Namespaces | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
abg-fwd.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <regex.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "abg-interned-str.h"
#include "abg-hash.h"
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 Toplevel namespace for libabigail.
 utilities to compare abi artifacts
 The namespace of the internal representation of ABI artifacts like types and decls.
 Namespace for regex types and functions.
 an engine to suppress the parts of the result of comparing two sets of ABI artifacts.


#define ABG_ASSERT(cond)
 This is a wrapper around the 'assert' glibc call. It allows for its argument to have side effects, so that it keeps working when the code of libabigail is compiled with the NDEBUG macro defined. More...


typedef shared_ptr< array_type_defarray_type_def_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a array_type_def. More...
typedef shared_ptr< class_declclass_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_decl. More...
typedef weak_ptr< class_declclass_decl_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a class_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< class_or_unionclass_or_union_sptr
typedef weak_ptr< class_or_unionclass_or_union_wptr
typedef shared_ptr< class_tdeclclass_tdecl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_tdecl. More...
typedef vector< class_or_union_sptr > classes_or_unions_type
 Convenience typedef for a vector of class_or_union_sptr. More...
typedef vector< class_decl_sptrclasses_type
 Convenience typedef for a vector of class_decl_sptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< corpus_groupcorpus_group_sptr
typedef shared_ptr< corpuscorpus_sptr
typedef weak_ptr< corpuscorpus_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to a corpus. More...
typedef shared_ptr< decl_basedecl_base_sptr
typedef weak_ptr< decl_basedecl_base_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to a decl_base. More...
typedef shared_ptr< diff_context > diff_context_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer of diff_context. More...
typedef weak_ptr< diff_context > diff_context_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer of diff_context. More...
typedef shared_ptr< diff > diff_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared_ptr for the diff class. More...
typedef weak_ptr< diff > diff_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak_ptr for the diff class. More...
typedef shared_ptr< dm_context_reldm_context_rel_sptr
 A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to dm_context_rel. More...
typedef shared_ptr< enum_type_declenum_type_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to a enum_type_decl. More...
typedef vector< enum_type_decl_sptrenums_type
 Convenience typedef for a vector of enum_type_decl_sptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< environmentenvironment_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to an environment. More...
typedef shared_ptr< function_declfunction_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< function_tdeclfunction_tdecl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_tdecl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< function_typefunction_type_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_type. More...
typedef weak_ptr< function_typefunction_type_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a function_type. More...
typedef vector< function_type_sptrfunction_types_type
 Convenience typedef fo a vector of function_type_sptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< global_scopeglobal_scope_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer on global_scope. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ir_traversable_baseir_traversable_base_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to ir_traversable_base. More...
typedef unordered_map< interned_string, type_base_wptrs_type, hash_interned_string > istring_type_base_wptrs_map_type
 A convenience typedef for a map which key is an interned_string and which value is a vector of type_base_wptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< mem_fn_context_relmem_fn_context_rel_sptr
 A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to mem_fn_context_rel. More...
typedef shared_ptr< member_class_templatemember_class_template_sptr
typedef vector< member_class_template_sptr > member_class_templates
typedef shared_ptr< member_function_templatemember_function_template_sptr
typedef vector< member_function_template_sptr > member_function_templates
typedef shared_ptr< method_declmethod_decl_sptr
typedef shared_ptr< method_typemethod_type_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to method_type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< namespace_declnamespace_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on namespace_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< non_type_tparameternon_type_tparameter_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to non_type_template_parameter. More...
typedef shared_ptr< pointer_type_defpointer_type_def_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a pointer_type_def. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ptr_to_mbr_typeptr_to_mbr_type_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a ptr_to_mbr_type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< qualified_type_defqualified_type_def_sptr
typedef shared_ptr< reference_type_defreference_type_def_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a reference_type_def. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< regex_t > regex_t_sptr
 A convenience typedef for a shared pointer of regex_t. More...
typedef shared_ptr< scope_declscope_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a scope_decl. More...
typedef unordered_map< string, decl_base_sptr > string_decl_base_sptr_map
 Convenience typedef for a map which key is a string and which value is a decl_base_sptr. More...
typedef unordered_set< string > string_set_type
typedef unordered_map< string, translation_unit_sptrstring_tu_map_type
 Convenience typedef for a map that associates a string to a translation unit. More...
typedef shared_ptr< suppression_base > suppression_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a suppression. More...
typedef vector< suppression_sptr > suppressions_type
 Convenience typedef for a vector of suppression_sptr. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< symtab > symtab_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a symtab. More...
typedef shared_ptr< template_decltemplate_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to template_decl. More...
typedef weak_ptr< template_decltemplate_decl_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer to template_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< template_parametertemplate_parameter_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to template parameter. More...
typedef shared_ptr< template_tparametertemplate_tparameter_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to template_tparameter. More...
typedef shared_ptr< translation_unittranslation_unit_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a translation_unit type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_basetype_base_sptr
typedef weak_ptr< type_basetype_base_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a type_base. More...
typedef vector< type_base_wptrtype_base_wptrs_type
 A convenience typedef for a vector of type_base_wptr. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_compositiontype_composition_sptr
 Convenience typedef for shared pointer to type_composition. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_decltype_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a type_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_or_decl_basetype_or_decl_base_sptr
 A convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to type_or_decl_base. More...
typedef shared_ptr< type_tparametertype_tparameter_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to type_tparameter. More...
typedef shared_ptr< typedef_decltypedef_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a typedef_decl. More...
typedef weak_ptr< typedef_decltypedef_decl_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a typedef_decl. More...
typedef shared_ptr< union_declunion_decl_sptr
typedef shared_ptr< var_declvar_decl_sptr
 Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a var_decl. More...
typedef weak_ptr< var_declvar_decl_wptr
 Convenience typedef for a weak pointer on a var_decl. More...


decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope (decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl_sptr &scope)
 Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to a scope. More...
decl_base_sptr add_decl_to_scope (decl_base_sptr decl, scope_decl *scope)
 Appends a declaration to a given scope, if the declaration doesn't already belong to one and if the declaration is not for a type that is supposed to be unique. More...
bool anonymous_data_member_exists_in_class (const var_decl &anon_dm, const class_or_union &clazz)
 Test if a given anonymous data member exists in a class or union. More...
class_or_union_sptr anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union (const var_decl &d)
 Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member. More...
class_or_union * anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union (const var_decl *d)
 Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member. More...
class_or_union_sptr anonymous_data_member_to_class_or_union (const var_decl_sptr &d)
 Get the class_or_union type of a given anonymous data member. More...
string build_internal_underlying_enum_type_name (const string &base_name, bool is_anonymous, uint64_t size)
 Build the internal name of the underlying type of an enum. More...
string build_qualified_name (const scope_decl *scope, const string &name)
 Build and return a qualified name from a name and its scope. More...
string build_qualified_name (const scope_decl *scope, const type_base_sptr &type)
 Build and return the qualified name of a type in its scope. More...
type_base_sptr canonicalize (type_base_sptr t)
 Compute the canonical type of a given type. More...
bool class_or_union_types_of_same_kind (const class_or_union *first, const class_or_union *second)
 Test if two class or union types are of the same kind. More...
bool class_or_union_types_of_same_kind (const class_or_union_sptr &first, const class_or_union_sptr &second)
 Test if two class or union types are of the same kind. More...
array_type_def_sptr clone_array (const array_type_def_sptr &array)
 Clone an array type. More...
type_base_sptr clone_array_tree (const type_base_sptr t)
 Clone a type tree made of an array or a typedef of array. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr clone_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def_sptr &t)
 Clone a qualifiend type. More...
typedef_decl_sptr clone_typedef (const typedef_decl_sptr &t)
 Clone a typedef type. More...
bool collect_non_anonymous_data_members (const class_or_union *cou, string_decl_base_sptr_map &dms)
 Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type. More...
bool collect_non_anonymous_data_members (const class_or_union_sptr &cou, string_decl_base_sptr_map &dms)
 Collect all the non-anonymous data members of a class or union type. More...
string components_to_type_name (const std::list< string > &)
const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type (const var_decl &d)
 Test if a data member has annonymous type or not. More...
const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type (const var_decl *d)
 Test if a data member has annonymous type or not. More...
const class_or_union_sptr data_member_has_anonymous_type (const var_decl_sptr &d)
 Test if a data member has annonymous type or not. More...
decl_base * debug (const decl_base *artifact)
 Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes. More...
type_base * debug (const type_base *artifact)
 Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes. More...
type_or_decl_base * debug (const type_or_decl_base *artifact)
 Emit a textual representation of an artifact to std error stream for debugging purposes. More...
void debug_comp_stack (const environment &env)
 Emit a trace of the two comparison operands stack on the standard error stream. More...
bool debug_equals (const type_or_decl_base *l, const type_or_decl_base *r)
 Test if two ABI artifacts are equal. More...
string demangle_cplus_mangled_name (const string &mangled_name)
 Demangle a C++ mangled name and return the resulting string. More...
void dump (const decl_base_sptr)
void dump (const decl_base_sptr, std::ostream &)
void dump (const translation_unit &)
void dump (const translation_unit &, std::ostream &)
void dump (const translation_unit_sptr)
void dump (const translation_unit_sptr, std::ostream &)
void dump (const type_base_sptr)
void dump (const type_base_sptr, std::ostream &)
void dump (const var_decl_sptr)
void dump (const var_decl_sptr, std::ostream &)
void dump_decl_location (const decl_base &d)
 Serialize the source location of a decl to stderr for debugging purposes. More...
void dump_decl_location (const decl_base *d)
 Serialize the source location of a dcl to stderr for debugging purposes. More...
void dump_decl_location (const decl_base_sptr &)
var_decl_sptr find_data_member_from_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl_sptr &anon_dm, const string &name)
 Find a data member inside an anonymous data member. More...
var_decl_sptr find_first_data_member_matching_regexp (const class_or_union &t, const regex::regex_t_sptr &r)
 Find the first data member of a class or union which name matches a regular expression. More...
var_decl_sptr find_last_data_member_matching_regexp (const class_or_union &t, const regex::regex_t_sptr &regex)
 Find the last data member of a class or union which name matches a regular expression. More...
void fqn_to_components (const std::string &, std::list< string > &)
bool function_decl_is_less_than (const function_decl &f, const function_decl &s)
 Test if the pretty representation of a given function_decl is lexicographically less then the pretty representation of another function_decl. More...
uint64_t get_absolute_data_member_offset (const var_decl &m)
 Get the absolute offset of a data member. More...
const location & get_artificial_or_natural_location (const decl_base *decl)
 Get the artificial location of a decl. More...
string get_class_or_enum_flat_representation (const type_base &coe, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_name)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type. More...
