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Re: [binutils-gdb] Style the gdb welcome message

Maciej>  I missed that in the various distractions that kept me from using an 
Maciej> up-to-date version of GDB, but now that I came across it the hard way the 
Maciej> bright pink version line hurts my eyes and disturbs me.  Setting:
Maciej> set style enabled off
Maciej> in ~/.gdbinit does not make any change to it, so I find it a functional 
Maciej> regression.  I'm sure there were important reasons to make this change, 
Maciej> but can we please get it under user control somehow?

I added this to make it clear to users that gdb is style-enabled now.
I guess I don't care much about this particular instance though.  Maybe
removing it is the answer.

I'm curious to hear what others think.  In the absence of comments I'll
remove it sometime before 9.1, I think.  Or I'll approve a patch to do so.


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