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Re: The Big List of Dodgy Apps

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Dave Korn wrote:
>   I know that we've discussed keeping a FAQ entry for this list before, and
> IIRC there was a preference against it, so I've been keeping a running count
> in my head for a while now, and asking people "do you have any of ...." when
> they turn up with miscellaneous fork failures.  Anyway, FTA and JFTR, here is
> what I currently have on my list.  If anyone spots any obvious omissions,
> please drop a reply. 
> Sonic Solutions burning software containing DLA component

Would never install this anyways as it can cause issues with other
burning software.  This software is pre-installed on Dell computers.

> Norton/MacAffee/Symantec antivirus or antispyware

Ugh.  Don't even get me started.  Any of those three are dodgy for any
number of other reasons because of the number of times I've had to deal
with them during tech support calls.

> Logitech webcam software with "Logitech process monitor" service
> Kerio, Agnitum or ZoneAlarm Personal Firewall

ZoneAlarm is known to cause issues with internet connections.  Case in
point a co-worker just had a call where ZoneAlarm was found to be the
cause of intermittent connectivity issues on the customers computer.
Kerio and Agnitum have similar issue although not as bad as ZoneAlarm.

> Iolo System Mechanic/AntiVirus/Firewall
> LanDesk
> Windows Defender 
>     cheers,
>       DaveK

- --
Robert Pendell

Thawte Web of Trust Notary
CAcert Assurer
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (MingW32)


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