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation (const class_or_union &cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type. More...
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation (const class_or_union *cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type. More...
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation (const class_or_union_sptr &cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type. More...
var_decl_sptr get_data_member (class_or_union *clazz, const char *member_name)
 Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type. More...
var_decl_sptr get_data_member (type_base *clazz, const char *member_name)
 Get a given data member, referred to by its name, of a class type. More...
bool get_data_member_is_laid_out (const var_decl &m)
 Test whether a data member is laid out. More...
bool get_data_member_is_laid_out (const var_decl_sptr m)
 Test whether a data member is laid out. More...
uint64_t get_data_member_offset (const decl_base_sptr d)
 Get the offset of a data member. More...
uint64_t get_data_member_offset (const var_decl &m)
 Get the offset of a data member. More...
uint64_t get_data_member_offset (const var_decl_sptr m)
 Get the offset of a data member. More...
string get_debug_representation (const type_or_decl_base *artifact)
 Get the textual representation of a type for debugging purposes. More...
string get_enum_flat_representation (const enum_type_decl &enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
string get_enum_flat_representation (const enum_type_decl *enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
string get_enum_flat_representation (const enum_type_decl_sptr &enum_type, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool qualified_names)
 Get the flat representation of an instance of enum_type_decl type. More...
type_base * get_exemplar_type (const type_base *type)
 For a given type, return its exemplar type. More...
const var_decl_sptr get_first_non_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl_sptr anon_dm)
 Get the first non-anonymous data member of a given anonymous data member. More...
interned_string get_function_id_or_pretty_representation (const function_decl *fn)
 Get the ID of a function, or, if the ID can designate several different functions, get its pretty representation. More...
interned_string get_function_type_name (const function_type &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_function_type_name (const function_type *fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_function_type_name (const function_type_sptr &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given function type and return a copy of it. More...
const global_scope * get_global_scope (const decl_base &decl)
 return the global scope as seen by a given declaration. More...
const global_scope * get_global_scope (const decl_base *decl)
 return the global scope as seen by a given declaration. More...
const global_scopeget_global_scope (const decl_base_sptr)
var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member (const class_or_union &klass)
 Get the last data member of a class type. More...
var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member (const class_or_union *klass)
 Get the last data member of a class type. More...
var_decl_sptr get_last_data_member (const class_or_union_sptr &klass)
 Get the last data member of a class type. More...
location get_location (const decl_base_sptr &decl)
 Get the location of a given declaration. More...
location get_location (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Get the location of the declaration of a given type. More...
bool get_member_function_is_const (const function_decl &f)
 Test whether a member function is const. More...
bool get_member_function_is_const (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Test whether a member function is const. More...
bool get_member_function_is_ctor (const function_decl &f)
 Test whether a member function is a constructor. More...
bool get_member_function_is_ctor (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Test whether a member function is a constructor. More...
bool get_member_function_is_dtor (const function_decl &f)
 Test whether a member function is a destructor. More...
bool get_member_function_is_dtor (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Test whether a member function is a destructor. More...
bool get_member_function_is_virtual (const function_decl &f)
 Test if a given member function is virtual. More...
bool get_member_function_is_virtual (const function_decl *mem_fn)
 Test if a given member function is virtual. More...
bool get_member_function_is_virtual (const function_decl_sptr &mem_fn)
 Test if a given member function is virtual. More...
ssize_t get_member_function_vtable_offset (const function_decl &f)
 Get the vtable offset of a member function. More...
ssize_t get_member_function_vtable_offset (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Get the vtable offset of a member function. More...
bool get_member_is_static (const decl_base &d)
 Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not. More...
bool get_member_is_static (const decl_base *d)
 Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not. More...
bool get_member_is_static (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not. More...
interned_string get_method_type_name (const method_type &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_method_type_name (const method_type *fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given method type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_method_type_name (const method_type_sptr &, bool internal=false)
string get_name (const type_or_decl_base *tod, bool qualified)
 Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl. More...
string get_name (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod, bool qualified)
 Build and return a copy of the name of an ABI artifact that is either a type of a decl. More...
interned_string get_name_of_pointer_to_type (const type_base &pointed_to_type, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of the pointer to a given type. More...
interned_string get_name_of_reference_to_type (const type_base &pointed_to_type, bool lvalue_reference, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of the reference to a given type. More...
const location & get_natural_or_artificial_location (const decl_base *decl)
 Get the non-artificial (natural) location of a decl. More...
const var_decl_sptr get_next_data_member (const class_or_union_sptr &klass, const var_decl_sptr &data_member)
 In the context of a given class or union, this function returns the data member that is located after a given data member. More...
