Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
2 // -*- mode: C++ -*-
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Red Hat, Inc.
6 /// @file
8 #include <string>
9 #include <iostream>
11 #include "abg-internal.h"
12 // <headers defining libabigail's API go under here>
15 #include "abg-libxml-utils.h"
18 // </headers defining libabigail's API>
20 namespace abigail
21 {
23 namespace sptr_utils
24 {
25 /// Build and return a shared_ptr for a pointer to xmlTextReader
26 template<>
27 shared_ptr<xmlTextReader>
28 build_sptr<xmlTextReader>(::xmlTextReader *p)
29 {
30  return shared_ptr<xmlTextReader>(p, abigail::xml::textReaderDeleter());
31 }
33 /// Build and return a shared_ptr for a pointer to xmlChar
34 template<>
35 shared_ptr<xmlChar>
36 build_sptr<xmlChar>(xmlChar *p)
37 {
38  return shared_ptr<xmlChar>(p, abigail::xml::charDeleter());
39 }
41 }//end namespace sptr_utils
43 namespace xml
44 {
45 using std::istream;
47 /// Instantiate an xmlTextReader that parses the content of an on-disk
48 /// file, wrap it into a smart pointer and return it.
49 ///
50 /// @param path the path to the file to be parsed by the returned
51 /// instance of xmlTextReader.
53 new_reader_from_file(const std::string& path)
54 {
55  reader_sptr p =
56  build_sptr(xmlNewTextReaderFilename (path.c_str()));
58  return p;
59 }
61 /// Instanciate an xmlTextReader that parses the content of an
62 /// in-memory buffer, wrap it into a smart pointer and return it.
63 ///
64 /// @param buffer the in-memory buffer to be parsed by the returned
65 /// instance of xmlTextReader.
67 new_reader_from_buffer(const std::string& buffer)
68 {
69  reader_sptr p =
70  build_sptr(xmlReaderForMemory(buffer.c_str(),
71  buffer.length(),
72  "", 0, 0));
73  return p;
74 }
76 /// This is an xmlInputReadCallback, meant to be passed to
77 /// xmlNewTextReaderForIO. It reads a number of bytes from an istream.
78 ///
79 /// @param context an std::istream* cast into a void*. This is the
80 /// istream that the xmlTextReader is too read data from.
81 ///
82 /// @param buffer the buffer where to copy the data read from the
83 /// input stream.
84 ///
85 /// @param len the number of byte to read from the input stream and to
86 /// copy into @p buffer.
87 ///
88 /// @return the number of bytes read or -1 in case of error.
89 static int
90 xml_istream_input_read(void* context,
91  char* buffer,
92  int len)
93 {
94  istream* in = reinterpret_cast<istream*>(context);
95  in->read(buffer, len);
96  return in->gcount();
97 }
99 /// This is an xmlInputCloseCallback, meant to be passed to
100 /// xmlNewTextReaderForIO. It's supposed to close the input stream
101 /// that the xmlTextReader is reading from. This particular
102 /// implementation is noop; it does nothing.
103 ///
104 /// @return 0.
105 static int
106 xml_istream_input_close(void*)
107 {return 0;}
109 /// Instanciate an xmlTextReader that parses a content coming from an
110 /// input stream.
111 ///
112 /// @param in the input stream to consider.
113 ///
114 /// @return reader_sptr a pointer to the newly instantiated xml
115 /// reader.
117 new_reader_from_istream(std::istream* in)
118 {
119  reader_sptr p =
120  build_sptr(xmlReaderForIO(&xml_istream_input_read,
121  &xml_istream_input_close,
122  in, "", 0, 0));
123  return p;
124 }
126 /// Convert a shared pointer to xmlChar into an std::string.
127 ///
128 /// If the xmlChar is NULL, set "" to the string.
129 ///
130 /// @param ssptr the shared point to xmlChar to convert.
131 ///
132 /// @param s the output string.
133 ///
134 /// @return true if the shared pointer to xmlChar contained a non NULL
135 /// string, false otherwise.
136 bool
138 {
139  bool non_nil = false;
140  if (CHAR_STR(ssptr))
141  {
142  s = CHAR_STR(ssptr);
143  non_nil = true;
144  }
145  else
146  {
147  s = "";
148  non_nil = false;
149  }
151  return non_nil;
152 }
154 /// Return the depth of an xml element node.
155 ///
156 /// Note that the node must be attached to an XML document.
157 ///
158 /// @param n the xml to consider.
159 ///
160 /// @return a positive or zero number for an XML node properly
161 /// attached to an xml document, -1 otherwise. Note that the function
162 /// returns -1 if passed an xml document as well.
