Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
2 // -*- Mode: C++ -*-
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Red Hat, Inc.
6 ///@file
8 #ifndef __ABG_TOOLS_UTILS_H
9 #define __ABG_TOOLS_UTILS_H
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <istream>
13 #include <memory>
14 #include <ostream>
15 #include <set>
16 #include <string>
17 #include "abg-suppression.h"
18 #include "abg-elf-based-reader.h"
20 namespace abigail
21 {
23 namespace tools_utils
24 {
26 using std::ostream;
27 using std::istream;
28 using std::ifstream;
29 using std::string;
30 using std::set;
31 using std::shared_ptr;
33 void initialize();
34 const char* get_system_libdir();
40 bool file_exists(const string&);
41 bool is_regular_file(const string&);
42 bool file_has_dwarf_debug_info(const string& elf_file_path,
43  const vector<char**>& debug_info_root_paths);
44 bool file_has_ctf_debug_info(const string& elf_file_path,
45  const vector<char**>& debug_info_root_paths);
46 bool file_has_btf_debug_info(const string& elf_file_path,
47  const vector<char**>& debug_info_root_paths);
48 bool is_dir(const string&);
49 bool dir_exists(const string&);
50 bool dir_is_empty(const string &);
51 bool decl_names_equal(const string&, const string&);
52 bool maybe_get_symlink_target_file_path(const string& file_path,
53  string& target_path);
54 bool base_name(string const& path,
55  string& file_name);
56 bool dir_name(string const &path,
57  string& path_dir_name,
58  bool keep_separator_at_end=false);
59 void real_path(const string&path, string& realpath);
60 bool ensure_dir_path_created(const string&);
61 bool ensure_parent_dir_created(const string&);
62 ostream& emit_prefix(const string& prog_name, ostream& out);
63 bool check_file(const string& path, ostream& out, const string& prog_name = "");
64 bool check_dir(const string& path, ostream& out, const string& prog_name="");
65 bool string_ends_with(const string&, const string&);
66 bool string_begins_with(const string&, const string&);
67 bool string_is_ascii(const string&);
68 bool string_is_ascii_identifier(const string&);
69 bool split_string(const string&, const string&, vector<string>&);
70 bool string_suffix(const string&, const string&, string&);
71 bool sorted_strings_common_prefix(vector<string>&, string&);
74 bool execute_command_and_get_output(const string&, vector<string>&);
75 void get_comma_separated_args_of_option(const string& input_str,
76  const string& option,
77  vector<string>& arguments);
78 bool get_dsos_provided_by_rpm(const string& rpm_path,
79  set<string>& provided_dsos);
80 string trim_white_space(const string&);
81 string trim_leading_string(const string& from, const string& to_trim);
82 void convert_char_stars_to_char_star_stars(const vector<char*>&,
83  vector<char**>&);
86 gen_suppr_spec_from_headers(const string& hdrs_root_dir);
89 gen_suppr_spec_from_headers(const string& hdrs_root_dir,
90  const vector<string>& hdr_files);
93 gen_suppr_spec_from_headers(const vector<string>& headers_root_dirs,
94  const vector<string>& header_files);
98  (const vector<string>& abi_whitelist_paths);
100 bool
101 get_vmlinux_path_from_kernel_dist(const string& from,
102  string& vmlinux_path);
104 bool
105 get_binary_paths_from_kernel_dist(const string& dist_root,
106  const string& debug_info_root_path,
107  string& vmlinux_path,
108  vector<string>& module_paths);
110 bool
111 get_binary_paths_from_kernel_dist(const string& dist_root,
112  string& vmlinux_path,
113  vector<string>& module_paths);
115 string
118 string
121 void
124 void
127 bool
128 find_file_under_dir(const string& root_dir,
129  const string& file_path_to_look_for,
130  string& result);
132 bool
133 find_file_under_dirs(const vector<string>& root_dirs,
134  const string& file_path_to_look_for,
135  string& result);
137 bool
138 get_dependencies(const corpus&, const vector<string>&, set<string>&);
140 void
141 add_binaries_into_corpus_group(const fe_iface_sptr& reader,
142  const vector<string>& binaries,
143  const vector<string>& deps_dirs,
144  corpus_group& group);
146 void
147 add_dependencies_into_corpus_group(const fe_iface_sptr& reader,
148  const corpus& korpus,
149  const vector<string>& deps_dirs,
150  corpus_group& group);
152 corpus_group_sptr
153 stick_corpus_and_binaries_into_corpus_group(const fe_iface_sptr& reader,
154  const corpus_sptr& korpus,
155  const vector<string>& binaries,
156  const vector<string>& deps_dirs);
158 corpus_group_sptr
159 stick_corpus_and_dependencies_into_corpus_group(const fe_iface_sptr& reader,
160  const corpus_sptr& korpus,
161  const vector<string>& deps_dirs);
164 class temp_file;
166 /// Convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to @ref temp_file.