bool get_next_data_member_offset (const class_or_union *klass, const var_decl_sptr &dm, uint64_t &offset)
 Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a given one. More...
bool get_next_data_member_offset (const class_or_union_sptr &klass, const var_decl_sptr &dm, uint64_t &offset)
 Get the offset of the non-static data member that comes after a given one. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const decl_base *d, bool internal)
 Get a copy of the pretty representation of a decl. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const decl_base_sptr &d, bool internal)
 Get a copy of the pretty representation of a decl. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const function_type &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a function type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const function_type *fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a function type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const function_type_sptr &fn_type, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a function type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const method_type &method, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a method type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const method_type *method, bool internal)
 Get the pretty representation of a method type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const method_type_sptr &, bool internal=false)
string get_pretty_representation (const type_base *t, bool internal)
 Get a copy of the pretty representation of a type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const type_base_sptr &t, bool internal)
 Get a copy of the pretty representation of a type. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const type_or_decl_base *tod, bool internal)
 Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type of a decl. More...
string get_pretty_representation (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod, bool internal)
 Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type of a decl. More...
const scope_decl * get_top_most_scope_under (const decl_base *decl, const scope_decl *scope)
 Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P. More...
const scope_decl * get_top_most_scope_under (const decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl *scope)
 Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P. More...
const scope_decl * get_top_most_scope_under (const decl_base_sptr decl, const scope_decl_sptr scope)
 Return the a scope S containing a given declaration and that is right under a given scope P. More...
translation_unit * get_translation_unit (const decl_base &decl)
 Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to. More...
translation_unit * get_translation_unit (const decl_base *decl)
 Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to. More...
translation_unitget_translation_unit (const decl_base_sptr)
const decl_base * get_type_declaration (const type_base *t)
 Get the declaration for a given type. More...
decl_base_sptr get_type_declaration (const type_base_sptr t)
 Get the declaration for a given type. More...
decl_base * get_type_declaration (type_base *t)
 Get the declaration for a given type. More...
interned_string get_type_name (const type_base &t, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_type_name (const type_base *t, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it. More...
interned_string get_type_name (const type_base_sptr &t, bool qualified, bool internal)
 Get the name of a given type and return a copy of it. More...
scope_decl * get_type_scope (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Get the scope of a given type. More...
scope_decl * get_type_scope (type_base *t)
 Get the scope of a given type. More...
uint64_t get_var_size_in_bits (const var_decl_sptr &v)
 Get the size of a given variable. More...
var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl &klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element. More...
var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl *klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element. More...
var_decl_sptr has_fake_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl_sptr &klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with one element. More...
var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl &klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member. More...
var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl *klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member. More...
var_decl_sptr has_flexible_array_data_member (const class_decl_sptr &klass)
 Test if the last data member of a class is an array with non-finite data member. More...
bool has_scope (const decl_base &d)
 Tests if a declaration has got a scope. More...
bool has_scope (const decl_base_sptr d)
 Tests if a declaration has got a scope. More...
size_t hash_type (const type_base *t)
 Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type. More...
size_t hash_type_or_decl (const type_or_decl_base *tod)
 Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type or a decl. More...
size_t hash_type_or_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod)
 Hash an ABI artifact that is either a type of a decl. More...
decl_base_sptr insert_decl_into_scope (decl_base_sptr, vector< decl_base_sptr >::iterator, scope_decl *)
decl_base_sptr insert_decl_into_scope (decl_base_sptr, vector< decl_base_sptr >::iterator, scope_decl_sptr)
bool is_anonymous_data_member (const decl_base &d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
const var_decl * is_anonymous_data_member (const decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
const var_decl * is_anonymous_data_member (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is an anonymous data member. More...
bool is_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl &d)
 Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member. More...
const var_decl * is_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl *d)
 Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_anonymous_data_member (const var_decl_sptr &d)
 Test if a var_decl is an anonymous data member. More...
bool is_anonymous_or_typedef_named (const decl_base &d)
 Test if a given decl is anonymous or has a naming typedef. More...
bool is_anonymous_type (const type_base *t)
 Test whether a declaration is a type. More...
bool is_anonymous_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a given type is anonymous. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr is_array_of_qualified_element (const array_type_def_sptr &array)
 Tests if the element of a given array is a qualified type. More...
array_type_def_sptr is_array_of_qualified_element (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Test if an array type is an array to a qualified element type. More...
array_type_def * is_array_type (const type_or_decl_base *type, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test if a type is an array_type_def. More...
array_type_def_sptr is_array_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &type, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test if a type is an array_type_def. More...
class_or_union * is_at_class_scope (const decl_base &decl)
 Tests whether a given decl is at class scope. More...
class_or_union * is_at_class_scope (const decl_base *decl)
 Tests whether a given decl is at class scope. More...
class_or_union * is_at_class_scope (const decl_base_sptr decl)
 Tests whether a given decl is at class scope. More...
bool is_at_global_scope (const decl_base &decl)
 Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope. More...
bool is_at_global_scope (const decl_base *decl)
 Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope. More...
