Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
2 // -*- Mode: C++ -*-
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Red Hat, Inc.
5 //
6 // Author: Dodji Seketeli
9 /// @file
10 ///
11 /// This is the implementation of the
12 /// abigail::comparison::default_reporter type.
14 #include "abg-comparison-priv.h"
15 #include "abg-reporter.h"
16 #include "abg-reporter-priv.h"
18 namespace abigail
19 {
20 namespace comparison
21 {
23 /// Test if a given instance of @ref corpus_diff carries changes whose
24 /// reports are not suppressed by any suppression specification. In
25 /// effect, these are deemed incompatible ABI changes.
26 ///
27 /// @param d the @ref corpus_diff to consider
28 ///
29 /// @return true iff @p d carries subtype changes that are deemed
30 /// incompatible ABI changes.
31 bool
33 {
34  if (!d)
35  return false;
37  const corpus_diff::diff_stats& stats = const_cast<corpus_diff*>(d)->
38  apply_filters_and_suppressions_before_reporting();
40  // Logic here should match emit_diff_stats.
41  return (d->architecture_changed()
42  || d->soname_changed()
43  || stats.net_num_func_removed()
44  || stats.net_num_func_changed()
45  || stats.net_num_func_added()
46  || stats.net_num_vars_removed()
47  || stats.net_num_vars_changed()
48  || stats.net_num_vars_added()
52  || stats.net_num_removed_func_syms()
53  || stats.net_num_added_func_syms()
54  || stats.net_num_removed_var_syms()
55  || stats.net_num_added_var_syms());
56 }
58 /// Ouputs a report of the differences between of the two type_decl
59 /// involved in the @ref type_decl_diff.
60 ///
61 /// @param d the @ref type_decl_diff to consider.
62 ///
63 /// @param out the output stream to emit the report to.
64 ///
65 /// @param indent the string to use for indentatino indent.
66 void
67 default_reporter::report(const type_decl_diff& d,
68  ostream& out,
69  const string& indent) const
70 {
71  if (!d.to_be_reported())
72  return;
76  string name = f->get_pretty_representation();
79  out, indent);
81  if (f->get_visibility() != s->get_visibility())
82  {
83  out << indent
84  << "visibility changed from '"
85  << f->get_visibility() << "' to '" << s->get_visibility()
86  << "\n";
87  }
89  if (f->get_linkage_name() != s->get_linkage_name())
90  {
91  out << indent
92  << "mangled name changed from '"
93  << f->get_linkage_name() << "' to "
94  << s->get_linkage_name()
95  << "\n";
96  }
97 }
99 /// Report the differences between the two enums.
100 ///
101 /// @param d the enum diff to consider.
102 ///
103 /// @param out the output stream to send the report to.
104 ///
105 /// @param indent the string to use for indentation.
106 void
107 default_reporter::report(const enum_diff& d, ostream& out,
108  const string& indent) const
109 {
110  if (!d.to_be_reported())
111  return;
114  d.second_subject(),
115  "enum type");
117  string name = d.first_enum()->get_pretty_representation();
119  enum_type_decl_sptr first = d.first_enum(), second = d.second_enum();
121  const diff_context_sptr& ctxt = d.context();
123  // Report enum decl-only <-> definition changes.
124  if (ctxt->get_allowed_category() & TYPE_DECL_ONLY_DEF_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
125  if (filtering::has_enum_decl_only_def_change(first, second))
126  {
127  string was =
128  first->get_is_declaration_only()
129  ? " was a declaration-only enum type"
130  : " was a defined enum type";
132  string is_now =
133  second->get_is_declaration_only()
134  ? " and is now a declaration-only enum type"
135  : " and is now a defined enum type";
137  out << indent << "enum type " << name << was << is_now << "\n";
138  return;
139  }
141  report_name_size_and_alignment_changes(first, second, ctxt,
142  out, indent);
143  maybe_report_diff_for_member(first, second, ctxt, out, indent);
145  //underlying type
146  d.underlying_type_diff()->report(out, indent);
148  //report deletions/insertions/change of enumerators
149  unsigned numdels = d.deleted_enumerators().size();
150  unsigned numins = d.inserted_enumerators().size();
151  unsigned numchanges = d.changed_enumerators().size();
153  if (numdels)
154  {
155  report_mem_header(out, numdels, 0, del_kind, "enumerator", indent);
156  enum_type_decl::enumerators sorted_deleted_enumerators;
157  sort_enumerators(d.deleted_enumerators(), sorted_deleted_enumerators);
158  for (enum_type_decl::enumerators::const_iterator i =
159  sorted_deleted_enumerators.begin();
160  i != sorted_deleted_enumerators.end();
161  ++i)
162  {
163  out << indent
164  << " '"
165  << (first->get_is_anonymous()
166  ? i->get_name()
167  : i->get_qualified_name())
168  << "' value '"
169  << i->get_value()
170  << "'";
171  out << "\n";
172  }
173  }
174  if (numins)
175  {
176  report_mem_header(out, numins, 0, ins_kind, "enumerator", indent);
177  enum_type_decl::enumerators sorted_inserted_enumerators;
178  sort_enumerators(d.inserted_enumerators(), sorted_inserted_enumerators);
179  for (enum_type_decl::enumerators::const_iterator i =
180  sorted_inserted_enumerators.begin();
181  i != sorted_inserted_enumerators.end();
182  ++i)
183  {
184  out << indent
185  << " '"
186  << (second->get_is_anonymous()
187  ? i->get_name()
188  :i->get_qualified_name())
189  << "' value '"
190  << i->get_value()
191  << "'";
192  out << "\n";
193  }
194  }
195  if (numchanges)
196  {
197  report_mem_header(out, numchanges, 0, change_kind, "enumerator", indent);
198  changed_enumerators_type sorted_changed_enumerators;
199  sort_changed_enumerators(d.changed_enumerators(),
200  sorted_changed_enumerators);
201  for (changed_enumerators_type::const_iterator i =
202  sorted_changed_enumerators.begin();
203  i != sorted_changed_enumerators.end();
204  ++i)
205  {
206  out << indent
207  << " '"
208  << (first->get_is_anonymous()
209  ? i->first.get_name()
210  : i->first.get_qualified_name())
211  << "' from value '"
212  << i->first.get_value() << "' to '"
213  << i->second.get_value() << "'";
214  report_loc_info(second, *ctxt, out);
215  out << "\n";
216  }
217  }
219  if (ctxt->show_leaf_changes_only())
222  d.reported_once(true);
223 }
225 /// For a @ref typedef_diff node, report the local changes to the
226 /// typedef rather the changes to its underlying type.
227 ///
228 /// Note that changes to the underlying type are also considered
229 /// local.
230 ///
231 /// @param d the @ref typedef_diff node to consider.
232 ///
233 /// @param out the output stream to report to.
234 ///
235 /// @param indent the white space string to use for indentation.
236 void
238  ostream& out,
239  const string& indent) const
240 {
241  if (!d.to_be_reported())
242  return;
246  maybe_report_diff_for_member(f, s, d.context(), out, indent);
249  && ((d.context()->get_allowed_category()
251  || d.context()->show_leaf_changes_only()))
252  || f->get_qualified_name() != s->get_qualified_name())
253  {
254  out << indent << "typedef name changed from "
255  << f->get_qualified_name()
256  << " to "
257  << s->get_qualified_name();
258  report_loc_info(s, *d.context(), out);
259  out << "\n";
260  }
261 }
263 /// Reports the difference between the two subjects of the diff in a
264 /// serialized form.
265 ///
266 /// @param d @ref typedef_diff node to consider.
267 ///
268 /// @param out the output stream to emit the report to.
269 ///
270 /// @param indent the indentation string to use.
271 void
272 default_reporter::report(const typedef_diff& d,
273  ostream& out,
274  const string& indent) const
275 {
276  if (!d.to_be_reported())
277  return;
282  report_non_type_typedef_changes(d, out, indent);
285  if (dif && dif->has_changes())
286  {
287  if (dif->to_be_reported())
288  {
290  "underlying type");
291  out << indent
292  << "underlying type '"
293  << dif->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
294  report_loc_info(dif->first_subject(), *d.context(), out);
295  out << " changed:\n";
296  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
297  }
298  else
299  {
300  // The typedef change is to be reported, so we'll report its
301  // underlying type change too (even if its redundant),
302  // unless it's suppressed. It makes sense in this
303  // particular case to emit the underlying type change
304  // because of the informative value underneath. We don't
305  // want to just know about the local changes of the typedef,
306  // but also about the changes on the underlying type.
307  diff_category c = dif->get_category();
309  {
310  out << indent
311  << "underlying type '"
312  << dif->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
313  report_loc_info(dif->first_subject(), *d.context(), out);
314  out << " changed:\n";
316  dif->set_category(c & ~REDUNDANT_CATEGORY);
317  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
319  dif->set_category(c | REDUNDANT_CATEGORY);
320  }
321  }
322  }
324  d.reported_once(true);
325 }
327 /// For a @ref qualified_type_diff node, report the changes that are
328 /// local.
329 ///
330 /// @param d the @ref qualified_type_diff node to consider.
331 ///
332 /// @param out the output stream to emit the report to.
333 ///
334 /// @param indent the white string to use for indentation.
335 ///
336 /// @return true iff a local change has been emitted. In this case,
337 /// the local change is a name change.
338 bool
340  ostream& out,
341  const string& indent) const
342 {
343  if (!d.to_be_reported())
344  return false;
346  string fname = d.first_qualified_type()->get_pretty_representation(),
347  sname = d.second_qualified_type()->get_pretty_representation();
349  if (fname != sname)
350  {
351  out << indent << "'" << fname << "' changed to '" << sname << "'\n";
352  return true;
353  }
354  return false;
355 }
357 /// For a @ref qualified_type_diff node, report the changes of its
358 /// underlying type.
359 ///
360 /// @param d the @ref qualified_type_diff node to consider.
361 ///
362 /// @param out the output stream to emit the report to.
363 ///
364 /// @param indent the white string to use for indentation.
365 ///
366 /// @return true iff a local change has been emitted. In this case,
367 /// the local change is a name change.
368 void
370 (const qualified_type_diff& d, ostream& out, const string& indent) const
371 {
372  if (!d.to_be_reported())
373  return;
376  ABG_ASSERT(dif);
377  ABG_ASSERT(dif->to_be_reported());
379  "unqualified "
380  "underlying type");
382  string fltname = dif->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation();
383  out << indent << "in unqualified underlying type '" << fltname << "'";
384  report_loc_info(dif->second_subject(), *d.context(), out);
385  out << ":\n";
386  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
387 }
389 /// Report a @ref qualified_type_diff in a serialized form.
390 ///
391 /// @param d the @ref qualified_type_diff node to consider.
392 ///
393 /// @param out the output stream to serialize to.
394 ///
395 /// @param indent the string to use to indent the lines of the report.
