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Re: 1.5.19-4: sshd: "child_copy: linked dll data write copy failed" after computer reboot (Windows 2003 Server SP1)

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 11:42:27AM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>On 06/02/2006, Ren? Krell wrote:
>>The main reason for using the LocalSystem account instead of a
>>different one is that I want to allow interactive applications to
>>appear in Windows, which isn't definitely allowed by cygrunsrv and
>>probably generally in Windows with a separated sshd account.
>Interacting with the desktop is not a feature of the account but rather
>of the service.  'cygrunsrv' allows you to add this ability with the
>'-i' flag.  It's also possible to toggle this on and off in the Windows
>services GUI.

But, don't get used to this capability if you are planning on moving to
Windows Vista where it is rumored to be unavailable.


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