bool is_at_global_scope (const decl_base_sptr decl)
 Tests whether a given declaration is at global scope. More...
bool is_at_template_scope (const decl_base_sptr)
class_or_union * is_class_or_union_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test if a type is a class_or_union. More...
class_or_union_sptr is_class_or_union_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &)
bool is_class_type (const type_or_decl_base &t)
 Test whether a type is a class. More...
class_decl * is_class_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a class. More...
class_decl_sptr is_class_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test whether a type is a class. More...
class_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_class_type (const decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a class. This function looks through typedefs. More...
class_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_class_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a class. This function looks through typedefs. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_enum_type (const decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is an enum. This function looks through typedefs. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr is_compatible_with_enum_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is an enum. This function looks through typedefs. More...
bool is_const_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def_sptr &t)
 Test if a given qualified type is const. More...
bool is_const_qualified_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a given type is const-qualified. More...
var_decl * is_data_member (const decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is a data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_data_member (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is a data member. More...
var_decl * is_data_member (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is a data member. More...
var_decl_sptr is_data_member (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is a data member. More...
bool is_data_member (const var_decl &v)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member. More...
bool is_data_member (const var_decl *v)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member. More...
bool is_data_member (const var_decl_sptr d)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member. More...
bool is_data_member_of_anonymous_class_or_union (const var_decl &d)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous type. More...
bool is_data_member_of_anonymous_class_or_union (const var_decl *d)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous type. More...
bool is_data_member_of_anonymous_class_or_union (const var_decl_sptr &d)
 Test if a var_decl is a data member belonging to an anonymous type. More...
decl_base * is_decl (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration. More...
decl_base_sptr is_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration. More...
decl_base * is_decl_slow (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration. More...
decl_base_sptr is_decl_slow (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test if an ABI artifact is a declaration. More...
bool is_declaration_only_class_or_union_type (const type_base *t, bool look_through_decl_only)
 Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class. More...
bool is_declaration_only_class_or_union_type (const type_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_decl_only)
 Test wheter a type is a declaration-only class. More...
const enum_type_decl * is_enum_type (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test if a decl is an enum_type_decl. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr is_enum_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a decl is an enum_type_decl. More...
bool is_function_decl (const type_or_decl_base &d)
 Test whether a declaration is a function_decl. More...
function_decl * is_function_decl (const type_or_decl_base *d)
 Test whether a declaration is a function_decl. More...
function_decl_sptr is_function_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test whether a declaration is a function_decl. More...
bool is_function_template_pattern (const decl_base_sptr)
const function_type * is_function_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a function_type. More...
function_type_sptr is_function_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test whether a type is a function_type. More...
function_type * is_function_type (type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a function_type. More...
bool is_global_scope (const scope_decl &scope)
 Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope. More...
const global_scope * is_global_scope (const scope_decl *scope)
 Tests whether if a given scope is the global scope. More...
bool is_global_scope (const scope_decl_sptr)
type_decl * is_integral_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test if a type is an integral type. More...
type_decl_sptr is_integral_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is an integral type. More...
bool is_member_decl (const decl_base &d)
 Tests if a declaration is a class member. More...
bool is_member_decl (const decl_base *d)
 Tests if a declaration is a class member. More...
bool is_member_decl (const decl_base_sptr d)
 Tests if a declaration is a class member. More...
bool is_member_function (const function_decl &f)
 Test whether a function_decl is a member function. More...
bool is_member_function (const function_decl *f)
 Test whether a function_decl is a member function. More...
bool is_member_function (const function_decl_sptr &f)
 Test whether a function_decl is a member function. More...
bool is_member_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Tests if a type is a class member. More...
const method_type * is_method_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a method_type. More...
method_type_sptr is_method_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test whether a type is a method_type. More...
method_type * is_method_type (type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a method_type. More...
namespace_decl * is_namespace (const decl_base *d)
 Tests if a declaration is a namespace declaration. More...
namespace_decl_sptr is_namespace (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Tests if a declaration is a namespace declaration. More...
bool is_non_canonicalized_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a given type is allowed to be non canonicalized. More...
bool is_non_canonicalized_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a given type is allowed to be non canonicalized. More...
bool is_npaf_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a neither a pointer, an array nor a function type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_array_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a pointer to array type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_function_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a pointer to function type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_npaf_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if we are looking at a pointer to a neither-a-pointer-to-an-array-nor-a-function type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_to_ptr_to_mbr_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if we are looking at a pointer to pointer to member type. More...
const pointer_type_def * is_pointer_type (const type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a pointer_type_def. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr is_pointer_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a pointer_type_def. More...
const ptr_to_mbr_type * is_ptr_to_mbr_type (const type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a ptr_to_mbr_type. More...
ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr is_ptr_to_mbr_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr. More...
qualified_type_def * is_qualified_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a reference_type_def. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr is_qualified_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test whether a type is a qualified_type_def. More...
const reference_type_def * is_reference_type (const type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a reference_type_def. More...
reference_type_def_sptr is_reference_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a reference_type_def. More...
reference_type_def * is_reference_type (type_or_decl_base *t, bool look_through_qualifiers)
 Test whether a type is a reference_type_def. More...
scope_decl_sptr is_scope_decl (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 Test if a declaration is a scope_decl. More...
scope_decl * is_scope_decl (decl_base *d)
 Test if a declaration is a scope_decl. More...
bool is_template_decl (const decl_base_sptr)
bool is_template_parameter (const decl_base_sptr)
bool is_template_parm_composition_type (const decl_base_sptr)
bool is_type (const type_or_decl_base &tod)
 Test whether a declaration is a type. More...
type_base * is_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a declaration is a type. More...
type_base_sptr is_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod)
 Test whether a declaration is a type. More...
const type_decl * is_type_decl (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a type_decl (a builtin type). More...
type_decl_sptr is_type_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
 Test whether a type is a type_decl (a builtin type). More...
const typedef_decl * is_typedef (const type_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a typedef. More...
const typedef_decl * is_typedef (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a typedef. More...
typedef_decl_sptr is_typedef (const type_or_decl_base_sptr t)
 Test whether a type is a typedef. More...
typedef_decl * is_typedef (type_base *t)
 Test whether a type is a typedef. More...
array_type_def_sptr is_typedef_of_array (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a typedef of an array. More...
bool is_typedef_of_maybe_qualified_class_or_union_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is a typedef of a class or union type, or a typedef of a qualified class or union type. More...
bool is_typedef_of_maybe_qualified_class_or_union_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a typedef of a class or union type, or a typedef of a qualified class or union type. More...
bool is_typedef_ptr_or_ref_to_decl_only_class_or_union_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is a typedef, pointer or reference to a decl-only class/union. More...
bool is_union_type (const type_or_decl_base &t)
 Test if a type is a union_decl. More...
union_decl * is_union_type (const type_or_decl_base *t)
 Test if a type is a union_decl. More...
union_decl_sptr is_union_type (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &)
bool is_unique_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is unique in the entire environment. More...
bool is_unique_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is unique in the entire environment. More...
bool is_user_defined_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is user-defined. More...
bool is_user_defined_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is user-defined. More...
var_decl * is_var_decl (const type_or_decl_base *tod)
 Tests if a declaration is a variable declaration. More...
var_decl_sptr is_var_decl (const type_or_decl_base_sptr &decl)
 Tests if a declaration is a variable declaration. More...
const type_base * is_void_pointer_type (const type_base *t)
 Test if a type is a pointer to void type. More...
const type_base_sptr is_void_pointer_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Test if a type is a pointer to void type. More...
const type_base * is_void_pointer_type_equivalent (const type_base &type)
 Test if a type is equivalent to a pointer to void type. More...
const type_base * is_void_pointer_type_equivalent (const type_base *type)
 Test if a type is equivalent to a pointer to void type. More...
void keep_type_alive (type_base_sptr t)
 Make sure that the life time of a given (smart pointer to a) type is the same as the life time of the libabigail library. More...
decl_base_sptr look_through_decl_only (const decl_base &d)
 If a decl is decl-only get its definition. Otherwise, just return nil. More...
decl_base_sptr look_through_decl_only (const decl_base_sptr &d)
 If a decl is decl-only get its definition. Otherwise, just return nil. More...
decl_base * look_through_decl_only (decl_base *d)
 If a decl is decl-only enum, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial decl. More...
class_or_union * look_through_decl_only_class (class_or_union *the_class)
 If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial class. More...
class_or_union_sptr look_through_decl_only_class (class_or_union_sptr klass)
 If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial class. More...
class_or_union_sptr look_through_decl_only_class (const class_or_union &the_class)
 If a class (or union) is a decl-only class, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial class. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr look_through_decl_only_enum (const enum_type_decl &the_enum)
 If an enum is a decl-only enum, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial enum. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr look_through_decl_only_enum (enum_type_decl_sptr enom)
 If an enum is a decl-only enum, get its definition. Otherwise, just return the initial enum. More...
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const array_type_def &, const translation_unit &)
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const array_type_def &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an array type which has a given qualified name. More...
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an array type which has the same qualified name as a given array type. More...
array_type_def_sptr lookup_array_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a basic type which has a given qualified name. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a basic type from a translation unit. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a basic type which has a given qualified name. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a basic type from a translation unit. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const type_decl &, const translation_unit &)
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type (const type_decl &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a type which has the same qualified name as a giventype. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a type_decl type from a given corpus, by its location. More...
type_decl_sptr lookup_basic_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a type_decl type from a given corpus, by its location. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_class_or_typedef_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
type_base_sptr lookup_class_or_typedef_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a corpus to find a class, union or typedef type which has a given qualified name. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const class_decl &, const translation_unit &)
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const class_decl &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has the same qualified name as a given type. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has a given qualified name. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a class type from a translation unit. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const string &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a class type from a translation unit. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a class type which has a given qualified name. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Look up a class_decl from a given corpus by its location. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Look up a class_decl from a given corpus by its location. More...
class_decl_sptr lookup_class_type_through_scopes (const std::list< string > &, const translation_unit &)
type_base_sptr lookup_class_typedef_or_enum_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
type_base_sptr lookup_class_typedef_or_enum_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a corpus to find a class, typedef or enum type which has a given qualified name. More...