163 int
164 get_xml_node_depth(xmlNodePtr n)
165 {
166  if (n->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE || n->parent == NULL)
167  return -1;
169  if (n->parent->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE)
170  return 0;
172  return 1 + get_xml_node_depth(n->parent);
173 }
175 /// Escape the 5 characters representing the predefined XML entities.
176 ///
177 /// The resulting entities and their matching characters are:
178 ///
179 /// &lt; for the character '<', &gt; for the character '>', &apos; for
180 /// the character ''', &quot; for the character '"', and &amp; for the
181 /// character '&'.
182 ///
183 //// @param str the input string to read to search for the characters
184 //// to escape.
185 ////
186 //// @param escaped the output string where to write the resulting
187 //// string that contains the pre-defined characters escaped as
188 //// predefined entitites.
189 void
190 escape_xml_string(const std::string& str,
191  std::string& escaped)
192 {
193  for (std::string::const_iterator i = str.begin(); i != str.end(); ++i)
194  switch (*i)
195  {
196  case '<':
197  escaped += "&lt;";
198  break;
199  case '>':
200  escaped += "&gt;";
201  break;
202  case '&':
203  escaped += "&amp;";
204  break;
205  case '\'':
206  escaped += "&apos;";
207  break;
208  case '"':
209  escaped += "&quot;";
210  break;
211  default:
212  escaped += *i;
213  }
214 }
216 /// Escape the 5 characters representing the predefined XML entities.
217 ///
218 /// The resulting entities and their matching characters are:
219 ///
220 /// &lt; for the character '<', &gt; for the character '>', &apos; for
221 /// the character ''', &quot; for the character '"', and &amp; for the
222 /// character '&'.
223 ///
224 //// @param str the input string to read to search for the characters
225 //// to escape.
226 ////
227 //// @return the resulting string that contains the pre-defined
228 //// characters escaped as predefined entitites.
229 std::string
230 escape_xml_string(const std::string& str)
231 {
232  std::string result;
233  escape_xml_string(str, result);
234  return result;
235 }
237 /// Escape the '-' character, to avoid having a '--' in a comment.
238 ///
239 /// The resulting entity for '-' is '&#45;'.
240 ///
241 //// @param str the input string to read to search for the characters
242 //// to escape.
243 ////
244 //// @param escaped the output string where to write the resulting
245 //// string that contains the pre-defined characters escaped as
246 //// predefined entitites.
247 void
248 escape_xml_comment(const std::string& str,
249  std::string& escaped)
250 {
251  for (std::string::const_iterator i = str.begin(); i != str.end(); ++i)
252  switch (*i)
253  {
254  case '-':
255  escaped += "&#45;";
256  break;
257  default:
258  escaped += *i;
259  }
260 }
262 /// Escape the '-' character, to avoid having a '--' in a comment.
263 ///
264 /// The resulting entity for '-' is '&#45;'.
265 ///
266 //// @param str the input string to read to search for the characters
267 //// to escape.
268 ////
269 //// @return the resulting string that contains the pre-defined
270 //// characters escaped as predefined entitites.
271 std::string
272 escape_xml_comment(const std::string& str)
273 {
274  std::string result;
275  escape_xml_comment(str, result);
276  return result;
277 }
279 /// Read a string, detect the 5 predefined XML entities it may contain
280 /// and un-escape them, by writting their corresponding characters
281 /// back in. The pre-defined entities are:
282 ///
283 /// &lt; for the character '<', &gt; for the character '>', &apos; for
284 /// the character ''', &quot; for the character '"', and &amp; for the
285 /// character '&'.
286 ///
287 /// @param str the input XML string to consider.
288 ///
289 /// @param escaped where to write the resulting un-escaped string.
