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tar error

Hi everyone.
I'm trying to use tar to setup a cron backup job on one of my systems, but I'm getting the following errors:

1 $ tar -czPf /cygdrive/d/Backups/`date +%m%d%Y`.tgz /cygdrive/c/Shares/dist/*.DBF
2     147 [main] tar 2344 C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe: *** fatal error - fork: can't reserve memory for stack 0x23EBE0 - 0x240000, Win32 error 487
3       7 [main] tar 1372 child_copy: stack write copy failed, 0x23EBE0..0x240000, done 0, windows pid 2353940, Win32 error 5
4 tar: child process: Cannot fork
5 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

The folder /cygdrive/c/Shares/dist/ has ~1,500 DBF files. I have run a similar command on other folders, and did not run into any problems.
Any ideas?

Thank you,

Kyle Johnson
Fixertec <>

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