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_class_types (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_class_types (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
bool lookup_decl_only_class_types (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp, type_base_wptrs_type &result)
 Look into a given corpus to find the class type*s* that have a given qualified name and that are declaration-only. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const enum_type_decl &, const translation_unit &)
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const enum_type_decl &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has the same qualified name as a given enum type. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has a given qualified name. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find an enum type which has a given qualified name. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type (const string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup an enum type from a translation unit. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Look up an enum_type_decl from a given corpus, by its location. More...
enum_type_decl_sptr lookup_enum_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Look up an enum_type_decl from a given corpus, by its location. More...
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_enum_types (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the enum type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_enum_types (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the enum type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const function_type &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has the same qualified name as a given function type. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const function_type &t, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a function type from a translation unit. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const function_type_sptr &fn_t, const corpus &corpus)
 Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has the same qualified name as a given function type. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const function_type_sptr &t, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a function type from a translation unit. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a function type which has a given qualified name. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a function type from a translation unit. More...
function_type_sptr lookup_function_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
function_type_sptr lookup_or_synthesize_fn_type (const function_type_sptr &fn_t, const corpus &corpus)
 Look into an ABI corpus for a function type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a pointer type which has a given qualified name. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const pointer_type_def &, const translation_unit &)
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const pointer_type_def &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a pointer type which has the same qualified name as a given pointer type. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a pointer type from a translation unit. More...
pointer_type_def_sptr lookup_pointer_type (const type_base_sptr &pointed_to_type, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a pointer type from a translation unit. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a qualified type which has a given qualified name. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def &, const translation_unit &)
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a qualified type which has the same qualified name as a given type. More...
qualified_type_def_sptr lookup_qualified_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a reference type which has a given qualified name. More...
const reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const reference_type_def &, const translation_unit &)
reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const reference_type_def &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a reference type which has the same qualified name as a given reference type. More...
const reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const string &, const translation_unit &)
const reference_type_def_sptr lookup_reference_type (const type_base_sptr &pointed_to_type, bool lvalue_reference, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a reference type from a translation unit. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type (const interned_string &n, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a type which has a given qualified name. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type (const string &fqn, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a type in a translation unit, starting from the global namespace. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type (const type_base &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a type. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type (const type_base_sptr &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a type. More...
const type_base_sptr lookup_type (const type_base_sptr type, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a type from a translation unit. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type_from_translation_unit (const string &type_name, const string &tu_path, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a type from a given translation unit present in a give corpus. More...
const type_base_sptr lookup_type_in_scope (const std::list< string > &, const scope_decl_sptr &)
const type_base_sptr lookup_type_in_scope (const string &fqn, const scope_decl_sptr &skope)
 Lookup a type in a scope. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a type from a corpus, by its location. More...
type_base_sptr lookup_type_through_scopes (const std::list< string > &, const translation_unit &)
type_base_sptr lookup_type_through_translation_units (const string &qn, const corpus &abi_corpus)
 Lookup a type definition in all the translation units of a given ABI corpus. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has a given qualified name. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a typedef type from a translation unit. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has the same qualified name as a given typedef type. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a typedef type from a translation unit. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const typedef_decl &, const translation_unit &)
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type (const typedef_decl &t, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a typedef type which has the same qualified name as a given typedef type. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a typedef_decl from a corpus, by its location. More...
typedef_decl_sptr lookup_typedef_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a typedef_decl from a corpus, by its location. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type (const interned_string &type_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a union type which has a given qualified name. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type (const interned_string &type_name, const translation_unit &tu)
 Lookup a union type from a translation unit. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type (const string &type_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find a union type which has a given qualified name. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type_per_location (const interned_string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a union type in a given corpus, from its location. More...
union_decl_sptr lookup_union_type_per_location (const string &loc, const corpus &corp)
 Lookup a union type in a given corpus, from its location. More...
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_union_types (const interned_string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the union type*s* that have a given qualified name. More...
const type_base_wptrs_type * lookup_union_types (const string &qualified_name, const corpus &corp)
 Look into a given corpus to find the union types that have a given qualified name. More...
const decl_base_sptr lookup_var_decl_in_scope (const std::list< string > &comps, const scope_decl_sptr &skope)
 lookup a var_decl in a scope. More...
const decl_base_sptr lookup_var_decl_in_scope (const string &fqn, const scope_decl_sptr &skope)
 Lookup a var_decl in a scope. More...
bool member_function_has_vtable_offset (const function_decl &f)
 Test if a virtual member function has a vtable offset set. More...
bool odr_is_relevant (const type_or_decl_base &artifact)
 By looking at the language of the TU a given ABI artifact belongs to, test if the ONE Definition Rule should apply. More...
const type_base * peel_array_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf element type of an array. More...
const type_base_sptr peel_array_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf element type of an array. More...
type_base_sptr peel_const_qualified_type (const qualified_type_def_sptr &q)
 If a qualified type is const, then return its underlying type. More...
type_base * peel_pointer_or_reference_type (const type_base *type, bool peel_qual_type)
 Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a, pointer_type_def, reference_type_def or qualified_type_def type node. More...
