method_decl_sptr copy_member_function ( const class_or_union_sptr &  t,
const method_decl_sptr &  method 

Copy a method of a class_or_union into a new class_or_union.

tthe class_or_union into which the method is to be copied.
methodthe method to copy into t.
the resulting newly copied method.

Definition at line 24119 of file

◆ copy_member_function() [5/6]

method_decl_sptr copy_member_function ( const union_decl_sptr &  union_type,
const method_decl f 

Copy a method of a union_decl into a new union_decl.

tthe union_decl into which the method is to be copied.
methodthe method to copy into t.
the resulting newly copied method.

Definition at line 26750 of file

◆ copy_member_function() [6/6]

method_decl_sptr copy_member_function ( const union_decl_sptr &  union_type,
const method_decl_sptr &  f 

Copy a method of a union_decl into a new union_decl.

tthe union_decl into which the method is to be copied.
methodthe method to copy into t.
the resulting newly copied method.

Definition at line 26737 of file

◆ data_member_has_anonymous_type() [1/3]

const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type ( const var_decl d)

Test if a data member has annonymous type or not.

dthe data member to consider.
the anonymous class or union type iff turns out to have an anonymous type. Otherwise, returns nil.

Definition at line 6299 of file

◆ data_member_has_anonymous_type() [2/3]

const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type ( const var_decl d)

Test if a data member has annonymous type or not.

dthe data member to consider.
the anonymous class or union type iff turns out to have an anonymous type. Otherwise, returns nil.

Definition at line 6316 of file

◆ data_member_has_anonymous_type() [3/3]

const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type ( const var_decl_sptr d)

Test if a data member has annonymous type or not.

dthe data member to consider.
the anonymous class or union type iff turns out to have an anonymous type. Otherwise, returns nil.

Definition at line 6330 of file

◆ debug() [1/3]

decl_base * debug ( const decl_base artifact)

Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes.

This is useful to invoke from within a command line debugger like GDB to help make sense of a given ABI artifact.

artifactthe ABI artifact to emit the debugging representation for.
the artifact artifact.

Definition at line 10197 of file

◆ debug() [2/3]

type_base * debug ( const type_base artifact)

Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes.

This is useful to invoke from within a command line debugger like GDB to help make sense of a given ABI artifact.

artifactthe ABI artifact to emit the debugging representation for.
the artifact artifact.

Definition at line 10180 of file

◆ debug() [3/3]

type_or_decl_base * debug ( const type_or_decl_base artifact)

Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes.

This is useful to invoke from within a command line debugger like GDB to help make sense of a given ABI artifact.

artifactthe ABI artifact to emit the debugging representation for.
the artifact artifact.

Definition at line 10163 of file

◆ debug_comp_stack()

void debug_comp_stack ( const environment env)

Emit a trace of the two comparison operands stack on the standard error stream.

envthe environment the comparison operands stack belong to.

Definition at line 10264 of file

◆ debug_equals()

bool debug_equals ( const type_or_decl_base l,
const type_or_decl_base r 

Test if two ABI artifacts are equal.

This can be useful when used from the command line of a debugger like GDB.

lthe first ABI artifact to consider in the comparison.
rthe second ABI artifact to consider in the comparison.
true iff l equals r.

Definition at line 10214 of file

◆ demangle_cplus_mangled_name()

string demangle_cplus_mangled_name ( const string &  mangled_name)

Demangle a C++ mangled name and return the resulting string.

mangled_namethe C++ mangled name to demangle.
the resulting mangled name.

Definition at line 15210 of file

◆ elf_symbol_is_function()

bool elf_symbol_is_function ( elf_symbol::type  t)

Test if the type of an ELF symbol denotes a function symbol.

tthe type of the ELF symbol.
true iff elf symbol type t denotes a function symbol type.

Definition at line 3057 of file

◆ elf_symbol_is_variable()

bool elf_symbol_is_variable ( elf_symbol::type  t)

Test if the type of an ELF symbol denotes a function symbol.

tthe type of the ELF symbol.
true iff elf symbol type t denotes a function symbol type.

Definition at line 3067 of file

◆ elf_symbols_alias() [1/3]

bool elf_symbols_alias ( const elf_symbol s1,
const elf_symbol s2 

Test if two symbols alias.

s1the first symbol to consider.
s2the second symbol to consider.
true if s1 aliases s2.

Definition at line 2779 of file

◆ elf_symbols_alias() [2/3]

bool abigail::ir::elf_symbols_alias ( const elf_symbol s1,
const elf_symbol s2 

Test if two symbols alias.

s1the first symbol to consider.
s2the second symbol to consider.
true if s1 aliases s2.

Definition at line 2821 of file

◆ elf_symbols_alias() [3/3]

bool abigail::ir::elf_symbols_alias ( const elf_symbol_sptr  s1,
const elf_symbol_sptr  s2 

Test if two symbols alias.

s1the first symbol to consider.
s2the second symbol to consider.
true if s1 aliases s2.

Definition at line 2838 of file

◆ enum_has_non_name_change()

bool enum_has_non_name_change ( const enum_type_decl l,
const enum_type_decl r,
change_kind k 

Test if two enums differ, but not by a name change.

lthe first enum to consider.
rthe second enum to consider.
true iff l differs from r by anything but a name change.

Definition at line 19851 of file

◆ equals() [1/21]

bool equals ( const array_type_def l,
const array_type_def r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of array_type_def.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 19383 of file

◆ equals() [2/21]

bool equals ( const array_type_def::subrange_type l,
const array_type_def::subrange_type r,
change_kind k 

Compares two isntances of array_type_def::subrange_type.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 19078 of file

◆ equals() [3/21]

bool equals ( const class_decl l,
const class_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of class_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 25522 of file

◆ equals() [4/21]

bool equals ( const class_decl::base_spec l,
const class_decl::base_spec r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of class_decl::base_spec.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 24863 of file

◆ equals() [5/21]

bool abigail::ir::equals ( const class_or_union l,
const class_or_union r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of class_or_union.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff it's non-null and if the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 23887 of file

◆ equals() [6/21]

bool equals ( const decl_base l,
const decl_base r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of decl_base.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff it's non-null and if the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

If both of the current decls have an anonymous scope then let's compare their name component by component by properly handling anonymous scopes. That's the slow path.

