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Re: Installing cygwin by manually copying c:\cygwin to another machine

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

> > Uh, you are right. Sorry guys,  I haven't read the entire phrase written by
> > Yitzchak ...  my fault.
> > It looks like I am too used to the idea of programs writing their messages
> > to stdin/stdout .
> It certainly qualifies as "quaint" behavior.

If you want to know the reason why it prints the output to the log file
instead of to stdout, there is a very long and drawn out discussion
about it on setup-apps.

The summary is that there is no way to make setup.exe able to reliably
output to stdout *without* also having a brief flash of a console window
every time it is run, which rightfully drives some people nuts.  There
is actually a way to achieve this, but the necessary console API
function was only added in windows XP.


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