396 void
397 default_reporter::report(const qualified_type_diff& d, ostream& out,
398  const string& indent) const
399 {
400  if (!d.to_be_reported())
401  return;
407  if (report_local_qualified_type_changes(d, out, indent))
408  // The local change was emitted and it's a name change. If the
409  // type name changed, the it means the type changed altogether.
410  // It makes a little sense to detail the changes in extenso here.
411  return;
414 }
416 /// Report the @ref pointer_diff in a serialized form.
417 ///
418 /// @param d the @ref pointer_diff node to consider.
419 ///
420 /// @param out the stream to serialize the diff to.
421 ///
422 /// @param indent the prefix to use for the indentation of this
423 /// serialization.
424 void
425 default_reporter::report(const pointer_diff& d, ostream& out,
426  const string& indent) const
427 {
428  if (!d.to_be_reported())
429  return;
431  if (diff_sptr dif = d.underlying_type_diff())
432  {
434  string repr = dif->first_subject()
435  ? dif->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation()
436  : string("void");
438  out << indent
439  << "in pointed to type '" << repr << "'";
440  report_loc_info(dif->second_subject(), *d.context(), out);
441  out << ":\n";
442  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
443  }
444 }
446 /// For a @reference_diff node, report the local changes carried by
447 /// the diff node.
448 ///
449 /// @param d the @reference_diff node to consider.
450 ///
451 /// @param out the output stream to report to.
452 ///
453 /// @param indent the white space indentation to use in the report.
454 void
456  ostream& out,
457  const string& indent) const
458 {
459  if (!d.to_be_reported())
460  return;
463  ABG_ASSERT(f && s);
465  string f_repr = f->get_pretty_representation(),
466  s_repr = s->get_pretty_representation();
468  if (f->is_lvalue() != s->is_lvalue())
469  {
470  out << indent;
471  if (f->is_lvalue())
472  out << "lvalue reference type '" << f_repr
473  << " became an rvalue reference type: '"
474  << s_repr
475  << "'\n";
476  else
477  out << "rvalue reference type '" << f_repr
478  << " became an lvalue reference type: '"
479  << s_repr
480  << "'\n";
481  }
482  else if (!types_have_similar_structure(f->get_pointed_to_type().get(),
483  s->get_pointed_to_type().get()))
484  out << indent
485  << "reference type changed from: '"
486  << f_repr << "' to: '" << s_repr << "'\n";
487 }
489 /// Report a @ref reference_diff in a serialized form.
490 ///
491 /// @param d the @ref reference_diff node to consider.
492 ///
493 /// @param out the output stream to serialize the dif to.
494 ///
495 /// @param indent the string to use for indenting the report.
496 void
497 default_reporter::report(const reference_diff& d, ostream& out,
498  const string& indent) const
499 {
500  if (!d.to_be_reported())
501  return;
503  enum change_kind k = ir::NO_CHANGE_KIND;
504  equals(*d.first_reference(), *d.second_reference(), &k);
508  report_local_reference_type_changes(d, out, indent);
511  if (diff_sptr dif = d.underlying_type_diff())
512  {
514  "referenced type");
516  out << indent
517  << "in referenced type '"
518  << dif->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
519  report_loc_info(dif->second_subject(), *d.context(), out);
520  out << ":\n";
521  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
522  }
523 }
525 /// Report the local changes carried by a @ref ptr_to_mbr_diff diff
526 /// node.
527 ///
528 /// This is a subroutine of the method default_reporter::report() that
529 /// emits change report for @ref ptr_to_mbr_diff node.
530 ///
531 /// @param d the diff node to consider
532 ///
533 /// @param out the output stream to emit the report to.
534 ///
535 /// @param indent the indentation string (spaces) to use in the
536 /// report.
537 ///
538 /// @return truf iff a report was emitted to the output stream.
539 bool
541  std::ostream& out,
542  const std::string& indent) const
543 {
544  if (!d.to_be_reported())
545  return false;
548  s = d.second_ptr_to_mbr_type();
550  enum change_kind k = ir::NO_CHANGE_KIND;
554  {
555  string f_repr = f->get_pretty_representation(),
556  s_repr = s->get_pretty_representation();
558  out << indent;
559  out << "pointer-to-member type changed from: '"
560  << f_repr << " to: '"<< s_repr << "'\n";
561  return true;
562  }
563  return false;
564 }
567 /// Emit a textual report about the changes carried by a @ref
568 /// ptr_to_mbr_diff diff node.
569 ///
570 /// @param out the output stream to emit the report to.
571 ///
572 /// @param indent the indentation string to use for the report.
573 void
574 default_reporter::report(const ptr_to_mbr_diff& d,
575  std::ostream& out,
576  const std::string& indent) const
577 {
578  if (!d.to_be_reported())
579  return;
581  report_local_ptr_to_mbr_type_changes(d, out, indent);
583  if (diff_sptr dif = d.member_type_diff())
584  {
586  (dif,"data member type of pointer-to-member");
587  if (dif->to_be_reported())
588  {
589  out << indent
590  << "in data member type '"
591  << dif->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation()
592  << "' of pointed-to-member type '"
593  << d.first_ptr_to_mbr_type()->get_pretty_representation()
594  << "'";
595  report_loc_info(dif->second_subject(), *d.context(), out);
596  out << ":\n";
597  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
598  }
599  }
600  if (diff_sptr dif = d.containing_type_diff())
601  {
603  (dif,"containing type of pointer-to-member");
604  if (dif->to_be_reported())
605  {
606  out << indent
607  << "in containing type '"
608  << dif->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation()
609  << "' of pointed-to-member type '"
610  << d.first_ptr_to_mbr_type()->get_pretty_representation()
611  << "'";
612  report_loc_info(dif->second_subject(), *d.context(), out);
613  out << ":\n";
614  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
615  }
616  }
617 }
619 /// Emit a textual report about the a @ref fn_parm_diff instance.
620 ///
621 /// @param d the @ref fn_parm_diff to consider.
622 ///
623 /// @param out the output stream to emit the textual report to.
624 ///
625 /// @param indent the indentation string to use in the report.
626 void
627 default_reporter::report(const fn_parm_diff& d, ostream& out,
628  const string& indent) const
629 {
630  if (!d.to_be_reported())
631  return;
634  s = d.second_parameter();
636  // either the parameter has a sub-type change (if its type name
637  // hasn't changed) or it has a "grey" change (that is, a change that
638  // changes his type name w/o changing the signature of the
639  // function).
640  bool has_sub_type_change =
642  d.second_parameter()->get_type());
644  diff_sptr type_diff = d.type_diff();
645  ABG_ASSERT(type_diff->has_changes());
647  out << indent;
648  if (f->get_is_artificial())
649  out << "implicit ";
650  out << "parameter " << f->get_index();
651  report_loc_info(f, *d.context(), out);
652  out << " of type '"
653  << f->get_type_pretty_representation();
655  if (has_sub_type_change)
656  out << "' has sub-type changes:\n";
657  else
658  out << "' changed:\n";
660  type_diff->report(out, indent + " ");
661 }
663 /// For a @ref function_type_diff node, report the local changes
664 /// carried by the diff node.
665 ///
666 /// @param d the @ref function_type_diff node to consider.
667 ///
668 /// @param out the output stream to report to.
669 ///
670 /// @param indent the white space indentation string to use.
671 void
673  ostream& out,
674  const string& indent) const
676 {
677  if (!d.to_be_reported())
678  return;
683  diff_context_sptr ctxt = d.context();
685  // Report about the size of the function address
686  if (fft->get_size_in_bits() != sft->get_size_in_bits())
687  {
688  out << indent << "address size of function changed from "
689  << fft->get_size_in_bits()
690  << " bits to "
691  << sft->get_size_in_bits()
692  << " bits\n";
693  }
695  // Report about the alignment of the function address
696  if (fft->get_alignment_in_bits()
697  != sft->get_alignment_in_bits())
698  {
699  out << indent << "address alignment of function changed from "
700  << fft->get_alignment_in_bits()
701  << " bits to "
702  << sft->get_alignment_in_bits()
703  << " bits\n";
704  }
706  // Hmmh, the above was quick. Now report about function parameters;
707  // this shouldn't be as straightforward.
709  // Report about the parameters that got removed.
710  for (vector<function_decl::parameter_sptr>::const_iterator i =
711  d.priv_->sorted_deleted_parms_.begin();
712  i != d.priv_->sorted_deleted_parms_.end();
713  ++i)
714  {
715  out << indent << "parameter " << (*i)->get_index()
716  << " of type '" << (*i)->get_type_pretty_representation()
717  << "' was removed\n";
718  }
720  // Report about the parameters that got added
721  for (vector<function_decl::parameter_sptr>::const_iterator i =
722  d.priv_->sorted_added_parms_.begin();
723  i != d.priv_->sorted_added_parms_.end();
724  ++i)
725  {
726  out << indent << "parameter " << (*i)->get_index()
727  << " of type '" << (*i)->get_type_pretty_representation()
728  << "' was added\n";
729  }
730 }
732 /// Build and emit a textual report about a @ref function_type_diff.
733 ///
734 /// @param d the @ref function_type_diff to consider.
735 ///
736 /// @param out the output stream.
737 ///
738 /// @param indent the indentation string to use.
739 void
740 default_reporter::report(const function_type_diff& d, ostream& out,
741  const string& indent) const
742 {
743  if (!d.to_be_reported())
744  return;
749  diff_context_sptr ctxt = d.context();
750  corpus_sptr fc = ctxt->get_first_corpus();
751  corpus_sptr sc = ctxt->get_second_corpus();
753  // Report about return type differences.
754  if (d.priv_->return_type_diff_
755  && d.priv_->return_type_diff_->to_be_reported())
756  {
757  out << indent << "return type changed:\n";
758  d.priv_->return_type_diff_->report(out, indent + " ");
759  }
761  // Report about the parameter types that have changed sub-types.
762  for (vector<fn_parm_diff_sptr>::const_iterator i =
763  d.priv_->sorted_subtype_changed_parms_.begin();
764  i != d.priv_->sorted_subtype_changed_parms_.end();
765  ++i)
766  {
767  diff_sptr dif = *i;
768  if (dif && dif->to_be_reported())
769  dif->report(out, indent);
770  }
773  report_local_function_type_changes(d, out, indent);
774 }
776 /// Report about the change carried by a @ref subrange_diff diff node
777 /// in a serialized form.
778 ///
779 /// @param d the diff node to consider.
780 ///
781 /// @param out the output stream to report to.
782 ///
783 /// @param indent the indentation string to use in the report.
784 void
785 default_reporter::report(const subrange_diff& d, std::ostream& out,
786  const std::string& indent) const
787 {
788  if (!diff_to_be_reported(&d))
789  return;
792  d.second_subrange(),
793  "range type");
795  represent(d, d.context(), out,indent, /*local_only=*/false);
796 }
798 /// Report a @ref array_diff in a serialized form.
799 ///
800 /// @param d the @ref array_diff to consider.
801 ///
802 /// @param out the output stream to serialize the dif to.
803 ///
804 /// @param indent the string to use for indenting the report.