Otherwise, let's just compare their name, the obvious way. That's the fast path because in that case the names are interned_string and comparing them is much faster.

Definition at line 5367 of file

◆ equals() [7/21]

bool equals ( const enum_type_decl l,
const enum_type_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of enum_type_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 20037 of file

◆ equals() [8/21]

bool equals ( const function_decl l,
const function_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of function_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 22432 of file

◆ equals() [9/21]

bool equals ( const function_decl::parameter l,
const function_decl::parameter r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of function_decl::parameter.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 22901 of file

◆ equals() [10/21]

bool equals ( const function_type l,
const function_type r,
change_kind k 

Compare two function types.

In case these function types are actually method types, this function avoids comparing two parameters (of the function types) if the types of the parameters are actually the types of the classes of the method types. This prevents infinite recursion during the comparison of two classes that are structurally identical.

This is a subroutine of the equality operator of function_type.

lhsthe first function type to consider
rhsthe second function type to consider
ka pointer to a bitfield set by the function to give information about the kind of changes carried by lhs and rhs. It is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if lhs == rhs, false otherwise.

Definition at line 21501 of file

◆ equals() [11/21]

bool equals ( const pointer_type_def l,
const pointer_type_def r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of pointer_type_def.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 17753 of file

◆ equals() [12/21]

bool equals ( const ptr_to_mbr_type l,
const ptr_to_mbr_type r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of ptr_to_mbr_type.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 18678 of file

◆ equals() [13/21]

bool equals ( const qualified_type_def l,
const qualified_type_def r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of qualified_type_def.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 17270 of file

◆ equals() [14/21]

bool equals ( const reference_type_def l,
const reference_type_def r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of reference_type_def.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 18173 of file

◆ equals() [15/21]

bool equals ( const scope_decl l,
const scope_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of scope_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 8452 of file

◆ equals() [16/21]

bool equals ( const scope_type_decl l,
const scope_type_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of scope_type_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 16881 of file

◆ equals() [17/21]

bool equals ( const type_base l,
const type_base r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of type_base.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff is non-null and if the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 16085 of file

◆ equals() [18/21]

bool equals ( const type_decl l,
const type_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of type_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 16602 of file

◆ equals() [19/21]

bool equals ( const typedef_decl l,
const typedef_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of typedef_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 20520 of file

◆ equals() [20/21]

bool equals ( const union_decl l,
const union_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of union_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 26706 of file

◆ equals() [21/21]

bool equals ( const var_decl l,
const var_decl r,
change_kind k 

Compares two instances of var_decl.

If the two intances are different, set a bitfield to give some insight about the kind of differences there are.

lthe first artifact of the comparison.
rthe second artifact of the comparison.
ka pointer to a bitfield that gives information about the kind of changes there are between l and r. This one is set iff k is non-null and the function returns false.

Please note that setting k to a non-null value does have a negative performance impact because even if l and r are not equal, the function keeps up the comparison in order to determine the different kinds of ways in which they are different.

true if l equals r, false otherwise.

Definition at line 20985 of file

◆ equals_modulo_cv_qualifier()

bool equals_modulo_cv_qualifier ( const array_type_def l,
const array_type_def r 

Test if two variables are equals modulo CV qualifiers.

lthe first array of the comparison.
rthe second array of the comparison.
true iff l equals r or, if they are different, the difference between the too is just a matter of CV qualifiers.

Definition at line 19436 of file

◆ find_data_member_from_anonymous_data_member()

var_decl_sptr find_data_member_from_anonymous_data_member ( const var_decl_sptr anon_dm,
const string &  name 

Find a data member inside an anonymous data member.

An anonymous data member has a type which is a class or union. This function looks for a data member inside the type of that anonymous data member.

anon_dmthe anonymous data member to consider.
namethe name of the data member to look for.

Definition at line 10508 of file

◆ find_first_data_member_matching_regexp()

var_decl_sptr find_first_data_member_matching_regexp ( const class_or_union t,
const regex::regex_t_sptr r 

Find the first data member of a class or union which name matches a regular expression.

tthe class or union to consider.
rthe regular expression to consider.
the data member matched by r or nil if none was found.

Definition at line 28478 of file

◆ find_last_data_member_matching_regexp()

var_decl_sptr find_last_data_member_matching_regexp ( const class_or_union t,
const regex::regex_t_sptr regex 

Find the last data member of a class or union which name matches a regular expression.

tthe class or union to consider.
rthe regular expression to consider.
the data member matched by r or nil if none was found.

Definition at line 28499 of file

◆ fixup_virtual_member_function()

void fixup_virtual_member_function ( method_decl_sptr  method)

When a virtual member function has seen its virtualness set by set_member_function_is_virtual(), this function ensures that the member function is added to the specific vectors and maps of virtual member function of its class.

methodthe method to fixup.

Definition at line 25289 of file

◆ fns_to_str()

void fns_to_str ( vector< function_decl * >::const_iterator  a_begin,
vector< function_decl * >::const_iterator  a_end,
vector< function_decl * >::const_iterator  b_begin,
vector< function_decl * >::const_iterator  b_end,
std::ostream &  o 

For each sequence of functions given in argument, generate a sequence of string that matches a given sequence of function. In the resulting sequence, each function is "uniquely representated" by a string. For instance, if the same function "foo" appears at indexes 1 and 3, then the same string 'schmurf' (okay, we don't care about the actual string) would appear at index 1 and 3.

a_beginthe beginning of the sequence of functions to consider.
a_endthe end of the sequence of functions. This points to one-passed-the-end of the actual sequence.
b_beginthe beginning of the second sequence of functions to consider.
b_endthe end of the second sequence of functions.
othe output stream where to emit the generated list of strings to.

Definition at line 29768 of file

◆ fqn_to_components()

void abigail::ir::fqn_to_components ( const string &  fqn,
list< string > &  comps 

Decompose a fully qualified name into the list of its components.

fqnthe fully qualified name to decompose.
compsthe resulting list of component to fill.

