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Re: Problem with embedded spaces in path name for --info-script switch in tar

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Faylor" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with embedded spaces in path name for --info-script switch in tar

On Sun, Jul 09, 2006 at 12:43:23PM -0600, Brian Liedtke wrote:
Using tar-1.15.1-4.

I am writing a script to create multi-volume archives using tar. However it
appears that the --info-script switch doesn't handle imbedded spaces in the
path name.
In the sample script below, I have hard-encoded the path to verify that was
the problem
and not with building the variable with the path name.

export ARCHIVE_DIR=/cygdrive/d
export ARCHIVE_NAME=full_`date +%y%m%d`

tar -cv \
  --ignore-failed-read \
  --exclude=pagefile.sys \
  --exclude=*.vsv \
  -L4096 \
  -M --info-script="/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/Liedtke/My
Documents/Tasks/Backup/" \

# End script

Output is:
tar: and: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory.
tar: Settings/Liedtke/My: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory.
tar: Documents/Tasks/Backup/ Warning: Cannot stat: No such file
or directory

I've devised a workaround by copying the script to the PWD previous to the
tar command and then
deleting it. But it should work as above, correct?

I've searched for the problem on the web and found nothing. Am I missing
obvious, or is this switch not handling embedded spaces in the path name
(Thank you Microsoft.)

"Microsoft" handles spaces in paths just fine.

I don't know why tar isn't in this case but you can work around the problem
by mounting the directory as something else:

mount -f -x -b c:/"Documents and Settings"/Liedtke/"My Documents" /foo

And then refer to "/foo/Tasks/Backup/".

I haven't tested the above and may have a typo but hopefully it is obvious
nonetheless.  If not, then possibly "man mount" would help.



Thanks for the suggestion.
It appears to be better that the kludge I came up with.
If no one comes up with something more on if this is a specific problem with
tar, I'll look into it myself when, and if, I get the time.


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