167 typedef shared_ptr<temp_file> temp_file_sptr;
169 /// A temporary file.
170 ///
171 /// This is a helper file around the mkstemp API.
172 ///
173 /// Once the temporary file is created, users can interact with it
174 /// using an fstream. They can also get the path to the newly
175 /// created temporary file.
176 ///
177 /// When the instance of @ref temp_file is destroyed, the underlying
178 /// resources are de-allocated, the underlying temporary file is
179 /// closed and removed.
181 {
182  struct priv;
183  std::unique_ptr<priv> priv_;
185  temp_file();
187 public:
189  bool
190  is_good() const;
192  const char*
193  get_path() const;
195  std::fstream&
196  get_stream();
198  static temp_file_sptr
199  create();
200 }; // end class temp_file
202 size_t
205 string
208 /// The different types of files understood the bi* suite of tools.
210 {
211  /// A file type we don't know about.
213  /// The native xml file format representing a translation unit.
215  /// An elf file. Read this kind of file should yield an
216  /// abigail::corpus type.
218  /// An archive (AR) file.
220  // A native abixml file format representing a corpus of one or
221  // several translation units.
223  // A native abixml file format representing a corpus group of one or
224  // several corpora.
226  /// An RPM (.rpm) binary file
228  /// An SRPM (.src.rpm) file
230  /// A DEB (.deb) binary file
232  /// A plain directory
234  /// A tar archive. The archive can be compressed with the popular
235  /// compression schemes recognized by GNU tar.
237 };
239 /// Exit status for abidiff and abicompat tools.
240 ///
241 /// It's actually a bit mask. The value of each enumerator is a power
242 /// of two.
244 {
245  /// This is for when the compared ABIs are equal.
246  ///
247  /// Its numerical value is 0.
250  /// This bit is set if there is an application error.
251  ///
252  /// Its numerical value is 1.
255  /// This bit is set if the tool is invoked in an non appropriate
256  /// manner.
257  ///
258  /// Its numerical value is 2.
261  /// This bit is set if the ABIs being compared are different.
262  ///
263  /// Its numerical value is 4.
266  /// This bit is set if the ABIs being compared are different *and*
267  /// are incompatible.
268  ///
269  /// Its numerical value is 8.
271 };
282 bool
285 bool
288 bool
291 /// A type used to time various part of the libabigail system.
292 class timer
293 {
294  struct priv;
295  std::unique_ptr<priv> priv_;
297 public:
298  enum kind
299  {
300  /// Default timer kind.
302  /// This kind of timer starts upon instantiation.
304  };
307  bool start();
308  bool stop();
309  time_t value_in_seconds() const;
310  bool value(time_t& hours,
311  time_t& minutes,
312  time_t& seconds,
313  time_t& milliseconds) const;
314  string value_as_string() const;
315  ~timer();
316 }; //end class timer
318 ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const timer&);
320 ostream&
321 operator<<(ostream& output, file_type r);
323 file_type guess_file_type(istream& in);
325 file_type guess_file_type(const string& file_path);
327 bool
328 get_rpm_name(const string& str, string& name);
330 bool
331 get_rpm_arch(const string& str, string& arch);
333 bool
334 get_deb_name(const string& str, string& name);
336 bool
337 file_is_kernel_package(const string& file_path,
340 bool
341 rpm_contains_file(const string& rpm_path,
342  const string& file_name);
344 bool
345 file_is_kernel_debuginfo_package(const string& file_path,
348 std::shared_ptr<char>
349 make_path_absolute(const char*p);
351 char*
352 make_path_absolute_to_be_freed(const char*p);
354 corpus_group_sptr
356  const string debug_info_root,
357  const string& vmlinux_path,
358  vector<string>& suppr_paths,
359  vector<string>& kabi_wl_paths,
360  suppr::suppressions_type& supprs,
361  bool verbose,
362  environment& env,
363  corpus::origin requested_fe_kind = corpus::DWARF_ORIGIN);
365 elf_based_reader_sptr
366 create_best_elf_based_reader(const string& elf_file_path,
367  const vector<char**>& debug_info_root_paths,
368  environment& env,
369  corpus::origin requested_debug_info_kind,
370  bool show_all_types,
371  bool linux_kernel_mode = false);
373 }// end namespace tools_utils
375 /// A macro that expands to aborting the program when executed.