Definition at line 12091 of file

◆ function_decl_is_less_than()

bool function_decl_is_less_than ( const function_decl f,
const function_decl s 

Test if the pretty representation of a given function_decl is lexicographically less then the pretty representation of another function_decl.

fthe first function_decl to consider for comparison.
sthe second function_decl to consider for comparison.
true iff the pretty representation of f is lexicographically less than the pretty representation of s.

Definition at line 28110 of file

◆ function_decls_alias()

bool function_decls_alias ( const function_decl f1,
const function_decl f2 

Test if two function declarations are aliases.

Two functions declarations are aliases if their symbols are aliases, in the ELF sense.

f1the first function to consider.
f2the second function to consider.
true iff f1 is an alias of f2

Definition at line 22663 of file

◆ get_absolute_data_member_offset() [1/2]

uint64_t get_absolute_data_member_offset ( const var_decl m)

Get the absolute offset of a data member.

If the data member is part of an anonymous data member then this returns the absolute offset – relative to the beginning of the containing class of the anonymous data member.

mthe data member to consider.
the aboslute offset of the data member m.

Definition at line 6514 of file

◆ get_absolute_data_member_offset() [2/2]

uint64_t abigail::ir::get_absolute_data_member_offset ( const var_decl_sptr m)

Get the absolute offset of a data member.

If the data member is part of an anonymous data member then this returns the absolute offset – relative to the beginning of the containing class of the anonymous data member.

mthe data member to consider.
the aboslute offset of the data member m.

Definition at line 6544 of file

◆ get_artificial_or_natural_location()

const location & get_artificial_or_natural_location ( const decl_base decl)

Get the artificial location of a decl.

If the decl doesn't have an artificial location then return its natural one.

declthe decl to consider.
the artificial location decl if it has one; otherwise, return its natural one.

Definition at line 10143 of file

◆ get_class_or_enum_flat_representation()

string get_class_or_enum_flat_representation ( const type_base coe,
const string &  indent,
bool  one_line,
bool  internal,
bool  qualified_name 

Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type.

The flat representation of a given enum_type_decl type is the actual definition of the type, for instance:

enum {E_0 =0, E_1 = 1}

enum_typethe enum type to consider.
indentthe identation spaces to use in the representation.
one_lineif true, then the flat representation stands on one line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
qualified_namesuse qualified names when applicable. Typically, if this is true, the name of the enum is going to be qualified.
the resulting flat representation.

Definition at line 9955 of file

◆ get_class_or_union_flat_representation() [1/3]

string get_class_or_union_flat_representation ( const class_or_union cou,
const string &  indent,
bool  one_line,
bool  internal,
bool  qualified_names 

Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type.

The flat representation of a given class_or_union type is the actual definition of the type, for instance:

struct foo {int a; char b;}

couthe instance of class_or_union to consider.
indentthe identation spaces to use in the representation.
one_lineif true, then the flat representation stands on one line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
the resulting flat representation.

Definition at line 9678 of file

◆ get_class_or_union_flat_representation() [2/3]

string get_class_or_union_flat_representation ( const class_or_union cou,
const string &  indent,
bool  one_line,
bool  internal,
bool  qualified_names 

Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type.

The flat representation of a given class_or_union type is the actual definition of the type, for instance:

struct foo {int a; char b;}

couthe instance of class_or_union to consider.
indentthe identation spaces to use in the representation.
one_lineif true, then the flat representation stands on one line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
the resulting flat representation.

Definition at line 9773 of file

◆ get_class_or_union_flat_representation() [3/3]

string get_class_or_union_flat_representation ( const class_or_union_sptr &  cou,
const string &  indent,
bool  one_line,
bool  internal,
bool  qualified_names 

Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type.

The flat representation of a given class_or_union type is the actual definition of the type, for instance:

struct foo {int a; char b;}

couthe instance of class_or_union to consider.
indentthe identation spaces to use in the representation.
one_lineif true, then the flat representation stands on one line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
the resulting flat representation.

Definition at line 9802 of file

◆ get_data_member() [1/2]

var_decl_sptr get_data_member ( class_or_union clazz,
const char *  member_name 

Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type.

clazzthe class to consider.
member_namename of the data member to get.
the resulting data member or nullptr if none was found.

Definition at line 10096 of file

◆ get_data_member() [2/2]

var_decl_sptr get_data_member ( type_base clazz,
const char *  member_name 

Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type.

clazzthe class to consider.
member_namename of the data member to get.
the resulting data member or nullptr if none was found.

Definition at line 10111 of file

◆ get_data_member_is_laid_out() [1/2]

bool get_data_member_is_laid_out ( const var_decl m)

Test whether a data member is laid out.

mthe data member to consider.
true if m is laid out, false otherwise.

Definition at line 6585 of file

◆ get_data_member_is_laid_out() [2/2]

bool get_data_member_is_laid_out ( const var_decl_sptr  m)

Test whether a data member is laid out.

mthe data member to consider.
true if m is laid out, false otherwise.

Definition at line 6600 of file

◆ get_data_member_offset() [1/3]

uint64_t get_data_member_offset ( const decl_base_sptr  d)

Get the offset of a data member.

mthe data member to consider.
the offset (in bits) of m in its containing class.

Definition at line 6449 of file

◆ get_data_member_offset() [2/3]

uint64_t get_data_member_offset ( const var_decl m)

Get the offset of a data member.

mthe data member to consider.
the offset (in bits) of m in its containing class.

Definition at line 6425 of file

◆ get_data_member_offset() [3/3]

uint64_t get_data_member_offset ( const var_decl_sptr  m)

Get the offset of a data member.

mthe data member to consider.
the offset (in bits) of m in its containing class.

Definition at line 6440 of file

◆ get_debug_representation()

string get_debug_representation ( const type_or_decl_base artifact)

Get the textual representation of a type for debugging purposes.

If the type is a class/union, this shows the data members, virtual member functions, size, pointer value of its canonical type, etc. Otherwise, this just shows the name of the artifact as returned by type_or_decl_base:get_pretty_representation().

artifactthe artifact to show a debugging representation of.
a debugging string representation of artifact.

Definition at line 9983 of file

◆ get_enum_flat_representation() [1/3]

string abigail::ir::get_enum_flat_representation ( const enum_type_decl enum_type,
const string &  indent,
bool  one_line,
bool  qualified_names 

Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type.

