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Re: Bug tracker

> It might be helpful if I could be clear what the reasons for not having 
> a bug tracker are.
> I could take a stab as:
> 1. It is not the feeling of the Cygwin maintainers that a bug tracker 
> would provide a significantly better solution than the current mailing 
> list solution
> 2. There is not any human resource around to do the top-level 
> maintenance of such a system

I think that a bug tracker would be a nice improvement to our development
workflow.  As a package maintainer, I'd love to be able to call up a page
of all of the open bugs for all of the packages I maintain.

I also think that the work to set up and maintain a bug tracker isn't very
much at all.  I've set up three Trac installations myself, for different
projects.  It's no big deal, and if Trac were the tool of choice for
Cygwin, I would volunteer to set it up and maintain it.

I don't have any experience managing other bug trackers though, e.g.
Bugzilla, so I can't say about them and would be reluctant to volunteer to
help with them.

I don't know about server space, but surely that should be available

I'm guessing that it really comes down to what the project leaders want to
support.  Then again, if the community maintains a bug tracker, the project
leaders don't have to be involved at all, except that it would be a much
more valuable tool if they agreed to use it.


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