376 ///
377 /// Before aborting, the macro emits informatin about the source
378 /// location where it was expanded.
380  do { \
381  std::cerr << "in " << __FUNCTION__ \
382  << " at: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ \
383  << ": execution should not have reached this point!\n"; \
384  abort(); \
385  } while (false)
386 }//end namespace abigail
388 #endif //__ABG_TOOLS_UTILS_H
This file contains the declarations for an elf-based. DWARF and CTF readers can inherit this one.
This abstracts where the corpus comes from. That is, either it has been read from the native xml form...
Definition: abg-corpus.h:51
This is an abstraction of the set of resources necessary to manage several aspects of the internal re...
Definition: abg-ir.h:140
std::fstream & get_stream()
Get the fstream to the temporary file.
bool is_good() const
Test if the temporary file has been created and is usable.
static temp_file_sptr create()
Create the temporary file and return it if it's usable.
const char * get_path() const
Return the path to the temporary file.
A type used to time various part of the libabigail system.
Destructor of the timer type.
string value_as_string() const
Get the elapsed time as a human-readable string.
time_t value_in_seconds() const
Get the elapsed time in seconds.
bool stop()
Stop the timer.
timer(kind k=DEFAULT_TIMER_KIND)
Constructor of the timer type.
bool start()
Start the timer.
This kind of timer starts upon instantiation.
Default timer kind.
bool value(time_t &hours, time_t &minutes, time_t &seconds, time_t &milliseconds) const
Get the elapsed time in hour:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.
vector< suppression_sptr > suppressions_type
Convenience typedef for a vector of suppression_sptr.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:1658
shared_ptr< type_suppression > type_suppression_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to type_suppression.
bool check_file(const string &path, ostream &out, const string &prog_name)
Check if a given path exists and is readable.
bool rpm_contains_file(const string &rpm_path, const string &file_name)
Test if an RPM package contains a given file.
string get_default_system_suppression_file_path()
Get the path to the default system suppression file.
type_suppression_sptr gen_suppr_spec_from_headers(const vector< string > &headers_root_dirs, const vector< string > &header_files)
Generate a type suppression specification that suppresses ABI changes for types defined in source fil...
bool split_string(const string &input_string, const string &delims, vector< string > &result)
Split a given string into substrings, given some delimiters.
bool string_ends_with(const string &str, const string &suffix)
Test if a given string ends with a particular suffix.
bool find_file_under_dir(const string &root_dir, const string &file_path_to_look_for, string &result)
Find a given file under a root directory and return its absolute path.
bool string_is_ascii(const string &str)
Test if a string is made of ascii characters.
ostream & emit_prefix(const string &prog_name, ostream &out)
Emit a prefix made of the name of the program which is emitting a message to an output stream.
bool dir_name(string const &path, string &dir_name, bool keep_separator_at_end)
Return the directory part of a file path.
bool base_name(string const &path, string &file_name)
Return the file name part of a file part.
shared_ptr< temp_file > temp_file_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to temp_file.
bool get_vmlinux_path_from_kernel_dist(const string &from, string &vmlinux_path)
Get the path of the vmlinux binary under the given directory, that must have been generated either fr...
bool file_has_btf_debug_info(const string &elf_file_path, const vector< char ** > &debug_info_root_paths)
Test if an ELF file has BTFG debug info.
void initialize()
This function needs to be called before any libabigail function.
void load_default_user_suppressions(suppr::suppressions_type &supprs)
Load the default user suppression specification file and populate a vector of suppression_sptr with i...