The flat representation of a given enum_type_decl type is the actual definition of the type, for instance:

enum {E_0 =0, E_1 = 1}

enum_typethe enum type to consider.
indentthe identation spaces to use in the representation.
one_lineif true, then the flat representation stands on one line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
qualified_namesuse qualified names when applicable. Typically, if this is true, the name of the enum is going to be qualified.
the resulting flat representation.

Definition at line 9834 of file

◆ get_enum_flat_representation() [2/3]

string abigail::ir::get_enum_flat_representation ( const enum_type_decl enum_type,
const string &  indent,
bool  one_line,
bool  qualified_names 

Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type.

The flat representation of a given enum_type_decl type is the actual definition of the type, for instance:

enum {E_0 =0, E_1 = 1}

enum_typethe enum type to consider.
indentthe identation spaces to use in the representation.
one_lineif true, then the flat representation stands on one line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
qualified_namesuse qualified names when applicable. Typically, if this is true, the name of the enum is going to be qualified.
the resulting flat representation.

Definition at line 9893 of file

◆ get_enum_flat_representation() [3/3]

string get_enum_flat_representation ( const enum_type_decl_sptr enum_type,
const string &  indent,
bool  one_line,
bool  qualified_names 

Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type.

The flat representation of a given enum_type_decl type is the actual definition of the type, for instance:

enum {E_0 =0, E_1 = 1}

enum_typethe enum type to consider.
indentthe identation spaces to use in the representation.
one_lineif true, then the flat representation stands on one line. Otherwise, it stands on multiple lines.
qualified_namesuse qualified names when applicable. Typically, if this is true, the name of the enum is going to be qualified.
the resulting flat representation.

Definition at line 9925 of file

◆ get_exemplar_type()

type_base * get_exemplar_type ( const type_base type)

For a given type, return its exemplar type.

For a given type, its exemplar type is either its canonical type or the canonical type of the definition type of a given declaration-only type. If the neither of those two types exist, then the exemplar type is the given type itself.

typethe input to consider.
the exemplar type.

Definition at line 28018 of file

◆ get_first_non_anonymous_data_member()

const var_decl_sptr get_first_non_anonymous_data_member ( const var_decl_sptr  anon_dm)

Get the first non-anonymous data member of a given anonymous data member.


struct S { union // <– for this anonymous data member, the function // returns a. { int a; charb; }; };

anon_dm the anonymous data member to consider.
the first non-anonymous data member of anon_dm. If no data member was found then this function returns anon_dm.

Definition at line 5959 of file

◆ get_function_id_or_pretty_representation()

interned_string get_function_id_or_pretty_representation ( const function_decl fn)

Get the ID of a function, or, if the ID can designate several different functions, get its pretty representation.

fnthe function to consider
the function ID of pretty representation of fn.

Definition at line 9348 of file

◆ get_function_parameter()

const function_decl::parameter * get_function_parameter ( const decl_base fun,
unsigned  parm_index 

Get the function parameter designated by its index.

Note that the first function parameter has index 0.

funthe function to consider.
parm_indexthe index of the function parameter to get.
the function parameter designated by its index, of NULL if no function parameter with that index was found.

Definition at line 28431 of file

◆ get_function_type_name() [1/3]

interned_string get_function_type_name ( const function_type fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the function type name

Definition at line 9320 of file

◆ get_function_type_name() [2/3]

interned_string get_function_type_name ( const function_type fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the function type name

Definition at line 9298 of file

◆ get_function_type_name() [3/3]

interned_string get_function_type_name ( const function_type_sptr fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the function type name

Definition at line 9283 of file

◆ get_global_scope() [1/3]

const global_scope * get_global_scope ( const decl_base decl)

return the global scope as seen by a given declaration.

declthe declaration to consider.
the global scope of the decl, or a null pointer if the decl is not yet added to a translation_unit.

Definition at line 8717 of file

◆ get_global_scope() [2/3]

const global_scope * get_global_scope ( const decl_base decl)

return the global scope as seen by a given declaration.

declthe declaration to consider.
the global scope of the decl, or a null pointer if the decl is not yet added to a translation_unit.

Definition at line 8736 of file

◆ get_global_scope() [3/3]

const global_scope* abigail::ir::get_global_scope ( const shared_ptr< decl_base decl)

Return the global scope as seen by a given declaration.

declthe declaration to consider.
the global scope of the decl, or a null pointer if the decl is not yet added to a translation_unit.

Definition at line 8746 of file

◆ get_last_data_member() [1/3]

var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member ( const class_or_union klass)

Get the last data member of a class type.

klassthe class type to consider.

Definition at line 6022 of file

◆ get_last_data_member() [2/3]

var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member ( const class_or_union klass)

Get the last data member of a class type.

klassthe class type to consider.

Definition at line 6029 of file

◆ get_last_data_member() [3/3]

var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member ( const class_or_union_sptr &  klass)

Get the last data member of a class type.

klassthe class type to consider.

Definition at line 6036 of file

◆ get_location() [1/2]

location get_location ( const decl_base_sptr &  decl)

Get the location of a given declaration.

declthe declaration to consider.
the location of the declaration decl.

Definition at line 8953 of file

◆ get_location() [2/2]

location get_location ( const type_base_sptr &  type)

Get the location of the declaration of a given type.

typethe type to consider.
the location of the declaration of type type.

Definition at line 8940 of file

◆ get_member_access_specifier() [1/2]

enum access_specifier get_member_access_specifier ( const decl_base d)

Gets the access specifier for a class member.

dthe declaration of the class member to consider. Note that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the current process.
the access specifier for the class member d.

Definition at line 5756 of file

◆ get_member_access_specifier() [2/2]

enum access_specifier get_member_access_specifier ( const decl_base_sptr &  d)

Gets the access specifier for a class member.

dthe declaration of the class member to consider. Note that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the current process.
the access specifier for the class member d.

Definition at line 5774 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_const() [1/2]

bool get_member_function_is_const ( const function_decl f)

Test whether a member function is const.

fthe function to test.
true if f is const, false otherwise.