805 void
806 default_reporter::report(const array_diff& d, ostream& out,
807  const string& indent) const
808 {
809  if (!d.to_be_reported())
810  return;
812  string name = d.first_array()->get_pretty_representation();
814  d.second_array(),
815  "array type");
817  diff_sptr dif = d.element_type_diff();
818  if (dif->to_be_reported())
819  {
820  string fn = ir::get_pretty_representation(is_type(dif->first_subject()));
821  // report array element type changes
822  out << indent << "array element type '"
823  << fn << "' changed:\n";
824  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
825  }
829  d.second_array(),
830  d.context(),
831  out, indent);
832 }
834 /// Generates a report for an intance of @ref base_diff.
835 ///
836 /// @param d the @ref base_diff to consider.
837 ///
838 /// @param out the output stream to send the report to.
839 ///
840 /// @param indent the string to use for indentation.
841 void
842 default_reporter::report(const base_diff& d, ostream& out,
843  const string& indent) const
844 {
845  if (!d.to_be_reported())
846  return;
848  class_decl::base_spec_sptr f = d.first_base(), s = d.second_base();
849  string repr = f->get_base_class()->get_pretty_representation();
850  bool emitted = false;
852  if (!d.is_filtered_out_without_looking_at_allowed_changes())
853  {
854  if (f->get_is_static() != s->get_is_static())
855  {
856  if (f->get_is_static())
857  out << indent << "is no more static";
858  else
859  out << indent << "now becomes static";
860  emitted = true;
861  }
863  if ((d.context()->get_allowed_category() & ACCESS_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
864  && (f->get_access_specifier() != s->get_access_specifier()))
865  {
866  if (emitted)
867  out << ", ";
869  out << "has access changed from '"
870  << f->get_access_specifier()
871  << "' to '"
872  << s->get_access_specifier()
873  << "'";
875  emitted = true;
876  }
877  }
878  if (class_diff_sptr dif = d.get_underlying_class_diff())
879  {
880  if (dif->to_be_reported())
881  {
882  if (emitted)
883  out << "\n";
884  dif->report(out, indent);
885  }
886  }
887 }
889 /// Report the changes carried by a @ref scope_diff.
890 ///
891 /// @param d the @ref scope_diff to consider.
892 ///
893 /// @param out the out stream to report the changes to.
894 ///
895 /// @param indent the string to use for indentation.
896 void
897 default_reporter::report(const scope_diff& d, ostream& out,
898  const string& indent) const
899 {
900  if (!d.to_be_reported())
901  return;
903  // Report changed types.
904  unsigned num_changed_types = d.changed_types().size();
905  if (num_changed_types == 0)
906  ;
907  else if (num_changed_types == 1)
908  out << indent << "1 changed type:\n";
909  else
910  out << indent << num_changed_types << " changed types:\n";
912  for (diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator dif = d.changed_types().begin();
913  dif != d.changed_types().end();
914  ++dif)
915  {
916  if (!*dif)
917  continue;
919  out << indent << " '"
920  << (*dif)->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation()
921  << "' changed:\n";
922  (*dif)->report(out, indent + " ");
923  }
925  // Report changed decls
926  unsigned num_changed_decls = d.changed_decls().size();
927  if (num_changed_decls == 0)
928  ;
929  else if (num_changed_decls == 1)
930  out << indent << "1 changed declaration:\n";
931  else
932  out << indent << num_changed_decls << " changed declarations:\n";
934  for (diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator dif= d.changed_decls().begin();
935  dif != d.changed_decls().end ();
936  ++dif)
937  {
938  if (!*dif)
939  continue;
941  out << indent << " '"
942  << (*dif)->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation()
943  << "' was changed to '"
944  << (*dif)->second_subject()->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
945  report_loc_info((*dif)->second_subject(), *d.context(), out);
946  out << ":\n";
948  (*dif)->report(out, indent + " ");
949  }
951  // Report removed types/decls
952  for (string_decl_base_sptr_map::const_iterator i =
953  d.priv_->deleted_types_.begin();
954  i != d.priv_->deleted_types_.end();
955  ++i)
956  out << indent
957  << " '"
958  << i->second->get_pretty_representation()
959  << "' was removed\n";
961  if (d.priv_->deleted_types_.size())
962  out << "\n";
964  for (string_decl_base_sptr_map::const_iterator i =
965  d.priv_->deleted_decls_.begin();
966  i != d.priv_->deleted_decls_.end();
967  ++i)
968  out << indent
969  << " '"
970  << i->second->get_pretty_representation()
971  << "' was removed\n";
973  if (d.priv_->deleted_decls_.size())
974  out << "\n";
976  // Report added types/decls
977  bool emitted = false;
978  for (string_decl_base_sptr_map::const_iterator i =
979  d.priv_->inserted_types_.begin();
980  i != d.priv_->inserted_types_.end();
981  ++i)
982  {
983  // Do not report about type_decl as these are usually built-in
984  // types.
985  if (dynamic_pointer_cast<type_decl>(i->second))
986  continue;
987  out << indent
988  << " '"
989  << i->second->get_pretty_representation()
990  << "' was added\n";
991  emitted = true;
992  }
994  if (emitted)
995  out << "\n";
997  emitted = false;
998  for (string_decl_base_sptr_map::const_iterator i =
999  d.priv_->inserted_decls_.begin();
1000  i != d.priv_->inserted_decls_.end();
1001  ++i)
1002  {
1003  // Do not report about type_decl as these are usually built-in
1004  // types.
1005  if (dynamic_pointer_cast<type_decl>(i->second))
1006  continue;
1007  out << indent
1008  << " '"
1009  << i->second->get_pretty_representation()
1010  << "' was added\n";
1011  emitted = true;
1012  }
1014  if (emitted)
1015  out << "\n";
1016 }
1018 /// Report the changes carried by a @ref class_or_union_diff node in a
1019 /// textual format.
1020 ///
1021 /// @param d the @ref class_or_union_diff node to consider.
1022 ///
1023 /// @param out the output stream to write the textual report to.
1024 ///
1025 /// @param indent the number of white space to use as indentation.
1026 void
1027 default_reporter::report(const class_or_union_diff& d,
1028  ostream& out,
1029  const string& indent) const
1030 {
1031  if (!d.to_be_reported())
1032  return;
1034  class_or_union_sptr first = d.first_class_or_union(),
1035  second = d.second_class_or_union();
1037  const diff_context_sptr& ctxt = d.context();
1039  // Report class decl-only <-> definition change.
1040  if (ctxt->get_allowed_category() & TYPE_DECL_ONLY_DEF_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
1041  if (filtering::has_class_decl_only_def_change(first, second))
1042  {
1043  string was =
1044  first->get_is_declaration_only()
1045  ? " was a declaration-only type"
1046  : " was a defined type";
1048  string is_now =
1049  second->get_is_declaration_only()
1050  ? " and is now a declaration-only type"
1051  : " and is now a defined type";
1053  out << indent << "type " << first->get_pretty_representation()
1054  << was << is_now << "\n";
1055  return;
1056  }
1058  // member functions
1059  if (d.member_fns_changes())
1060  {
1061  // report deletions
1062  int numdels = d.get_priv()->deleted_member_functions_.size();
1063  size_t num_filtered =
1064  d.get_priv()->count_filtered_deleted_mem_fns(ctxt);
1065  if (numdels)
1066  report_mem_header(out, numdels, num_filtered, del_kind,
1067  "member function", indent);
1068  for (class_or_union::member_functions::const_iterator i =
1069  d.get_priv()->sorted_deleted_member_functions_.begin();
1070  i != d.get_priv()->sorted_deleted_member_functions_.end();
1071  ++i)
1072  {
1073  if (!(ctxt->get_allowed_category()
1076  continue;
1078  method_decl_sptr mem_fun = *i;
1079  out << indent << " ";
1080  represent(*ctxt, mem_fun, out);
1081  }
1083  // report insertions;
1084  int numins = d.get_priv()->inserted_member_functions_.size();
1085  num_filtered = d.get_priv()->count_filtered_inserted_mem_fns(ctxt);
1086  if (numins)
1087  report_mem_header(out, numins, num_filtered, ins_kind,
1088  "member function", indent);
1089  for (class_or_union::member_functions::const_iterator i =
1090  d.get_priv()->sorted_inserted_member_functions_.begin();
1091  i != d.get_priv()->sorted_inserted_member_functions_.end();
1092  ++i)
1093  {
1094  if (!(ctxt->get_allowed_category()
1097  continue;
1099  method_decl_sptr mem_fun = *i;
1100  out << indent << " ";
1101  represent(*ctxt, mem_fun, out);
1102  }
1104  // report member function with sub-types changes
1105  int numchanges = d.get_priv()->sorted_changed_member_functions_.size();
1106  num_filtered = d.get_priv()->count_filtered_changed_mem_fns(ctxt);
1107  if (numchanges)
1108  report_mem_header(out, numchanges, num_filtered, change_kind,
1109  "member function", indent);
1110  for (function_decl_diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator i =
1111  d.get_priv()->sorted_changed_member_functions_.begin();
1112  i != d.get_priv()->sorted_changed_member_functions_.end();
1113  ++i)
1114  {
1115  if (!(ctxt->get_allowed_category()
1118  ((*i)->first_function_decl()))
1120  ((*i)->second_function_decl())))
1121  continue;
1123  diff_sptr diff = *i;
1124  if (!diff || !diff->to_be_reported())
1125  continue;
1127  string repr =
1128  (*i)->first_function_decl()->get_pretty_representation();
1129  out << indent << " '" << repr << "' has some sub-type changes:\n";
1130  diff->report(out, indent + " ");
1131  }
1132  }
1134  // data members
1135  if (d.data_members_changes())
1136  {
1137  // report deletions
1138  int numdels = d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->
1139  get_deleted_non_static_data_members_number();
1140  if (numdels)
1141  {
1142  report_mem_header(out, numdels, 0, del_kind,
1143  "data member", indent);
1144  vector<decl_base_sptr> sorted_dms;
1146  (d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->deleted_data_members_,
1147  sorted_dms);
1148  for (vector<decl_base_sptr>::const_iterator i = sorted_dms.begin();
1149  i != sorted_dms.end();
1150  ++i)
1151  {
1152  var_decl_sptr data_mem =
1153  dynamic_pointer_cast<var_decl>(*i);
1154  ABG_ASSERT(data_mem);
1155  if (get_member_is_static(data_mem))
1156  continue;
1157  represent_data_member(data_mem, ctxt, out, indent + " ");
1158  }
1159  }
1161  //report insertions
1162  int numins =
1163  d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->inserted_data_members_.size();
1164  if (numins)
1165  {
1166  report_mem_header(out, numins, 0, ins_kind,
1167  "data member", indent);
1168  vector<decl_base_sptr> sorted_dms;
1170  (d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->inserted_data_members_,
1171  sorted_dms);
1172  for (vector<decl_base_sptr>::const_iterator i = sorted_dms.begin();
1173  i != sorted_dms.end();
1174  ++i)
1175  {
1176  var_decl_sptr data_mem =
1177  dynamic_pointer_cast<var_decl>(*i);
1178  ABG_ASSERT(data_mem);
1179  represent_data_member(data_mem, ctxt, out, indent + " ");
1180  }
1181  }
1183  // report change
1184  size_t num_changes =
1185  (d.sorted_subtype_changed_data_members().size()
1186  + d.sorted_changed_data_members().size());
1188  size_t num_changes_filtered =
1189  (d.count_filtered_subtype_changed_data_members()
1190  + d.count_filtered_changed_data_members());
1192  if (num_changes)
1193  {
1194  report_mem_header(out, num_changes, num_changes_filtered,
1195  change_kind, "data member", indent);
1197  for (var_diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator it =
1198  d.sorted_changed_data_members().begin();
1199  it != d.sorted_changed_data_members().end();
1200  ++it)
1201  if ((*it)->to_be_reported())
1202  represent(*it, ctxt, out, indent + " ");
1204  for (var_diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator it =
1205  d.sorted_subtype_changed_data_members().begin();
1206  it != d.sorted_subtype_changed_data_members().end();
1207  ++it)
1208  if ((*it)->to_be_reported())
1209  represent(*it, ctxt, out, indent + " ");
1210  }
1212  // Report about data members replaced by an anonymous union data
1213  // member.
