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Re: [PATCH] gdb: remove unused includes from dwarf2read.c

On 2019-10-14 2:02 p.m., Luis Machado wrote:
> The transition to some better (restrictions may apply) patch reviewing 
> system is a good thing, but i agree we should think further about it. 
> Personally i think we should discuss and then decide on a date by which 
> we will fully transition to it.
> Otherwise there is the potential for confusion since people will have to 
> look into two different places for patches. People may review stuff on 
> gerrit and the mailing list at the same time. This split isn't great and 
> is prone to cause collision of suggestions due to reviewers not being 
> aware of each other. etc.

I am thinking that having Gerrit send notifications on gdb-patches alleviates
this problem, as people who monitor the mailing list will see the review
comments very similarly as if the review was done by email (I understand the
format of these notifications is not ideal at the moment, we got some good
feedback already).  And I expect people who use Gerrit to keep monitoring the
list at well for email patches.

Also, I expect that people will review patches using the system where the
patch was posted, so I don't think there is much risk of reviewers not being
aware of each other.

To be honest, some people jumped on Gerrit a bit faster than I expected :).
I expected to have more time to tweak it before it would be used "for real",
but I think we can tweak it as we go.

> Ideally we'd put gerrit up when it is fully configured and functional, 
> being able to merge patches automatically. Then only maintainers will be 
> able to +2 (approve) patches and verify contributors meet the legal 
> requisites as is already the case with mailing lists?

The problem with this is that we would need to involve the binutils community
as well, which we wanted to avoid initially.  We can't push to the master
branch on Gerrit while the binutils folks push to the master branch on
Sourceware: the two master branches would diverge.  So we would need to convince
them to use Gerrit too (at least, they would need to push to the Gerrit remote
and we would need to disable pushing to Sourceware).

But once we are happy with using our Gerrit instance (hopefully we'll get there)
and decide we keep it permanently, we can talk to the binutils community to see
if they would accept at least to change their push URL to our Gerrit, which would
allow us to "Submit" using the Gerrit interface.  And if they want to use Gerrit
for review too, why not.


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