Definition at line 6751 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_const() [2/2]

bool get_member_function_is_const ( const function_decl_sptr f)

Test whether a member function is const.

fthe function to test.
true if f is const, false otherwise.

Definition at line 6770 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_ctor() [1/2]

bool get_member_function_is_ctor ( const function_decl f)

Test whether a member function is a constructor.

fthe member function to test.
true if f is a constructor, false otherwise.

Definition at line 6636 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_ctor() [2/2]

bool get_member_function_is_ctor ( const function_decl_sptr f)

Test whether a member function is a constructor.

fthe member function to test.
true if f is a constructor, false otherwise.

Definition at line 6655 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_dtor() [1/2]

bool get_member_function_is_dtor ( const function_decl f)

Test whether a member function is a destructor.

fthe function to test.
true if f is a destructor, false otherwise.

Definition at line 6695 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_dtor() [2/2]

bool get_member_function_is_dtor ( const function_decl_sptr f)

Test whether a member function is a destructor.

fthe function to test.
true if f is a destructor, false otherwise.

Definition at line 6714 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_virtual() [1/3]

bool get_member_function_is_virtual ( const function_decl f)

Test if a given member function is virtual.

mem_fnthe member function to consider.
true iff a mem_fn is virtual.

Definition at line 6882 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_virtual() [2/3]

bool get_member_function_is_virtual ( const function_decl mem_fn)

Test if a given member function is virtual.

mem_fnthe member function to consider.
true iff a mem_fn is virtual.

Definition at line 6911 of file

◆ get_member_function_is_virtual() [3/3]

bool get_member_function_is_virtual ( const function_decl_sptr mem_fn)

Test if a given member function is virtual.

mem_fnthe member function to consider.
true iff a mem_fn is virtual.

Definition at line 6902 of file

◆ get_member_function_vtable_offset() [1/2]

ssize_t get_member_function_vtable_offset ( const function_decl f)

Get the vtable offset of a member function.

fthe member function to consider.
the vtable offset of f. Note that a vtable offset of value -1 means that the member function does *NOT* yet have a vtable offset associated to it.

Definition at line 6819 of file

◆ get_member_function_vtable_offset() [2/2]

ssize_t get_member_function_vtable_offset ( const function_decl_sptr f)

Get the vtable offset of a member function.

fthe member function to consider.
the vtable offset of f. Note that a vtable offset of value -1 means that the member function does *NOT* yet have a vtable offset associated to it.

Definition at line 6841 of file

◆ get_member_is_static() [1/3]

bool get_member_is_static ( const decl_base d)

Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.

dthe declaration for the class member to consider. Note that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the current process.
true if the class member d is static, false otherwise.

Definition at line 5816 of file

◆ get_member_is_static() [2/3]

bool get_member_is_static ( const decl_base d)

Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.

dthe declaration for the class member to consider. Note that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the current process.
true if the class member d is static, false otherwise.

Definition at line 5834 of file

◆ get_member_is_static() [3/3]

bool get_member_is_static ( const decl_base_sptr &  d)

Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.

dthe declaration for the class member to consider. Note that this must be a class member otherwise the function aborts the current process.
true if the class member d is static, false otherwise.

Definition at line 5845 of file

◆ get_method_type_name() [1/3]

interned_string get_method_type_name ( const method_type fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the function type name

Definition at line 9411 of file

◆ get_method_type_name() [2/3]

interned_string get_method_type_name ( const method_type fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the function type name

Definition at line 9391 of file

◆ get_method_type_name() [3/3]

interned_string abigail::ir::get_method_type_name ( const method_type_sptr  fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the function type name

Definition at line 9376 of file

◆ get_name() [1/2]

string get_name ( const type_or_decl_base tod,
bool  qualified 

Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl.

todthe ABI artifact to get the name for.
qualifiedif yes, return the qualified name of tod; otherwise, return the non-qualified name;
the name of tod.

Definition at line 8860 of file

◆ get_name() [2/2]

string get_name ( const type_or_decl_base_sptr tod,
bool  qualified 

Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is either a type of a decl.

todthe ABI artifact to get the name for.
qualifiedif yes, return the qualified name of tod; otherwise, return the non-qualified name;
the name of tod.

Definition at line 8892 of file

◆ get_name_of_pointer_to_type()

interned_string get_name_of_pointer_to_type ( const type_base pointed_to_type,
bool  qualified,
bool  internal 

Get the name of the pointer to a given type.

pointed_to_typethe pointed-to-type to consider.
qualifiedthis is true if the resulting name should be of a pointer to a *fully-qualified* pointed-to-type.
internaltrue if the name is for libabigail-internal purposes.
the name (string representation) of the pointer.

Definition at line 9184 of file

◆ get_name_of_qualified_type()

interned_string get_name_of_qualified_type ( const type_base_sptr &  underlying_type,
qualified_type_def::CV  quals,
bool  qualified,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a qualified type, given the underlying type and its qualifiers.

underlying_typethe underlying type to consider.
qualsthe CV qualifiers of the name.
qualifiedtrue if we should consider the fully qualified name of underlying_type.
internaltrue if the result is to be used for libabigail-internal purposes.
the name (string representation) of the qualified type.

Definition at line 9236 of file

◆ get_name_of_reference_to_type()

interned_string get_name_of_reference_to_type ( const type_base pointed_to_type,
bool  lvalue_reference,
bool  qualified,
bool  internal 

Get the name of the reference to a given type.

pointed_to_typethe pointed-to-type to consider.
qualifiedthis is true if the resulting name should be of a reference to a *fully-qualified* pointed-to-type.
internaltrue if the name is for libabigail-internal purposes.
the name (string representation) of the reference.

Definition at line 9206 of file

◆ get_natural_or_artificial_location()

const location & get_natural_or_artificial_location ( const decl_base decl)

Get the non-artificial (natural) location of a decl.

If the decl doesn't have a natural location then return its artificial one.

declthe decl to consider.
the natural location decl if it has one; otherwise, return its artificial one.

Definition at line 10124 of file

◆ get_next_data_member() [1/2]

const var_decl_sptr abigail::ir::get_next_data_member ( const class_or_union klass,
const var_decl_sptr data_member 

In the context of a given class or union, this function returns the data member that is located after a given data member.

klassthe class or union to consider.
thedata member to consider.
the data member that is located right after data_member.