const char * get_anonymous_subrange_internal_name_prefix()
Getter of the prefix for the name of anonymous range.
char * make_path_absolute_to_be_freed(const char *p)
Return a copy of the path given in argument, turning it into an absolute path by prefixing it with th...
const char * get_anonymous_enum_internal_name_prefix()
Getter of the prefix for the name of anonymous enums.
std::shared_ptr< char > make_path_absolute(const char *p)
Return a copy of the path given in argument, turning it into an absolute path by prefixing it with th...
const char * get_anonymous_struct_internal_name_prefix()
Getter of the prefix for the name of anonymous structs.
string trim_white_space(const string &str)
Remove spaces at the beginning and at the end of a given string.
corpus_group_sptr stick_corpus_and_binaries_into_corpus_group(const fe_iface_sptr &reader, const corpus_sptr &korpus, const vector< string > &binaries, const vector< string > &bins_dirs)
Create a corpus group made of a given korpus and a set of binaries found in a set of directories.
bool check_dir(const string &path, ostream &out, const string &prog_name)
Check if a given path exists, is readable and is a directory.
const char * get_anonymous_union_internal_name_prefix()
Getter of the prefix for the name of anonymous unions.
bool string_begins_with(const string &str, const string &prefix)
Test if a given string begins with a particular prefix.
bool file_has_dwarf_debug_info(const string &elf_file_path, const vector< char ** > &debug_info_root_paths)
Test if an ELF file has DWARF debug info.
bool abidiff_status_has_incompatible_abi_change(abidiff_status s)
Test if an instance of.
elf_based_reader_sptr create_best_elf_based_reader(const string &elf_file_path, const vector< char ** > &debug_info_root_paths, environment &env, corpus::origin requested_fe_kind, bool show_all_types, bool linux_kernel_mode)
Create the best elf based reader (or front-end), given an ELF file.
const char * get_system_libdir()
Get the value of $libdir variable of the autotools build system. This is where shared libraries are u...
bool get_binary_paths_from_kernel_dist(const string &dist_root, const string &debug_info_root_path, string &vmlinux_path, vector< string > &module_paths)
Get the paths of the vmlinux and kernel module binaries under given directory.
bool get_dependencies(const corpus &korpus, const vector< string > &deps_dirs, set< string > &dependencies)
Get the dependencies of an ABI corpus, which are found in a set of directories. Note that the depende...
bool get_dsos_provided_by_rpm(const string &rpm_path, set< string > &provided_dsos)
Get the SONAMEs of the DSOs advertised as being "provided" by a given RPM. That set can be considered...
bool ensure_dir_path_created(const string &dir_path)
Ensures #dir_path is a directory and is created. If #dir_path is not created, this function creates i...
bool get_rpm_name(const string &str, string &name)
Get the package name of an rpm package.
bool execute_command_and_get_output(const string &cmd, vector< string > &lines)
Execute a shell command and returns its output.
abidiff_status & operator|=(abidiff_status &l, abidiff_status r)
The |= operator.
bool is_dir(const string &path)
Tests if a given path is a directory or a symbolic link to a directory.
bool find_file_under_dirs(const vector< string > &root_dirs, const string &file_path_to_look_for, string &result)
Find a given file possibly under a set of directories and return its absolute path.
bool dir_exists(const string &path)
Test that a given directory exists.
bool string_is_ascii_identifier(const string &str)
Test if a string is made of ascii characters which are identifiers acceptable in C or C++ programs.
ostream & operator<<(ostream &o, const timer &t)
Streaming operator for the timer type.
bool file_is_kernel_package(const string &file_path, file_type file_type)
Tests if a given file name designates a kernel package.
abidiff_status operator|(abidiff_status l, abidiff_status r)
The bitwise 'OR' operator for abidiff_status bit masks.
string get_library_version_string()
Return the version string of the library.
bool dir_is_empty(const string &path)
Test if a given directory exists and is empty.
bool abidiff_status_has_abi_change(abidiff_status s)
Test if an instance of.
bool abidiff_status_has_error(abidiff_status s)
Test if an instance of.
bool get_deb_name(const string &str, string &name)
Get the package name of a .deb package.
bool maybe_get_symlink_target_file_path(const string &file_path, string &target_path)
If a given file is a symbolic link, get the canonicalized absolute path to the target file.