const type_base * peel_pointer_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a pointer_type_def node. More...
type_base_sptr peel_pointer_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a pointer_type_def node. More...
type_base * peel_qualified_or_typedef_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified or typedef type. More...
type_base_sptr peel_qualified_or_typedef_type (const type_base_sptr &t)
 Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified or typedef type. More...
const type_base * peel_qualified_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified type. More...
const type_base_sptr peel_qualified_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf underlying type of a qualified type. More...
const type_base * peel_reference_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a reference_type_def node. More...
type_base_sptr peel_reference_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf pointed-to type node of a reference_type_def node. More...
type_base * peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a typedef_decl, pointer_type_def or reference_type_def node. More...
type_base * peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type (const type_base *type, bool peel_qual_type)
 Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a typedef_decl, pointer_type_def or reference_type_def node. More...
type_base_sptr peel_typedef_pointer_or_reference_type (const type_base_sptr type)
 Return the leaf underlying or pointed-to type node of a typedef_decl, pointer_type_def, reference_type_def, or array_type_def node. More...
const type_base * peel_typedef_type (const type_base *type)
 Return the leaf underlying type node of a typedef_decl node. More...
type_base_sptr peel_typedef_type (const type_base_sptr &type)
 Return the leaf underlying type node of a typedef_decl node. More...
void remove_decl_from_scope (decl_base_sptr decl)
 Remove a given decl from its scope. More...
void set_data_member_is_laid_out (var_decl_sptr m, bool l)
 Set a flag saying if a data member is laid out. More...
void set_data_member_offset (var_decl_sptr m, uint64_t o)
 Set the offset of a data member into its containing class. More...
void set_member_function_is_const (const function_decl_sptr &f, bool is_const)
 set the const-ness property of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_const (function_decl &f, bool is_const)
 set the const-ness property of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_ctor (const function_decl &, bool)
void set_member_function_is_ctor (const function_decl_sptr &f, bool c)
 Setter for the is_ctor property of the member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_dtor (const function_decl_sptr &f, bool d)
 Set the destructor-ness property of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_dtor (function_decl &f, bool d)
 Set the destructor-ness property of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_virtual (const function_decl_sptr &fn, bool is_virtual)
 Set the virtual-ness of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_is_virtual (function_decl &f, bool is_virtual)
 Set the virtual-ness of a member function. More...
void set_member_function_vtable_offset (const function_decl &f, ssize_t s)
void set_member_function_vtable_offset (const function_decl_sptr &f, ssize_t s)
 Get the vtable offset of a member function. More...
void set_member_is_static (const decl_base_sptr &d, bool s)
 Sets the static-ness property of a class member. More...
void set_member_is_static (decl_base &d, bool s)
 Sets the static-ness property of a class member. More...
void strip_redundant_quals_from_underyling_types (const qualified_type_def_sptr &t)
 Merge redundant qualifiers from a tree of qualified types. More...
type_base_sptr strip_typedef (const type_base_sptr type)
 Recursively returns the the underlying type of a typedef. The return type should not be a typedef of anything anymore. More...
decl_base_sptr strip_useless_const_qualification (const qualified_type_def_sptr t)
 Strip qualification from a qualified type, when it makes sense. More...
function_type_sptr synthesize_function_type_from_translation_unit (const function_type &fn_type, translation_unit &tu)
 In a translation unit, lookup the sub-types that make up a given function type and if the sub-types are all found, synthesize and return a function_type with them. More...
type_base_sptr synthesize_type_from_translation_unit (const type_base_sptr &type, translation_unit &tu)
 In a translation unit, lookup a given type or synthesize it if it's a qualified type. More...
type_base * type_has_non_canonicalized_subtype (type_base_sptr t)
 Test if a type has sub-types that are non-canonicalized. More...
bool type_has_sub_type_changes (const type_base_sptr t_v1, const type_base_sptr t_v2)
 Tests if the change of a given type effectively comes from just its sub-types. That is, if the type has changed but its type name hasn't changed, then the change of the type mostly likely is a sub-type change. More...
type_base_sptr type_or_void (const type_base_sptr t, const environment &env)
 Return either the type given in parameter if it's non-null, or the void type. More...
bool types_are_compatible (const decl_base_sptr d1, const decl_base_sptr d2)
 Test if two types are equal modulo a typedef. More...
bool types_are_compatible (const type_base_sptr type1, const type_base_sptr type2)
 Test if two types are equal modulo a typedef. More...
bool types_have_similar_structure (const type_base *first, const type_base *second, bool indirect_type)
 Test if two types have similar structures, even though they are (or can be) different. More...
bool types_have_similar_structure (const type_base_sptr &first, const type_base_sptr &second, bool indirect_type)
 Test if two types have similar structures, even though they are (or can be) different. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ABG_ASSERT (   cond)

This is a wrapper around the 'assert' glibc call. It allows for its argument to have side effects, so that it keeps working when the code of libabigail is compiled with the NDEBUG macro defined.

Definition at line 1714 of file abg-fwd.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ symtab_sptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<symtab> symtab_sptr

Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a symtab.

Definition at line 1667 of file abg-fwd.h.