Definition at line 5983 of file

◆ get_next_data_member() [2/2]

const var_decl_sptr get_next_data_member ( const class_or_union_sptr &  klass,
const var_decl_sptr data_member 

In the context of a given class or union, this function returns the data member that is located after a given data member.

klassthe class or union to consider.
thedata member to consider.
the data member that is located right after data_member.

Definition at line 6014 of file

◆ get_next_data_member_offset() [1/2]

bool get_next_data_member_offset ( const class_or_union klass,
const var_decl_sptr dm,
uint64_t &  offset 

Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a given one.

If there is no data member after after the one given to this function (maybe because the given one is the last data member of the class type) then the function return false.

klassthe class to consider.
dmthe data member before the one we want to retrieve.
offsetout parameter. This parameter is set by the function to the offset of the data member that comes right after the data member dm, iff the function returns true.
true iff the data member coming right after dm was found.

Definition at line 6470 of file

◆ get_next_data_member_offset() [2/2]

bool get_next_data_member_offset ( const class_or_union_sptr &  klass,
const var_decl_sptr dm,
uint64_t &  offset 

Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a given one.

If there is no data member after after the one given to this function (maybe because the given one is the last data member of the class type) then the function return false.

klassthe class to consider.
dmthe data member before the one we want to retrieve.
offsetout parameter. This parameter is set by the function to the offset of the data member that comes right after the data member dm, iff the function returns true.
true iff the data member coming right after dm was found.

Definition at line 6499 of file

◆ get_node_name() [1/3]

const interned_string& abigail::ir::get_node_name ( class_decl_sptr  node)

Gets the name of a class_decl node.

nodethe decl_base node to get the name from.
the name of the node.

Definition at line 12787 of file

◆ get_node_name() [2/3]

const interned_string& abigail::ir::get_node_name ( type_base_sptr  node)

Gets the name of a type_base node.

nodethe type_base node to get the name from.
the name of the node.

Definition at line 12797 of file

◆ get_node_name() [3/3]

const interned_string& abigail::ir::get_node_name ( var_decl_sptr  node)

Gets the name of a var_decl node.

nodethe var_decl node to get the name from.
the name of the node.

Definition at line 12807 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [1/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const decl_base d,
bool  internal 

Get a copy of the pretty representation of a decl.

dthe decl to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the pretty representation of the decl.

Definition at line 9498 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [2/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const decl_base_sptr &  d,
bool  internal 

Get a copy of the pretty representation of a decl.

dthe decl to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the pretty representation of the decl.

Definition at line 9539 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [3/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const function_type fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the pretty representation of a function type.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the string represenation of the function type.

Definition at line 9604 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [4/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const function_type fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the pretty representation of a function type.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the string represenation of the function type.

Definition at line 9582 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [5/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const function_type_sptr fn_type,
bool  internal 

Get the pretty representation of a function type.

fn_typethe function type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the string represenation of the function type.

Definition at line 9567 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [6/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const method_type method,
bool  internal 

Get the pretty representation of a method type.

methodthe method type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the string represenation of the method type.

Definition at line 9622 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [7/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const method_type method,
bool  internal 

Get the pretty representation of a method type.

methodthe method type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the string represenation of the method type.

Definition at line 9640 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [8/12]

string abigail::ir::get_pretty_representation ( const method_type_sptr  method,
bool  internal 

Get the pretty representation of a method type.

methodthe method type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the string represenation of the method type.

Definition at line 9658 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [9/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const type_base t,
bool  internal 

Get a copy of the pretty representation of a type.

dthe type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the pretty representation of the type.

Definition at line 9516 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [10/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const type_base_sptr &  t,
bool  internal 

Get a copy of the pretty representation of a type.

dthe type to consider.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
the pretty representation of the type.

Definition at line 9553 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [11/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const type_or_decl_base tod,
bool  internal 

Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type of a decl.

param tod the ABI artifact to consider.

internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type of a decl.

Definition at line 9456 of file

◆ get_pretty_representation() [12/12]

string get_pretty_representation ( const type_or_decl_base_sptr tod,
bool  internal 

Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type of a decl.

param tod the ABI artifact to consider.

internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type of a decl.

Definition at line 9484 of file

◆ get_string_representation_of_cv_quals()

string get_string_representation_of_cv_quals ( const qualified_type_def::CV  cv_quals)

Get the string representation of a CV qualifier bitmap.

cv_qualsthe bitmap of CV qualifiers to consider.
the string representation.

Definition at line 8830 of file

◆ get_top_most_scope_under() [1/3]

const scope_decl * get_top_most_scope_under ( const decl_base decl,
const scope_decl scope 

Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P.

Note that scope must come before decl in topological order.

declthe decl for which to find a scope.
scopethe scope under which the resulting scope must be.
the resulting scope.

Definition at line 8761 of file

◆ get_top_most_scope_under() [2/3]

const scope_decl * get_top_most_scope_under ( const decl_base_sptr  decl,
const scope_decl scope 

Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P.

declthe decl for which to find a scope.
scopethe scope under which the resulting scope must be.
the resulting scope.

Definition at line 8804 of file

◆ get_top_most_scope_under() [3/3]

const scope_decl * get_top_most_scope_under ( const decl_base_sptr  decl,
const scope_decl_sptr  scope 

Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P.

declthe decl for which to find a scope.
scopethe scope under which the resulting scope must be.
the resulting scope.

Definition at line 8817 of file

◆ get_translation_unit() [1/3]

translation_unit * get_translation_unit ( const decl_base decl)

Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to.

declthe declaration to consider.
the resulting translation unit, or null if the decl is not yet added to a translation unit.

Definition at line 10381 of file

◆ get_translation_unit() [2/3]

translation_unit * get_translation_unit ( const decl_base decl)

Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to.

declthe declaration to consider.
the resulting translation unit, or null if the decl is not yet added to a translation unit.

Definition at line 10391 of file

◆ get_translation_unit() [3/3]

translation_unit* abigail::ir::get_translation_unit ( const shared_ptr< decl_base decl)

Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to.

declthe declaration to consider.
the resulting translation unit, or null if the decl is not yet added to a translation unit.

