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Re: Problem building GCC on Cygwin on Vista

On 20 August 2007 22:53, Aaron Gray wrote:

Why is it different from gcc-4.2.0's ?

Okay I am kicking myself now many hours wasted it was because I used a Windows program WinRAR to unpack my work rather than using tar !!!

It was a permissions problem afterall.

Very sorry for poluting your mailing list.

Heh, I guess I shouldn't have been quite so specific when I asked about winzip.
It's basically any win32 gui unpacker that'll cause these kinds of problems.
Gotta use the cygwin tools!

Yep, no problem on XP though. I am finding Vista a bit of a dog, lots of wasted tim trying to do "bug fixes"/work arounds.

I had forgotten I had used WinRAR.

Many thanks for putting up with my postings,


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