1215  }
1217  // member types
1218  if (const edit_script& e = d.member_types_changes())
1219  {
1220  int numchanges =
1221  d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->sorted_changed_member_types_.size();
1222  int numdels =
1223  d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->deleted_member_types_.size();
1225  // report deletions
1226  if (numdels)
1227  {
1228  report_mem_header(out, numdels, 0, del_kind,
1229  "member type", indent);
1231  for (string_decl_base_sptr_map::const_iterator i =
1232  d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->deleted_member_types_.begin();
1233  i != d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->deleted_member_types_.end();
1234  ++i)
1235  {
1236  decl_base_sptr mem_type = i->second;
1237  out << indent << " '"
1238  << mem_type->get_pretty_representation()
1239  << "'\n";
1240  }
1241  out << "\n";
1242  }
1243  // report changes
1244  if (numchanges)
1245  {
1246  report_mem_header(out, numchanges, 0, change_kind,
1247  "member type", indent);
1249  for (diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator it =
1250  d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->sorted_changed_member_types_.begin();
1251  it != d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->sorted_changed_member_types_.end();
1252  ++it)
1253  {
1254  if (!(*it)->to_be_reported())
1255  continue;
1257  type_or_decl_base_sptr o = (*it)->first_subject();
1258  type_or_decl_base_sptr n = (*it)->second_subject();
1259  out << indent << " '"
1260  << o->get_pretty_representation()
1261  << "' changed ";
1262  report_loc_info(n, *ctxt, out);
1263  out << ":\n";
1264  (*it)->report(out, indent + " ");
1265  }
1266  out << "\n";
1267  }
1269  // report insertions
1270  int numins = e.num_insertions();
1271  ABG_ASSERT(numchanges <= numins);
1272  numins -= numchanges;
1274  if (numins)
1275  {
1276  report_mem_header(out, numins, 0, ins_kind,
1277  "member type", indent);
1279  for (vector<insertion>::const_iterator i = e.insertions().begin();
1280  i != e.insertions().end();
1281  ++i)
1282  {
1283  type_base_sptr mem_type;
1284  for (vector<unsigned>::const_iterator j =
1285  i->inserted_indexes().begin();
1286  j != i->inserted_indexes().end();
1287  ++j)
1288  {
1289  mem_type = second->get_member_types()[*j];
1290  if (!d.class_or_union_diff::get_priv()->
1291  member_type_has_changed(get_type_declaration(mem_type)))
1292  {
1293  out << indent << " '"
1294  << get_type_declaration(mem_type)->
1296  << "'\n";
1297  }
1298  }
1299  }
1300  out << "\n";
1301  }
1302  }
1304  // member function templates
1305  if (const edit_script& e = d.member_fn_tmpls_changes())
1306  {
1307  // report deletions
1308  int numdels = e.num_deletions();
1309  if (numdels)
1310  report_mem_header(out, numdels, 0, del_kind,
1311  "member function template", indent);
1312  for (vector<deletion>::const_iterator i = e.deletions().begin();
1313  i != e.deletions().end();
1314  ++i)
1315  {
1316  member_function_template_sptr mem_fn_tmpl =
1317  first->get_member_function_templates()[i->index()];
1318  out << indent << " '"
1319  << mem_fn_tmpl->as_function_tdecl()->get_pretty_representation()
1320  << "'\n";
1321  }
1323  // report insertions
1324  int numins = e.num_insertions();
1325  if (numins)
1326  report_mem_header(out, numins, 0, ins_kind,
1327  "member function template", indent);
1328  for (vector<insertion>::const_iterator i = e.insertions().begin();
1329  i != e.insertions().end();
1330  ++i)
1331  {
1332  member_function_template_sptr mem_fn_tmpl;
1333  for (vector<unsigned>::const_iterator j =
1334  i->inserted_indexes().begin();
1335  j != i->inserted_indexes().end();
1336  ++j)
1337  {
1338  mem_fn_tmpl = second->get_member_function_templates()[*j];
1339  out << indent << " '"
1340  << mem_fn_tmpl->as_function_tdecl()->
1342  << "'\n";
1343  }
1344  }
1345  }
1347  // member class templates.
1348  if (const edit_script& e = d.member_class_tmpls_changes())
1349  {
1350  // report deletions
1351  int numdels = e.num_deletions();
1352  if (numdels)
1353  report_mem_header(out, numdels, 0, del_kind,
1354  "member class template", indent);
1355  for (vector<deletion>::const_iterator i = e.deletions().begin();
1356  i != e.deletions().end();
1357  ++i)
1358  {
1359  member_class_template_sptr mem_cls_tmpl =
1360  first->get_member_class_templates()[i->index()];
1361  out << indent << " '"
1362  << mem_cls_tmpl->as_class_tdecl()->get_pretty_representation()
1363  << "'\n";
1364  }
1366  // report insertions
1367  int numins = e.num_insertions();
1368  if (numins)
1369  report_mem_header(out, numins, 0, ins_kind,
1370  "member class template", indent);
1371  for (vector<insertion>::const_iterator i = e.insertions().begin();
1372  i != e.insertions().end();
1373  ++i)
1374  {
1375  member_class_template_sptr mem_cls_tmpl;
1376  for (vector<unsigned>::const_iterator j =
1377  i->inserted_indexes().begin();
1378  j != i->inserted_indexes().end();
1379  ++j)
1380  {
1381  mem_cls_tmpl = second->get_member_class_templates()[*j];
1382  out << indent << " '"
1383  << mem_cls_tmpl->as_class_tdecl()
1384  ->get_pretty_representation()
1385  << "'\n";
1386  }
1387  }
1388  }
1389 }
1391 /// Produce a basic report about the changes carried by a @ref
1392 /// class_diff node.
1393 ///
1394 /// @param d the @ref class_diff node to consider.
1395 ///
1396 /// @param out the output stream to report the changes to.
1397 ///
1398 /// @param indent the string to use as an indentation prefix in the
1399 /// report.
1400 void
1401 default_reporter::report(const class_diff& d, ostream& out,
1402  const string& indent) const
1403 {
1404  if (!d.to_be_reported())
1405  return;
1407  string name = d.first_subject()->get_pretty_representation();
1410  d.second_subject());
1412  d.currently_reporting(true);
1414  // Now report the changes about the differents parts of the type.
1415  class_decl_sptr first = d.first_class_decl(),
1416  second = d.second_class_decl();
1418  report_name_size_and_alignment_changes(first, second, d.context(),
1419  out, indent);
1421  const diff_context_sptr& ctxt = d.context();
1422  maybe_report_diff_for_member(first, second, ctxt, out, indent);
1424  // bases classes
1425  if (d.base_changes())
1426  {
1427  // Report deletions.
1428  int numdels = d.get_priv()->deleted_bases_.size();
1429  size_t numchanges = d.get_priv()->sorted_changed_bases_.size();
1431  if (numdels)
1432  {
1433  report_mem_header(out, numdels, 0, del_kind,
1434  "base class", indent);
1436  for (class_decl::base_specs::const_iterator i
1437  = d.get_priv()->sorted_deleted_bases_.begin();
1438  i != d.get_priv()->sorted_deleted_bases_.end();
1439  ++i)
1440  {
1441  if (i != d.get_priv()->sorted_deleted_bases_.begin())
1442  out << "\n";
1444  class_decl::base_spec_sptr base = *i;
1446  if (d.get_priv()->base_has_changed(base))
1447  continue;
1448  out << indent << " "
1449  << base->get_base_class()->get_pretty_representation();
1450  report_loc_info(base->get_base_class(), *d.context(), out);
1451  }
1452  out << "\n";
1453  }
1455  // Report changes.
1456  size_t num_filtered = d.get_priv()->count_filtered_bases();
1457  if (numchanges)
1458  {
1459  report_mem_header(out, numchanges, num_filtered, change_kind,
1460  "base class", indent);
1461  for (base_diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator it =
1462  d.get_priv()->sorted_changed_bases_.begin();
1463  it != d.get_priv()->sorted_changed_bases_.end();
1464  ++it)
1465  {
1466  base_diff_sptr diff = *it;
1467  if (!diff || !diff->to_be_reported())
1468  continue;
1470  class_decl::base_spec_sptr o = diff->first_base();
1471  out << indent << " '"
1472  << o->get_base_class()->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
1473  report_loc_info(o->get_base_class(), *d.context(), out);
1474  out << " changed:\n";
1475  diff->report(out, indent + " ");
1476  }
1477  }
1479  //Report insertions.
1480  int numins = d.get_priv()->inserted_bases_.size();
1481  if (numins)
1482  {
1483  report_mem_header(out, numins, 0, ins_kind,
1484  "base class", indent);
1486  for (class_decl::base_specs::const_iterator i =
1487  d.get_priv()->sorted_inserted_bases_.begin();
1488  i != d.get_priv()->sorted_inserted_bases_.end();
1489  ++i)
1490  {
1491  class_decl_sptr b = (*i)->get_base_class();
1492  out << indent << " " << b->get_pretty_representation();
1493  report_loc_info(b, *ctxt, out);
1494  out << "\n";
1495  }
1496  }
1498  // Report base classes re-organisation
1499  maybe_report_base_class_reordering(d, out, indent);
1500  }
1502  d.class_or_union_diff::report(out, indent);
1504  d.currently_reporting(false);
1506  d.reported_once(true);
1507 }
1509 /// Produce a basic report about the changes carried by a @ref
1510 /// union_diff node.
1511 ///
1512 /// @param d the @ref union_diff node to consider.
1513 ///
1514 /// @param out the output stream to report the changes to.
1515 ///
1516 /// @param indent the string to use as an indentation prefix in the
1517 /// report.