Definition at line 10401 of file

◆ get_type_declaration() [1/3]

const decl_base * get_type_declaration ( const type_base t)

Get the declaration for a given type.

tthe type to consider.
the declaration for the type to return.

Definition at line 10298 of file

◆ get_type_declaration() [2/3]

decl_base_sptr get_type_declaration ( const type_base_sptr  t)

Get the declaration for a given type.

tthe type to consider.
the declaration for the type to return.

Definition at line 10316 of file

◆ get_type_declaration() [3/3]

decl_base * get_type_declaration ( type_base t)

Get the declaration for a given type.

tthe type to consider.
the declaration for the type to return.

Definition at line 10307 of file

◆ get_type_name() [1/3]

interned_string get_type_name ( const type_base t,
bool  qualified,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it.

tthe type to consider.
qualifiedif true then return the qualified name of the type.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the type name if the type has a name, or the empty string if it does not.

Definition at line 9169 of file

◆ get_type_name() [2/3]

interned_string get_type_name ( const type_base t,
bool  qualified,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it.

tthe type to consider.
qualifiedif true then return the qualified name of the type.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the type name if the type has a name, or the empty string if it does not.

Definition at line 9107 of file

◆ get_type_name() [3/3]

interned_string get_type_name ( const type_base_sptr &  t,
bool  qualified,
bool  internal 

Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it.

tthe type to consider.
qualifiedif true then return the qualified name of the type.
internalset to true if the call is intended for an internal use (for technical use inside the library itself), false otherwise. If you don't know what this is for, then set it to false.
a copy of the type name if the type has a name, or the empty string if it does not.

Definition at line 9009 of file

◆ get_type_scope() [1/2]

scope_decl * get_type_scope ( const type_base_sptr &  t)

Get the scope of a given type.

tthe type to consider.
the scope of type t or 0 if the type has no scope yet.

Definition at line 8991 of file

◆ get_type_scope() [2/2]

scope_decl * get_type_scope ( type_base t)

Get the scope of a given type.

tthe type to consider.
the scope of type t or 0 if the type has no scope yet.

Definition at line 8974 of file

◆ get_var_size_in_bits()

uint64_t get_var_size_in_bits ( const var_decl_sptr v)

Get the size of a given variable.

vthe variable to consider.
the size of variable v.

Definition at line 6557 of file

◆ has_fake_flexible_array_data_member() [1/3]

var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member ( const class_decl klass)

Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element.

An array with one element is a way to mimic the flexible data member idiom that was later standardized in C99.

To learn more about the flexible data member idiom, please consider reading :

The various ways of representing that idiom pre-standardization are presented in this article:

klassthe class to consider.
the data member which type is a fake flexible array, if any, or nil.

Definition at line 11058 of file

◆ has_fake_flexible_array_data_member() [2/3]

var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member ( const class_decl klass)

Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element.

An array with one element is a way to mimic the flexible data member idiom that was later standardized in C99.

To learn more about the flexible data member idiom, please consider reading :

The various ways of representing that idiom pre-standardization are presented in this article:

klassthe class to consider.
the data member which type is a fake flexible array, if any, or nil.

Definition at line 11096 of file

◆ has_fake_flexible_array_data_member() [3/3]

var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member ( const class_decl_sptr klass)

Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element.

An array with one element is a way to mimic the flexible data member idiom that was later standardized in C99.

To learn more about the flexible data member idiom, please consider reading :

The various ways of representing that idiom pre-standardization are presented in this article:

klassthe class to consider.
the data member which type is a fake flexible array, if any, or nil.

Definition at line 11118 of file

◆ has_flexible_array_data_member() [1/3]

var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member ( const class_decl klass)

Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member.

The flexible data member idiom is a well known C idiom:

klassthe class to consider.
the data member which type is a flexible array, if any, or nil.

Definition at line 10988 of file

◆ has_flexible_array_data_member() [2/3]

var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member ( const class_decl klass)

Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member.

The flexible data member idiom is a well known C idiom:

klassthe class to consider.
the data member which type is a flexible array, if any, or nil.

Definition at line 11017 of file

◆ has_flexible_array_data_member() [3/3]

var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member ( const class_decl_sptr klass)

Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member.

The flexible data member idiom is a well known C idiom:

klassthe class to consider.
the data member which type is a flexible array, if any, or nil.

Definition at line 11036 of file

◆ has_scope() [1/2]

bool has_scope ( const decl_base d)

Tests if a declaration has got a scope.

dthe declaration to consider.
true if the declaration has got a scope, false otherwise.

Definition at line 5640 of file

◆ has_scope() [2/2]

bool has_scope ( const decl_base_sptr  d)

Tests if a declaration has got a scope.

dthe declaration to consider.
true if the declaration has got a scope, false otherwise.

Definition at line 5649 of file

◆ hash_type()

size_t hash_type ( const type_base t)

Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type.

This function intends to provides the fastest possible hashing for types while being completely correct.

Note that if the type artifact has a canonical type, the hash value is going to be the pointer value of the canonical type. Otherwise, this function computes a hash value for the type by recursively walking the type members. This last code path is possibly *very* slow and should only be used when only handful of types are going to be hashed.

tthe type or decl to hash.
the resulting hash value.

Definition at line 27924 of file

◆ hash_type_or_decl() [1/2]

size_t hash_type_or_decl ( const type_or_decl_base tod)

Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl.

This function intends to provides the fastest possible hashing for types and decls, while being completely correct.

Note that if the artifact is a type and if it has a canonical type, the hash value is going to be the pointer value of the canonical type. Otherwise, this function computes a hash value for the type by recursively walking the type members. This last code path is possibly *very* slow and should only be used when only handful of types are going to be hashed.

If the artifact is a decl, then a combination of the hash of its type and the hash of the other properties of the decl is computed.

todthe type or decl to hash.
the resulting hash value.

Definition at line 27845 of file

◆ hash_type_or_decl() [2/2]

size_t hash_type_or_decl ( const type_or_decl_base_sptr tod)

Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type of a decl.

todthe ABI artifact to hash.
the hash value of the ABI artifact.

