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Re: Hope this topic isn't taboo yet

On Fri, Dec 30, 2005 at 01:29:55PM -0500, Frier, David wrote:
>We have cygwin for running Ab Initio on a Windows 2K Adv server, and
>yes, we're in the dreaded h_y_p_e_r-t_h_r_e_a_d_e_d zone.  From browsing
>the list archives and the kinds of problems people report, I'd say we've
>been lucky... except... from time to time our CPU utilization on that
>machine just spikes to red levels for no [other] apparent reason.
>My inclination is to turn HT off; the machine is also running SQL Server
>which claims to like it but I very much doubt we're getting any huge
>benefit from it.
>Interested in the thoughts of the real cygwin cognoscenti, of which I am
>most certainly NOT one.

You don't have to be a "cygwin cognoscenti" to read the cygwin web site.
I'd suggest starting with .

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