Namespaces | Functions File Reference
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "abg-internal.h"
#include "abg-libxml-utils.h"
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 Toplevel namespace for libabigail.
 Namespace for the utilities to wrap C types into std::shared_ptr.
 Internal namespace for xml manipulation utilities.


shared_ptr< xmlChar > build_sptr< xmlChar > (xmlChar *p)
 Build and return a shared_ptr for a pointer to xmlChar. More...
shared_ptr< xmlTextReader > build_sptr< xmlTextReader > (::xmlTextReader *p)
 Build and return a shared_ptr for a pointer to xmlTextReader. More...
std::string escape_xml_comment (const std::string &str)
 Escape the '-' character, to avoid having a '–' in a comment. More...
void escape_xml_comment (const std::string &str, std::string &escaped)
 Escape the '-' character, to avoid having a '–' in a comment. More...
std::string escape_xml_string (const std::string &str)
 Escape the 5 characters representing the predefined XML entities. More...
void escape_xml_string (const std::string &str, std::string &escaped)
 Escape the 5 characters representing the predefined XML entities. More...
int get_xml_node_depth (xmlNodePtr n)
 Return the depth of an xml element node. More...
reader_sptr new_reader_from_buffer (const std::string &buffer)
 Instanciate an xmlTextReader that parses the content of an in-memory buffer, wrap it into a smart pointer and return it. More...
reader_sptr new_reader_from_file (const std::string &path)
 Instantiate an xmlTextReader that parses the content of an on-disk file, wrap it into a smart pointer and return it. More...
reader_sptr new_reader_from_istream (std::istream *in)
 Instanciate an xmlTextReader that parses a content coming from an input stream. More...
std::string unescape_xml_comment (const std::string &str)
 Read a string, detect the '#&45;' entity and un-escape it into the '-' character. More...
void unescape_xml_comment (const std::string &str, std::string &escaped)
 Read a string, detect the '#&45;' entity and un-escape it into the '-' character. More...
std::string unescape_xml_string (const std::string &str)
 Read a string, detect the 5 predefined XML entities it may contain and un-escape them, by writting their corresponding characters back in. The pre-defined entities are: More...
void unescape_xml_string (const std::string &str, std::string &escaped)
 Read a string, detect the 5 predefined XML entities it may contain and un-escape them, by writting their corresponding characters back in. The pre-defined entities are: More...
bool xml_char_sptr_to_string (xml_char_sptr ssptr, std::string &s)
 Convert a shared pointer to xmlChar into an std::string. More...