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Re: Upcoming release and splitting packages

Thomas Dickey wrote:

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, [ISO-8859-1] Frédéric L. W. Meunier wrote:

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Thomas Dickey wrote:

xterm patch #185 is post-4.4, and according to fd.o's CVS is not in the
release-1 branch.

It may be worth to make it a separate package and start using your sources from when they're newer (most of the time).

Not exactly - though I maintain my own rcs archives of xterm, the patch
numbers do correspond to commits in XFree86.  So there's no difference
from that standpoint (of being newer).  Occasionally there's a minor bug
fix I add to XFree86 but don't make a new xterm patch, but the reverse is
not true.

However, I do make xterm patches more frequently than XFree86 releases
occur - that's simply a matter of 60,000 lines of code compared to 3

I think this is reason alone for it to be a separate package.

I have this built as a Cygwin package using the default configure options at the moment. The only patch required was to (attached) to get it to stop appending .exe to the uxterm shell script.

Thomas, can you recommend any configure options we should be using? I can think that the following might be useful:


Any thoughts?

---	2003-12-31 12:12:25.000000000 -0500
+++	2004-03-18 16:17:56.842128000 -0500
@@ -139,14 +139,13 @@
 actual_resize = `echo resize|   sed '$(transform)'`
 binary_xterm  = `echo xterm$x|  $(TRANSFORM)`
 binary_resize = `echo resize$x| $(TRANSFORM)`
-binary_uxterm = `echo uxterm|   $(TRANSFORM)`
 install \
 install-bin \
 install-full :: xterm$x resize$x $(BINDIR)
 	$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/ "$(INSTALL_PROGRAM)" xterm$x  @XTERM_PATH@ $(BINDIR)/$(binary_xterm)
 	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -s -m  755 resize$x $(BINDIR)/$(binary_resize)
-	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) -m  755 $(srcdir)/uxterm $(BINDIR)/$(binary_uxterm)
+	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) -m  755 $(srcdir)/uxterm $(BINDIR)/uxterm
 install \
 install-man \
@@ -189,7 +188,7 @@
 	-$(RM) $(BINDIR)/$(binary_xterm)
 	-$(RM) $(BINDIR)/$(binary_resize)
-	-$(RM) $(BINDIR)/$(binary_uxterm)
+	-$(RM) $(BINDIR)/uxterm
 	-$(RM) $(MANDIR)/$(actual_xterm).$(manext)
 	-$(RM) $(MANDIR)/$(actual_resize).$(manext)
 	-$(RM) $(APPSDIR)/$(CLASS)

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