1518 void
1519 default_reporter::report(const union_diff& d, ostream& out,
1520  const string& indent) const
1521 {
1523  d.second_subject());
1525  d.currently_reporting(true);
1527  // Now report the changes about the differents parts of the type.
1528  union_decl_sptr first = d.first_union_decl(), second = d.second_union_decl();
1530  report_name_size_and_alignment_changes(first, second, d.context(),
1531  out, indent);
1533  maybe_report_diff_for_member(first, second,d. context(), out, indent);
1535  d.class_or_union_diff::report(out, indent);
1537  if (d.context()->get_allowed_category() & HARMLESS_UNION_OR_CLASS_CHANGE_CATEGORY
1539  {
1540  // The user wants to see harmless changes and the union diff we
1541  // are looking at does carry some harmless changes. Let's show
1542  // the "before" and "after" carried by the diff node.
1543  out << indent << "type changed from:\n"
1544  << get_class_or_union_flat_representation(first, indent + " ",
1545  /*one_line=*/true,
1546  /*internal=*/false,
1547  /*qualified_names=*/false)
1548  << "\n"
1549  << indent << "to:\n"
1550  << get_class_or_union_flat_representation(second, indent + " ",
1551  /*one_line=*/true,
1552  /*internal=*/false,
1553  /*qualified_names=*/false)
1554  << "\n";
1555  }
1557  d.currently_reporting(false);
1559  d.reported_once(true);
1560 }
1562 /// Emit a report about the changes carried by a @ref distinct_diff
1563 /// node.
1564 ///
1565 /// @param d the @ref distinct_diff node to consider.
1566 ///
1567 /// @param out the output stream to send the diff report to.
1568 ///
1569 /// @param indent the indentation string to use in the report.
1570 void
1571 default_reporter::report(const distinct_diff& d, ostream& out,
1572  const string& indent) const
1573 {
1574  if (!d.to_be_reported())
1575  return;
1577  type_or_decl_base_sptr f = d.first(), s = d.second();
1579  string f_repr = f ? f->get_pretty_representation() : "'void'";
1580  string s_repr = s ? s->get_pretty_representation() : "'void'";
1582  diff_sptr diff = d.compatible_child_diff();
1584  string compatible = diff ? " to compatible type '": " to '";
1586  out << indent << "entity changed from '" << f_repr << "'"
1587  << compatible << s_repr << "'";
1588  report_loc_info(s, *d.context(), out);
1589  out << "\n";
1591  type_base_sptr fs = strip_typedef(is_type(f)),
1592  ss = strip_typedef(is_type(s));
1594  if (diff)
1595  diff->report(out, indent + " ");
1596  else
1597  report_size_and_alignment_changes(f, s, d.context(), out, indent);
1598 }
1600 /// Serialize a report of the changes encapsulated in the current
1601 /// instance of @ref function_decl_diff over to an output stream.
1602 ///
1603 /// @param d the @ref function_decl_diff node to consider.
1604 ///
1605 /// @param out the output stream to serialize the report to.
1606 ///
1607 /// @param indent the string to use an an indentation prefix.
1608 void
1609 default_reporter::report(const function_decl_diff& d, ostream& out,
1610  const string& indent) const
1611 {
1612  if (!d.to_be_reported())
1613  return;
1615  maybe_report_diff_for_member(d.first_function_decl(),
1616  d.second_function_decl(),
1617  d.context(), out, indent);
1619  function_decl_sptr ff = d.first_function_decl();
1620  function_decl_sptr sf = d.second_function_decl();
1622  diff_context_sptr ctxt = d.context();
1623  corpus_sptr fc = ctxt->get_first_corpus();
1624  corpus_sptr sc = ctxt->get_second_corpus();
1627  string qn1 = ff->get_qualified_name(), qn2 = sf->get_qualified_name(),
1628  linkage_names1, linkage_names2;
1629  elf_symbol_sptr s1 = ff->get_symbol(), s2 = sf->get_symbol();
1631  if (s1)
1632  linkage_names1 = s1->get_id_string();
1633  if (s2)
1634  linkage_names2 = s2->get_id_string();
1636  // If the symbols for ff and sf have aliases, get all the names of
1637  // the aliases;
1638  if (fc && s1)
1639  linkage_names1 =
1640  s1->get_aliases_id_string(fc->get_fun_symbol_map());
1641  if (sc && s2)
1642  linkage_names2 =
1643  s2->get_aliases_id_string(sc->get_fun_symbol_map());
1645  if (!d.is_filtered_out_without_looking_at_allowed_changes())
1646  {
1647  /// If the set of linkage names of the function have changed, report
1648  /// it.
1649  if (linkage_names1 != linkage_names2)
1650  {
1651  if (linkage_names1.empty())
1652  {
1653  out << indent << ff->get_pretty_representation()
1654  << " didn't have any linkage name, and it now has: '"
1655  << linkage_names2 << "'\n";
1656  }
1657  else if (linkage_names2.empty())
1658  {
1659  out << indent << ff->get_pretty_representation()
1660  << " did have linkage names '" << linkage_names1
1661  << "'\n"
1662  << indent << "but it doesn't have any linkage name anymore\n";
1663  }
1664  else
1665  out << indent << "linkage names of "
1666  << ff->get_pretty_representation()
1667  << "\n" << indent << "changed from '"
1668  << linkage_names1 << "' to '" << linkage_names2 << "'\n";
1669  }
1671  if (qn1 != qn2
1672  && d.type_diff()
1673  && d.type_diff()->to_be_reported())
1674  {
1675  // So the function has sub-type changes that are to be
1676  // reported. Let's see if the function name changed too; if it
1677  // did, then we'd report that change right before reporting the
1678  // sub-type changes.
1679  string frep1 = d.first_function_decl()->get_pretty_representation(),
1680  frep2 = d.second_function_decl()->get_pretty_representation();
1681  out << indent << "'" << frep1 << " {" << linkage_names1<< "}"
1682  << "' now becomes '"
1683  << frep2 << " {" << linkage_names2 << "}" << "'\n";
1684  }
1686  maybe_report_diff_for_symbol(ff->get_symbol(),
1687  sf->get_symbol(),
1688  d.context(), out, indent);
1690  // Now report about inline-ness changes
1691  if (ff->is_declared_inline() != sf->is_declared_inline())
1692  {
1693  out << indent;
1694  if (ff->is_declared_inline())
1695  out << sf->get_pretty_representation()
1696  << " is not declared inline anymore\n";
1697  else
1698  out << sf->get_pretty_representation()
1699  << " is now declared inline\n";
1700  }
1702  // Report about vtable offset changes.
1703  if (is_member_function(ff) && is_member_function(sf))
1704  {
1705  bool ff_is_virtual = get_member_function_is_virtual(ff),
1706  sf_is_virtual = get_member_function_is_virtual(sf);
1707  if (ff_is_virtual != sf_is_virtual)
1708  {
1709  out << indent;
1710  if (ff_is_virtual)
1711  out << ff->get_pretty_representation()
1712  << " is no more declared virtual\n";
1713  else
1714  out << ff->get_pretty_representation()
1715  << " is now declared virtual\n";
1716  }
1718  size_t ff_vtable_offset = get_member_function_vtable_offset(ff),
1719  sf_vtable_offset = get_member_function_vtable_offset(sf);
1720  if (ff_is_virtual && sf_is_virtual
1721  && (ff_vtable_offset != sf_vtable_offset))
1722  {
1723  out << indent
1724  << "the vtable offset of " << ff->get_pretty_representation()
1725  << " changed from " << ff_vtable_offset
1726  << " to " << sf_vtable_offset << "\n";
1727  }
1729  // the parent types (classe or union) of the two member
1730  // functions.
1731  class_or_union_sptr f =
1732  is_class_or_union_type(is_method_type(ff->get_type())->get_class_type());
1733  class_or_union_sptr s =
1734  is_class_or_union_type(is_method_type(sf->get_type())->get_class_type());
1739  // Detect if the virtual member function changes above
1740  // introduced a vtable change or not.
1741  bool vtable_added = false, vtable_removed = false;
1742  if (!f->get_is_declaration_only() && !s->get_is_declaration_only())
1743  {
1744  if (fc && sc)
1745  {
1746  vtable_added = !fc->has_vtable() && sc->has_vtable();
1747  vtable_removed = fc->has_vtable() && !sc->has_vtable();
1748  }
1749  }
1750  bool vtable_changed = ((ff_is_virtual != sf_is_virtual)
1751  || (ff_vtable_offset != sf_vtable_offset));
1752  bool incompatible_change = (ff_vtable_offset != sf_vtable_offset);
1754  if (vtable_added)
1755  out << indent
1756  << " note that a vtable was added to "
1757  << fc->get_pretty_representation()
1758  << "\n";
1759  else if (vtable_removed)
1760  out << indent
1761  << " note that the vtable was removed from "
1762  << fc->get_pretty_representation()
1763  << "\n";
1764  else if (vtable_changed)
1765  {
1766  out << indent;
1767  if (incompatible_change)
1768  out << " note that this is an ABI incompatible "
1769  "change to the vtable of ";
1770  else
1771  out << " note that this induces a change to the vtable of ";
1772  out << fc->get_pretty_representation()
1773  << "\n";
1774  }
1776  }
1777  }
1779  // Report about function type differences.
1780  if (d.type_diff() && d.type_diff()->to_be_reported())
1781  d.type_diff()->report(out, indent);
1782 }
1784 /// Report the changes carried by a @ref var_diff node in a serialized
1785 /// form.
1786 ///
1787 /// @param d the @ref var_diff node to consider.
1788 ///
1789 /// @param out the stream to serialize the diff to.
1790 ///
1791 /// @param indent the prefix to use for the indentation of this
1792 /// serialization.
1793 void
1794 default_reporter::report(const var_diff& d, ostream& out,
1795  const string& indent) const
1796 {
1797  if (!d.to_be_reported())
1798  return;
1800  decl_base_sptr first = d.first_var(), second = d.second_var();
1801  string n = first->get_pretty_representation();
1803  if (!d.is_filtered_out_without_looking_at_allowed_changes())
1804  {
1806  d.context(),
1807  out, indent);
1809  maybe_report_diff_for_symbol(d.first_var()->get_symbol(),
1810  d.second_var()->get_symbol(),
1811  d.context(), out, indent);
1813  maybe_report_diff_for_member(first, second, d.context(), out, indent);
1815  maybe_report_diff_for_variable(first, second, d.context(), out, indent);
1816  }
1818  if (diff_sptr dif = d.type_diff())
1819  {
1820  if (dif->to_be_reported())
1821  {
1823  out << indent << "type of variable changed:\n";
1824  dif->report(out, indent + " ");
1825  }
1826  }
1827 }
1829 /// Report the changes carried by a @ref translation_unit_diff node in
1830 /// a serialized form.
1831 ///
1832 /// @param d the @ref translation_unit_diff node to consider.
1833 ///
1834 /// @param out the output stream to serialize the report to.
