SFC video-chat discussion meeting notes

Mark Wielaard mark@klomp.org
Sat Sep 10 22:32:00 GMT 2022

Here are the rough notes from the first two meetings.

The SFC will host another one at 17:00 UTC Monday also on BigBlueButton.
The link will be posted on the overseers mailinglist on Monday.

> Meeting 15:00 UTC, September 9
> SFC staff shared links to the Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement template
> Fiscal sponsorship agreement talks about the structure, what's the best way
> to describe it?
> Concern: is defining the scope of the project difficult? There are legacy
> projects, etc
> Projects hosted by Sourceware will not become SFC projects
>     * may need to write this into the agreement
> Sourceware is well resourced enough to bring more projects on
> Discussion about longevity and succession of Sourceware
> Making sure that governance of the project is independent from any company
> Discussed possible people to join the leadership committee
> Possibly anyone who has root should be on the committee?
> SFC recommends reaching out personally to overseers who have been active
> over the last 10 years to make sure they've seen the discussion about
> joining SFC and if they'd like to be involved.

Meeting 18:00 UTC September 10

Reached out to a few people personally who have a longtime involvment
in projects and/or sourceware to see if they would be interested in
joining the PLC

Do member projects talk to each other?

  Sometimes they do and there are a few mailing lists to do it but in
  practice there hasn't been that much cross-project chatter. Recently
  there was a great conversation amongst our projects about

  SFC will announce soon an in person event that may be a good venue
  for more of this

Could SFC help hire logo or web designers?

    Definitely, we've hired multiple people in these roles in the last
    few years and will continue to do so.

    We like to favor small companies or individuals who use software
    freedom tools, but have also hired larger companies.

Conflict of interest policy: it is long, how will that work out with
so many projects being hosted?

    The policy is really only an issue when the person is going to
    benefit financially from the project (or related situation)

    In practice this works out easily, conflicted parties simply
    recuse themselves from the relevant discussion

How do in kind donations work?

    Depending on the donation, we may need to track it on our books

    Charitable deductions are possible where helpful for companies

    Normally can evaluate logo placement or other sponsorship program

    Organizations could be encouraged to continue donating in-kind
    resources by formal recognition

Discussion about other fiscal sponsor options, what SFC offers and
what it doesn't, and different

    historical trajectories of projects that look for large amounts of
    funding vs. those who focus on long term survivability

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