290 void
291 unescape_xml_string(const std::string& str,
292  std::string& escaped)
293 {
294  std::string::size_type i = 0;
295  while (i < str.size())
296  {
297  if (str[i] == '&')
298  {
299  if (str[i+1] == 'l'
300  && str[i+2] == 't'
301  && str[i+3] == ';')
302  {
303  escaped += '<';
304  i+= 4;
305  }
306  else if (str[i+1] == 'g'
307  && str[i+2] == 't'
308  && str[i+3] == ';')
309  {
310  escaped += '>';
311  i += 4;
312  }
313  else if (str[i+1] == 'a'
314  && str[i+2] == 'm'
315  && str[i+3] == 'p'
316  && str[i+4] == ';')
317  {
318  escaped += '&';
319  i += 5;
320  }
321  else if (str[i+1] == 'a'
322  && str[i+2] == 'p'
323  && str[i+3] == 'o'
324  && str[i+4] == 's'
325  && str[i+5] == ';')
326  {
327  escaped += '\'';
328  i += 6;
329  }
330  else if (str[i+1] == 'q'
331  && str[i+2] == 'u'
332  && str[i+3] == 'o'
333  && str[i+4] == 't'
334  && str[i+5] == ';')
335  {
336  escaped += '"';
337  i += 6;
338  }
339  else
340  {
341  escaped += str[i];
342  ++i;
343  }
344  }
345  else
346  {
347  escaped += str[i];
348  ++i;
349  }
350  }
351 }
353 /// Read a string, detect the 5 predefined XML entities it may contain
354 /// and un-escape them, by writting their corresponding characters
355 /// back in. The pre-defined entities are:
356 ///
357 /// &lt; for the character '<', &gt; for the character '>', &apos; for
358 /// the character ''', &quot; for the character '"', and &amp; for the
359 /// character '&'.
360 ///
361 /// @param str the input XML string to consider.
362 ///
363 /// @return escaped where to write the resulting un-escaped string.
364 std::string
365 unescape_xml_string(const std::string& str)
366 {
367  std::string result;
368  unescape_xml_string(str, result);
369  return result;
370 }
372 /// Read a string, detect the '#&45;' entity and un-escape it into
373 /// the '-' character.
374 ///
375 /// @param str the input XML string to consider.
376 ///
377 /// @param escaped where to write the resulting un-escaped string.
378 void
379 unescape_xml_comment(const std::string& str,
380  std::string& escaped)
381 {
382  std::string::size_type i = 0;
383  while (i < str.size())
384  {
385  if (str[i] == '&'
386  && str[i + 1] == '#'
387  && str[i + 2] == '4'
388  && str[i + 3] == '5'
389  && str[i + 4] == ';')
390  {
391  escaped += '-';
392  i += 5;
393  }
394  else
395  {
396  escaped += str[i];
397  ++i;
398  }
399  }
400 }
402 /// Read a string, detect the '#&45;' entity and un-escape it into
403 /// the '-' character.
404 ///
405 /// @param str the input XML string to consider.
406 ///
407 /// @return escaped where to write the resulting un-escaped string.
408 std::string
409 unescape_xml_comment(const std::string& str)
410 {
411  std::string result;
412  unescape_xml_comment(str, result);
413  return result;
414 }
416 }//end namespace xml
417 }//end namespace abigail
shared_ptr< xmlChar > build_sptr< xmlChar >(xmlChar *p)
Build and return a shared_ptr for a pointer to xmlChar.
shared_ptr< xmlTextReader > build_sptr< xmlTextReader >(::xmlTextReader *p)
Build and return a shared_ptr for a pointer to xmlTextReader.
shared_ptr< T > build_sptr(T *p)
This is to be specialized for the diverse C types that needs wrapping in shared_ptr.
void unescape_xml_comment(const std::string &str, std::string &escaped)
Read a string, detect the '#&45;' entity and un-escape it into the '-' character.
reader_sptr new_reader_from_file(const std::string &path)
Instantiate an xmlTextReader that parses the content of an on-disk file, wrap it into a smart pointer...
int get_xml_node_depth(xmlNodePtr n)
Return the depth of an xml element node.
bool xml_char_sptr_to_string(xml_char_sptr ssptr, std::string &s)
Convert a shared pointer to xmlChar into an std::string.
void escape_xml_comment(const std::string &str, std::string &escaped)
Escape the '-' character, to avoid having a '–' in a comment.
reader_sptr new_reader_from_buffer(const std::string &buffer)
Instanciate an xmlTextReader that parses the content of an in-memory buffer, wrap it into a smart poi...
shared_ptr< xmlChar > xml_char_sptr
A convenience typedef for a shared pointer of xmlChar.
void unescape_xml_string(const std::string &str, std::string &escaped)
Read a string, detect the 5 predefined XML entities it may contain and un-escape them,...
reader_sptr new_reader_from_istream(std::istream *in)
Instanciate an xmlTextReader that parses a content coming from an input stream.
shared_ptr< xmlTextReader > reader_sptr
A convenience typedef for a shared pointer of xmlTextReader.
void escape_xml_string(const std::string &str, std::string &escaped)
Escape the 5 characters representing the predefined XML entities.
Toplevel namespace for libabigail.
This functor is used to instantiate a shared_ptr for xmlChar.
This functor is used to instantiate a shared_ptr for the xmlTextReader.