1835 ///
1836 /// @param indent the prefix to use as indentation for the report.
1837 void
1838 default_reporter::report(const translation_unit_diff& d,
1839  ostream& out,
1840  const string& indent) const
1841 {
1842  static_cast<const scope_diff&>(d).report(out, indent);
1843 }
1845 /// Report the changes carried by a @ref corpus_diff node in a
1846 /// serialized form.
1847 ///
1848 /// @param d the @ref corpus_diff node to consider.
1849 ///
1850 /// @param out the output stream to serialize the report to.
1851 ///
1852 /// @param indent the prefix to use as indentation for the report.
1853 void
1854 default_reporter::report(const corpus_diff& d, ostream& out,
1855  const string& indent) const
1856 {
1857  const corpus_diff::diff_stats &s =
1858  const_cast<corpus_diff&>(d).
1859  apply_filters_and_suppressions_before_reporting();
1861  const diff_context_sptr& ctxt = d.context();
1863  d.priv_->emit_diff_stats(s, out, indent);
1864  if (ctxt->show_stats_only())
1865  return;
1866  out << "\n";
1868  if (ctxt->show_soname_change()
1869  && !d.priv_->sonames_equal_)
1870  out << indent << "SONAME changed from '"
1871  << d.first_corpus()->get_soname() << "' to '"
1872  << d.second_corpus()->get_soname() << "'\n\n";
1874  if (ctxt->show_architecture_change()
1875  && !d.priv_->architectures_equal_)
1876  out << indent << "architecture changed from '"
1877  << d.first_corpus()->get_architecture_name() << "' to '"
1878  << d.second_corpus()->get_architecture_name() << "'\n\n";
1880  /// Report removed/added/changed functions.
1881  if (ctxt->show_deleted_fns())
1882  {
1883  if (s.net_num_func_removed() == 1)
1884  out << indent << "1 Removed function:\n\n";
1885  else if (s.net_num_func_removed() > 1)
1886  out << indent << s.net_num_func_removed() << " Removed functions:\n\n";
1888  bool emitted = false;
1889  corpus::functions sorted_deleted_fns;
1890  sort_string_function_ptr_map(d.priv_->deleted_fns_, sorted_deleted_fns);
1891  for (auto f : sorted_deleted_fns)
1892  {
1893  if (d.priv_->deleted_function_is_suppressed(f))
1894  continue;
1896  out << indent
1897  << " ";
1898  out << "[D] ";
1899  out << "'" << (f)->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
1900  if (ctxt->show_linkage_names())
1901  {
1902  out << " {";
1903  show_linkage_name_and_aliases(out, "", *(f)->get_symbol(),
1904  d.first_corpus()->get_fun_symbol_map());
1905  out << "}";
1906  }
1907  out << "\n";
1909  {
1910  class_decl_sptr c =
1911  is_class_type(is_method_type(f->get_type())->get_class_type());
1912  out << indent
1913  << " "
1914  << "note that this removes an entry from the vtable of "
1915  << c->get_pretty_representation()
1916  << "\n";
1917  }
1918  emitted = true;
1919  }
1920  if (emitted)
1921  out << "\n";
1922  }
1924  if (ctxt->show_added_fns())
1925  {
1926  if (s.net_num_func_added() == 1)
1927  out << indent << "1 Added function:\n\n";
1928  else if (s.net_num_func_added() > 1)
1929  out << indent << s.net_num_func_added()
1930  << " Added functions:\n\n";
1931  bool emitted = false;
1932  corpus::functions sorted_added_fns;
1933  sort_string_function_ptr_map(d.priv_->added_fns_, sorted_added_fns);
1934  for (auto f : sorted_added_fns)
1935  {
1936  if (d.priv_->added_function_is_suppressed(f))
1937  continue;
1939  out
1940  << indent
1941  << " ";
1942  out << "[A] ";
1943  out << "'"
1944  << f->get_pretty_representation()
1945  << "'";
1946  if (ctxt->show_linkage_names())
1947  {
1948  out << " {";
1950  (out, "", *f->get_symbol(),
1951  d.second_corpus()->get_fun_symbol_map());
1952  out << "}";
1953  }
1954  out << "\n";
1956  {
1957  class_decl_sptr c =
1958  is_class_type(is_method_type(f->get_type())->get_class_type());
1959  out << indent
1960  << " "
1961  << "note that this adds a new entry to the vtable of "
1962  << c->get_pretty_representation()
1963  << "\n";
1964  }
1965  emitted = true;
1966  }
1967  if (emitted)
1968  out << "\n";
1969  }
1971  if (ctxt->show_changed_fns())
1972  {
1973  size_t num_changed = s.num_func_changed() - s.num_changed_func_filtered_out();
1974  if (num_changed == 1)
1975  out << indent << "1 function with some indirect sub-type change:\n\n";
1976  else if (num_changed > 1)
1977  out << indent << num_changed
1978  << " functions with some indirect sub-type change:\n\n";
1980  vector<function_decl_diff_sptr> sorted_changed_fns;
1981  sort_string_function_decl_diff_sptr_map(d.priv_->changed_fns_map_,
1982  sorted_changed_fns);
1983  for (vector<function_decl_diff_sptr>::const_iterator i =
1984  sorted_changed_fns.begin();
1985  i != sorted_changed_fns.end();
1986  ++i)
1987  {
1988  diff_sptr diff = *i;
1989  if (!diff)
1990  continue;
1992  if (diff->to_be_reported())
1993  {
1994  function_decl_sptr fn = (*i)->first_function_decl();
1995  out << indent << " [C] '"
1996  << fn->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
1997  report_loc_info((*i)->first_function_decl(), *ctxt, out);
1998  out << " has some indirect sub-type changes:\n";
1999  if (// The symbol of the function has aliases and the
2000  // function is not a cdtor (yeah because c++ cdtors
2001  // usually have several aliases).
2002  (fn->get_symbol()->has_aliases()
2003  && !(is_member_function(fn)
2005  && !(is_member_function(fn)
2007  || // We are in C and the name of the function is
2008  // different from the symbol name -- without
2009  // taking the possible symbol version into
2010  // account (this usually means the programmers
2011  // was playing tricks with symbol names and
2012  // versions).
2013  (is_c_language(get_translation_unit(fn)->get_language())
2014  && fn->get_name() != fn->get_symbol()->get_name()))
2015  {
2016  // As the name of the symbol of the function doesn't
2017  // seem to be obvious here, make sure to tell the
2018  // user about the name of the (function) symbol she
2019  // is looking at here.
2020  int number_of_aliases =
2021  fn->get_symbol()->get_number_of_aliases();
2022  if (number_of_aliases == 0)
2023  {
2024  out << indent << " "
2025  << "Please note that the exported symbol of "
2026  "this function is "
2027  << fn->get_symbol()->get_id_string()
2028  << "\n";
2029  }
2030  else
2031  {
2032  out << indent << " "
2033  << "Please note that the symbol of this function is "
2034  << fn->get_symbol()->get_id_string()
2035  << "\n and it aliases symbol";
2036  if (number_of_aliases > 1)
2037  out << "s";
2038  out << ": "
2039  << fn->get_symbol()->get_aliases_id_string(false)
2040  << "\n";
2041  }
2042  }
2043  diff->report(out, indent + " ");
2044  // Extra spacing.
2045  out << "\n";
2046  }
2047  }
2048  // Changed functions have extra spacing already. No new line here.
2049  }
2051  // Report removed/added/changed variables.
2052  if (ctxt->show_deleted_vars())
2053  {
2054  if (s.net_num_vars_removed() == 1)
2055  out << indent << "1 Removed variable:\n\n";
2056  else if (s.net_num_vars_removed() > 1)
2057  out << indent << s.net_num_vars_removed()
2058  << " Removed variables:\n\n";
2059  string n;
2060  bool emitted = false;
2061  corpus::variables sorted_deleted_vars;
2062  sort_string_var_ptr_map(d.priv_->deleted_vars_, sorted_deleted_vars);
2063  for (auto v : sorted_deleted_vars)
2064  {
2065  if (d.priv_->deleted_variable_is_suppressed(v))
2066  continue;
2068  n = v->get_pretty_representation();
2070  out << indent
2071  << " ";
2072  out << "[D] ";
2073  out << "'"
2074  << n
2075  << "'";
2076  if (ctxt->show_linkage_names())
2077  {
2078  out << " {";
2079  show_linkage_name_and_aliases(out, "", *v->get_symbol(),
2080  d.first_corpus()->get_var_symbol_map());
2081  out << "}";
2082  }
2083  out << "\n";
2084  emitted = true;
2085  }
2086  if (emitted)
2087  out << "\n";
2088  }
2090  if (ctxt->show_added_vars())
2091  {
2092  if (s.net_num_vars_added() == 1)
2093  out << indent << "1 Added variable:\n\n";
2094  else if (s.net_num_vars_added() > 1)
2095  out << indent << s.net_num_vars_added()
2096  << " Added variables:\n\n";
2097  string n;
2098  bool emitted = false;
2099  corpus::variables sorted_added_vars;
2100  sort_string_var_ptr_map(d.priv_->added_vars_, sorted_added_vars);
2101  for (auto v : sorted_added_vars)
2102  {
2103  if (d.priv_->added_variable_is_suppressed(v))
2104  continue;
2106  n = v->get_pretty_representation();
2108  out << indent
2109  << " ";
2110  out << "[A] ";
2111  out << "'" << n << "'";
2112  if (ctxt->show_linkage_names())
2113  {
2114  out << " {";
2115  show_linkage_name_and_aliases(out, "", *v->get_symbol(),
2116  d.second_corpus()->get_var_symbol_map());
2117  out << "}";
2118  }
2119  out << "\n";
2120  emitted = true;
2121  }
2122  if (emitted)
2123  out << "\n";
2124  }
2126  if (ctxt->show_changed_vars())
2127  {
2128  size_t num_changed =
2129  s.num_vars_changed() - s.num_changed_vars_filtered_out();
2130  if (num_changed == 1)
2131  out << indent << "1 Changed variable:\n\n";
2132  else if (num_changed > 1)
2133  out << indent << num_changed
2134  << " Changed variables:\n\n";
2135  string n1, n2;
2137  for (var_diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator i =
2138  d.priv_->sorted_changed_vars_.begin();
2139  i != d.priv_->sorted_changed_vars_.end();
2140  ++i)
2141  {
2142  diff_sptr diff = *i;
2144  if (!diff)
2145  continue;
2147  if (!diff->to_be_reported())
2148  continue;
2150  n1 = diff->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation();
2151  n2 = diff->second_subject()->get_pretty_representation();
2153  out << indent << " [C] '" << n1 << "' was changed";
2154  if (n1 != n2)
2155  out << " to '" << n2 << "'";
2156  report_loc_info(diff->second_subject(), *ctxt, out);
2157  out << ":\n";
2158  diff->report(out, indent + " ");
2159  // Extra spacing.
2160  out << "\n";
2161  }
2162  // Changed variables have extra spacing already. No new line here.
