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RE: Cygwin doesn't recognize the Canadian French keyboard

On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Daniel Landry wrote:

> Running setxkbmap with each layouts (ca, fr_CA, ca_enhanced) don't fix the 
> problem.  In all case, the French accents are replaced by a BEEP and any 
> character is displayed.  However, I can make a cut and paste from WinXP 
> without any problem.

ca_enhanced uses deadkeys. I get this layout (not printing modifier, backspace
and stuff)


^,` are deadkeys. pressing ^ and A will compose Â

> Concerning the key mapping, I'm using fr_CA on my Debian at home and it's 
> working great. 

This must be a debian special. There is no such layout in Cygwin/X

> However, as Cygwin run on Windows, I presume that the best 
> would be to keep the same keyboard mapping that Windows uses.

At least in the autedetection list. You can override the defaults with the
-xkblayout parameter anyway and set a different layout.

--           ICQ: 126018723

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