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Re: i18n, part 2

> Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 15:51:14 -0700
> From: Kevin Buettner <>
> The code in question is simply outputting a list of attributes
> associated with a particular thread.  How should we make the necessary
> context available to the translator without putting an undue burden
> on GDB maintainers?

I suggested a way to do that.  I don't think it's putting an undue
burden on us, but if someone comes with a better idea, I will gladly
vote in favor.  Just let's not assume the problem does not exist.

> What do other projects do in this regard?

I don't have any statistics handy; the general request from
translators is to give as much context as possible, as close to full
phrases or sentences as possible.  I find myself in the need to read
the sources while translating much more than I would like to, so I
guess the maintainers don't do a very good job at that.  I'd like GDB
to be better.

If we want more opinions and suggestions, we could take this to the TP
mailing list.

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