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Re: Perl CPAN module help

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes <> wrote:

> Maybe my memory is going, but I thought the reason you suggested
> he switch to /usr/local was so that he wouldn't have the
> HEAD/head.exe conflict and it would go ahead and successfully
> install /usr/local/bin/HEAD.

Well, yes, but many people, including me, have /usr/local/bin
before /usr/bin in their PATH, so when calling "head", it's the
/usr/local/bin/HEAD that is chosen.  I should have mentioned this
specifically since it's not an issue if you have /usr/bin before
/usr/local/bin in your path.

Is there a way to make path searches case insensitive?

On the other hand, if you have /usr/bin before /usr/local/bin
you'll not get the latest versions when Perl scripts, like "cpan",
are updated.

> Rather than specify PREFIX for every module build and set a
> PERL5LIB, you might just build your own perl with the
> -Uusrbinperl configure option, so it defaults to /usr/local/.
> (There are just a few non-core modules included in the cygwin
> distribution that you would probably want to start by building:
> Archive::Tar, Compress::Zlib, Term::ReadKey, MD5, Net::Telnet,
> Term::ReadLine::Perl.)

True, but I'm not sure whether someone who has problems installing
CPAN modules is yet capable of building a new version of Perl.


Peter J. Acklam - -

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