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The Big List of Dodgy Apps

  I know that we've discussed keeping a FAQ entry for this list before, and
IIRC there was a preference against it, so I've been keeping a running count
in my head for a while now, and asking people "do you have any of ...." when
they turn up with miscellaneous fork failures.  Anyway, FTA and JFTR, here is
what I currently have on my list.  If anyone spots any obvious omissions,
please drop a reply. 

Sonic Solutions burning software containing DLA component

Norton/MacAffee/Symantec antivirus or antispyware

Logitech webcam software with "Logitech process monitor" service

Kerio, Agnitum or ZoneAlarm Personal Firewall

Iolo System Mechanic/AntiVirus/Firewall


Windows Defender 

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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