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Problems running OpenGL program on Cygwin

Dear List Members,

   I'm a newbie to Cygwin who is trying to learn how to run an OpenGL
program under Cygwin-X.  I used a standard program written by
SGI (called cube.c) that I know runs correctly under Solaris 9, using
gcc and the Mesa library, so I don't think the program itself is the

I ran xinit to get a bash shell, cd'd to the proper directory, and ran the
following command:

gcc cube.c -o cube -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lglut -lGLU
-lGL -lX11

which compiles correctly (thanks to some assistance from your mailing
list archives).

When I type


I get a black rectangle with no picture (and in particular no cube) and
no error messages.  I can click the shell window and press CTRL-C
to get out.

I've checked the FAQ, the user guide, and the archives (which did give
me some help), but I can't get past this point.  As already mentioned,
I know this program works on Solaris/gcc/Mesa, so I'm wondering if
there is a problem with my cygwin installation, libraries, or commands.

I'm running the latest version of the Cygwin system as far as I can tell
on Windows XP SP2.

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