2163  }
2165  // Report removed function symbols not referenced by any debug info.
2166  if (ctxt->show_symbols_unreferenced_by_debug_info()
2167  && d.priv_->deleted_unrefed_fn_syms_.size())
2168  {
2169  if (s.net_num_removed_func_syms() == 1)
2170  out << indent
2171  << "1 Removed function symbol not referenced by debug info:\n\n";
2172  else if (s.net_num_removed_func_syms() > 0)
2173  out << indent
2174  << s.net_num_removed_func_syms()
2175  << " Removed function symbols not referenced by debug info:\n\n";
2177  bool emitted = false;
2178  vector<elf_symbol_sptr> sorted_deleted_unrefed_fn_syms;
2179  sort_string_elf_symbol_map(d.priv_->deleted_unrefed_fn_syms_,
2180  sorted_deleted_unrefed_fn_syms);
2181  for (vector<elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator i =
2182  sorted_deleted_unrefed_fn_syms.begin();
2183  i != sorted_deleted_unrefed_fn_syms.end();
2184  ++i)
2185  {
2186  if (d.priv_->deleted_unrefed_fn_sym_is_suppressed((*i).get()))
2187  continue;
2189  out << indent << " ";
2190  out << "[D] ";
2192  show_linkage_name_and_aliases(out, "", **i,
2193  d.first_corpus()->get_fun_symbol_map());
2194  out << "\n";
2195  emitted = true;
2196  }
2197  if (emitted)
2198  out << "\n";
2199  }
2201  // Report added function symbols not referenced by any debug info.
2202  if (ctxt->show_symbols_unreferenced_by_debug_info()
2203  && ctxt->show_added_symbols_unreferenced_by_debug_info()
2204  && d.priv_->added_unrefed_fn_syms_.size())
2205  {
2206  if (s.net_num_added_func_syms() == 1)
2207  out << indent
2208  << "1 Added function symbol not referenced by debug info:\n\n";
2209  else if (s.net_num_added_func_syms() > 0)
2210  out << indent
2211  << s.net_num_added_func_syms()
2212  << " Added function symbols not referenced by debug info:\n\n";
2214  bool emitted = false;
2215  vector<elf_symbol_sptr> sorted_added_unrefed_fn_syms;
2216  sort_string_elf_symbol_map(d.priv_->added_unrefed_fn_syms_,
2217  sorted_added_unrefed_fn_syms);
2218  for (vector<elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator i =
2219  sorted_added_unrefed_fn_syms.begin();
2220  i != sorted_added_unrefed_fn_syms.end();
2221  ++i)
2222  {
2223  if (d.priv_->added_unrefed_fn_sym_is_suppressed((*i).get()))
2224  continue;
2226  out << indent << " ";
2227  out << "[A] ";
2229  **i,
2230  d.second_corpus()->get_fun_symbol_map());
2231  out << "\n";
2232  emitted = true;
2233  }
2234  if (emitted)
2235  out << "\n";
2236  }
2238  // Report removed variable symbols not referenced by any debug info.
2239  if (ctxt->show_symbols_unreferenced_by_debug_info()
2240  && d.priv_->deleted_unrefed_var_syms_.size())
2241  {
2242  if (s.net_num_removed_var_syms() == 1)
2243  out << indent
2244  << "1 Removed variable symbol not referenced by debug info:\n\n";
2245  else if (s.net_num_removed_var_syms() > 0)
2246  out << indent
2247  << s.net_num_removed_var_syms()
2248  << " Removed variable symbols not referenced by debug info:\n\n";
2250  bool emitted = false;
2251  vector<elf_symbol_sptr> sorted_deleted_unrefed_var_syms;
2252  sort_string_elf_symbol_map(d.priv_->deleted_unrefed_var_syms_,
2253  sorted_deleted_unrefed_var_syms);
2254  for (vector<elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator i =
2255  sorted_deleted_unrefed_var_syms.begin();
2256  i != sorted_deleted_unrefed_var_syms.end();
2257  ++i)
2258  {
2259  if (d.priv_->deleted_unrefed_var_sym_is_suppressed((*i).get()))
2260  continue;
2262  out << indent << " ";
2263  out << "[D] ";
2266  (out, "", **i,
2267  d.first_corpus()->get_fun_symbol_map());
2269  out << "\n";
2270  emitted = true;
2271  }
2272  if (emitted)
2273  out << "\n";
2274  }
2276  // Report added variable symbols not referenced by any debug info.
2277  if (ctxt->show_symbols_unreferenced_by_debug_info()
2278  && ctxt->show_added_symbols_unreferenced_by_debug_info()
2279  && d.priv_->added_unrefed_var_syms_.size())
2280  {
2281  if (s.net_num_added_var_syms() == 1)
2282  out << indent
2283  << "1 Added variable symbol not referenced by debug info:\n\n";
2284  else if (s.net_num_added_var_syms() > 0)
2285  out << indent
2286  << s.net_num_added_var_syms()
2287  << " Added variable symbols not referenced by debug info:\n\n";
2289  bool emitted = false;
2290  vector<elf_symbol_sptr> sorted_added_unrefed_var_syms;
2291  sort_string_elf_symbol_map(d.priv_->added_unrefed_var_syms_,
2292  sorted_added_unrefed_var_syms);
2293  for (vector<elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator i =
2294  sorted_added_unrefed_var_syms.begin();
2295  i != sorted_added_unrefed_var_syms.end();
2296  ++i)
2297  {
2298  if (d.priv_->added_unrefed_var_sym_is_suppressed((*i).get()))
2299  continue;
2301  out << indent << " ";
2302  out << "[A] ";
2303  show_linkage_name_and_aliases(out, "", **i,
2304  d.second_corpus()->get_fun_symbol_map());
2305  out << "\n";
2306  emitted = true;
2307  }
2308  if (emitted)
2309  out << "\n";
2310  }
2312  // Report added/removed/changed types not reacheable from public
2313  // interfaces.
2314  maybe_report_unreachable_type_changes(d, s, indent, out);
2316  d.priv_->maybe_dump_diff_tree();
2317 }
2319 } // end namespace comparison
2320 }// end namespace libabigail
The private data and functions of the abigail::ir::comparison types.
#define ABG_ASSERT(cond)
This is a wrapper around the 'assert' glibc call. It allows for its argument to have side effects,...
Definition: abg-fwd.h:1714
The declaration of the reporting types of libabigail's diff engine.
The abstraction of a diff between two arrays.
const diff_sptr & element_type_diff() const
Getter for the diff between the two types of array elements.
const array_type_def_sptr second_array() const
Getter for the second array of the diff.
const array_type_def_sptr first_array() const
Getter for the first array of the diff.
This is a document class that aims to capture statistics about the changes carried by a corpus_diff t...
size_t net_num_func_changed() const
Getter for the number of functions that have a change in their sub-types, minus the number of these f...
size_t net_num_vars_removed() const
Getter for the net number of removed variables.
size_t net_num_added_unreachable_types() const
Getter of the number of added types that are unreachable from public interfaces and that are *NOT* fi...
size_t net_num_added_func_syms() const
Getter of the net number of added function symbols that are not referenced by any debug info.
size_t net_num_removed_func_syms() const
Getter of the net number of removed function symbols that are not referenced by any debug info.
size_t net_num_removed_var_syms() const
Getter of the net number of removed variable symbols that are not referenced by any debug info.
size_t net_num_func_removed() const
Getter for the net number of function removed.
size_t net_num_func_added() const
Getter for the net number of added functions.
size_t net_num_removed_unreachable_types() const
Getter of the number of removed types that are not reachable from public interfaces and that have *NO...
size_t net_num_added_var_syms() const
Getter of the net number of added variable symbols that are not referenced by any debug info.
size_t net_num_vars_added() const
Getter for the net number of added variables.
size_t net_num_changed_unreachable_types() const
Getter of the number of changed types that are unreachable from public interfaces and that have *NOT*...
size_t net_num_vars_changed() const
Getter for the number of variables that have a change in their sub-types, minus the number of these v...
An abstraction of a diff between between two abi corpus.
bool soname_changed() const
Test if the soname of the underlying corpus has changed.
bool architecture_changed() const
Test if the architecture of the underlying corpus has changed.
bool report_local_ptr_to_mbr_type_changes(const ptr_to_mbr_diff &d, std::ostream &out, const std::string &indent="") const
Report the local changes carried by a ptr_to_mbr_diff diff node.
bool report_local_qualified_type_changes(const qualified_type_diff &d, std::ostream &out, const std::string &indent) const
For a qualified_type_diff node, report the changes that are local.
void report_local_function_type_changes(const function_type_diff &d, std::ostream &out, const std::string &indent) const
For a function_type_diff node, report the local changes carried by the diff node.
void report_underlying_changes_of_qualified_type(const qualified_type_diff &d, ostream &out, const string &indent) const
For a qualified_type_diff node, report the changes of its underlying type.
virtual bool diff_has_net_changes(const corpus_diff *d) const
Test if a given instance of corpus_diff carries changes whose reports are not suppressed by any suppr...
void report_local_reference_type_changes(const reference_diff &d, std::ostream &out, const std::string &indent) const
For a @reference_diff node, report the local changes carried by the diff node.
void report_non_type_typedef_changes(const typedef_diff &d, std::ostream &out, const std::string &indent) const
For a typedef_diff node, report the local changes to the typedef rather the changes to its underlying...
bool is_filtered_out_without_looking_at_allowed_changes() const
Test if this diff tree node is to be filtered out for reporting purposes, but without considering the...
const diff_context_sptr context() const
Getter of the context of the current diff.
bool to_be_reported() const
Test if this diff tree node should be reported.
bool reported_once() const
Tests if a report has already been emitted for the current diff.
Abstraction of a diff between two function parameters.
const function_decl::parameter_sptr first_parameter() const
Getter for the first subject of this diff node.
const function_decl::parameter_sptr second_parameter() const
Getter for the second subject of this diff node.
diff_sptr type_diff() const
Getter for the diff representing the changes on the type of the function parameter involved in the cu...
Abstraction of a diff between two function types.
const function_type_sptr first_function_type() const
Getter for the first subject of the diff.
const function_type_sptr second_function_type() const
Getter for the second subject of the diff.
The abstraction of a diff between two pointers.
diff_sptr underlying_type_diff() const
Getter for the diff between the pointed-to types of the pointers of this diff.
The abstraction of a diff between two ptr_to_mbr_type.
ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr first_ptr_to_mbr_type() const
Getter of the first pointer-to-member subject of the current diff node.
const diff_sptr containing_type_diff() const
Getter of the diff node carrying changes to the containing type of first subject of the current diff ...
const diff_sptr member_type_diff() const
Getter of the diff node carrying changes to the member type of first subject of the current diff node...
ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr second_ptr_to_mbr_type() const
Getter of the second pointer-to-member subject of the current diff node.
