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Cygwin binary works but not from a cygwin shell


I'm a long time user of cygwin (from 1.3.1 on). I started using it to port
nedit to Windows 
but soon figured out that cygwin relieves the pain of Windows a bit.

Now I've built an nedit binary with 1.5.5 and it works fine, only I can't
start it from the bash
or another cygwin shell. I get a segfault and a signal 11. However, when I
export HOME
to a directory *outside* the cygwin tree (which I usually do - I have a sh
script starting
up nedit and setting some environment variables *including HOME* and
handling Windows
path names), then it runs.

Interestingly previously built binaries (with 1.3.22) run also under 1.5.5
and HOME set
to my home directory inside Cygwin.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Best wishes,

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