Exit status for abidiff and abicompat tools.
This bit is set if the ABIs being compared are different *and* are incompatible.
This bit is set if the ABIs being compared are different.
This bit is set if the tool is invoked in an non appropriate manner.
This bit is set if there is an application error.
This is for when the compared ABIs are equal.
bool is_regular_file(const string &path)
Test if path is a path to a regular file or a symbolic link to a regular file.
bool file_exists(const string &path)
Tests whether a path exists;.
The different types of files understood the bi* suite of tools.
An RPM (.rpm) binary file.
The native xml file format representing a translation unit.
An elf file. Read this kind of file should yield an abigail::corpus type.
A DEB (.deb) binary file.
A file type we don't know about.
A tar archive. The archive can be compressed with the popular compression schemes recognized by GNU t...
A plain directory.
An archive (AR) file.
An SRPM (.src.rpm) file.
bool file_has_ctf_debug_info(const string &elf_file_path, const vector< char ** > &debug_info_root_paths)
Test if an ELF file has CTF debug info.
bool string_suffix(const string &input_string, const string &prefix, string &suffix)
Get the suffix of a string, given a prefix to consider.
void add_binaries_into_corpus_group(const fe_iface_sptr &reader, const vector< string > &binaries, const vector< string > &deps_dirs, corpus_group &group)
For each binary of a vector of binaries, if the binary is present in at least one of the directories ...
bool ensure_parent_dir_created(const string &path)
Ensures that the parent directory of #path is created.
suppressions_type gen_suppr_spec_from_kernel_abi_whitelists(const std::vector< std::string > &abi_whitelist_paths)
Generate a suppression specification from kernel abi whitelist files.
corpus_group_sptr build_corpus_group_from_kernel_dist_under(const string &root, const string debug_info_root, const string &vmlinux_path, vector< string > &suppr_paths, vector< string > &kabi_wl_paths, suppressions_type &supprs, bool verbose, environment &env, corpus::origin requested_fe_kind)
Walk a given directory and build an instance of corpus_group from the vmlinux kernel binary and the l...
void convert_char_stars_to_char_star_stars(const vector< char * > &char_stars, vector< char ** > &char_star_stars)
Convert a vector<char*> into a vector<char**>.
bool sorted_strings_common_prefix(vector< string > &input_strings, string &prefix)
Find the prefix common to a *SORTED* vector of strings.
void get_comma_separated_args_of_option(const string &input_str, const string &option, vector< string > &arguments)
Get a vector of arguments from a string containing a comma-separated list of those arguments.
void real_path(const string &path, string &result)
Return the real path of a given path.
abidiff_status operator&(abidiff_status l, abidiff_status r)
The bitwise 'AND' operator for abidiff_status bit masks.
void add_dependencies_into_corpus_group(const fe_iface_sptr &reader, const corpus &korpus, const vector< string > &deps_dirs, corpus_group &group)
For each dependency of a given corpus, if it is present in at least one of the directories listed in ...
bool file_is_kernel_debuginfo_package(const string &file_name, file_type file_type)
Tests if a given file name designates a kernel debuginfo package.
void load_default_system_suppressions(suppr::suppressions_type &supprs)
Load the default system suppression specification file and populate a vector of suppression_sptr with...
string get_abixml_version_string()
Return the version string for the ABIXML format.
string get_random_number_as_string()
Get a pseudo random number as string.
bool decl_names_equal(const string &l, const string &r)
Compare two fully qualified decl names by taking into account that they might have compontents that a...
bool get_rpm_arch(const string &str, string &arch)
Get the architecture string from the NVR of an rpm.
string get_default_user_suppression_file_path()
Get the path to the default user suppression file.
string trim_leading_string(const string &from, const string &to_trim)
Remove a string of pattern in front of a given string.
corpus_group_sptr stick_corpus_and_dependencies_into_corpus_group(const fe_iface_sptr &reader, const corpus_sptr &korpus, const vector< string > &deps_dirs)
Create a corpus group made of a given korpus and the subset of its dependencies that can be found fou...
file_type guess_file_type(istream &in)
Guess the type of the content of an input stream.
size_t get_random_number()
Get a pseudo random number.
Toplevel namespace for libabigail.