Abstraction of a diff between two qualified types.
diff_sptr leaf_underlying_type_diff() const
Getter for the diff between the most underlying non-qualified types of two qualified types.
const qualified_type_def_sptr second_qualified_type() const
Getter for the second qualified type of the diff.
const qualified_type_def_sptr first_qualified_type() const
Getter for the first qualified type of the diff.
The abstraction of a diff between two references.
reference_type_def_sptr first_reference() const
Getter for the first reference of the diff.
reference_type_def_sptr second_reference() const
Getter for the second reference of the diff.
const diff_sptr & underlying_type_diff() const
Getter for the diff between the two referred-to types.
virtual bool diff_to_be_reported(const diff *d) const
Tests if the diff node is to be reported.
The abstraction of the diff between two subrange types.
const array_type_def::subrange_sptr second_subrange() const
Getter of the second subrange of the current instance subrange_diff.
const array_type_def::subrange_sptr first_subrange() const
Getter of the first subrange of the current instance subrange_diff.
Abstraction of a diff between two basic type declarations.
const type_decl_sptr first_type_decl() const
Getter for the first subject of the type_decl_diff.
const type_decl_sptr second_type_decl() const
Getter for the second subject of the type_decl_diff.
Abstraction of a diff between two typedef_decl.
const typedef_decl_sptr second_typedef_decl() const
Getter for the second typedef_decl involved in the diff.
const typedef_decl_sptr first_typedef_decl() const
Getter for the firt typedef_decl involved in the diff.
const diff_sptr underlying_type_diff() const
Getter for the diff between the two underlying types of the typedefs.
shared_ptr< base_spec > base_spec_sptr
Convenience typedef.
Definition: abg-ir.h:4245
vector< const var_decl * > variables
Convenience typedef for std::vector<abigail::ir::var_decl*>
Definition: abg-corpus.h:37
vector< const function_decl * > functions
Convenience typedef for std::vector<abigail::ir::function_decl*>
Definition: abg-corpus.h:31
std::vector< enumerator > enumerators
Convenience typedef for a list of enumerator.
Definition: abg-ir.h:2763
shared_ptr< parameter > parameter_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl::parameter.
Definition: abg-ir.h:3131
bool has_enum_decl_only_def_change(const enum_type_decl_sptr &first, const enum_type_decl_sptr &second)
Test if two enum_sptr are different just by the fact that one is decl-only and the other one is defin...
bool has_class_decl_only_def_change(const class_or_union_sptr &first, const class_or_union_sptr &second)
Test if two class_or_union_sptr are different just by the fact that one is decl-only and the other on...
bool has_harmless_name_change(const decl_base_sptr &f, const decl_base_sptr &s)
Test if two decls represents a harmless name change.
bool union_diff_has_harmless_changes(const diff *d)
Test if a union diff node does have changes that don't impact its size.
shared_ptr< diff > diff_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared_ptr for the diff class.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:76
void show_linkage_name_and_aliases(ostream &out, const string &indent, const elf_symbol &symbol, const string_elf_symbols_map_type &sym_map)
For a given symbol, emit a string made of its name and version. The string also contains the list of ...
void maybe_report_interfaces_impacted_by_diff(const diff *d, ostream &out, const string &indent)
If a given diff node impacts some public interfaces, then report about those impacted interfaces on a...
An enum for the different categories that a diff tree node falls into, regarding the kind of changes ...
This means the diff node (or at least one of its descendant nodes) carries access related changes,...
This means that a diff node was marked as suppressed by a user-provided suppression specification.
A diff node in this category is redundant. That means it's present as a child of a other nodes in the...
This means that a diff node in the sub-tree carries an addition or removal of a non-virtual member fu...
This means that a diff node was warked as being for a private type. That is, the diff node is meant t...
This means that a diff node in the sub-tree carries a type that was declaration-only and that is now ...
This means that a diff node in the sub-tree carries a harmless union or class change.
This means that a diff node in the sub-tree carries a harmless declaration name change....
void sort_string_function_ptr_map(const string_function_ptr_map &map, vector< const function_decl * > &sorted)
Sort an instance of string_function_ptr_map map and stuff a resulting sorted vector of pointers to fu...
void maybe_report_diff_for_symbol(const elf_symbol_sptr &symbol1, const elf_symbol_sptr &symbol2, const diff_context_sptr &ctxt, ostream &out, const string &indent)
Report the difference between two ELF symbols, if there is any.
void maybe_report_unreachable_type_changes(const corpus_diff &d, const corpus_diff::diff_stats &s, const string &indent, ostream &out)
Report changes about types that are not reachable from global functions and variables,...
shared_ptr< diff_context > diff_context_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer of diff_context.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:68
void report_size_and_alignment_changes(type_or_decl_base_sptr first, type_or_decl_base_sptr second, diff_context_sptr ctxt, ostream &out, const string &indent)
Report the size and alignment changes of a type.
bool report_loc_info(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &tod, const diff_context &ctxt, ostream &out)
void sort_string_elf_symbol_map(const string_elf_symbol_map &map, vector< elf_symbol_sptr > &sorted)
Sort a map of string -> pointer to elf_symbol.
void sort_string_function_decl_diff_sptr_map(const string_function_decl_diff_sptr_map &map, function_decl_diff_sptrs_type &sorted)
Sort the values of a string_function_decl_diff_sptr_map map and store the result in a vector of funct...
bool maybe_report_diff_for_variable(const decl_base_sptr &decl1, const decl_base_sptr &decl2, const diff_context_sptr &ctxt, ostream &out, const string &indent)
Report the differences between two generic variables.
void maybe_report_base_class_reordering(const class_diff &d, ostream &out, const string &indent)
Report about the base classes of a class having been re-ordered.
void represent_data_member(var_decl_sptr d, const diff_context_sptr &ctxt, ostream &out, const string &indent)
Stream a string representation for a data member.
string get_pretty_representation(diff *d)
Get a copy of the pretty representation of a diff node.
shared_ptr< base_diff > base_diff_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a base_diff type.
shared_ptr< class_diff > class_diff_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_diff type.
void maybe_report_data_members_replaced_by_anon_dm(const class_or_union_diff &d, ostream &out, const string &indent)
Report about data members replaced by an anonymous data member without changing the overall bit-layou...
bool maybe_report_diff_for_member(const decl_base_sptr &decl1, const decl_base_sptr &decl2, const diff_context_sptr &ctxt, ostream &out, const string &indent)
Report the differences in access specifiers and static-ness for class members.
void report_mem_header(ostream &out, size_t number, size_t num_filtered, diff_kind k, const string &section_name, const string &indent)
Output the header preceding the the report for insertion/deletion/change of a part of a class....
void sort_data_members(const string_decl_base_sptr_map &data_members, vector< decl_base_sptr > &sorted)
Sort a map of data members by the offset of their initial value.
void sort_string_var_ptr_map(const string_var_ptr_map &map, vector< const var_decl * > &sorted)
Sort a map of string -> pointer to var_decl.
void sort_changed_enumerators(const string_changed_enumerator_map &enumerators_map, changed_enumerators_type &sorted)
Sort a map of changed enumerators.
vector< changed_enumerator > changed_enumerators_type
Convenience typedef for a vector of changed enumerators.
void report_name_size_and_alignment_changes(decl_base_sptr first, decl_base_sptr second, diff_context_sptr ctxt, ostream &out, const string &indent)
Report the name, size and alignment changes of a type.
void represent(const diff_context &ctxt, method_decl_sptr mem_fn, ostream &out)
Stream a string representation for a member function.
void sort_enumerators(const string_enumerator_map &enumerators_map, enum_type_decl::enumerators &sorted)
Sort a map of enumerators by their value.
shared_ptr< reference_type_def > reference_type_def_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a reference_type_def.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:233
bool get_member_function_is_dtor(const function_decl &f)
Test whether a member function is a destructor.
bool get_member_is_static(const decl_base &d)
Gets a flag saying if a class member is static or not.
shared_ptr< function_decl > function_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:267
ssize_t get_member_function_vtable_offset(const function_decl &f)
Get the vtable offset of a member function.
bool is_type(const type_or_decl_base &tod)
Test whether a declaration is a type.
shared_ptr< elf_symbol > elf_symbol_sptr
A convenience typedef for a shared pointer to elf_symbol.
Definition: abg-ir.h:886
A bitfield that gives callers of abigail::ir::equals() some insight about how different two internal ...
Definition: abg-ir.h:1323
This means that a given IR artifact has changes in some of its sub-types, with respect to the other a...
Definition: abg-ir.h:1343
Testing (anding) against this mask means that a given IR artifact has local differences,...
Definition: abg-ir.h:1338
bool is_class_type(const type_or_decl_base &t)
Test whether a type is a class.
string get_pretty_representation(const type_or_decl_base *tod, bool internal)
Build and return a copy of the pretty representation of an ABI artifact that could be either a type o...
bool types_have_similar_structure(const type_base_sptr &first, const type_base_sptr &second, bool indirect_type)
Test if two types have similar structures, even though they are (or can be) different.
class_or_union * is_class_or_union_type(const type_or_decl_base *t)
Test if a type is a class_or_union.
shared_ptr< class_decl > class_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a class_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:191
shared_ptr< function_type > function_type_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a function_type.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:209
shared_ptr< typedef_decl > typedef_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a typedef_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:165
shared_ptr< var_decl > var_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a var_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:254
shared_ptr< ptr_to_mbr_type > ptr_to_mbr_type_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer to a ptr_to_mbr_type.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:238
shared_ptr< type_or_decl_base > type_or_decl_base_sptr
A convenience typedef for a shared_ptr to type_or_decl_base.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:119
bool equals(const decl_base &l, const decl_base &r, change_kind *k)
Compares two instances of decl_base.
bool is_member_function(const function_decl &f)
Test whether a function_decl is a member function.
bool is_c_language(translation_unit::language l)
Test if a language enumerator designates the C language.
string get_class_or_union_flat_representation(const class_or_union &cou, const string &indent, bool one_line, bool internal, bool qualified_names)
Get the flat representation of an instance of class_or_union type.
shared_ptr< enum_type_decl > enum_type_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for shared pointer to a enum_type_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:173
type_base_sptr strip_typedef(const type_base_sptr type)
Recursively returns the the underlying type of a typedef. The return type should not be a typedef of ...
bool get_member_function_is_virtual(const function_decl &f)
Test if a given member function is virtual.
const decl_base * get_type_declaration(const type_base *t)
Get the declaration for a given type.
shared_ptr< type_decl > type_decl_sptr
Convenience typedef for a shared pointer on a type_decl.
Definition: abg-fwd.h:160
translation_unit * get_translation_unit(const decl_base &decl)
Return the translation unit a declaration belongs to.
bool type_has_sub_type_changes(const type_base_sptr t_v1, const type_base_sptr t_v2)
Tests if the change of a given type effectively comes from just its sub-types. That is,...
method_type_sptr is_method_type(const type_or_decl_base_sptr &t)
Test whether a type is a method_type.
bool get_member_function_is_ctor(const function_decl &f)
Test whether a member function is a constructor.
Toplevel namespace for libabigail.