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Re: [rain1 at airmail dot cc] Delete abortion joke
On 05/07/2018 07:43 PM, Rafal Luzynski wrote:
> Also, some of the posts here make me wonder if I have joined the right
> project. It definitely was not my intention to join any political or social
> organization. My motivation has always been exclusively technical.
> Fortunately I am too young to actually have experienced this but I've heard
> enough stories about scientific or industrial projects led by politicians
> and persecution of scientists, engineers, and other employees who refused
> to follow the core values of their leaders.
Thank you for your post Rafal. I hope that we will continue to receive your
contributions in the future and I will do everything I possibly can to make
that easier for you.
The GNU C Library project is a GNU Project, and that means that we do have
a mission, particularly aligned with the GNU project [1]. These discussions
have roots in the structure of our societies, and thus touch upon subjects
like laws, censorship, etc. Therefore we do talk about these things, but in
this case there is a deep disagreement over how and where the discussion
should be had.
Thank you again for providing your input.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.