Definition at line 27933 of file

◆ insert_decl_into_scope() [1/2]

decl_base_sptr abigail::ir::insert_decl_into_scope ( decl_base_sptr  decl,
scope_decl::declarations::iterator  before,
scope_decl scope 

Inserts a declaration into a given scope, before a given IR child node of the scope.

declthe declaration to insert into the scope.
beforean iterator pointing to the child IR node before which to insert the declaration.
scopethe scope into which to insert the declaration.

Definition at line 8668 of file

◆ insert_decl_into_scope() [2/2]

decl_base_sptr abigail::ir::insert_decl_into_scope ( decl_base_sptr  decl,
scope_decl::declarations::iterator  before,
scope_decl_sptr  scope 

Inserts a declaration into a given scope, before a given IR child node of the scope.

declthe declaration to insert into the scope.
beforean iterator pointing to the child IR node before which to insert the declaration.
scopethe scope into which to insert the declaration.

Definition at line 8690 of file

◆ is_ada_language()

bool is_ada_language ( translation_unit::language  l)

Test if a language enumerator designates the Ada language.

lthe language enumerator to consider.
true iff l designates the Ada language.

Definition at line 1766 of file

◆ is_anonymous_data_member() [1/8]

bool is_anonymous_data_member ( const decl_base d)

Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.

dthe decl to consider.
true iff d is an anonymous data member.

Definition at line 6113 of file

◆ is_anonymous_data_member() [2/8]

const var_decl * is_anonymous_data_member ( const decl_base d)

Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.

dthe decl to consider.
a non-nil pointer to the var_decl denoted by d if it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.

Definition at line 6140 of file

◆ is_anonymous_data_member() [3/8]

var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member ( const decl_base_sptr &  d)

Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.

dthe decl to consider.
a non-nil pointer to the var_decl denoted by d if it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.

Definition at line 6174 of file

◆ is_anonymous_data_member() [4/8]

const var_decl * is_anonymous_data_member ( const type_or_decl_base d)

Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.

dthe decl to consider.
the var_decl representing the data member iff d is an anonymous data member.

Definition at line 6123 of file

◆ is_anonymous_data_member() [5/8]

var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member ( const type_or_decl_base_sptr d)

Test if a decl is an anonymous data member.

dthe decl to consider.
a non-nil pointer to the var_decl denoted by d if it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.

Definition at line 6157 of file

◆ is_anonymous_data_member() [6/8]

bool is_anonymous_data_member ( const var_decl d)

Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member.

dthe var_decl to consider.
true iff d is an anonymous data member.

Definition at line 6215 of file

◆ is_anonymous_data_member() [7/8]

const var_decl * is_anonymous_data_member ( const var_decl d)

Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member.

dthe var_decl to consider.
a non-nil pointer to the var_decl denoted by d if it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.

Definition at line 6202 of file

◆ is_anonymous_data_member() [8/8]

var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member ( const var_decl_sptr d)

Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member.

dthe var_decl to consider.
a non-nil pointer to the var_decl denoted by d if it's an anonymous data member. Otherwise returns a nil pointer.

Definition at line 6188 of file

◆ is_anonymous_or_typedef_named()

bool is_anonymous_or_typedef_named ( const decl_base d)

Test if a given decl is anonymous or has a naming typedef.

dthe decl to consider.
true iff d is anonymous or has a naming typedef.

Definition at line 6395 of file

◆ is_anonymous_type() [1/2]

bool is_anonymous_type ( const type_base t)

Test whether a declaration is a type.

dthe declaration to test for.
true if the declaration is a type, false otherwise. Test if a given type is anonymous.

Note that this function considers that an anonymous class that is named by a typedef is not anonymous anymore. This is the C idiom:

typedef struct {int member;} s_type;

The typedef s_type becomes the name of the originally anonymous struct.

tthe type to consider.
true iff t is anonymous.

Definition at line 10716 of file

◆ is_anonymous_type() [2/2]

bool is_anonymous_type ( const type_base_sptr &  t)

Test if a given type is anonymous.

tthe type to consider.
true iff t is anonymous.

Definition at line 10741 of file

◆ is_array_of_qualified_element() [1/2]

qualified_type_def_sptr is_array_of_qualified_element ( const array_type_def_sptr array)

Tests if the element of a given array is a qualified type.

arraythe array type to consider.
the qualified element of the array iff it's a qualified type. Otherwise, return a nil object.

Definition at line 11938 of file

◆ is_array_of_qualified_element() [2/2]

array_type_def_sptr is_array_of_qualified_element ( const type_base_sptr &  type)

Test if an array type is an array to a qualified element type.

typethe array type to consider.
true the array type iff it's an array to a qualified element type.

Definition at line 11953 of file

◆ is_array_type() [1/2]

array_type_def * is_array_type ( const type_or_decl_base type,
bool  look_through_qualifiers 

Test if a type is an array_type_def.

typethe type to consider.
true iff type is an array_type_def.

Definition at line 11905 of file

◆ is_array_type() [2/2]

array_type_def_sptr is_array_type ( const type_or_decl_base_sptr type,
bool  look_through_qualifiers 

Test if a type is an array_type_def.

typethe type to consider.
true iff type is an array_type_def.

Definition at line 11921 of file

◆ is_at_class_scope() [1/3]

class_or_union * is_at_class_scope ( const decl_base decl)

Tests whether a given decl is at class scope.

declthe decl to consider.
true iff decl is at class scope.

Definition at line 10488 of file

◆ is_at_class_scope() [2/3]

class_or_union * is_at_class_scope ( const decl_base decl)

Tests whether a given decl is at class scope.

declthe decl to consider.
true iff decl is at class scope.

Definition at line 10474 of file

◆ is_at_class_scope() [3/3]

class_or_union * is_at_class_scope ( const decl_base_sptr  decl)

Tests whether a given decl is at class scope.

declthe decl to consider.
true iff decl is at class scope.

Definition at line 10465 of file

◆ is_at_global_scope() [1/3]

bool is_at_global_scope ( const decl_base decl)

Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope.

declthe decl to consider.
true iff decl is at global scope.

Definition at line 10438 of file

◆ is_at_global_scope() [2/3]

bool is_at_global_scope ( const decl_base decl)

Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope.

declthe decl to consider.
true iff decl is at global scope.